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[ ] yes, i code in both c++ and assembler [ ] no, i only know quickbasic 2. i am an art fag and would like to draw ansi for neet0. [ ] yES! [ ] nO eYE dONUT kNOW hOW tEW dRAW 3. neet0 should be run by an oop script language. (instead of running commands through a dos/windows command line, neet0 will be run from a script language giving the phreakER complete control.) [ ] yes [ ] no 4. neet0 should be unix compatible. [ ] yes [ ] no 5. should neet0 have fossil driver support? (such as x00, bnu, etc) [ ] yes, and hardware support too!@ [ ] no 6. should neet0 be named "neet0"? [ ] yes 7. the source code should be released with neet0 so i can modify it and put my name on it. [ ] yes [ ] no 8. comments? leave them below: [_________________________________________________________________________] [_________________________________________________________________________] [_________________________________________________________________________] [_________________________________________________________________________] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------[ neet0 infoform ]--- [--part two--] [ me and zatan harass kevin ] due to popular request i have put an average conversation between me and zatan in this issue. kevin begged us not to put the chat in this issue but we just told him that CDS OWNED HIM and he didn't have a say in it. zatan: hello? cs : this is cyber shadow. zatan: hah4HAHAhAHaHaHAH! I AM SO ST0NED RIGHT NOW. cs : what are you doing? zatan: oh man, me and my friends just beat the shit out of some telco guy. then i looted his truck and got another lineman's handset. cs : really? zatan: yes... haHAHAHhahahHA. i'm harassing some dude named kevin on my other line. cs : who's kevin? zatan: i don't know. HAHAhaHAAHahaHA. i just picked him out of the phone book. cs : put kevin on three way. i wanna talk to him. zatan: ok [clickety click click click] kevin: ...and stop calling me day and night! cs : hello? kevin: WHAT?! cs : is kevin there? kevin: now who the HELL is this? cs : my name is anthony! kevin: well anthony, WHAT do you want? zatan: hAHAHaHAHAHAHAhaAHAHAHAH!!@# cs : i wanted to know if you live at 3489 w lynan? zatan: haAHAH. i'm sooooooo st0ned. kevin: you fucking punks, i'm calling the police right now. zatan: we OWN the police. cs : kevin, would you pay for cds if it was mailed to your house? kevin: cds? oh shit, i've heard about you guys. zatan: we are not elite, we just have nothing better to do. kevin: i'm sorry, i didn't mean anything i said. go ahead and call me all you want. here's my work phone number, and ALL my credit card numbers and calling card numbers. cs : too late kevin, CDS OWNS YOU. [clickety click click click] zatan: haHAHAAhaHAHA!@$!@ cs : i just pulled all of kevin's info. his social security number is pretty easy to remember too. zatan: oh geez. haHAAhaha. cs : anyway, you wanna trade toneloc logs? zatan: yez. i have 30 exchanges done. cs : i made everyone at my work setup toneloc on their home computers and scan for me. zatan: haHAHAHA. i'm about to pass out. i need to go. cs : ok bye [--part three--] [ feedback ] you'd be surprised at what people are saying about cds. i had the fortunate opportunity to record conversations and statements of the following people. "thanks to cds i'm now a big time courier for risc!" -BLaDE_DCC "i've never read it and i already like it." -victimNET sysadmin "who are those bastards that keep tagging CDS on our pay phones? we've tried tracing their calls but they always seem to divert. NOT EVEN ANI WORKS!@# it's hopeless... we'll never catch them." -uswest "i\\\ tpye jsut fnie!!!!" -thndrbolt "CDS DOES NOT OWN ME!" -m�riLyn "when can i get this CDS tattoo taken off my forehead?" -anthony "sorry, cds is already being used: cds@victim.net" -victimNET "z3r0 d4y cds??? y3s!" -dinchak "at first i was excited when my name was published in the phone book. it was the greatest day of my life; it said to the world: i am independent. i am man. then cds came along and destroyed my life. they said i was a completely random victim and that they held no grudge against me. this is what i get for being in the phone book. " -kevin ============================================================================== 666[ article : greets ]666 666[ author! : cs ]666 ============================================================================== if you are reading this then you are now greeted, unless you work for a government agency, software company, or privately owned organization who has been exploited by us. (yep, that's right. you know who you are and you'll never catch us stealing stuff from you. we are cds! or something...) =] o jenn-E : stop slutting around on my bbs. o xhenophyte : s3m is not a programming language =] o clark : hi o j-dog : zippo.jpg o trip : just putting your name here makes cds KEWL!# o macwerm : tough break man... jail isn't that bad. o shadowlight : eyah~~~\\ i haven't greeted you in a loooong time. o art : w4r d14l f0r m3... also #channel greets for: o #ganja o #uaf o #elh ============================================================================== 666[ article : cds support boards and distro sites ]666 666[ author! : cs ]666 ============================================================================== believe it or not cds finally got an ftp distro site. this time it's for real too!# ftp : ftp.openix.com directory : /ftp/phorce/cds and as always you can give the support bbs a call: name : the shadow of cyberia numb0r : 602-451-8564 [if you would like the new user password for soc then leave e-mail at sirbob@juno.com asking for it.] as an added feature you can now call the support bbs and d/l all the back issues of cds without having to apply as a new user first. login : cds password : issue reader --- if you would like to apply as a distro site then fill out the application that came with archive and send it to sirbob@juno.com immediately. ============================================================================== 666[ article : getting bust0red ]666 666[ author! : zatan ]666 ============================================================================== one day i was sitting down frying my brain cells to a nice crisp when the phone rang. (whoa) it was macwerm. he was flipping out and screaming. i guessed that he either dropped some bad acid or that he just had the worse experience of his life. then he went on to tell me that the secret service had just called his house and left a message on his answering machine. the message said that macwerm generated some credit card numbers and did something to the internet provider dancris.com. the first thing that i thought was that someone may be pranking him (it's fun to pranx0r macwerm). then i asked for the number that the secret service left on his machine; it was a 640 prefix, which is an fbi and secret service prefix in 602. that blew me away. he told me that his mom was on the phone with the agent. hmmm, i thought, why would macwerm get busted for carding? he told me he hadn't used a fake cc for about 6 months. then i remembered that i called him about 3 days previous (on my cordless too... i must have been smoking crack) and told him that i found an old log of mine from an auto-parts store and had several working credit card numbers from it's database. so why hadn't the secret service called me first? then my line rang: me : hello? them: hello, may i speak to zatan? me : i'm sorry but he died in a car accident two days ago. them: i am sorry to hear that.. may i speak to zatan's dad? me : i'm sorry, he died too. them: then who am i speaking to? me : this is zatan's ghost. them: well this is agent rick hambrick from the secret service. me : oh i see.. why are you calling? them: well, it appears that zatan has been using stolen credit card numbers to buy drugs. me : oh, this is his father.. lemme tell you how much trouble he is gonna get in over this. them: i thought you were dead? me : not anymore... them: ok. we will have to visit your son to talk to him and make up lies about him so that he can get his computer taken away. me : whatever.. them: thank you for your time. me : fuck you nigger. (wow. that was a close one.) then i remembered the little gt me and macwerm had with gail thackery at our school. so i picked up the phone and dialed 1411 and got an operator. here's what happened: op: this is a bitchy heroin-addicted operator, how may i fuck up your call? me: yes i need the number for gail thackery; i'm going to call her and social engineer her info out of her. (read cs's article on how to do this =]) op: hold please... op: i'm sorry, she isn't listed. me: well, i know yer lying and if you do not give me her number i will destroy yer life. op: oh really!?