������������������������������������������������������������������������� �� �� �� "Phsyco female ..o0 digital Phreak P1mps 0o.. "Thank you for �� �� blowin up the Issue 1, Volume 1 Abusing OCI..." �� �� phone line..." http:/members.tripod.com/~p1mp -Henry, the �� �� -Limp Bizkit 30/01/97 OCI operator �� �� "stuck" �� �� �wH3�3� �� ��� W��T t0 �1mP T����? �� �� �� �� Hacking/Phreaking/Satire&Humor �� 立���������������������������������������������������������������������� �� �Just p1mp it! �� �� And leave the poor alt.phreaking people alone! �� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Best Viewed in 800x600 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibitting the free excercise thereof; or abbridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Goverment for a redress of grievances" Under the above Law set forth in the First Amendment To The Constution Of The United States Of America, The Author releases this work into the pubic domain for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 򺺺������������������������������������� ��=-_DPP members and editorial staff_-=�� �� Hatredonalog �� �� Hatredonalog@hotmail.com - mean guy �� �� Napalmoliv �� �� Napalmoliv@yahoo.com - Phoney guy �� �� Sphinx �� ��Sphinx@hotmail.com - The "wierd" one �� �� Dark|||Knight �� ��dkknight@texoma.net - Make fun of him�� �� MMX_Killa �� �� Ubione@Aol.com - The one we keep in �� �� the basement �� �� Neptunium Overkill �� ��quixilver@mailexcite.com- the new guy�� �� Nothingg �� �� Nothingg@yahoo.com- boing!! �� �� Enzyme �� �� papa_gorgio@hotmail.com- Pokie Roo? �� ����������������������������������������� (----------------------------------------------------------) | (-( Table of Contents )-) | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=| | | | What is Digital phreak p1mps?.............. Hatredonalog | | Editorial.................................. Hatredonalog | | Me harrassing a bunch of people............ Hatredonalog | | Scan of (800) 369 12xx..................... Hatredonalog | | Setting up your own Pirate TV station...... Neptunium | | Overkill | | The lost art of Poling........................ MMX_Killa | | The Bypass box..................................Nothingg | | The Aphex Theory........................... Hatredonalog | | Running out of Time............................ ViperFox | | Rantings and Ramblings........................... Sphinx | | Why a payphone acts the way it does and | | Why your redbox works.................... Hatredonalog | | Contact inpho................................... Various | | | (----------------------------------------------------------) (|' DPP is an informational/satire publication '|) | Geared towards the Hack/phreak community | | | | | . . -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a Clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe is less, as well as if a Promontory were, as well as if a Manor of thy friends or of thy own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." ........ John Donne, Devotions upon Emergent Occassions [I got this in some yummy spam! decent quote, but they wanted to sell me more!@$#$@!] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ������������������������������� � What is DPP? � � By: Hatredonalog � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ���𤧧""�������������""�����׮ After coming home from school one day, I found myself looking at a stack of posts in alt.phreaking as I often do. The problem I faced today was that I had a bad day and I found myself to be, err, annoyed with a majority of the posts. I saw people telling each other crap, lots of flames and a lot of stupid questions. I know that there is no such thing as a stupid question, but some people don't even try and get the answer themselves. A few hours later I started writing an article for System Failure (hi pingiuno@#$!@#!#~!#$%!#@), but decided to start my own zine instead. I had already tried this once and knew that it would be hard, because last time, I failed. I sent off a few e-mails to get co-editors. I got a few to join. I had some really 'leet articles that I was (one that I still am) working on. So I had found a few people to help me out in a zine. I got some leeto articles, and that's about it. This is where we're at. Spawned from listening to way too much KoRn, chatching monitor rays, and eating Lucky Charms, comes DPP. A zine devoted to the intelligent phreak. The one who doesn't take himself or what others think of himslef too seriously. So here is the inaugeral issue of digital phreak p1mps, sit back, relax, and enjoy. - hatredonalog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ����������������������������� � Editorial by Hatredonalog � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ���𤧧������������唔�����׮ It is now 1998. What has it brought us? The death of Sonny Bono, the trial of Ted Kazinnski (sp?), and of course the birth of a brand new e-zine, us. We aren't about being "leet phreax0r p1mps", that's just a name, and what's in name anyways? It really doesn't matter that much. We are here to bring you cool things, that is, if we can. The only way free e-zines work is article submission. They really cannot work without them, so I encourage you all to please write something and send it to me. There is only so much that I can write, I have two articles in the making right now, plus I want to be able to still write occaisionally for System Failure. So for the Love of God submit something! Anything will do, as long as it deals with the h/p scene. Oh yeah, and as far as I know, Napalmoliv is doing the February issue, so send your articles to him. Sphinx is doing the March issue and Dark|||Knight is doing April (that doesn't sound right to me, but I don't know why). Is it just me or did I use waaaaaay to much of those special characters and "elite" shit? I know I did it up near the top but if you keep reading then you will see that the articles aren't filled with that shit. Hopefully I managed to get myself some 'leet articles. The alt.phreaking situation: Ahh, good old alt.phreaking. Well, maybe not good. It seems to me that people just aren't _trying_ to find the answers