[ 28 63 29 20 31 39 39 39 20 63 72 75 63 69 70 68 75 78 20 68 77 61 ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================== = <=-[ HWA.hax0r.news ]-=> = ========================================================================== �`�>[=�HWA'99=]<��� Number 4 Volume 1 1999 ========================================================================== "stoners make the best cryptologists, I know because i've written some kick ass shit and the next day, no way could I figure out wtf I did man I have stuff from like the 80's that to this day, I still have no idea what it is and whole teams at the NSA have worked on it for me stoners man, thats how to do real strong crypto...DES? no! LSD? yes!" - Stu Shimoruma (off the record at a wild party in Denver) Synopsis -------- The purpose of this newsletter is to 'digest' current events of interest that affect the online underground and netizens in general. This includes coverage of general security issues, hacks, exploits, underground news and anything else I think is worthy of a look see. This list is NOT meant as a replacement for, nor to compete with, the likes of publications such as CuD or PHRACK or with news sites such as AntiOnline, the Hacker News Network (HNN) or mailing lists such as BUGTRAQ or ISN nor could any other 'digest' of this type do so. It *is* intended however, to compliment such material and provide a reference to those who follow the culture by keeping tabs on as many sources as possible and providing links to further info, its a labour of love and will be continued for as long as I feel like it, i'm not motivated by dollars or the illusion of fame, did you ever notice how the most famous/infamous hackers are the ones that get caught? there's a lot to be said for remaining just outside the circle... @HWA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to HWA.hax0r.news ... #4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Issue #4 Got root? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "For a company to delay a shipment for a month just means they are doing the product quality work. If it is put off six months then they probably have a problem." -- Giga Information Group analyst Merv Adrian to Computer Reseller News, comparing the one-month delay of Oracle's 8i database to the delays of Windows 2000 Server. _____/[ INDEX ]\__________________________________________________________ ------=========----------------------------------------------------------- "The LoU cyberwar issue" Keys: use the keys to search for start of each section rather than using regular numbers ... this may change but dats the way its at now so tfs. ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- Key Content ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0 .. COPYRIGHTS 0.1 .. CONTACT INFORMATION & SNAIL MAIL DROP ETC 0.2 .. SOURCES 0.3 .. THIS IS WHO WE ARE 0.4 .. WHAT'S IN A NAME? why `HWA.hax0r.news'? 0.5 .. INTRODUCTIONS TO STAFF AND BIO'S 0.6 .. THE HWA_FAQ V1.0 ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 .. Greets (!?!?!?) 1.1 .. Last minute stuff, rumours, newsbytes, mailbag 2.0 .. From the editor 2.1 .. Raza-Mexicana responds to hacks reported in issue #3 2.2 .. Think CERT is a joke? well now you can use HERT instead. 2.3 .. Crypto: Cypherpunks list update 3.0 .. Canc0n'99/2k 4.0 .. Qubik's ruminations from bikkel's webboard 4.1 .. The hacker; Sex symbol of the Millenium 5.0 .. LoU vs China: Legions Of The Underground cyber war hardon goes limp. 5.1 .. Spies in the wires 9e99, bugs of another manner in your PC? 5.2 .. Schoolgirl's can hax0r too 5.3 .. Phraudulant Philth 5.4 .. "Co-co" and several other Chinese NSA infiltrators have been detained for questioning in startling 'James Bond style' real-life spy drama. 6.0 .. l0phtcrack 2.5 and Windows 95/98 sekurity issues 6.1 .. The l0pht produces a /tmp dir security monitoring tool and advisory. 6.2 .. The l0pht's 'Tan' does a 'Cyberspace Underwriters Labs' dissertation. 6.3 .. Wireless PBX phreaking at your local hospital? H.W .. Hacked Websites A.0 .. APPENDICES A.1 .. PHACVW linx and references ------+--+---------------------------------------------------------------- @HWA'98/99 0.0 (C) COPYRIGHT, (K)OPYWRONG, COPYLEFT? V2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE OPINIONS OF THE WRITERS DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF THE PUBLISHERS AND VICE VERSA IN FACT WE DUNNO WTF IS GONNA TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS, I'M NOT DOING IT (LOTS OF ME EITHER'S RESOUND IN THE BACKGROUND) SO UHM JUST READ IT AND IF IT BUGS YOU WELL TFS (SEE FAQ). Important semi-legalese and license to redistribute: YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS ZINE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM MYSELF AND ARE GRANTED THE RIGHT TO QUOTE ME OR THE CONTENTS OF THE ZINE SO LONG AS Cruciphux AND/OR HWA.hax0r.news ARE MENTIONED IN YOUR WRITING. LINK'S ARE NOT NECESSARY OR EXPECTED BUT ARE APPRECIATED the current link is http://welcome.to/HWA.hax0r.news IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO VIOLATE ANYONE'S COPYRIGHTS OR BREAK ANY NETIQUETTE IN ANY WAY IF YOU FEEL I'VE DONE THAT PLEASE EMAIL ME PRIVATELY current email cruciphux@dok.org THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS, IN THIS COUNTRY ALL WORKS ARE (C) AS SOON AS COMMITTED TO PAPER OR DISK, IF ORIGINAL THE LAYOUT AND COMMENTARIES ARE THEREFORE (C) WHICH MEANS: I RETAIN ALL RIGHTS, BUT I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO READ, QUOTE AND REDISTRIBUTE/MIRROR. - EoD Although this file and all future issues are now copyright, some of the content holds its own copyright and these are printed and respected. News is news so i'll print any and all news but will quote sources when the source is known, if its good enough for CNN its good enough for me. And i'm doing it for free on my own time so pfffft. :) No monies are made or sought through the distribution of this material. If you have a problem or concern email me and we'll discuss it. cruciphux@dok.org Cruciphux [C*:.] 0.1 CONTACT INFORMATION AND MAIL DROP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wahoo, we now have a mail-drop, if you are outside of the U.S.A or Canada / North America (hell even if you are inside ..) and wish to send printed matter like newspaper clippings a subscription to your cool foreign hacking zine or photos, small non-explosive packages or sensitive information etc etc well, now you can. (w00t) Send all goodies to: HWA NEWS P.O BOX 44118 370 MAIN ST. NORTH BRAMPTON, ONTARIO CANADA L6V 4H5 Dying to send something but want some recompense or don't know what to mail? well everyone who mails something in will be mentioned in a issue (man does this sound like a fucking DC/Marvel comic book or what?) you won't get a secret decoder ring in return but you *will* get a 'secret' url that will have a 'present' for you (and only you) to show our appreciation (wanna know what it is? you'll have to send something to find out, and yeah picture postcards also count). Ideas for interesting 'stuff' to send in apart from news: - Photo copies of old system manual front pages (signed by you) ;-) - Photos of yourself, your mom, sister, dog and or cat in a NON compromising position plz I don't want pr0n. - Picture postcards - CD's 3.5" disks, Zip disks, 5.25" or 8" floppies, Qic40/80/100-250 tapes with hack/security related archives, logs, irc logs etc on em. - audio or video cassettes of yourself/others etc of interesting phone fun or social engineering examples or transcripts thereof. If you still can't think of anything you're probably not that interesting a person after all so don't worry about it Our current email: Submissions/zine gossip.....: hwa@press.usmc.net Private email to editor.....: cruciphux@dok.org Distribution/Website........: sas72@usa.net @HWA "Kill the police, kill the whole force, destroy the system and trash the courts." - G.G.Allin 0.2 Sources *** ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sources can be some, all, or none of the following (by no means complete nor listed in any degree of importance) Unless otherwise noted, like msgs from lists or news from other sites, articles and information is compiled and or sourced by Cruciphux no copyright claimed. HiR:Hackers Information Report... http://axon.jccc.net/hir/ News & I/O zine ................. http://www.antionline.com/ News/Hacker site................. http://www.bikkel.com/~demoniz/ News (New site unconfirmed).......http://cnewz98.hypermart.net/ Back Orifice/cDc..................http://www.cultdeadcow.com/ News site (HNN/l0pht),............http://www.hackernews.com/ Help Net Security.................http://help.ims.hr News,Advisories,++ ...............http://www.l0pht.com/ NewsTrolls (HNN)..................http://www.newstrolls.com/ News + Exploit archive ...........http://www.rootshell.com/beta/news.html CuD ..............................http://www.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest News site+........................http://www.zdnet.com/ +Various mailing lists and some newsgroups, such as ... http://www.the-project.org/ .. IRC list/admin archives http://www.anchordesk.com/ .. Jesse Berst's AnchorDesk alt.hackers.malicious alt.hackers alt.2600 BUGTRAQ ISN security mailing list ntbugtraq <+others> NEWS Agencies, News search engines etc: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.cnn.com/SEARCH/ http://www.foxnews.com/search/cgi-bin/search.cgi?query=cracker&days=0&wires=0&startwire=0 http://www.news.com/Searching/Results/1,18,1,00.html?querystr=cracker http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/ http://search.yahoo.com.sg/search/news_sg?p=cracker http://www.washingtonpost.com/cgi-bin/search?DB_NAME=WPlate&TOTAL_HITLIST=20&DEFAULT_OPERATOR=AND&headline=&WITHIN_FIELD_NAME=.lt.event_date&WITHIN_DAYS=0&description=cracker http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/ http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/cybercrime/chaostheory/ (Kevin Poulsen's Column) NOTE: See appendices for details on other links. Referenced news links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_254000/254236.stm http://freespeech.org/eua/ Electronic Underground Affiliation http://www.l0pht.com/cyberul.html http://www.hackernews.com/archive.html?122998.html ... Submissions/Hints/Tips/Etc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All submissions that are `published' are printed with the credits you provide, if no response is received by a week or two it is assumed that you don't care wether the article/email is to be used in an issue or not and may be used at my discretion. Looking for: Good news sites that are not already listed here OR on the HNN affiliates page at http://www.hackernews.com/affiliates.html Magazines (complete or just the articles) of breaking sekurity or hacker activity in your region, this includes telephone phraud and any other technological use, abuse hole or cool thingy. ;-) cut em out and send it to the drop box. Hell even a postcard would be cool, i'll scan em in and stick em in a postcard section on the site heh. I like mail. It is your friend. Spammers will be bumfucked by my pet doberman though. Or digitally destroyed. so be warned. - Ed @HWA 0.3 THIS IS WHO WE ARE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sas72@usa.net ............. currently active cruciphux@dok.org.......... currently active * Formerly "Who am we?" otherwise unchanged since last issue. see the mini-bio on Cruciphux in issue #3 for details on the editor. - Ed :-p 1. We do NOT work for the government in any shape or form. 2. Unchanged since issue #1, I'm still me apparently: "Ok i'm still a noone and a nobody, but yeah I *was* a hacker, been a cracker, ran a warez board (and a PD board) done some phone phun etc .. but all in my teens and i've since started wearing a "white hat" (but it has little grey specks on it I must admit) and I am in no way a "master hacker/phreaker" not "leet". I'm just me, take it or leave it, didn't want it, didn't need it, been there, done that ... you guys have the reigns now and i'm deadly curious as to what you're doing with them. Hell mail me for advice and shit if you want, i'll help if I can. I'll respond to all verifiable emails." C*:. 0.4 Whats in a name? why HWA.hax0r.news?