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(sh3 s0 flY!#%^) * % % * FIDA: We have 2 mention them so their editor leaves me alone. ;) So, umm, & * du0dz, like, plz check out www.fida.za.net - it's, uuh, like, not : % completely crap. :P % : * -%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%**&-%* How did you know I was looking at you If you weren't looking at me? ________,,,........... .........______ $$$$$$$$$�������^^^^^ '''''"""???zz. $$ ^?$$$ `?; $$ '$$ k0nt3ntz 0f th3 f0rbidd3n kn0wl3dg3 #16 !@#$%^& $;$$$ ?; ,,?;I$$$ ,"________________________________________________________..,,##���', $$ _.+ +.,; --- [ In da zeen ] <00.*#> Credits, Contents <00.*#> Editorial by Wizdumb <01.99> Getting Free M-Net and DSTV by Ph0enix91 <01.98> Phreaking Standard Banks Emergency Phones by Anonymous <01.97> Haxx0ring Your Electricity by Wizdumb <01.96> Traffic Light Hax1ng Warez by Kelesis <01.95> M-Web Dial-Up Hostname Reference by Sigma <01.94> Free Standard Bank Telephone Banking on MTN by JediHobbes <02.99> "Fuck the Evil American Facist Swine" by Wizdumb <02.98> "Loose Ends" Addressed by Wizdumb <02.97> IRC Insanity from Variouz <02.96> Poetry by Pneuma <02.95> Mailbag <02.94> FK Mirror List <03.*#> Outro by Wizdumb --- [ In da ark1ve ] Uber-Elite FK Cover Art by Gnumar PPC Linux execve shellcode by d0tslash Dumb Misc Warez by Wizdumb K-Leet0 SAPS Fax by Vivienne Herselman ,?' $$; $$$QQQ####,,,,________________________________ _________ ______ _ ^^^^^^^^^"""""" __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Editorial by Wizdumb ._ ,;:;,, _. Well, this is it: FK's uber-kief 3rd birthday issue. Eish; 3 years; I really am that sad. :/ Haven't been able to spend quite as much time as I'd like to on the zine this issue, as per usual, coz I've been fairly busy lately, with a whole bunch of arb b0ring crap. Heh, I got evicted from my house, coz our uber-lame jewish landlord was, like, offended by our highly raukus lifestyle and uber-sataniqly graffiti'd car, fridge, etc and, like, he told us we had to move out at the end of the month - waq. :/ So I had to live with my parents for the next month; with my mom for 1 week and with my dad for 3, which was, like, a bit hektik. ;P And I accidentaly found my dad's home-made porn on his PC while I was staying there; like, an avi & a few bmpz, and that was, like, also a bit hektiq. ;P Heh, none of these actually *involved* my dad - just this FAT, FAT black chiq I have never seen in my life. But it was in the webcam directory, and she was on his bed, and you could hear him breathing in the AVI, so, ya, no, eish. Anyway. it was a horrible ordeal. ;P I am aware that this issue is being released before FK's actual 3rd birthday, but my girlfriend bought me a ticket to visit her in the UK, and I'm leaving tonight, so the zine is being released today. ;) Oh, and I finally decided to fork up 12 euros and buy the zine a domain. :) J0o kan go admire itz domain-ness at the effkay.org which is all very 3l33t and all. And, uuh, yeh, ok, bye. wzd@effkay.org ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Hax1ng Free M-Net & DSTV by Ph0enix91 ._ ,;:;,, _. Ok phuck, I have been promising pneuma that i will do an article for almost 6 months now so the time has come... I am still learning to sp33k l33t like pneuma and wizdumb so bear with me on this one if it is a bit dull :P .. ok so enough chat let's get down to da sh1t..... [Ed: sp33k l33t? ;> wE sp3ek *eL0quenTLy* fo0hL!#@$% :P ] What u will need: ================= 1> m-net decoder (If u are really going in for a budget deal nick one from hyperama, they have shitty security... just don't look into that camera stuuuupid) [Ed: hYp3r4m4 s3KuRiTy sUxx!@#$%^&&* :P ] 2> a few social engineering skillz 3> A number where u can send and receive faxes (postnet is good) 4> A brain ... preferably working... M-Net ===== Ok mnet works like this... u buy that little decoder thingy and plug it into your tv. u switch it on but phuckit nothing happens that is cause mnet needs to activate the damn thing first... so u phone them up and ask them to fax u a new user subscription form (NO NOT TO YOUR HOME FAX NUMBER JOOO STUPID PHUCK). Fill it in with shit information except for the number on the back of your decoder which u have to fill in corectly. Now fax this paper back to the friendly people at multichoice. The trusting people they are, they will activate your decoder immediately even though they haven't deducted anything from the bank account u filled in (which doesn't exist anyways) Ok halfway there bear with me.... Now you are thinking won't they disable my decoder again once they find out that the info i gave them is total bull ...No they won't be able to.... Right after your decoder has been activated unplug it from the mains <--- the little thingy that gives it power on the end... leave it like that for about a month... meanwhile mnet would have checked your details and realized they where all shit ... they will then send out "spikes" to disable your m-net again, but since yooor l33t azz unplugged it the "spikes" won't help much. After u have waited about 30 days plug your decoder back in and you are watching m-net for free ... Phj33r. DSTV ==== This one is a bit more technical (and expensive) U will need: ============ 1> Satelite decoder and dish (bribe,steal,do sexual favours.. but get these they are esential) 2> Your own new smart card (most decoder come with one of these otherwize u can buy one for less that 50 bucks...) 3> Somebody else's smart card which u can borrow for a few hours 4> smart card reader writer (phuck knowZ where u will be able to get one of these one of my friends sent me one from america I think radioshack sells them through the net as well) [Wizdumb: I checked to see if something like this was available @ Radioshack's site, and found nothing of the sort (*suprise* ;p). You'll have a really poes time trying to get hold of equipment like this, but I spose it's out there.] 5> Yeah you guessed it u will need a brain for this one too...what made me think of the SAP at this moment??? :-) Well u have probably guessed the rest but here goes... Get you dish and decoder installed. Use your smart card reader/writer to copy the smart card u borrowed from your friend slap that into your decoder and piggy back off of his account... while you are at it use your smart card reader/writer to create a few new telephone cards too.... I am sure telkom won't mind..... ;-) Ph0enix91 phoenix91@beer.com ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Phreaking Standard Bank's Emergency Phones by Anonymous ._ ,;:;,, _. Next to some of the standard bank ATM's, they have an emergency fone, which basically consists of three buttons. The top one, you hit and hold down while pressing either of the bottom two, which will DTMF dial either Standard Bank or the SAPS. Of course, the first one basically closes the line and connects the microphone/speaker pair that you use to talk, hence why you need to hold it down for the entire conversation. I expect you can figure out where the problem with this setup is. :) ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Haxx0r1ng j0r Electricity by Wizdumb ._ ,;:;,, _. Here in SA we have a lot of people who don't want to pay their electricity accounts, but no-one actually taking measures against running up large electricity bills (i mean apart from saving electricity, j0o d0lt! :P). I started thinking about haxx0ring electricity after recieving a R13000 electricity bill this month. After querying the matter with the dept, it turns out that this was 'an estimate', and that the bill was actually R150. But regardless, the ANC trying to convince *me* to help pay off their enormous debt struck me as a bit unkief, and I got thinking. ;) So what can one do to haxx0r yr electricity? Well, assuming you have access to the meter, you can probably organise something. Let's look at some of the possibilities... You can actually just rewire the thing so it doesn't go through the meter, but the electricity dept will probably get a bit suspicious of the fact that yr not using *any* electricity, and when they see your meter they will definately know something is wrong. ;-P You could put a switch in it so you can use *some* electricity so as for them to not get suspicious, but with wires like these, yr gonna need those big, fat switches, and yr meter is going to look real funny, unless you mod it within yr wall or summing. But this may not be practical in all cases, and isn't the safest of ideas. ;P Probably the easiest thing to do would be to position a large magnet on the meter, so as to slow down the rotation of that little metal disc inside it. When the electricity guy comes round to read the meter, just remove the magnet. :) Mm'k. Do what thou wilt. - As long as j0o d0n't involve yrself with hom0sexual beastiality. Coz that shit iz just siq y0h. :/ K'Baai. :/ ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Traffic Light Hax1ng Warez by Kelesis ._ ,;:;,, _. Example of a 3 way traffic light system (not the most complicated). This is generally how the light system works in south africa, not including the walk lamps, but can be included just as easy. 1 RED RED RED 2 SECONDS 2 GRN RED RED 7 SECONDS 3 AMB RED RED 2 SECONDS 4 RED RED RED 2 SECONDS 5 RED GRN RED 7 SECONDS 6 RED AMB RED 2 SECONDS 7 RED RED RED 2 SECONDS 8 RED RED GRN 7 SECONDS 9 RED RED AMB 2 SECONDS If the Logic Controller is set at a scan time of say, 1000ms, The easiest way of controlling the sequence of the lights is to use binary ;) example R A G R A G R A G HEX/BCD 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 0 STATUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Internal Register 1 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 1 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 2 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 64 3 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 A4 3 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 A4 4 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 4 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 5 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 10C 6 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 114 6 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 114 7 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 7 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 124 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 8 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 121 9 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 122 9 -----> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 122 Okay, Start too see a pattern? The Logic Controller has it's own Binary tables built in. There are a few other fancy instructions it can do, like the ambulance stuff etc.. The Processor Stores the HEX values as sequences for the light changes. Simple, Each word of data is executed for 1 sec (ie. the repetition of steps) and the programme is looped continuously until a subroutine is activated. If it make's sense to you??? You can use it Later Kelesis ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. M-Web Dial-Up Hostname Reference by Sigma ._ ,;:;,, _. [Ed: Aaah, yes, I found this article. :) Will still be getting that web-based SAIX/M-Web/Other Dialup hostname thingy together (really :P); will publish a URL next issue. But for now... :) ] Prefix | Location | Phone number + Exchange location ------------------------------------------------------------------ bfn | Bloemfontein | (051) 409-0700 cpt | Cape Town | (021) 918-0000,918-8444 (BELLVILLE) nld | Cape Town | (021) 659-1300,658-8100,658-8200(CLAREINCH) dbn | Durban | (031) 268-8800,204-6100 (CONGELLA) elo | East London | (043) 703-6000 (CAMBRIDGE) emp | Empangeni/RichardsBay | (035) 901-6000 geo | George | (044) 802-6000 kny | Knysna | (044) 302-3000 ldy | Ladysmith | (036) 638-3500 mdb | Middelburg | (013) 283-1000 npt | Nelspruit | (013) 759-5600 pel | Port Elizabeth | (041) 506-8100 (PORT ELIZABETH CENTRAL) pmb | Pietermaritzburg | (033) 845-3000 psh | Port Shepstone | (039) 688-8800 pta | Pretoria | (012) 483-7200,483-0700 (BRONBERG) ptb | Pietersburg | (015) 290-0500 rst | Rustenburg | (014) 533-5500 (SAFARITUINE) sec | Secunda | (017) 620-2000 ulu | Ulundi | (035) 874-0000 upt | Upington | (054) 337-6100 vde | Vredenburg | (022) 709-8000 vdb | Vanderbijlpark | (016) 950-4000 rdg | Johannesburg | (011) 285-0500 (RANDBURG) vic | Johannesburg | (011) 283-3000 (RANDBURG) ndf | Johannesburg | (011) 406-7500 (NEW DOORNFONTEIN) wlk | Welkom | (057) 391-7000 [Ed: Thx Sigma :) ] ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Free MTN / Standard Bank Telefone Banking by JediHobbes ._ ,;:;,, _. Hi. I miss you. I want you back. I miss those quiet moments we used to spend together underneath the missile silo. No wait. Wrong email. This is my article. It's about a nifty little trick that I picked up on that allows MTN Pray-as-you-g0 customers to access Standard Bank Telephone Banking for free! I *have* notified Standard Wank, but they too dumb to pick up on it. Anyway, it's fairly simple. In the following example, I want to transfer money between accounts via telephone banking: 1. From your cell phone dial 565 2. Enter your Standard Bank card number and press # 3. Enter your Standard Bank Telephone/Internet banking PIN 4. Press 2 5. Say to the dumb consultant "Hi, I'm trying to transfer money from my PlusPlan account to my 32-day notice, but I'm lost in the complex telephone banking menus. Please help me" 6. The consultant will merrily agree to walk you through the entire process, prompting you to enter everything in 7. Voila! Transaction complete! Thank the consultant for their time and hang up :) 8. Send all 0-day Britney Spears pictures to me to thank me [Ed: Ummm... Okay. :P ] ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. "Fuck the Evil American Facist Swine" by Wizdumb ._ ,;:;,, _. Okay, time for some opinions about the obvious. Note the k-r4d title of this article, which I hope will prevent people likely to take offence from reading this article and in turn, e-mailling me stupid shit. If you're extremely patriotic and/or completely retarded, please stop reading this zine now, and don't download future issues, just in case. And if you do insist on reading it anyway, please don't just e-mail me like I want to debate this with you, or actually care about your groundless, uneducated opinion. :) Right. :) Today is the 8th of October, the day after US & UK troops started bombing Afghanistan. The newspaper headline says 'RETRIBUTION' -- hardly. There is no such thing as retribution; only revenge, and the Americans are not attacking the people who attacked them, they are attacking a *country*. People's reactions to the September 11th attacks were pathetic, especially those of people in 3rd world countries like our own who were actually upset about it. People are taught to value that which is 'human' and that which is morally 'correct' more than rational thought, logic, and impact on one's self personally. Allow me to explain: The thing which seems to concern most people about this whole thing is the loss of innocent life, which brings me to my first point: *fuck* innocent life. If you were born after World War 2, which, I think it's safe to assume, includes our entire reader-base - you have not lived a *day* on this planet without war. And now that this stuff is happening to America, it could only be better. The Americans wiped out *more* 'innocent life' than *anyone* else has *ever* at Hiroshima and Nagusaki alone, not to mention countless acts of violence and destruction in other countries. And besides guys, if you live in the 3rd world, and understand why the 3rd world is the way it is, then you must realise that obviously America is the fucking enemy simply because they are the world's sole superpower. They keep the 3rd world poor through unfair economical tactics, and produce 1 third of the world's goods whilst consuming 2 thirds, which kinda means that they're taking everyone's stuff from everyone else. :-/ They have only been attacked on their territory *once* during that *4 hour* attack on Pearl Harbour, and they had to make a whole fucking *movie* about it to show us all how hard done by they were. This, while they rape and destroy the rest of the world, covering it over with the illusion of the great American Dream; which could never exist without the starving third world. I'm also highly concerned over this international move towards combatting "terrorism", because it's an extremely broad term, and chances are that *I* am, in fact, a "terrorist" of sorts. And if you're trying to bring about any worthwhile change, chances are good that you're one too. In the weeks following the September 11th attacks, the Americans bombarded TV screens across the world with their patriotic bullshit: firemen walking in slow-motion through rubble with cheesy voice-overs of some punce saying "No Mr. King, I'll always be a fireman; Here in New York City." - I mean, Is this news?! :P And all this patriotism to obscure any possible thought along the lines of "Hey, why *do* these guys hate us so much anyway? What makes some-one want to give their life to destabilise America?" Attacks such as the ones that took place on September 11th are not a problem that America can solve; because they *are* the problem. It just happens that some people have finally gotten sick enough of what America is doing to the rest of the world to take matters into their own hands. And I support them. So fuck you. American Facist Swine. -WZD. [ Epilogue: Personally I reckon that Osama Bin Laden is in Africa, planning a nuclear war against the US. These Russian nukes that everyone is just remembering went missing ages ago are getting the US a bit worried; but they're still undermining the effectivity of a so-called 'dirty bomb'; especially when we could possibly be looking at up to 100 of these 'dirty bombs' with Russian weapons-grade uranium. And even if we're not looking at an amount of bombs that high, you don't actually need to nuke that many cities to hurt the country significantly. Naturally, I don't approve of war - there's no denying that it's completely senseless. Nationalism, capitalism, religion and stupidity are what's really to blame here. Peace... :) ] ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. "Loose Ends" Addressed by Wizdumb ._ ,;:;,, _. Hokay, I've been looking at previous issues a bit, and have spotted a number of things which I forgot to mention some funny details about, or feel I have to mention again for some reason; so this article will be covering those. Exciting, eh? :P < "Tequila" > {FK8} Oh dear, I haven't gotten really drunk since that Tequila drinking competition with Corrupt_SYN - it was simply too awful. :) I don't remember most of it, but what I do remember is pretty unpleasant. Apparently I just disappeared from sight in my drunken insanity, and they later found me lying on Corrupt_SYN's sister's bed, with puke all over me; I'd found her can of 'Tommy' deodorant and was clutching it my chest and screaming "Tommyyyy! Tommyyy!!!" CS's sister hates me to this day, and I have no conscious recallation of ever meeting her. :) So finding me on the bed covered in puke, they decide to shower me. :/ This part I can remember vaguely - I have a single memory of momentarily regaining conciousness after hitting my head against the one side of the shower, in mid-flight towards the other side of the shower, which knocked me out again. Pneuma and Corrupt SYN's girlfriend are watching me do this. CS's gf, btw, is (was) this horribly scary g0th chiq, who was the matric who brought me as a slave when I was in Std. 6 (the Std 6's were being auctioned as slaves for on average 50c each - she paid R20 for me - highest price! :)). Anyway, she used to, like, put dog collars on me and walk me around 'n shiet both at school, and when she caught me in the streets - very traumatic stuff. :/ So they're watching me bludgeon myself to death in the shower... Hold him up! Hold him up! Nooo, I don't want to touch him - he's NAKED! Ok, let me hold him up. Nooo, you can touch him! He's naked! So I knock both the taps of the shower with my head, and they take me out, after which I fall head-first *through* the porcelain toilet-seat. :/ They can't kick me awake, and they figure I'm concussed, so they drag me down two flights of steps by my feet, put me in the car, and take me to hospital where I get given a shot of dextrose & adrenalin. A few moments of vague conciousness follow just afterwards: CS's gf looming above me on my hospital bed, telling me how annoying 'my friend' (Pneuma) is, and that she 'saw my winky'. :P Fade to black. Wake up in hospital next morning, ask nurse where I am, make phone-call to Dad to get home, vow to never drink again. :> < "The Cops Stole My Cellphone" > {FK13} Yea man, like, the fucking cops stole my cellphone. :P It was at a house party, at my old house in Cresta. The neighbours, scared by the large number of black people present, phoned the cops and bitched about people smoking dagga in our driveway. We're told that the cops have been contacted, and everyone stashes whatever drugs they have on them. Kokey goes home. :P Pneuma & I hear that the cops have arrived and, being the brave fighting souls we are, we go to hide behind the house. :) They fire a flare gun into the air in our driveway. ("Hello! I'm an uninvited idiot at your house, with guns n stuf, like, uuh, ph34r my authoritie!" :P) So the cops start walking through the house and searching people for drugs - it's two guys and a chick. They walk into my brother's room where him and his girlfriend are: my brother is handling a large amount of money... That's a lot of money. I got paid. The cop advises him to hide it, because "if those guys" (ie. the other cops) "see it, they will take it". The cops didn't find any drugs. They did, however, steal R50 out of some-one's pocket while searching him, Pneuma's knife, and my cellphone, as well as my brother's. We didn't see them taking the cellphones - else we would've done something - but we saw them taking other stuff, like Pneuma's knife and crap. * Cop opens Pneuma's bag, examines contents... (Looking at ID) Oh, this is Marcel's bag. Well, tell Marcel that we're taking his knife. Thankfully, the cop missed the big chunk of hashish in the same bag. :P And so, that was how the cops stole my cellphone. Apparently, that particular police station (Linden, Jo'burg) is infamous for this sort of stuff. They've found bodies in their driveway and crap, and I heard a story from a friend about some other people who actually saw these cops stealing their cellphones, protested, and got beaten up. Thought I should share this story if I'm going to keep on hammering the police like I do. But I still have some more very good ones, believe me. ;) < "Prodigy Saw Pneuma's Dick" > {FK8} Pneuma and myself went to see The Prodigy live, and took MDMA for the first time. The details of the evening are something completely mad which I won't be trying to verbalise, so I'll just be covering the relevant bit. :) The concert is over and we're walking the 3 or 4 km's back to Pneuma's house. For some reason, I'm lying in the middle of the road. Pneuma is taking a piss at the side of the road. I feel the warmth of headlights shining on me, stagger up onto my feet, and walk to the pavement. The car drives by - It's a limo. Keith Flynt (the guy with the devil-hair) leans out the window and throws a red bull can at Pneuma. Pneuma turns and starts yelling; still pissing. And it was at that very moment, that The Prodigy saw Pneuma's dick. ... Yeap. < Blommetjies.jpg > {FK11} Aaah, yes, I know some of you figured this out. :) These were very popular when they were on the market; available here, in Holland, and I'm sure other countries as well. Strange how the quality of FK improved round about this time; If I expand my mind too much will my head explode? :/ ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. IRC Insanity From Various ._ ,;:;,, _. Various IRC Logs submitted by Impi, Wizdumb & JediHobbes... * Turing^ is offering Xbox 0sec ISO's {HALO, DOA3} on an XDCC fserve just type the trigger: !I take it up the ass for Xbox !I take it up the ass for Xbox hehehehe hmm maybe theres a firewall? yeah that's it try the alternate trigger: !I'm a pirate leeching butt monkey it's hard to jack off while u drunk <\bin\laden> ehehehe, glad u like my handle - no-one else does apparently ;p <\bin\laden> no-one has a sense of humour -- *sigh* :< well i think it be cute <\bin\laden> lol <\bin\laden> hmmm, cute... yeah baby <\bin\laden> s'pose maybe, if yer into the whole arabic bearded kinda thing <\bin\laden> :P i`m all here wet and horny <\bin\laden> errr, hektik. <\bin\laden> i'm here all conservative and, like, muslim n shit well me all horny what u going to do about it <\bin\laden> i'm going to tell you to not eat pig and run away!!!! mahahahahahaha!$@$#@%$%%$^^^ but i must admit, gays know how to have a party um bugga when you ctrl-z... a process, how do you restart it? ah, never mind figured it out if anyone wants to trade ./msg me -> #hwa-security muntha what STD's have u got ? what do you mean? -> #hwa-security like do you have herpes.c ? -> #hwa-security or syphilis.c ? no i dont have that 0day > #hwa-security ok *** Signoff: muntha () man, 'big brother' my ass - they should have, like, *several* 24hr channels - like, one for each room, and they should film *everything* - and then maybe it might suck less and then, if one were so inclined, you could watch the bathroom exclusively or whudeva ;P FREAK@!$#$^% HEH! :) [Ed: More Big Brother funniness...] lare is a ... ooops ;p lara even :) hey depach heh hehehhe :P plummett!@#$%^&*( depach have you seen your sister naked on tv ? who's your sister? Lara =) lol seriously? depach yea i am sorry dood haha heh fine to have your sister on there shame man, poor Depach, go easy on him ;) but it must really suck if she's nationally labelled as unpopular any lady that can fuck up a guy like brad surely is a drag to live with ;p i believe the country's sympathies will go towards you for growing up with her KILL DEPACH AEh AEH ae you guys are so harsh =) naw, i actually think she's kinda spunky KILL KOKEY I WANT TO SEE HER NUDE $#%#@#%$@%@ though i like bitches for some reason (spurs the mob on) LICK IMPI lol [Ed: Poor du0d, that shit is harsh... :) You can see he's cracking... ;p ] Everyone secretly wants to be a geek. this one is damn decent :P as i said i specifically want an indian chick they're the only ones built right heh tiny thin indian girls -estranged.blabber.net:@#hack- ChanServ invited opium into the channel. *** opium (opium@opium.co.za) has joined #hack *** ChanServ sets mode: +o opium she wanted me to go to Hideout yesterday with her and they're quite sweet at the same time where is hideout hideout is out on df malan toward mulderdrift and an indian girl from lenasia also sounds good to me dude, you're one ahead of me already *jealous* heh *competition* let's make a deal mmm? i get the tiny ones if you meet one with a tiny friend, click the forward button and select kokey from your address book and i'll do the same i feel sick nukem is always first for the dry anal choo choo SiR_PsYkO ! errr he'll pull a wet rectal bloodfart thats 2 semi funnies in a day jesus and it'll be wet wet wet, slick. 'lortjgpw94iug0[r9t8g oh my god *** shad0w was kicked by SoftIce (nigga bitch!) [shad0w(~shad0w@] YOUR ASS IS GONNA BE OWNED [shad0w(~shad0w@] AHAHHAH [shad0w(~shad0w@] I"M A FUCKING GOD competition there like can only be one god right? whats the best way to get a puke stink out of a car ? get a new one milk [02:02] *** Topic is ' BATMAN SUCKS!!! FUCK YOU, MY COCK IS *THIS* BIG! BUY ME MENTOS!!! YOU THINK YOU'RE SO GREAT, THEN WHY IS MY FACE GREEN?!!!' heh ahahahahahahhaha what a QUOTE du0d, that's an old l0g :P :} and it was late, and i wuz b0red and st0ned ;p i am submitting that submit it =) lol, to what? :) [Ed: #hack is such an odd place...] you guys talk too much... *looks at the lines and lines of chatter on his screen* talk is cheap jea cheap shit * Bug-E s3x0rs his mouse nice bleh * Vortexia ponders attempting a real hack this is fucked Cum Guzzling Sperm Burping Bitch The once in a lifetime act when blowing a hot streamy load down the back of the girl's throat, proceed to give her a large cold bottle of your most favorite carbonated drink and make her guzzle it down. Then, shake her head vigorously back and forth to create the Cum Guzzling, Sperm Burping effect. A great way to impress your friends. lol, that's hectic. jesus christ, you're a sick man, get some help you should see me do it to my mom on sunday family brunches ;p yah no my hand is cramping ... i want dual head tnx for the great pr0n link :) enjoyitnow!!!!1 Spank my hairy ass and call me a bitch! err... no thanks I'd rather spank your bitch & call her a hairy ass dood someone is tracing u!!! yes u need the hacker music can u get it? i already got it PLAY IT QUICK playing it u safer now dood impi what sniffer you use a55sniffer v1.4 where can i get it pet store? www.imasofak1ngdum8.org that page is busy thanks so keep re trying -> Ops #hack: i cant help myself with this dood dude it does not work must be busy keep re trying can you give me the program yo impi you there sorry i fell off my chair k so can you send me the program i can do u hace p1g3on.dcc? have even |send it by dcc *** Mobeen is now known as MoBsTeR *** MoBsTeR is now known as Mobeen um . /server dcc accept a55sniffer do that *** zmaster (~zmaster@user2538.vip-za.com) Quit (Quit: AlienHead Script v5.0 http://fade.to/aliens) lol *** jc (~fsck@fsck.dial-up.net) Quit (Ping timeout) theres sumthing u dont c everyday *** zmaster (~zmaster@user2538.vip-za.com) has joined #hack nite Impi : when i tried to get the sniffer it disconnected me.. Impi : theres a problem with the servers dcc MH: u mis spelt it . /server dcc accept a55snifferv.14 that was the problem u missed out the v.14 o i see is it working now? *** zmaster (~zmaster@user2538.vip-za.com) Quit (Quit: AlienHead Script v5.0 http://fade.to/aliens) muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! im evil? hey what is activex what does it do and what can it offer me? it's evil, and is designed to aid hackers. itll fuck you up the ass better and harder than last years M$ bug of the week i though it was 4 viewing media? activex is an internet hacking technology that gives you AIDS this is bad.... <---------irc junkie <---- as well ^^^ dorks ./net Vortexia possum.lagnet.org.za oops ignore that no, we won't that's inexcusable CAN YOU GIVE ME AUTO OPS PLEASE I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING how much money u got and duct tape NOT MUCH MONEY BUT DUCT TAPE LIKE HELL I'LL GIVE TO 10METERS PLEASE IMPI GIVE IT TO ME Anyone know what a "fancy wank" is? It's just how it is. it's when you use an ugly chicks vagina to jerk off, so you don't want to cause wear-and-tear on your hands. ahahahahhaha heh s/so/when/ hahaha R U THERE no HI IMPI DIT IS VISHAL CAN YOU SPEAK this is a recording IF YOU R BUSY I WILL UNDERSTAND press 1 to leave a message 1 I HAVE GOT A GOOD HACK WE CAN MAKE SOME MONEY please leave a message no longer than 3 lines at the beep VERY EASY TOO *BEEP* I HAVE GOT A GOOD HACK WE CAN MAKE SOME MONEY VERY EASY TOO thank u for yr message press 2 to save message 2 than u press 3 to verify 3 have a nice day moron help me *voooodooo spells* j00 must bury a tractor in the back yard to offset the evil magick I can't believe it I'm acctually about to download an Aqua mp3 sad *nod* dont do it I'm in the mood for cheese today tho *** afx (afx@ Quit (Ping timeout) cheese makes me smile when I'm having a shit day oh * JungleG ponders who has a pet shop boys megamix mirrored locally u know how u can REALLLLY piss me off? how? I hack u're box again ignore me oh well I love pr0n hey, me too lets hook up :P sorry beesh....my ass is exit only ugh, I meant porn hopium oh hi go turn the fucking tv off go turn it off yerself dont offer to impi.. he'll port scan you no doubt ;p mahaha well, a girl can dream It IS my dream to be portscanned, bruteforced and PENETRATED AEHAEha moodswirl : all u had to do was ask HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 0k plunkett pr0n images now fixed --- *plunkett* FUQ! (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:26] *plunkett* not all of them, just the sexy ones (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:26] [-plunkett-] which ones are sexy? *plunkett* j00 already did it ;/ (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:27] *plunkett* heh (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:27] *plunkett* oh well (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:27] *plunkett* maybe now moodie may like me (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:27] oops ;) eahaeheahe heh FUQ NOOO!!! IT is FAKE heh *plunkett* u suck!!! (plunkoid@zslic.cafejava.co.za) [15:29] [Ed: Tres leet0 plunkett pr0n @ http://subversion.za.org/plunkett Plunkett: Du0d, n0w the sk0rpi0ns kn0w what j0o lo0k like!@$%%&**( ] *** siv changes topic to 'Ruff Riders || [09:45:53] I heard some guy was fired at Spar cos he jerked off into the dough they use to make the rolls' lol that much explain the egg and seawater taste of the Spar rollz I'm not buying bread from Spar again. don't lie fuck u how do u start gnome? blahbot : submission? hmmm... submission is at http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive/Archive/sci/jupiter-satellites.hqx OR ftp://ftp.amug.org/pub/info-mac/sci/jupiter-satellites.hqx anyone know wtf the submission service is for? (tcp/udp port 587) Snapper: i normally use a stick for submission * gripoxE eats his cream cheese again and bounces around on his chair i never payed for dope all my life free cocain rules though <_wildfire> not all drugs are addictive unf unf unf FoRTunately, your attempts to uNF me will prove uNFruitful. I guess that would be uNFoRTunate for you. :) lol but i would finger my sister if i had a chance wizdumb: who's the chick on effkay.org? i'm not telling!~#@$%&*& ;P my boss just e-mailed me asking if i'm working ;/ *sigh* i think i should do stuff g'baai :) kyla? heh, du0d, u cheated - j0o looked at the filename! :P heh, yaww, she sent us a couple of pix, but she doesn't like them, so she's taking better ones this w/e ;) will have a proper pr0n gallery in the next page update nah I was just looking at her boobs and they look like they could be kyla's boobs LOL! hektik. ;p REKOGNIZE I'm in windows feel like I'm doing something wrong heh don't worry you get used to it it's like the first time you cheat on your girlfriend you need volume to enjoy opera My music usualy has something to do with my mood like, if I have lots of energy, I'll listen to energetic music def...bass is very important in opera or you like to feel the trombone up your ass when it plays ;) Cychronz's quite right that's why so many ppl don't enjoy it...they don't have adequate bass Any kind of classical music needs very good quality, clear sound with lots of power and hard drugz overl0rd atleast we got noddy badges so its cool you have a noddy badge??? where's mine??? you dont got a noddy badge well u do .. but mines better i dont need a noddy badge to chat :) 14:02 (@afx) I suq coq for a living 14:03 (@Jay) hey guess what afx I get my coq suq'ed for a living :) 14:03 (@Jay) we could start a partnership 14:05 (@afx) this channel is sick. 14:05 (@afx) (and it's got *nothing* to do with me) 14:05 * afx abdicates responsibility. ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Poetry by Pneuma ._ ,;:;,, _. Ode to the doomed fan. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Look upon the winds that blow, and listen there for my name. Look upon the sun that shines, and smell in it my great fame. Read about me in the media, and listen to me on the news. Capture glimpses of me in crowds, and follow me on my cruise. Stalk my palace late at night, and dig through my trash. Phone me at forsaken hours, and when I look at you flash. Collect everything about me, and buy my every craze. Begin to fantasize about me, and assimilate my ways. Assume you are a relative, and harrass those that are. Cover your walls with my posters, and listen to me in your car. Believe all the good you hear, and destroy those that disagree. Read my every published novel, and watch my every movie. Hum all my catchy tunes, and sing them in the shower. Visit all my past lives, and try relive the power. Date all my ex lovers, and shatter them in suit. Wear my every fashion, and purchase my old boot. Steal my very possesions, and add them to your room. Worship me in every way, and thus reach fandom doom. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PCP crazed bastard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Strange narcotics course their way through my system, I feel a limbre come to my throat, tears to my eyes, I see my world slowly fade, my vision blurs and all I can see Is the enormous fruit basket that you gave to me I lie bedridden here, dying on my bed and the single most thought in my mind is god, I hate oranges, so hard to peel but I gave thanks anyway, and nibble on an apple and when I wake in the morning I realise the truth if I'd eaten the oranges, maybe I'd be better now and not lying here waiting for the final dark my eyesight hasn't returned yet, I feel my body die and whilst asleep what did happen, but if I'd known... perhaps it was meant to be this way, a small pip in the end but now that I know, it can never make amend I slip to the floor, and creep out the room fumbling blindly in my drug ridden gloom and as I reach the exit, of the house called prison I come to a letter from my lost beloved the note made to me, on the last day of us a simple I love you, that now I miss most I take the paper with me, and venture to my car my vision returns slowly, and I turn the ignition countless horses burst to life, and I slowly make my way enroute to your place of residence, there to make away and as I reach your entrance, I see what I never saw my vision working now, I see him on the floor he is gazing up at you, with his casual comfortable eyes and he is laughing at all your wittism, that which I came to despise as I enter the room he stops to stare, his jaw dropping ajar for before I even knew my actions, I had drawn my guitar I strum a few notes for dramatic effect, then raise my hand in readiness about to start my performance, with all the calm of the bereft the base strikes your neck firmly, before anyone can move and as he rushes to his feet, the neck is already loose I wrench it apart swiftly, and aim my next blow the sharp enters his belly, and moves towards his skull the wounds start to spill satisfyingly now two pools of blood combine on the floor and for some good and deserved measure I kick him in his well defined jaw the room is silent now, as I lay down the only noise the gushing of life spilling to the shut door my hands are reddened and I lift the remants of my instrument and play my finale` upon my neck a last attached string snaps a last musical recall a last note to me a last call the only sound now is my last, slow rising cackle and the note of vengence ringing through the room my final exit from the world ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. Mailbag ._ ,;:;,, _. From: "Marc Satur9" To: "Wizdumb" Subject: Proposed FK Reading Method Besides totally inebraited on some minor substance that allows you to pretend that you are infact able to comprehend anything at all. I find that it's quite fun to open the zine in some whitebacked GUI text viewer, and "DJ" with the and keys a bit, and lose focus of your eyes, kinda like you would for one of those "3d" picture things where big gay objects leap out at you. This method not only allows you to see all the cunning "s3kRu+ m3s54g3s", but I end up having digested the entire e-zine anyway. The "s3kRu+ m3s54g3s" are pretty kewl as well by the way. And I am not saying that I gno the content through this ph34rful method either, it's summing to do with the sub-conscious and inebriaty and "The Greater Scheme Of Things". Perhaps I should write an article on "The Suggested Viewing Stylizing", or perhaps I just did. Somedays I even think fk is better upside down while on the can with a big-ass packet of pork rinds and a good ice cold brewsky. But I never tried that, so I can't describe it. MS9 PS: Those articles by that Pneuma guy blow, maybe you should refrain from using his written word in the future... The rest of the zine was kwite good though, keep it up!@#@!#!@#@!# [ Ed: Marc Satur9 noticed the cunning seKr3T m3sZaG3z last issue. Did J0o?! (n0. of c0rz j0o didn't. ph4gg. :P) ] From: "GiGo" To: Subject: xsinet shite I'm no ���R-H�X0R, but the other day i was bored as hell and decided to edit my friend's registry. While browsing randomly i came across her username and password. It wasn't even encrypted, which i thought was up fucked. I think the key was something like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Xsinet. I only passed this on, because I find that the FK guys see things I don't. So where I just see a password you guys might see something bigger, like using it in some way to do something else. I don't know. GiGo oF Humano --== Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an asshole ==-- PGP Fingerprint: 4AB7 94EC 8AB0 DA59 AB52 D7F4 BF56 954A 3DC6 A192 [Ed: I don't have access to Xsinet software. If any of our readers use this service & want to throw us the exact location of the key, feel free :) ] To: "wizdumb@leet.org" From: "Kahl, Peter" Subject: Non-Receipt Notification Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 14:12:07 -0600 was not read because it was deleted before reading at time [Ed: Umm, I See... ] From: "David Hernandez Gutierrez" To: wizdumb@leet.org Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 10:08:39 +000 Hello, I have seen your Microsoft Password Remover (for Access97). Is there another way to programming in other language like Visual Basic, Pascal or something like that?. To create an .exe. Thanks. [Ed: I'm still getting quite a few of these :/ ] From: "Impi" To: Subject: Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 16:54:34 +0200 FUQ U!(&^#$(*&$# [Ed: n0 waY du0d, FUQ *U*!#$^* ] From: "Impi" To: Subject: Love you long time Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 21:49:55 +0200 [Ed: What iz *wr0ng* w this du0d? ;P ] From: "me and" To: comments@effkay.org Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 00:25:49 +0200 Subject: no real subject Hi there all you fk people [Ed: Hi there, err, you ] i just have to say ur E-zine kicks ass and the questions the people mail is just fucking hilarios and not to mention the comments in the mail. i am actualy glad there is a good webpage for za hacking and phreaking. til next time me [Ed: No! Wait! Ask a question! I need to make a funny! grrr :/ ] From: "Joe" To: Subject: pwlcrack Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 23:15:10 +0200 Hey ppl, I got thi really k3wl app (pwlcrack), findz all dialup passwdz on the computer (for MS-DOS). And I didn't make it, I just found it on some website (which I forgot) [Ed: Woah, is that so? Du0d, you have to find that f0r me, it soundz like sum 3l33t shyeet. Then I kan haxx0r MS-DOS dialup passw0rdz everywhere and 0wn the w0rld. ] Thanx, and keep those k3wl issues comin' [Ed: I shure will!#@$^%^& ... Jezuz Xrizt I hope this mail was a joke. :/ ] hAKA_JoE --- Postamble by Zee Edit0r --- I got this cool e-mail regarding my Christianity article last issue, which I think I deleted accidentatly, which is waq, coz I wanted to publish it. Nothing incredible, just a 'if you read the bible and studied the religion you would understand blah blah', but it got me thinking about what I believe to be a fairly important idea that people don't seem to be reaching. That being the importance of *religious tolerance* over respect for the religions of others. Religious tolerance being the practise of recognising the rights of others to think of religious issues as they please, and not discriminating against them on grounds of their religious background alone. I remember in school we were always told to 'respect other people's religions' which is highly d0dgy. First of all this 'respect' word is used to imply all sorts of fucked-up stuff that I don't really agree with. And secondly, there is no reason why religion should be considered a respectable thing. ;P If one is religiously *tolerant*, one will hopefully recognise the rights of others to *disrespect* anything they choose to. ie. If I claim to have molested Jesus around a group of people who are, like, into him or whatever, then it would be *intolerant* of them to beat the crap out of me. ;P Likewise, it would be intolerant of me to actually go round to their place of worship, find this Jesus guy they revere, and actually molest him, but, yah, anyway, I'm shure you get the idea. Peace, Love, and Methyldioxymethamphetamine. Motherfuker. :/ Ed. ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; __... . . ...__ d$$^^ ^^$$b .?$; ;$$;:;, _. FK Mirror List ._ ,;:;,, _. k-r4d 0fficial fk diztribution sitez... http://effkay.org http://antioffline.com/fk http://packetstormsecurity.org/mag/fk http://the.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/forbidden-knowledge Lots of the other sites that mirror the zine are really slow to update their archive, or don't update at all, so if it's not in the list don't bother; I'll maintain a small list of mirrors at the end of every issue. If you are running a mirror site, or would be willing to run one, please contact me at wzd@effkay.org Also; completely unrelated to this; plz spraypaint effkay.org on a wall near your house, or write it on your brother's head, or across j0r seckzi female form, or anywhere where you think it would look good, and mail the pictures to pics@effkay.org - gracias. :) Oh, and if you want to incorporate yr gfx into a design for the forthcoming issue's cover art, or just fabricate some cover art for the zine, plz feel free to do that as well. :) :) ;, ,;;4, ,?;;$;,__________________________________________________________________,,7$; ________,,,........... .........______ $$$$$$$$$�������^^^^^ '''''"""???zz. $$ ^?$$$ `?; $$ '$$ THE FUN IS GONE. :-( $;$$$ ?; ,,?;I$$$ ,"________________________________________________________..,,##���', $$ _.+ +.,; ---------- I HAVE K0DE FOR W0RLD-D0MINATI0N DESTRUCT10N LAZER R0D!@#$^ RELE4SE 0UR LEADER 0R I DET0NATE MY LEFT NUT!$#$%^ I AM FUCK1NG SER10US, 0KAY?!@#^$% :/ ---------- ---------- .[ EffKay: Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists ]. < comments@effkay.org | www.effkay.org | subz@effkay.org >- ---------- ---------- ** Wrietn aDrcig * Mnisetn idnpcig * Mnorcig acretn * * uIsrcin Orntutos * iidcin Hsnuto * ipouto Bgrdcin ** ---------- ---------- {{ TH3 F0RB1DD3N KN0WL3DG3: 1998-2002 BI0TCH }} ---------- -- eof.