themselves. They come in and ask us where to find certain electrical components (ei. redbox crystal.) They seem to think that the best place to get their parts is Radio Shack. I have seen about 30-40 posts with the numbers for both digikey and mouser. Then there are the people who are selling redboxes. That is just not right, plain and simple. I _don't_ even own a redbox, but I understand how and why they work the way they do. I understand How to make a redbox, of which there are about 5-6 ways I know of. What people have got to remember is that boxing is not the only form of phreaking there is. When it comes to phreaking we should try to learn all that we can about _everything_, not just one subject, which we see a lot of people doing. The AOL situation: There is no AOL situation, as far as phreaking goes. Now if you goto ANY of the alt.2600 Newsgroups and you use AOL you will never get anywhere, in fact no one will even attempt to help you, simpily because you use AOL. This does not happen however in alt.phreaking. Some of the smarter, more intelligent phreaks in there use AOl. One of them, in fact is one of the p1mps. Dr. Maniac and Smokes are prime examples. They often answer questions rather than flame. I have done some stupid things in alt.phreaking, like posting that VMB I hacked. As a bit of advice, I would say not to give out numbers like that. I just recently saw this happen with a number smokes gave out, now it wants and username and password. The thing is, we are only human, and we all make mistakes. The diffence between the good phreaks and everyone else is that the good phreaks will admit it when they make a mistake or that a good phreak won't talk about shit that he/she doesn't know about. Well, Happy new year, and happy phreaking to all. Don't worry about everyone liking you, because it will never happen. Anyways the point of life is to be happy, not to make everyone like you. So sit back and Enjoy! Just a Randomly peiced together Thought... -hatredonalog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- `������������������������������������������������������� �� Article Submission �� �� Submit articles and stuff. Like that's how we �� �� survive you know. We accept anything related to �� �� H/P. Satire and Humour is also accpted. Really �� �� we will accept anything because we have really �� �� low standards. So submit something for the love �� �� of god! You do not have to be a member to submit.�� �����������������������������������������������������֮ ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � "Me harrassing a bunch of people" � � Another shoddy article By: � � hatred on a log � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ������������������������������������� "Damn we're smooth." -Beavis "Behold...the five assed monkey!" -Tarence, from South Park I think (hope) we're all familiar with the LD company OCI. If you don't know what OCI is, they are the stupidist (labeled that way in the best way possible!) phone company, that is to say they are the most harrassed company in the world. At least by me. This is just a bunch of me and my friends bothering their operators, and an ocaissonal supervisor. If you are still confused and are still having trouble finding your own ass with two hands and a flashlight, just like all those mean people on IRC said, then you might want to check out the Phone Losers of America Super (un)Official OCI site at www.phonelosers.org. They are bad mean people too. You can call an OCI operator by calling either 105550 or 1800-288-2880. See, they think that your stupid and will think that they are AT&T. Do this only from a Payphone, as if you didn't already know this. If you decide to bother people from your own home then use *67. Otherwise call some pay-phones up and bother whomever picks it up, that can result in hours of fun. Retarded Disclaimer: None of this should be done by anyone. I am not responsible if you *actually* get caught for this. It should never, ever, ever ever, ever, never be done. It is bad. If you do, you will die, die and goto hell. So don't do it...because it's bad. If you do I don't want to recieve 20 e-mails a day saying "I got caught bothering people on my phone because of you!", because I am not responsible for your stupidity. I do not claim to have actually done this. Henry: Hello, henry, how may I help you? Hatred: Helo? Henry: Hello, This is an OCI operator, can I place a call fo you? Hatred: Uhhhh, helo? Henry: Are you playing on the phones? Hatred: What? No! I want to make a call with my favoritist phone company in the world: Wiltel! Henry: it's OCI. Hatred: What??? What happened to Wiltel? Henry: Are you playing on the phones? Hatred: No, I want to make a phone call dammit! Henry: Area code and phone number please. Hatred: 804-840-1234 Henry: And how will you be paying for this call? Hatred: Well...I was hoping I could use chopped up peices of Hot-dogs. They'll fit into the coin slot! Henry: Are you playing on the phones? Hatred: What the hell do you think? Henry: Thank you for using OCI. *click* Henry: Hello, this is Henry, How may I help you? Hatred: Say "Yo mama!" Henry: Yo mama Hatred: whoa..cool. now say "Go away PLA!!!" Henry: No, I cannot do that. Are you playing on the phones? hatred: Yes I am. I'm sorry to say that your moma wasn't very good last night, so now I'm taking it out on you. Henry: Thank you for using OCI. *click* OP: Hello, (bitch's name) how may I help you? Hatred: Nooooooooo!!!!!!!! Don't say Turkey!!No!! Not turkey!... Bitch: This is an OCI operator, how may I help you? (through me!) hatred: Noooo...NOOO!!! Noo, don't say that! not...turkey... Bitch: Are you playing on the phones? Hatred: (I begin to make seizure like sounds) RitilinGuy: What did you do to my little brother? He's having a seizure!! Bitch: ohhh, my god! oh, oh, no...oh my... *click* Bitch: Hello, (name) how may I help you? hatred: So I suppose you just like to tease poor autistic people about turkeys and barney and stuff? Bitch: (sounding REALLY pissed) Thank you for using OCI. *click* Bitch: Hello, (name) how may I help you? Hatred: Everyone who's an elite PLA hacker is Autistic you know. Bitch: would you