#$?!@# and how will you do that? me: yer phone number is 938-7458 and you live at 7708 W Villa Theresa Dr, and yer name is missy gilliland.. op: HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!@#$!%%^ me: give me her number bitch or yer life is over. op: [gail thackery's number here] me: thank you. have a nice day. after that i decided to give my good friend a call and see what she was up to. here's what went on: me : hello. may i speak to gail thackery please? her: this is her. me : hello my name is KEVIN and i would like to know what the fuck is going on. her: if you are going to harass me then i will hang up. i work for the government and i know how to press *69. me : shut up bitch. i am beige boxing from the fbi headquarters. her: oh i see. what are you talking about? me : my friend just got a call from one of your pals down at the secret service and i want to know why. her: who? me : his name is peter bishop. her: ohhhh... ok. well it appears your friend used some credit card numbers to buy a 256k simm for his mac. me : hmm. well, i would like you to know that it was really me that did that, and he had nothing to do with it. her: ok, may i have your name and address please? me : why sure. [i give her kevin's info] her: ok. i will get back to you. (oh man, what fun.) i then saw a white van pull up into my driveway and two choppers fly over head. i grabbed my hard drive and was going to cram it into my microwave when 10 SWAT team members flew through my windows and wrestled me to the ground. they took my hard drive and sat me down on the floor. i sat there for three hours while they went through my room grabbing all of my illegal things. they also raped my dog and made me watch; I WILL NEVER BREAK THE LAW AGAIN. i was then taken down to uswest's headquarters in phoenix. when i got to the parking lot they blindfolded me and put me in a car. we drove for awhile and then it felt like we were moving underground. they took the blindfold off and i was in a dimly lit cave. there were tv's all over the place and a whole shit load of tape players and cd recorders. i heard about 1000 phone conversations going on at once, so i guess they were monitoring everyone's phone conversation. then i saw the root of all evil sitting behind a huge computer terminal furiously typing on a keyboard. he turned to me and introduced himself as the person who "looks over everything." i introduced myself as the person who "hacks into everything." he laughed briefly and then took me into a small room where he began interrogating me. he asked questions like "do you work for japan?" and "are you a russian spy?" i told him no. this went on for many hours. he eventually gave up and left. i went over to the only exit out and tried to open the door. it was locked. i then pulled out my secret lock pick set from inside my shoe and picked the door. i snuck back into the main room with all the monitors and tape players and was surprised to find two guards with assault rifles. they immediately noticed my arrival and told me to put my hands behind my head. i then busted out with my ereet zok ninja skillz and kicked their ass and locked them in the room i had just snuck out of. seizing the moment, i searched around and found a disk that said "pbx codes and local test numbers." i grabbed it and threw it into my pocket. i then ran to the elevator and saw a keypad that activated the door open mechanism. shit, i thought, how will i get past this?! all the hacking stuff i had ever learned was about to aid me in my greatest escape. i typed "12345" and the door opened! i went up the elevator and hopped into a uswest van and drove into the wild blue yonder. when i got home i called macwerm on the phone. he told me that his mom was going to ship him to a private school in england and that he would never see a computer again. (oh well) oh yeah. i forgot all about the disk i got. here is the directory tree of it: a:\p0rn\p0rnpics.txt \jenn-E.jpg \m1ssy.jpg \g0at.gif \anthony.txt a:\c0d3z\pbx_list_with_codes.txt \local_ani_numbers.txt \l00ps.txt a:\narc_list\acolyte.txt \mike_dietz.zip \chris_nowak.doc \thndrbolt.txt \zok.txt a:\zok_warez\ninja.zip \rippedcode.zok [not all of this is true, although several of my friends were "called" by the arizona chapter of the secret service. this goes out to you guyz. ] ============================================================================== 666[ article : introduction to social engineering ]666 666[ author! : cs ]666 ============================================================================== welcome to the exciting world of social engineering. there have been several frequently asked questions (faq) and text files written for social engineering in the past, but most seem to be outdated. i do not guarantee that what you read here will work 100% of the time; some methods have already been raped and abused to a point of total destruction in certain parts of the globe. that is why i have written this introduction: so you don't have to dive into the phreaking world with a telco blind fold. this tutorial demonstrates methods designed to aid your phreaking (and often hacking) career. i have divided this article into 9 different sections, as you can see below: 1) looking up someone's information 2) getting information over the phone 3) creating internet accounts 4) sysops and sysadmins 5) scanning (frequency and phone) 6) trading with friends 7) further reading if you are a beginner then i suggest practicing on hapless victims that happen to be listed in the phone book. just call them up, tell them some bullshit story, and see if you can get them to tell you anything worth while. (it's also good to see if you can make them tell you their address, phone number, etc and then check back in the phone book to see if you have a match.) naturally, don't blame me or cds if you get a call from the phone company or police department for harassing. THE THREE RULES OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING <-- very important, do not skip this part or you will regret ever being born. rule #1: always stay ahead of the conversation. if you let your opponent or victim start asking you questions then you have already lost the game. rule #2: you must sound convincing at all times. if your opponent or victim starts to doubt your authenticity then you might as well give up. rule #3: never let your guard down. if you think that you have become a god of social engineering, you will have a rude wake up call someday and have the feds knocking at your door. cover your tracks! WHAT IS A HARMONIZER/VOICE CHANGER? invest in a harmonizer if you are a serious social engineer. if you are not good at tripping your voice out (ie making it sound deeper, higher, etc) then you will most definitely enjoy using a harmonizer. there is no operator in their right mind who would seriously believe a person who sounds like they are 12 over a person who sounds like they are 60. [see the "further reading" section for harmonizer ordering