< Self hosting



Oh this is interesting! ~bartender, please, another beer. I'd like a pilsen now, and if you have somwthing with a hint of lemon, I want that!

I have never heard of the APU2 or pcengines, I'm not the most verses in this area. I'm using Rpis because that's what I know, also because there's more tutorials and guides around, a bigger (specific) community, more accessories and related hardware, at least more for me to find.

You self host a lot of things. So you're running your own email server? Does that work OK for you? Email is too critical for me to self administer and host. I move and travel a lot and, sometimes I won't have a permanent house to have the server on.

I'm thinking of having some stuff available on the onion network as well, so I won't need to mess with routers or tunnelling. Thats5a great idea, thank you :)

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