< The Israeli Underground Information eXchage > , � ,g,___.,,�g?P�~ g�,,,. g.,gd$P�''~``'4${ ,, ,,._ __..,, _.,._}$$$$%' '�4$$b, ' g��,.. :} :}"�P#g,. ,yP�~"�4Py. ,gP'~"��"~` '$$$b. ~�4$$4 }$ }$ `$$b: d$} }$b,%%} :$$$% ~$$i _.,, ii��,, `4$%%%?W, ;$$} $$; , .}$$$P g�,,,. .}$$b#P�"}: �$~"�4 `$$b.`4?g,,.,g?P�` ;?W,.,,�g?P�~ ,dP�"' .,._}$$$$%':d$$' $}g4: `$$$b. `~}}~`` `4?~``'4${ '' ,gP'``~"��"~` ,$$P' ii�' .'P�~' ,d$P' '' .d$$' $} ,g, --IL d$$P' '' '~�4` :4g, `�' .,,, {$$$ .. / `�' '?${_.,, `�Pb, jizm#@ '�"~``'4g, `` '' '' Chaos IL - Issue #4, 26/Jul/1998 .. ,, Oi! ~If freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom~ Oi! Chaos IL Issue Four Index: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 01. Introduction to Issue #4 (NEWS) by morgoth 02. Gaining supervisor on school Novell NetWare by Insaine 03. Cheating Israeli ISPs for Dummies PART I by Volatile 04. Israeli Blue boxing in the '90s by morgoth 05. Extra Extender INFO by Radon 06. Resetting Fastcomm router by skade 07. Bezeq's DMX system - Information and usage by morgoth 08. Information about BezeqNet (135) for PBXers by Mota Boy 09. Resources & Credits * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *** 01. General NEWS & Introduction to Issue #4 ###### ## ## ###### ####### ######## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ###### ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ####### ######## #### ######## ! Issue #4 ! (c) Chaos-IL Foundation 1998 We are still alive (!). Due to internal group re-arrangement situation and major technical problems, we became inactive and were away for a while. The main problem has began when we couldn't supply anough information to compile a new issue. However, currently, we are truely fixed and here is another fresh issue of Chaos IL with updates and new information as always. We are looking for more information suppliers (read below). I would like to greet the whole Chaos-IL team for being Chaos IL, major greets to the #972 eleet hax0rs :], who were involved in making Chaos-IL possible. We are open for applications. If you have any interesting information for us, and you are * ARTICLES * willing to write an article about it or just to share the information with us and let us handle it, contact the staff. : 9 : n$X : ?L $$B :X $B<: U$$$X :X! 7$$N$ R1 R2 PULSE (Pulse dialset) ANALOG (Analog dialset) Telephone networks communicate via special "lines", connecting each other up, called Trunks. Information about a call, and in some cases the conversation, is passed through a trunk line to the called network. The called end gathers the signalling information, manipulates some hardware, and voila- a call is made. If the called line is busy etc.. then the called end signals back to the called system, and the caller get a busy signal. Thats way over simplified, (and somewhat incorrect) but I'll explain more as I go. Until then, here is an analogy. :) -= Trunk Lines (eH?) =- A trunk line is a circut that connects two (2) networks together. You may already be familiar with the trunk lines running between CO's. For C5, however, the trunk lines will be the ones that connect transit (international) networks to terminal (national) networks in distant countrys. The trunk lines not only transmit signalling information, they also transmit your conversation. So, when you make a call over one of these trunks you have access to more than a friendly voice. :) I once wondered why in the hell anyone would ever do such a stupid thing, but the answer is simple: 1. It's known Bezeq are stupid 2. With the volume of traffic going overseas, and the cost of the cable, equipment, boats, crew and design, the profit for using a single line to handle both signalling and voice eaisly outweighs the amount of "potential" loss due to fraud or bad connections. No one really cares. Trunk lines are like Bridges (the kind you drive over). Instead of running many small bridges to various locations, one large bridge is built in a convienient spot. Even though there is only one bridge, it's big and handles lots of traffic, effectivley connecting two sections of town. :) -= The Operation =- Blue boxing is the art of seizing lines in another country with the affect that you have operator control over the line. What you are looking for is a CCITT#5 (C5) phone system of a foreign country, that can be seized. CCITT (aka C) has 7 versions up to now that are running, The one signalling system I will discuss is: CCITT5. It is still possible to use other systems (Like R1), but most people wont be able to find them. CCITT5 (C5) is an international Signalling system. It was designed for handeling international calls going over the trans-atlantic cables. Its still widley used in many South American, Carribean, Asian and poorer countrys. Slowly, it's dying. Seize is a signal sent in the forward direction to prepare the incoming exchange (free toll number) for a call. Seizing involves sending a 2600Hz/2400Hz tone down the lines for about 100ms-500ms. This is generally followed by a 2400Hz tone for the same time. Some systems require a 2600/2400 clear forward for 100-150ms and then the seize tones that are in other tone range, though it's harder, that is the modern way for Blue boxing. -= Getting around with C5 =- Usually if you listen, you will hear wierd beeps or clicks before the phone rings, when the person answers the phone, or after the called party hangs up. These noises are actually signals being sent in the reverse direction. If you got into one of these, this is a C5 phone system. After you got your C5, there are a few steps you have to do in order to gain a free call, or in order words.. Blue box :P 1. Breaking the operator trunk line or in other words, break into the C5. 