PJ vM pjvm742 at disroot.org
Mon Mar 15 12:35:59 GMT 2021
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On 14/03/2021 23:46, Sean Conner wrote:
It was thus said that the Great Liam once stated:
I did find the GitLab move strange. IMO it's not very "mission
coherent" to develop a lightweight alternative to the web on a site
that shows a blank white page without JavaScript enabled.
Second, about that "lightweight alternative to the web" bit ...
having been involved with Gemini since before the mailing list, it
was clear to me that Gemini was never about a "lightweight
alternative to the web" but an improved gopher. I think thinking of
Gemini in terms of the web leads to all these proposed extensions
(size, caching, uploads, etc.). I think it's a failure to set
expectations, but that's me.
I've seen you say something to the extent of "Gemini is not analternative to the web but an improvement on Gopher" multiple times. Ithink you're treating this as a one-or-the-other thing when in realityit's both.
Now for sure, Gemini is not a /compromise/ between Gopher and the web.It does not meet the web in the middle, it's much, much closer toGopher. Most of the inspiration taken from the web is in the form ofpitfalls to avoid. But it is definitely an alternative to the web:Gemini can do many of the useful things that the web can do. And a lotof people who come to Gemini are fleeing from the web.
Anyway, simply because many people interested in Gemini absolutelydespise the web, I do think Liam's point that Gitlab is not "missioncoherent" stands. Or perhaps not "audience coherent" is a better term.
It was suggested I set one up using gitlab (and no, I won't say who
made the suggestion).
You mean repeat. You said who suggested it when you announced it.
I completely disagree with participation without an account. I'm
sorry, but my experience with Gemini has shown that it's all too easy
to bitch about it than to do anything about it. [...] Anyway, to
get back onto the point---if you want to bitch about Gemini, I think
it's fair to have some skin, however minimal, in the game. If
setting up an account is too much, tough!
I AM aware that there may be some technical difficulties in using
gitlab and there are some who would participate that are otherwise
unable to do so. For them, yes, the mailing list is still good---I do
follow both (and yes, that means I hit *each and every* issue page on
gitlab nearly everyday, even if I don't reply).So first of all I don't really see the point - if people want to "bitch"without creating a gitlab account, they can just send an email to the list.
Secondly, it matters how broad the scope of the gitlab issue tracker is.If it was just something for you in your role as "BDFLA" and wasrestricted to things over which Solderpunk gave you authority -"addressing edge cases, removing ambiguities and increasing overallconsistency" - if issues that suggest major changes (such as removing astatus code) were closed immediately with the comment "not my remit" -if that was the case it'd be fine for you to decide that gitlab is theright platform for this and that making an account should be required,because then it's for you. But if you are going to let issues thatsuggest major changes stand, then it becomes a platform with as broad ascope as the [spec] topic of the mailing list, and frankly in that caseyour opinion about whether an account should be required to comment*should not matter*.
Lastly, I strongly doubt that requiring an account to comment benefitsthe quality of discussion in any way. Your thinking about "skin in thegame" is interesting, but not more than interesting. In fact, I thinkusing gitlab is bad for the discussion quality for a few reasons:
-- pjvm