yeBBA DA bLEWMIE SNOOPY DEWDY WOODPECKER! KiLLIE BLEWPIE BLoOPIE FUCK YEWBIE NEWBIE rEADBLIE FONGUBLIE �-+- - - � ------+-------- "�S$@@aa a$$$ -+--�------ _.a@@$$ --� | � ���� �� � "�$$$@.�" $""' � | � .@$� $@ ����� � `�$@a. a a@$$SSii:: : ��� � ,�" . � a@$� `�$ `"�$$� � aaa a.__ _ $@aaa : $@a._ a a$$ $ | a$aaaaaaaaaa a$$$$$@a _ i � $$$$$$ $ ' aaaaaaaaa ""�$$$$$$$$�" "�S$$$$ $@a, �$aaaaaaa@@$�""�4$$$$$$aaa&@aaaaaaa $" "$$$ $$$$�$$$ |� `l$" "$$$ `$$$$$$$$$: : aaaaaa `$$$$$$$: $byd$$$ --. --$$"" "$$:.:� --:$byyd$$l --:S$$" "$$ -�| $�""�$- �� $�"""�$:- $�"""�$- ��: � $$$$ $$$: �._.a$$$$$S�" |��:l$$b yd$$:��: .:ii:.��:� :iii: ��: � .:ii: �� --a -:$$$$ iSS@aa--- - _.a -:�- $�"" ""�$:-�� iiSii:--|� :SSSSS: -�|-:iSSii:-- S$i.|$$�" "�$ ��:.,aa@$$$$ �:. 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SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:SSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:::SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS::::::SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:::::::::::::::::::::NS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS::nnnnnnn,::::::,nnnnnN SSSSSSSSSSSSS::':::::::::::::/:::::N SSSSSSSNNNNSS:::;oO@@Oo;::::::;oO@@n SSSSSSN::::SS::::::::::::::::::::::N SSSSSSN:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N SSSSSSN::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N SSSSSSNN:::::::::::::::nNNn:::::::N SSSSSS:N::::::::::::::::::::::::N SSSSS:NN::::::::::::::::::::::N SSS::::NNN::::::::"NNNNNNN:::N N:::::::NNN:::::::"NnnN:::N N::::::::::NNN:::::::::::N NN::::::NN::::NNN:::::::N NN::::::::NNN::::NNNNNNNN N::::::::::::NN:::::::N NN::::::::::::::NN::::::N NNNN:::::::::::::::::N::::N NN::::::::::::::::::NNNNNN::N NN::::::::::::::::::::::::NNNNN N::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NNN N:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NN NN:::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::::::N NN::::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::::::::N NN::::::::::::::::::N:N::::::::::::::::N N:NN::::::::::::::NN::N::::::::::::::::N N:::N::::::::::::N:::::N:::::::::::::::N N:::::::::::::::NN::::::N::::::::::::::oo N::::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::::o@@ N::::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::::::No' N::::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::NNNN N::::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::N:::N N::::::::::::::::::::::::N::::::::::NN N::::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::::::::N N::::::::::::::::::::::N:::::N::::::N NNNNNNNNNNNN N:::N::::::::::::::::::N::::N::::::N NN::::::::::::NN N:::N::::::::::::::::N:::::N::::NNN NN:::::NNNNNNNNNN N:::N::::::::::::::NNN::::::N::::N N::::::::::::::NN N:::N::::::::::::::::NN::::::N:::NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN:::::::::::()::NN N:::N:::::::::::::::::NNNNNNNNNNN::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NNN N::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::()::NN N::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NNN N::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::()::NN N::::::N::::::::NNNN::::::::::::::::::::::::NNNN::::::::::::::::NNN