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well what does HWA stand for? never mind if you ever find out I may have to get those hax0rs from 'Hackers' or the Pretorians after you. In case you couldn't figure it out hax0r is "new skewl" and although it is laughed at, shunned, or even pidgeon holed with those 'dumb leet (l33t?) dewds' is equal to or greater than (etc, this aint fucking grade school, cripes, don't believe I just typed all that..) AAM - Ask a minor (someone under age of adulthood, usually <16, <18 or <21) *AOL - A great deal of people that got ripped off for net access by a huge clueless isp with seckurity that you can drive buses through, we're not talking Kung-Fu being no good here, Buy-A-Kloo maybe? EoC - End of Commentary EoA - End of Article EoF - End of file EoD - End of diatribe (AOL'ers: look it up) CC - Credit Card phraud CCC - Chaos Computer Club (Germany) NFC - Depends on context: No Further Comment or No Fucking Comment NFR - Network Flight Recorder (Do a websearch) PHAC - And variations of same Phreaking, Hacking, Anarchy, Cracking, Carding (CC) Groups Virus, Warfare Alternates: H - hacking, hacktivist C - Cracking C - Cracking W - Warfare CT - Cyber Terrorism TBC - To Be Continued also 2bc (usually followed by ellipses...) :^0 TBA - To Be Arranged/To Be Announced also 2ba TFS - Tough fucking shit. "At least we know for sure which *century* Windows 2000 (aka NT Workstation 5.0) will ship in.." - Ed 1.0 Greets!?!?! yeah greets! w0w huh. - Ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to all in the community for their support and interest but i'd like to see more reader input, help me out here, whats good, what sucks etc, not that I guarantee i'll take any notice mind you, but send in your thoughts anyway. Shouts to: * Kevin Mitnick * demoniz * The l0pht crew * tattooman * Dicentra * Pyra * Vexxation * FProphet * TwistedP * NeMstah * all the people who sent in cool emails and support * our new 'staff' members. kewl sites: + http://www.l0pht.com/ + http://www.2600.com/ + http://hacknews.bikkel.com/ (http://www.bikkel.com/~demoniz/) !+ http://www.legions.org/ + http://www.genocide2600.com/ + http://www.genocide2600.com/~tattooman/ + http://www.hackernews.com/ (Went online same time we started issue 1!) !+ Don't run picture.exe! ;-) they're everywhere damn spies in the wires. @HWA 1.1 Last minute stuff, rumours and newsbytes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "InfoFreako, there isn't a thing that I don't wanna know" - Jesus Jones +++ sorry its late, information overload. +++ We could use some feedback. Our current complaint tends to be "give us more" in fact issue #5 is in progress already. I've decided that since some articles have a limited life-span on the net to include them within the text rather than to provide just links. I archive these articles for my own use anyway but indexing them in a database for future retrieval would be quite the task. I'd like to be able to publish weekly but at this time that seems somewhat unfeasible if the recent activity is any indication of the future. Any input, ideas, or comments are welcomed. More help in sorting out some of the mass of stories may be needed after all... -Ed -+- WANTED!: Info / contributors from all countries and locales for news sources/clippings newsbytes, virus and trojan information, new techno logical abuse issues etc check issue #3 if interested. Non profit, for fun only so no $$... no hassles/no pressures/no bs and full credit. -Ed +++ Jan 9th: 13 yr old Chinese cracker arrested by Police: From Bikkel Contributed to Bikkel by Deepcase A kid from Inner Mongalia was busted after he illegally accessed an information service network using his father's name. The teen-ager connected to an information network and set up a page called 'Hacker. He also took control of some managers' accounts of a multimedia telecommunications system. Because of his age the authorities couldn't prosecute him. (they didn't kill him??) Instead they ordered his parents to keep a closer eye on him. This story is picked up by The NewYork Times. +++ The Furby is reportedly banned from the NSA building due to it's ability to repeat words and phrases that it hears. (From HNN & BBC) +++ We have some new 'foreign correspondants' introduced elsewhere in this newsletter, we're still looking for people that can submit in English or have stuff translated to something resembling english from "everywhere else". +++ A new con is in the works for Asia and the East, no details yet Submitted by Wile our 'man in the East' webpage and further info is forthcoming - wile +++ Legistlation changes are in the works for HK, according to wile currently there are no laws re: cracking in Japan, this is due to change in the next month apparently, we'll keep you posted on this as it develops.. - wile +++ Yes people from HWA.hax0r.news are hosting Canc0n'99/2k (site under development as of this writing by sAs72) and NO it is not a cash grab, (has anyone ever made money at a con!?!? heh.) assuming it even flies... +++ Defcon7 is in July (Fri Jul 9th - Sun Jul 11th) Las Vegas. - http://www.defcon.org/ - http://www.hfactorx.org/defcon7.html - http://www.defcon.org/html/other-conventions.html +++ Kevin Mitnick is still in prison. +++ Justin Petersen (Agent Steal) is sentenced to 5 months in jail(???) +++ We're still here and evolving... "Love comes in spurts" - Richard Hell & The Voidoids (NYC circa 1977) 2.0 From the editor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Issue #4! well we made it to #4, (ok show of hands, how many ppl didn't think we'd get this far? oh just you ok you can sit down now, thanks.) #include #include #include main() { printf ("Read commented source!\n\n"); /* * Security and testing security, sometimes there is a thin line between * hacking/cracking and plain general network troubleshooting and detective * work, Just as a hammer can be used to build or to destroy, so security *should be scrutinised closely and publicly in order to enhance our net *experience, and maintain its' usefulness as an open web. * * Radar detectors are usually ahead of the Police, crackers will *generally be turncoat sysadmins or crackers-for-phun and as sysadmins *can become hackers so can hackers become sysadmins... ad infinitum ad *nauseum...don't immediately assume that a cracker is 'bad' or a criminal *a legitimate sysadmin could just as easily be reading your info and *abusing his power of position. It pays to be more than a little paranoid *since no one "sees" your crime meek men become warriors and strong men *and their networks can be flatlined with a smurf or synflood attack... */ printf ("EoF.\n"); } Congrats, thanks, articles, news submissions and kudos to us at the main address: hwa@press.usmc.net complaints and all nastygrams and mailbombs can go to /dev/nul nukes, synfloods and papasmurfs to, Furby (1st/2nd generation) mods to our email or snail mail addy... :) danke. C*:. @HWA 2.1 Raza-Mexicana responds to hacks reported in issue #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** In response to the report in issue #3 (see section H.W on hacked web sites) Raza-Mexicana had this to say: From: Raza-Mexicana@xxxxxx.xxxx Delivered-To: cruciphux@dok.org Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 23:40:51 -0800 (PST) To: cruciphux@dok.org Subject: Newer hacks (Dec 28th) �? Reply-To: Raza-Mexicana@xxxx.xx X-Mailer: -[ Raza Mexicana Team ]- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In answer to the December 28th hack's news Raza Mexicana DO NOT claim any responsability, the Raza Mexicana members were the AUTHORS of the Hacks made on DECEMBER 24th, and Bikkel and HNN post the message about the hacks on december 25th, the servers were been hacked 2 days and on December 26th the Finisterra and Cabo-architects servers were fixed, Cabolinda and Apibajasur were disconected and Villamex removed the hacked page and by the way the hacks that you couldn't see. That's why we want you to put this clear, because you thought that we didn't make those hacks. Thanks. Raza Mexicana Team - - -- En respuesta a las noticias sobre los nuevos hacks del 28 de diciembre Raza Mexicana NO clama responsabilidad, los integrantes del grupo Raza Mexicanason los autores de los hacks llevados a cabo el dia 24 DE DICIEMBRE y que bikkel y hackernews notificaron en la fecha 25 de diciembre los servidores estuvieron hackeados por 2 dias y el 26 de diciembre fue removido el hack de las paginas en finisterra y cabo-architects cabolinda y apibajasur fueron desconetados, villamex removio la pagina para poner un estado de pagina en construccion, estos hacks fueron notificados por diferentes medios en Mexico a pesar del dia festivo en ke se ejecutaron y por lo visto, no los lograron ver uds. por lo que keremos ke aklaren lo referente a este asunto. Gracias. Raza Mexicana Team Printed unedited other than the removal of the pgp sig and the email address. - Ed @HWA 2.2 The latest big thing in security ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X-Authentication-Warning: enigma.repsec.com: majordomo set sender to owner-isn@repsec.com using -f Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 03:44:40 -0700 (MST) From: mea culpa To: InfoSec News Subject: [ISN] HERT formed as alternative to CERT X-NoSpam: Pursuant to US Code; Title 47; Chapter 5; Subchapter II; 227 X-NoSpam: any and all nonsolicited commercial E-mail sent to this address X-NoSpam: is subject to a download and archival fee in the amount of $500 US. X-NoSpam: E-mailing to this address denotes acceptance of these terms. X-Copyright: This e-mail copyright 1998 by jericho@dimensional.com Sender: owner-isn@repsec.com Reply-To: mea culpa x-unsubscribe: echo "unsubscribe isn" | mail majordomo@repsec.com x-infosecnews: x-loop, procmail, etc http://linuxtoday.com/stories/2196.html Creation of HERT HERT - January 10th 1999, 09:12 EST HERT stands for Hacker Emergency Response Team and is an international non-profit organization based in France. Exactly like CERT, our US counterpart, our first goal is to provide accurate information about computer security vulnerabilities, provide incident response services to sites that have been the victims of attacks, publish security alerts and find new vulnerabilities. Our next goal is to represent concerned computer users and organizations as an advocacy league. Why HERT is a better alternative to CERT? National Computer Security Center, a sub-branch of the National Security Agency initiated the creation of the Computer Emergency Response Team and was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Agency (DARPA). A majority of people think CERT is doing a brilliant job, but when you examine CERT more closely, one could believe CERT is a bit corrupted. Just take a look at the CERT statistics, since 1995, for 1027 vulnerabilities reported, they have published only 55 advisories bulletins. Is this a joke, did they count duplicate vulnerability reports? Was there 1000 cert initiated vendor advisories? >From an organization directed by US Military Intelligence, you must assume the worst especially when they brag about their Information Superiority. We decided to create HERT, when system administrators of highly sensitive US networks informed us that they were supplied with official vendor patches months before public announcement were made by vendors, CERT or full-disclosure mailing lists like Bugtraq. -o- Subscribe: mail majordomo@repsec.com with "subscribe isn". Today's ISN Sponsor: Internet Security Institute [www.isi-sec.com] Hrm, it's French, what else do I have to say about this? you can't beat those wacky french bastages for funny names... - Ed @HWA 2.3 Crypto: Cypherpunks list announcements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X-Authentication-Warning: toad.com: Host localhost [] didn't use HELO protocol To: cypherpunks-announce@toad.com, cryptography@c2.net, gnu@toad.com Subject: Watch the gov't discuss crypto policy Friday in Cupertino: PECSENC Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 02:21:45 -0800 From: John Gilmore PECSENC is a hard-to-parse acronym for the President's Export Council, Subcommittee on Encryption. The Council is a group of assorted citizens appointed by the President of the US under Executive Order 12991 to advise him on US trade issues. Since crypto policy is so complex and painful, they pushed it into a subcommittee of its own. That subcommittee is meeting this Friday at HP in Cupertino. They usually meet on the East Coast, far from most people affected by the crypto regulations, so I thought it would be friendly of us to show up and welcome them to Silicon Valley. I will be speaking at the meeting about the Wassenaar Arrangement, but that isn't why you should come. You should come because this is one of the few public fora in which government and selected citizens actually discuss crypto policy. Officially, and to advise the President. They faxed me 6 pages of maps and directions, but it all boils down to: Take I-280 to Cupertino, exit on Wolfe Road going north/east, turn right at the second light on Pruneridge Ave, turn left at the first light into the HP complex, go 200 feet and turn right at the "T" intersection, and follow to the last building on the left, Building 46. Park in the visitor lot in front, register at the reception desk and get a badge. The room can hold about 60 people (of which about 30 will be PECSENC and invited speakers.) There won't be an opportunity to rant, like there was a few years ago when the National Research Council invited public comments at the CFP conference. (Perhaps they'll set one up for a future meeting -- I think it would be informative for them.) But it's a chance to see the alice-in-wonderland workings of the government as they try to manipulate a supposedly independent advisory group into overlooking the emperor's nudity. We may get a chance to make a few short, polite comments, though they've arranged the agenda so the public gets to comment *before* the government or the subcommittee says anything worth