$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$U' `$' `O$$$O' `O$$$ $O'.o$$$$o.'$$$$$$o.`$'.o$$$$o.`$$ $'.O$$$$$$O.t$$$$$$O. .O$$$$$$o. $ $ y$$$O$$$$$ $$$`O$$O.t$$$$$O$$$ $ $ $$$$$`$$o'$$$$ `$$$$ $$$$$ `d$ $ $ $$$$$ $$$$ l$$$ `$$$$$ t'.$ $ $$$$i.o$$t $$$ .$$$$ .q $$$$. $$ $ t$$$o$$$$$ $$$.o$$$$.$$$.$$$$. $ $.`O$$$$$$O'p$$$$$$$O'l$$$$$$$$O $ $$.`t$$$$l'.$$$$$$O' .`u$$$$$$o'.$ $$Oo. .o. .oO$$o. .oO$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ children of a dying sun issue number three nineteen ninety six! ============================================================================== table of contents i % who we are/how to get in touch with us ii % issue number three!? iii % greets iv % email to the editor 1 % the trip story.................................[figure it out] 2 % interview with a virus coder...................[cs] 3 % how to make exploding bullets..................[trooper] 4 % how to hook your phone up to a recorder........[cs] 5 % how to make one fuckin rad ass bomb............[brain smasher] 6 % it's just like christmas!!!....................[undertow] 7 % a short beige boxing story.....................[satan] 8 % how to become an official cds support bbs......[cs] 9 % one of those old time fare wells...............[cs] =[who we are/how to get in touch with us]====================================== we're bah-aack. that's right, us "lamers" are at it again. we're still the same old cds, except purifier and fulcrum have not been seen for months. i have a running theory that mike dietz is taking us out one by one. at least he'll get me last. speaking of mike dietz, i heard it took him about an hour to take a card out of a macintosh computer and install a program. uhh nevermind. you had to have been there i guess. cds wants articles from you (the reader). this is a free publication zine. "what does that mean?!" you say? well it means that if you send me your article, and it is comical and/or informative, i will put it in the next latest issue. unfortunately hound's hard drive crashed and he could not write an article for this issue. (that's what he gets for running ms-dos.) to get in touch with me you can leave me email at: sirbob@juno.com or call the support bbs: the shadow of cyberia 602-451-8564 nup: sabotage if you want you can worship the mighty goat god ghelia. that is the fastest way to get in touch with me, but not very reliable. =[issue number three!?]======================================================= i'm just as surprised as you.. issue number three is out. that's a real scary thought, considering i must have been on crack last issue. i had typoes everywhere and the emag was a piece of crap. so i apologize. in this issue prank calls are our speciality. so get ready for some really funny transcripts.. And check this out. I finally got my shift key working. Now I can entrance you with CaPiTaL letters. i enjoyed everything in lower case.. but it just gets old sometimes. and i was sick and tired of retyping articles so they would be consistent with all the rest. so if you notice some articles in lower case, or UPPER CASE, or BoTH, just enjoy it. aLERT! aLERT! ------------- the command.com virus is going around again. if you see it in any directory on your hard disk, delete it at once. it may tell you that it is read only; that is just one of it's many tricks. you must use attrib to take off the read only attribute. known symptoms are infecting your hard drive with bill gate's bullshit called microsoft. you may experience system freezes, less than 1 meg of conventional memory, and notice strange directories like "c:\windows" created on your hard disk. also reported clones of this virus are msdos.sys and io.sys. a small script language has been created for use with command.com. two files known to exist are "config.sys" and "autoexec.bat". f-prot will not find it, nor will mcaffe, or any other commercial virus scanning utility. once command.com and all other known clones have been deleted, reboot computer at once. if your monitor reads "insert boot disk into drive a: and press any key to continue" then the command.com virus was not successfully removed and is still in memory. to wipe command.com out of your memory, you must take a large magnet to your hard disk drive and wait a few days until you are sure the memory is destroyed. another method to erase your memory is to take out your simms/sips and wash them under hot water. (usually boiling the memory in a large pot of water works best.) if any other known mutations of the command.com virus exist, please let cds know at once. i have heard a rumour there was a new clone known as "windows 95" going around.. =[greets]===================================================================== this is the all new and exciting greet section of cds. if you see your name here then that means you must have done something good. (or bad, whatever.) greets go out to: (in no particular order.) [] clark for the file_id.diz file and an ansi pic [] xhenophyte for the music [] trip for being such a good sport [] wizzard for teaching me how to program in ascii!@ [] a few of the kewl irc freaks [] trooper and tracker 1 of first online. that is the most modded renegade bbs i have ever seen. (it's scary.) [] balls wilson for an ansi pic [] that one guy that helped me with something. ah, i forget now. [] hey a7, when are you gonna write an article for cds?!@ [] all of zok. yeah, they are one elite hax0r/warez group. join channel #zok on the irc to see what i mean. tell 'em i sent you. [] twotone.. you are one great phone pranker [] ruby soho (krystal), what can i say? you are one elite phreaker. ever figure out why you were being charged for the long distance calls you were making from your house after you hooked a beige box up to your telco box? and did you ever notice *82 doesn't get you free ld? [] vader. i have one message for you: "shut the fuck up." [] i/o is one k-rad virus programmer [] mike dietz just got a job at circle k.. make sure to check out next issue to see the article about it! =[email to the editor]======================================================== i got some constructive and informative email after releasing cds #2. i really appreciate reading hate mail, it gives me a good laugh. this was by far the funniest email i have ever gotten. notice the higher superiority that you feel when you read two minutes hate letter to me: -------------------------------------------------------- Date: x:xx am xxx xxx xx, 1996 Number : xx of xx From: Two Minutes Hate Base : Private Mail To : Cyber Shadow Refer #: None Subj: New User Application Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local Listen up. I read your ezine. Number 1 and 2. You wanna stop blowing your horn and learn what you're talking about, you stick with me. I ain't giving you references, I ain't telling you what BBS I run, I ain't telling you shit, and if you dial the number your caller ID says I'm on you'll get a PBX (so have fun with it). Stop talking big and start making sense. There is no 'rlogin' hack in any version of SunOS. There is no 'telnet hack' that's too long to explain. About the only truthful thing in your magazine is the beating the BBS to death with a baseball bat. Good old fashioned hacking, right? So disallow me access because I'm not elite. The fact is that elite people don't broadcast their new user password in a pathetic hacking ezine. I'll be back in one form or another. TMH -------------------------------------------------------- what i thought was funny was the fact that there is an rlogin sunos hack. do you honestly think that we would put up something that doesn't work so you would be discouraged?! i think that this "guru" should go back and try again. because we tried it and it worked. so either we are on crack, or two minutes hate is trying this rlogin hack from dos. and what is their problem? they never would have been able to apply to my bbs if i did not put the nup in cds. and since when was cds elite? -[aTTENTION!@$@! aTTENTION!@$@!]---------------------------------------------- if you would like to send me your hate mail, go ahead. nothing is stopping you. actually i appreciate it. it lets us know what the readers of cds think. =[the trip story]=============================================[figure it out]= i sure hope trip doesn't read this. :) this is a three part prank call. the whole idea was to call up trip, tell him i was a tty operator, and then pretend to relay ewheet's conversation to him. the reason i was acting like a tty operator is because ewheet is deaf. just incase anyone is wondering, i was not the only person behind this masterful scheme. several people helped me including twotone (a long gone founder of thrust), xhenophyte, and balls wilson (an apathy member). this had to be one of the funnier pranks i have ever done. and it's all true. here is a short recap of the whole thing... as usual i was bored. bored. bored. bored. so bored i wanted to scream. and being the creative person i am, i hooked up a tape recorder to my phone and called xhenophyte voice to chat with him. we started talking about how we could do this and that to certain people, and how it would be kewl to call 'em up and prank them. then trip came up in the conversation and we began to draw out our little scheme. after we worked out the details, we called up twotone three way and told him our idea. i hadn't planned on being the tty operator, and since trip might notice twotone's and xhenophyte's voice, i was given the job. what we had planned was to call up trip and tell him ewheet was flying to phoenix in a few days. then call back about a day later and tell him ewheet was at the phoenix airport and wanted to meet trip somewhere in phoenix. (of course this would all be acted out as a tty operator.) some names have been changed to protect the innocent. so here is the whole trip story. part 1, 2 and 3. part 1: ------- (dialing.. this is gonna be great..!@#) cs=cyber shadow, trip=trip, mom=trip's mom mom : hello? cs : hello? cs : this is a tty operator. my name is simon mchenry. may i talk to ? mom : just a minute.. [long pause] cs : hello? is this ? trip: yeah. cs : this is a tty operator, simon mchenry, and i am trying to connect you to . trip: oh, yeah. cs : he says that he is flying in to phoenix tomorrow and wants to know if you would like to meet him. trip: oh yeah. cs : where would you like to meet him? trip: what part of town are you going to be in ? cs : he says phoenix. trip: what part of phoenix, do you know? cs : he says he doesn't know. what place would you recommend for him? trip: there's probably a good place to meet him is metro center mall. cs : he wants to know how to get there from the airport. trip: ahh. metro center mall is at about 31st and dunlap. i'm not sure how to get there from the airport. can you hold on a second? cs : yes sir. [short pause] trip: hello? cs : hello? trip: ok.. cs : says he will make it to metro center and he wanted to go over to your house after words. uhh huh.. would you like me to add anything else? trip: tell him.. ask him if he can go on the irc right now. cs : he says that his computer is experiencing funny problems right now. his provider is not connecting. but he will try later. trip: yeah. cs : uh huh. trip: alright. tell him that he has my number and to call me tty when he gets to phoenix. cs : uh huh. trip: and uh, we'll work out the details. cs : alright. thank you. trip: alright. thank you. bye. now that trip is buried deep within the prank, the next part is carried out the next day. part 2: ------- (dialing.. don't forget *67) cs=cyber shadow, trip=trip, mom=trip's mom mom : hello. cs : yes, is there? mom : hold on. ... !@#!