information.] YOU MISSED SOMETHING! yes, you are absolutely right, i did miss something. and that something is how to card. the reason i didn't put it in here is because carding has been written about a thousand times by a thousand people. my advice to you is if you want to seriously get into carding to get on an ftp site and download every old and new carding text and read them. then go into #hack and start asking around for help with carding. (well the #hack part is a joke. hehe...) ---> now on with the show... O/ /| / > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ looking up someone's information part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the easiest way to get someone's information once you know their full name is to dial information and ask an operator. of course information won't always be able to help you. now, thanks to the internet, you can look up someone's information with the click of a button. below are some URLs that may come in handy: name : ultimate white pages URL : http://www.infochase.com/ref/ultimates/ note : search white pages directories without having to load graphics-heavy search pages. name : international white and yellow pages URL : http://www.wajens.no/ note : [none] name : international telephone directories URL : http://www.infobel.be/infobel/infobelworld.html note : find anyone anywhere in the world. all the white and yellow pages telephone directories available on the web. name : telephone directories on the web URL : http://www.contractjobs.com/tel note : comprehensive current index of telephone books, yellow pages, white pages, fax, residential and business listings, alphabetic and classified directories from all around the world. name : world's phonebook URL : http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2673/phone.html note : [none] name : yahoo! people search URL : http://www.yahoo.com/search/people note : telephone, address, e-mail and home page locator. what happens when you ONLY have a phone number, but know nothing about the person who owns the line? reverse phone books are great to have laying around, but are difficult to come across. some "look up" programs on the internet will allow you to do a reverse search by using the phone number instead of a name, city, state, etc. and information operators won't always help you out, but it never hurts to try. here is a classic conversation between me and an information operator: [ring... ring...] operator: information. what city are you calling from? cs : new york, the city that never sleeps. operator: how may i help you? cs : i'm searching for my long lost brother. we were separated at birth. just recently i got a mysterious message on my answering machine and they ONLY left a phone number. i've been calling the number but no one is answering. could you PLEASE tell me the name of the person who the phone is registered to? operator: we aren't allowed to do that... cs : but he's my brother! both my parents are dead. he's the only family i have! operator: well, i ok. i'll help you out this one time... never argue with an operator. be nice to them so they give you what you want. i know you're saying "BE NICE TO AN OPERATOR?!" and i agree it is a strange concept, but that's what social engineering is all about. you are pretending to be someone to get something. there will be plenty of other opportunities to harass an operator. after going through all that and ending up empty handed, it's definitely time to give the CNA a call. i'm not about to go over CNA procedures here so you might as well download an old text on it. this is only an introduction and if you're calling up the CNA you might as well consider yourself above a novice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getting information over the phone part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and now for the real stuff. this is what social engineering is all about: how you talk, how you act, and how you handle yourself. this section is divided into four separate sub-sections: - lying - threatening - posing - reminiscing [ section 1 ] [ lying ] this is the easiest way to get information out of someone. everyone can lie, and almost everyone can do a decent job at lying. lying is a broad subject and generally fits into most social engineering areas. it is here only to remind you that when you are socially engineering information out of your victim you MUST ALWAYS LIE. this is a true conversation of me and a guy named mike dietz. i'm putting it here to show how easy it is to take advantage of someone with a little bit of lying. [ring... ring...] md: hello? cs: hi! remember me? i'm the guy that writes about you in cds. md: WHAT DO YOU WANT? cs: i just called to apologize about all the mean stuff i've been doing to you and was wondering if you want to be my friend? md: really? cs: yes, i'm VERY sorry. md: so you wanna hang out? cs: actually, now that we're friends, what's your password on your bbs? md: i use the same password on both my internet account and my bbs. cs: well what is it?! md: my password is "porno". cs: thanks. and no, i can't hang out... i have to go and hack a bbs. md: WAIT! let me tell you about my new porno tape i just ordered! [ section 2 ] [ threatening ] threatening, at times, can be very productive. if your victim has a clue they will generally not fall for your devious schemes. but, on the other hand, if you happen to be one of those people with a natural terror in your voice you will most definitely succeed. some things to remember when you are threatening your victims: - make your voice as demanding and terrifying as possible - do not threaten people from your home phone (threatening someone can be serious business) - sound convincing and stay ahead of the conversation - don't rush through your scheme, take your time - have everything setup first before calling your victim (nothing sounds worse than a threatening prank gone wrong) below is an average threatening prank. this is only a basic example and in reality would be much longer. [ring... ring...] victim: hello? cs : there is a bomb in your phone. victim: what? cs : i am going to set the bomb off unless you give me your credit card numbers NOW! victim: who is this? cs : i am a terrorist. victim: i don't believe you. cs : just look out your window, that's me in the car. victim: ahhhhhhh! cs : NOW GIVE ME YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBERS! victim: please don't hurt me. here they are... [ section 3 ] [ posing ] the following irc log is true and really happened. this is a good example of how to pose as someone else after your opponent thinks that you are bullshitting them. *** Whois Information for: blondfrog *** Address : Frog@line122.ebtech.net *** IRCNAME : I'm not telling *** Server : irc.frontiernet.net (Paddling up the brooke) hello? what do you need? are you robert by any chance? robert? uhm... I guess not then there must be alot of lag on here who are you looking for? your nick is exactly the same my nick is only temp for now robert ok well sorry robert who? I can't remember his last name he went by turb0 [this is where i start to have fun.] well i *know* robert really where are you from? and what's his occupation then??? robert said i could use his account are you his uncle? well you never said who you were so i don't think i should say much... what do you need to ask him? i could get him on the phone if it's important good try i guess it must not be important then? well its not urgent but... i am not about to give you my number either he has it already what is your name? do i just tell robert that "blondfrog" needs to talk to him? tell him its blondfrogger ok i'll do that i have his phone number is he home? he's probably still at work b/c he isn't with a phone we have the wrong guy well what's robert's last name then? he is working but out of town no he isn't. who is this? part of his email is batz that's all your getting out of me where are you from? you want me to answer you but you won't answer me that's not kosher are you trying to mess with me? never mind [she doubts me!