commenting about. Some of the people on the subcommittee should be well known to cypherpunks: Stewart Baker, lawyer, ex-General Counsel of NSA, GAK cheerleader Kevin McCurley, cryptographer, IBM Research, President of IACR (IACR was established by Diffie, Chaum, Rivest, etc in the '70s to protect and foster crypto research -- www.iacr.org) Esther Dyson, business philosopher & author, EFF, ICANN Interim Chair John Liebman, lawyer, author of major export control law tome (I'm leaving out ten or twenty people, mostly because the list isn't published anywhere online that I can find) As part of their role in "supporting" the subcommittee's work, the government has published the driest and least fun-looking "Notice of Open Meeting" that the law will let them get away with: http://www.bxa.doc.gov/tacs/PECSENCMtg.html However there is a juicier agenda which I received as a speaker: We have revised the schedule in light of certain timing constraints. So, please note that the private sector discussion of Wassenaar will take place in the afternoon. In addition to John Gilmore, PECSENC member Ira Rubenstein will address this topic. (Lynn McNulty of RSA has been asked to offer remarks on RSA's experiences, too.) Also, Whit Diffie will let us know shortly whether he will speak before the group. Here is the updated agenda: President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption January 15, 1998 Pacific Ocean Room, Bldg. 46 19447 Pruneridge Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 9:00 Opening Comments/ Stewart Baker, Acting PECSENC Chairman Discussion of List Server/ PECSENC's Role 9:45 Public Comments 10:00 BXA Update William A. Reinsch Under Secretary for Export Administration 10:30 Congressional Presentation Representative Zoe Lofgren 11:00 Briefings The Wassenaar Arrangement and Ambassador Aaron's Initiatives James A. Lewis, Director Office of Strategic Trade and Foreign Policy Controls Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) Michelle O'Neill Executive Director to Ambassador David Aaron International Trade Administration (ITA) 12:00 Lunch for Members 1:15 Briefings Private Sector Perspective on the Wassenaar Arrangement John Gilmore, Co-Founder, EFF Ira Rubenstein, Senior Corporate Attorney, Microsoft 2:00 Foreign Availability of Encryption Technology Kevin McCurley, Ph.D., IBM 2:30 What's New In Commercial Crypto Dr. Taher Elgamal, CEO, Securify, Inc. Dr. John Atalla, Chairman, Tristrata, Inc. 4:00 Adjourn I encourage anyone from the Bay Area crypto community who cares about export controls on crypto to come observe the meeting, and participate in the discussions in the hallways. Like attending hearings of the Bernstein case, open your costume box and pull out the business drag (suits & whatever businesswomen enjoy wearing these days). Our role will be less to inform the meeting of anything in particular, and more to inform them by our quiet presence that lots of significant people care to watch exactly what they're doing with our civil rights. After watching how it operates and thinking for a bit, you might have some informed suggestions for the subcommittee, which can be sent to them by email. As Thomas Pynchon said, "If they can get you to ask the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." The Commerce Dept may have been all too successful at getting the subcommittee to focus on the wrong questions. (E.g. before the DES Cracker announcement, they were debating whether to ask the President to decontrol DES -- a useless and counterproductive action which of course the government has just done.) Just as the cypherpunks came up with some great questions to inform the Clipper debate, I'm sure we can come up with some meaty questions for the subcommittee to chew on, rather than the pap the gov't feeds them. If you have any further questions about PECSENC or the meeting, please contact: Jason Gomberg Encryption Policy Controls Division Bureau of Export Administration +1 202 482 1368 I hope to see you-all there. John Gilmore, Electronic Frontier Foundation PS: Also, don't forget the cypherpunks meeting the following day, in rooms B1-B2 of the San Jose Convention Center, noon-6PM, Saturday 16Jan99. Related url to check out: http:// 3.0 Canc0n'99/2k The North American Hacker/Security Con. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Canc0n'99/2k Niagara Falls Canada/U.S.A' Full Details: =-=-=-=-=-=-= TBA Time and Place: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= On the border of Canada and U.S.A (Canadian side) - Niagara Falls The time and place are to be determined and announced at this site or on the canc0n mailing list, (TBA) Features: =-=-=-=-= ...are mostly TBA but generally, Videos, Speakers, Games and fun for all also an equipment swap and the usual get together type stuff, this is an informal con but suits won't be turned away, in fact we're hoping some industry ppl will join us to speak on various topics if they can fit it into their diaries, hence the open date/venue plans. To sign up or get more info when it is available use the Canc0n99 mailing list or send mail to cruciphux@dok.org with "canc0n99" as your subject and message body. Your msg will be sent to our con mailbox. Places to stay: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= We plan on booking rooms at various locations but you can also make your own arrangements and maybe save a few bucks, we'll post names and numbers here as the time gets nearer and clearer. Ditto for rides/transportation. Our snail mail address is: HWA NEWS Canc0n99 P.O BOX 44118 370 MAIN ST. NORTH BRAMPTON, ONTARIO CANADA L6V 4H5 @HWA 4.0 Hackers and Crackers...ok we know the difference but what kind of dip? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Qubik Originally posted on Bikkel's webboard reprinted here coz I thought it was kewl. ;) Posted by: qubik [webcache07p.cache.pol.co.uk] at 17:29:32 01/06/99 I often hear people saying things like, "Stupid fucking media, they don't know the meaning of the word hacker!", and "Cracker you whore, hackers are the good guys!" Well, I'm going to start writing, and we'll see what I come up with. - In this day and age, we rely upon those who dedicate their lives to distributing information among the masses. Our world would not be the way it is today, without our constant supply of news and entertainment. Yet, whenever they, the suppliers of this information, make a mistake, we launch into an almighty rage. One of the most common 'mistakes' made by the media, is the printing of hacker, instead of cracker. We, the hackers, love to flame and complain at the media for that mistake, yet I ask myself, why? Did you know, that there are hundreds of thousands of 'hackers' out there that would love to get their hands on us, the computer hackers? A long time ago, probably before many of you 'hackers' were born (including myself), the term hacker was used to describe someone who not craved information, but craved understanding. We weren't hackers of computer systems, we were hackers of the system. A system which can be anything that has some form of input, process and output. The body for example, it's a system of systems, including the nervous system, the digestive system and others. The solar system, it again consists of many systems. And so, you can be a (system-) hacker of anything from computers, to astronomy. So, as much as many of you may dislike it, the cracker is never the less, a hacker just as much as you or I. A cracker is a hacker of hacked knowledge. (Imagine this too, if your annoyed of being on the same plain as crackers, what must crackers, hackers of the cryptographic code, feel like!?) I really don't think it's very mature of us to consider the term hacker as solely ours, it's hard for the media to use the right terms, when in fact they are the wrong term. We don't give the media enough slack, how many times have any of you spoken to a reporter and tried to explain that there are differences between hackers that obtain knowledge, and hackers that exploit it!? How many people here have written texts to help a reporter and/or editor to understand what being a computer hacker means? I'm willing to bet, not many. Don't blame the media for something they can't understand, something that we, the computer hackers, wont even help teach them about. (Freedom of information my ass, you'd gladly help if you were true hackers!) - Hmm, I know, it could have been better, but in the twenty-odd minutes I spent writing it, I'm pleased. I'd love to hear some feedback, who agrees, who disagrees? And non of that shit trying to stop me from expressing my point of view, because I'll only look at you and see an exploiter of the hacker ethic. -Qube @HWA 4.1 "The Hacker; Sex symbol of the Millenium" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Qubik (c) 1999 Qubik/HWA We all know that it's cool to be a hacker. The attention we get from the media and from our fellow associates is satisfying to say the least, but how many of us actually use this to our advantage? I take a shit, a shave and wash under my armpits and I'm ready to put my ability to the test.. At a recent party I was able to experience first-hand how being a hacker can get the girls groping (literally) for your attention. In fact, you don't even need to be a hacker to take advantage of this great exploit of the opposite sex, you just need to be able to sound convincing and act cool. How does it work then, what do you have to do? Well, you don't really have to do anything, in fact it's best if you try not to do anything at all. It's as easy as one, two, three.. First, your going to need to make sure you've got some non-hacker friends, that means breaking out of your standard routine of sitting in front of a PC all day with stacks of books on either side of you. You need to get out in the real world, now I know that a lot of the readers will already have real-world friends, so their already a third of the way there! Hell, you can even use your computer knowledge to help out a couple of the really 'cool' guys or gals at your school, college or uni, there's always someone who hasn't got a clue. Help them out, go on, even if it means talking slowly like a complete lamer and explaining things in layman terms. (I have faith in you, you can do it.) Now, get to knows these outsiders, start to spend some time with them and act like them. (Hey, you can hack during the weekdays, try relaxing at the weekends.) Now, you've got some real friends, sooner or later there's going to be a party. Get yourself invited, it'll be easier than you think, trust me. And there you have it, stage two completed, you've got cool friends and your going to a cool party, now lets start pulling the girls. (Or boys, if your a female reader.) Your at the party, now what do you do!? Sit back, relax and have a drink! People always fear that no one will talk to them, they will, especially if you act like your having a bad time! I use this tactic a lot, girls just can't help saying something. Sooner or later, someone will say that your good with computers, or that your a hacker, they'll naturally be interested and this'll be your key. Stage three, just wait and see. You could of course, if your more sure of yourself, go up to someone. (Not recommended for newbies. Heh.) And when the girls/boys come, talk some shit about how you hacked into a government server using a Sendmail exploit, or you know some a elite hacker who used the SSHD exploit to transfer $100,000 from one bank account to another! So just how successful is this exploit? Well, I'm your stereotypical old school hacker, with scruffy looks and too much on my mind, in one night, three girls got to grips (ahem) with my abilities. Just give it a go, from my experience hackers really turn the opposite (or even same, if your into that kind of thing) sex on. And if you don't trust me, think about this.. Don't other hackers turn you on!? Qubik (All you girly hackers out there, feel free to mail me at qubik@bikkel.com, and send a picture.) -EOF @HWA 5.0 LoU vs China/Iraq: Legions Of The Underground cyber war ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is in three parts and consists of 1) the IRC transcript of the press conference held for HNN 2) the response to the press conference by a global hacker coalition and 3) LoU's response to the coalition. The story doesn't end here however and coverage will continue in issue #5. - Ed Irc Transcript ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (included with kind permission of hackernews.com) * spacerog is the HNN representative in this transcript. {start} LoU Press Conferance IRC Transcript This is a transcript of the press conferance held by LoU to which HNN was invited. This transcript has been edited. Server messages, and comments not relating to the topic have been removed. No alterations have been made to anyones statements. Log file opened at: 12/28/98 19:08:31EST *** Topic for #legions: The Meeting is now in session *** Topic for #legions set by optiklenz on Monday, December 28, 1998 20:03:08 #legions: spacerog @rootbot @NeatHack +Big|Feet +Zyk|on +barby__ +LordPsY +nawk @lothos +t3q @dethl0k +XeXeN +ShadoWalk @blakcloud @kInGbOnG @datapleX +optiklenz @sreality +bronc_ @UnixP1mp @[havoc] +headflux +_rash +m0f0 @dyslexia +elux_ +LordVaXen @DigiEbola +parkay @DataShark *** End of /NAMES list. *** Mode is +pmtn *** Channel created at Monday, December 7, 1998 6:30:08 optiklenz: is anyone logging? DigiEbola: yes dyslexia: yes lothos: yeah optiklenz: ok optiklenz: at anyrate DataShark: so am I. Big|Feet: same here NeatHack: log is on [havoc]: shut the fuck up ppl LordPsY: yup blakcloud: go on lothos: ssshhhhhh optiklenz: today the news reported that two crackers were being sentanced to death optiklenz: i'll wait for everyone to finish their conversation.. NeatHack: sentanced to death ?? what press any link on that info ? DataShark: PUT to death. dethl0k: that DigiEbola: from what i saw, some guy mailed my ccmail at work, from cnn optiklenz: Well it's covered by HNN if you want to read an article about it cnn wrote something DataShark: I heard they were PUT to death. dethl0k: s cruel dethl0k: erm DigiEbola: for 31000 dollars at that. DigiEbola: china. LordPsY: ok optiklenz: What they did is wrong with out a doubt, but it was no more a crime than what our President committed by perjuring himself before the grand jury of the United States of America. optiklenz: . It does not deserve the death penalty. The death penalty is something that should be heldFor only those who commit the most gruesome crimes that of murder, child rape, optiklenz: and Being a Benedict Arnold DataShark: There is a VERY big differance between putting two ppl to death and lying to some ppl. NeatHack: agree with optik optiklenz: China's actions has shown superficial, and damaging, and Iraq follows behind. optiklenz: Iraq has treated human rights issues as poorly as China has. DigiEbola: look at both of their goverments optiklenz: A nation made up of starving people While their leader rest in one of his 14 palaces taunting and parading his country men, and above all Involving other countries in his sick escapades. dyslexia: chine is estimated to have murdered approx 100 million ppl internally since the communists came to power optiklenz: . The Iraqi military has access to hydrogen bombs. What in the world do they need hydrogen bombs for? optiklenz: I don't think Something 2+ times the power of an atomic bomb should be operated by anyone for whatever prospect. NeatHack: ok but what is our realtion with them and thier miss governed govrment ? optiklenz: i'm getting to that ShadoWalk: kan the man go on a dialog? please? DataShark: WMD. they whant other countrys to fear them. same as the US. NeatHack: koll [havoc]: human rights! optiklenz: We need to carry out what the government won't, and can't do. NeatHack: optiklenz I agree.. We need to carry out what the government won't, and can't do. lothos: i agree optik DigiEbola: burn them. kInGbOnG: preach on brother optik optiklenz: The government has made threats over China's current human rights standing. They're cutting trade deals or they have in the past. optiklenz: Is it good enough? DataShark: no. optiklenz: to put it simply.. no it's not DataShark: it is fucking sad NeatHack: no optiklenz: China doesn't give a fuck if we trade with them or not. NeatHack: right DataShark: erm.. optiklenz: They dont but we sure do DigiEbola: thats the way we are. optiklenz: We get most of our imports from china in the first place. Look at the tag of Your shirt or any one of your household appliances and tell me differently NeatHack: cuase is shipper to produce their and ship to here... NeatHack: that is one point. LordPsY: sure its cheaper when children make ur shirts optiklenz: What is a threat with out some sort of whacked out maneuver to accommodate It, and bring intimidation The Chinese are all to familiar with "intimidation" ShadoWalk: ok optik.. so what are we going to do about it? lothos: optik lothos: my shirt was made in mexico lothos: heh optiklenz: The Chinese kill people when they want their point heard and when it Comes down to it we all ultimately do that with out as much as the pull Of a trigger or the push of a button. The U.S cant say they've dealt a Fair hand either optiklenz: There are enough problems in Washington as it is now. zortin8r: shit zortin8r: the meeting star? DigiEbola: not to jump ahead, but can anyone be extrodited for screwing with them? optiklenz: When half the government officials perform on a pants down agenda dyslexia: wit the trial of the person who is accused of trying to start a democratic party dyslexia: Digi, there is no extradition agreement between the US and china for computer crime optiklenz: some action has to be taken by an outside group NeatHack: outside group? like optiklenz: not the FBI, the NSA (donut shortage? Not on your life) optiklenz: and no not the fucken A Team optiklenz: I'm sure they know who we are. DigiEbola: well, if we are so hip to trade with them, they could pressure. optiklenz: and if some compliance is not met I'm sure they'll know on a first hand basis. I know what some of you are thinking at the moment "has optik gone mad?! is optik on another one of his week long drinking spree's?!" Answer: "No" DataShark: well (playing the devils advocate) what GOOD can come of some intravention buy a group already involved.. what about getting some other ppl involved.. maybe the l0pht or HDF.. optiklenz: other people have been involved zortin8r: someone bring me up-to-date what are we talking about? optiklenz: look at the cdc, and the hongkong blondes.. optiklenz: zort you know the routine optiklenz: pick up a log on your way out zortin8r: k.. DataShark: the cDc no offence will not get involved.. (will they)? bronc_: cDc + HKB = 0 DataShark: thats what I figured. optiklenz: At anyrate I'm damn serious if we don't act against our nations rights policies, and the nations of others we may not have the right to do so as time progresses. Many years ago our Countries four fathers wrote, "Governments are instituted among Men, Deriving their powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the "Right of The "People" to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Gove DataShark: werd.. (no offense:) ) optiklenz: THEY GOVERN WHAT WE PUT IN OUR MOUTHS! optiklenz: ! DAMMIT LETS NOT LET THEM DO THE SAME TO WHAT COMES OUT OF OUR MOUTHS! DataShark: optiklenz: are you saying we should act agenst the US govnt? DFalcon: hey bola DigiEbola: i do not like the fact that somewhere in this world, someone can be put to death for something we do freely. LordPsY: he optiklenz: I bring up Popular Sovereignty this Is the basis that government can exist and function only with the consent Of the governed (well guess what. That's us). It is the people who holdpower it is the people who are sovereign! DataShark: I agree with lerfty. optiklenz: Data> and if we do nothing it makes things better? DigiEbola: it is about power, and who can wield it. DataShark: I did not say that. ShadoWalk: optiklenz:.. so we act against who? DataShark: I cannot as a person sit idly by and watch someone be persicuted for somthing that in reality IS NOT A CRIME ShadoWalk: or whom optiklenz: It is certainly seem'd like what you were insinuating DigiEbola: we as a country are not going to shake up china, because we want their shit optiklenz: it rather NeatHack: optiklenz you know I done the war in lebanon and I saw political people going up and going down... I know in my opinion when $$$ come to play it is hard to stand but you can stand with nice understanding .... I lived the situation for year POLICATAL WAR AND REAL WAR ... optiklenz: I'm very aware of that zortin8r: 8 zortin8r: ack NeatHack: when u can stop the $$$ game you win DataShark: so what can we do? do we openly protest? do we *laff* write our congressmen? DigiEbola: and that does what? DigiEbola: show me a straight congressman [havoc]: true. DigiEbola: ill take you to hell to ice skate. NeatHack: ture DataShark: heh ShadoWalk: i think i know where he's goin with this.. i'm just waitin to see if i'm right [havoc]: mass hack. optiklenz: I say this to you LoU members.It is our right our duty, and our justice to pull through with a strike against Iraqi data systems to do so we not only aid the people of those countries, but we bring light to the subject at hand to nations everywhere. So I ask you this if you are with me then we must act now, and we must act fierce. We develop the hardware, and software they Utilize. We code the security tools that they use we can just as easily disassemble DigiEbola: name the target. blakcloud: i cant say much about this cuz im not inthe states but personally i dont think it is right what is going on over there and that it should stop... i dunno... ShadoWalk: he said it optiklenz: They've been fucking shit up for years well guess what? It's our turn. DataShark: WERD! ShadoWalk: optik.. lemme get a modem and i'm in NeatHack with you optik [havoc]: damn straight. DataShark: optiklenz: lets kick some ass. dyslexia: ppl, the bottom line issue is human rights, that is something we all must fight for optiklenz: One serve deserves another, and I plan on playing to win. If one official looks at things, and thinks to himself what he stands for is wrong, and things do need to change then we not only dominate the war, but we've already won the war. Even if things stay the same if we could bring the awareness to people who are otherwise dense in cameraperson with their actions then we're that much closer kInGbOnG: wh00p! DigiEbola: we have fought for it in that past. optiklenz: Yeah but we are giving it a new twist optiklenz: our idea of war is blowing shit up NeatHack: optik what about our gov how they will act toward this ??? optiklenz: nothing good ever came out of killing someone NeatHack: talking canada and US giv [havoc]: information warfare! optiklenz: we have nothing to do with the u.s government ShadoWalk: so we take down iraq's databases optiklenz: thats the plan LordPsY: hmmm _defiant: haxor iraqxor? NeatHack: I know ... but when u do stuff to iraq they will take it as US attacking iraq DigiEbola: rm / -Rf and dont look back? LordPsY: Thats a big thing optiklenz: We have the right, and power not to kill, but to speak out, and with our actions cripple an otherwise already broken enconomy. With the trigger they use to kill innocent people I use the same trigger to shut them down, and not only denounce one man, but the entire communist government of china, and fascist rule of Iraq. ShadoWalk: and therefor erase all their amassed knowladge of biochemical warfare.. and deliver a message at the sdame time dyslexia: optik, you have considered that if we become pain enuff to iraq or china, they may choose direct intervention with ourselves as the targets lothos: iraq == .iq i think DigiEbola: yah DigiEbola: they are not beyond hitmen. optiklenz: Dyslexia> yes dyslexia: beyond, that is their only recourse NeatHack: ok optik imagine we are able to shut all IRAQ system what will affect the ECOnomy ,, ?? or the political GAmE ... or the Shit War ?? rootbot: [sreality] rootbot! rootbot! gimme sum! gimme sum, sh1zz! DataShark: erm. NeatHack: how the damage will affect them ? DigiEbola: how good can a iraqi admin be? optiklenz: haha optiklenz: Thats what Im saying ShadoWalk: bet i could take him..heh [havoc]: so optik optiklenz: We need to make it clear that killing people (innocent lives) is not the only resolve. DataShark: keep in mind we HAVE troops over there (the US) I have friends there.lets walk lightly and carry and BIG FUCKING STICK if we do this. [havoc]: the plan for an attack. spacerog: Are you going to operate under the LoU name or form a new group? dyslexia: Digi, most of the arab countries and israel have much experience at dealing with hostile attacks, both politacally, physical and data wise DigiEbola: their systems are reputably old optiklenz: Data> that's the plan [havoc]: should we hop over to europe somewhere and launch ? or from within the us datapleX: lothos! datapleX: bah DigiEbola: dys datapleX: oh DigiEbola: true ShadoWalk: so optik.. are we going to wait until this rash thing is over? NeatHack: Well guy I think you are missing the TARGET here... buy shutting couple of server of ALL the net in iraq they will not understand I think ? DigiEbola: they use propoganda like wild fire XeXeN: yes ShadoWalk: so as not to piss off all the other muslim nations? NeatHack: U must affact them at ecomiy level NeatHack: or political level dyslexia: neathack, the unfortunate reality of economic sanctions etc are lost on the leaders, they dont suffer, only the people do DigiEbola: it would be nice if we had loyal iraqi hackers DigiEbola: working for us ShadoWalk: i saw we take out every military database we kan find.. rm / -rf it NeatHack: that is true dysl NeatHack: then how to affect them ? lothos: spacerogue brings up a good point lothos: do we do this as LoU or what? dyslexia: bring them to the attention of the world, simply as otik says bronc_: sheesh.. NeatHack: that is an idea that can affect the, u see. .ShadoWalk> i saw we take out every military database we kan find.. rm / -rf it dyslexia: optik at least Big|Feet: hrm.. on the defcon mailing list a while back someone brought up the idea "why not