N:::::::N::::::::::::NNNNNNN::::::::::NNNNNNN:::::::::::::::::()::NN N::::::::N::::::::::::::::::NNNNNNNNNN:::::::::::::::::::::::::::NN N:::::::::NN:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N:::::::::::NN::::::::::::::::::::::NNNNNNN NNNNN N::::::::::::::::::::::::::NNNNNNNN NN:::::0 NNN::::::::::::NNNNNNNNNNN:::::::N N><::::::N N:NNNNNNNNNNNN::::::::::::::::::N NN::><:::::N N:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N NN:::::><:::N N::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N NN::::::::> hey hey hey hey hey hey hey allright. hey start now. hey uhm, stop. hey dAMMIT, STOP hey OkAY, YEW WANT ME TO SAY IT? hey aLLRIGHT, i'LL SAY IT hey FINE, I'LL SAY IT... EYE GOT A LItTLE DICK. oh, okay woah i phear... finally... allright. gewd, phear mah kung-fu chinkor irc-haxor skillZ *** digital is now known as LiuKang yayayayayayyayayayayayaya * LiuKang pulls out his small chinese dick ... and does nunchuck shit wif it. * LiuKang spins around and stuff or whatever and kicks ewheat's head off with + the small chinese dick. *** LiuKang is now known as digital .--[Whois]------[digital]--- - -- -------- -- - | address : | ircname : Shrihari Pandit | channels : @#nyc @#EU-Opers @#Chinese_prostitutes_who_scrub_your_backs_for_ | +ten_cents_pheaR! @#WIN95HACKERS | server : ([] Stealth Communications, USA) | operator : digital is an IrcOP WOAH, EYE PHEAR THAT!@#% YEW GOT THE ZERO DAY XXXKOMBAT.IRC?! I + PHEAR YEW NOW SHRIHARI-hARI-KIRI BOYEE! huh? are you chinese or indian or... whatever the fuck? I AM NEITHER, I AM _AMERICAN_!@# African American? AMERICAN DAMMIT. uhm. Americans are white ppl. Are yEW WHITE? I'M AN AMERICAN! YEAH, WORDUP! WORD TO DA HITLER PEEPLE!@#% I dont like hitler. dew you like Ho Chi Minh? oh GOD YES, EYE GOT ZERO DAY PoRN OF HO CHI MINH! EYE GOT A + PHEARIOUS ONE WHERE HE HAS NOODLEZ ALL OVER HIS DICK, OH GOD, OH GOD!@#% + OH gOD well, who cares, eye g0tz 0n3 where he has n00dlez uP hiS AZZ!@#% + yAY! PHEAR ME NoW!@#% YOU HAVE THAT? OH MY GOD!@#%!@#% EYE WILL GIVE MUH LEFT NUT FOR + THAT, PHeAR!@#% eye will give yew the porn only if you give me a o:line. uhh uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhh... let me think. ooh ohoh you want that hot anus dontcha? yEZ! eYE WANT IT!@#% bUT laRZ wILL bEAT mY ASS IF I gIVE yEW + a o:line, s0rry. it's allright, when it'z n0t 0-day anymore, yew hafta give + it to me, okay? woah, okay, phear... but lewk at me now, phear my irc ninja skillz. *** ewheat is now known as digchink HEY LEWK AT ME I'M a CHINESE COCKSUCKER, PHEAR, LEWK AT ME. CHING + CHONG CHING ChoNG, WOKKA WOKKA WOKKA, I EAT RICE, PHEAr. Not funny. WHAT? NO UNDERSTANDO ENGLISHSKI, EYE WANNA SOYBEANO AND DR PEPPER. Not funny. * digchink pulls out his small chinese whopper and does like... beating off +stuff with it, aciddentally sprays the jizz in his eyeZ, phEER. DAMMIT STOP THAT, THAT'S NOT FUNNY WOKKA WOKKA CHINK CHONG CHING, HIROSHIMA! WOKKA! A-BOMB, WOKKA! I'M TELLING YOU, STOP THAT, OR I'LL HAVE MY MOMMY CALL YOUR MOMMY! MOMMY MOMMY WOKKA WOKKA!