:: $$$; iii $$$$$, ZZZZ ____ $$$$$$. $$$$ .%$$$$$` $$$?$$$, $$$$ i$$$$` -------// $$$ `$$$. $$$------- I$$$'---------/ / << < $$$ `$$$, ;$$ ;$$$: $$$ ;$$$ j$$ ,$$$; .. volume 3 $$$ ^^" $$$ __��$$$$' issue 13 .. $$$ $$$ $$$$$�' ----- $$QQ###zzzzz $$$ _ ----------< < ------ ^^"'?$$$$$$$ $$$ ?$$$� I$$ $$$ '?$$$, .I$$ $$$ '$$$, ;$$$ '$$$, L$$$ ;$$$ ," $ :$$$;  : $$$$$$$' ` . ?$$$P '$' ; -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( The Kredz )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Issue: 13 Volume: 3.33 Release Date: Tue Feb 13 13:33:19 SAST 2001 Lazy Editor, Big Kahuna, The man with no shame: Wizdumb Lazy Co-Editor, Conspiracy Theorist, The guy with the shades: Pneuma Ereet k0urier of the 0h-d4y, and, like, totally coastal dude, man: Jus Ereet Lazy afrikaans guy we know who sez he'll write summing sometime: Kokey Krew this Ish: Wizdumb, Pneuma, Jus, Olmec, Sigma, Moe1 Shout Outz To: Gevil, Kokey, Jus, JC, Aragon, Olmec, DrSmoke, Shaddow, Cyberphreak, afx, k-rad-bob, b0g, Rabbit, Ethy, Sigma, aKt0r, d0tslash, b10z, Vortexia, Phrack Special Propz: to the netsluts that populate hacking-related IRC channels around the world. We can't say we'd do what you're doing personally, but we feel it to be a great thing for the ego's of deprived hax0rz everywhere -- well done and keep up the good work! ;-) Fuck Youz To: Pneuma's mom; for never giving me sexx0r, Anyone who likes a sport, The First World, Everyone with more bandwidth than me, Kids, Babies, Parents, Families, And the South African Police service for being the losers who couldn't find any better jobs ;-P Oh: Yea. I've been completely computer-less and out of the scene for the past 8 months or so. I would explain the why's and what's of it all, but it'z fuqn b0ring. ;-P I still don't have a PC, but I'm working on getting one, and Pneuma was kind enough to lend me his fBSD boxlet. The cops: Stole my cellphone. My new one is @ +27 (72) 210-4850 (GMT+2). I'd dig to start getting calls from random overseas weirdo's again. :-) FK Subscriptions: Send mail to minimalist@security.za.net with the subject "subscribe fk" to get new issues of FK e-mailed to you as they are released. Book of the month: Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk (ISBN 0-099-28333-6) Site of the Month: http://www.projectmayo.com -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Contentz )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- <-*-> The Kredz <-*-> Contentz <-*-> Editorial <-*-> Hacking the Cyber Xpress Internet Kiosk by Wizdumb <-*-> Hacking in Switched Environments by Olmec <-*-> mIRC 5.41 DoS by Moe1 <-*-> M-Web Dialup Hostname Reference by Sigma <-*-> Just how stupid Diana PABXs are by Wizdumb <-*-> More Vodacom VMB hacking nonsense by Wizdumb <-*-> Fun with Windoze Networking by Wizdumb <-*-> "The Blob", And other true tales of stupidity by Wizdumb <-*-> Big Ugly Bloated Mailbag <-*-> Forthcoming Attraqshunz <-*-> Outro -+< pHr3e k0dEz!@#$ >+- <-x-> Re-modelled Java TCP Socket API by Wizdumb <-x-> FK Survey by Wizdumb & Jus -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Editorial by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Okay! Okay. I'm a lazy fucking shmoe. But I haven't had a computer of my own for the last 8 months (I'm not a rich kiddie like yall, I fish my hardware out of office trash cans mostly), so it's been difficult. Pneuma was kind enough to lend me his BSD boxlet, and I had a few days free, so I made this issue of FK from scratch. There have been many FK drafts which were never released between this one and the last, because of my lack of hardware and time. I slapped this issue together in 4 days, just to have something to release to tell y'all that we're around n stuff, heh. Yeah, I know FK was s'posed to be dead, but Kokey is a lazy shmoe, so EMI didn't happen. I have, however, had a lot of time to think away from my computer, and I now believe I have the strategy which will grant me complete world domination. EMI will be playing with some different media, and FK will continue as before regularly (and maybe even with an article or two from Kokey if he stops being a lazy bastich :-P). I'll spend some time on this upcoming issue of FK, and release an issue that hopefully doesn't suck too badly this Good Friday the 13th. Many other exciting projects that may, but probably won't, interest you are on their way. :-) Peace, Wizdumb -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Hacking the CyberXpress Internet Kiosk by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- I was quite excited to see a CyberXpress Internet Kiosk nearby my house, this being the first "internet booth" I had seen deployed in SA (The Post Office's PIT (Public Information Terminal) thingymabobbies are on their way but aren't really around yet I think). The machine runs Windows NT, and has this goofy web-browser written by CyberXpress - or so at least, they claimed on their website. Truth be told, they wrote a GUI, and imbedded Internet Explorer 5 into their application el-elito VB k0der style. And although they don't allow URL's with things like "file://", they do seem to allow URL's with just "//". Oh dear. I'd best shut my mouth now before it all just gets too easy. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( mIRC 5.41 DoS from Moe1 )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Setting a channel key with 435 characters or more would cause all mIRC 5.41 clients to crash. However some IRCD's restrict the amount of characters allowed for the +k command. Windows NT: Exception access violation (0xc0000005), Address 0x0048821a Windows 98: MIRC32 caused an invalid page fault in module MIRC32.EXE at 015f:0048821a. Registers: EAX=78787878 CS=015f EIP=0048821a EFLGS=00010206 EBX=004dcfa4 SS=0167 ESP=0087fbe4 EBP=0087fbf0 ECX=00000000 DS=0167 ESI=004dd140 FS=18e7 EDX=00000cbc ES=0167 EDI=004dcfa0 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 78 38 00 74 3c 68 f4 c4 4d 00 8b 45 0c 50 e8 Stack dump: 004d9920 004d9ec4 00000005 0087fc10 00467b47 00000cbc 004d9ec4 00000003 00000001 004e4779 004d9934 00da9218 00469576 00000003 004e4779 00000001 thats all from me... moe1@mailbox.co.za -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Hacking in Switched Environments By Olmec )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -[Contents:] Introduction. Switched Environments: Definition and Examples. Common sense. -[This article serves to explain the problems switched environments can pose to common techniques employed on networks.] -[Introduction:] Today LAN environments are evolving to support their increased load, and need for security. The easiest way to achieve both is to move to a switched network; herein conversations become private and load on each node's NIC is reduced. Essentially each node is only aware of conversations it's implicitly involved in. The complexity of the switched network depends on what solution the LAN needs. Different Layered switches are used here. -[Switched Environments:] Switches route (yes, yes wrong word) packets based on various levels of information. Each level consists of a unique set (to those levels below it) and each level above it has a unique set: Layer 1: This is the underlying network medium [Ed: Physical Layer] usually Ethernet, but can be Token-Ring etc. Layer 2: This is the Data-link layer. This is the level that devices using the Layer 1 medium use to communicate. Datagrams here have a unique physical address that they use it identify themselves. Each datagram transmitted from a node has both the source and destination address (MAC address) present. Layer 3: This is the Network layer. Essentially the protocol used to communicate on top of Layer 2 datagrams. For instance packets have unique IP addresses and TOS fields (IPX and IP). Layer 4: This is the Transport layer. Sockets and Layer 3 packet contents are unique to this layer. [Ed: For the sake of making things a bit clearer, these are the three OSI layers that don't apply to switching... Layer 5: The Session Layer. This layer manages communication sessions - service requests and responses and all that junk. Layer 6: The Presentation Layer - coding and conversion functions for the application layer - like ASCII or MPEG or whatever. Layer 7: The Application Layer - Provides services directly to applications. Okay. Now I've confused you even more than Olmec has. That wasn't my intention. I just wanted to get the full picture intact for yall so I can show you how it fits together, so Olmec's terminology makes a bit more sense to yall dumbasses :) Aight... User information from the Application layer is converted to data That data is then converted into segments Segments are converted to packets or datagrams Those are converted to frames And frames are converted to bits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Application | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Presentation | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Upper Layer Data| Session | PDU | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TCP Header | Upper Layer Data| Transport | Segment | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | IP Header | Data | Network | Packet | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LLC Header | Data | Data-Link | Frame | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | MAC Header | Data | Physical | Bits | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 101110101 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You dig? Hokay, back to Olmec... ] For example a Layer 2 switch can switch packets based on source and destination physical address. Layer 3 switches can switch on protocol information, protocol type and socket addresses. Layer 4 switches can switch based on connections i.e. complete