@ time to turn on the old charm.] you don't start asking me all these q's listen he came to see me but i wasn't home is this some kind of joke? this was on his way thru here i want to talk to him now robert who? and if your going to be a jerk then i will just call him myself well you can't talk to robert until you tell me your name i'll call him first its not your phone number i have anyway why are you giving me a hard time i just emailed him last night i'm not giving you a hard time. i'm just trying to figure out what you need to ask robert i don't think its any of your business what we talk about have you ever met robert? no do you want to meet him? none of your business i said i wasn't home when he came here he's been talking about you said something about e-mail.. can't remember what exactly good try but i am far from stupid are you afraid to tell me your name? i'm going to tell robert about this. go for it but it doesn't concern you he will know who i am i'll make sure he doesn't give you what you wanted. i don't want anything oh really? just to touch base and say hello really that's not what robert said whats up your ass anyway? are you a female? jealous maybe good try i love robert and you can't have him but our conversations aren't like that really so are you his wife? i know what you are trying to do! well for your info then.... robert loves me too. he came to my hometown he called me but i wasn't home unfortunately but its not the first time he has called here so you can chill just don't lay a finger on him. hehe b/c i will do whatever i feel like anyway i am going to give him a call go ahead. i just tried. whatever and... he is still on the road he wasn't home. so...do you know where i am from then? what channel are you in? none i don't know much about you. robert hasn't said much. at least i am not rude and answer your q's is it florida? [florida... shot in the dark.] nope your where? texas are you male or female? why do you keep wanting to know if i am male or female i've never been "hit on" in this place. hehe b/c your acting like your jealous thats not what i am doing i don't think you really know robert. if you did you wouldn't be asking me these questions. i have someone already last time i called him... I talked to his aunt and his uncle i'm not going to say anymore until you tell me what robert's last name is. i heard about this stuff on the news. IRC RAPE. grow up let me go get my address book then brb ok i don't have the last name just a number email birthday and age number would be fine. XXX-XXX-XXXX happy? that is san antonio texas by the way i know anything else ... no.. i believe you. sorry about that. [now i have robert's number. this is going to be great!@#] that is his number btw i need to go now. i have to go get a pie in the oven. but i'll tell robert that you were looking for him. well its about fuckin time now i don't like to play games what are you gunna do? spank me? no tell him its blondfrogger he has my number ok bye do i have to call him or can you handle this message i think i can handle it. i'll have him call you. thanks bye he has your number right? ok that would be good yes he does i am from canada do you want me to take your # just in case? no now i have to go tuck in my son goodnight bye bye bitch he has my email as well bye pharcyde knows all about ordering services for people's phone lines. this is how he poses to get anthony three way calling. [ring... ring...] operator: jEW S wEST, this is stacy speaking. pharcyde: i'd like to order three way calling for my phone line. operator: what's your name? pharcyde: anthony easytarget operator: what's your phone number? pharcyde: 555-1234 operator: are you over 18? pharcyde: yes i am. operator: ok. your line will have three way calling by tomorrow. pharcyde: thanks! [ section 4 ] [ reminiscing ] what's better than posing? reminiscing. it's fun to pretend to be someone's old time friend and listen to them squirm uncomfortably because they just can't remember who you are. what a great time to take advantage of them!@ [ring... ring...] missy: hello? cs : may i speak with missy? missy: this is her, who is this? cs : don't you recognize my voice? missy: no. cs : oh. haha. this is fredrick von phreakyertelco. missy: who? cs : remember me? we went to school together! i would always give you those catsup wrappers at lunch. missy: uhm... cs : you said you loved me! and i thought you cared about me? missy: [short pause] oh! fredrick! cs : yeah, that's me! missy: what have you been doing lately? cs : well i work for a credit card company now. missy: which one? cs : all of them. i have no life so i can work 24/7. missy: that's interesting. cs : i saw your name come up on the computer. i've been thinking about you for a long time, and just got your number. missy: really? cs : yes! but i gotta do my job real quick. can you read off your credit card numbers so i can confirm your credit with us? missy: sure, hold on a second. ok, here they are... [she reads off ALL her credit card numbers] cs : yep, just as i suspected. you're account is fine. missy: that's a relief. cs : so you wanna go out to lunch sometime? i'll pay, i just ran into some money. missy: sure, when? cs : i don't know. i'll give you a call later. bye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ creating internet accounts part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ everyone wants to own their own piece of the internet. very few are unaware of the simplicity and steps necessary to steal a shell account from an internet provider. put away your hacking toys and forget your unix login defaults. using expert persuasion even you can become a proud owner of a shell account. [ step 1 ] [ creating i-net accounts ] the very first step in getting an i-net account is to find and use the information of a pre-selected victim. look in your phone book and choose someone completely random or choose someone that you dislike. below is the information that is generally asked for when applying (so expect it). [] first & last name [] address [] zip code [] phone number [] login [] password if you happen to be a passive individual and do not want anyone to pay for your account, or want only the internet provider to pay, then make up fake information. accounts created with fake information generally last longer because the bill gets lost in the mail. [ step 2 ] [ creating i-net accounts ] now that you have your account information and have practiced repeating it over the phone (this is so you sound like you are who you say you are) then call up your target internet provider. for this example lets just say you choose to call victimNET. here is a sample conversation of an account application. [ring... ring...] victimNET : thank you for calling victimNET. would you like to sign up for an account? cs : yES! victimNET : what city are you calling from? cs : phoenix victimNET : what would you like to use as a login? cs : hax0r victimNET : and what would you like to use as a password? cs : 666cds victimNET : would you like to hear our current prices and rates? cs : not really. victimNET : well how would you like this account billed? credit card, checking account, or invoice? cs : hmmm. that's a tough decision. i can't seem to find my credit cards and my bank account is empty, so i'm gunna have to choose invoice. victimNET : can i have your name please? cs : jerry farr victimNET : what is your address? cs : 1234 east oak street victimNET : and your zip code? cs : 66666 victimNET : what city did you say you were calling from? cs : phoenix... can't you remember anything? victimNET : what is your phone number? cs : 555-8989 victimNET : ok sir, your account will be ready in about 2 to 4 hours. do you know what number to call to login? cs : yes... i've been stealing accounts from you guys for years!