@ *** Signoff digchink (Killed (digital (eYEM GONNA TELL MY MOMMY!!!))) -- uhm... m0o?! -----------------------------------------------(by spook)---- ok guys.. i've writin a lot of funny stuff in the past for zines and mags, but now it's time for me to get serious and write about something that has been troubling me and my friends for awhile now.. mad cows disease.. now now.. don't start laughing.. i'm very serious.. this virus affects all of us in some way or another.. especially me and my fellow cow fucking community.. yes that's write.. we are a big family... whether anyone admits it or not.. we all fuck cows from time to time.. it's ok to stay in the closet.. but some of us choose to admit it... I, spo0k, fuck cows.. there.. i feel much better... and now.. back to the article.. mad cows disease seems to be the aids of cows.. and yet the symptoms are so much worse.. I would rather be dead than to have a shriveled little purple dick like i have now.. yes mine is purple.. some turn green, some turn red, mine is purple.. don't laugh at me.. i'm very sensitive about it.. mad cows disease was first introduced by good 'ol honest abe lincoln.. who was the first president to openly fuck cows in the white house.. he came to his medical staff complaining of a slight pain in the anus, as well as orange urine and a small, shriveled, yellow dick... when asked about it later, abe did admit that his dick was small, shriveled, and yellow before he started fucking cows, but that's not important... doctors, finally diagnosing the disease, wanted to call it the abe lincoln cow fucking disease, but later shortened the name to mad cow disease... now people, when you are fucking your cows.. please, PLEASE use a condom.. it's the safest way to avoid this terrible disease.. for those of us (myself included) who like to lick your cows anus repeatedly, i have found that you can even put a condom on your tongue, and that keeps the disease out of your body.. in closing i would like to say that everyone fucks their cow... it's nothing to be ashamed of, don't worry about it.. if you do it and you don't feel right, it's perfectly normal.. just remember.. everyone does it.. and PLEASE for the love of god use condoms.. i don't want to spread this disease anymore than it allready is.. thank you spo0k [--- phEAR the mALCOLM-X st0RY ------------------------------(ewheatb0y)---] . `. . .,a�` 'a . `:i. .:i$$$� . $$.. : `"i. :i$$$a, :i$$$$ a�$� . . i i:` $$i"�a.:i$$� "�. . :i$$$ T a�".` '�$,$T$ .`:" `:$ ` ` :$ .i $�. ,` $$i:.` . i . . . � :.:i `$$i:. `: :. . .$$a�"`` `'. ` .:$�i: : . :: .i$$�. i: ` ` .i i:, . :iT ,$T$ ,. $T$ ,�$i:, :i, ` $$i: . `$$i: $$i: : $�i: . : : `$$i: $$i: .i$$i:. i ,$$i: `. . . ,$�i: . i$i:'` :i: a$i: ,a$i: " . . .;i ' ` , .`s�" : ` :i$` . a�"` ` ` ` a � killa hertz of acid productions 1996 `"� a . �, . . $ : ` .,a�` : $ i i . ,,aa$$$�""`` 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T .,a`$�,, T $$$$ `. `$$$$a �` a$S $$$$' , $$a, i `�$� `$$�' `�' `$� i �$� : yOE, eYE'm a hEWKER. lEWK aT mE, eYE bUTTFUXOR mEN fOR m0NEY, yeZ sIR, eYE deW! lEMME tELL yEW a STORY. yEAH, y'KNOW A STORY... LIKE THE THREE liTTLE PIGS! gRR GRR eYE WANNA sUQ THE BIG BAD WOLF'S DIXOR.. OH YeW bIG BAD WOLF... oh HEHEHE, nEVERMIND. ANYWAYS oNE nIGHT EYE wUZ sMOKING cRAQ aND THIS bIG NEGRO cAME BUH, hE haD an "X" ON hiS FOREHEAD, LIKE A HINdEW, y'KNOW? eYE sEZ... ---------- hEY huNNEY, wANNA