2. Prepare the trunk line for dialing or in other words, after you breaked the C5, send the seize tones to prepare the line for dialing. [*] C5 can be breaked by sending variations of 2600Hz/2400Hz tones for about 100ms-500ms to the line. Each country has it own frequancies and you'll have to use another variation for breaking it. Example: Breaking ENGLAND (177-022-XXXX) ------------------------------- Break tone: 2400Hz + 2600Hz / 300ms / vol22 Seize tone: 4400Hz + 2420Hz / 252ms / vol44 Info/Explaination ----------------- *Break Tone* sending 2400 + 2600 Hz tones for 300 mili-seconds at volume 22. *Seizing Tone* sending 4400 + 2420 Hz tones for 252 mili-seconds at volume 44. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=- ** This is a luzzy example, so don't think you're a wize ass and bother to try it out even :)) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=- Some words about the Seize tone ------------------------------- After you breaked the C5 trunk line, you mostly get silence or a low tone, in this situation you have to send a seizing tone that will Seize the line and prepare it for dialing. Seize tone must include a 2400Hz in it since 2400Hz is the C5's Seizure tone. The 2400Hz in your seize tone will come secondary, it should look like something in this syntax: (Seize tone example) - + 2400Hz / / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once it's breaked ----------------- Greetings. send the Seize tone properly to prepare and line you are on, and the line is ready for dialing! Switch your Blue box Dialing program to C5 dialset, and follow the next dialing rules... After breaking you'll have to dial in C5 signalling, it is different from the normal DTMF tones we are using daily with our home phone. Here are the C5 signals: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + CCITT system 5 Line Signals + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Signal Frequency(Hz) --------------+-------------- Seizure 2400 * Clear Forward 2600 + 2400 * Clear Backward 2600 Proceed-to-Send 2600 Release guard 2400 + 2600 KP1 (term) 1100 + 1700 KP2 (trans) 1300 + 1700 Digit 1 700 + 900 2 700 + 1100 3 900 + 1100 4 700 + 1300 5 900 + 1300 6 1100 + 1300 7 700 + 1500 8 900 + 1500 9 1100 + 1500 0 1300 + 1500 Code11 700 + 1700 Code12 900 + 1700 ST (end) 1500 + 1700 You probably saw those signals already, in your Blue box Dialer, but I guess some of you who have'nt Blue boxed yet don't know thier meanings. KP1: Indicates the beggining of a terminal (national) routing. KP2: Indicates the beggining of a transit (international) routing. ST: Indicates the end of a routing. A terminal call is one that is inside of the national network that owns the trunk line. It's kind of like a local call, but fuck the regional boundries. In other words, will perform a local call in the country you breaked into. The format for a typical terminal call is: KP1 - - ST For example, if you breaked a US trunk line, you'll be able to dial numbers in the US just like you are calling from within the US :) Transit calls are formated a little diffrent because they obviously need more information. The format for a typical transit call is: KP2 - - 10 - - ST What's the "ST" stands for? --------------------------- ST signal will come at the end of the call operation. ST is actually similar to the ENTER command, it tells the C5 you are done, and sends the info of the call you want to perform. Placing a call (in general) --------------------------- Let's say we breaked a US exchange, and willing to call localy, to the free toll US 1-800 number of AT&T, which is 1-800-426-7720. We dial the follow: KP1-18004267720-ST | | | | | | Local call | End | Phone # Now let's say we want to call international to Netvision in Israel. We pick the Netvision central system at 972-3-5166222. We dial the follow: KP2-972-10-35166222-ST | | | | | | | | | | Inter | Pass | End Call | Digit | | | Country Phone # Code *** List of Bezeq's Home Country Directs ------------------------------------ 177-430-2727 .............................................. Austria 177-610-2727 .......................... (TELSTRA Telecom) Australia 177-611-2727 ............................ (OPTUS Telecom) Australia 177-390-2727 .................... ........................... Italy 177-353-2727 .............................................. Ireland 177-100-2727 ......................... (AT&T Telecom) United States 177-150-2727 .......................... (MCI Telecom) United States 177-102-2727 ....................... (SPRINT Telecom) United States 177-320-2727 .............................................. Belgium 177-550-2727 ............................................... Brazil 177-440-2727 ................................ (BTI Telecom) Britian 177-441-2727 ............................ (MERCURY Telecom) Britian 177-490-2727 .............................................. Germany 177-450-2727 .............................................. Denmark 177-270-2727 ......................................... South Africa 177-310-2727 .............................................. Holland 177-360-2727 .............................................. Hungary 177-886-2727 ............................................... Tiewan 177-300-2727 ............................................... Greece 177-810-2727 ................................................ Japan 177-962-2727 ............................................... Jordan 177-352-2727 ............................................ Luxemburg 177-330-2727 ............................................... Monako 177-212-2727 .............................................. Morocco 177-470-2727 ............................................... Norway 177-640-2727 ........................................... New-Ziland 177-860-2727 ................................................ China 177-659-2727 ............................................ Singapore 177-340-2727 ................................................ Spain 177-100-2727 ........................................... Portu-Riko 177-351-2727 ............................................. Portugal 177-358-2727 .............................................. Finland 177-450-2727 ............................................ Froa-Cost 177-560-2727 ................................................ Chile 177-330-2727 ............................................... France 177-506-2727 ........................................... Costo-Riko 177-822-2727 .......................................... South Korea 177-105-2727 ............................................... Canada 177-357-2727 ............................................... Cyprus 177-460-2727 ............................................... Sweden 177-410-2727 .......................................... Switzerland 177-660-2727 .............................................. Tieland 177-900-2727 ............................................... Turkey Syntax is 177-COUNTRY_CODE-2727 for any others that are not listed in here. If you reach nothing in one of these that are listed here or you get a broken line signal, try using a similar number like: Canada - 177-105-2727 , 177-104-2727 . _________________________________________________________________________ *** Some notes about Security and Tracing I ---------------------------------------- Since '94 and earlier in some exchanges, there have been tone detection devices on operator trunk lines. One of the most known detectors being used is the FTD (Frequency Tone Detector). The FTD is filtering your line and can detect tones such as 2600Hz when being sent. The FTD's reaction is an immediate disconnection from the exchange you dialed in (where you sent the tones), informing/notifying Bezeq of your action, and a line shutdown for few minutes. In order to Blue box, you MUST bypass/disable the FTD. You may Blue box in the old ways through foreign contries and if you're experianced with a high technique performance it might work, though you'll either get busted or a line shutdown for a long period. There are a few ways to bypass/disable the FTD that are actually based on the same technique, we've published the easiest of them in Chaos-IL ISSUE#1, I've included it here anyway. *RIPPED FROM CHAOS#1* *RIPPED FROM CHAOS#1* *RIPPED FROM CHAOS#1* == CHAOS-IL ISSUE#1 ARTICLE #4 =============================================== ============================================================================== Bezeq's Frequency Tone Detector is an InterLine exchange that is able to detect 2600hz tones and beyond. The project has came into act in 1989, when AT&T distributed the first FTD to TeleComm. companys, in order to detect any kind of "blue actions"/ Blue boxing that was much massive those days. Either that the FTD is operated within the pick/hang up Hz tones, and an InterLine exchange, it can bypassed VERY simply. To first-check Bezeq's FTD, get any Blue boxing program that supports the local DTMF(Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) dialset, and send generated phone number tones to your phone's mouthpiece using the SoundBlaster/MIC. After performing 3 local calls, your telephone will be shuted down for 5 seconds and with period, you will hear a strange tone that sounds like a musical trunk, and the line will be back to normal. This is the FTD, and what it did, is to announce Bezeq of your illegal tone frequency and disabling your short pass calls that were actually performed without of any Billing Incharges. (please note that this can be mentioned in your monthly Telephone paperbill). As said before, the FTD can be bypassed/disabled very easly. before excuting your desired call, get a payphone number that is placed near to your house (best in your street) and dial it in a reasonable hour. Wait for someone to pick up the phone (a streetwalker). When the payphone is being picked up, right then, the FTD gets disabled for the correct call. try to bullshit the streetwalker that answered your call as much as you can in order to produce more time if you get into troubles (it is not recommanded to repeat the same way to the same payphone in generaly, in order to disable bezeq from noticing anything). Anyhow, your call is out of the FTD. Now, you have to quickly discharge the call, and send it over to your house. You have to make theperson who answer the phone to call you back within less then 5 seconds after you closed down the corrent call. (5 seconds is the FTD's period time). Now, this call should be performing very quickly, and it not seems to work some of times couse of the payphone's "Telecard" delays, so the streetwalker need to be ready with the Telecard verified inside. After he's done dialing your phone's dialtones and the phone rings at your house, the FTD is enabled. Quickly pickup the phone and hangup after 5 seconds exactly! (its recommanded to use a clock near you). FTD is bypassed. you have 5sec to excute your desired call using a Blue box or any other tone freq. that need to disable the FTD in order to excute the call. I know this might not be clearly to some of you, so I discribed an online FTD bypass that I did a short time ago: * PP = Payphone (the remote payphone carrier) * LP = Local Phone (you) -- Calling the payphone -- -- Phone has been picked up -- PP: "Hello?" LP: "Hello, is this 03-XXXXXXX payphone number, that is located in the main Tel-aviv square?, Did I dialed correctly?" PP: "You sure did. There was no one here to answer, so I picked up ..." LP: "Can I use few minutes of your time?" PP: "What happened?" LP: "I'm a Bezeq lineman, I'm in the middle of Tele-line Device installation and I need you to call back in here in order to verify the new Device." PP: "I Understand. Then what is your purpose in calling this payphone?" LP: "The device line is need to be tested within this Local Area Network, The payphone you're talking through is serving the Network's point." PP: "Ok, Understood. Which number should I call?" LP: "Call to 03-XXXXXXX. Now, you must done the dialing within 5 seconds max. the device will not get into act if you will pass the 5 seconds period. put your Telecard in by now, so we wont lose any time." PP: "Telecard is in. I will try doing this." LP: "Ok, I am about to disconnect, please get ready and be alert." PP: "Ok, all set." LP: "Hanging up ..." -- Call has been disconnected -- -- 3+ Seconds passed from disconnection -- -- Phone rings -- -- Picking up (This call should be closed within 5 Seconds) -- -- Clock Operated (To point the exact time period!) -- LP: "Hello?" PP: "Thanks, Goodbye." * DONT TAKE ANY CHANCES! DISCONNECT WITHIN 5 SECONDS PASS! -- Clock beeps, 5 seconds passed -- -- FTD is bypassed! FREE 5 seconds to excute the desired call -- -- Box- +2600HZ+KP1+XXXXXXXXX (just an example) -- -- Call performed -- The FTD is limited for only 2 switchings that are less then the period time (5 seconds). When you switch 2 calls (switch=disable FTD/enable FTD) in less then 5 seconds that are not operated from the same signalling system, (payphones uses an auto-operated exchanging switching system named ACTS) you get a free 5 seconds when the FTD is setting up, in those 5 seconds you can send any tones without getting detected. ============================================================================= ***//NOTE//*** You also might want to take a look at Article #3 at CHAOS-IL ISSUE#1, covers the Israeli Blue boxing. Tracing & some Security tips II ------------------------------- Well, you shouldn't pHEAR of Blue boxing like many does :P I'm gonna say some facts that I hope wont get mixed for wrong by people who read this. ANI is Automatic Number Identification. It's a packet that is sent everytime you dial at least 7 digits on the phone that tells alot of information about you. It gives the name of the person the phone number is registered to, the phone number and area code, and any other information relating to you directly. The conclusion is, that the number you are Blue boxing through have your info. but Bezeq doesn't have it :). If you were Blue boxing through a free-toll which is monitored by Bezeq they would detect and know your info if they would like, through the ANI, but since you are Blue boxing through a foreign country, the risks of getting noticed and cought becomes smaller. It is a great idea to Blue box through a foreign country which are currently not in good relations. That way, even if you'll get cought by one country, the lack of communication between her and the other country wont allow tracing you. e.g: Israel -> Arab [EOA] Greeting -------- This article is specially dedicated to all those "WTF! TEACH ME HOW TO BLUE BOX MAN!" guyz. I hope this info is informative to anyone who read it, and I hope more people will start boxing around our fuckedup country. I would like to greet a few gods that helped me compiling this article, and helped me to know what I know: marauder TheQ BigBoss Terminal Man singned, morgoth. [ c h a o s I L ] *** 05. Extender INFO Extenders / radon ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Part 1 - well , those extenders (pbxes) stuff has got spread all over israel and today if you attend you will see that every second person got an extender. its seems that bezeq already understood the trick about using extenders for free calls and started to do something about it. now, i know about at least 1 extender that is under bezeq trace and all i can tell you guys that this is the most common extender in israel. (the number of the extender will stay safety in the magazine systems) :) anyway friends of mine that used the extenders for some time started to get calls from bezeq that told them that they making some sort of survey that regarding usage of 177,1800 and 199 numbers and that they would like to know if they used those services in the last weeks and if yes what sort of services. now , there is a chance that this survey is just a random call that really come to check, regrat and improve those services by those questions, but still one of the magazine perpous is to note you from any dangerous suspect of ours. this is the formal form of the call usually: [bezeq]: hello, we are from "mercaz dahaf" and we are doing a survey for bezeq regarding usage of the 177,1800 and 199 services. did you used those servies for any kind of function in the last weeks? [person]: [now there are few answers you should answer here] : person1: hmm, dunno maybe my father did or someone else in my family. bezeq: we just want to know if there was any miss fanctions in our services and what was the function you used. person: sorry, no one from my family is at home right now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- person2: i already recived a call from you today!!! bezeq: ok, thanks for the cooperation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- person3: i got a girlfriend that working in 199 thats why i calling alot to there! :)) bezeq: ha, if this is the case so its ok! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well here is a log of somone that quote his call into a log, this person got little into tangle but here its go: ok i get a call oneday a nice lady "we are from the mishlav (i think thats the name.. ) and we are doing a survey for bezeq regarding usage of 177 and 199 numbers" "u have been using them right?" "hmmms... dunno." "well, we just wanna know if the service was good etc..." "no, i don't recall calling 177 or 199. maybe some1 from my family and i don't wanna be in the seker" "ok bye" -----------------------------[ after 20 minutes ]------------------------------ a man calls sounding VERY angry "Hello. i'm from the seker, and u said u didn't use a number right?" "yes" "are u sure?" "yes" "do u live alone?" "yes" "so u'r name is "ohhhhh..... no" "did i get to ?" "yea" "so who are u?" "i'm blah blah blah :) " "but u said u live alone" "no, i ment i'm alone at home now" "hmm. so u didn't call? u sure?" "yea." "and no1 from u'r home?" "look, i dunno, i don't know who my family calls" "ok, bye" (sounding pissed off) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last note: well, i did my best to get you guys conscious to the situation today and this article was made and basic about good sources. i wanna greet m0ta_boy that help me to get some stuff. I will do my best to keep you inform about any new deatils that will come out, keep following after chaos-il magazine. - PART 2 - Using the extenders with 135 / Radon well, i think that you guys that use the extenders need to know something: this calls that you make thru 177 numbers to 135 get charge by someone, even if its belong to bezeq, when you call thru 135 the internet providers do charge bezeq for the services, now someone told me ,and its do make sense, that when someone use 135 with the extender the chance that they will close the extender or start to make traces and find peoples that "charged" them for calls to 135 is bigger than you use extender with other isp account as IBM (see issue#1: how to card ibm internet account / 4thm). conclusion: dont use the extender with 135! its just more dangerous for you and for us. Irc Efnet: radon/rn86away E-mail: radon666@hotmail.com i would be glad to get any information/responses/fix/updates about the article. 06. *** - Resetting Fastcomm routers - by skade )) ) subject: resetting fastcomm routers )) ) author.: skade (skade@encrypted.org) lately alot of people are seeking for a way to reset their fastcomm routers, the main reason is that actvnet is about to go bankrupt, and they want to sell or use the routers . . well, I did some research and i finally found a way to reset the router, its pretty simple when you think about it. ok, first of all, you open up the router . . you can do it with a simple screwdriver from the buttom of the router once you got that done, you'll have to put a jumper right behind the SupV socket, after you accomplished that all you have to do is power up the router, press the reset and disconnect the router from the power, dont forget to remove the jumper before closing up the router, well thats pretty much it. here's another tip for all actvnet users out there, maybe it took me a while, but i found the defualt passwords actvnet uses for their routers, you might want to try this passwords before resetting the router which will save you the time of reconfiguring the router. . the passwords are: password #1: larom )) password #2: tavor )) password #3: fastcomm signing off, skade. 07. BEZEQ'S DMX SYSTEM - INFORMATION AND USAGE ############################################################ # # ####. BEZEQ'S DMX SYSTEM - INFORMATION AND USAGE .#### # # ############################################################ ###. by morgoth .## (c) Chaos IL Have you ever dreamed about monitoring your whole local area code? Have you ever dreamed about managing the phone billing process of your whole damn area code? ITS POSSIBLE. DMX stands for Direct Monitoring eXchange. In past, empoylers of the phone company (in this case, Bezeq) used to do the black-job of calculating the phone billing of the phone network users, etc. right when the local humanity developped a bit, they built little monitoring machines for each 3,000 phone lines that are connected to Bezeq's network. nowdays, the gays let the DMX digital systems to monitor and calculate the all needed for each each code. The biggest DMX system is the 03's area code system, because 03 areacode has more phonelines then any other areacode. A DMX system is storaging all the lines-information, line-owner's details, location, and more. In short of a way, accessing one of Bezeq's DMX systems is a total MAD SHIT. ##. Locating a DMX system .## *ALL* of the DMX systems are located in the free-toll network. When there is a network overflow, when too much operations(calls) are being made at a time, the phone network falls down, to prevent a shutdown of the DMX system, which will cause a total DOOM for the area code monitored by the DMX, Bezeq located all of them in the free-toll network. when connecting a DMX system you will be prompted with this: CONNECT 1200 ? ^ N003> NOTE! most of the Israeli local banks are using CISCO Routers as thier calculating/managing machines, those routers looks almost the same as DMX systems. (they are both routers). A Bank CISCO will prompt you with simple: XXXXX > [ Can be anything --> XXXXX ] The DMX systems of Bezeq are always prompting with the N at first, which stands for NODE. and then, the areacode that the DMX system is monitoring. In this case, the one that I accessed was N003, the 03 areacode DMX. (wow :D) Although, you might even find a bank system that will prompt you with N00?. (I did). In that case, there is a way I found out to recognize between each system, in the command prompt you get, enter 'EX'. When prompting EX on the DMX system, it WONT ask for a password: N003>EX Logged Out - TIME: 14:59:32 DATE: WED JUL-22-1998 When prompting 'EX' on the bank CISCO router, it will logout with asking for a password at first. This is how you can make a difference between those both alike systems. Logged Out - TIME: XX:XX:XX DATE: XXX XXX-XX-1998 ENTER PASSWORD : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Use '?' to see a fast help screen. N003>? ?, @, CLR+, CON+, DEF+, DSC+, DSP+, LP+, MON+, NOD, RMV, SET+, TRC+, TST+, BSY, CEN+, HEL, EP, CNV+, EX, DEL+, RST+, INS+, SAV+, LOA+, COP+, CLS, HOM, S