@ victimNET : what version of windows do you use? cs : i don't use windows, i use a terminal program in dos. victimNET : do you even have windows installed on your computer?!?! cs : nO! the only reason i ever had it on my computer was so i could use a wardialer that only worked under windows. victimNET : if you had windows then you could download the latest version of netscape from us. you'd like the internet in colors. cs : oh well... victimNET : thank you for calling. enjoy your new account. cs : EYE W1LL ENJ0Y IT!@# [ step 3 ] [ creating i-net accounts ] a few last minute pointers. [] *always* ask for invoice when given the option. invoice accounts will last the longest and will keep you out of trouble with the law. the worse that could happen is being stalked by a bill collector from hell. and having credit fraud put on your permanent record isn't exactly the easiest way to get a job later on in life. [] sound convincing when making the account. make them believe that you are who you say you are. and if possible, recite your information to yourself beforehand so you are familiar with it. remember that if you live at 1234 east oak street you aren't going to say "well uhm... i live at... hold, i dropped my paper... ok, i live at 1234 uhm west, no wait, east oak street." also, make your zip code consistent with your street address and city. i've run into a few internet providers who actually have software on their computer to check if your zip code matches your city and street address. [] it is not smart to make an account from your home phone. sysadmins have a tendency to KNOW where you are calling from. but it is alright to call the account from your house once it has been broken in. this is because you can always claim: "well i talked to a guy on the irc who gave me the password to the account." i seriously doubt a sysadmin would believe that story if you made the account from your home phone. be aware that you are not always safe. [] don't worry about your target internet provider tracing your calls, that is, if they do they can't do much. most providers don't even have the capabilities or know people at the phone company to pull your information. they'd rather just delete your account and forget it ever happened. but on the other hand you can never be sure unless you know all about your target internet provider. that is why research is important. it is also smart not to look suspicious or the sysadmins will check up on you and most likely find out who you are (see above). something to remember is not to mess with a sysadmin unless you know who they are first. one of my friends got his info pulled by a sysadmin who later called him up and asked for the cracked passwd file that he stole. they didn't do anything to my friend (they even offered him a job) but they now have his home phone number and personal information and are watching him every single day of his life. (and btw, sysadmins like to read your e-mail too.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysops and sysadmins part 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ socially engineering sysops and sysadmins is the most entertaining and enjoyable thing to do in the entire world. not only do you get to humiliate them, but you also have the opportunity to find out their vulnerable info, like where they live, what they like to do on the weekends, etc. lets pretend that there is a bbs called genocide, a totally random bbs picked of course. the sysop is pissing you off and you'd like to get onto his system to harass his users and basically trash everything. unfortunately you don't know the new user password. it's a good thing that the sysop, who we'll call dinchak, is always sitting at his computer terminal ready to break into chat. but the question arises: how do you make dinchak chat with you? he's been harassed numerous times and fears the bbsing community. here are a few basic ideas to make the sysop break into chat: 1) if the bbs has a shuttle menu with a chat option then use it. 2) if you can leave the sysop e-mail then continually leave messages like: hello? hello? hello? hello? hello? i need to talk to you! warez CDS OWNS YOU dinchak, i know you are sitting there watching me... 3) call back continually until dinchak takes his modem off the hook or chats with you. great, dinchak finally broke into chat with you. this would be a typical conversation: dinchak: this is the sysop. what do you want? me : i was trying to figure out your new user password. dinchak: who are you? me : my name is chris nowak and i found your number on the internet. i'd like to become a new user here. dinchak: well chris, i'm sorry but i can't let you on here without the new user password. do you know it? me : i'm not much of a hacker, although i did bring nasa to it's knees. i was about to run a script to hack your new user password but i decided not to. i REALLY love your bbs. dinchak: thanks. me : and if you let me become an active user on here i promise i'll upload warez day and night. if you like i can get an isdn line and hook it up to both your computer and mine to transfer warez at the speed of light! dinchak: i dunno, you don't sound too reliable. this is not a warez bbs you know. me : hehehe. i get it, if you want to test my warez knowledge go right ahead. i know what RiSC stands for. dinchak: ahhh... so you do know what warez are. me : yes, and i can get zero second zok warez!@# dinchak: YOU CAN GET ZOK WAREZ?!?!?! me : yep. :) dinchak: WOW! i'm sorry i kept you waiting. i'll let you apply. now, once you are on the bbs, what next? dinchak obviously trusts you and expects you to contribute to his bbs. he understands what ZOK represents in the warez world and feels that if you can get zok warez then you are a god. with all this into consideration it is time to pull out your favorite fake warez generator and make a few dangerous games to upload. after you have made a 10 meg game and placed a trojan in one of the executables (that will destroy his h/d) upload the fake warez to his bbs and tell him it's the latest version of lemmings. dinchak loves lemmings and will be over joyed. uhh oh. you forgot one thing: dinchak's voice number. good thing he's always sitting at his computer ready to chat with you. dinchak: you paged me? me : yes. are you interested in becoming an official zok distribution site? dinchak: this is a dream come true! me : i just talked to the head senior and he thinks that your bbs would make a great addition to zok. dinchak: what do i need to do? me : do you mind if i call you voice to talk about this further? my wrists are kind of sore from getting warez off the irc all day and my eyes are burning from staring at this 64 inch monitor. dinchak: my voice number is 555-9876. me : i'll call you right back. great! dinchak has fallen prey to your social engineering. it's time to give him a call and see what he's up to. [ring... ring...] dinchak: yoe, this is dinchak. me : hey dinchak, i just chatted with you on your bbs. dinchak: ok, so how do i become a zok distribution site? me : i'll have one of the zok seniors call your bbs... dinchak: c00! me : so tell me, what internet provider do you use? dinchak: i use victimNET. me : really? SO DO I!