sockets, as well as switch side ports, rules can also be applied on top of this further limiting conversations. There are essentially two types of conversations, direct and broadcast. Direct conversations are those that sender knows the exact address of the receiver and needs only to communicate with it. Broadcast conversations are those that hosts, either lacking higher level config (IP address assigned over DHCP for example). The use of various switches depends on the need of the network. For instance, refer to [Figure 1] here direct conversations between PC 1 and PC 2 are private from both the Layer 4 switch and any other network device, except the Layer 2 switch they both are connected to. +------+ +------+ +-----+ | PC 1 | | PC 2 | .............. | YOU | +------+ +------+ +-----+ \ / +----------------+ | Layer 2 Switch | +----------------------------+ +----------------+ | PC 3 (central DHCP server) | \ +----------------------------+ \ | +----------------+ +----------+ | Layer 4 Switch |=========| Internet | | With rule set | +----------+ +----------------+ -[Figure 1] A layer four switch has the ability to route packets based on physical addresses, IP addresses and ports. This allows rule-sets to be established in order to further increase network security (i.e. sales cant get to accounts etc). The problem is that each of these implementations has several drawbacks these will be discussed later. -[Network Enumeration in switched environments:] Note: please refer to the LAN detailed in Figure One Ok, so you have plugged into the LAN (into the layer 2 switch) and you need to know what's what and where. Here are your detailed options: 1. You can send out an IP packet that is corrupt, in the sense that the IP address is ( or send to a lower level physical address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). One of two things is going to happen: 1.1 The Layer 2 switch is going to drop the packet (this is bad) and/or kill the port for a period. However, the MAC (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF) is a broadcast address, so it will most probably be sent to all active ports on the switch (see below). The Layer 2 switch is going to broadcast that packet to all PCs on the LAN (this is better). Information regarding PCs on the LAN can be determined from the resulting packets. However due to the nature of the packet, most PCs are likely to drop it. The beauty of MS LANs is that they essentially run on several broadcast protocols, NetBEUI and their Samba. 2. You can send various DHCP/BOOTP requests out, however for this to work, you need to know the IP of the DHCP server. However I have found that MS's DHCP seems to respond (at least in part) to requests with invalid source and destination IPs. The response is sufficient to gain the DHCP servers IP. 2.1 There are several protocols that are broadcast over the LAN, (WINS and ARP are excellent examples). These are too complex to explain now but ICMP errors and ARP requests are magic. [Wizdumb: Connectionless protocols in WAN environments is just asking for it.] BOOTP is also another excellent example. BOOTP servers respond to some of the most mundane requests. Its broadcast, and very easy to gain information. 3. One can use directional broadcast pings, this does however require knowledge of subnets i.e. the first 24 bits of the IP address. Thus all machines on that subnet will respond: 3.1 ping all machines on will respond. 4. Another method, similar to that described in 3 above, developed in co-operation with Aragon, is a SYN-BROADCAST. Herein a TCP packet, with the SYN flag set is sent to a broadcast address. 4.1 The resulting responses are very interesting. 99% of the time, windows boxes will respond with a RST/ACK. Thus detection of M$ boxes (NT and 98 inc.) can be reliably done without much LAN noise being generated (see article on SZN with regards to logging SYN scans). [Ed: SZN is @ www.security.za.net] -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- M-Web Dialup Hostname Reference by Sigma -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Wyzewun's Wordz of Wizdumb... Okay. I officialy suck. I accidentaly deleted Sigma's article and I don't really have time to get it again before release of FK. But this would be the second article on a topic like this in FK anyway, and although it's cool, it's not really the place for it. I'll hack up some PHP3 code to cough up info about M-Web and SAIX dialup hostnames and put it up @ www.mdma.za.net/dialup If any of y'all other niggaz wanna contribute info regarding the dynamically assigned hostnames at your ISP it'd rock - send them off to wizdumb@leet.org and I'll add them to the page. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Just how stupid Diana PABX's are by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- I worked somewhere where we had Diana installed, and a PC with TelTrace, the goofy Win16 proggy that Telkom use for monitoring and logging calls on their PABX systems. The idea is that each employee has their own personal three-digit phone code for gaining access to an outside line. An employee dials 0, then their personal phone code, and then the number they want to dial. Or, they dial 0, Press "Redial" to dial the phone code of the last person who used the phone, and call away. Ummm. Okay. This is cool. I don't know why more South African phreaks don't start abusing PABXs. It's not like they log failed phone code entries or anything, and they have them installed at all of the places that deserve to have international phone calls billed to them. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( More Vodacom VMB Hacking Nonsense by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Vodago Customer Support (082114) is now largely self-service. You phone it up and press 1 for help /w voice mail, 2 for help /w sms, etc. etc. Should you get hold of some-one's cellphone physically, you can reset their VMB without any need of operator assistance by dialling 114, pressing 1, and then 2 - to reset the VMB. Hmmm. :-/ -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Fun with Windoze Networking by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- Windoze will not allow certain characters in your NetBIOS name when setting it through the control panel, but does allow you to use those same characters quite happily if you just set it in the registry. I played with a few values and got some interesting error messages... ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | NetBIOS Name | NT4 | W98 | Error Message (Parsed NetBIOS Name) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | FOO | Yes | Yes | None (FOO) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | .. | No | Yes | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (..) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | .\FO.\O | No | No | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (FO.\O) | | | | | W98 - Cannot enumerate a non-container (O) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | FOO.\ | No | No | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (none shown) | | | | | W98 - Standard error message (none shown) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | FOO.\BAR | No | No | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (BAR) | | | | | W98 - Cannot enumerate a non-container (BAR) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | .\\FOO | No | No | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (\FOO) | | | | | W98 - Cannot enumerate a non-container (FOO) | |--------------+-----+-----+-------------------------------------------------| | .\\\\FOO | No | No | NT4 - The parameter is incorrect (\\\FOO) | | | | | W98 - Cannot enumerate a non-container (FOO) | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' There can be no doubt that there's some very buggy parsing being done on these somewhere, and chances are there's something interesting to be found with this. I only had a day to play around with this, and I don't have a computer of my own, let alone a network of my own, so don't expect me to take this any further, for now at least. Windoze will happily cough up a list of characters which are not allowed - start playing with those. And be careful of having an overly long computer name coz VNetSup will freak out and you'll get recurring general protection faults in Explorer.Exe when you boot up. That's all from now. Some more interesting Win32 trix on their way from yours truly next issue. Booyakasha. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( "The Blob", And other true tales of stupidity by Wizdumb )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- It's 4AM. Pneuma, myself, and our pet jew, Gary, are walking back to Pneuma's place from a party. Yeah, Yeah, I know. We're losers. But Pneuma hasn't gotten a car yet, and Gary got his license revoked for slamming his car into a policeman on a motorbike while stoned. And me? Well, I, uuuh, I am, uuuuh, uhm, irrelevant to this story. A voice coming out of the bushes at the side of the road. "Weit! Weit foh me!" It sounds kinda scary, but high-pitched enough for it to be a 5 year old girl or summing, so we stop. And then from god-knows-where, this, like, 30-something year old black chick waddles out holding a quart of castle lager in one hand. And she waddles all the way up to us. And she stops. And we look at her. And she looks at us. . We start walking again. And she's walking with us, and we're starting to get just a little worried, and I'm about to open my mouth to say something when she whines "Help me!" In the same super-scary high pitched voice as before. So we stop. And turn to her. "What?" "Weit! Weit foh me!" We start walking again. Pneuma & Gary are starting to walk at a brisker pace. "Uuuuuh, I'm gonna catch up with my friends now" "No! No! No!" "Uuuh, yes yes yes." "NO! NO! NO!" And then we had to outrun the hideous drunken blob-woman, which basically required us to walk at a quasi-brisk pace, while she wobbled along unbelievably slowly behind us. But she didn't fucking *stop* waddling after us until she lost sight of us completely. We never saw her again and for that we are immensely thankful. Those particular parties always tend to get kinda strange though. Next one I go to, some guy crawls across to where I'm sitting from the other side of the chillroom and starts feeling my beanbag. Slowly, he raises his eyes to meet mine, which are watching him in horror, looks at me and murmors: "... Where do you plug it in?" "... What, the beanbag?" And he nods. I'm speechless, and he's on god-knows-how-much-of-what, so he's just staring at me. But fortunately enough, he resolved his (rather odd) little dilemna for himself: "... We need the extension cord." And he crawls across to the other chillroom looking for it. I never saw him again personally, but a friend of mine says he saw him in the other chill room humping a beanbag against the wall and screaming "I'm plugging it in!!! I'm plugging it in!!!" Sometimes I think I'm crazy. But it's usually not long before I realise that the rest of the world is even worse. Thought I'd better include these experiences in this issue so y'all stay aware that I could be much, much worse. :-P -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Big Ugly Bloated Mailbag )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- From: "Riaan van der linde" To: Subject: Fw: About a note Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 20:04:04 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0017_01C0062A.CBB984E0" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Hi, my name is Riaan van der linde [ Hi, my name is Andrew Lewis ] I want to know something please. [ Pneuma has a genital wart. He showed me. Or did you mean you want to know something else? ] I saw in issue 9 of FK that you (or someone) described how a credit card works I want to buy myself a notebook with a credit card number. [ I would also quite like to buy myself a notebook with a credit card number. I hear the banks give you those. Maybe you should try them. ] Could you please tell me if it will work if i create my own number and name. And what the chances are in being cought. [ Oh god. ] Thanx in advance Riaan --------------------------------- From: "Riaan van der linde" To: Subject: Tried Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 20:17:44 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_001A_01C0062C.B4EE07C0" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Dear wizdumb... I've tried to buy a notebook from incredible connection but i can get through the autorization, can you tell me what is wrong and mabe give me a cc number that works [ Oh my god, I ignored him and he still tried to do it. The bit I can't figure out is why just because he's proved he's a *complete* caveman, I should give him illegaly acquired credit card numbers. ] although i have 24 numbers and all the programs say they work the websites don't accept them. [ Life just isn't fair. ] Please help me in this concern. Thanx in advance Riaan --------------------------------- From: "k-rad-bob" To: Subject: h0h0! Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 23:18:50 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3 thanks for the great and the first in a long series of articles for b0g [ Yah, I'm sorry, I'll try to submit you some better stuff sometime soon. Been busy n stuf. :) ] im sorry i didnt reply earlier but the email was actually sent to my boss cuz i forgot to delete the account at the end of the day HEH i also got him some nice cybersex0r believe it or not but im actually getting fired haha needless to say im blaming you! [ Well I'd say thats a cred for us in the FK/b0g cyberwar. :) FK Editor get's b0g editor fired!@#$ Booya!@#$ Take that bi0tch!@#$%$ ] and you should publish all good articles in b0g as well in your new stinky zine. [ I hate articles that are in multiple zines. I'll keep my articles for b0g as articles exclusively for b0g - you're not gonna steal some real content for your zine that way you lazy fuqn punk. :P ] love you!!!! [ you too bobby-dearest!!!!! ] --------------------------------- From: Prasanth Kumar To: marc@EEYE.COM Subject: from a new bee.. Cc: webster@pis.com.au, wizdumb@leet.org, ejsteven@cs.millerserv.edu, zillion@SAFEMODE.ORG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Excite Inbox X-Sender-Ip: Hi .. I had completed my graduation study in Computer Science. These days i came to know that although i completed my graduate study in Computer Science i was very lag behind in real world computing while i was watching sites. [ Help! I spent all my time at college looking at porn and now I don't know anything! What do I do?! ] As i want to become a good programmer in networks i need information about hacking in grounds of networks and mobile phones, so if you know about the thing please send me details. [ I wouldn't know *how* to help this guy even if I wanted to. ] waiting for ur reply... [ Keep waiting... ] --------------------------------- From: "ProtZkroG" To: References: <200008291309.PAA22201@syrex.imagine.co.za> Subject: 3'd mail Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 19:09:06 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600 if i try to join #b10z on EFNET i get this error = #b10z can't join channel (need correct key) how do i fixx0r it ? [ Fuck, I dunno, that's broken hardcore. Personally, I'd just hit the monitor repeatedly and mash ice cream into my forehead - I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with that one. :( ] <-=-{ ProtZkroG }-=-> IRC - irc.bubblenet.org.za #warez ICQ - 41227092 e-mail - protzkrog@gmx.de --------------------------------- From: 123 To: X-Mailer: Poco, v1.2 (601) - EXPIRED EVALUATION VERSION Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 17:08:48 +0200 X-URL: http://www.pocomail.com/ Subject: Need some help Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="72442205" Hi , can you please help me , unblock my blacklisted cellphone that i got from a friend , so i can start using it. I read the forbidden knowledge , but can't get it wright. thanks -- 123, slym50@xsinet.co.za [ Something told me that just ripping this dude off all el8'ly in my e-zine wasn't enough. I'd been recieving *tons* of stupid mail lately, mostly about axz.java (all that mail follows just now), and although I think my response was a bit overly dramatic, it was also quite amusing... ] --------------------------------- From: 123 Subject: Re: Need some help To: wizdumb@leet.org Message-id: <0G6P005YGD91LZ@jhb-proxy.mweb.co.za> MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Poco, v1.2 (601) - EXPIRED EVALUATION VERSION Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="86277148" On Tue, 26 Dec 100 13:46:23 +0000, wizdumb@leet.org wrote: > Excuse me, but what the fuck exactly do you think I am? A free cellphone > hacking service? If your friend's phone is blacklisted it is blacklisted > for a reason and you can suck my fucking dick. > E-mail me again and I will have your legs broken. Believe me I can and > will have this arranged if you insist on being such a nuisance. > Kindest regards, > Wizdumb [ Yeah, I think that might have been a little bit of an over-reaction. ] You're an ass, who the hell do you think you are. I asked you nicely... [ It *was* an over-reaction, but this guy is still a dumbass. I would send Pneuma over to his house to rape his dog or something, but, oh, you know, it's such a mission :-P ] -- 123, redrose@mweb.co.za --------------------------------- From: julian.castle@bt.com To: wizdumb@leet.org Subject: Access Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 15:22:11 +0100 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.88) MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hiya, Your password cracker is really impressive, do you know how you recover which groups/users a database was last opened with? Say for example if a database was opened and then saved by an exclusive user so that no-one else could open the database, how would you recover which user had locked the database? Any help greatly appreciated, Julian Castle [ I dunno, everyone figures since I wrote a script to crack Access97 databases that I'm some kinda expert. Fuq, I don't care - Access is the most boring useless piece of shit out and I'm not greatly concerned about it. Sorry bud, you're on your own. But thanks for not being a retard. It makes me really happy when I get mail from people I don't know who aren't retards. I get even happier when non-retards that I know of and admire e-mail me, but that's only happened once. :( *Sigh* Oh well. Hi rwx! :P ] --------------------------------- From: "- SL" To: wizdumb@leet.org Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 05:08:27 GMT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Message-ID: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Jul 2000 05:08:27.0351 (UTC) FILETIME=[3359A670:01BFF52D] HI , i am writing regarding that program you submitted to the neworder site which will remove passwords from access. May i ask how i use it? i tried to complie it with jdk 1.3 but got 6 errors....can you help me please? thanks SL [ I will admit to only testing it with JDK 1.2, but how is "6 errors" supposed to help me figure out what you're doing wrong. *Oh*, it must be *those* 6 errors. I see. Try rm'ing the code, selling your computer and buying a hotdog stand. That should fix it. ] --------------------------------- From: "Alex" To: Subject: Microsoft Access Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 