Use 'help' to see the detailed help screen. N003>help ? @ CLR @ CLR AQ CLR BP LP CLR BP PH CLR CH CLR DL CLR MG CLR PG CLR PH CLR RDN CLR RLY CLR RTE CLR MC CLR FMC CLR DS0 CLR DS1 CLR TON CLR LCL CLR MUM LOC CLR MUM REM CLR SEC CLR PW CLR TMO CLR POL CLR PRO CLR MM CLR VPR CLR SPR CLR LFM CLR SRT CLR SNA CLR BNA CLR TRA CON CH CON DR/ DS0 CON ND CON PRO CON DR CON DS0 CON BDL CON POL CON PR DEF @ DEF ALM DEF CFB 1 CH DEF CFB 1 DLR DEF CFB 1 DRI DEF CFB 1 DLT DEF CFB 1 INT DEF CFB 1 SC1 DEF CFB 1 SC2 DEF CFB 1 DS1 DEF CFB 1 SKP DEF CFB 1 LFM DEF CFB 2 CH DEF CFB 2 DLR DEF CFB 2 DRI DEF CFB 2 DLT DEF CFB 2 INT DEF CFB 2 SC1 DEF CFB 2 SC2 DEF CFB 2 DS1 DEF CFB 2 SKP DEF CFB 2 LFM DEF CFB 3 CH DEF CFB 3 DLR DEF CFB 3 DRI DEF CFB 3 DLT DEF CFB 3 INT DEF CFB 3 SC1 DEF CFB 3 SC2 DEF CFB 3 DS1 DEF CFB 3 SKP DEF CFB 3 LFM DEF CH/ QSC DEF CH/ DSC DEF CH/ QAM DEF CH/ DCI DEF CH/ QVM.1 DEF CH/ QVM.2 DEF CH/ QVM.3 DEF CH/ QSP DEF CH/ QVM.6 DEF CH/ QVM.5 DEF CH/ QVM DEF CH/ EVM DEF CH/ FXS DEF CH/ FXO DEF CH/ ICM DEF CH DEF CON DEF CP DEF DL DEF IO DEF NOD DEF OOS DEF PSZ DEF RTE DEF SC DEF RET DEF DS1 DEF DST CH DEF DST DS0 DEF DS0 DEF QUA DEF BIA CH DEF BIA DS0 DEF EP DEF PW1 DEF PW2 DEF CSP DEF MDS DEF MSR POL DEF POL DEF MM DEF MCL DEF PRO DEF LFM 10 DEF LFM 11 DEF LFM 12 DEF LFM 3 DEF LFM 14 DEF VPR DEF SPR DEF SP DEF ILQ DEF BDL PR DEF BDL NPR DEF DCM DEF SRT DEF SAL DSC CH DSC DL DSC ND DSC PRO DSC DS0 DSC BP DSC POL DSC PR DSC BDL DSP @ DSP AQ DSP CH DSP CKS DSP CON DSP CP DSP DL DSP ERR DSP FN DSP PPN DSP RTE DSP ST BP DSP ST CH DSP ST DL DSP ST SY DSP ST DS1 DSP ST DS0 DSP ST QUA DSP ST AL DSP ST BDL DSP ST POL DSP ST CLK DSP ST LFM DSP ST VCH DSP ST DCM DSP SY DSP TIM DSP TST DSP DS1 DSP DST CH DSP DST DS0 DSP DST ALL DSP DST * DSP DST DL DSP BW DSP DS0 DSP REV DSP SIG DS0 DSP SIG EQ DSP SIG LI DSP QUA DSP TS DSP TOP DSP EP DSP CFG DSP CSP DSP MDS DSP POL DSP ACT POL DSP PRO DSP LFM DSP BDL PR DSP BDL NPR DSP VPR DSP SPR DSP SP DSP ILQ DSP PHN XDL DSP PHN BCK DSP DCM DSP HIS DSP SRT DSP TRA DSP LIT LP RB CH LP RB DL LP LB CH LP LB DL LP RA CH LP RA DL LP RD CH LP RD DL LP LA CH LP LA DL LP LD CH LP LD DL LP BP LP DS1 EQ LP DS1 LI LP DS1 BI LP NI LK LP NI LLB LP DS0 EQ LP DS0 LI LP DS0 BI LP DS0 VS LP DS0 RA LP DS0 RB LP DS0 RD LP LS CH LP LP CH LP VS CH LP LFM LK LP LFM LLB MON L MON R NOD RMV SET BMP D SET BMP E SET BMP P SET CKS SET CLK SET PG SET RDN SET RLY SET TIM SET TON EQ SET TON LI SET DAT SET MUM REM SET SEC SET TMO SET REG SET CFG SET CQT HI SET CQT LO SET GRM SET PRO SET CH SET CTN D SET CTN E SET CTN C SET RET SET VSM SET PHN XDL SET PHN BCK SET TSA SET TSB SET DRT SET DTM SET DL EXP SET DL BCK SET SID SET SNA SET BNA SET CSW QS SET CSW SS SET TRA SET IO TRC BP �RC CH TRC BCK TRC SUB TST L DAT C TST L DAT P1 TST L DAT P2 TST L CNT C TST L CNT P1 TST L CNT P2 TST R DAT C TST R DAT P1 TST R DAT P2 TST R CNT C TST R CNT P1 TST R CNT P2 TST DS0 EQ TST DS0 LI BSY CEN PHS HEL EP CNV BIA CNV PRO EX DEL CH DEL RTE DEL SRT DEL RST BDL RST DR RST PS RST PRT RST CH RST INS RTE INS SRT INS SAV DB LOA SW OK. I wont explain what each command does, because this is a complexed system with like TONS of sub-commands. (the '+' signed next to the commands means the command have sub-commands). I will guide through the interesting commands though. At first, let me give you a wide look about how this system works like; The DMX have some kind of a "room", a memory, that storages little hosts. Each host is serving a phone line in the codearea that the DMX is monitoring (in this case, its 03 arecode). Therefor, to monitor the number you wish, you need to connect to his host first. The host is storaging all the information about the line and about the owner of the line (a good way to fuck up people! haha) plus options to change/update it. Let's say that my number at home is 03-6778080, and I want to access the host that is monitoring it. The command 'CONN' which stands for CONNECT, is used to connect to the DMX hosts. 'CONN' command have sub-commands as well: CON CH - Connect to a specific host CON DR/ DS0 - Conncet to a random host CON ND - Connect to a specific host CON PRO - View all hosts of the DMX CON DR - Search for a host CON DS0 - Connect to a DS channel number CON BDL - Connect to a random host CON POL - RE-Connect to the previous random host connection CON PR - Re-Connect to the previous host (last connection) If you have'nt understood yet (dumbfuck!#@), each phone line has it own host, so HOST means a line in here. DS channels are used to see which lines are active and which lines are not, but I wont mess around with it rightnow. OK. my number at home is 03-6778080. Use 'CON CH' to connect to a specific host: N003>con ch You will be prompted with: |host:@|host:# N003ENTER: The DMX is hosting the lines, and the hosts are numerically arranged. The number we are messing with is 6778080, in the DMX, the host name of it is 677. (the three first digits). Use this to connect: |host:@|host:# N003ENTER: 677-6778080 If the number is correct, and exists on the DMX, you will be greeted: CONNECTED TO HOST 677-6778080 AT DS0/03677 DS0/03677-6778080 > You are connected. Here are the available commands (gained with '?'): DS0/03677-6778080 >? ? CONF BULL PRIME MOV DIS CON The commands stands for: CONF - This command will install a conference call option on the line you are messing with. Use 'CONF ?' to see the usage. BULL - This command will enter the billing system of the line. PRIME - This will re-connect a line to the network. Only the numbers that are registered to the network can be re-connected. Which means, only if it was removed with 'MOV' MOV - This will remove the line from the network, but will keep the line REGISTERED to the network. (like those numbers