Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net
Wed Jul 14 00:30:00 BST 2021
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The Gnuserland writes:
Actually Mousepad has an option that says: "Write Unicode BOM"
Hence my question is: does it need to be checked or unchecked?
The BOM at the start of the file is invalid for UTF-8 documents. I*think* it's required for UTF-16, but I may be wrong and I'm too tiredto look it up. If you're writing UTF-8 documents, you should not includea BOM (and your editor shouldn't write one if it knows the encoding issupposed to be UTF-8).
-- Jason McBrayer | “Strange is the night where black stars rise,jmcbray at carcosa.net | and strange moons circle through the skies, | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.” | ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow