__________ ____________________ ________ << \________ __ ! / __ ___ \____________/ ____ | \ /\ | \| / / \ /| \ ___ > \ | |/__\ |__/|= | \ / | | /___\ _________ __ \_________|___/ \| \| \ | ! |___/ \____________/ >> \ < \ ! \ \___ / ____ _____ \______________________________________/ \_________/ _________DarkCyde_____________________ Communications __UK/USA_ / ___ \ ____/ \_____ __/ ___<_________ / � / / \ ___ ____________ / | \ __ /|__/| / | � | \ /___ \___>>____ ____/ | |\ / | \|= | / \ | | \___/ ____|___/ \/ |__/| \ \__ / \|___/ ________>____ __<<______/ � \____________________/ \________ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!==================================================!! !Hy3ridWarl0ck+PUBLiC_NUiSENCE+Nitrous_OxCyde+Red_LED! !!================================================!! _d_C_RawDATA -p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!==================================================!! ! Hybrid's cut'n'paste delights ! !!================================================!! In this phile you will find various interesting things that I have found whilst scanning. The numbers that are printed in there intirety are things I have found myself, and have pasted from my own collection of scans. The numbers with the prefix missing are pasted from other peoples scans, and will either have a prefix of 0800 or 0500. I have also include some 1-800 US numbers... 000-400 ANSWERING MACHINE - Compuserve help line 000-891 ANSWERING MACHINE - BT Value Call 1-800-466-2518 4-did pin, p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-466-3003 4-did pin, p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-476-3911 4-did pin p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-452-6993 4-did PIN p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-584-5692 4-did PIN p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-523-9142 4-did pin p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-482-3520 4-did code p=9999 Frontier Communications 1-800-455-2670 Strange 1-800-455-6690 Pager 1-800-258-1352 Call Forwording code=01 1-800-258-1905 Nothing 1-800-455-1730 Strange 1-800-999-6580 Emergency road service 1-800-455-3902 4-did access code 1-800-455-6932 Skytell Pager 1-800-455-6980 Call forwarding (3-did) 1-800-345-1212 QVC -Card some crap stuff 1-800-482-3821 Strange 1-800-460-7311 Diverter (Dr) 1-800-227-5937 Sky Message 1-800-376-2903 Skyline Pager 80=help 1-888-658-3541 Nothing 1-800-632-8921 Pager (NationWide Messaging) 1-800-684-9562 Strange 1-800-235-6980 British Airways 1-800-735-9014 Pager (NationWide Messaging) 1-800-569-0874 Pager 1-800-505-6980 Pager 1-800-938-5117 Passcode 1-800-519-6014 4-did PIN code 1-800-349-5013 Pager (NationWide Messaging) 1-800-760-9256 Porn Line 1-800-755-4251 Electronic Personal Assistant 1-800-714-6027 Pager 1-800-236-9507 'Please enter your phone number' 1-800-ping-tcp Emergency Line 1-800-921-5846 Strange 1-800-638-8267 VMS 300 p=0000 Admin Box 1-800-866-3333 Nothing 1-800-638-0470 Diverter 2-did passcode 1-800-780-9650 Syword Messaging System 1-800-480-5802 Chargecard Service 1-800-990-4580 Pager 1-800-578-8950 Pager 1-800-340-8569 Pin=1111 1-800-256-8690 Get rich scheme 1-800-703-9050 Nothing 1-800-641-7202 Pager 1-800-304-5887 Access code 1-800-362-8896 4-did PIN p=9999 1-800-395-5569 Porn Line 1-800-711-6008 Limozine 1-800-638-1381 Rings then nothing 1-800-411-6800 Strange 