F R E E P L A Y ! Multiplayer Internet Gaming Newsletter Issue # 7 - Oct 7, 1996 "Meet interesting people on the Internet, then build big tanks and show the bastards who's boss" Home Page - http://freeplay.home.ml.org Editor - Mark Shnayer(freeplay@snet.net) Reporter - Scott Grattan(scotti@wic.net) Sections ------ Announcement - Welcome aboard Scott Grattan Editorial -Random Thoughts Gaming News - Blizzard Entertainment News - MERIDIAN 59 CHARTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM - Microsoft Updates Game Technology - TEN commercial launch, beta test over :( - Accolade ships Star Control 3 Updates - Game patches, updated beta tests Previews - The Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time Review Hotlinks - Bookmark these now! Utilities - To make multiplayer gaming a heck of lot easier PBEM Games - Play By Email Games Quake stuff - WEB pages, utilities, links, patches Online Games - Multiplayer Internet Games you can play NOW Humor - Top 10 Signs you've been playing Quake too much... Details - How to subscribe, back issues, legal junk ****************************************************************** Announcement - Welcome aboard Scott Grattan ------------------------------------------- We welcome aboard Scott Grattan as a regular writer for FreePlay. He has a clear, concise, writing style and should make a great addition to future editions of this newsletter. DO YOU RUN A WWW gaming page? Tell us! We will review your page in the Hot Links section of this newsletter. Over four hundred (and growing by five or more a day) subscribers, in fifteen countries, specifically interested in multiplayer gaming read this newsletter. Also, many game company folks (such as Papyrus and Electronic Arts) are subscribers. FreePlay is looking for more regular or even not so regular contributors. Are you interested? We need regular writers/reviewers for: Play By Email Games, Macintosh games, War Game/Strategy Reviewers I can pretty much handle the rest. Your mission should you decide to accept it :) is to provide a one to two paragraph review on a WWW gaming site or game on any of those topics I listed above. Or even just send us any WWW gaming links if you want! You will get credit for any links you send our way if we use them. As always, the FreePlay newsletter is a work in progress. Sections will come and go depending on material available. ****************************************************************** Editorial - Random Thoughts --------------------------- OUR BIGGEST ISSUE YET! FreePlay Newsletter is being mailed in TWO PARTS due to size limitations with JUNO readers (64k). To JUNO readers, for best results set your FONT to Arial 11 point(Options/Change Font/Arial). The game Quake will NOT be a regular feature of this newsletter. I just happen to be hooked (OK, addicted...) on it for now. Beta Tests come and go. Meridian 59 is out of beta and is now a commercial product. TEN (Total Entertainment Network) has also gone commercial. TEN claims many exclusive on multiplayer games. What they MEAN is no OTHER GAMING SERVICE(like Mplayer) will be able to offer network play of that particular game. But, many of the games they claim exclusive rights to, are IPX capable. The KALI software which allows you to chat and hook up directly with other players is always an option. TEN can't do a thing about it. KALI is SOFTWARE that emulates IPX over a TCP/IP connection that enables users to hook up to each other directly (rather than thru a game server) over the internet, not an online service (correct me if I am wrong!). There are always alternatives. Kali is located at http://www.internexus.net/kali/ Thanks to one of my readers who wrote to me asking how come I didn't review Kali. I wrote back to him saying that I try not to repeat anything already reviewed in previous newsletters. But, it turned out to give me an idea for the editorial. :) Anyway, hey!, for every free beta test ending, there are always more to come. Battle.net (http://www.blizzard.com) is testing now. It will be FREE always. The only advantage I see to beta testing it, is to see what it is like before the rest of the gamers. Or, If they are offering to...then getting Diablo (full version) before it hits the stores. When Blizzard Entertainment releases Diablo and Starcraft it will include software to link to the battle.net servers to play for free. Rumors abound on Usenet message groups that it will only be free the first two months of your signup to battle.net. I haven't been able to confirm that. ****************************************************************** Gaming News ----------- Blizzard Entertainment News http://www.blizzard.com/ ------------------------ Did any of my subscribers make it to the beta test signup Saturday night, October 6th? (Sunday 3:00 AM for me). I didn't try to get on the WWW page. Review follows by scotti@wic.net (Scott Grattan). It's coming. The long awaited answer to gamers dreams all over the world is coming, and it's closer than you know. Battle.net is Blizzard's response to the request for a gaming network that will allow players from all over the world to work together, or against each other. Battle.net goes into Beta testing starting at midnight, October 6th, and will be tested by the first 1,000 people to sign up. Currently, two titles are scheduled to make use of battle.net: Diablo and Starcraft. Diablo promises to be the 21st Century version of Dungeons & Dragons. Through battle.net, it will be possible to link up with other players, and explore catacombs together in search of adventure. Starcraft will be Warcraft-like, in that you must gather your resources to build up your forces to dominate against other races. Battle.net : http://www.blizzard.com/bnet/bnet.htm Starcraft : http://www.blizzad.com/star/star.htm has several screen shots and description of the