Yesterday, one of my friends invited me to go on a Jump Quest. It turns out what he meant by jump quest is finding things to jump over, and getting good at jumping. He is already absurdly good at jumping, the point where his perception of others jumping ability is skewed, insisting that others can makes jumps that they can't without impaling themselves.
We hopped a fence and hung out in a creek bed for the most part. Lots of ditches, bridges to climb up onto from below, and access to what are supposed to be private communities. We climbed out at one point and found ourselves in a massive, extraordinarily well maintained, shared yard. We guessed it was an old persons community, but there was no one around. It felt like we died. We walked along a gravel path discussing a hypothetical world where you become super strong when you hit one hundred years old, recovering from any age related physical ailments in the process before you drop dead at the end of your hundredth year.
At one point during it we did a short jog along a shared use path en route to one of our jump quest destinations. It has been a couple years since I have done any running. It felt wrong, I remember being able to sprint and my legs would feel so loose and free, now any form of running regardless of intensity feels stiff. I felt fine after the effort, my aerobic capacity has increased significantly from cycling, but my form is lacking. I am interested in making running a regular routine.
Tomorrow is the birthday of the aforementioned friend, but he is busy tomorrow so we hung out again today instead. We went chupacabra hunting at around nine o'clock at night. We spent a couple hours hiking in the dark. Moon was nowhere to be seen, it would've been pitch black without our headlamps. We saw two toads, and found a slender page.
Off trail there's a large canopy formed by a tree, where one of the branches has had something knit around it, which looks like a slender page from afar. Someone built a small house at the base of the tree from stones and sticks.
The picnic table mentioned in my 2021-04-16 entry has been updated with a fresh new message. Someone left an offering of shrooms and included a note. It seems that we missed out on the shrooms, but the message is cool.
2021-04-16 A Whole Number Years Old
Supercell's 2009 self titled album still makes me very happy. I am listening to it while I write this entry. 2009 VOCALOID tuning just hits different, and there's no producers now that write music anything like Ryo did then.