1-800-223-8900 Charge Card Service 1-800-228-3692 Pager 1-800-816-3769 AirTak 1-800-466-2227 Frontier Communications 1-800-899-2332 Nothing 1-800-499-1358 NETWORK ALLIANCE 1-800-499-3017 Diverter 3-did passcode 1-800-499-3006 Diverter code=011 1-800-499-3069 Pager 1-800-499-3256 4f not active 1-800-499-7237 Diverter passcode=00 then answerphone 1-800-499-2099 Diverter (no code) 1-800-892-5943 Pager 1-800-892-4799 Fax on demand 1-800-892-4877 Strange 1-800-892-4211 Strange 1-800-892-4008 Strange 1-800-421-8933 Pager 1-800-248-0682 Pager 1-800-207-4482 Free porn line 1-800-605-3472 Central Command 1-800-633-8284 conference replay 1-800-280-1445 CIA 1-800-562-7242 CIA employment line 1-800-287-4502 2-did access code=00 1-800-566-2336 mad digital answerphone 1-800-566-2114 2-did access code=00 1-800-566-2956 2-did access code=00 1-800-878-5696 nothing 1-800-411-8590 pager/vmb 1-800-475-5528 2-did access code=00 1-800-662-5889 pager/vmb 1-800-499-5301 pager/vmb 1-800-888-9051 pager 1-888-601-7235 pager 1-800-508-7091 pager 1-800-466-5389 0303, you have dialed an invalid location 1-800-285-3925 frontier teleconferencing 1-800-285-4755 blocked from calling area 1-800-285-9925 weido line 1-800-285-3236 passcode 1-800-285-9985 weido line 1-800-280-3825 porno line 1-800-538-3609 tel3 1-800-538-2137 nationwide messaging 123 001 - hmmmm weird rings once, picks up then nowt. 123 113 - BT SECURITY!!!!!!!! 123 123 - Vodafone information centre 123 312 - Axin telecom asks for card number and pin!!! 123 400 - Mercury! 282-727 VMB - BT! 413-275 TONE - Randomisation service?! "Enter study number" 456-100 ANSWERING MACHINE - BT Number Translation Services! 456-345 VOICE - BT! 456-600 ANSWERING MACHINE - Monkey World! (Theme Park) 567-900 VOICE - "Can I take your order please?" 686-368 ANSWERING MACHINE - BeeTee! 0800-896-005 SOMETHING TRAVEL EMERGENCY SERVICE 0800-896-006 US PROBATION AND PRE TRIAL SERVICE OFFICE EXT SYSTEM 0800-896-300 nokia area phone service, strange!!!!!!!!!!!!, switchboard***** 0800-896-050 card no and pin 0800-896-373 STRANGE 0800-896-400 dialtone 0800-896-419 nothing 0800-896-438 strange 0800-896-476 strange 0800-896-511 nothing 0800-896-537 somethin bank then a FUCKING LOUD blast! 0800-896-545 international freecall service 0800-896-590 mci technical support centre, 0800-896-708 enter your password! 4 did gives a million tries! 0800-896-774 onvoy global,call link confrence calling 0800-896-910 vangard voice network... 0800-896-921 novel support selection. live 0800-896-939 MASTERCARD service centre... Check your cards! 0800-896-940 Teleglobe service centre 0800-896-951 reservation centre 0800-896-959 UNIGLOBE RESCUE LINE 0800-896-994 strange 0800-897-010 Asks for Password 0800-897-029 TELCO Sprint 0800-897-031 Live Asks for Password 0800-897-032 Live Asks for Password 0800-897-042 Live Asks for Password 0800-897-043 Password 0800-897-044 Password 0800-897-045 Password 0800-897-046 Password 0800-897-054 Password 0800-897-055 Password 0800-897-056 Password 0800-897-102 PBX VMS 300-300 Admin Box 0800-897-104 PBX Federal 0800-897-114 Asks for Password 0800-897-123 ChargeCard Service 0800-897-135 Password 0800-897-136 Password 0800-897-137 Password 0800-897-138 Password 0800-897-139 Password 0800-897-141 Password } Run some prog on these, ie- toneloc 0800-897-142 Password 0800-897-143 Password 0800-897-144 Password 0800-897-145 Password 0800-897-151 Password 0800-897-162 Password 0800-897-163 Password 0800-897-165 Live 'Security Code please' 0800-897-167 Live 'Security Code please' } make one up 0800-897-169 Live 'Security Code please' 0800-897-170 FAX Back Service 0800-897-181 FAX Back Service -Put someones no in there! 