game Diablo : http://www.blizzard.com/diablo/diablo.htm has several screen shots and a downloadable intro (11M) which is worth the time! (FreePlay:downloadable demo in the online games section of this newsletter) MERIDIAN 59 CHARTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM announced by 3DO. http://www.3do.com ------------------ As a Meridian 59 beta player, you will be automatically enrolled in the Meridian 59 Charter Member Club when you activate an account before midnight PST on October 31, 1996. You will not be charged a membership fee. You can purchase your copy of Meridian 59 at one of many retail stores (see our web site for locations www.3do.com/meridian/) or by calling 3DO Direct at 1-800-336-3506. As a Charter Club member, you will receive free play time from the date you register your account through midnight PST on December 31, 1996, a 10% discount on Meridian 59 merchandise sold through 3DO Direct, the opportunity to serve as a beta tester for future 3DO Internet Content, and receive a personal Charter Club Membership Card. Microsoft Updates Game Technology by Michael Desmond (September 25, 1996) - Microsoft today released version 3.0 of its DirectX collection of application programming interfaces (API) for game and multimedia developers. The new version, which arrives just four months after the release of DirectX 2.0, provides enhanced tools and capabilities for developers to include in Windows 95-based titles. For users, the updated tools should eventually provide better multi-player game play, enhanced graphics and audio performance, and support for digital input devices using Universal Serial Bus (USB) connections. While Dallas says that DirectX 3.0 should be available in games in the holiday season, many developers and analysts feel the lead time will be longer. Total Entertainment Network (TEN) http://www.ten.net --------------------------------- Sept 23,1996 - TEN goes commercial - offers special introductory pricing to first 25,000 members Total Entertainment Network(TEN) commercially launched its service today with special introductory pricing for the first 25,000 members. TEN, has closed a successful open public beta for the past six months with more than 25,000 beta users convening to play hit PC games. Games currently available on TEN include: Duke Nukem 3D, Dark Sun: Crimson Sands, Panzer General, Command & Conquer, Necrodome, Warcraft. Many other games are on their way. The first 25,000 charter members who sign up before Dec. 31, 1996, will receive TEN's special introductory prices through Dec. 31, 1997. To reward its beta users, TEN is offering them an entire month of play for free beginning Sept. 23. TEN recommends a Pentium 90 with Windows 95, 16 MB RAM, 28.8k baud modem and 2X speed CD ROM. The minimum requirements for using the TEN network are 486/66DX2, Windows 95, 8 MB RAM and a 14.4 baud modem. Accolade Ships Star Control 3 Source: Business Wire SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE) via Individual Inc. -- Accolade, Inc., a leading publisher of interactive entertainment software, today announced it has begun shipping Star Control 3 for PC CD ROM computers. Anticipated to be one of this year's great science-fiction adventure games, Star Control 3 is the most recent in the series of celebrated Star Control products. "Star Control 3 continues Accolade's strong lineage of sequels and fulfills the high demand for the continuation of the Star Control series," said Jim Barnett, CEO of Accolade. "Star Control 3 takes Star Control to the next level with lifelike aliens, 3D starships and a giant universe." In this epic adventure, Star Control 3 tests players logic, diplomacy, and battle skills. Many of the mysteries introduced within previous Star Control games are revealed and new mysteries are introduced. As commander, the player's duty is to forge alliances and defend territories while moving to prevent a catastrophic future where the universe ceases to exist. Developed by Legend Entertainment, Star Control 3 requires a 486/66 MHz IBM PC or compatible, 8 Mb RAM, 2X CD-ROM drive, and a VESA compatible SVGA video card. It is Windows '95 and DOS compatible, and is available at an estimated street price of $49.95. For more information about Accolade and its products, please see the World Wide Web at http://www.accolade.com. ****************************************************************** Updates -------- Internet Gaming Zone http://www.zone.com -------------------- Welcome to the Internet Gaming Zone. Engage in challenging competition with other players around the world! The Zone offers you classic games such as Hearts, Bridge, Spades, Chess, Checkers, Go, and Reversi. And now, you can also find opponents for Hellbender, Close Combat, and Monster Truck Madness! To start playing trial versions of these games, download the Hellbender or Monster Truck Madness Trial Versions for FREE! Both shareware and registered version are supported as follows: Close Combat: Retail only Hellbender - shareware and retail supported Monster Truck Madness: Shareware and retail supported. Warning: You MUST be using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 with ActiveX in order to go to the pages that will match you to other game players for Hellbender, Close Combat, and Monster Truck Madness. I knew it! Here goes Microsoft screwing up a perfectly good gaming site, by trying to force you to use Microsofts' browser software. Hoyle Internet Blackjack Beta Test http://smc.sierra.com/bjintercept.htm ------------------------------------- Beta Test Announcement: Friday,September 27, 1996 Hoyle Internet Blackjack and SIGS have been updated! New versions of the Sierra Internet Gaming System(version and Hoyle Internet Blackjack (version are now available. The Sierra Internet Gaming System is being developed by Sierra to allow