dATE? aND wHY ARE yEW wEARINg uNDERWEAR oN yOUR HEAD?! EYE HAVE NO UNDERWEAR BY THE WAY! tEEhEE! rUHLLY, yEW dONT? cAN I PLAY wITH YOU? WE CAN BE FRIENDS! MY NAME IS LOU! wHAT'S YOURS! mY FAVORITE DRINK IS KEWL-AID! GRAPE! HONEY EYE CAN BE ANYONE YOU WANT, wHAt wOULD yOU LIKE to PLAY? mUH FAVORITE DRINK iS YOU! tEEhEE! I WANT TO PLAY DUCK DUCK AND GEWZE! IT'S FUN! MY MOMMY AND I PLAY THAT ALOT! HONEY, I LIKE THE GOOSE PaRT, lETZ pLAY! tEEHEE! oH, bY tHE wAY, wHY DEW YOU HAVE "aCID" aBOVE yER HEAD? aND WHO'S tHIS kHz gUY? iS hE a NICE PERSON? h0n3y, 3y3'm iN ACID, EYE dRAW FOR 'EM aND YES, kHZ iS NICE, HE'S MUH pIMP. oH, OKAY, lETS GO! --------------? aFTER THAT WEIRD TALK THINGY EYE HAD WIF HIM, WE WENT OVAH TO HIS HOUSE AND HIS MOMMY WAS THERE! hOW kINKY! tEEHEE! wE sAT DOWN aND HE TOLD HIS MOMMY ABOUT mE! --------------? mOMMY, LOOK EYE MET A NEW FRIEND, hER NAME IS hEWKER. hOW niCE lOU, iS sHE yOUR pLAYMATE noW? yeS, mOMMY! hEWKER, wHY DONTCHA tALK? tEEhEE, sO lOU tELLZ mE you GUYZ pLAY pHEARIOUS dUCK dUCK uND gEWZE? wHY YES! IT'S LOU'S FAVORITE GAME! oH, eEZ tHAT SO? aLLRIGHT, lOU lETZ gO aND pLAY!@#% bUH BUH MOMMEE *kISS kiSS* bYE lOU *kISS kiSS* --------------? tHEN wE wENT tO HIS rOOM.... deRRRR... --------------? hEY, wOULD yOU LIKE ME TO TAKE MY CLOTHES OFF, cmHERE eYE'm wET fER YEW! yEW aRE sO sEXY, cMhERE cOWBOY, rIDE mE lIkE a hORSIE eEEW, gEWRLZ aRE gROSS!! eWWWWWWW! wELL, eH? eXCUSE ME? tHEY aRE gROSS, eYE dONT lIKE sNATCHES. sNATCHES sTEAL pURSES aND sTUFF sNATCHES aRE fOR mEAN pEOPlE!@#% wELL, eXCUSE mE, eYE DONT hAVE a sNATCH, EYE hAVE a dIXOR lIKE yEW dO. sO, PHeAR!@#%!@#% rEALLY? YOU DO?!@ YAY!!! WE CAN REALLY PLAY NOW!! YAY!!!! --------------? dEN eYE sHOWED hIM muH bIG THINGY --------------? wOW, tHAT reMINDS mE oF BIG bIRD!@# mUH dICK lEWKS liKE a bIRD?!@#5 nO, eeTZ tHE "bIG" PART, teE HEE HEE HEE! oH, dANKE yEW... wELL, lEMME sEE yERZ!@#% wELL, EETZ noT mUCH, bUT hERE! lEWK aT eET. w04h, tHAt lEWKZ lIKE bERNIE aND eRNIE!@# muh... muH peNIZ iS oRANGE? nOE, sILLY, yEW hAVe tHAT lITTLE fUNNY hAIR oN tOP oF eETZ! bUT eEZ tHAt gEWD oR bAD? eETZ okAY bUT yEW lEWK liKE a wEREwOLF wIF tHAT, h0 h0 h0! aLLRIGHt, pHEar muH dIXOR eETz a wEREWOLF, pHEAr EETZ. gRR gRR gRR!! woAH, sETTLe dOWN tHERE, bIG gUY! dONT lET eETz bITE ME! uH oH, sUMFtHIN's WRONG! eETZ pULLING aWAY! hUH? yEW jERKED iT tEW mUCH dIDN'T yEW? nOE EYE DIDN'T, eETZ fALLINg oFF!@#5 aAAH AHHH AHhaHAHA AAAH AAAH!@ aAAH AHAAAAAHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!@#%!@#% AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!@#%!@#% --------------? tHEN lOU'S dIXOR juMPEd oFF hIS pELVIZ. eETz rAN arOUND tHE ROOM gROWLING anD sTUFF. "gRR gRR gRR gRR" eYE wUZ fREAKING oUT. eET hAD tEETH aND sTUFF iT sTARTEd tEW tALK aND STUFF --------------? hI tHERE, eYe'm mISTAH wEREWOLF bERNIE aND eRNIE sCROTUM hEAD! wOAH, yEW aRe uGLY! hEY, yER caLLING muH dICK uGLY? hEy, eYEm nOT uGLY aND eYE'm NOT _YER_ pENIS. i aM mUH oWN pENIS, pENISES hAVE rIGHTS tEW! EYE'm sIXOR oF yEW bEATINg mE aLL tHe tIME aND sTUFF. iT mUSt STOP! oR eYE wILL rUN aWAY!@ oH, bOO hOO, eYe'm sO sAWRY! eYE wONT dEW iT agAIN! wOAH, lEWK aT tHAT. eETZ a taLKINg pENIS!