While British summer fruit harvests are having a bumper year, apple growers are
watching their crops closely in case the drought in parts of the UK worsens.
The British eat their way through 50 billion apples each year, and it's the
nation's love affair with the fruit that has made it so popular today, writes
horticulturalist Chris Beardshaw.
For centuries the apple has captivated us, but it's tricky to cultivate because
apples are promiscuous by design. They have a more complex genetic make-up than
any other fruit.
If you were to plant the pips from the Cox in your lunch box they almost
certainly wouldn't turn into trees bearing fruit anything like the original.
Apples require pollinators to take the pollen from one plant and transfer it
across into the flower of another.
It's that crossing of pollen that creates the most wonderful genetic exchange.
Every single pip is potentially a new variety that could fall anywhere in the
spectrum of small and sour to big and juicy.
Some of the world's best-loved apples, like the Braeburn and the Bramley, were
discovered growing as chance seedlings, gifts from nature that just happened to
taste good. The Granny Smith was discovered growing out of a rubbish heap in
So while the apple seeks only to multiply rather than reproduce the same
delicious fruits, man had to fathom how to clone it with an ancient process
known as grafting, which remains the same to this day. With the discovery of
grafting we could clone our favourite apple trees again and again.
Apple facts
The Bramley, one of Britain's most prosperous and time-honoured apples, was
planted 200 years ago in Nottinghamshire. That first tree was grown from a pip
by a young woman, Mary Ann Brailsford, between 1809 and 1815. Since then every
single Bramley apple ever eaten and tree planted has originated from it. That's
a lot, with the Bramley apple industry is worth 50m today.
The pip most probably came from an apple on a tree at the bottom of her garden.
The seedling produced such fine apples that in 1837 a local nurseryman asked
the next occupier of the house, Matthew Bramley, for his permission to graft
scions from the tree. Bramley agreed as long as the apples bore his name. Ms
Brailsford never knew the fame her apples achieved.
This original Bramley tree still stands today and the proud custodian is Nancy
Harrison. Aged 90, she has spent many years admiring the tree. She grew up next
door and such was her enthusiasm for it she bought her neighbour's house when
the opportunity arose - and with it her beloved tree.
"I paid 500 for the house," she says. "We knew it was a wonderful apple
because there's nothing cooks like it, we always loved it. We've never climbed
the tree or anything, nobody's been allowed to damage the Bramley at all."
The 1944 fruit census tells us by that time there were already more than two
million Bramley trees in existence.
While the Bramley was a chance seedling, many apples owe their existence to a
process known as cross breeding - taking two desirable fruits and creating a
Breeding frenzy
One of Britain's greatest contributions to the history of the apple was the
result of ferocious Victorian one-upmanship amongst head gardeners, who were
seeking perfection in the kitchen gardens of the nation's great stately homes.
One man in particular changed the course of the apple's future - Thomas Andrew
Knight, later president of the Royal Horticultural Society. He didn't want to
simply grow perfect specimens, he wanted to be able to control the taste,
colour, texture and size.
He believed he could engineer and improved apples by playing the part of the
bee. With meticulous precision he set about impregnating the seed of one
variety with the pollen from another. After decades of patient trial and error
the first hybrid apples were born.
What followed was a breeding frenzy as head gardeners everywhere began to
produce new and wondrous breeds to dazzle their masters. It was a cut and
thrust business.
"The fear factor was the main motivator," says Mike Thurlow, head gardener at
Audley End House in Cambridge. "That's why head gardeners were always looking
to be able to deliver something new, a novelty to the table."
Thanks to the passion and dedication of Victorian gardeners Britain once
produced more varieties of apple than anywhere else in the world. There were
well over 2,000 varieties to choose from, including Hoary Morning, Blenheim
Orange, Knobby Russet and Laxton's Epicure. You could have eaten a different
one every day for more than six years.
These days we are most familiar with just a handful of varieties. We may
consume 50 billon apples a year in Britain, but sadly 70% of those are
The old Victorian varieties have dwindled, many lost to the hedgerows. But we
can breath a sigh of relief for the 2,300 varieties of apple preserved in the
orchards of the National Fruit Collection. With the rising demand for British
produce the future for UK commercial apple production is looking good.
But if these exquisite heritage varieties, like the Keswick Codlins and the
Pitmaston Pineapple's that I grew up with, are to keep going then the
responsibility lies largely with the British public to be their custodians and
guardians for the future.