true, real-time, multi-player gaming capability over the Internet; Hoyle Blackjack is the first of many Sierra games to take advantage of this new technology. If you are a Windows 95 user,and have a true ppp 32 bit connection, we would like to invite you to participate in this BETA test. To get a full copy of this pre-release software you'll need to download a 2.3-megabyte self-extracting .ZIP file. The Chessmaster Network http://www.chessmasternetwork.com/home.html -------------------------------------------- Greetings From Chessmaster Online! It's here!! The NEW version of Chessmaster Online has just been released and is ready to download. Now you can enjoy these fabulous features: * View other players' games in progress. * See the personal profile of all players online. * Select more time controls. * Improved chat functions. * Save games in PGN (Post Game Notation) format. * And MORE!! SubSpace for Win95 1.15 http://www.vie.com/sniper/ -------------------------- Original review in Issue #2 and #4, this game software is being constantly updated. SubSpace version v1.15 is available. Last time I will mention this game unless its a major upgrade or SubSpace goes to commercial release. Death Rally v1.1 update http://www.apogee1.com -------------------- Mentioned in the last issue in the Preview section, it actually should have been in the Games section. I suffer from C.R.S. I guess, and neglected the fact that the shareware version was available for download. Death Rally is top-down view racing game with great graphics. If I remember right, the downloadable 6.9 meg shareware demo is not multiplayer capable. What's new/Fixed in v1.1 of Death Rally: * Support for Sound Blaster cards over IRQ 7 has been added. * Fixed problem with player rankings being listed incorrectly in some rare circumstances. * Name of main game executable changed from DR.EXE to RALLY.EXE to avoid certain conflicts with Windows95. * Various minor bugs fixed. DaggerFall patch http://www.allgames.com/main/dagger.htm ---------------------------------------- Patch Fixes Games saved with the patch cannot be run in version 1.0 that was first shipped. Games saved with version 1.0 can be loaded into this patched version. Many ,many fixes in this patch release. ****************************************************************** Hot Links --------- Multiplayer Online Games Directory http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/m041/fran0264/mpog/ ------------------------------------------------ (Quote from home page) The current trend in computer gaming is to make games for multiple players, and even have them solely based off the internet. Currently there are many Multiplayer Online Games (MPOG) in free beta testing, and tons more in development. I have searched the web to find all the Multiplayer Online Games, and I have compiled this directory of links, reviews, prices and screenshots of many of the playable games on the Net. (FreePlay: This is a great WWW page, nice graphics. Maybe I will ask him to redesign MY web page :). He covers many of the games we cover in the newsletter but with screenshots, ratings, and links to get you to the game site. Vote in the Game of the Month section. Stop by and tell Dave that FreePlay sent you!) Sim Racing News http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~harmon/simnews/ ----------------------------------------------- Welcome to Sim Racing News, the on-line magazine for fans of computer auto racing. The inaugural issue (May 1996) was released on April 23rd and can be found below in two formats, WWW and ZIP. WWW is for those lucky souls who can peruse the magazine on-line without worrying about bills - ZIP is for those like myself who have telephone charges to worry about! Unofficial Battle Isle 3 Multiplayer League http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/4322/bi3lea.htm ---------------------------------------------------- Battle Isle 3 - Multiplayer World Championship Hi out there! After playing several one-player games I tried to find some human opponents in strategic-games related newsgroups. There were some! We started one-on-one matches and recently a real multiplayer map with six human players. More battles will take place. This page was constructed to bring a small tick of coordination in the upcoming battles. So, if you're looking for opponents check back in this place. You'll find some! Just contact one or more of the players in that list, "setup" a new game or join in a "waiting game". (freeplay: For a complete review of this game if your interested point your Web browser to the following WWW page) Battle Isle 3: Shadow of the Empire - Games Domain Review http://gamesdomain.co.za/gdreview/zones/reviews/pc/may96/bi3.html ****************************************************************** Utilities --------- Magic: The Gathering http://www.psnw.com/~ray/ccg.html --------------------------------- NetMagic Beta v0.99.3b FREEWARE Requires: Windows [3.1 or '95] Winsock software for internet connection SLIP/PPP *** Trumpet users must have version 1.1 or later. Play Magic: The Gathering on the Internet!!! Enter your favorite deck and duel against opponents around the world. All you need to know is the IP address of the person you want to play. Download it today and come to #mtg on Internet Relay Chat [IRC not required to use NetMagic, but hey! what a great way to meet other players] IGM(IRC Game Machine) Central http://www.tyrell.net/~duensing/igm.html ---------------------------------------- IRC Game Machine is a Windows IRC client that replaces your existing WSIRC or mIRC program. Instead of just having to learn several "bot" commands having to deal with scrolling text, IGM offers a graphical view of the games being played, and allows you to use your mouse as well as the keyboard to play the games on IRC. In addition to allowing you to "chat" on