(updated 2021-09-18)
The best way to get in touch is to send me an email at `[firstname]@[lastname].net`.
If you can, please use my public key⁽ᵃ⁾, a 3072-bit RSA key whose fingerprint is as follows. The domain name has been redacted in the vain hope that it'll reduce the volume of spam I receive.
pub rsa3072 2014-04-01 [SC] [expires: 2023-01-01] 27BB F8A9 8BE5 6405 513B 7325 8070 09A7 E884 32C3 uid Simon Rawles <simon@r▆▆█▆▆.▆▆█> uid Simon Rawles <rawles@r▆▆█▆▆.▆▆█> sub rsa3072 2014-04-01 [E] [expires: 2023-01-01] sub rsa3072 2014-04-01 [S] [expires: 2023-01-01]
The key is also available from keyservers⁽ᵃ⁾. If I'm someone you know in the real (rather than the virtual) world, and you use PGP/GPG, please consider signing this key⁽ᵇ⁾.
You can also find me on: GitHub⁽ᵃ⁾; Keybase⁽ᵇ⁾; Lichess⁽ᶜ⁾; Libera.Chat⁽ᵈ⁾ IRC as `rawles`⁽ᵉ⁾; LinkedIn⁽ᶠ⁾; Mastodon⁽ᵍ⁾; Online Go Server⁽ʰ⁾. If you send a message through the private messaging facilities of these websites, it's likely to take longer to reach me than a good old-fashioned email.
(e) irc.libera.chat — via ircs
(g) mastodon.social — via https
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