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"want some lasagna?" i ask. she smiles and says yes. contact. i open the glass door and step through onto the balcony, stand up on the railing and fly off. i swim through the air, brushing past trees, walls, and lightposts. i whizz past late-night joggers, glide high above cars. the apartment building is where she stands, on the balcony watching me. it is our castle, and she is the queen. her sceptre smile shines light in the starry night. her eyes follow her joyful king as he surveys the land. her hand rests with champagne on the stony wall of the balcony. --------- the end goes something like this: i return to the castle, we kiss, and we make love. typical ending for one of those stupid typical love fantasy stories, the kind of thing that doesn't happen unless you imagine that it's some sort of middle ages situation, when it seemed that people were genuinely people and they weren't afraid to show their human desires or true compassion for a fellow being. that's when a guy could meet a beautiful girl and spend years courting her to prove his gentlemanship and then once he proposes she confesses she's loved him since the first time their eyes met. it's as simple as that. that shit should happen these days, and maybe it doesn't because we don't have any real castles. hell, this damned country hardly even existed in the time that they were still building functional castles. this damned country builds a building out of limestone, thinking it will last forever, and then 75 years later they have to tear the damn thing down because it's falling apart. a good thing is a thing that you wouldn't want to live without. i wouldn't want to live without food, so food is a good thing. if all food was taken away i wouldn't want to live anymore. if i fell in love with a girl, i wouldn't want to live without her, so that would be a good thing too. we all need to surround ourselves with good things so that when the time comes to decide whether or not you still want to roam around this place, you know that there is something that you should stay for. because going off to france and hanging out at cafes is cool, but not if you're going to have to leave some good thing behind. and i'm not talking about a car, unless you really couldn't live without your car. there's always a good chance that you could get _another_ car but there's no saying that you could get another _true love of your life_. i mean, that shit only comes around so often, and once it does, you need to take off your hat and get down on your knees and beg that good thing to stay with you for the rest of your conscious time. spend as much time as possible trying to improve the lives of other people. you will then find that you live a miserable life and have nothing to look back upon except a lot of outgoing energy. keep some of that energy for yourself and you will turn into a big ball of fuzz that gets to roll around on people and then the people will get stuck inside you and try to get out but really it's such a chaotic mess that they don't know if they want to break free and get smashed by you, or stay inside and be suffocated. suffocation usually causes death because it's a lack of oxygen and oxygen is one of the things that is pretty much necessary for a person's survival. i'd say that oxygen, or the air we breathe, could also be considered a good thing. and that is something that we probably wouldn't want to live without, not that we even have the choice. you could live in an airless chamber if you so pleased, but that would be a dumb decision because choosing to live in a place that would kill you instantly is not a good path to survival. and if our main drive to live is the struggle for survival, making a choice like that would be anti-being-alive. it's a complicated thing, and one usually does not make a choice that totally goes against the nature inherent in one's genes. that's stupid. well, some stupid people do that. for instance, most people realize that it is necessary to eat to survive. i mentioned that earlier. yet there are still those people who force themselves _not_ to eat. those people must not care for themselves very much if they're willing to risk their lives by negating the force of nature. another way to negate the force of nature and to be stupid is to stare for a really really long time at the sun while holding a fortune from a fortune cookie in front of your face. the fortune will be burned into your retina, and everywhere you look, one of the few things you'll be able to see is some dumb line like "do not look far into the future. it is straight ahead." or some equally inane nonsense. and don't bat your eyes at me, you stupid fairy -- i've had enough of your gigglechatter and you should become a ninja person because then people would like you and you could go to japan where people would say: "WOOooo! LOOK AT THE CUUUTE NINJA FAIRY!#!! WHOOOOOo!" and when you chop up fruits and vegetables with your ninja skills, you will be doing something far better than what you're doing right now. it's time for you to face your destiny, fairy-san, and get choppin'. -=-=-----\----\\the end//----/-----=-=- ��ժ .-. ����պ �� �����պ �ժ ��������ժ | | this was an �� �� �� �ժ � � ��Ն ��� | | honestly bad ����պ �� �� � � ����ՆՆ � � ��� | | time-waster �� �� �� � � � � � � � ��������պ | | email-box �� �����ժ ���ժ � � � � � � ��� | | filler �� �����պ ���պպ ����ջպ ��պ ��������պ | | from .----------------------------------------------------------| | trilobyte `----------------------------------------------------------`-' flodis / flowers of disruption #17 / 15.08.99 / trilobyte@hoe.nu tell your friends to jump the line with flodis