the regular IRC channels, the current beta test version of IGM will "play" the following game channels with full graphics and mouse support: #acro - An "Expand the Acronym" game. #boggle - The "find the hidden word" game from Parker Bros. #chaos - A game of "shouting answers". #riskybus - A "Jeopardy!" game clone. #blackjack - The casino staple (only on EFnet) #poker - Standard 5 card draw poker with other players #wordsquare - A crossword type game, similar to Scrabble(Registered users only) ****************************************************************** Quake --------- Quake shareware/registered updated ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/quake106.zip ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1.06 Shareware release of Quake as of 10/2/1996 Download the patch if you already have Quake 1.01. It will update both shareware and registered version. Rift - A Quake Network Tool http://www.phoenix.net/~ishmal/rift/ ------------------------------------ The most-asked question about Quake on the Internet right now is: "Do you know any good server addresses? RIFT gives the user an up-to-date, current look at the Quake servers running RIGHT NOW on the Internet. Highlights of Features: Launches Quake! Gets server lists from Stomped.Com and ][ronman Script insertion - Creates a script for Quake to provide an INTERNAL server list HTML page creation - can insert a Quake server list into any HTML page you want. Host name pre-lookup - All desired host names are looked up when Rift starts up Reverse DNS host name lookup - For those servers that are listed only as IP addresses Quake server query - Rift does a Quake server Query much like some other programs Players on a quake server are shown Server settings are shown Ping - Rift can ping any listed server, providing an idea how playable a server might be. Small footprint - Does not modify Quake in any way. Quake Server Explorer http://www.execpc.com/DiskAndDesk/qse/ -------------------------------------- Quake Server Explorer is the original GUI server picker for windows 95. It's the only one to take full advantage of the world's best Quake Server Listing, ][ronMan's. ][ronMan's list is essentially all you need to play Quake. It lists ping times from 6 computers across the USA, and averages the totals into an average ping response time. It also lists the Locations and server flags, which is important in choosing the best Quake server to play on. Not all lists have that. Stomped.com's Server List originates in Minnesota, which is where the ping time is calculated on Stomped's List. QSE 3.7 Features: New player and server support! Player search and server addition utilities! Find any player on the internet! Advanced sorting capabilities, including ascending and descending of any field! Tree View as well as the List View!, New Toolbar!, Detailed status information! New server information and properties like teamplay flags and gravity settings. New formatting and filtering, such as not showing full or empty servers! Auto-reloading, to keep the information fresh, and also to keep your internet connection alive! Complete Web Browser Built In! Graphical Explorer interface with status information Launching Quake via QLAUNCH.EXE or Q95.BAT! Fast load time. Inputting the top 20 servers into quake for fast server changing Saving of servers to text file or html No ping, because it takes forever to ping 120 servers. : ) The All in One Quake Pages http://www.sys.uea.ac.uk/~u9412476/quake.html --------------------------------------------- These pages are not meant to be pretty, with flashy graphics or fancy Java applets. They are meant to show you the latest quake news, FAST. ****************************************************************** (part two of two on its way to you) (part two of two) Previews -------- Wave Slammer - Escape from San Francisco (It had to happen...I lost the &$%@ Web page URL...) ---------------------------------------------------- I T' S C O M I N G High speed, no marketing bullshit, true 3D graphics... Fully Internet-playable! And this September, you'll have a chance... to get wet... to get immersed... to race for your life... in a virtual waterstorm! True immersive high speed 3D racing on the water. If the sharks don't get you, the machine guns will! Escape from a desolate, embattled, sunken New San Francisco. Your Prize? You get to live. For Windows 95. Wave Slammer is a full 360 degree, 3D racing combat game, with realistic wave action. It can be played alone, over a modem (up to 2 players), over a network or the Internet (up to 4 players). Castle Infinity Headquarters http://www.castleinfinity.com/ ------------------------------ Castle Infinity is the world's ultimate multi-player adventure game that you have to get into to believe. So get ready: October 17 is Big Download Thursday. Star Nations http://www.megamed.com/gamedev/starntpr.html ------------------------ Shipping March, 1997 Coming Soon - Visit the Star Nations Web Site A new space colonization and exploration game is set to take strategy and spectacular 3D computer graphics to new heights. Exercise your potential as an entrepreneur, adventurer, crusader, and administrator. Players defend their territories and trading routes with custom-designed starships against the aggressions of both AI-based and real opponents. But it isn't all about war. Diplomacy and strategic alliances have their rewards. Star Nations may be played with one or more players (over a network, modem, or on the Internet) and will initially be available on CD-ROM for PC computers running the Windows 95 operating system. Development for other platforms is also planned. The release is expected in the third quarter of 1996. Retail price is expected to be US$59.95. Space Trading http://www.megamed.com/gamedev/spctrpr.html -------------------------------------------- In