@# dinchak: kewl, what is your login? me : root dinchak: mine is dinchak@victimNET.com me : did you know that they make you put in a number first before your password on victimNET? dinchak: no they don't... well, not on my password. me : what's your password? dinchak: my password is "warez" me : hmm. well my password is "666CDS". [mom ] DINCHAK GET OFF THE PHONE AND COME MASSAGE MAWMY'S TOES! dinchak: uhhhhh, my mom is yelling at me, i need to go now. me : bye that was fairly easy... now that you have a shell account on victimNET it's time to give them a buzz and tell the sysadmins exactly what you think about them. [ring... ring...] victimNET: thank you for calling victimNET, how may we provide shitty service for your hard earned money? me : i'd like to speak with a sysadmin. victimNET: one moment please. [good music] sysadmin : this is god, what can i do for you? me : hi, my name is dinchak and i'd like to know why you keep bestiality pictures in your shell? sysadmin : [long pause] who the hell is this?! me : EYE SAID MUH NAME IZ DINCHAK! sysadmin : hold on here buddy, how do you know i have bestiality pictures? me : i am an eleet unix hax0r. sysadmin : are you saying that you hacked us? me : hahaha. i like the picture of the horse and the chicken. sysadmin : you fucking punk. i'm going to trace this call right now. me : you can't trace this call. sysadmin : why?! me : because i'm calling from inside this building! sysadmin : what are you trying to pull? me : i was wondering if you can get me zero day porn? sysadmin : ahh fuck you asshole. yeah that's right, fuck you like i fuck your mom. me : you have such a dirty mouth. i'm glad i recorded this conversation. i'll be glad to broadcast it on my pirate radio. maybe i'll send it to your boss... sysadmin : you're going to regret this call. me : come and get me big boy! geez. the sysadmin sounds pretty upset. it's a good thing you were calling from dinchak's telco box outside his house; when they call you back they'll get to talk to dinchak. now for your last and final sysadmin/sysop humiliation. you just heard from a friend that tweety (the victimNET sysadmin) is on the irc. using dinchak's account you logon to victimNET and get on the irc. *** dinchak (dinchak@victimNET.com) has joined channel #sysadmin *** Topic for #sysadmin: ...the same thing we do every night tweety, try to take over the world! *** Users on #sysadmin: @tweety @JoeBloe @mitnick remember me? hahaha. i'm going to kill you and lock you out of victimNET. wait a second. i came to apologize. you did? yes, i'm very sorry. i was kind of st0ned when i called you and didn't mean to harass you. what about the bestiality porn? i would like to give you some. you would? =] sure. as a matter of fact here's my voice number. give me a call so we can talk about this further. my voice number is 555-9876. yeah i'll do that. oh geez. i just remembered! my mom's using my voice line right now. you'll have to wait until she gets off before you can call me. here, just call me when your mom gets off. my number is 555-6666. i really need that porn. sure will. *** Signoff: dinchak (sucker...ahahhaha) this was a great expedition. not only did you take advantage of dinchak but you took advantage of a victimNET sysadmin. and having both their numbers will come in handy for future harassing. don't forget to mention to them that "CDS OWNS YOU!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scanning (frequency and phone) part 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if you are a regular reader of cds then you most likely saw zatan's article on frequency scanning in issue #5. if you didn't, then i shall recap. scanners can pick up many interesting things such as fbi, fire/emergency, air planes, and cell phone conversations. scanners are fairly inexpensive and can be bought at places such as radio shack. if you enjoy listening to people talk on the phone, and/or enjoy listening to personal information being given out over the air waves (such as cc numbers, phone numbers, etc), then you should definitely look into getting a scanner. but what does owning a scanner have to do with social engineering? great question. here's the scenario. your neighbor, a few blocks away, just bought a portable phone. this particular neighbor has been irritating you the past few months and you feel it's time to repay the neighbor's hospitality. with your scanner you can tune into their phone conversations and listen to them stupidly give out their personal information. [ring... ring...] at&t : ding ding ding. AT&T! missy: beep. [she pressed zero] at&t : this is an underpaid at&t operator just waiting to fuck up your call. missy: hi, my name is missy and i am having problems using my calling card number. at&t : what is your calling card number? missy: [she reads it off] at&t : well the card is good. what kind of trouble are you having? missy: i dunno. i'm stupid and can't use a touch tone phone. at&t : i see... well i'm about to take a lunch break so i'm gunna have to hang up on you now. missy: wait! scanners are VERY useful. in the above example missy has told you her calling card number and you didn't even have to ASK for it. it can't get any easier. what about phone scanning? that's another good question. since the advent of computers and phone, people have been using the two interchangeably to do their bidding. for example, if you needed to find a phone number in the 602 area code, and knew that the particular number was in the 240 prefix, you probably wouldn't dial each number starting from 0001-9999 on your phone. how would you solve this problem? if you were stupid you would ask your friends to dial the numbers for you, while you dialed, so you could cover a larger area in a shorter amount of time. but since you are smart you have decided to get your favorite war dialer and scan the 240 prefix, making your computer do all of the work for you. what are some good war dialers to get started with? toneloc bluebeep general dialer (thc) is it illegal to scan numbers? illegal is a broad term. if you were to get a call from a police department they would inform you that you had dialed a number, and the occupants of the number's residence are pressing charges against you for harassment. on the other hand, if the phone company were to call you up they would ask you to stop dialing numbers sequentially. for example, if you were to dial a business suffix that was 1100-1200, then the phones in the building would ring one after the other. (another reason to ALWAYS scan at night...) a simple rule to remember when scanning: never call back unless you are hacking their codes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ trading with friends part 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ trading with your friends is not only productive but gives you a warm feeling inside knowing that you are giving out information about the phone company, someone you dislike, or anything else that may be of importance. [ring... ring...] zatan: hello? cs : hey man!@# zatan: hahAHAHaHAHAHAHA. i'm ALWAYS stoned. cs : i just stole another lineman's handset out of a uswest truck. zatan: really?!!@ cs : you want it? zatan: sure... what do you want to trade for it? cs : you still have that list of pbx numbers and codes? zatan: yah, haHAHAHAHAHhahA, but only about 30 of the codes work now. i burned out 15 of them last week. cs : ok, i'll stop by your house and trade you for them tonight. zatan: alright. the next irc capture isn't exactly a friendly trade but you get the idea. all is fair in social engineering. *** hacker (cds@victimNET.com) has joined channel #warez *** Topic for #warez: give me zero second or give me death! *** Users on #warez: i have a whole list of sites if anyone is interested in trading for them. you have a whole list of sitez? yep. but i need a shell account quick. you got one to trade? just my own shell. I REALLY NEED THAT LIST. i'll give you the list of sites if you tell me your password for your account. i don't know... how do i know you won't change my password? don't worry, you can trust me. i'll hook you up with warez... :) ok, my password is "gimmewarez" here's your list... i'll DCC it to you. *** Signoff: hacker (fake Ping timeout) hello? hacker? i didn't get the list of sites. i sure hope he comes back. the world is cluttered with people who think they know all about the computer and computer marketing. the phone conversation below