@ cs : hello? cs : hello, this is phoenix tty, i'm jeremy landovich, i'll be your tty translator. trip: yes yes... cs : i have a call for you from . trip: yes.. cs : he says he is at the airport and has a ride to metro center. trip: oh ok. do you need directions? go ahead. cs : no, he says he does not. he has a ride and likes to know where you would like to meet him at.. in metro center. trip: just out of curiosity who is your ride? go ahead. cs : a relative. trip: ahh uhm, how long are you gonna be staying? go ahead. cs : a few days. trip: uhm, how long are you gonna be able to hang out and stay, or for the next couple of days? go ahead. cs : he says that he will try to stay as long as possible with you but he has family business that he has to take care of. trip: uhm ok, i will meet you in the food court area, it's on the upper level, uhm, there is like an arcade and stuff, and a whole bunch of little restaurant areas. i'll meet you there. i'll be sitting at one of the tables, near the entrance way. hold on. i'll have on a large pair of grey pants and a shirt that says fifteen on it with a boy's face getting shot. go ahead. cs : ok he says that he will look for you, and he wants you to wait for until he gets there because he does not know how long it will take him, but he does have directions, and he knows how to get there, and he now knows what you are wearing. trip: how will i identify you in case you don't notice me? go ahead. cs : he says he is wearing a green shirt, blue pants, and has blond hair. trip: are you wearing your hat? go ahead. cs : uh no he is not. trip: when should i leave to go there? because i live like really close to there. go ahead. cs : he says maybe in a half an hour. trip: ok i'll go there in a half an hour and you can go with me pants shopping. go ahead. ... gotta get pants. cs : he says ok. trip: alright i'll see you in about half and hour or so. go ahead. cs : he says see you soon. trip: ok.. bye. cs : thank you. trip is now under our control. the next part consists of twotone calling trip up and checking to see if he is really gonna go to metro center mall. part 3: ------- (dialing the modem number for poo, which is the whq for apathy and is run by trip. we were hoping trip would be there and pick up the phone. lucky us.) tt=twotone, trip=trip tt : hey dude, pick up your phone. hey, trip, pick up your phone. trip: what? tt : trip? trip: yeah? tt : hey you wanna doom. trip: no i'm just getting ready to go down to the mall and meet ewheet. tt : meet ewheet?! trip: yeah, he's in town. tt : ohh, dude, how are you gonna talk to him? trip: he can read lips, and he can kinda talk. and if not, i don't know if he has his laptop with him, but he has these wires that like, whenever someone says something it translates it into text. and what he types it says for him. so it's like really cool and stuff. and he might even have a pad and paper with him or something like that. tt : yeah trip: but it will be cool. so, he's gonna be in town for a couple of days if wants to somehow get down here.. tt : oh. trip: because i know and him are good friends. tt : ok. trip: alright. tt : alright. trip: uhm, so if you talk to tell him ewheet is in town. tt : ok. trip: and i'm gonna be hanging out with him today and he's gonna come back to my house. tt : how long is he gonna be in town? trip: he said for a couple days or something. i don't know exactly how many. but he lives in ohio.. so. tt : shit trip: alright dude well, i'm gonna finish cleaning up a bit and i'm gonna down to the mall and meet him. tt : ok. trip: alright dude? tt : later. trip: later. tt : bye. this whole prank ended with trip going down to metro center and waiting for ewheet. this has to be one of the all time best pranks since trip thought i was really a tty operator, and everything worked out perfectly. if you would like to be pranked by any member of cds, then send me your number. or if you would like to call up a mattress expert, dial 1-800-matress and ask for john. =[interview with a virus coder]==========================================[cs]= i was fortunate enough to interview a virus coder about the new michelangelo virus, known commonly as mich96. here is the short i/o saga... an idiot named i/o wanted to get on my board. twotone and i had called up i/o earlier that month to interview him for a zine called 3600. of course i/o fell for it and said pretty much that he was an idiot, and had no idea what he was doing. (i/o sounds real funny on the phone. twotone asked i/o if he was a faggot, and he replied "heeeeellllll nooooo..." it sounded like he wasn't sure.) i felt sorry for i/o. someone had told me he wanted to get on my bbs so bad, that was all he ever talked about. i eventually let i/o apply and watched him dink around on my bbs. the first thing he did, while he was on, was upload a file called rgmaint.com, which is supposed to be a variant of the old rgmaint.com that rewrote a section of the rg overlay file. then he had the nerve to put his name on the program. (because we all know that i/o didn't write a trojan or a virus.) he also uploaded a file called "mich96.com" that was supposed to be the new michelangelo 96 virus. i couldn't stand it anymore. i had to break into chat with him and see what his problem was. this is a piece of the chat i had with him.. [i/o had just uploaded the source code to rgmaint.com.] cs: and you said you wrote that? io: i used a gen then i modify that with bits and pieces of other things., cs: so you know assembly? io: Little here little there... cs: do you know the difference between "modifying" and "writing"? io: Yes i should have put modified. cs: you look very lame when you put your name on someone else's work. io: True... cs: and i know for a fact you hexed out the mich96.. io: Nope. cs: then you wrote it all in assembly? io: Nope...have the Sourse of The origanal mich. and put in MODIFIED BY: $#% cs: hmm. what does the modified version do? io: I told 3600... cs: well i want you to tell me!@ io: ok, i just modified it more so that it would kill f-prot and thunderbolt, etc. and unload Vsafe from mem. then after it writes it self to mbr is totall fuckes up the disk on 02-14 instead of when ever. cs: hmmm. and what part did you write? io: the part where it fucks f=prot etc. and vsafe..and the mbr part. cs: hmm. because i was wondering what the memory address identifier was for vsafe. what is it? io: damn...i have to look at my source code file thing it is on Encrypt. Hd. cs: uhm ok.. how does it disable vshield? io: it goes it to the memory and wipe out the address givven, cs: hmm. and it restores the memory back to the system? io: Right. cs: hmmmmmm. how does it fuck up f-prot? io: When f-prot runs into it it "wipes" it out of existance. cs: how does it beat the scan? io: It finds where F-prot loaded into memory and wipe the mem. cs: so if f-prot is loaded into memory, it crashes back to the os? io: Yes. [this is where i begin asking the bullshit questions. it is obvious he is lying to me.] cs: so the mich96 also deletes the efa in memory? io: i would suspect i have not run it on my puter...:) cs: it might.. i'm not sure, that's why i'm asking you these questions. uhm what happens to the 16k memory blocks? do they get moved back into xms or do they swap to disk? io: If my mem serves me right it goes back to xms. cs: oh ok, i see. hmm. this is very interesting. i've never really talked to a virii programmer. io: Just a lil here and there... cs: hmm. well i have lots of questions. the mich96 infects the last 20 bytes of the com file like the old one did, right? io: Yes it is all the same but w/ my modifications. cs: oh ok. yeah, i understand. hmm. how does it infect the .exe files? io: EXE ok, thinking...first u have to know the area that exe file start... oops that is sys...fuk can;t member. cs: hmm. what happens to the bios? does it get rewritten also? what i mean is, does it get modified? io: I don't know w/ my modifications it might not. cs: cuz i think the old mich did that.. io: It might like i said i really didn't "test" it on a puter. cs: hmmmm. does it hide in cmos memory so it doesn't get erased when the computer shuts down? io: Yes that code should still be in there. cs: what part of the memory, the beginning or end? io: i think the end. am not sure. cs: oh i see. yeah, i was wondering how big the mich is once it launches into memory? do you have an estimate? io: it should be then same size as the old one in mem. cs: really? so the code you wrote is so small that it doesn't even take up a kb of memory? io: Hell no...not even close... cs: that's really kewl. yeah, you will have to send me the source code, i am very interested.. i like looking at virii. (especially modified virii.) so where does the mich96 hide in conventional memory? io: it should in theory load normaly like the old one... cs: and the 12k block of memory is given back to the system? (or atleast that's what the os thinks.) io: Yes. cs: jeah, that's what i thought. hmmmm. i wonder if the mich96 mutates each time it spreads to a new .exe or .com file? does it change encryption? io: I tried to put in a better encryption but it wouldn't accept it. cs: why not? io: STACK error or some shit like that. [by now i knew he was lying. no virus writer on earth would even act the way he was. naturally, being the nice guy i am, i decided to give him some help with his virus. (of course, my help is wrong.)] cs: you know, you can create more stack space.. i think. like tell it: .stack .stack .stack .stack (for as many 1kb as you need) io: C00l, i wanted it to use the same amout just use my modifications. c00l, but i am more into hacking....:) cs: uhm, so what all does the mich96 do when the alarm goes off? io: that is when the fun starts the MBR get trashed....then the hd get fucked like normal) and then it in theory, unloads and dissapers. cs: does it still spin the hard disk backwards and grind the head like the old mich did? io: Yes.. cs: hmmmm. did you change any part of that? io: Nope i liked that part. cs: does the mich96 run under linux or unix? io: To my knolege it might. cs: hmmm. uhm, what about SwanOs unix versions? [not sunos, but swanos.] io: Not sure,,,in theory is should take out any and all puters in its path. cs: and you wrote this in pascal right? io: ASM cs: hmm. what version of assembly? bearland? [not borland, but bearland. hahaha.] io: TASM borderland. [now he thinks borland is really called borderland.] cs: what version? io: hold on will check.. cs: ok io: 2.01 cs: borland is the author of tasm, right? or was that microsoft? io: Borderland cs: oh, yeah, i keep spelling that wrong. hehehe. hmm. oh, i remember now, does it infect the sfx cluster on the hard drive also? i've seen alot of virii do that. it's pretty tricky tho. io: Not to my knowlege but it might. cs: damn, cuz that is hard to repair. does it delete all four of the dos partitions too? io: yes. and i could make it blow up the cpu if i wanted it to. cs: how? io: MOV DS,DS cs: what does that do? io: that is not accually cpu regs. but it would move the ds reg over itself over and over....till is blows. cs: hmm. have you tried that yet? io: no but i am thinking bout it. cs: what kind of processor does it destroy? the 8078? io: The main 80x86 cs: oh, what about the p7, p6, etc? io: u mean the NPU? cs: i was just wondering what kind of instruction set the processor needs? io: oh, it will work with any and all. cs: what is the npu? io: Co-proccessor. cs: oh, i see. hmmmmmmm. what else have you done? like what systems have you hacked? etc. io: So far only 1 but i don't need to hack unless the sysop pisses me off.. but this 1 was for fun he was sitting there watching me... cs: what system? io: A RG BBS cs: so what was the system called? io: 19th Hole gone now...but i got his sys Pw and droped to dos...i could have stole the users.dat and called them all up. cs: hehe, that would have been great. how many users.dat files do you have? io: None but can get First Onlines. but what would be the point.. cs: yeah, trooper is a kewl sysop. that wouldn't be right. did you hack knight's realm (starman's board) also? io: Fuck StarFUCK...he is an asshole most of the time. cs: are you gonna hack it? io: Am on the verge of it... cs: how are you going to do that? io: using gSZ or DSZ or some prot... cs: but what will that do? io: Drop me to real dos and then del the users.dat after taking it and del the logs. cs: but how i mean, how can you make dsz do that? io: A simple hacking util. cs: which one? io: HAKBBS??.zip cs: oh, sounds interesting. so does it only work for rg bbses? io: Nope any and