this game you slip into the role of a command of a spaceship. Equipped only with light weaponry and a small amount of credits, it's up to you to decide what to do next. Fly around the galaxy, make money by trading goods, attack enemy vessels, and conquer planets. You must combine all of these elements to build up an empire strong enough to withstand an enemy attack. An attack whose happening is just a matter of when. Space Trading has an interface that allows the player to find and zoom in on whatever you wish, be it planet, ship or star. The sliding map feature can show where in the universe you are. The game features multi-player support with Internet, Modem, and network play. The game takes advantage of Microsoft's Direct X technology and has full digital sound and video. Other features include multiple game goals, up to 8 player support, 8 solar systems with up to 11 planets each, 8 different alien races with artificial intelligence, and multi-language support. Space Trading will be available on CD-ROM for PC's running Windows 95. PoloCross - Velocity Internet Entertainment ------------------------------------------- High speed multi-player sports action for the Internet PoloCross offers full Internet playability with integrated voice delivery capabilities, addictive team gameplay, and adaptive artificial intelligence for virtual opponents when you need an extra player to round out a match. It's non-violent and yet highly competitive; fast and frenzied yet well paced; rich in strategy and yet simple to learn. It is a first-person, high-speed action sports title which is similar to a fast-moving mix of present-day sports: hockey, soccer, rugby, and basketball. Two teams of one to three players use a combination of strategy and skill to score points by maneuvering the ball into their opponent's goal. Target platform is a low-end Pentium with a 14.4 baud Internet connection. The title is ready now and will deploy on the Internet shortly. Psygnosis Online - Destruction Derby II http://www.psygnosis.com/ ------------------------------------- The sequel to the best-selling smash 'em up is back on track. Resprayed, rebuilt and retuned, Destruction Derby 2 is a helter-skelter collision course of crumple zones with advanced 3D graphics. Destruction Derby 2 will feature spectacular 3D crash sequences, where cars will actually flip, roll and cartwheel in real-time before hitting the dirt. Upon impact, gamers will see dramatic new special effects, including shooting flames, flying sparks and vehicle parts propelling through the air. "The follow-up to one of the most intense racing games of 1995, Psygnosis' Destruction Derby 2 is smoking the tires once again and is taking to the track with speed." Rqmts: Pentium, 8MB RAM (DOS),16MB RAM (Win95), 2X CD-ROM drive, PCI SVGA Adapter, Soundblaster and compatibles, IPX Network required for multiplayer option(meaning KALI). (found thefollowing on USENET) Hi, I just saw your post, and thought I would let you know that the anticipated release is November of '96 (in the U.S.). At this time, there is not a more specific release date available. Should one become available, I will post to the newsgroup. If you have more questions please e-mail me. Jack Kealy Psygnosis Falcon 4.0 http://www.holobyte.com/falcon4/ -------------------------------- Falcon 4.0 is coming! Falcon 4.0 is a Windows 95, multiplayer air combat simulation set in the Korean peninsula with a real-time war in progress in which you take the role of a single pilot in an F-16 jet fighter. Falcon 4.0's superb 3-D photorealistic, texture-mapped graphics and detailed models of F-16 avionics, weapons and threats will provide the most realistic combat flight simulation available. The ongoing simulation of a complex air/land/sea battle, called the Campaign ManagerTM, will create all of the tension, chaos and adventure that exists in modern air combat, immersing you within the game like no other flight simulation has done before! Expect to see Falcon 4.0 during the first half of 1997. Masters of Orion II http://www.holobyte.com/moo2/ ----------------------------- MASTER THE UNKNOWN BEFORE IT MASTERS YOU Inside a world where population growth is outstripping planetary resources and the need for galactic expansion is critical, you must defend your empire while guiding a team of pioneers on a search for life-sustaining resources. Conquer alien star systems to secure the space and resources that will guarantee your supremacy. FEATURES: Multiple game settings such as selecting the intelligence of your adversaries, the size of the galaxy and the age of the civilization. Choose from 13 predesigned alien races, each with their own special abilities, or create your own using the Custom Race Options. Up to eight players with many multiplayer options. Choose modem, hot seat, local area network or play over TEN Requirements: IBM PC 100MHz 80486DX/4 or faster, DOS 5.0 or later (also runs under Windows 95), 8MB RAM, double-speed CD-ROM drive, Super VGA graphics (VESA required), hard drive (40MB free), Microsoft-compatible mouse. Supports: Sound Blaster (or 100% compatible) ****************************************************************** Play By Email Games ------------------- Panthers in the Shadows http://www.cris.com/~Sturmer/newpits.html ------------------------------------------ Panthers in the Shadows is a newly released tactical armor simulation covering all the fighting on the Western Front. This incredible simulation has over 1,000 weapons systems and over 1,500 types of ammunition modeled in it. Detailed ballistics and angle of attack make this the armor miniature enthusiast's dream computer game. Panthers is a tactical level game, with units representing platoons/sections, one minute turns, and 100 meters per hex scale. Historical force structures include the United States, British