is between me and good time josh. josh thought he was getting a great deal but ended up getting a 386 chip with a big 666 painted on the top. [ring... ring...] josh: hello? cs : can i speak with mr. good time josh? josh: this is him... cs : i heard you build computers? josh: that's true. what can i build for you? cs : actually i don't want you to build me anything. i'd like to do a trade. josh: what do you have to trade? cs : i have a 666 pentium chip that just got off the assembly line. josh: i've never heard of that before. is it fast? cs : fast?! it's so fast you can load windows in under a second! josh: well what do you want for it? cs : i'm looking for a nice little setup: a 17" monitor, about a 166 pentium processor, motherboard, 32 megs of ram, a tower case, and a keyboard. josh: i have a computer just like that... but it's mine. i don't think i should trade it. cs : that's too bad, because this chip has a built in modem and can do calculations at the speed of light. josh: sounds great! i will trade! the point of all this is to use your head and make others do things for you. why should you scan for numbers with your dialer when you can make your "friends" do it for you? after all, they are fascinated with the word "phreaking" and would love to learn as much as possible. besides, there are hundreds of idiots floating around that happen to have a code, number, or something of value that they'll trade. happy trading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ further reading part 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for further reading check out the following: magazines --------- electronics now (magazine) (for the harmonizer) circuit seller 2600 <--- ever heard of that? phrack world wide web -------------- name : U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library - Privacy and information access URL : http://law.house.gov/107.htm note : [none] name : PRC home page URL : http://www.privacyrights.org note : PRC offers consumers a unique opportunity to learn how to protect their personal privacy. name : Computer Professionals for Social Responsiblity URL : http://www.cpsr.org/home note : providing the public and policy makers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and problems of information technology. name : The Stalker's Home Page URL : http://pages.ripco.com:8080/~glr/stalk.html note : information about the potential for phonebooks on the web to be used for criminal activity. name : caller id links URL : http://www.ca-probate.com/callerid.htm note : [none] name : Spectre Press URL : http://www.spectre-press.com/wow.htm note : specializes in electronic warfare, hacking, nuclear and conventional weaponry, energy, spy weaponry, banking, and personal defense. name : Hackers Catalog URL : http://www.hackerscatalog.com/ note : unique software and hardware tools, files, books, videos, and test chips for cable, satellite, cellular and computer hacking, phreaking and other fields of interest. name : Spy Exchange and Security Center URL : http://www.pimall.com/nais/e.menu.html note : electronic products for investigation, security, privacy, bug and wiretap detection, surveillance and self defense. name : Spy Shoppe URL : http://www.stryker-ent.com/ note : spy equipment and gadgets. Products include video, audio, night vision, security, telephone, weapons, and various gadgets. name : Spy Zone URL : http://www.spyzone.com/ note : The real world of spy verses spy, corporate espionage, counter intelligence, surveillance, and ultra-high tech detection systems. ============================================================================== 666[ article : millenium pay phones ]666 666[ author! : macwerm ]666 ============================================================================== the big question everyone is asking is what are millenium pay phones? this is a short info article that will give you an overview of uswest's brand new toy. if you live in 602 or have uswest as your bell i'm sure you have seen a millenium pay phone; they are black and have yellow trim. they have a large LCD display that supports about 2 or 3 lines of text at a time. they can be spotted at almost every new gas station, restaurant, and are virtually the only thing uswest installs for pay phones anymore. (i especially see them at circle k.) [ a glance at the hardware ] millenium pay phones are basically shitty personal computers. when the phone is opened there are two vertical circuit boards with a 1200 or 2400 baud modem inside, and a special type of ram. i'm almost positive that they have their own operating system produced by uswest. [ what kind of security do millenium pay phones have? ] there is a keyhole on the left side of the phone and on the right. when the linesman inserts his key on the left, he gets a prompt on the LCD display. he must then enter the uswest universal code for the city (i believe) and then his two digit PIN number. after that, he inserts another key into the right side of the pay phone and the whole cover pops down (not to the side). when the phone cover goes down, the linesman has 5 to 10 seconds to press a switch or button that is in the top center back of the phone or an alarm goes off at the switching station and/or the millenium phone patrol. (he can then do what ever and i'm sure there is some kind of hardware he can attach for diagnostics.) to remove the cash box the tech inserts the key on the left and enters the code and his PIN. he then uses his T key which he inserts into the T shaped hole on the front lower right hand corner of the cash box. the cover then pops down and he can remove the old box and replace it. the cash boxes are bright orange and very impossible to break open without uswest's tools or techniques. another thing that i've found about millenium pay phones are that their phone line is always concealed. not once have i seen an exposed phone line, unlike some regular uswest phones. i have seen a pay phone which happens to be in the front of my high school; the phone is about three inches from the wall and the line goes into the building. if you were to cut a line it would trigger yet another alarm at the css. [ some more facts about millenium pay phones ] - the dial tone is simulated. the phone is on a normal line and does not bother the switch until the money is collected. this means red box tones DO NOT work. - the look up tables are in the phone proving that they have a modem. - these pay phones are able to fix themselves. once after beating the shit out of one, an LCD said "this phone temporarily out of service." when returning a half an hour later it was fixed. so they might have the ability to dial into a repair center and download new software or alert them that that the phone needs repair. just to show that they love these things, i called the repair number and the tech showed up the next day! for home repair it takes them a whole week. i'm guessing they cost about 5-6 thousand each. [ closing ] most of this information was collected from our nice old linesman that repairs them at my school--he loves answering my questions. there hasn't been any known hardware hacks or ways to box calls off of these yet, but i'm still searching. if you have any additional info or stories drop me a note at: macwerm@hotmail.com. -Macwerm ============================================================================== 666[ article : pharcyde's tiny guide to junction boxes ]666 666[ author! : zatan ]666 ============================================================================== every phreaker's dream is to find a junction box, green tree, etc. these massive phone boxes are where all the lines from the local neighborhood meet and connect to the main line under the street that runs to the phone company. these boxes will look similar to this: --------------------------- | | | | | | you need a socket wrench | | | that looks like