Anonymous · 2mo · No.291
Here I sit, trying to make ethical choices under capitalism, knowing full well that I might as well be trying to paddle a canoe upstream with my bare hands.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.473
@472 I didn't start the aggro.
Also lol @ my comment telling someone to kill themselves being deleted when they were literally saying that violence against some people is more acceptable than violence against others.
Pot, meet kettle.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.474
@473 I wasn't referring to you in particular. The thread generally reads like people yelling someone else's words.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.475
@473 Violence against people advocating for or committing violence (e.g., genocide) is absolutely more acceptable than violence against those who are not.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.476
@473 In other words, it's okay to punch Nazis.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.503
Idk about you. But I've personally never seen someone advocate for or commit genocide due to their conservative beliefs.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.504
@475 So, I guess that means violence against you is okay then?
I'm okay with that.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.505
@504 "The Paradox of Tolerance" is really not a hard concept to grasp. Violence to restrain the violent is justified.
Anonymous · 2mo · No.506
@503 Right? It's quite damning when someone says "Nazis are bad" and a person's response is "hey, you can't talk about conservatives like that!" What, you're really going to claim the folks wearing "6 Million Wasn't Enough" t-shirts as your own? No wonder modern conservatism is such shit.
Anonymous · 5d · No.583
Your ethical concerns are a bad substitute for a personality. if you actually have concerns go do something other than signaling that you do in fact have concerns
Anonymous · 5d · No.584
@505 Woah there buddy, that’s some violent speech! I’m going to have to use violence to ‘restrain’ you.