Rebalance Your Portfolio To Stay On Track

May 18 2009| Filed Under Bonds, Economics, Personal Finance

So you've established an asset allocation strategy that is right for you, but

at the end of the year, you find that the weighting of each asset class in your

portfolio has changed! What happened? Over the course of the year, the market

value of each security within your portfolio earned a different return,

resulting in a weighting change. Portfolio rebalancing is like a tune-up for

your car: it allows individuals to keep their risk level in check and minimize


What Is Rebalancing?

Rebalancing is the process of buying and selling portions of your portfolio in

order to set the weight of each asset class back to its original state. In

addition, if an investor's investment strategy or tolerance for risk has

changed, he or she can use rebalancing to readjust the weightings of each

security or asset class in the portfolio to fulfill a newly devised asset


Blown Out of Proportion

The asset mix originally created by an investor inevitably changes as a result

of differing returns among various securities and asset classes. As a result,

the percentage that you've allocated to different asset classes will change.

This change may increase or decrease the risk of your portfolio, so let's

compare a rebalanced portfolio to one in which changes were ignored, and then

we'll look at the potential consequences of neglected allocations in a


Let's run through a simple example. Bob has $100,000 to invest. He decides to

invest 50% in a bond fund, 10% in a Treasury fund and 40% in an equity fund.

At the end of the year, Bob finds that the equity portion of his portfolio has

dramatically outperformed the bond and Treasury portions. This has caused a

change in his allocation of assets, increasing the percentage that he has in

the equity fund while decreasing the amount invested in the Treasury and bond


More specifically, the above chart shows that Bob's $40,000 investment in the

equity fund has grown to $55,000, an increase of 37%! Conversely, the bond fund

suffered, realizing a loss of 5%, but the Treasury fund realized a modest

increase of 4%. The overall return on Bob's portfolio was 12.9%, but now there

is more weight on equities than on bonds. Bob might be willing to leave the

asset mix as is for the time being, but leaving it too long could result in an

overweighting in the equity fund, which is more risky than the bond and

Treasury fund. (Learn more about the relative risk of various investments in

Determining Risk And The Risk Pyramid.)

The Consequences Imbalance

A popular belief among many investors is that if an investment has performed

well over the last year, it should perform well over the next year.

Unfortunately, past performance is not always an indication of future

performance - this is a fact many mutual funds disclose. Many investors,

however, remain heavily invested in last year's "winning" fund and may drop

their portfolio weighting in last year's "losing" fixed-income fund. Remember,

equities are more volatile than fixed-income securities, so last year's large

gains may translate into losses over the next year.

Let's continue with Bob's portfolio and compare the values of his rebalanced

portfolio with the portfolio left unchanged.

At the end of the second year, the equity fund performs poorly, losing 7%. At

the same time the bond fund performs well, appreciating 15%, and Treasuries

remain relatively stable with a 2% increase. If Bob had rebalanced his

portfolio the previous year, his total portfolio value would be $118,500, an

increase of 5%. If Bob had left his portfolio alone with the skewed weightings,

his total portfolio value would be $116,858, an increase of only 3.5%. In this

case, rebalancing is the optimal strategy.

However, if the stock market rallies again throughout the second year, the

equity fund would appreciate more and the ignored portfolio may realize a

greater appreciation in value than the bond fund. Just as with many hedging

strategies, upside potential may be limited, but, by rebalancing, you are

nevertheless adhering to your risk-return tolerance level. Risk-loving

investors are able to tolerate the gains and losses associated with a heavy

weighting in an equity fund, and risk-averse investors, who choose the safety

offered in Treasury and fixed-income funds, are willing to accept limited

upside potential in exchange for greater investment security. (Determine your

risk tolerance in Personalizing Risk Tolerance.)

How to Rebalance Your Portfolio

The optimal frequency of portfolio rebalancing depends on your transaction

costs, personal preferences and tax considerations, including what type of

account you are selling from and whether your capital gains or losses will be

taxed at a short-term versus long-term rate. Usually about once a year is

sufficient; however, if some assets in your portfolio haven't experienced a

large appreciation within the year, longer time periods may also be

appropriate. Additionally, changes in an investor's lifestyle may warrant a

change to his or her asset-allocation strategy. Whatever your preference, the

following guideline provides the basic steps for rebalancing your portfolio:

Record - If you have recently decided on an asset-allocation strategy perfect

for you and purchased the appropriate securities in each asset class, keep a

record of the total cost of each security at that time, as well as the total

cost of your portfolio. These numbers will provide you with historical data of

your portfolio, so at a future date you can compare them to current values.

Compare - On a chosen future date, review the current value of your portfolio

and of each asset class. Calculate the weightings of each fund in your

portfolio by dividing the current value of each asset class by the total

current portfolio value. Compare this figure to the original weightings. Are

there any significant changes? If not, and if you have no need to liquidate

your portfolio in the short term, it may be better to remain passive.

Adjust - If you find that changes in your asset class weightings have distorted

the portfolio's exposure to risk, take the current total value of your

portfolio and multiply it by each of the (percentage) weightings originally

assigned to each asset class. The figures you calculate will be the amounts

that should be invested in each asset class in order to maintain your original

asset allocation. You may want to sell securities from asset classes whose

weights are too high, and purchase additional securities in asset classes whose

weights have declined. However, when selling assets to rebalance your

portfolio, take a moment to consider the tax implications of readjusting your

portfolio. In some cases, it might be more beneficial to simply not contribute

any new funds to the asset class that is overweighted while continuing to

contribute to other asset classes that are underweighted. Your portfolio will

rebalance over time without you incurring capital gains taxes.


Rebalancing your portfolio will help you maintain your original

asset-allocation strategy and allow you to implement any changes you make to

your investing style. Essentially, rebalancing will help you stick to your

investing plan regardless of what the market does. (To learn more, read

Achieving Optimal Asset Allocation.)

by Shauna Carther

Shauna Carther is the vice president of content at In 2007,

she appeared as a guest on Moneytrack, a Public Broadcasting Service program

devoted to helping consumers learn to invest and take control of their