14:59:25 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0005_01BFF648.EC3D9400" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 hi [ hi. ] can you send me by mail your Ms Access Pass remover? [ no. ] thanks [ anytime. ] bye [ bye now.] --------------------------------- From: AlbatroZ24@aol.com Subject: access database window Sender: uucp To: wizdumb@leet.org Message-id: <29.a090217.26eed7ff@aol.com> MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 111 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Boss: How can I access the database window of an installed application running in MS Access platform. thanks in advance. Al [ Wha? Which way was up again? ] --------------------------------- From: Andrew Worster Subject: microsoft acess To: wizdumb@leet.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Sender: uucp HI if i have the tool for romoving the passwords what do i do with it? [ Run it. ] can you help me? [ Probably not. ] Andrew unix_cube@yahoo.co.uk --------------------------------- [ And they go on.... ] From: Josie Love Subject: access password remover To: wizdumb@leet.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-2103318776-971387208=:10513" hi, I found your password remover info but had a question: Where do I enter this programming info? In a certain directory? Please let me know I am very interested. [ Aaah... Interesting... So what exactly do these funny squiggles mean? ] Thanks, Josie --------------------------------- To: wizdumb@leet.org Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 14:21:03 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Subject: Need your help... Priority: normal X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12aDE) Hi! I read your post @ http://neworder.box.sk and i want to ask you for your help. I got a Access-DB with a passwort, and i forget it. Can you help me in any way like send me your prog. or explain it to me? And works your progam also @ Access 2000 ? [Huh?] Thanks you a lot....i think you did great.... [No, no, thanks you.] Bye Chaosphysik P.s.: The URL for your Post: http://neworder.box.sk/showme.php3?id=2312 [ My post? *I* didn't put it there. I guess that's where everyone got it though. Oh dear, oh dear. ] --------------------------------- From: "Bill Vernon Vernon" To: wizdumb@leet.org Subject: Access Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 17:20:47 GMT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Message-ID: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Nov 2000 17:20:48.0222 (UTC) FILETIME=[653DF7E0:01C04F28] RE: your script for removing a password from a access database. As I am a technician and not a programmer how exactly do I use this script to remove the password.Sorry if its a stupid question but I have a database that took ten years for a friend of mine to compile and if I can break the password on this he would be extremely appreciative, as I would if you can explain how to use this. Thanks in advance for any reply you send my way. Bill Vernon [ It's hard to say something witty in response to the same gay banter over and over again. I'm not even gonna try this time round. I forfiet, okay?! The ereet A+ guy wins. ] --------------------------------- From: "Thomas Poelmans" To: Subject: MS Access 97 hacking program Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:07:43 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0009_01C050C9.AB99B600" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 My name's Thomas and I'm a beginning hacker. Could you send the program to nuke an Access 97 password? [ This part I don't understand. How people get my e-mail address and the knowledge that I wrote a program to crack Access97 passwords, but not the actual code. I dunno. I'm stumped. ] Thanks Thomas --------------------------------- From: "Helpdesk World Online" To: Subject: MS Access 97 Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:09:36 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0013_01C050C9.ED244680" X-Priority: 1 X-MSMail-Priority: High X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 Hi, My name's Thomas and I'm a beginning hacker. Could you send the program to nuke an Access 97 password? [ Woah. Dude. Deja Vu. Hectic. ] --------------------------------- From: Sven Reising To: wizdumb@leet.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Crack Access PW X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-Authenticated-Sender: #0000593155@gmx.net X-Authenticated-IP: [] Message-ID: <23818.974715643@www25.gmx.net> X-Mailer: WWW-Mail 1.5 (Global Message Exchange) X-Flags: 0001 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi! Found your java class to remove Access 97 PW check. Do you know an application or program to remove PW from any Office program, mostly Access 2000. [ Why would I know anything about Access? And would you prefer an application or a program? Give me specifics damnit!!!