like to make a call? hatred: fuck no. Bitch: are you playing on the phones? hatred: nope. i'm bothering you... there's a major difference. Bitch: Thank you for using OCI. *click* Sandy: Hello, Sandy, how may I help you? Hatred: Bueno! Sandy: You have reached an OCI operator, how may I help you? Hatred: Got's me. Sandy: Are you playing on the phone? Hatred: What? Fuck no. Sandy: Give me the area code and phone number you are calling. Hatred: (920) 733-9925 Sandy: And how will you be paying for your call? Hatred: huh? wha? I have to PAY to be bothered and abused while I use your crappy service? Sandy: You are going to have to pay, yes. Hatred: one second... DiscoP1mP: (screams) Hatred: yeah, I's gorts me's a Stolen Calling Card number here. Sandy: and what would the number be? Hatred: didn't you hear me? I said STOLEN. I just mugged some guy and took it. Sandy: That's not right. Hatred: So? He ran off. I didn't hurt him too bad. Sandy: Are you playing on the Phones? Hatred: That's the 16 thousand question, now isn't it? Sandy: I am going to disconnect now. Hatred: The PLA says hi. *click* Kevin: hello, Kevin how may I help you? hatred: hey! What the fuck? I don't want to be "helped" by a queer! Kevin: (sounding pretty mad) I am going to transfer you to my supervisor. *pause* *Beep!* "Supervisor": Hello, supervisor Janet speaking, how may I help you? Hatred: yeah, I want you to get rid of that fucking queer, Kevin. Janet: Oh really? Did you know that it's illegal to play on the phones? Hatred: But I'm not playing on the Phone's! I'm harrassing OCI! Janet: Do you want me to send the police over there in Appleton? Hatred: I don't care, I'm gonna be in class when they get here. Janet: I am going to dissconnect. *click* between me and some lady. her: hello? hatred: hello? her: Yes? Hatred: hello, ma'am this is Dominoi's, I'm calling back to confirm your order of two large pizzas. her: I did not order any pizzas. Hatred: Hey, our Caller ID says that you called 5 minutes ago and placed an order fo two large... her: Cancel the order, I didn't order any pizzas. Hatred: Listen, you ordered the pizzas, we are going ot deliver them and you are going to pay. Got it... her: What does the name say on your Caller ID? Hatred: What? Why should I tell you? It's irrelevant, I'll give you your phone number though... her: Tell the delivery person to not deliver them. Hatred: I can't do that. It's beyond my means to call those lazy bastards back. So your going ot get your pizzas whether you want 'em or not. her: (getting loud and soundign REALLY pissed) I didn't order any GODDAMN pizzas! *click* (she hung up on me!) her: hello? Hatred: What??? her: HELLO Hatred: Ohhhh, hi. her: why do you keep calling my home? Hatred: because it's fun. her: Stop. Hatred: Fuck you Bitch. her: hey! if you don't stop calling, I'm gonna call the Police. Hatred: So? her: Now have a nice day. *click* (hung up on me again!) her: hello? Hatred: do you still want your pizzas? her: STOP CALLING MY HOME! *click* (she's not very nice...) her: hello? hatred: heyo! Enzyme: 'ello las. her: who is this? hatred: we're from bungle, bungle, bungle, and smuthers. I'm calling about the outragous number of prank phone calls and harrassing messages we have reseived from your number. her: we don't make prank calls. hatred: YES you do. and we want it to stop. Enzyme: yeah, goddamnit! we're pissed and we won't take it any shlonger or something! hatred: yeah, bitch! her: I told you little motherfuckers to stop calling. Enzyme: tell them the PLA sent... *click* (she has no sense of humor...) This is between Enzyme and an operator. OPTR: Hello, whoever speaking, how may I help you? Enzyme: Yeah, I'de like my free hotdog please! OPTR: Excuse me? Enzyme: My free HOTDOG. hatred: WE'RE LOOKING AT THE AD RIGHT NOW! OPTR: I sorry but we don't give away hotdogs. Enzyme: Dumb bastard. OPTR: what did you... *click!* OPTR: hello, mrs. papshmeer speaking how may i help you? Hatred: Can I ask you a question? OPTR: Yes? Hatred: Are you allowed to drink on the job? OPTR: No, why would you think that? Hatred: Well, you do only have to handle on person a day an all... OPTR: Where did you get the impression we only have to help one person a day? Hatred: Just because there is about 1500 of you bitches sitting there waiting to be called. OPTR: silent Hatred: would you like a Hotdog? OPTR: I am going to disconnect now. *click!* OPTR: Hello Kim how may I help you? Hatred: Do a flying Dragon Kick for me. OPTR: No. Hatred: Oh, c'mon, just for me? OPTR: Can I help you or not? Hatred: Yeah, you can do a flying dragon kick. OPTR: NO, i will not do that. Hatred: What? Are you LEGLESS? Are you one of those stupified stumptsers who sits at the phone all day? OPTR: I am going to dissconnect now. Hatred: Stupmy Stump Smtupster!... *click!* Henry: hello, henry how may I help you? Hatred: How'da dooley doo, eh? I'm talkie toaster, your chirpy breakfast campanian. Would anyone like any toast? (recording) Henry: Hello? This is an OCI operator. hatred: Well, I want toast! Henry: Are you playing on the phones? hatred: damn straight I am! henry: Thank you for using OCI. *click* Tips: o Use call forwarding, and forward your number to say, the person you hate the most. o Be creative. Do anything that you might find annoying, ect. o Don't worry about being offinsive. It makes you more bothersome. o Use *67, in fact, put it on you speeddial right now. o Don't worry about being caught, I never have been. o Only bother PEOPLE from you home phone. Not the Telco. In fact, don't even think about it. Well that's about it. I have more, just not typed up. I prolly won't even print them unless there is a 3 or 4th issue (we will most likely have died off before then.) - hatredonalog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- " of all our natural resources water has become the most precious ..... In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind to even his most essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference" ...... Rachel carsons, Silent Springs. [I got this from Spam too!] ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � Scan of (800) 369 12xx � � By: hatredonalog � � hatred on a log � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ������������������������������������� I scan manually while I'm bored. You get more interesting things when you scan by hand anyways. Now save this and use these numbers for your own advantage, whatever that may be. (800) 369-1200 - very bad telco. recording (800) 369-1201 - nada (800) 369-1202 - Bill Balaster (800) 369-1203 - Nationwide messaging (800) 369-1204 - Asks for 4 digit pin number (800) 369-1205 - VMB (800) 369-1206 - VMB (800) 369-1207 - Nationwide Messaging (800) 369-1208 - Nada (800) 369-1209 - nada (800) 369-1210 - VMB (800) 369-1211 - some guy, somewhere (800) 369-1212 - nada (800) 369-1213 - nada (800) 369-1214 - Pager (800) 369-1215 - Dave's Pager (800) 369-1216 - some guy (800) 369-1217 - A supply Co. (800) 369-1218 - MCC VMB (800) 369-1219 - nada (800) 369-1220 - nada (800) 369-1221 - Asks for your 4 digit pin (800) 369-1222 - ????? (800) 369-1223 - I got some kid. (800) 369-1224 - Lens First (contacts) (800) 369-1225 - Westpoint Products (800) 369-1226 - nada (800) 369-1227 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1228 - AT&T Easyreach 800 (800) 369-1229 - Plumbing Co. (800) 369-1230 - VMB (800) 369-1231 - An operator for something; not nice (800) 369-1232 - some guy (800) 369-1233 - ????? (800) 369-1234 - carrier (800) 369-1235 - answering machine (800) 369-1236 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1237 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1238 - nada (800) 369-1239 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1240 - nada (800) 369-1241 - Adaptech Technologies (800) 369-1242 - Beep! (800) 369-1243 - Eddie's VMB (800) 369-1244 - Some british guy's VMB (800) 369-1245 - Fiji (800) 369-1246 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1247 - nothing, then busy (800) 369-1248 - nada (800) 369-1249 - Pam's VMB (800) 369-1250 - Toyota Extra Care service (800) 369-1251 - Really loud beeps then recording (800) 369-1252 - Joe Martino, Fax Mailbox (800) 369-1253 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1254 - Walter Levy - Mean person (tuna turtle?) (800) 369-1255 - Anothony at PMG financial services (800) 369-1256 - Some lady (800) 369-1257 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1258 - Some Wholesale Co. (800) 369-1259 - Someone's pager; decodes DTMF tones for you (800) 369-1260 - Skytel Messaging System (800) 369-1261 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1262 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1263 - VMB (800) 369-1264 - nothing, then busy (800) 369-1265 - some guy, likes to say "uh-huh" (800) 369-1266 - PBX (800) 369-1267 - nada (800) 369-1278 - Nationwide Messaging (800) 369-1269 - VMB, Trees forever (800) 369-1270 - VMB (800) 369-1271 - some guy (800) 369-1272 - Some Texan (800) 369-1273 - ? (800) 369-1274 - US Aparrel VMB (800) 369-1275 - ?????? (800) 369-1276 - nada (800) 369-1277 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1278 - Nationwide Messaging (800) 369-1279 - Esterson Associates (800) 369-1280 - A music company (800) 369-1281 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1282 - Message Center for US Grounds (800) 369-1283 - nada (800) 369-1284 - David (800) 369-1285 - nada (800) 369-1286 - Please enter numeric message (800) 369-1287 - Please enter numeric message (800) 369-1288 - ????? (800) 369-1289 - nada (800) 369-1290 - Sandy Bear's VMB (800) 369-1291 - Answering Machine (800) 369-1292 - some lady (800) 369-1293 - Asks for 4 digit pin (800) 369-1294 - ????? (800) 369-1295 - some lady (800) 369-1296 - Dr. Helm's pager (800) 369-1297 - Photo Air VMB (800) 369-1298 - Bill from texas' VMB (800) 369-1299 - Asks for 4 digit pin Notes: Is it just me or do I see a trend with all the numbers asking for a 4 digit pin? I have yet to figure out what one of these things is though, maybe once i hack one. :) Walter Levy is a mean, bad, mean, lame person. If your lucky he will yell at you. Say roy sent you and he'll get mad. BTW: he told me it was mortuary, so tell them your dead! He's threated to call the police twice now, never has though. I'll prolly have an entire thing full of me bothering him for issue 2-3. -hatredonalog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- �������������������������������� $� Submit an ereeet telephony �$ $� article and get absolutely �$ $� nada in return! �$ ��찰����o�������尰���o�������� (�| | | |�) �| . . |� | | . . [Phear my 'reet ascii skillz, f00l.] ࡿ����������������������������������ͧ�?!� � Setting up a Pirate TV station for $20 � � By: Neptunium Overkill � � quixilver@mailexcite.com � ������������������������������������������� ---------------- - INTRODUCTION - ---------------- Ever wanted to own and operate your own TV station? All it takes is a trip to K-Mart/Radio Shack. Let's Begin. ------------- - MATERIALS - ------------- 1 VCR or Camcorder (The source of what you want to air) 3 Coaxial Cables 1 Roof VHF Antenna (If you have cable, you'll have to broadcast from someone's house who doesn't) 2 Signal Amplifiers (Made for people with weak cable signals, cost about $10-25. You can get one at K-Mart/Fleet Farm/Wally World/Radio Shack. They have two female coaxial connecters, one input and one output) ------------- - PROCEDURE - ------------- 1. Plug in all the stuff 2. Take one of the coaxial cables and put one end in the jack on the VCR that says "Video Out" or "Out to TV," or the "Video Out" jack on your camcorder 3. Take the other end and put it in the input jack on one of the amps 4. Take another of the cables and put it in the output jack of the amp you just put the first cable into 5. Take the other end of the cable you put into the output jack and put it into the input jack on your other amp 6. Take another coaxial cable and put one end into the output jack on the second amp and stick the other end into the coaxilal jack behind your TV that usally is used by your TV to receive signals 7. Put a tape into your VCR and hit play, or if you're using a camcorder hit record and play reporter 8. Call a friend and see if it works ----------- - DIAGRAM - ----------- |------------| |-------| |-------| | | VCR |===========| AMP |=======| AMP |========| <------Wall Jack |------------| |-------| |-------| | ----------- - CLOSING - ----------- Your station should broadcast on channel 3. Depending on how strong your amps are, everyone in your city will probably be able to get it in, unless you live in a large city. For related info and a nice antenna diagram, check out plans for the Snow Box. Good Luck. - Neptunium Overkill -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "You don't know me, but you don't like me. You say you care less how I feel, but how many of you that sit and judge me have ever walked the streets of Bakersfield?" - Homer Joy [One of my all time favorite quotes.] ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � The Lost Art of Poling � � By: MMX_Killa � � MMX_KiLLa@geocities.com � � or � � s12@barrms1.lhric.org � ������������������������������������� Before you read on, I want to warn you. Power lines on telephone poles usually carry around 13.5KV at varying high amperage. Before you climb a pole, make sure that the phone lines are on the bottom. If the lowest set of cables has all of the fancy shcmancy sets of boxes, and varying size cans. Beige boxing. Too easy. All one needs to do is clip into a TNI box. But wait - what about areas that have the older wiring plots where the only form of a network interface is a cheap screw terminal set with a rubber "Bell System" cover over it? You know the area. All of the houses predate 1980. The lines are above ground. Some of the poles have climbing rungs. One question I heard while teaching a few newbies in my area was "Why are those there any way? Don't they [bell] have trucks?". Yes, they do, but sometimes its either more convienient for the line to be up close and personal, or there's no cherry picker on the truck they have. Then there's those green boxes on the pole, or the drop boxes on the line. Why have the older brothers of cans been forgotten? What are those things on the line? Those "bubble" type objects are called drop boxes, and are like cans, except more cluttered. The green boxes mentioned earlier are the equivalent of cans. In fact, they weren't actually used in the construction of the neighborhood, but only in recent line additions or conversions. The big ugly gray boxes with those wierd metal assemblies under them are usually area pinouts. The same thing as the big green ones used today, only smaller. How do I know which pole to strike? Look for ones that either: 1) Have small green boxes that are about 1 foot tall, 5 inches wide, and 1 inch deep. 2) Have those wierd sitting assemblies with the large area pinouts. The pinout boxes have double doors, usually closed with a swinging latch, and are mostly the ugly metallic gray. Stay away from ones that: 1) Have greenish gray boxes that say "alpha" (I'll explain why later) 2) Have light poles on them 3) Are on busy roads 4) Are loaded up with nails and staples 5) Have loose wires hanging down Now that you have chosen a pole, look at it. When you look at the pole, and notice that the lowest rung is about five or six feet off the ground, you may be wondering how to get up. Simply answered: While looking at the pole you may have noticed some metal plates attached to the pole with large bolts (or a wooden block, depending on the area). I don't know the technical name, but in the suburbs of New York City, we call them "kicker posts". To get up, grab on to the lowest set of rungs, and put your foot on the lowest kicker post. Pull your weight up, grab onto the next rung, and put your other foot on the next kicker post. Pull up your weight again, and you should have a rung to put your foot on now. So get your self up the easily climbable semi-ladder, and once you get to the lowest set of cables, STOP, or tomorrow on page 28b of the newspaper there will be a story titled "Local Hoodlum Killed by Light and Power!". What's one to do while up there? If you followed my directions, and brought your beige box, and a line tester, and a flashlight, open up either the box or the pinout, and find a line and beige box it. Dial an ANAC (18004879240) and find out your number. _IF_ you happen to find an enemies line, just rip it out. Hell, they'll (bell employees) probably look in the can, and come back and say "customer's responsibility", even though its obvious that it was maliciously pulled. What the hell were you talking about before about those boxes with "alpha" on them? Those are load pots. There function is to amplify the signal on cable pairs. They usually only exist beyond a two mile radius from the Central Office. I will stress this once that they _ARE_ high voltage. One of my friends fathers (a lineman) was nearly killed servicing one. If you noticed the two mile thing, and immediatly ADSL popped into your head, then yes, the correlation is that the load pot _does_ add noise and static pops to the line, and only equipped to efficiently amplify a small range of frequencies. Yes, it sucks, but thats the way life goes. I have a burning questions about this! Where can I get an answer? You can either post to alt.phreaking or send me an email at either MMX_KiLLa@geocities.com or s12@barrms1.lhric.org - MMX_Killa -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "While this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed laws of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved .... There is grandeur in this view of life." ........... Charles Darwin, "The Origin of Species" ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � The Bypass Box � � By: Thingg � � Nothingg@yahoo.com � ������������������������������������� Now, i know you're saying, "What, is that the best you could come up with?" Well, this is basically a general article on what you can do with your home fone. But first, i'd like to share with everyone a neet trick i learned. 