Commonwealth, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and Germany. Weapons included are virtually every armored vehicle produced or conceived that served on the Western Front and North Africa. The current version of Panthers is 1.18. Minimum requirements to run Panthers are: IBM-compatible 386/16 PC or higher, VGA graphics or better, 580k free RAM,1 MB high memory, 4 MB hard disk space,Mouse Other links to Panthers in the Shadows: Pits PBEM Club - http://www.concentric.net/~rumbler/pits.htm The Wild World of e-Wrestling http://www.concentric.net/~rumbler/pits.htm ------------------------------------------- e-Wrestling is professional wrestling simulated by any one of a number of different systems, usually run by email. Usually, it involves first creating a wrestler complete with persona and some sort of statistics to resolve matches and then "managing" his/her career. The usual mechanism is to arrange matches with other players, and then (often weekly) the gamemaster (usually referred to as Federation Head) resolves the matches. Repeat as needed. There is a newsgroup, rec.sports.pro-wrestling.fantasy, which covers e-Wrestling, and the FAQ for that group is archived right here. ****************************************************************** Online Games ------------ Front Page Sports: Football Pro '97 http://www.sierra.com/games/fb97/ --------------------------------- The best-selling and most highly-rated football game now sports network and modem play, allowing you to challenge friends to a gridiron battle. Features Modem and network play for ultimate "in-your-face" action. Play as Commissioner, General Manager, Coach, or Player. The only football sim to offer career play. Watch players mature, get injured, improve their skills and maybe even make the Hall of Fame. Our exclusive Camera Angle Management System (CAMS) lets you watch the action from any place on or off the field in breathtaking 3-D graphics. (no downloadable demo i know of yet). Diablo Playable Demo ftp://BITHAWG.TEN.NET/FILEFACT/DEMOS/ADVRPG/diablo.zip ------------------------------------------------------ Holy Moly! This downloadable demo for Diablo from Blizzard is SIXTY NINE MEGS big and its ONE D^&* file! Yes, the ZIP is 69 megs, I kid you not. Unzipped, its supposedly around 200 megs. What happened to the 'good ole days' when the average game fit on two or three floppies???? Good luck downloading it without a T1 connection. Here's the promo from the web site: Diablo invites you to enter a world of dark gothic fantasy. Chose your persona, and enter the labyrinth beneath the decaying town. As you venture deeper into the catacombs, you'll discover weapons, armor, and magical treasures, and develop your character's skills and abilities. Built in support for battle.net, as well as modem, serial, and network play, insures that you'll never have to go in alone. Requirements: Your computer must have a mouse, CD-ROM, and an SVGA video card You must be running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 Your Internet connection must be capable of running 32-bit Windows socket applications(such as Microsoft Internet Explorer) Papyrus: Hawaii Beta-test http://www.sierra.com/papyrus/ ------------------------------ We're looking for a few good racers. Do you think you have what it takes? We've started the beta testing phase for our multi-user racing technology, and now you can be part of the excitement as up to 32 people race against each other, in any one of several races occurring simultaneously. First step: Download Hawaii, the multi-user enhancement to NASCAR Racing. From there, all you'll need is a heavy foot, a competitive spirit, a 9600 baud modem (or better) and a copy of NASCAR Racing. (If you don't have a copy, you can purchase it directly from the Sierra Store, from your local retailer, or by calling Sierra at 1-800-757-7707.) Then go here for more information on whats coming for Nascar Racing II: Chris Shearurn's Nascar Racing 2 Page http://www.fgi.net/~smkart/chris/nascar2.htm Welcome to Playsite (Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, Poker,etc..) http://web147.bbnplanet.com/ ----------------------------- It's in beta test, If I had a nickel for every beta testing game on the internet.....:) I reviewed Chess Live in the FIRST issue of FreePlay. Remember this from issue #1??? Chess Live! - http://oasi.shiny.it/chess/ Play Chess on the web against other people. JAVA applet loads reasonably fast on my 28.8 connection. Very nice graphical chess board. Classic ELO rating for those care about that. It still works, but....change your bookmark! They are moving it to...PlaySite - http://www.playsite.com. It bounces you to the URL http://web147.bbnplanet.com/ Hey, I can do that to. Type in your WWW browser the following url http://freeplay.home.ml.org It will take you to http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/4874 Surprise! (I am in a weird mood today, huh?) Here's the notice. The ChessLive! game is currently being incorporated into an exciting new web site, PlaySite. If you wish to play this game, please note that some of the ChessLive! features have been temporarily disabled as we incorporate them into our own system. Playsite also features Backgammon, Flipper, Checkers, and Poker. Coming soon... Draw Poker, Texas Hold'em, Hearts, High Scores, saved games, and much more! If Bill Gates and Internet Gaming Zone ever go pay-for-play, this site may be a great alternative. It's all JAVA and the graphics are really good. They say there are currently compatibility problems with Netscape Navigator 3.0 for Windows and some PlaySite games. If you find you are having difficulties, try Netscape 2.