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chat over gemini (or, let's play with streaming text)

Michael Lazar lazar.michael22 at gmail.com

Mon Oct 4 21:40:18 BST 2021

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On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 2:45 PM Omar Polo <op at omarpolo.com> wrote:

The idea is similar to the one presented by solderpunk in "A vision for
gemini applications"
and, frankly, I'm quite disappointed nobody has built something like
this before. (or at least I haven't been able to find it. I know
kensanata has made some experiments with a mush, but I haven't played
with it (yet))
The idea is to provide two pages: one that accepts input via the
response code 10 and appends to a file, the second is a literal `tail
-f'. Simple, but it works, and it's immediate. As soon as someone
sends something, all the clients reading from `tail -f' gets the

Looks familiar!


(source code) https://github.com/michael-lazar/jetforce/blob/master/examples/chatroom.py

- Michael