1. Push Ctrl-Esc (this should open the start menu) 2. Push Esc (this should close the start menu, but now it's selected) 3. Push Alt-{dash} (this should open a menu on your start button) 4. Push Alt-F4 (this should close the start button!) (It's great to do to ALL the computers in your school, they'll think they got a virus and get a professional to come in) To get it back reset the computer, and if theres no security thingy, just restart explorer. Now to the main point of this article. Ok so you've cracked open your ordinary Bell/AT&T/Lucent fone. Now what?! Well, you've got the keypad, the reciever, the jack for the wall, the jack for the reciever, and possibly a smaller brown memory board. What the hell are you sposed to do with this? Well, i've got four ideas. 1. Create a really cool handy Beige Box 2. Throw it at your little brother. 3. Make a Bypass Box 1. Ok, so what you do is find yourself a cigar box and some quality tape, although i recommend solder. From there open the cigar box and remove that pesky nail, for now. Take a long fone wire and strip it down, usually you only need the red and green wires, but you can use allofem if you want. Cut two holes, on opposite sides a little bigger than either of the two jacks you removed from the fone. KEEP THE PIECES OF CIGAR BOX YOU CUT OUT. Pop the jacks into the two holes that you just created. Solder 'em in good, or tape them. Solder/Tape everything else into the box in a nice corner, so you've got room, for whatever you want, like a good collection of l/d numbers, the telefone book's more interesting pages, a screwdriver, and a GIANT wire. With the cut out pieces, tape them over the jacks, so the box is inconspicous. Put the nail back in and rubberband it shut, with everything inside but the reciever, there...you have everything you need to beige, in a nice compact box! 2. Open it up, and seperate all the big parts from the small ones. Go get a fan and some shaving gel. When he's in his room, not paying attention, hide, and throw all the little pieces at him, 1 by 1. Put the fan, facing him, turn it on high, quickly spray shaving gel all over it. When he's cleaning up, chuck the fone at him and watch him cry. Then apologize, get another fone, and do it to the other brother. 3. Finally, we return to the point. Betcha never heard of a Bypass Box before. Well, i hate muted handsets on Bell fones, and there were no box plans, so i made my own. First off, i hate writing things other people wrote, so find your own redbox plans and, you guessed it, make one! Follow my plans up above for a cigar-box-beige box. This time keep all four wires when you strip the fone wire. Solder your redbox to the top of your reciever, and solder the speaker right next to the mouthpiece. Now you've got a Bypass "Red" box, or simply a Bypass box. Using it is easy, just tap into the payfone with the beige part of the box, and from there use the red box as you ordinarily would on a non- muted fone! That, is the best way to get around a muted Bell fone. Muted COCOTs you say? Easier! Just beige them! This works for most, if it doesnt work 'round where you live, email me, nothingg@yahoo.com PS If this box already exists, email me, and i'll give it it's rightful name and list it's creator's handle. If not, it was created by Nothingg, now don't forget that! -Nothingg -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ����������������������� | Send us Hatemail!!! | | Send us your love!! | | Send us SOMETHING!! | ����������������������� ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � The Aphex Theory � � Presented By: Hatredonalog � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ������������������������������������� The reason I put "presented by" instead of "by" is because this is not *my* theory. I heard it on IRC from somebody who really doesn't want to have his name on anything or be associated with publications. I respect that, therefore, I am not printing his name in this article. The person I heard it from is probably one of *the* most intelligent and best phreak I know. It has come to my conclusion that many of us do not understand why BlueBoxing doesn't work. It is _not_ because of ESS. Catch that? NOT because of ESS as sooo many of us want to believe. Blueboxing was made possible because siganlling trunks and voice trunks were not kept seperate my Ma Bell (silly them!) The method of Interoffice signalling that was used was SF signalling. The infamous 2600hz tone was what indicated that a trunk was in use. This method was soon replaced by newer methods of signalling, they were Loop Signalling and CCIS. With Loop Signalling the way to indicate that a trunk was in use wasn't the 2600hz tone, but rather reversing the polarity of the voltage on the trunk. Now signalling trunks and voice trunks are kept separete so we can only access the voice trunks, so it's not as easy as just reversing the voltage on the line and siezing the trunk because you don't have access to the signalling trunk. Now if you did have access to the signalling trunk, and if you could reverse the polarity, send the new routing information using MF tones... You would've found a new way the Blue Box. The problem is accessing the signalling trunk without being physically at the switch. You would HAVE to have access to the signalling trunk to be able to do this, it cannot be accessed from the voice trunk, it just isn't possible. Keep in mind though, this is only a theory. It is not proven nor has it been, to the author's knowledge, ever been done. If you have any comments or know anything about this please email it to me, so that I might bring it to the attention of the guy who really thought of this. - hatredonalog [Editor's note- I DID NOT COME UP WITH THE THEORY. Yes, I wrote the Article, but only because the guy who's idea it was doesn't like writing stuff. This guy is fuckin' 'leet, he just isn't into writing stuff. Hope you learned something.] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � Running out of Time � � By: Viperfox � ������������������������������������� [Editor's note- I stole this from alt.conspiracy. I don't know exactly who wrote this, except that he appears to be crazy. The only reason I included it was because I found it both amusing and quite insane. Well, this about wraps it up for humor, now doesn't it?] Can we talk plainly? In my view, at least, taking up a strictly defensive posture is a strategy that mainly serves our enemies and the powers that be. Almost every day, in fact, the government at the federal and state levels throughout these continental United States are implementing drastic measures to make it nearly impossible for any kind of organized revolt to materialize. We all know how the Clinton Administration and their bed-buddies in Congress in both parties practically tripped over each other to add additional restrictions to firearms. They even specified that tagaments be added to ammonium nitrate and other potential "terrorist" reagents. But did you know they have passed new regulations which prevent the common person from purchasing sterilizing agents like potassium permanganate? It's true. In order to get even a small quantity of those purple-colored crystals, you must have a special PERMIT or a special DEALER'S LICENSE. I'm not kidding. But the list does not stop there. In short, nearly anything that can be made into an explosive concoction, even if it would require sophisticated equipment and know-how, has been arbitrarily banned. Yes, you can still get some things in minute amounts, but not unless you are QUALIFIED first. Good luck! Meanwhile, the weasels in our government are working feverishly to perfect many high-tech devices. They have sensitive equipment which enables them to detect a handgun in a passing car, or in the pocket of a single person standing in a huge crowd. They have satellites which can photograph two mosquitoes mating, and listening devices which can capture the sound of a mouse tip-toeing across your kitchen floor from several hundred yards away. What's more, they have smart bombs which can seek out and destroy an enemy who is supposedly fortified at depths of over 500 feet. They also have a huge array of chemical and biological brews which will penetrate any protective mask or suit, including a shielded bunker. They've even deployed specially designed and equipped robots which are armed with more than just miniature cameras and listening devices. Some, in fact, are made to kill, especially poorly defended and outmatched civilians. The list goes on and on. And why is this important? Because we are running out of time. In other words, if we do not hurry up and get our act together soon, the government will be able to stop even those they are slightly suspicious about before they're able to realize what's going down. They can already BLOCK virtually all radio transmissions in this hemisphere. They can crawl in and out of any computer that transmits or receives bytes of information over the telephone lines. They can decode encryption patterns faster than new ones can be created. And they have been compiling a list of potential "subversives" and militia-types for the last 10 years. They can freeze your bank accounts. They can order the IRS to go after you. They can seize your property without probable cause. They can even have you murdered under some false pretext like they had arranged at WACO and RUBY RIDGE. They don't care if women and children are involved. Have you ever written a Letter to the Editor with a political bent and had it published? Then you are marked. Have you ever written an irate letter to a Congressmen or Senator? Then you are marked. Have you ever joined a political organization such as the U.S. Taxpayer's Party, the John Birch Society, or the National Alliance, etc.? Then you are marked. And have you ever belonged to a gun club, the NRA, or a recognized militia? Right.You are doubly marked. With so much power in the hands of today's authoritarians, it would be suicide to allow them the time they need to become even stronger. Besides, do you really believe that a corrupt system will repair itself by way of the ballot box? Keep dreaming. That is exactly what the socialists and the neo-Marxists are banking on. To tell you the truth, I think that most people will OBEY this government regardless of how defiled it becomes. If that's not true, then why are we in this mess now? Do we not still have income taxes? Are the courts subverting the Constitution? Have people lost their property without just compensation because of zealous environmental decrees? Are regulations becoming more expensive and cumbersome on the average ma and pa business? Is the government teaching our children multiculturalism and doing what it can to destroy the family? Is homosexuality on the rise? Do thousands die each day in abortion mills? Are the Ten Commandments forbidden to be displayed in courthouses? Are there more children and teenagers experimenting with illegal drugs? Is the national media overwhelming biased against conservatives, especially Fundamental Christians? And are people generally more interested in sports, than they are when it concerns what their elected officials are up to? Yes to all of the above. Need I say more? Then stop talking and start doing. The longer you wait, the more costly it will be. -Viperfox -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ������������������������������������� (| Send us your Telecom. related |) (| Conspiracy Theories! Does the |) (| US gov't. control the commun- |) (| ications industry? Were there |) (| Evil things behind the Nynex/ |) (| Bell Atlantic Merger? Tell us! |) ���������������������������������� ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � Rantings and Ramblings � � By: Sphinx � � sphinx@hotmail.com � ������������������������������������� This was written by myself in order to express my feelings about people that everyone has to deal with at one time or another. People who are not right, not necessarily by their fault, but nevertheless are messed up in their feeble minds. My primary goal is not to put these weaklings of society down, but to establish the roots of this problem and help the sick, twisted individuals eventually get help for their disease. Some people are really fucked up. I don't mean that they're serial killers, or that they go around beating other people to a pulp for the hell of it, but that they are just messed up for life. I know people like this, and every time I meet another I think I'm in hell or being punished for something I didn't really do. They are the kind of people that you probably think are