attack their systems" and it was argued that they don't have much connection to the net (if any) so what systems are you attacking? DataShark: what is iraqi's top level? DigiEbola: well, you know nobody likes a smart ass, and as soon as one of us walks thru one of their servers and posts, they are going to be PISSED. lothos: .iq i believe dyslexia: heh, they will have links allright, but the majority will be through sympathetic arab countries in the case of iraq _defiant: SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHATS GOING ON _defiant: heh DigiEbola: defiant DigiEbola: we are going to war. ShadoWalk: shyt DigiEbola: heh. DataShark: DO we do this as LoU or what? LordPsY: hehe DataShark: DO we do this as LoU or what? LordPsY: ah hes back DigiEbola: i want china. optiklenz: no optiklenz: we dont do this as anyone LordPsY: so DataShark: anonymous? optiklenz: no names will be left no handles or affiliations optiklenz: the chinese embassy has us under investigation DataShark: what a supprise. ShadoWalk: whooooooohooooooo datapleX: heh ShadoWalk: lets get rowdy _defiant: werd [havoc]: information warfare at its best. _defiant: heh NeatHack: _defiant :the Big image is :optik come up with the idea to attack iraq and china since they are soing shit with them population.... datapleX: uhm...that is really messin' w/ some shit _defiant: NeatHack: didn't everyone say that before heh DigiEbola: oh great dyslexia: ppl, action against governments who ignore the rights of and pretty much enslave their ppl is good in my book, buts it's not just limited to iraq and china NeatHack: and we kind agreed what we are trying to figure out what damage can be cuased ... DigiEbola: some ninja fucker is going to hunt us all down ShadoWalk: 6.4 gigz of kiq azz datapleX: heh optiklenz: one thing I want everyone to know is that we only operate if we can do so without risk _defiant: ok, lets talk about something in a public chan, then try and be anonomous _defiant: makes sense optiklenz: as i said i have no problem working with a client on his network while blasting on chinese communist NeatHack: make sence... DigiEbola: defiant, nothing on irc is anonymous _defiant: Digi: i was pointing out the irony in it DigiEbola: _defiant: yes yes dyslexia: heh, indeed digi, that is true optiklenz: but I would not want to indulge any member into something that would end up ruining his/her life zortin8r: its not like irc is encrypted or anthing.. DataShark: HAHA optiklenz: If we attack Chinese systems the attacks need to originate from china. Same goes for Iraqi networks. DigiEbola: well, efnet has services specially for the purpose of watching optiklenz: heh ShadoWalk: optiklenz: i may be a bit lame.. but i learn hella quik and i'll do it reguardless of consequences NeatHack: and how u do so originate the attack from china?? zortin8r: has anyone here _ever_ encountered and Iraqi network? cause i have never seen one before.. NeatHack: u mean physicaly in china ? optiklenz: do the damage from a chinese network spacerog: I assume that HNN was mailed because you wanted this publiciced, yes? Big|Feet: [optiklenz]: i never even knew iraq had access to the net.. what systems to you plan go nailing so to speak optiklenz: spacerog it's your call optiklenz: Big> iraqi has networks DigiEbola: everyone has networks optiklenz: just because a majority are internal does not mean they are sasfe d4hp: herm ... optiklenz: safe rather Big|Feet: yes DataShark: optiklenz: do we REALLY want alot of attention draw to this before we do some damage? zortin8r: i think me and BigFeet are feeling the same thing here.. where the hell are the iraqi networks? spacerog: opti: cool Big|Feet: like i was saying before _defiant hides and had nothing to do with it ;) dyslexia: optik, for access to iraq we will likely need to look in sympathetic arab nations Big|Feet: the public is not allowed access to the internet in iraq DigiEbola: Big|Feet: not so optiklenz: yeah DigiEbola: Big|Feet: there are a few blakcloud: very few optiklenz: whatever we can do to keep sadaam from going on the net for his daily dose of kiddy porn DigiEbola: matter of fact Big|Feet: probly.. but censored DigiEbola: during the bombings, there was some on datapleX: heh NeatHack agree with that optik NeatHack: roflllll daily dose of kiddy porn Big|Feet: hrm.. saddam's pron stash DataShark: haha DigiEbola: hmm, ya know, if we upload a shitload of kiddie pr0n to his servers datapleX: hahaha dyslexia: thats whta they are hiding from the arms inspectors, lol zortin8r: haha DataShark: ok.. DigiEbola: i guess the government will have to arrest him ShadoWalk: heh _defiant: optik: i agree with it all again, but like, i don't want to get arrested again DigiEbola: yah, my new years resolution is that i dont have to mess with any kind of law enforcement this year [havoc]: cover your ass and the chances of you getting caught are reduced. optiklenz: If they want to fight we stand steadfast with what we believe in, and are ready To strap on our armor and take defense. LoU was established over 7 years ago As a research team, and we also called ourselves mercenaries. "We are ready to Commence, and take partition in electronic warfare if ever requested . The attack will go on for one Week. The time will be extended if needed . If anyone disagrees on the actions We are about to take let me know why. I DigiEbola: you hit a server, you better root it _defiant: havoc: i was arrested for something i never did before, make no sense optiklenz: hshs optiklenz: def> yeah that happens a lot around here _defiant: optiklenz: i'm still down with it as long as we cause no wars etc DigiEbola: lets tear them a new electronic asshole. optiklenz: it's common to hair "what network? computer? huh whats that?" over here at the office optiklenz: s/hair/hear sreality: #1.. I doubt iraq actually has military databases optiklenz: geez maybe i am drunk and just dont know it yet [havoc]: :) Big|Feet: they have to have something zortin8r: if iraq does have military databases and networks, how do we go about finding them? _defiant: DataShark: hah, no, they were serious about it DigiEbola: if it wears a turban, and crawls in sand, root it. sreality: well _defiant: it was like _defiant: YOUR UDNER ARREST sreality: best thing to start with _defiant: heh DataShark: ohhh I have one question.. can some teach me howto hack? Im running into truble when it says to press the any key... sreality: is the iraq tld sreality: scan the shizz outa that _defiant: and some police woman was frisking me optiklenz: this is just recreation optiklenz: heh sreality: then hand probe the boxes sreality: there cant be many DigiEbola: DataShark: i removed the any key long time ago.... DataShark: DAMNIT lerfty. headflux is idle, automatically dead [bX(l/on p/off)] optiklenz: never once have they sent a chick down here optiklenz: basterds. sreality: then goto any nations that surround iraq Big|Feet: what any any chinese governet buildings in the us i bet they have some info DataShark: optiklenz: haha _defiant: optiklenz: yeah, ccu guy and 2 chicks Big|Feet: or iraq or that matter sreality: hey. sreality: umm you forgot something d4hp: tee hee sreality: the iraq databases are gonna be in their language sreality: and umm DataShark: sreality: HAHAH oops.. sreality: none of use has charater support for that optiklenz: sreality> thats what altavista translator's for optiklenz: heh sreality: so how are we gonna know what that is Big|Feet: altavista d4hp: yeh .. Big|Feet: hehehe ShadoWalk: oh yea.. i learn hella quik d4hp: ok there bud optiklenz: haha sreality: the altavista translater doesnt do middle-eastern languages ShadoWalk: ok zort..heh _defiant: zortin8r: YOU TELL HIM HEH NeatHack: sreality> so how are we gonna know what that is NO PROBLEM datapleX: uhm...me to. I would like to try to get into LoU at this time to. sreality: becuz those languages are like NeatHack: I SPEAK ARABIC DataShark: sreality: heh well that is somein we will havta work on.. sreality: scribbles d4hp: Im from Iraq DigiEbola: optiklenz: how would you like this done? hunting parties or completely independent? spacerog: Any objections with using the LoU name in a story for HNN? If I say "A bunch of hackers declared war..." no one will listen. DataShark: anyone speek raganise? NeatHack: sreality> so how are we gonna know what that is I am orginaly LEbanon sreality: BLAHDALKHDAKHJD DIAHIASHIDHA OJIEIAUIDE MBDOMADIJWE! sreality: hahaa optiklenz: ok will if anyone has any objections they have until 8:00 pm pst d4hp: as a matter of fact, Im from the iraq military NeatHack u have a BIG arabic resource.,. GUYS .. DataShark: IM in. DigiEbola: data says he is in. sreality: its a semi good idea d4hp: boooo! sreality: but it has some faults DigiEbola: so thats 2 ppl, and a shitload of terminals blakcloud: hehe DFalcon: what ya guys talking about ? t3q: datapleX: w3rd. sreality: #1.. we need FIRST OFF some iraqie translators DigiEbola: we also have osu here, so we can work anonymously datapleX: werd sreality: #2.. we need to probe the shit outa all middle-eastern countries NeatHack: DAM read what I said sreality> #1.. we need FIRST OFF some iraqie translators DigiEbola: i want lists optiklenz: ok well [havoc]: if we are going to do this with a serious mind, we need to gather together and find specific targets, and take them out.. in a team effort. *zortin8r* wow. optiklenz: I'll be going through possible targets DigiEbola: if its buried in the sand, i will set up a mail somewhere for it to be sent to sreality: NeatHack: so like what, your gonna translate it all, lebanon is partially french speaking too [havoc]: this ballz out attack wont work without a plan. LordPsY: #3 We should get some more infos bout the Iraqi networks NeatHack: sreality don;lt worry I will handle this part bronc_: so we are going at attack Iraqi networks? NeatHack: translation is ON ME>.. optiklenz: havoc> yeah this was just to see if we should go through with something DataShark: NeatHack: ok.. you deal with the translater and the char set.. optiklenz: I'm not playing cat and mouse here so if we go in we go in prepared without risk ShadoWalk: i'm following dtatplex optiklenz: or we all go back to our jobs and coding sreality: grr DigiEbola: all i know is, one character i understand of the iraqi alphabet is # Big|Feet: i should would like to see the whole plan .. should be beautiful NeatHack: I cna have window in arabic linux I do not know ?? dethl0k: jobs and coding ;p sreality: its not safe to rely on ONE person DigiEbola: if i see a #, its all good. [havoc]: we need to make a key'd channel just for this purpose. so we can concentrate on the attacks. dethl0k: j/k sreality: we need two sreality: what if theres alot of shit to translate spacerog: Any plans to cordinate with the Hong kong Blondes? They are supposed to still be in operation. d4hp: tee hee datapleX: _defiant: I was told to bring it up at the meeting... d4hp: erm.. d4hp: like... NeatHack: I can have resource .. sreality optiklenz: spacerog> As of now I have not been in contact with any of the HKB members NeatHack: well let us not put this as WALL _defiant: spacerog: not a bad idea, we should also talk to cDc to see if theres anything we can do more "legal" together optiklenz: but I've talked to a few before lothos: we have #!LoU DigiEbola: well, it would be nice to have some help sreality: fuckg sreality: okay sreality: #1 sreality: anyone whos not a meber sreality: err member optiklenz: bronc> i'll email you something I got from a supposed "HKB" member sreality: should get the fuck outa here sreality: grr DataShark: optiklenz: cc that to me.. bronc_: o i h optiklenz: i dont plan on taking long with this attack _defiant: optiklenz: sort fucking legions.org out as well i can't get ssh to login bronc_: I was told this by a reporter spacerog: Ok, I'm gone. Thanks for the info. I should have a story up tomorrow morning bronc_: dunno if it was true optiklenz: defiant> what version are you using? spacerog: If anyone has anything to ad send me mail at contact@hackernews.com DigiEbola: i lub j00 spacerog DataShark: spacerog: later. optiklenz: talk to you later space.. Log file closed at: 12/28/98 19:53:08EST {end} Jan 9th 12:00 GMT a global hackers coalition released this joint press release: ***// LoU STRIKE OUT WITH INTERNATIONAL COALITION OF HACKERS: A JOINT STATEMENT BY 2600, THE CHAOS COMPUTER CLUB, THE CULT OF THE DEAD COW, !HISPAHACK, L0PHT HEAVY INDUSTRIES, PHRACK AND PULHAS Date: 7.1.1999 An international coalition of hackers strongly condemns the Legion of the Underground's (LoU) recent "declaration of war" against the governments of Iraq and the People's Republic of China. Citing human rights violations and other repressive measures the LoU declared their intention to disrupt and disable Internet infrastructures in Iraq and China. In a decision that was more rash than wise, the LoU will do little to alter existing conditions and much to endanger the rights of hackers around the world. We - the undersigned - strongly oppose any attempt to use the power of hacking to threaten or destroy the information infrastructure of a country, for any reason. Declaring "war" against a