all that use .COM prots. cs: hmm. what does it do to the internal prots, like the ones ra uses? io: That might be a prob for certian prots but any w/ a COM file will work. cs: oh ok. can you upload that file? io: Don't have it it is on I-net tho. cs: where on the i-net? io: YAHOO search for HACKING and go to the pages 1 is bound to have it. cs: oh. do you get all of your hacking files off the internet? io: No, go to genoside too. [genocide is the zok whq, and is run by dinchak. (just incase you were wondering.)] io: and M()()n bbs too. cs: m()()n is hacking? io: Yes, u have ti have the access i am anOP there too. cs: oh, hehe. uhm, do you phreak at all? io: Yep, did that to a pay fone w/ my tape rec. cs: so you can generate green box sounds? io: RED, cs: oh. what about green? io: Shit i gotta go d00d.. cs: well one thing before you go, everything you have told me is a fucking lie and/or an exaggeration. i will consider not locking you out. thank you. [then i hung up on the idiot and locked him out.] i wish i was as k-rad as i/o. then i could be a virus coder like him. hell, i'd love to make people's hard disks spin backwards and grind the head. i/o can now be reached at: io@lame.user.com along with a few other select people: mikedietz@lame.user.com dinchak@lame.user.com =[how to make exploding bullets]====================================[trooper]= How to make exploding bullets by trooper Cartridge reloading skills are common knowledge... Get a cheap setup for about 100 bucks, and RTFM. The manuals are very conservative, and following simple instruction will save you from having a face that looks like your ass. For those who are unsure of what a reload is: It is a spent cartridge which has been re-assembled to meet factory pressure and dimension specifications, for use in a specific firearm. (Or: Home made bullets for yer gun.) What you need: -------------- [1] A reloading press. (A cheap LEE loader piece of shit is fine.) [2] A grain scale or spoons. (Available at gun stores everywhere.) [3] Gun powder. (Available in 1� canisters for about 15 dollars.) [4] Cartridge die set. (Duh- that is the same caliber as your weapon.) [5] Primers, brass and bullets for the weapon. [6] And a fucking gun... Large caliber revolver, ie: .38-.45LC works best. Keep in mind- the assembled product is not a good choice of ammunition to carry in the car if you are pulled over for some reason. There is a little known, but strictly enforced law, called the 1934FLA, which outlaws destructive articles such as explosive devices, automatic weapons and even nunchuki! No shit... For this example, we will use the .38 SPL. round. you can use it in a .38 or .357 revolver or rifle, which makes it a good "all around" choice. 1) Recover spent brass from your favorite spot after a fun day of embedding lead into the side of a hill, or car door. (Damn neighbors!) 2) Re size and de-prime the case with your press setup. (You don't really need *any* reloading equipment for this project, but your cartridge will be a piece of shit, and will not feed reliably if you use a pin and pliers to manufacture the round.) Use a strong pin, or nail set to drop the spent primer if you are broke. Fuck re sizing it too for that matter, the cartridge will fit without re sizing in most cases, with a little applied force. (Cram the fucker in the chamber.) 3) Set a new primer. (A .38/.357 takes a WSP small pistil primer, they are sold in 100 unit packs, for about 1.80. (More on those later.) Without a press, simply force the primer in the flash hole with your finger, and beat it flush with the pocket, using an insulated handle of any given tool. (To prevent beating it to shit.) Try and get the primer in straight. Primers are very stable, and chances are that it will not explode. If it does, well... deal with it. Your ears may ring, and you will get minor flash burn, but that's about it. 4) This load used a 158GR. Hornady or Speer HP-LSW (Hollow point, lead semi-wadcutter) bullet. You may go the quick and dirty route, and simply buy a box of lead hollow point rounds also. (If you know nothing about reloaded ammunition, this is probably a good idea.) Why a lead hollow point? They are very easy to work with. The hollow cavity is all ready centered. this saves you the chore of trying to find the bullet's dead center, and using a 175" or .210" drill bit to do the same job. The internal diameter of the HP cavity needs to be .175" or slightly larger. This is the same diameter of the primers you purchased. The depth of the hole is directly related to the type of warhead you desire. A simple cap insertion will only need to be as deep as the primer's height. (3/16") Various types of exploding projectiles: --------------------------------------- A: Insert a primer in the modified cavity, so the bottom of your primer is faced out word. This setup will impact, make a little "POP" on impact, and fragment the ogive of the bullet slightly. (The Tip will frag.) B: Same as above, with a small amount of gunpowder under the primer. This will increase the report of impact, in addition to adding a visible flash when the bullet detonates. (Good for setting off flammable devices at safe range... Try a small can of Gasoline for a target... Or a good friend's vehicular fuel tank. (For example.) C: If you need a little AP capability with the device, drill the hole quite deep..3/8 to 1/4 inch. Insert the powder, primer, and a .177 caliber steel B.B. This will not only guarantee detonation or the primer; It will also act as the initial piercing function of the round. for best results, wrap the primer/BB group in Teflon tape. This will serve a dual purpose: Containing the primer/BB group, so maximum damage is achieved through penetration. Adding a lubrication substance to the round, so it will glide through materials like Metal, Nylon or... Kevlar. Tech Note: The density of steel is greater than lead. Even if the bullet deflects or fragments on impact, the inertia of the primer/BB group will still penetrate deep within a given target. Since the Teflon tape will nearly liquefy under