Most recently, I gave my daughter a Ryzen laptop, because she
I began to master the Krita editor in conjunction with a graphical tablet. She has
I removed an old iMac on core2duo for work needs, with 4GB of RAM.
For me, not a radical loss of productivity, tk. new
the working tools are still ssh and the browser. So I don’t
I really felt the limitations, refreshed the distributor and rolled the i3 into battle.
While I was thinking about writing a text about optimizing the approach to technique, the situation
sharply worsened! The other day, a laptop was thrown into the work back room,
"who can't do the job." Taking the poor man out of the box and
having turned it in my hands (I had to google on the hardware), the patient turned out to be
Chinese clone of MacBook Air, about two gigabytes of RAM and Intel Atom (4x1.3).
Win10 was installed on it with an encrypted disk, this of course
the murder is complete. Took the poor man home, downloaded Fedora 33 (Oh yeah! Now
this is an excuse to point your finger after all this talk about inclusiveness and
RMS. I support Stallman, but I'm too lazy to change habits even in
distributions. I love Fedora, and generally have a good relationship with RedHat,
despite these differences. I hope the public will forgive me my
weakness. I plan to write about this a little later).
The system is deployed, cleaned up the unnecessary, turned off the X's.
Restarted .. The system eaten 220MB of RAM with the access to the network / against
400MB when running x with i3.
I measured the battery consumption for the same tasks,
no significant difference was found, the Xs themselves do not take
a lot of resource.
But it became interesting to go a little further than the usual environment, and find out - there is
is life (on Mars) in the console.
My modern needs are not great, but still I'm used to not
bothering to deploy the instrument on the electron (the same
riot \ element). Even without being limited by resources, I have not
changed the vpn client pritunl to a regular openvpn line, albeit creepy
I was furious, seeing as the client on the electron eats up 150MB of memory.
Left without X's, ordeals began in links2 to collect the necessary
utilities for github.
So I share the recipes:
dwarf). Although in a couple of days spin i3 will be released, which is in beta before
34th release. It will be very interesting to touch it.
The tmux config was originally taken from here:
Modified it a bit. I'm very used to the author's bindings via "S."
although partly I suffer from the habit of jumping to the beginning of the line.
There is also a funny thing about browsh - a console browser that can
graphics, but it renders with firelis and sends it to the console, which affects
on memory consumption, and in the standard console (without true colors) in this
doesn't make much sense.
And in X's, I suddenly remembered the now forgotten and seems to be abandoned
bugs of all kinds of graph mailers. I got Zen in working with mail!)
browser unnecessarily).
the only bug (or I can't find keying) is how to get back from the field
entering into contacts?
Weechat + Matrix plugin - replaced the working matrix client, where they drop me
notifications and where all work correspondence is conducted.
toot tui - does not need introduction, although I use it extremely
The only software that I have not been able to replace so far is the client
Mumble. I somehow saw that there is a console client in python, but I have
no sound came up and I decided to postpone this question.
I also had to strain on the working moment, tk. my monitoring
on Grafana draws beautiful graphs that are inaccessible from this angle.
What made me think, incl. about optimizing the working resource. Quickly
wrote scripts that parse important information in html and collect in
one page. Which allowed links to look at the current picture.
Summing up the experiment:
There is not much difference, as I said, console or i3. I can't even
to assert now that it is more convenient in specific dachas. And most importantly, the console
is still suitable for solving ALL modern tasks, the main thing
pick up the tools! And the indicator for the "discarded" equipment, in stock
resource more than three quarters of the maximum and 5.5 hours of work from
batteries! with a default kernel - I think this is just fine.
OS: Fedora 33 (Thirty Three) x86_64
Host: NB42 1.0
Kernel: 5.8.15-301.fc33.x86_64
Uptime: 15 hours, 42 mins
Packages: 1583 (rpm)
Shell: bash 5.0.17
Resolution: 1366x768
Terminal: / dev / pts / 3
CPU: Intel Atom Z3735F (4) @ 1.832GHz
GPU: Intel Atom Processor Z36xxx / Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display
Memory: 229MiB / 1918MiB