0800-897-198 Operator 504 'how may I help you?'-ask for a big-mac 0800-897-203 KDD Passcode 0800-897-208 Swift Service Info System 0800-897-209 KDD Passcode 0800-897-217 KDD Passcode 0800-897-221 KDD Passcode 0800-897-235 4-did PIN 2222 then 6-did Protocol number 0800-897-255 Authorisation Code 0800-897-258 Authorisation Code 0800-897-260 Passcode 0800-897-330 Automated Credit Card accounting -hmmmm 0800-897-344 Strange Securtiy Code access thing 0800-897-357 Passcode 0800-897-387 TELCO PBX MCI 0800-897-390 6-did extender passcode 0800-897-411 Passcode 0800-897-412 Passcode 0800-897-414 4-did extender passcode, p=1234 PBX VMS 0800-897-420 KDD Passcode 0800-897-423 INTERLINK Authorisation Code 0800-897-431 KDD Passcode 0800-897-442 TeleCard 0800-897-444 KDD Passcode 0800-897-450 TELCO Operator 0800-897-460 Pickup/Putdown 0800-897-490 VMS Merlin Mail Credit Union Bank thing 0800-897-516 Passcode 0800-897-523 TeleGlobe 0800-897-524 Passcode 0800-897-526 Chargecard service 0800-897-527 Chargecard service 0800-897-537 Passcode 0800-897-538 Passcode 0800-897-546 Passcode 0800-897-547 International Randomisation Service Protocol 0800-897-548 Passcode 0800-897-623 4-did extender code 0800-897-630 Nothing 0800-897-646 Chargecard Service 0800-897-705 Meeting Place Teleconferencing 0800-897-748 Chargecard Service 0800-897-801 TELCO AT&T 0800-897-815 GTS Global Access Calling Card 0800-897-850 Conference Centre 0800-897-899 TELCO France Telecom 0800-897-908 Passcode 0800-897-921 TELCO France Telecom 0800-897-931 KDD Passcode 0800-897-934 Passcode 0800-897-938 'Please stand by' 0800-897-951 Automated Telephone Banking 0800-897-955 TELCO France Telecom 0800-897-956 KDD 0800-897-996 Strange 0800-961-014- kdd- PIN. 0800-961-105- GM Credit Card, 0800-961-167- some auth code belonging to a corp. 0800-961-187- Emergency Service 0800-961-203- kdd-PIN 0800-961-209- Nothing 0800-961-230- God damn STRANGE��! 0800-961-237- Call divert [no code] 0800-961-238- FBI!~ 0800-961-241- kdd-PIN 0800-961-258- What the �uck 0800-961-270- Please enter your PIN 0800-961-286- l 'Thankyou for calling, your security code please' 0800-961-287- same as above 0800-961-300- Please enter your PIN 0800-961-322- Alternating tone 0800-961-325- L, may I have your home phone # and postal add please. 0800-961-333- Teleconfrencing service 0800-961-334- What the phuk! � 0800-961-335- same as above 0800-961-336- kdd-PIN 0800-961-341- MCI-service setup, number query 0800-961-351- Mad Fax LINK... 0800-961-365- somthing police� 0800-961-371- Roles Royce Corp head office. Octel 0800-961-384- Roles Royce Corp office, Octel, 5000. 