2021-11-30 ♊Gemini clients broken on INPUT, test yours here...
2021-11-29 ♊Re: ANSI colors? Just say no
2021-11-28 SpellBinding news: new features
2021-11-26 The Federation Fallacy - or Success?
2021-11-24 💩 Whitey On The Moon
2021-11-23 SpellBinding - a new Gemini game
2021-11-18 Ambition is the Opiate of the People
2021-11-15 The Human Condition: Suggestibility
2021-11-14 Distraction-free Writing: AlphaSmart Neo
2021-11-10 Monopoly Was Invented by a Woman (who got ripped off)
2021-11-07 Forth - The Early Years
2021-11-06 ♊ Marking Tech posts with ♊(Gemini glyph) or ⚙
2021-11-04 Life after Covid - nine months later
2021-11-04 Keeping Gemini Amateur
2021-11-01 gemlit - Literate Programming for Gemini