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0. I didn't have problem using Netscape 3.0. When I checked there were about 16 people online chatting away. Scorched Planet http://ftp.canon.co.uk/studios/scorched.htm ------------------------------------------- Scorched Planet balances tactics and planning (do you engage the enemy immediately, or first shore up your defensive positions and send off fuel scavengers?) with all-out, ball crunching, hell-broke-loose blasting. Based on the RenderWare� 3D graphics engine, Scorched Planet pushes the graphics envelope to the limit with a full 3D perspectively textured world, and real 3D enemies, not sprites. Scorched Planet also provides real-time shadows and an 8 person multi-player option. Two level downloadable, playable demos are available for Windows 95 and DOS. Requires Pentium 90Mhz for DOS version, and for Windows 95 version you also need Direct X installed. Scorched Planet is scheduled for release in October 1996 in Europe and November 1996 in USA. Admiral Sea Battles (playable demo) http://www.megamed.com/gamedev/admiral/admiral.html --------------------------------------------------- Megamedia Corporation is proud to announce the upcoming release of an exciting new naval strategy game: ADMIRAL: Sea Battles Admiral - Sea Battles can be played on a network, null modem, or Internet. Players can choose from eleven different sailing vessels ranging from the tiny, fast Galley to the huge, cumbersome (but powerful) Triple-decked Battleship. Fire upon enemies, destroy or board their ships, obliterate their forts and ports, and accomplish the final objectives. Use ships, forts and ports to defend homes against the marauding ships of the ruthless enemy. Features: 3D Rendered Cut Scenes, Multi-player null modem, local network, and Internet play. Full musical score, voice, and sound effects. Requirements: 486 66MHZ DX2, 2X CD-ROM, (4x recommended), 256 colors, 8MB RAM, Windows 95. ADMDEMO.ZIP 10.3MB Admiral - Sea Battles Playable Demo UPDATED VERSION COMING MONDAY OCTOBER 7th.!! DirectX is required to play this game. (FreePlay: I don't know if the demo is internet multiplayer capable. I didn't want to download a 10 meg file to find out.) Outlaw Racers http://www.megamed.com/outlaw/outlaw.html ------------------------------------------ You drive the city every day and think you know it pretty well, but do you really know all the shortcuts? It's time to cross the line and put your money where your mouth is and enter the toughest race of your life. No pit crews, no closed circuit tracks... Today, you're in the unsanctioned mother of all road rallies as an Outlaw Racer. Features: Microsoft� Direct3D(tm) Technology, Intel� MMX(tm) Technology, Amazing 3D Rendered Graphics, Multiplayer Modem, Network, and Internet play, Hard Driving Soundtrack and Sound Effects (no download demo available) Battleship and Chat http://eng.bu.edu/~tbohsali/java/Chat/Client/ --------------------------------------------- Play BattleShip over the internet with another player. This is a JAVA applet. You must have a JAVA capable browser. Chat Games with Hearts http://chatgames.com/hearts.html ---------------------- Hearts is in beta. Like everything from Chat Games, it is and will remain absolutely free. Hearts is a JAVA applet. You need a JAVA capable browser. Multi-player hearts takes about two minutes to start on a 28.8K modem. As graphics download the game will speed up and get more colorful. The Toe Page http://student-www.uchicago.edu/users/gmturner/ ----------------------------------------------- Toe is a (supposedly) multiplayer game of Tic-Tac-Toe. To make things a little interesting, the board is 5x5 and four (4) in a row wins. Toe represents the first game in a series of many. Chess, poker, maybe go, will be next. I'll also try to do some shoot-em-up's, maybe something simple first like asteroids or pong. Toe is a JAVA applet. You need a JAVA capable browser. Netplay Game CLub http://www.netplay.com ---------------------- NetPlay Game Club (http://www.netplay.com) is a new highly entertaining internet-based gaming service featuring fast, multi-player interactive games for kids, adults and whole families. Membership is free as an Early Bird and members become "automagically" eligible for several great prizes as well! The games are fun, enduring and quick-playing with a live "angel" always available for player help. NOTE: The NetPlay Game Club is currently beta testing, so other players may not be available at all times. We regret any problems this may incur. For the best chance of finding people online, please play between 3 and 7 pm PST. Requirements: Pentium Computer ( 100 mhz recommended), Windows 95,28,800 baud or faster modem, Video resolution of at least 800x600 with 16 bit color, sound card, and microphone (optional) Internet connection with a United States domain Internet Space Wars Home Page http://www.mmmutants.com/~renegade/spacewar.html ------------------------------------------------ Internet Space War is a network playable version of the classic Space War game. Two player only, tcp/ip network and winsock required. The latest version is 95.7.15 Rqmts: Winsock,Windows 3.1, 3.11, Win95 or Windows NT TCP/IP connection to another player, either through the internet on a PPP/SLIP connection or directly through your company network. A worthy opponent at another computer. Netrek Home Page http://www.isn.net/~farnorth/netrek.html ---------------------------------------- Netrek is a 16-player graphical real-time battle simulation with a Star Trek theme. The game is divided into two teams of 8 (or less), who dogfight each other and attempt to conquer each other's planets. There are several different types of ships, from fast, fragile scouts up to big, slow battleships; each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Netrek is played over the Internet, against real human opponents, and requires a direct TCP/IP connection to play. It also requires quick reflexes, fast thinking, and a strong sense of