0800-961-400- kdd-PIN 0800-961-403- Operator 0800-961-406- Kdd-PIN 0800-961-413- kdd-PIN 0800-961-417- PIN 0800-961-429- PIN 0800-965-000 4-did Admin Passcode 0800-965-006 Enter Card number 0800-965-013 Global toll-free access line 0800-965-016 Strange 0800-965-017 Strange 0800-965-018 Strange 0800-965-034 live, 'hello, secret ID please' 0800-965-048 passcode 0800-965-052 strange 0800-965-053 strange 0800-965-060 strange 0800-965-061 strange C5 line 0800-965-063 strange 0800-965-064 'please enter company code 0800-965-075 strange C5 line 0800-965-077 C5 0800-965-078 strange 0800-965-079 strange 0800-965-082 passcode 0800-965-085 passcode 0800-965-093 passcode 0800-965-100 passcode 0800-965-115 passcode 0800-965-123 passcode 0800-965-145 AT&T 0800-965-150 'welcome to the source' 0800-965-157 press # then dead 0800-965-184 teleconferncing service 0800-965-185 global access, conference access 0800-965-186 card tech, passcode 0800-965-214 passcode, loads of attempts 0800-965-218 pbx vms, 999-999# admin box 0800-965-222 8-did passcode extender 0800-965-224 passcode 0800-965-225 passcode 0800-965-226 passcode 0800-965-247 strange 0800-965-292 get-rich scheme 0800-965-293 passcode 0800-967-010 Strange 0800-967-021 Access Code 0800-967-022 Strange 0800-967-023 Operator 0800-967-025 Passcode 0800-967-028 6-did passcode extender 0800-967-038 Passcode 0800-967-044 Access code during tone 0800-969-000 Passcode 0800-969-003 IBM Live 0800-969-008 Live -Security Code 0800-969-009 Live -Security Code 0800-969-043 IBM Helpline 0800-969-072 Strange 0800-969-103 Erickson PBX 0800-969-105 Delta Airlines TEST SITE 0800-969-106 Answerphone p=36 0800-969-109 Delta Airlines TEST SITE 0800-969-112 Passcode 0800-969-130 Authorisation Code 0800-969-133 Answerphone p=12 Room Monitor 0800-969-150 IBM 0800-969-190 Chargecard Service 0800-969-192 Conference Loop 0800-969-195 Nokia Help Line 0800-969-198 Passcode 0800-969-204 Strange 0800-969-209 Chargecard Service 0800-969-210 Strange 0800-969-225 Bank 0800-969-230 Passcode 0800-969-248 Credit Card Validation 0800-969-262 Citiebank Record Keeper 0800-969-357 Techno Support 0800-969-359 Passcode 0800-969-359 Passcode 0800-969-370 Answerphone p=19 0800-969-386 6-did passcode extender 0800-969-388 Reads out 200327110, then speed dials 0800-969-398 Smart Talk 0800-969-405 6-did Passcode extender 0800-969-408 Strange Live 0800-969-412 Strange 0800-969-413 Strange 0800-969-414 Strange 0800-969-415 Strange 0800-969-416 Strange 0800-969-417 Strange 0800-969-418 Strange 0800-969-419 Strange 0800-969-428 Answerphone p=95 0800-969-429 Answerphone p=28 0800-969-430 Strange 0800-969-440 Telekey 0800-969-453 Answerphone p=10 0800-969-458 PBX 9-Dialthrough 0800-969-459 Strange PBX? 0800-969-461 6-did Extender passcode 0800-969-462 5-did Extender passcode 0800-969-464 VMS OCTEL 3969 free 3999 Meeting place 0800-969-466 Chargecard Service 0800-969-472 Greeting repeats itself 0800-969-473 Greeting repeats itself 0800-969-474 Greeting repeats itself 0800-969-475 Greeting repeats itself 0800-969-476 Greeting repeats itself 0800-969-511 Passcode 0800-969-516 Passcode 0800-969-517 Passcode 0800-969-554 user ID 0800-969-559 passcode 0800-969-576 strange 0800-969-588 answerphone p=92 0800-969-640 passcode 0800-969-646 passcode 0800-969-647 passcode 0800-969-656 kdd PIN 0800-969-657 PIN 0800-969-674 PIN 0800-969-680 kdd PIN 0800-969-690 PIN 0800-969-718 PIN 0800-969-743 PIN 0800-969-746 PIN 0800-969-756 kdd PIN 0800-969-759 kdd PIN 0800-969-773 strange 0800-969-781 PIN 0800-969-786 PIN 0800-969-787 PIN 0800-969-809 PIN 0800-969-823 7-did passcode extender 0800-969-875 PIN 0800-969-877 PIN 0800-969-878 PIN 0800-969-890 PIN 0800-969-897 PIN 0800-969-936 16-did passcode access 0800-969-940 'dial confidential number' 0800-969-958 kdd PIN 0800-969-967 PIN 0800-969-996 kdd PIN Watch this space for more philes like this :]