normal citizens, carrying on day to day because they must. To the outside world, they seem like your everyday Joe, but their friends and family know what's really up. These people are driven by some unknown force to annoy, piss off, and just plain drive others to the brink of insanity. These are the people who push serial killers to do what they do, and who push people to take others hostage in day care centers . These are not your typical assholes, these people are worse and something needs to be done. I haven't done medical research, but I don't think that personalities like these are derived from the gene pool. Maybe the stars or heavens, but what I am really considering at the moment is childhood. Psychologists (is that spelled right?) will tell you that most attitudes and personalities are derived starting from childhood. What pushed these individuals to become so deranged during their childhood? Was is edgy, abusive parents? Was it situations where they never had power and now the can't get enough? I don't know the answers but hopefully I can determine more precisely where these problems start because these people are making me and the rest of the world angry. Something must be done, those reading this must take action and e-mail me with a note. Tell me how you liked this. Latah :) - Sphinx -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Wherever you live is your temple if you treat it like one" ............. The Buddha ࡿ����������������������������ͧ�?!� � Why payphones act the way they do � � and why your redbox works � � By: hatredonalog � � hatredonalog@hotmail.com � ������������������������������������� It has occured to me that many people don't understand the operation of a Bell payphone. I see in alt.phreaking people telling each other blatant crap. I saw one post that said that the linemen had to go and reset the actual payphone itself to ask for 35�. This is not true. The only reason a payphone is a payphone is because it is labeled in the switch as being one. Not because it is a phone that asks for money that is hooked up to a regular loop line. That would be a COCOT, a Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone, and it would not be owned by the telco. Now I want you to go do an experiment. Go out and find a payphone with the wires easily accessable or out in open view. Strip them a bit, and tap in with your biege box. Try and dial out, and what does it do? It tells you to deposit money doesn't it? Ahhh, wait one minute! How did YOUR phone become a Payphone? Well as you can guess it didn't. It's because your on a loop that has been flagged as being one for a payphone in the switch database (the RCMAC code for this is DTF). Get it? Okay with me so far? Okay, so we have one (1) virtually armoured phone with a coin slot hooked up to (1) telephone loop that wants money. So how does the phone tell the line that you put money in? The very same reason a redbox works. When you deposit money, it makes little beeps, just listen. These beeps are referred to as ACTS tones. These tones are a combination of 2200 hz + 1700 hz. What a redbox does is digitally re-produce these tones. The telephone listens for these tones, and when the PAYPHONE hears them, it sends the tone down to the switch for every coin you put in. So, in effect, if you can reproduce the tones, then you can trick the phone into thinking that you deposited $3.25 for that call out to Colorado. And when the telco. decides to change (raise) the price of a local call from a payphone, all they have to do is tell the computer to demand more of your hard earned cash. They can change the price on any single phone they want, such as one in an airport to keep up with prices. If they wanted to they could have one phone demand $1 for a local call and then the one down the hall only want a quarter. It's all in the computer, not the phone like everyone wants to think. If it were the phone then lots of poor linemen would have to run around to change prices on a lot of payphones every time Bell wanted to up the price again, and that would cost them a lot of money. So, be happy that you know _why_ a redbox works now and why all those nice armoured phones on the walls everywhere act the way they do. Plans and insrtructions for a redbox are all over the internet, so leave alt.phreaking alone. - hatredonalog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- \\ // *---^----&@&----^---* (---------) *---^--(0_0)--^----* (--------) (------(-------)--) *-^--|M|--^--* (-----------------) (-----------------) *-((%-&))-* (---------------) (_________) )&#%( (-------------------) , &_% , (________) * * / \ * * \___/ / \ \---/ (0 o) / \ |@ @| aXe .* *. |-| ^<$>^ |-----------| |^(-&-)^| |---| |-\-\-\-\-\-| * | | * |-\-|---|-\-p1Mp!-\-| d. .b |-\-|---|-\-\-\-\-\-| |-\-\-| |-\-|---|-----------|----|-\-\-| [I made this while I was bored one day on IRC. w00p!] ������������������ � Contact 1Nph0: � ������������������ We're not very organized. I did setup #p1mp on FEFnet, but i hardly ever go there. I usually hang in #peng on EFnet along with sphinx. I dunno about the other peeps tho. E-mail them and ask. Our addies are on the DPP site and up in the top thinggie. There is a monthly p1mp meeting on the 30th of every month at 4:00 Central, and if there is no 30th then it's the 29th in #p1mp. So feel free to come and listen in. Be warned though, it will be moderated by me, so it doesn't get out of control (you have to ask for voice if you need to say something). Anyways, I'll post a log of the meeting on the DPP website. Until next month!... ------------------------------------��F----------------------------------- ..xX d I G I T A l p H R E A k p 1 M P s Xx.. "Yo! Yo! Yo! What the dilly?" - Some queer on the Shaniqua Line Digital Phreak P1mps a free publication. Copyright 1998. All information in this issue is property of digital phreak p1mps, period. Nothing may be copied or reproduced. Our staff and our ISPs are not responsible for your actions, and neither are we. What you do with this information is up to you, we are not responsible for your stupidity. ------------------------------------��F-----------------------------------