Fall 2011
- Precalculus (Emerson Prep) - MTWRF 12:30
- MA 099 (intermediate algebra) - MW 18:30
Spring 2012
- Honors calculus (Emerson Prep) - MTWRF 12:30
- Math of games (Emerson Prep) - MTWRF 14:00
- MA 180 (precalculus) - MW 18:30
- MA 160 (elementary applied calculus) - TR 18:30
Fall 2012
- Precalculus (WAU) - MTWR 08:00
- Developmental math (WAU) - MWF 09:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MWRF 13:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MW 14:00
- Discrete structures (WAU) - F 14:00
- MA 160 (elementary applied calculus) - TR 18:30
Spring 2013
- Developmental math (WAU) - MWF 09:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MWRF 13:00
- Numerical analysis (WAU) - TR 10:30
- Survey of mathematics (WAU) - MTWR 14:00
- MA 180 (precalculus) - MW 18:30
Fall 2013
- Precalculus (WAU) - MTWR 08:00
- Developmental math (WAU) - MWF 09:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MWRF 13:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MW 14:00
- MA 110 (survey of college mathematics) - TR 18:30
Spring 2014
- Developmental math (WAU) - MWF 09:00
- Precalculus (dual-enrolled WAU and TA) - TR 10:10, F 08:00 & F 14:00
- College algebra & trig (WAU) - MWRF 13:00
- Survey of mathematics (WAU) - MTWR 15:00
- College physics II (WAU) M 19:00 & W 14:00
- MA 097 (intermediate algebra lib. arts) - TR 17:00
- MA 110 (survey of college mathematics) - TR 18:30
Fall 2014
- AOSC 105 & 105L (intro. to meteorology) - TR 09:30, 12:30 (lab) & 11:00 (classroom)
- MATH 096 (intermediate algebra) - MWF 12:00
Spring 2015
- AOSC 105 & 105L (intro. to meteorology) - TR 09:30, 12:30 (lab) & 11:00 (classroom)
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MWF 12:00
Summer 2015
- AOSC 105 & 105L (intro. to meteorology) - MTWR 13:00 Session I
- MATH 096 (intermediate algebra) - MTWR 11:30 Session II
Fall 2015
- MATH 093 (intermediate algebra lib. arts) - TR 08:45
- MATH 096 (intermediate algebra) - TR 18:30
Spring 2016
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MW 18:30
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 08:00
- MATH 080 (developmental mathematics) - T 12:30 (classroom) & 18:00 (lab)
Summer 2016
- MATH 181 (calculus I) - MTWR 08:00
Fall 2016
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MWF 09:00
- MATH 165 (precalculus) - MWF 11:30
- MATH 096 (intermediate algebra) - TR 18:30
- math club - F 17:00
- chess club - T 15:30 (Silver Spring) & W 15:30 (Long Branch)
Spring 2017
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MW 13:30
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 08:00
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MW 18:30
- chess club - T 15:30 (Silver Spring) & W 15:30 (Long Branch)
Summer 2017
- MATH 110 (survey of college mathematics) - MTWR 10:00
Fall 2017
- MATH 080 (developmental mathematics) - T 14:00, 15:30 (classroom) and M 09:00, W 18:00 (lab)
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 09:00
- embedded coaching in MATH 165 and MATH 182 - MW 12:00 & M 18:30
Spring 2018
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics) - MWF 11:00
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 09:00
- MATH 165 (precalculus) - TR 13:00
Fall 2018
- MATH 117+017 (elements of statistics + support) - TR 09:30
- MATH 117+017 (elements of statistics + support) - TR 14:00
- tutoring in the math learning center - MW 09:00
- Silver Spring chess club - T 16:30
Spring 2019
- MATH 150 (elementary applied calculus) - MWF 08:30
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics) - TR 10:30
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics) - TR 12:00
- Silver Spring chess club - T 15:30
Fall 2019
- MATH 098 (intro to trigonometry) - MW 10:00 (until Oct 14)
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics, OER) - TR 08:00
- MATH 120 (survey of college mathematics) - TR 11:00
- embedded coaching in MATH 181 and 182 - MW 18:00
Winter 2020
MATH 098 (intro to trigonometry) - MWRF 10:00
Spring 2020
- MATH 120 (survey of college mathematics) - MW 10:00
Fall 2020
- MATH 182 (calculus II) - MWF 09:30
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics) - MWF 11:00
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 09:00
Spring 2021
- MATH 117 (elements of statistics) - TR 12:00
- AOSC 100 (weather and climate) - TR 15:00
- MATH 098 (intro to trigonometry) - TR 11:00 (starting March 30)
Summer 2021
- MATH 117+017 (elements of statistics) - embedded coaching
- MATH 050 (intermediate algebra) - MTWR 11:00
Other schedules
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