@# yEZ, eYE tALK, aND eYe aLSO dEW tHIZ! cmHERe yEW sEXY gUY, cmHERe! cMHER! kEWTCHIE kEW! hEy, wHATJOO dOING tEW mE noW?!@ nOE!@# gITTOR aWAY FROM mUH ANUZ!@# nOe!@# nOE!@# gITTOR aWAY!@# aAAHH!@# eETZ uP muH ANUS!@# gITTOR oUTTa mUH aRSE!@! OUT OUT OUT!@# OUT oUT!@# woaH!@# eYE'm gITTORING a boNER, oH wAIT, muH dIXOR iS nOT hERE, eETZ rUNNINg aROUND, dAAAH! pHEAr mEW!@# eYE'm UP yER aNUZ hOLE!# gRR gRR!@# eeTZ wARM aND jEWICY iN hERE!@ wHy, tHANK yEW, eYe wASH iT wITH mONISTAT sEVEN!@ wERd, eYE caN tELL, i JUST lUB tHAt smOOTH sILKY fEELINg yER ANUZ gOT! wELL, tHANKS, cOULD yEW gITTOr oUT of muH AZZ tHEN? gRR gRR. oKIE, bUH-bYE mEESTUH hEWKER aNUZ hOLE. hEy, yEW, GITTOR OUT oF HER aZZ, yEW STEWPOR FUXORHEAD!@#% hEY?!@#5 wHOJOO cALLING sTEWPOR? oKAY, fINE tHAT'Z iT, eYEM lEAVING YOU!@ oKAY, fINE!@ fINE!@#% fINE!@#% fINE!@#% fINE!@#% fINE!@#% fINE!@#% uHm, yEW kNOW eYEM reALLY lEAVINg, sO, uHM, lIkE bUH-bYE!@# fINE!@#% --------------? gUH, aND YEAH, aFTER THAT, lOU bECAME lIKE a dOCKTOR!@ hE'Z oN pAGE 103 oF dA aPRIL fEWL'Z hUSTLER iZZUE... hEZ tHAT nERDY lEWKING gUY tHAT seLLZ THE pENIZ ENLARGMENT pUMPZ, pHEAR!@# aND mE? uHm, yEAH, eYE fOLLOW mEESTUR wEREWOLF bERNIE aND eRNIE scROTUM hEAD aLL aROUND dA wURLD aND sTUFF, eYE hAVE mORE sTORIES oF hIM... bUT, mY moMMY sEZ iTS tIME fOR mE tEW gO tEW bED, sO, uHM, gEE'niGHT!@ --------------? - silly irchaxors... ----------------------------------------(by thclone)---- Capture file opened 21-Jun-1996 10:03p ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� .[thclOne]. So how long have jew been an ereet irc hax0r for? .[DrWizard]. I'm n0t full tyme irz haxor nymore .[thclOne]. So you are part time eh? .[DrWizard]. Yeah .[thclOne]. Why not full time anymore? .[DrWizard]. I was since 10 munthz ago, now i do haxing and stuph, no irc haxing anymore... .[DrWizard]. Ya see, a few months ago i was at this gay bar, Choices, and i started talking to this guy Bill....We started a relationship some anal sex here and there..i found out he was on irc too... .[DrWizard]. His name on here is piker...don't tell anyone though...this is private...well he learned that i had stolen a password file and i got busted...i hate that silly little slut .[thclOne]. So, what kind of haxor are you now? .[DrWizard]. Well...i mostly hack heterosexual channels and take them over... I also run the bot Habanero in #gaysex...msg him hello some time .[thclOne]. .[thclOne]. Well what the fuck is covin? You are in that group...What is it a bunch of kid haxors? .[DrWizard]. covin is just a name for a group i joined about 1 month after me and piker broke up. I went back to Choices and met this cute little hair dresser Darkfall..he introduced me to covin...they are a homosexual oriented group so i joined. And we are not kids, we are just a bunch of faggot "haxors" .[thclOne]. ummmm...ok...whatever you say there flamer .[thclOne]. So, like do you covin people ever get together and shit? .[DrWizard]. Yeah, we mostly get together anally rape each other, stroll about in dresses, and such each other cocks.. .[thclOne]. Why did you join? .[DrWizard]. I wanted to be around more faggots on irc. .[thclOne]. Wtf kind of name is covin? .[DrWizard]. it's easy silly c.o.v.i.n - cocks on victor's inner nose .