country is the most irresponsible thing a hacker group could do. This has nothing to do with hacktivism or hacker ethics and is nothing a hacker could be proud of. Frank Rieger of the CCC said, "Many hacker groups don't have a problem with Web hacks that raise public awareness about human rights violations. But we are very sensitive to people damaging networks and critical systems in repressive regimes or anywhere else. The police and intelligence communities regard hacking as seditious. It is quite possible now that hackers - not only in totalitarian states - could be jailed or executed as 'cyberterrorists' for the slightest infraction of the law." "It is shortsighted and potentially counterproductive," added Reid Fleming of the cDc. "One cannot legitimately hope to improve a nation's free access to information by working to disable its data networks." "Though we may agree with LoU that the atrocities in China and Iraq have got to stop, we do not agree with the methods they are advocating," said Space Rogue of the L0pht. Emmanuel Goldstein of 2600 said: "This kind of threat, even if made idly, can only serve to further alienate hackers from mainstream society and help to spread the misperceptions we're constantly battling. And what happens when someone in another country decides that the United States needs to be punished for its human rights record? This is one door that will be very hard to close if we allow it to be opened." Governments worldwide are seeking to establish cyberspace as a new battleground for their artificial conflicts. The LoU has inadvertently legitimized this alarmist propaganda. With its dramatic announcement the LoU played into the hands of policy makers who want complete control over the Internet and are looking for reasons to seize it. If hackers solicit recognition as paramilitary factions then hacking in general will be seen as an act of war. Ergo, hackers will be viewed as legitimate targets of warring states. Strategic combat planning in the United States and among other nations has reached the point where real-world cases are needed to justify assigned budgets. The LoU is providing this real-world case now. We believe that the LoU should carefully investigate the idea of declaring "war" against China and Iraq. Was it planted with them by someone with different interests in mind other than advancing human rights considerations? The signatories to this statement are asking hackers to reject all actions that seek to damage the information infrastructure of any country. DO NOT support any acts of "Cyberwar." Keep the networks of communication alive. They are the nervous system for human progress. Signed (7.1.1999): 2600 (http://www.2600.com) Chaos Computer Club (http://www.ccc.de) Cult of the Dead Cow (http://www.cultdeadcow.com) !Hispahack (http://hispahack.ccc.de) L0pht (http://www.l0pht.com) Phrack (http://www.phrack.com) Pulhas (http://p.ulh.as/) several members of the Dutch Hackers Community (contact Rop Gonggrijp, rop@xs4all.nll) Toxyn (http://www.toxyn.org/) ***// Supporting documents: http://www.hackernews.com/archive.html?122998.html - ***// The original declaration of war by LoU Legion of Underground's response LoU - Legions of the Underground Joint Statement 7 Jan 1999 The Legions of the Underground (LoU) group was established some seven years ago as a group who researched, explored and learned about technology. LoU has always believed in sharing what they have learned with the general public, which is why we release our e-zine Keen Veracity, and which is why we try and promote a positive image towards the general public. As of late, some of our members have taken it upon themselves to express their opinions on the state of conditions in China by some high profile 'cracks' and the defacing of some Chinese government run web servers. While the LoU supports and stands by their members actions and, as the rest of the hacking community, agree that there are serious problems that need to be addressed in China, the statement that "the LoU wishes to declare 'war' on China or Iraq's internal information networks in order to destroy, damage or harm their computers, systems, or networks" is totally false. The LoU does not support the damaging of other nations computers, networks or systems in any way, nor will the LoU use their skills, abilities or connections to take any actions against the systems, networks or computers in China or Iraq which may damage or hinder in any way their operations. Although this may sound contrary to what the popular media has been presenting, this is a united declaration from the LoU and this is the groups standing on this matter. If you refer to the second Wired.com article on the second series of penetrations into Chinas Internet/Intranet, you can clearly see that an LoU member, in an interview with Niall McKay, clearly states that the second series of penetrations were done independently, and were not done as part of any LoU effort. After a series of meetings, LoU decided it "may, in the future, take actions against other Chinese systems" if other actions, like the one against Lin Hai, continued, but then they may only be actions along the same line as the simple protests taken by others in the past. From this point, the LoU has been, for the most part, silent. We have taken no further actions against China, or any direct actions against Iraq. With the size of LoU, numbering some 20 plus members, and our loose organization, we realize it may be hard to verify if someone is in fact a member, which is what may of lead to the rash of LoU imposters who have been issuing false statements regarding us and our actions. There have been several well known, national publications, as well as online and hacker culture sites that have been getting a flood of reports from people who say they are in LoU claiming to have taken 'such and such' actions, or giving interviews, or even saying they have allied them selves with the LoU. These are all false. There are also new groups who are 'cracking' innocent sites in China, then reporting these and claming they are doing this in "conjuncture with" or for the "LoU effort". We are in no way associated with these groups what-so-ever. In summary, on behalf of all LoU members, let me state that we (LoU) have taken no harmful or damaging actions against either Chinese or Iraqi networks or systems, or any other system or network in any location across the world, and we have no plans to do so. In addition, the LoU has not allied with, and is currently not working or affiliated with any other group or activity. We in the LoU hold strong integrity and a strong code of ethics, and wish nothing more then for fair, equal treatment for all people, and want nothing but a positive light shed upon this for the entire hacking community in general. The Legions of the Underground (LoU): Bah, DataShark, Debussy, dethl0k, DigiEbola, dyslexia, [havoc], IsolationX, Kanuchsa, KingbOng, Lothos, MetalTongue, m0f0, NeatHack, OptikLenz, Sreality, Zortin8r, Zyklon, nawk, Mnemonic, and Bronc Buster (some members wished to go unnamed or anonymous) www.legions.org EOF ***// @HWA 5.1 Spies in the wires 9e99 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [From the ISN list.] Forwarded From: William Knowles Originally From: Julian Assange Originally To: aucrypto@suburbia.net Secret plan for spies to bug PCs By DAN TEBBUTT [The Australian] 13-jan-99 PERSONAL computers would become police spy stations under secret proposals put to the Federal Government by a former deputy director of ASIO. The Australian Federal Police, ASIO and the National Crime Authority would be empowered to alter software to turn PCs into covert listening devices, according to the 1996 report by one-time spy chief Gerald Walsh. The report also recommends changes to the Commonwealth Crimes Act to allow police and government investigators to hack into computer systems for evidence. While Mr Walsh called for public discussion of his proposals, the report was withdrawn by the Attorney-General's Department. But a copy of the 96-page document was obtained last week by Internet privacy campaigners Electronic Frontiers Australia and released to The Australian. A spokesman for Attorney-General Daryl Williams confirmed last night that Mr Walsh's recommendations were under discussion but the report was "just one element" of policy being considered. He would not say whether the controversial recommendations would be acted on through legislation. Mr Walsh warns that widespread use of PC-based data scrambling is a big concern for law enforcement. Criminals were already using computer encryption - programs that encode data so it cannot be intercepted - to prevent police from monitoring phone calls and e-mail. Widespread encryption to scramble sensitive data would make crimes harder to prove in court, Mr Walsh warns. "The principle of non self-incrimination may well represent the polite end of the possible range of responses," the report says. Mr Walsh's plan would clear the way for police to eavesdrop on computer conversations at the source. A "target computer may be converted into a listening device" that could seek out passwords and other private communications without the PC owner's knowledge. EFA spokesman Greg Taylor said authorities might set up Trojan horse software that would record all PC activity, including passwords and e-mail, before encryption. "If you have access to someone's PC and you change their software you can do anything you want," said Mr Taylor. "If it's connected to a network such as the Internet the PC could transmit data to another site." Australian Council for Civil Liberties president Terry O'Gorman said the proposals would be a worrying extension to police wiretap powers which were already over-used. "We are concerned about the low level of protection in relation to current judicial warrants for telephone eavesdropping," Mr O'Gorman said. Labor information technology spokeswoman Senator Kate Lundy said "the whole issue of encryption is being used as a lever to justify further invasions of privacy". -o- Subscribe: mail majordomo@repsec.com with "subscribe isn". Today's ISN Sponsor: Internet Security Institute [www.isi-sec.com] ***// By Gerard Knapp InternetNews.com Australia Correspondent [January 4, 1999--SYDNEY] Law enforcement agencies in Australia ought to be able to "hack" into corporate computer systems and change proprietary software to enable monitoring of communications, according to a 1996 report which had been censored by the Australian government but recently uncovered by a university student. The report also suggested that technology vendors could also be recruited to help modify software or hardware that they installed at a company's premises. However, Australian police agencies have not taken the advice, opting instead to concentrate their energies on interception of telecommunications by tapping into the systems of Internet service providers (ISPs). The report, entitled "Review of Policy relating to Encryption Technologies," was prepared for the Federal Attorney-General's Department by Gerard Walsh, a former deputy director-general of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). It had been released in 1997 with some passages omitted after a request by civil liberties group Electronic Freedom Australia. Greg Taylor, chair of the EFA's Crypto Committee, said a university student in Hobart had discovered an archival copy of the so-called "Walsh report" with the censored material intact. Censored recommendations included giving police and espionage agencies "the authority to 'hack,' under warrant, into a nominated computer system as a necessary search power," and "the authority to alter proprietary software so that it may provide additional and unspecified features." These additional features might include "the introduction of other commands, such as diversion, copy, send, [or to] dump memory to a specified site," the report said. The agencies might need to obtain the "cooperation of manufacturers or suppliers" to help with the insertion of these extra software agents. "When manufacturers or suppliers are satisfied the modification has no discernible effect on function, they may consent to assist or acquiesce in its installation," Walsh said in the report. The establishment of a separate agency to perform such work would approach AUS$500 million, Walsh estimated, but could be performed by the existing Defence Signals Directorate. The report recommended changes to the 1914 Crimes Act and the 1979 Australian Federal Police Act, but the only legislative changes in this area were made over a year ago in the Telecommunication Legislation Amendment Act 1997. This act enabled law enforcement agencies to access communications directly from ISPs, and for the resulting cost to be incurred by the ISPs. The non-censored version of the report is available on the EFA's Web site. @HWA 5.2 Schoolgirl's can hax0r too ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [From the ISN list.] Forwarded From: Adam Bisaro http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_254000/254236.stm Making your email secret is now 30 times faster, but