Twitter's New 'Privacy' Policy Destroys Its Value for Decentralized Journalism

Author: Bostonian

Score: 24

Comments: 13

Date: 2021-12-03 14:30:28

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theknocker wrote at 2021-12-03 15:47:39:

Which is almost certainly the real point

e-clinton wrote at 2021-12-03 15:06:05:

How do you both enable decentralize journalism and curve the spread of misinformation without measures like these?

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 15:22:54:

Seems like you need to check your priors. Either you want decentralized citizen-led journalism or you want to be free from what the establishment deems to be 'misinformation'. Due to human nature 'misinformation' is largely going to be whatever threatens establishment power, so 'misinformation' ends up being almost all decentralized citizen-led journalism in practice.

"You can do journalism, as long as it isn't controversial"

ehutch79 wrote at 2021-12-03 16:08:22:

Soooo... things like "5g towers cause covid" should be allowed?

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 16:12:22:

You can get rid of "5g towers cause covid" but you also get rid of the Snowden leaks at the same time. I'd argue the value of the latter is worth the cost of the former.

ehutch79 wrote at 2021-12-03 16:14:09:

but the snowden stuff isn't untrue

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 16:14:55:

The government said it was false when it first came out. Today they say "it was the Russians!". For you to be the arbiter of truth, first you must need a universal source of truth, no such thing exists.

ehutch79 wrote at 2021-12-03 16:36:10:

But it's independently verifiable though. Snowden could show evidence.

There's a gap between what you're talking about and 'misinformation' like 'vaccines cause autism', '5g towers cause covid' (which people actually tried burning down towers because of), 'pizzagate', 'jewish space lasers are causing california wildfires', etc

These are objectively false things being presented as truth. which even then is a lot different than leaks that can be correlated

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 16:43:32:

If they are so obviously false why are you concerned?

Here are some other things that were "obviously false" and censored as misinformation by tech companies this year:

Hunter Bidens laptop

Wuhan gain of function research and the possibility of a lab leak

Kyle Rittenhouse acting in self defense

ehutch79 wrote at 2021-12-03 17:01:18:

How was any of that censored? I definitely have seen all that.

One of those is actually a major trial that had coverage all over any platform.

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 17:09:08:


"Facebook announced Wednesday that it will no longer block search results for “Kyle Rittenhouse” and will no longer remove posts praising his actions.

Following an incident in August 2020 in which Rittenhouse shot three individuals in self-defense, killing two of them, Facebook initially blocked search results for Rittenhouse’s name and removed posts supporting him, explaining that the incident was a “mass murder” and that Rittenhouse was placed on Facebook’s “dangerous individuals and organizations” list."[0]

Biden laptop:

"Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey acknowledged during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday that the social media giant was wrong to block New York Post tweets about Hunter Biden in the run-up to the Nov. 3 election."[1]

Lab leak:

"Facebook will no longer remove posts referencing the origination theory that COVID escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, a company spokesperson told Politico Wednesday.

This step marks a policy reversal from February, when Facebook announced it would root out what it called false and misleading health claims including those suggesting that “COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured.” The tech company maintained a list of debunked assertions during the pandemic in consultation with global health advisers."[2]




ehutch79 wrote at 2021-12-03 17:28:15:

And yet i definitely saw posts before and during the trial.

I wonder what the actual content of the posts that were being blocked was.

willcipriano wrote at 2021-12-03 17:37:14:

Know what posts you appearently didn't see? The ones where Facebook announced they were censoring that sort of thing.

If you want a walled garden, fine that is your right. What you lose is the ability to claim that you are a hub of speech and debate, you become network television instead of Speakers Corner. The next revolution won't happen within your walls, you are where ideas will go to die.

bigyellow wrote at 2021-12-03 16:40:48:

Seeing as how most misinformation is actually coming from centralized "journalism" sources these days, I'd say this is hardly a concern.

Buttersite wrote at 2021-12-03 15:13:25:
