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[tech] A '.well-known/' path for contact information?

Jon jon at shit.cx

Thu Jan 7 01:36:04 GMT 2021

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I've noticed a lot chatter recently about ways to allow comments onposts. Sometimes the objective is to drop a message to the author,sometimes to allow a public discussion.

I not personally interested in public comments, but I am very interestedmaking it easier for authors to be reached.

I've been wondering whether adopting a /.well-known/contact.txtconvention for sharing contact details. This idea has been blatantlystolen from security.txt¹. This will allow for things like:

- automated back-link notifications for authoring tools.- with client support, users to respond to a page from within the client.- and emails addresses could be harvested en mass for nefarious purposes.

A solution like this isn't obviously workable for public discussions,but a commenting system could be cobbled together to ingest messagesreceived via SMTP. It may require additional conventions like a header(or subject line) that hints to which post being discussed. It may alsorequire a way to signal that anything sent to the address will bepublic.

To me, something like this feels more in spirit of Gemini, but reallywho am I to say. :)

¹ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security.txt

-- Jon