@#$ :-P ] THX, Sven --------------------------------- From: "MRIUS SADS" To: wizdumb@leet.org X-Mailer: WebMail v2.24R8 X-Sender-Ip: X-Account: 90865 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain hi im a big fan of your mag. Problem is i cant find the fucken new issues of it all the sites i know are out of date, last issue i have is fk10 so please could you tell me were to get the latest copy [ Yea, finding FK will prob always be a mission. If you really care enuff, subscribe to our ghay mailing list or summing - details in the kreditz n stuff. ] thanks --------------------------------- From: Lee Moon Reply-To: To: wizdumb@leet.org Subject: Re: Access 97 Password Script Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Excite Inbox X-Sender-Ip: HELP! I found your script but i have no idea what to do with it. I hope this reaches someone. Please repond to this email address. Thank you! [ It reached no-one. You will recieve no response. Forget everything you ever heard about MS Access. *Jedi Hand Wave*. ] Lee --------------------------------- From: "Johnny Chow" To: Subject: Access password crack. Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 18:58:30 -0000 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="big5" X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0) X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600 Importance: Normal Sir, I saw your post about cracking access 97 file password. It is something like a java code. [ Yes, you could say it is something like that. ] I put it into a dot java file and try to compile it but it throw an exception. Is there an easy way for me to crack my access file please ? [ Probably. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna waste my own time crawling around the net for you looking for MS-Access-Craq-For-Retards.Exe because you're too dumb to compile my code. :) ] Thanks for your knowledge very much. [ No no no, thank *you* for *your* knowledge. If everyone wasn't as dumb as you, no-one would even *read* my e-zine! ] Johnny. --------------------------------- From: Bao Vu Subject: member To: wizdumb@leet.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hello! I would like to become a member, can you tell me how to join. Thank you [ Uuuh, join what? I think you may be a "member" already. ] -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Forthcoming Attractions - Next Ish )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -/- Sentinel by d0tslash -/- Even More Gay Useless Win32 Trix from Wizdumb -/- Dictionary.java library by Wizdumb -/- More inane mindless blabber from Wizdumb -/- Nude Pix of Opium's mom -/- All New "Scratch 'n Sniff" section <*> I dunno, fuq, I'll get some stuff - sorry this issue sucked so much. :) <*> Volume 3, Issue 14 due for release April, Good Friday the 13th, 2001. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- .o (( Outro )) o. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//- You are going to die. Fragments of you will live on in the things you left behind and in minds of those who you touched. And then, those too will be gone. Entropy is such a bitch. Before civilization, the human population would be culled and kept strong as a species just by having to survive the primitive world they lived in. Simple natural selection I suppose most people would say that in an advanced civilization, natural selection should depend on intelligence. But how can this be so when each individual is born into a completely random socio-economical environment which is gonna fuck all progress. If you're super-smart, and you're born in Somalia - too fucking bad for you. If you're a complete retard and have a rich family, or live in a country which will afford you decent educational & work facilities, well, that's great. Mankind cannot progress as a species fast enough to beat the rate of entropy if the collective human resources of the planet are being wasted at such an alarming rate. Our civilization rapidly loses resources, while it grows bloated and stupid. The species goes nowhere, trying to get somewhere, to somehow evolve. The problem is that evolution worked before because only the most efficient members of a species would survive to copy their genetic material. This doesn't happen in modern society. Noted evolutions in man since modern times include only dropping of redundancies like wisdom teeth and appendixes - our species is *not* positively evolving. Mankind is slowly dying, and nothing could be sadder than the fact that it's still gurgling on, dying the horribly over-dramatic death of a thing that was never really any good anyway. The time has come for you to realise that civilization *wants* you to subvert it. At this stage in the game, it really is the only possible way you could do it any good. -//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//--xx--//--**--//-