extreme heat, it will act as a lubricator for the Primer/BB group as it passes the barrier... Since teflon reduces friction, momentum of the BB is stable, and less inhibited. Force the group into the cavity with your seater die, or just get creative and ram it in there. Ammunition is highly stable, but as an added safety, do this force feed with your bullet OUTSIDE of the case if you're reloading it; Or, with factory ammunition, put a good layer of cloth under the case, so the primer has some cushion when you're sticking the shit in there. For the reloaders: ------------------ .38 Spl: 158gr LHP-SWC 4.3 to 4.5 Gr. Unique or: 4.6 to 4.9 Gr. of Herco. Light-Medium crimp, OAL: 1.460" (1.480 max.) Win or CCI Std. Pistol Primer. .357: 158gr LHP-SWC (Use JHP with your own load data) 5.5 to 6.0 Gr. Unique. Light-Medium crimp OAL: 1.570" Max Win/CCI Primers For the Quick and dirty: ------------------------ Purchase 158 Gr lead Semiwadcutter Hollow points from UMC or Winchester. The loads will be ready for step 4a,4b & 4c. If you do not have Gun powder, or are afraid to buy it from the local store, use .22 rimfire cartridges or those firecrackers you've been saving. Disassembly of a .22 RF is very simple and safe. Grab the lead bullet with a pair of pliers, turn the bullet sideways while holding the rim of the case. Pour the powder out, and use it. Remember: The .22 case will still have a live Primer charge in the rim... You can do hasty blast caps with them, but more on that later... You have assembled the cartridge, and are ready to employ the device. Remember, the bullet is top-heavy now. The maximum range will depend on how well you did the job. After about 30 -50 yards, the projectile will begin a terminal Yaw, and "key Hole" the target. This is a sub-standard situation, as the device may malfunction if impacting sideways. You can determine the maximum effective range in the field. These rounds may be assembled with any caliber from 9mm to 454 Win. Mag. Semi-auto weapons may not feed properly. Single loading may be needed. *DO NOT!* go too crazy with 9mm rounds... The chamber pressures are easily changed with extra bullet weight. Best bet: Never buy a semi-auto hand gun, unless it is a .45 (More on that fact later.) =[how to hook your phone up to a recorder]===============================[cs]= how to hook your phone up to a recorder. introduction ------------ hooking up your phone to a recording device is a must for phone prankers. this device could be used as black mail, self protection, or to record your sick, perverted prank calls. one thing that i cannot stress the most is "do not have your phone plugged in when you begin splicing wires!" if you touch negative and positive you will get an enlightening experience. (the phone line is about 3 volts.) material needed --------------- one phone one speaker jack plus terminal strip (radio shack cat. no. 274-620a) one 6-ft. (1.8m) audio cable (radio shack cat. no. 42-2444) two 100k ohm resistors (cat. no. 271-1131) two wires (red and green preferably) step 1 ------ inside the receiver part of your phone (the part you talk into) there should be four wires that connect to four different connections. top view looking into open receiver .---------------. | .-------. | you are going to connect the negative and positive wires |(1)| |(2)| (green and red) to (1) and (2). | |speaker| | | | | | \ `-------' / | | / .-------. \ | | mic | | | | | | |(3)`-------'(4)| `------| |------' | | step 2 ------ connect the green wire to the ground connector and the red wire to the positive connector on the speaker jack plus terminal strip. you may need to solder it together (so you don't have a loose connection) and make sure the positive and negative do not touch. don't forget to add the resistors or you will get unpredictable results. (maybe when the phone rings it will give your stereo an enlightening experience..?) to receiver ^ ^ - + | | | /\/\/ <-- 100k resistor /\/\/ | | / | / <----- wire | | =====|===|===== .....-...+..... <--- speaker jack plus terminal strip =====( )===== step 3 ------ now take your 6-ft of audio cable and plug one end into the speaker jack plus terminal strip, and plug the other end into your stereo. (usually mic in.) step 4 ------ pick up the phone and dial someone you don't like. pop a tape into your tape player and hit the record button. now you can prank the hell outta your victim and play your work back later for your friends. the end ------- now that you can prank your worst enemies and best friends, make sure you tell them where you learned how to make one of these phone recorders. don't forget to scream "cds!" before you hang up with each of your phone prank calls. =[how to make one fuckin rad ass bomb]========================[brain smasher]= how to make one fuckin rad ass bomb!!! by the brain smasher this bomb takes some time to build, but it will be well worth it! lets just say when we built this bad boy and it blew up, we went back to look pieces of it and there was absolutely nothing left! you will need the following: ---------------------------- [1] epoxy resin (preferably 5 min or faster set time.) [2] 2 washers (smaller the hole in the middle the better.) [3] gun powder (the really fast burning kind.) [4] cannon fuse or home made wick [5] bb's from a bb gun or pellets [6] door knob (like the ones at school, with a round type handle and only one opening. usually they are on the inside of the classroom.) [7] mcdonald's drinking straw the first thing you need to do is get all the above supplies. gun powder can be made (not recommended though), or bought at a sporting goods store. epoxy resin can be bought at a hard ware store or hobby store. washers again at the hardware store. bb's at a sporting goods store. door knobs are the main ingredient for this bomb. you will need to find a certain kind of knob that looks like this: ,------, [ [] ] <--- against door this is a lock thing. -------->[] ] this holds the knob to the / \ locking mechanism. just / \ press this in with a flat / \ basically this is supposed to be head screwdriver and [ ] round, but as long as it doesn't pull on the knob it [ ] have a keyhole at the end it will should come right out [ ] work. \ / \ / \ / \----/ <----- no keyhole, very important! now, with the door knob handy, place it in a vise or something to hold it while you work. start mixing up the epoxy resin and place liberal amounts on the sides of the neck portion of the knob. get the appropriate size washer and place it into the hole of the knob. you might need to have a second pair of hands to hold the washer in place while the epoxy dries. place the washer in like so: ,------, [E E<---- epoxy resin washer ------->******] /E E\ / \ / \ [ ] [ ] [ ] \ / \ / \ / \----/ now, with the washer epoxied, start to make your fuse. or if you already have some insert it into the hole all the way to the bottom. cannon fuse is the best here because it is waterproof, and it burns from the inside--not the out. to put it into perspective if you threw the cannon fuse into a bucket of water, it would still keep burning. so you can also place epoxy around the fuse and it will still work. you have 3 options: ------------------- 1. get some cannon fuse and use that for an igniter. 2. make your own fuse. 3. buy some rocket engine ingiters! this is fun! you know the Estee's Rocket kind is about $2.00. option 1: cannon fuse --------------------- F F ,--F----, [E F E<---- epoxy resin washer ------->**F****] /E F E\ / F \ / F \ [ F ] [ F ] [ F ] \ F / \ F / \ F / \----/ after you insert the cannon fuse, start to fill the knob with gun powder and the bb's: F ,--F----, [E F E<---- epoxy resin washer ------->**F****] /EggFggggE\ /ggggFggggggg\ /ggggggFggbbggg\ gun powder ---->gbbggFggggggg] & [gggggggFggbbbgg] bb's [ggggbbgFggggggg] \ggggbbggFgbbggg/ \gggggggFgggg/ \gggggFgg/ \----/ take the knob, filled with gun powder and bb's, and fill the rest of the neck area with tons of epoxy resin. place the second washer thru the fuse and on top of the first washer. make sure you completely seal the inside cavity in the neck with epoxy, and seal the top washer on also. F ,**F****,<--------- top washer [EEFEEEE]<----- epoxy resin washer ------->**F****] /EggFggggE\ /ggggFggggggg\ /ggggggFggbbggg\ gun powder ---->gbbggFggggggg] & [gggggggFggbbbgg] bb's [ggggbbgFggggggg] \ggggbbggFgbbggg/ \gggggggFgggg/ \gggggFgg/ \----/ let this dry and then you are ready for some fun. option 2: home made fuse ------------------------ make your fuse (since this isn't a file on how to make a fuse, i won't go into it. you should know how to make one anyway.) before you drop in the fuse, cut the mcdonald's straw about two inches in length, and then put it through the first washer, and epoxy it into place. the straw protects the home made washer and makes sure that the bomb will go off, and that the epoxy doesn't stop the flow of the wick to the gunpowder. straw --->SFS ,*SFS***,<--------- top washer [ESFSEEE]<----- epoxy resin washer ------->*SFS***] /EgSFSgggE\ /ggggFggggggg\ /ggggggFggbbggg\ gun powder ---->gbbggFggggggg] & [gggggggFggbbbgg] bb's [ggggbbgFggggggg] \ggggbbggFgbbggg/ \gggggggFgggg/ \gggggFgg/ \----/ option 3: rocket engine igniter ------------------------------- these are great for igniters. they look something like this: 0<------- igniter catches fire for a brief second / \ and then glows bright red. / \ paper ----->*********** [ ] [ ]<--- wires just place this in instead of the wick. then when you are ready to use, just hook up the igniter to a car battery, or some other type of battery. to battery + - igniter ->I I I I ,**I***, [EEIEEE<---- epoxy resin washer ------->**I***] /Egg0ggggE\ /ggggggggggg\ /gggggggbbgggg\ [ggbbggggggggggg] [ggggbbgggggbbgg] [ggggggbbggggggg] \ggggggggggggggg/ \gbbgggggbbgg/ \gggggggg/ \----/ that's it. i hope you don't kill yourself in the making of this bomb. as always this file is for informational purposes only and should never be tried in real life! yeah right. i, brain smasher, do not take responsibility for the use or misuse of this text file. nor do i condone the wrongful implications that this text file might imply. =[it's just like christmas!!!]=====================================[undertow]= It's just like Christmas!!! -The guide to breaking into someone's house ANYONE WHO GETS IN TROUBLE FOR THIS...IT'S THEIR OWN DAMN FAULT. CDS AND MYSELF ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONE WHO GETS ARRESTED OR IN TROUBLE FOR TRYING ANYTHING LISTED IN THIS FILE. So...your "friend" has a few things at his house that you like, eh? Well this is exactly how you "borrow" them. What you need is: [1] mace--3 parts alcohol 1/2 parts iodine 1/2 parts salt (not real mace, but it does the trick) [2] bb/pellet gun [3] ice pick [4] thick gloves Ok...Now that you got the shit you need it's time to "borrow" those nice items that your "friend" has. 1. Call the house and ring the doorbell a few times to make sure they're not home. 2. If they're gone, you've hit the jackpot! 3. Jump the fence into the back yard (or if the gate is unlocked that may be easier) whatever! 4. Oh shit! You didn't know they had a dog! I guess that's what the mace is for, eh? Just give him the mace and he'll leave you alone for a while. 5. Put the gloves on (if you haven't already). 6. Shoot the bb gun right above the window locks. 7. Push the ice pick through the hole (made by the bb gun) so you can unlock the window. 8. GET IN!!! 9. I recommend going to the bedroom first and getting a pillow case to put all your new toys into. And then hit the living room (there's cool shit there!) 10. Put the loot in the pillow case and get the phuck out! !