who say "HA MISPAR ELAV HEGATA EINENO MEHOBAR" :)) DIS - This will disconnect the line from the network, and will ERASE the line data. (like those numbers who sound this "broken tone" when you are calling them). CON - This will let you connect a new line to the network, using the billing information of the person who owns the line you are messing with. (in this case I am messing with 03-6778080, so if I'll command to create a new line, it will be billed by the owner of the line 03-6778080). Alright now. I will detail how to use some of these commands. I am hardly NOT RECOMMANDING to mess with the billing. Although, I will include the article of messing around with the billing in the next issue of Chaos IL. Installing a conference call feature ------------------------------------ I want to install a conference call option on my line, 03-6778080. DS0/03677-6778080 >conf c|o CONFERENCE? Now this is easy, there are two commands; C to Cancel a conference option on the line, or O to Operate a conference option on the line. I want to Operate :) c|o CONFERENCE? o OPERATED DS0/03677-6778080 > Changes to the line are being made in less then 8 hours (tested). Remove a line from the network ------------------------------ As I said before, this will just remove the line from the network but it'll keep the line registered. DS0/03677-6778080 >mov ENTER TO CONFIRM SUCCEED Press ENTER to confirm the move of the line, if you want to cancel it press Q. Connect a new line to the network --------------------------------- This will auto-setup a new line into the network using the billing information of the person who owns the line you are messing with. This command is useless unless you are some mechanical guru, and you have tech equipment to wire phone lines through your house to the phone-box. You can connect a new line to the network with this command but this is just confirming the registration of the line to Bezeq's network. If you can get someone to build a shocket to this line and wire it, it will work. I've never tried it though. ======================================================================== This is it. Hopefully, I will detail about the other commands and even more in the next issue of Chaos IL. greetings: El_Mago - how to access the DMX hosts Ares - thanx for helping me to understand this krap! MAJOR THANKS to all the Chaos IL krew. signed, morgoth. (morgoth@chaos-il.org) *** 08. Information about BezeqNet (135) for PBXers -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Information about BezeqNet (135) for PBXers by Mota Boy -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- (c) Chaos-IL 1998 In the past few years, Bezeq has developped a pretty stable Internet service provider network - BezeqNet (aka "135"). BezeqNet's network offers two prodviders from thier machines (providers 4 & 22) and 18 links to known and unknown ISP (Internet Service Providers) networks in Israel. When reaching BezeqNet you will be prompted with the following: ATZ OK atdt135 CONNECT 28800/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS Bezeq, The Israel Telecommunication Corp. Ltd. welcome you to BezeqNet. Through BezeqNet you will be able to obtain information on a variety of topics, from different sources, and access the internet through different internet service providers. The Information suppliers and internet providers on BezeqNet are solely responsible for the services they provide. Bezeq is not responsible for the contents of information, or the quality of service supplied by independent companies. BezeqNet service is provided upon the condition that Bezeq shall not be reliable for any act or omission on the part of any information supplier or internet provider to which access is provided on BezeqNet. #. Provider |Price per call|Price per minute| Phone | --------------------------------|--------------|----------------|------------| 1. Bezeqnet | 0.00 NIS | 0.00 NIS |177-022-0135| url:"http://menu.bezeq.net" | | | | ----INTERNET PROVIDERS---- | | | | 2. S. Kat (IsraServ) + MAIL | 0.39 NIS | 0.03 NIS |09-7428522 | 4. Internet Bezeq Zahav | 0.29 NIS | 0.07 NIS |03-5433784 | 5. AquaNet L.T.D | 0.23 NIS | 0.04 NIS |03-5366503 | 6. Infolink | 0.36 NIS | 0.04 NIS |03-5332466 | 7. N.M.T + MAIL | 0.20 NIS | 0.05 NIS |03-7523333 | 8. SHANI Technologies | 0.36 NIS | 0.03 NIS |03-6391288 | 10. Urbis Computer Communication| 0.10 NIS | 0.03 NIS |03-5258527 | 12. S. Kat (K - Systems) | 0.29 NIS | 0.03 NIS |09-7428522 | 13. TalkTel + MAIL | 0.29 NIS | 0.05 NIS |03-6132822 | 14. SpeedNet 1 | -- | 0.03 NIS |09-9545288 | 15. Netline + MAIL | 0.20 NIS | 0.02 NIS |03-5746756 | 16. N.M.T (MANGO) | -- | 0.06 NIS |03-7513333 | 17. Urbis Fast | 0.10 NIS | 0.04 NIS |03-5258527 | 18. SpeedNet 2 | -- | 0.05 NIS |09-9545288 | 19. Netline Gold | 0.23 NIS | 0.04 NIS |03-5746756 | 20. Aquanet - TurboNet | 0.30 NIS | 0.05 NIS |03-5366503 | 22. Bezeq Zahav | 0.25 NIS | 0.05 NIS |03-5433784 | 23. Netvision | 0.25 NIS | 0.07 NIS |04-8560570 | 24. Internet Gold - Euronet | 0.23 NIS | 0.07 NIS |03-9020022 | 25. Infolink COI | 0.36 NIS | 0.05 NIS |03-5332466 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Tariff for communication is price of local call plus 2.9 Agorot per minute Prices not including VAT Please choose an entry number for Internet/Service provider. Provider: ----end---- (This is the most updated BezeqNet's ISP list currently, it might be changed a bit, or alot, by the time you are read this article). You will notice the list is missing a few numbers. The numbers that aren't shown are down servers and/or private usage ISPs, and I have found that you can type even higher numbers, even something like "113". I tryed that a few times, but didn't even reach an Internet provider, just some weired BBS-like system, but you may be luckier (note that you will still probebly pay. They are just hidden for private usage, or tests I guess) BezeqNet provider links - General Info. --------------------------------------- This is for IRCers who gives a fuck about the hostmask of each ISP layout and for general information about each ISP :) (Sorry for incomplete info, but it wasn't possible to try out *all* the ISPs so here are the highlites, mostly the only ones you will use anyway) 1. Bezeqnet (url:"http://menu.bezeq.net") -> **See note on the buttom** 2. S. Kat (IsraServ) + MAIL -- *.israsrv.net.il SERVER: 4. Internet Bezeq Zahav -- 192.114.