the innovation has come not from a multinational computer computer but a schoolgirl from Blarney, Ireland. Sarah Flannery, 16, has developed a brand new mathematical procedure for encrypting internet communication. "The algorithm is based on matrices," her father told BBC News Online. Dr David Flannery is a mathematics lecturer at Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland. "Sarah has a very good understanding of the mathematical principles involved, but to call her a genius or a prodigy is overstated and she doesn't want that herself. "She's a normal young girl, who likes basketball and going out with her friends." International job offers But her number-crunching feat is undoubtedly remarkable and won her the top prize at the Irish Young Scientists and Technology Exhibition. International job and scholarship offers have flooded in, said Dr Flannery. Last year, Ms Flannery's cryptography skill took her to Fort Worth, Texas, as the winner of an Intel prize. Even when high security levels are required, her code can encrypt a letter in just one minute - a widely used encryption standard called RSA would take 30 minutes. "But she has also proven that her code is as secure as RSA," says Dr Flannery. "It wouldn't be worth a hat of straw if it was not." Ms Flannery currently has a bad cold and has not had time to consider the advice of the judges to patent the code. "She wouldn't mind being rich but she wants to stress the great joy that the project has given her," says Dr Flannery. She may publish the work to make it freely available to all. Her code is called Cayley-Purser after Arthur Cayley, a 19th century Cambridge expert on matrices, and Michael Purser, a cryptographer from Trinity College, Dublin, who provided inspiration for Ms Flannery. -o- Subscribe: mail majordomo@repsec.com with "subscribe isn". Today's ISN Sponsor: Internet Security Institute [www.isi-sec.com] @HWA 5.3 Phraudulant Philth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forwarded From: jeradonah lives http://www.newscientist.com/cgi-bin/pageserver.cgi?/ns/990109/newsstory2.html Filthy business Jeff Hecht Fraudsters are exploiting a security loophole in banking systems that lets them charge credit card users for fictitious visits to pay-per-view Internet sites. The scam leaves victims having to explain themselves to spouses who wrongly believe they have been visiting pornographic sites. The swindlers bill their victims' credit cards a small monthly amount, typically $19.95, for visits to sites they've never seen, according to John Faughnan, a software developer in St Paul, Minnesota, who investigated the scam after falling prey to it. Since Faughnan set up a website to publicise the fraud, more than 200 other victims have contacted him from countries including Japan, Britain, Australia, Brazil, Sweden, South Korea and France. Credit card verification is supposed to require a valid name, a valid card number and a corresponding expiry date, says Don Zimmerman of the Boston office of the Secret Service, which investigates credit card fraud in the US. Mail-order firms may also check if the delivery address matches that of the account. However, a spokeswoman for US Bank of Minneapolis says that firms who make small recurrent charges ask banks to waive these steps because repeatedly asking for expiry dates takes time and annoys customers. But this opens the door to crooks who can obtain valid card numbers. Card numbers alone provide some security because the digits must pass a numeric test, called a checksum, but software that generates valid numbers is also available on the Net. Most numbers generated don't match valid accounts, but those that do can be used to make charges that show up on the victim's bill. Racketeers can also steal card numbers used in valid transactions, and some lists have been posted on the Net. Extra validation steps can block these fraudulent charges, but Zimmerman says that additional security " does cost money, and there's always a bottom line" for banks, card processors and vendors. Faughnan blames the fraud on companies that process charges for viewing online pornography. Because many people who browse for porn give fake card numbers, processors expect high credit charge reject rates and fail to investigate. Most fraudulent charges list the same few vendor names, and he suspects they come from just one card processing group. The fraudsters must generate some numbers randomly, because charges have appeared on unused accounts, but they may also have stolen customer card numbers from pornographers. A spokeswoman for US Bank, where Faughnan holds the account that the fraudsters billed, says: "If we know a merchant has a lot of fraudulent transactions, we immediately report it to the proper authorities." She added that customers are not liable for fraudulent transactions. [From New Scientist, 9 January 1999] @HWA 5.4 Co-Co gets busted. "NSA is Mee mee boh bay" (Furbish for 'very worried') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "u-nye will noh-lah with noo-loo but this is no loo-loo." (you will dance with joy but this is no joke) - Ed Never heard of Co-co? sure you have, hell I own one, didn't you check out the 'Hacking the furby' page yet?? who knows what great secrets lurk in these cute but lethal little furballs. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid%5F254000/254094.stm World: Americas Furby toy or Furby spy? BBC Webnews Jan 13th'99 Furbies - their lips aren't sealed Thousands of families across the United States could be harbouring potentially dangerous double agents - also known as Furbies. The Furby, a highly sought-after Christmas toy in 1998, is now a high-ranking public enemy and has been banned from National Security Agency premises in Maryland. Anyone at the NSA coming across a Furby, or a crack team of Furbies infiltrating the building has been asked to "contact their Staff Security Office for guidance". Immediate and real danger An allegedly classified NSA internal memo alerted other agents to the Furby's secret embedded computer chip which allows every Furby to utter 200 words - 100 in English and 100 in "Furbish." Because of its ability to repeat what it hears, Security Agency officials were worried "that people would take them home and they'd start talking classified,'' according to one anonymous Capitol Hill source. Photographic, video and audio recording equipment are all prohibited items for employees at the NSA. "This includes toys, such as 'Furbys,' with built-in recorders that repeat the audio with synthesized sound to mimic the original signal," the Furby Alert read. Furbys have ears A Furby can be recognised immediately by its huge pink ears separated by tufts of hair. It otherwise resembles an owl, with a beak and big, round eyes. But the furry, cute exterior is merely a shrewd cover for more covert activities. Thought to have come into circulation in May last year, the elusive creatures dodged thousands of weary parents over Christmas, desperately scouring shop shelves to find one to take home. Now, the 13-cm gremlin-like operatives are wanted again, this time for spying. The fate of any Furbys uncovered at the NSA is as yet unknown, presumed top secret. Related links: http://www.phobe.com/furby/ The Furby Autopsy A captured furby is dissected ... http://www.phobe.com/furby/hacking.html And hacking the Furby ...;) r/c anyone? @HWA 6.0 l0phtcrack 2.5 exposes weaknesses in Windows95/98 authentication scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "During testing of the L0phtCrack 2.5 SMB packet capture tool to capture SMB challenge/response authentication, it became apparent to the L0phtCrack development team that Windows 95/98 issues the exact same challenge for each authentication for a period of approximately 15 minutes. During this time an attacker can connect to a network share as the user whose authentication was captured." Check it out at the l0pht. http://www.l0pht.com/ @HWA 6.1 l0pht security tool monitors the *nix /tmp directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mudge releases tool for auditing unix temporary directories 1.8.1999 Having noticed a plethora of problems in temporary holding and scratch areas on various unix platforms, Dr. Mudge releases a tool to help analyze and log these problems. As usual, it has definate white-hat, grey-hat, and black-hat uses. The source and tool are free. http://www.l0pht.com/advisories/tmp-advisory.txt L0pht Security Tool and (mini)Advisory Advisory released Jan 8 1999 Application: A tool designed to monitor directory activity, copy transient files based upon regular expression matching, syslog upon seeing links created, etc. etc. Severity: Just about every OS out there is replete with programs that insecurely handle files in publicly accesible temporary directories. Author: mudge@l0pht.com http://www.l0pht.com/advisories.html 6.2 Cyberspace Underwriter's Labs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Great piece, check it out (excerpt is included here from the wrap-up -Ed) "... As a hacker, is the relationship between the hot-shot safe crackers and the UL an attractive one you would be interested in? Is the UL listing process for installations sufficient? Will it encounter problems unforeseen by this article? As an insurer, am I missing part of the picture; are companies actually insuring their computer systems and data to mitigate Loss or liability? As a manufacturer do you foresee problems with the UL model being imposed on computer security products? As an end user do you feel that computer security is important? ..." http://www.l0pht.com/cyberul.html @HWA 6.3 Local hospital makes the jump to wireless PBX integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By sAs72 I was in a local hospital and picked up a copy of their zine to leaf through while waiting for my replacement Jarvex7 heart valve and came across the following article, quite interesting I thought, so i'm sharing it with you; The article explains the new system and it does sound like a great idea although it isn't anything new. The problem I have with it is that being open like this the Spectralink telephones may be subject to interferance or possibly tampering (malicious) from outside sources. Local ham ops have already seen previously open auto-patches on repeaters closed down and entire smart-repeaters rendered dumb due to abuse of the auto-patches with repeated false 911 calls etc. From 'Vital Signs' 1998, Issue 3 'Innovation' section Enhanced Communication Methods Support Patient Focused Care. By Brigida Callaghan (high-lights) "An exciting communication technology will be launched at the PMH Campus in the new year. Wireless in-house telephone technology will provide a streamlined voice communication process, with quicker customer access and response to enhance service delivery" "Unlike cellular phones, the in-house devices are safe for use in a hospital environment. Operating on radio technology, the in-house wireless phones respond to transmission signals from base stations strategically placed throughout the facility. The system integrates with the hospitals telephone switch or PBX which allows the wireless phones to have all the functionality currently available with a desk telephone" The hospital could be opening up a can of worms with the new system if it is not properly implemented with coded signals and intermod filtering. I've provided links to the co and product specs for your perusal and to satisfy the curious. if anyone has any follow ups i'll be pleased to hear about them and will follow up here. - sAs72 Related links The company providing the Spectralink TWS system. http://www.spectralink.com/ Product literature and specs in .pdf format. http://www.spectralink.com/products/literature.html @HWA H.W Hacked Web Sites (8.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There were literally screenfuls of sites that were hacked over the xmas "holidays" I guess some people had some time on their hands and when grandma said "you'd better get cracking if you expect to be ready for xmas!" the words were misread and this hack flood was the result. Is it just me or is anyone else wondering wether the web cracks go beyond simple defacing of sites? ... rootkits? sniffers? major carnage could be done but it seems mostly people scramble to 'get the site back online' and only report the defacing of the web site but what else? ... --- ... oh the humanity. Cracking tip: You don't have to be a genius to crack a site, got a login to an MP3 site? (usually mp3/mp3) or a warez site (usually something like oh I dunno... hrm warez/warez) yeah?? wow! ok so forget for one minute the mindless collecting of mp3's and warez and wander instead... gee whats this? a passwd file hrm, and gosh a master.passwd file etc etc etc don't believe it could be this easy? well not that long ago people were pulling passwd files over the web with the phf exploit until it got hammered into sysadmins skulls that they were vulnerable (and some sites are STILL open to this and many other well known holes). No it ain't that difficult. - Ed Open query to HcVorg: >HcV HcVorg: >-[ Sysadmin quote of the Day ] > >" Fucking A !! , why cant it be that damn Puff Daddy or The Spice girls " > -Joe your Favorite Paranoid Schitzophrenic Sysadmin > >- " We did no harm blame it on the drugs , on a serious note we are not trying > to prove anything to anyone but "security weakness" - I-L 1. why these guys? did they just happened to be open'n'easy? 2. why no link to the index.html ("We did no harm...") was it saved offline or overwritten? 