*FAST*! note: You should know what you are looking for and where it is before going. Never steal from your own neighborhood. If the house has an alarm...phuck it! Don't even try getting in! . . . . . I hope you have fun with all your new toys! -undertow Oh yea...One more thing I didn't really write this, some dude name Jim Meeker did. Laters! =[a short beige boxing story]=========================================[satan]= Imagine this... another friday night with a few friends, no beer, and no drugs. Boring right? Only boring until I busted out my beige box and other boxing shit. Then the coolest beige boxing adventure started with me, Son of Sam, and another cool friend, who doesn't bbs, but drives. We started out at this one losers house. This dude was about as cool as Missy...yes that bad. This dudes name was John Knapp. (I forgot his number) Mike, the dude driving, got into a fight with him earlier and beat his ass, and this John dude said he won and was talking total shit about Mike.. so, we decided to beige box his house. When we got there, there was two telco boxes on the side of his house. That confused me. Here's a 'lil ascii of what i saw: |-----------| | | |----| I first opened the box on the left and saw | |_____| | a normal telco box, so i started to hook up | |-----|----| the wires to the line. When I didn't get a | | || dial-tone, I got really confused. Then I |-----------| || noticed a line running out the side. I | | || followed the line to a small 'lil box with | | || the US West logo shit on it. So I popped the | | || cover off and saw a similar sight. The only | | || reason I can think of this is happening, is || he lives in an older part of the neighborhood, so his telco system might have been outdated. We then did our ring of numbers, calling 900's, pranking people (Missy was in there of course.), and annoying a few select operators, we called the most expensive party line and just left it off the hook. then we kicked back, had a few beers and cigarettes, and I started to play with his sprinkler box. I soon figured out how to use it and began turning it on and off. Then I set it to start at 4am and go for 24 hours. man, that was fun. I then started to open up his fuse box and played a 'lil bit in there. I found some more nifty things to fuck up on the side of his house too. I ripped open his cable wire running to his house, but I didn't wanna touch it or cut it--just in case. Then, we got fucko freaked out when we heard a gate/door open up. We booked it back to our car and I dropped the fucko phone in the street and started to go, but waited to see who it was.. it turned out it was a false alarm. So we went back and called the operator. I said some shit in Spanish and she put me through to the mexican operator. Since my Espanol vocabulary is limited to 'fuck you, dirty spic' and 'I want to mow your lawn for a beer', that conversation didn't last long. I called back and tried to call friends, but they were all asleep. So, I decided to prank Missy again. I called and got her dad. I told him that i was receiving prank calls from his house. He then told me that he was getting the same problems. I told him that if they didn't stop, I would go over there and beat his ass. He then blabbered about how he was gonna get the call traced and call the pigs. I told him to fuck off, and go rape his daughter; He got mad and hung up. We then dialed some strangers and harassed them. No big deal. We then left. Before we left i busy boxed his house. We were so jittery, we went looking for some j0lt. No one had any, so we got some Kick and went home. that was the most fucked up beige run i have ever done... We got fucko scared cuz we kept hearing shit. Just for yer enjoyment, here's a list of some good numbers to call. 1-602-938-7458 Missy Gilliland. tell her you want to fuck her up the ass. 1-900-eat-butt One of my favs. ($3 a min i think) 1-900-fuck-you Gives you some more porn numbers. 1-214-618-8869 Just call it sometime and harass the people. :) Those are a few that I call. I had one that cost $25 a call. For real. I will dig it up and put it in another edition of cds. Till then, later. =[how to become an official cds support bbs]=============================[cs]= if you need just one more affil for you bbs, then look no further. cds is the perfect choice for you. you must have done at least one of the following to be worthy enough to carry the name cds on your bbs. [1] read all of the issues of cds and worship them daily. [2] prank mike dietz daily and/or nightly. other optional things you may do are: busy box his phone line, order norda track equipment information to his house, or crash his bbs once a month. [3] all of the issues of cds are required to be in a file area, on the bbs, created specifically for cds. the name 'cds (the greatest hpav humour emag)' is appropriate. [4] persuade at&t operators to give you free long distance phone calls. [5] steal and destroy a public pay phone and/or cocot. [6] have a list of all of your neighbors' calling card numbers and credit card numbers. [7] there are a lot of other fun things to do. i'm sure you can think of something. -------------------------------------------------------- this is the official cds support bbs application form number 1 [1] what is your bbs name? [........................................................................] [2] what bbs software are you running? [........................................................................] [3] what is your bbs number? [.................] [4] how many nodes does your bbs have? [ ] one [ ] two [ ] three [ ] more than three [5] would you like your bbs on the support site bbs list in each issue of cds? [ ] yeah, i'm kewl like that. [ ] no, i'm afraid lame users might call me. (like cs.) [6] do you expect me to believe any of the information you put on this application? [ ] yes [ ] no [7] what is your email address? [........................................................................] [8] is your name mike dietz or are you from a warez group called zok? [ ] yes, i'm lame like that. [ ] no!@$!@ -------------------------------------------------------- now all you have to do is fill out the application and give it to me somehow. i suggest you either call my bbs, get on channel #cds on the irc, or send it to me via email. =[one of those old time fare wells]======================================[cs]= and so this ends yet another great issue of cds. don't forget to send me your email so i can get some feedback and know what *you* want in the next issue. goodbye. see you next issue.