[thclOne]. uhhh.....ok...who is victor? .[DrWizard]. he is the leader, darkfall, aka victor .[thclOne]. One last thing i just want you to know.... .[thclOne]. you are the biggest cock loving FAGGOT i have ever met...GO SMOKE SOME MORE COCK WITH PIKER YOU STUPID FLAMER. I HOPE YOU GET AIDS YOU FUCKING COCK-IN-ASS LOVING FAGGOT .[DrWizard]. ...... .[DrWizard]. you made me cry! *** DrWizard has left #ereet. .[thclOne]. flamer ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Captured file closed 21-Jun-1996 10:21p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you read this. A personal friend of mine wrote this shortly before he disappeared for awhile. Here's the deal. Fahrenheit had to give up his computer priviligies because of bad grades and strict parents. I hope that he returns someday, but seeing what's going on here... Hell, I'd be AMAZED if he even thinks of coming back. Fahrenheit... we miss you. Don't skip as much in school next year. :) --+(fAHRENHEIT)+------------------------------------------------------------- h0h0! wESTSIDE!@# dis is dat nigga fah kickin da actual factual wit ya bout tha one thing we all don't talk about but we KNOW we do it ..MASTURBATION! Yes, you heard me, right. I said MASTURBATION(The word just flows off my tongue like butter) Just picture it, yer sittin at home on a Friday night chattin on eye-are-see... some guy comes in and says, "HeY i GoT THe NeWeST ACiD PaCK! aNYoNe WaNT iT?" THERE'S YOUR CHANCE!@# /m acidlama xdcc send #1 ! DAMN GINA!#@ THE PACK IS 2 MEGS!@# What can I do while d/ling it!@? Hrmm, whats this dangly thing between my legs? Hmm, when I touch these two ball like things it gets BIG and BEEFY. eYE mOVE mY hAND uP iT aND iT fEELS oH sO goOD!@# dAMMIT! eYE jUST jIZZED oN tHE kEYBOARD!@# SHIT HAPPENS! We all know we've done it, lets just fucking ADMIT IT. Whenever I get connected to IRC I just get a big phat BONER so I need to do SUMTHIN! My cat Fluffy ain't around.. hrmm... I KNOW!@# I WILL MASTURBATE! IT WORKS!@# Every single time I'm on #nta-nokturnal and I grab some kiddy porn off of MikeySoft it gets me VERY excited.. hrmm.. /wi ewheat wTF!@?# uNKNOWN nICK!?@#? shit.. i cant hot chat... i KNOW! MASTURBATION!@# Dont get mad at me for bringin attention to this subject.. You know i'm only bein real... But BE WARNED!@# Masturbation causes your pubic hair to fall off, I know from experience. And when I'm showering after PE.. well.. teenage boys can be so cruel... so if yer GONNA WACK IT!@# WEAR A JACKET!@# - fahsturbator.. ===================================================== | "8888888",dP"Yb, "888b 888" ,dP""Yb, "88 888 | | 88 i88 88i 88Y8b 888 i88 """ 88 888 | | 88888 888 888 88 Y8b 888 888 ssssss 88 888 | | 88 !88 88! 88 Y8b888 !88 88! !8 888 | | a88a `Yb,dP' a88a Y8888a `Yb,,dY' `Yb,,d8P' | | ;*;;;;*;;;*;;;*,, | | _,---'':::';*;;;*;;;*;;*d;, | | .-' ::::::::::';*;;*;dII; | | .' ,<<<,. :::::::::::::::ffffff`. | | / ,<<<<<<<<,::::::::::::::::fffffI,\ | | .,<<<<<<<<<;,::::::::::fffKKIP | | | ``<<<<<<>>>>;,::::fffKKIPf ' | | \ `mYMMV?;;;;;;;\>>>>>>>>>,YIIPP"` / | | `. "":;;;;;;;;;i>>>>>>>>>>>>>, ,' | | `-._``":;;;sP'`"?>>>>>========. | | `---..._______...| Hormel | | | `========' | =====================================================