this: | | | | | | /====\ | | | | | | (*) <- bolt | \====/ | [ <-- handle | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------- now, this is how you open one of these bitches up. (1) first, grab your trusty socket wrench and find the right size socket. (2) second, place your socket wrench onto the bolt and turn it the right while at the same time turning the handle to the left. this should open the double doors up. this same procedure can be used on the back of the box. the back doors don't hold as many lines as the front but it will make your boxing experience alot safer. congratulations, you are now in the box. it should look like this: |------------\|-------------------------|/------------| | |*************************| | | |*************************| | | |*************************| | | (*) |*************************| (*) | | { |*************************| } | | { |*************************| } | | { |*************************| } | | / |*************************| \ | | ] |*************************| [ | | |*************************| | | |*************************| | | |*************************| | | |*************************| | |-------------|-------------------------|-------------| the little stars are the knobs that have phone lines going to them. on each door there is a round wire holder that has a fat wire going to an alligator clip. on this round wire holder there are two sockets that a lineman's handset hooks onto. next, take the the large alligator clip and hook it onto one of the knobs; you should hear a dial tone or if your are lucky people talking! sometimes on the inside of the doors you will see telco notes like pbx numbers, ani and local test numbers, and other good shit. (maybe even a love notes). junction boxing is by far the best way to box. this is complete and total access to hundreds of lines at your finger tips. good luck and happy boxing! pharcyde@bigfoot.com ============================================================================== 666[ article : car phun! and tear gas ]666 666[ author! : undertow ]666 ============================================================================== i know you all missed me in cds #4 and #5 but i don't have access to a computer very much anymore, and to make it up to everyone i'll explain two things that every anarchist needs to know. so your good "friend" is still fuckin' with you, eh? well, if blowing up his pool filter (cds #2) or breaking into his house (cds #3) didn't work, then it's time to fuck with his car. here are just a few things that you can to do ruin all the expensive auto detailing he has done. remove the windshield wiper blades and glue thumbtacks into them. boy does that make a pretty design! if you know when your "friend" is about to use the car, simply hold a lighter underneath the door handle for a long time and wait until he grabs it. "ohhhh...that had to hurt!" hehe. take off the muffler and pour about a cup of gasoline into it and put it back on. when the car starts you'll see one hell of a blow torch. some classics: - sugar in the gas tank - stuff rags soaked in gas into the exhaust pipe and wonder why your "friend" has trouble breathing. but the best, by far, would be the one that takes the most time and requires help from other people. while you're breaking into your "friend's" house to get their nice stereo why not just take their car apart and reassemble it in their living room? NOW THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT! now, if you're too stupid to do any of these fun ideas, try this: pop the hood open and go "eeny, meeny, miny, MOE!" and just pull something. there are tons more (like dynamite behind the dashboard, syphoning the gas into the front seat, etc) but the best ones just come from long, hard thinking. but what if your "friend" doesn't own a car? then it's time to torture them with TEAR GAS! tear gas doesn't require much work to make but it is VERY dangerous. so be careful because i know how all you dumbasses are. what you'll need to make tear gas: 1. ring stands (2) 2. alcohol burner 3. erlenmeyer flask (300 ml.) 4. clamps (2) 5. rubber stopper 6. glass tubing 7. clamp holder 8. condenser 9. rubber tubing 10. collecting flask 11. air trap 12. beaker (300 ml.) other shit you'll need: 1. 10 grams of glycerine 2. 2 grams of sodium bisulfate 3. distilled water now that you've stolen all the necessary supplies from your local chemistry department at a school and figured out how to set all of it up, you are ready to begin. 1) you MUST wear a gas mask at ALL times. 2) in an open area, mix the glycerine with the sodium bisulfate in the erlenmeyer flask. 3) light the alcohol burner and gently heat the flask. 4) the solution will begin to bubble; the bubbles are the tear gas. 5) when the mixture begins to bubble the reaction is complete. remove the heat and dispose of the mixture. (the mixture must be disposed of because it is corrosive.) 6) the material that condenses and drips into the collecting flask is the tear gas. make sure it is capped tightly and stored in a safe place. sorry that i couldn't be more detailed but i'm just as dumb as the next joe when it comes to setting this stuff up, but you got and basics. another thing that you could simply do is make an aluminum cup, or half of a soda can and mix one chlorine tablet with an equal amount of .3 brake fluid, or motor oil in the cup. then wait about three minutes and you have the "white death". note: white death is chlorine gas so don't breath too much of it or it just might kill you or burn your lungs. just remember to always be careful and that cds and myself are not responsible for your actions; and it's not illegal unless you get caught! latah. -Undertow ============================================================================== 666[ article : closing comments ]666 666[ author! : cs ]666 ============================================================================== thanks for reading this issue. if you have any questions, comments, or would like to submit an article for an upcoming issue, you can contact me at: sirbob@juno.com the theme for this issue is the number sequence 666. i doubt you noticed 666 anywhere in this issue because it is 666 supposed to be a 666 subliminal 666 message 666. just for the record cds does not worship satan (or zatan) and we are not a cult, but send your naked women and beer to us so we can plunder and have our way with. i know that this issue was long and i apologize for making you read so much. personally i would rather have a file_id.diz and a little askee with the cds logo in it. but unfortunately that's not how it works so i guess this issue is going to remain huge forever. according to my calculations issue number 7 is next. don't miss it or i will be forced to hunt you down and show you pictures of people who don't read cds, and you will surely change your mind about everything. traditional line noise: (another filler) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ���"+��鹲tB�����:=LއH�.}I�ߖ��go�tO���ɏ�Ы��c�x5l ���2W�?�KT�q�f5&c��� �:�܄�~ȃ��B�E6|�(X��Mf�8|��Ӛ��W�}#2�4�4�;��O���؛�[��:�� �r�lI�N�' �⹬!�d�%oZ����Co}U�a��.H.`P ��.BR��uE�1��|v�i��gay*��1��ii�Q��fv�N1o�j Nh1�:�Z6?���������b8�ġ%�[����؉וM��!fa�v�8�j�Z��P'��������r`$�آJ��k m���źS��9��Nh1�:�Z6?���������b8�ġ%�[��e�8��n;�X�p\҆Tƴ[�o��S�zF~U�� M��"��� _��(�B?�c�F}O�ƚ>��6��]��JP��pzQ��۪�Ko��O���]���qM���`�E�On��f�7 m؁�x�M��"��� _��(�B?�c������K4�H+~���������������������������������������� 优*��O-A������qx��"��B�՛����q�����c;�q�{/Q��J�mB��\Y�I7���Q��fU b���f9�PzdF)r2�������q'ɲͅu��?�o�<%oe��X��CDp{�Xޚ5��WD�����`G����{M�'�A o�>�c?(�Z��i�R�$+��I�}�D��j�g�O��e���>��`�z='� De�c̦�mЎ!x��A\��+м�� 5���}`�+�� �-l8Jm(����A�q� �����Uؗ!��i�R�$+��I�}�D��j�g�O��e���>��`�z ='� De�c̦�mЎ!xޛ�.I�*}X��I��m��%t�-�T6���;'�灬���W}q�� �6d� �(�� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EOF for issue numb0r #666 ... have a nice day