Hi! This gemlog is written by Thilo Buchholz.
____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | xx | | xx xx xx | | xx xx | | xx xx | | xx xx | | | | xx xx | | xx xx | | | | xx xx | | xx xx | | xx xx | | xx xx | | xx | | xx | | | | | |____________________________________________________________|
Indicated in the format (YYYY-MM-DD).
An introduction to the 3 types of messengers, simply explained. (2021-02-07)
email: post@thilobuchholz.eu
XMPP: post@thilobuchholz.eu
Matrix: @thilobuchholz:nltrix.net
I am generally involved in European affairs. In combination with the 'blue' included in the domain name of gemlog.blue, 'yellow' makes the colours of the flag of the Council of Europe and the European Union. Tada!