3. what was the point other than self aggrandization? Anways some of the carnage follows: What was I saying about 'just defacing web sites and doing nothing else'? seems someone decided to take things a step further... the black hats must be loving this one. -Ed Jan 12th - tucows hacked (from HNN) Someone calling themselves "UC3n1wVWGSnAk" cracked www.tucows.com early this morning. While the cracked site may not have been much to look at it definitely was worth reading. The source that is. The source included URLs to various web sites and what appeared to be tucows /etc/passwd file. The only image on the main page was linked to SORM, a Russian Web site attempting to build awareness about the FSB's (Federal Security Service, the successor to the KGB) wiretapping program. From Bikkel; update by demoniz at Jan 12 , 12:22 CET "Rumours are that the Web site of one of the worlds largest Internet software library's, Tucows, got cracked today. We got several emails about the not so usual mainpage of Tucows, which appears to be defaced by a Russian Linux users group. The hackers replaced the front door with their own version. "Long ago we have infected all the programs on this site (and it's mirrors ofcourse :)) by troyan-viruses, and that is why we were able to get access to information on many thousands of computers all over the net. Happy New Year ppl !!! :)" The alleged Russian hackers published in the source of the cracked page a password file which most likely is the one they used to gain access to the Tucows server. The large picture of the Linux penguin linked to a Web site dealing with a Russian Internet Wiretapping Project. Tucows Web site http://www.tucows.com/ Archive of hacked site http://hacknews.bikkel.com/ SORM: http://www.fe.msk.ru/libertarium/eng/sorm/index.html (Tip by numerous, special thanks to Cosmio and `Shinobi for a copy of the defaced site)" Here;s a sample, (sorry ppl I removed the passwords jic) The Tucows.com passwd file. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ root:!:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:*:1:1:bin:/bin: daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/sbin: adm:*:3:4:adm:/var/adm: lp:*:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd: sync:*:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync shutdown:*:6:11:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:*:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt mail:*:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail: news:*:9:13:news:/var/spool/news: uucp:*:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp: operator:*:11:0:operator:/root: games:*:12:100:games:/usr/games: man:*:15:15:Manuals Owner:/: nobody:*:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/bin/false col:!:100:100:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/col:/bin/bash tucows:!:500:500:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/tucows:/bin/bash jlixfeld:!:501:501:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/jlixfeld:/bin/bash gweir:!Ww:502:502:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/gweir:/bin/bash santosd:!JF1g:503:503:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/santosd:/bin/bash adrian:!6jo:504:504:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/adrian:/bin/bash erics:!KGE:505:505:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/erics:/bin/bash bill:!kWU:506:506:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/bill:/bin/bash listserv:!ZUQY:508:508:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/listserv:/bin/bash toddb:!3QEa.AUg:510:510:Caldera OpenLinux User:/home/toddb:/bin/bash argo:!Q4Q:511:502:RHS Linux User:/home/argo:/bin/bash richg:!8HKM:512:503:RHS Linux User:/home/richg:/bin/bash colin:!FCQTI2:513:504:RHS Linux User:/home/colin:/bin/bash danny:!dGyY:514:506:RHS Linux User:/home/danny:/bin/bash enoss:!FKuY:509:507:RHS Linux User:/home/enoss:/bin/bash katc:!I:507:508:hehe! try this password ;-)))):/home/katc:/bin/bash jrocha:!GCUk:515:509:Jerry Rocha:/home/jrocha:/bin/bash president:!I2s:516:510:RHS Linux User:/home/president:/bin/bash bck:!Q6:517:510:Backup program:/home/bck:/bin/bash robbins:!ychf.:518:511:RHS Linux User:/home/robbins:/bin/bash nsabo:!dgU:519:512:RHS Linux User:/home/nsabo:/bin/bash 2korovi. [http://www.tucows.com] */ /* For newbies HackZone. [http://www.hackzone.ru] */ /* Secure Linux Solar Designer [http://www.false.com/security/linux/index.html] FreeBSD [http://www.freebsd.org] */ /* Spat' */ --> Jan 11th - (reported by HNN & bikkel etc, this list from HNN) http://www.cyberjack3.com/ http://www.starwars.com http://www.china-window.com/ http://www.aeudf.br http://flute.gen.com http://alphaassault.com http://streetlightcafe.org http://www.baghdad-iraq.org http://www.ba.com/ http://www.gor.com http://cnnetsvr1.ccmnet.com http://linux.cnic.net http://www.arclp.com/ http://alphaassault.com http://www.xxxteenworld.co http://www.humanrights-china.org pcpowerups.com And spotted by photon via HNN: (85 domains) some listed here. tools.co.kr printingshop.com silkprint.com bigmart.com dcmart.com powersale.com familymart.com seoulstudio.co.kr icard.com Jan 8th - Reported on 100% Pure Bikkel via a tip by Deepcase Star Wars.com cracked? update by demoniz at Jan 8 , 17:24 CET [ it was fixed when I checked it at 5:04pm EST - Ed ] `We lost all our faith in the Star Wars crew. Luke and his friends are supposed to protect the universe from evil alien creatures, but as it turns out, they can't even defend their homebase. Today the official Star Wars site of Lucasfilm Ltd was slightly modified by an evil (alien?) hacker. The hacker changed some words on the mainpage. "The Evil empire is watching you! hello to digit, crazy-b, luke skyw, tmoggie, gaius, cisco9, f11ex, angrignon, ttyp0, xcsh..." ' (is this real of a sysadmin having some fun?) it wouldn't be the first time a site has been party to a fake hack for publicity...- Ed ) http://www.starwars.com/ (Interesting site btw, check out the animatronics section ) Vu|Ture of HcV is 'credited' with hacking the Batman2000 site. http://www.Batman2000.com Web site Jan 7th - Reported on 100% Pure Bikkel (demoniz/CrawlX/Dirty Jew/others) Iron-Lungs of HcV cracked leia.com and thegalleryno1.com which we've seen before on the 'hacked' lists. http://www.leia.com http://www.thegalleryno1.com Jan 5th - Reported by HNN http://www.lod.com/ - Zyklon allegedly cracked LOD communications site -=- Old News revisited (with an update) -=- Sites listed in issue#3 From hnn dec23 rumours section These sites have been hacked Dec23rd'98: www.fractals.com ...........: Still hacked as of Dec 23rd www.ambientcorp.com.........: Still hacked as of Dec 23rd www.lindasy.com.............: Fixed www.paulsonpress.com........: Fixed www.uomini-photography.com..: Fixed www.pagnol.com..............: Still hacked as of Dec 23rd { Extract from issue #3 Newer hacks (Dec 28th) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checked 1:55p EST this msg was posted (and reported) on Bikkel the "Still hacked" sites remained hacked for up to one week after the initial intrusion. Bad, very bad. More sites in protest of high telecom rates: Checked at 12:13 EST by Cruciphux: www.cabolinda.com .....: Server down/not responding www.apibajasur.com.mx ..: Server down/not responding www.doring.com ........: Raw directory with /logs displayed www.villamex.com.mx ....:"Pagina en Construccion !!!!" message www.cabo-architects.com.: Fixed www.finisterra.com......: Fixed *** According to Bikkel RaZa-MeXiCaNa is claiming responsibility, | } +->check elsewhere in this ish for Raza-Mexicana's response to this claim @HWA A.0 APPENDICES ~~~~~~~~~~ Planning on tidying things up a bit around here, make it more uhm hrm, accessible... index and shit, maybe even a PDF version. we'll see. @HWA'98 A.1 PHACVW, sekurity, security, cyberwar links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The links are no longer maintained in this file, there is now a links section on the http://welcome.to/HWA.hax0r.news/ url so check there for current links etc. Hacker's FAQ (The #hack/alt.2600 faq) http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~jgotts/underground/hack-faq.html Hacker's Jargon File (aka "The quote file") http://www.lysator.liu.se/hackdict/split2/main_index.html Site quotable: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.hacksec.org #home;^\ "Knowledge is Power! The pursuit and use of knowledge is a noble vocation. Prudent use of power requires wisdom, balance and courage. In an information age, the ignorant will be subjugated and manipulated. Governments, city-states and corporations exist to serve themselves. We will not abdicate our sovereign rights as sentinel beings. Our sect is a collective of like-minded individuals, dedicated to diversity and perfecting our 'arts'. As digital shamen in a technocratic world, we will defend the WAY!" - HSK, 1998 A few international links:(TBC) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Netherlands...: http://security.pine.nl/ Russia........: http://www.tsu.ru/~eugene/ Indonesia.....: http://www.k-elektronik.org/index2.html http://members.xoom.com/neblonica/ Brasil........: http://www.psynet.net/ka0z http://www.elementais.cjb.net A.A Why I love Microsoft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read it and weep, I recently subbed to this list recently and had the tremendous pleasure of reading this novel on sign-up when a few lines would have sufficed, reprinted here in its entirety not merely to take up space and infuriate people (i'd have put it in the main body if it was to meant to annoy) but as a model for others to follow. Let MS lead you on your way to the future, gh0d bless...Thanks Bill. we all have giga-quad bandwidth straight to our asses. Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 06:00:14 -0500 From: "L-Soft list server at Microsoft \(1.8d\)" Subject: Subscription probe for MICROSOFT_SECURITY - please ignore To: myass@HZ.NOW X-LSV-ListID: MICROSOFT_SECURITY Sun, 3 Jan 1999 06:00:14 This message is only a "probe" to test that the email address for your subscription to the MICROSOFT_SECURITY list is still working correctly. You do not need to take any action to remain subscribed to the list, and in particular you should NOT reply to this message. Simply discard it now, or read on if you would like to know more about how this probing mechanism works. ******************* A "probe" is a message like the one you are reading, sent to an individual subscriber and tagged with a special signature to uniquely identify this particular subscriber (you can probably not see the signature because it is in the mail headers). If the subscriber's e-mail address is no longer valid, the message will be returned to LISTSERV and the faulty address will be removed from the list. If the subscriber's address is still valid, the message will not bounce and the user will not be deleted. The main advantage of this technique is that it can be fully automated; the list owner does not need to read a single delivery error. For a large or active list, the manpower savings can be tremendous. In fact, some lists are so large that it is virtually impossible to process delivery errors manually. Another advantage is that the special, unique signatures make it possible to accurately process delivery errors that are otherwise unintelligible, even to an experienced technical person. The drawback, however, is that this method lacks flexibility and forgiveness. Since the Internet does not provide a reliable mechanism for probing an e-mail address without actually delivering a message to the human recipient, the subscribers need to be inconvenienced with yet another "junk message". And, unlike a human list owner, LISTSERV follows a number of simple rules in determining when and whether to terminate a subscription. In particular, a common problem with automatic probes is mail gateways that return a delivery error, but do deliver the message anyway. LISTSERV has no way to know that the message was in fact delivered, and in most cases the subscriber is not aware of the existence of these "false" error reports. If this happens to you, LISTSERV will send you another message with a copy of the delivery error returned by your mail system, so that you can show it to your technical people. "Well. There it is." - Ed @HWA -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF-- @HWA C*:.'99 (C) Cruciphux/HWA.hax0r.news (r) Cruciphux is a trade mark of humpty wigger attitudez ink. --EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF--EoF-HWA-EoF-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [ 28 63 29 20 31 39 39 39 20 63 72 75 63 69 70 68 75 78 20 68 77 61 ] [45:6E:64]-[28:63:29:31:39:39:38:20:68:77:61:20:73:74:65:76:65]