*.* SERVER: 5. AquaNet L.T.D -- 192.117.*.* SERVER: 6. Infolink -- 192.115.*.* SERVER: 7. N.M.T + MAIL -- 192.115.*.* SERVER: 8. SHANI Technologies -- *.shani.net SERVER: ??? 10. Urbis Computer Communication -- *.infogate.co.il SERVER: 12. S. Kat (K - Systems) -- Same as number 2 13. TalkTel + MAIL -- 194.90.*.* SERVER: 14. SpeedNet 1 -- 192.114.*.* SERVER: 15. Netline + MAIL -- 192.114.*.* SERVER: 16. N.M.T (MANGO) -- Same as number 7 17. Urbis Fast -- 199.203.*.* SERVER: 18. SpeedNet 2 -- 192.114.*.* SERVER: 19. Netline Gold -- 192.117.*.* SERVER: 20. Aquanet - TurboNet -- 192.117.*.* SERVER: 22. Bezeq Zahav -- *.attgold.net.il SERVER: 23. Netvision -- *.netvision.net.il SERVER: 24. Internet Gold - Euronet -- 192.114.*.* SERVER: 25. Infolink COI -- Same as number 6 - Regarding number 1 on the list - Some people may not understand the porpuse of number 1 in the list. It may seem that it is only for the purpose of "surfing" through Bezeq's site, wich is almost true. The idea of number 1 is that you choose it, press "continue" in your win95 dialer, and then surf to http://menu.bezeq.net (wich is acually the only site you are allowed to reach). There you will find a list of ISPs (Internet Service Providers), the same ISPs that are in the list that is shown after you dial 135, but in this case you just press on their banner and you will recive a host and an IP, and ofcourse, the ability to surf where ever you want. This is great, because you can always surf back to http://menu.bezeq.net and just choose a different ISP if you are not satisfied with the speed, or just bored with the host. BezeqNet's Modems. ------------------ You may think, like I thought at first: "What? only 28800? what is it worth?". Well, you could be right if you are on an ISDN. But most of the computer users still have a 33600 modem, and alot still even have a 28800. Besides, the max speed of the best 33600 can be alittle over 4K/s, but face it, how often to you reach speeds of 4K/s? you usually get 3K/s, 3.5K/s, wich their 28800 modems can deliver easly (depending on the ISP you chose ofcourse). Here is just alittle more information for the end: ##. | Provider | Speed | Stability | System | Network Usage | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 | IsraServ | FAST* | UNSTABLE | DG/UX | ***** 4 | Bezeq Zahav | SLOW | UNSTABLE | ??? | **** 5 | AquaNet | SLOW | DURABLE | RH Linux | *** 6 | Infolink | FAST | STABLE | UN*X | ***** 7 | N.M.T | SLOW | UNSTABLE | Tikshuvit(?)| x 8 | SHANI Tech | FAST | UNSTABLE | UN*X | **** 10 | Urbis Comm. | SLOW* | UNSTABLE* | ??? | x 12 | S. Kat | SLOW* | STABLE | DG/UX | x 13 | TalkTel | SLOW* | DURABLE | Linux 2.0.27| * 14 | SpeedNet 1 | FAST | STABLE | ??? | *** 15 | Netline | FAST | DURABLE | RH Linux | ** 16 | N.M.T (MANGO) | SLOW | UNSTABLE* | ??? | x 17 | Urbis Fast | SLOW* | STABLE* | ??? | * 18 | SpeedNet 2 | FAST* | STABLE* | ??? | *** 19 | Netline Gold | FAST | STABLE | RH Linux | ** 20 | Aquanet TurboNet | FAST | DURABLE | RH Linux | ** 22 | Bezeq Zahav | FAST* | STABLE* | ??? | *** 23 | Netvision | SLOW | UNSTABLE | ??? | **** 24 | Inet Gold Euronet | SLOW | DURABLE | | * 25 | Infolink COI | SLOW | UNSTABLE* | | ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- notes: x ====== less then 20 connections a month * ====== 20+ connections a month ** ===== 80+ connections a month *** ==== 140+ connections a month **** === 220+ connections a month ***** == 300+ connections a month 1) When we say "STABLE" or "UNSABLE" we mean mostly disconnections and how the speed holds up most of the time. 2) * == major DURABLE == stable, but not for a while. 3) A "???" under the System means that there was no indication of any Operating System. But in 99% of the time it's some sort of UNIX flavour. In Conclution. -------------- This is the best info we can supply you for now, regarding 135. Basically, the idea of 135 is that you pay for the exact amount of your usage. Some may think their prices are too high, but when you think about it, it will usually come to about 100nis (more or less) per month, and it's basically what you would pay any respectable ISP in Israel. Thats it for now, Mota Boy. -------------------------------------------------------------- 09. Resources & Credits Chaos-IL would like to greet every possible resource who supported us and helped us: Bezeq TeleCommunictions INC. Barak Israel-International INC. GreenShop Computers (TEL-AVIV) IDC Communications INC. AT&T Communications INC. SPRINT Global-One Communications Israel Telegraph LTD. 2600 Magazine Phrack INC. Newsletter Informatik E-Magazine PLA-Phone Losers of America Hacker's Heaven (BBS) Underground Society (BBS) Route 66 (BBS) Liquid Underground (BBS) #972 #phreak #telephony #root #2600 www.border.com www.etext.org www.l0pht.com www.lat.com www.liquid98.com www.itd.nrl.navy.mil ftp.fc.net The Prototype Captain Crunch TS (Bezeq 144/199 Operator) CB (Bezeq 188 Operator) NI (Sprint Global One Operator) retro Manomaker Unix geek phriend- The Milkman Anti-D Lizzard King deadzed Blackbird prophet Substance jizm stoner f0k Mindroot Toast BelowZero *ALL of Chaos-IL Members -[EOI#2]---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Chaos-IL Foundation July 1998