teamwork. (freeplay: I forgot all about this game! How could I! It is the September game of the month on the Online Games Directory WWW page. I played this when I had a 486/33 and 14.4 bps modem and it was playable. With a Pentium 133 and 28.8 modem it screams!) Boggle FAQ http://www.cs.uregina.ca/~hoyle/Games/boggle.html ------------------------------------------------- Boggle is high-speed word discovery game based on the board game by Parker Brother's. A group of players is presented with a group of letters arranged in a 4x4 matrix. The object of the game is to find as many legitimate words of length three or more in three minutes. The player with the most words at the end of the three minutes wins the game. (freeplay: Use the IGM software mentioned in utilities section to play it on IRC!) Lords of the Realm Homepage http://www.sierra.com/entertainment/lords2/ ------------------------------------------- A real time strategy/wargame that takes place in the 13th century (ie knights, castles,etc). It features: Designed from the beginning with multiplayer in mind, Lords 2 supports up to 4 players over an (IPX) Network, or 2 players Head to Head via modem,Fully animated real time battles and sieges using authentic units and weaponry, and very good replayability with many unique country maps, including England, France, Germany, Italy, over 30 unique battle maps and a custom setup option that lets you create your ideal game: short with plenty of fighting (perfect for multiplayer games), or longer with more kingdom management for a more flowing game. Deadlock Demo (Accolade) http://www.accolade.com/products/deadlock/acdldemo01.html --------------------------------------------------------- Reported shipping this game in Issue #4 of FreePlay, only the shockwave demo (plugin applet for browsers) was available. There is now a downloadable, playable DEMO available. The demo featured here is a complete version of Deadlock. It does, however, have a few restrictions: You may research only the basic levels of technology. The game will halt after 40 turns in a single-player game. You are limited to only 3 players in a multi-player game. You may only play on small or medium sized worlds. There is no load game or save game. There are no full-motion, lip-synched messages from your opponents, nor are there opening and closing movies. There is no music. Fly-By-Wire Internet multiplayer add-on for Flight Simulator http://www.datamaxbv.com/ ------------------------------------------------ The exciting addition to the world's most popular entertainment software is now available to you. Flight Simulator� enthusiasts have long awaited the chance of flying together. Fly-By-Wire makes it possible. In combination with Microsoft� Flight Simulator� version 5.0 or above, you can now cruise the globe and meet other pilots on the way. Exchange messages, engage in formation flying and automatically receive actual weather conditions. Give your practice a new dimension by applying proper RT and approach procedures. No matter where in the world you fly, from now on, you must keep an eye out for other pilots. Installation of the add-on and connecting your Flight Simulator� to the Internet is a matter of minutes. The software is self-explanatory and you need only remember a few additional commands. Also we succeeded in keeping the cost down to a minimum, such that the subscription rate is only US$ 15 for three months unlimited server access! ****************************************************************** Humor ----- Top 10 Signs you've been playing Quake too much... 10) Instead of updating your eyeglass prescription, you decide to view the world in 640x480 because of the better frame-rate. 9) You're watching the "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" Christmas special with your family, and blow away the TV because the Abominable Snowman looks just a little too much like a Shambler. 8) You call your local exterminator to spray the basement for Scrags. 7) You start wearing Dad's Black-and-Decker nailgun in a holster. 6) You get out of jury duty by claiming to be prejudiced against Ogres. 5) You tip waitresses by giving out cheat-codes. 4) Your boss gives you a Quad-damage Power-up instead of a raise. 3) The sound of Nine-Inch Nails music causes you to duck behind the nearest concrete wall. 2) You change lanes on the highway by pressing Alt-->. 1) The IRS forgets the audit and calls you in for a Deathmatch! ****************************************************************** Details,details,details... --------------------------- All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Mention of a product in this publication does not necessarily imply endorsement of the product. How to write to FreePlay: Send your suggestions, comments, contributions to freeplay@hotmail.com How to get back issues: Back issues can be found at http://freeplay.home.ml.org or http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/4874 If possible get them there to preserve the sanity of the editor. You may request them thru email to freeplay@hotmail.com only if you do not have www access of any kind. One issue per email request please. This document is copyright 1996 by Mark Shnayer. Re-distribution of it by any means is both permitted and encouraged provided that such action is for strictly non-commercial purposes, the content remains whole, unedited and otherwise unmodified and this statement remains intact. Though not strictly required, you are asked to inform the author of any such distribution. Please send requests for permission to publish this commercially to freeplay@hotmail.com How to subscribe: Send email to Majordomo@marit.cypronet.com with SUBSCRIBE freeplay in the BODY. To remove yourself from the FreePlay mailing list, send a Send email to Majordomo@marit.cypronet.com with UNSUBSCRIBE freeplay in the BODY.