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[b0g-6.txt] [ 0:. - [ ] :. ] [ 1:. - [ A Look Into Wiretapping ] [psyops] :. ] [ 2:. - [ getting root; the b0g way ] [timidu] :. ] [ 3:. - [ Hacking Your Way into a Girlie's Heart ] [ch1ckie] :. ] [ 4:. - [ Guide to Mostly Harmless Masturbating ] [tiller] :. ] [ 5:. - [ interview with cr0bar ] [wh0rde] :. ] [ 6:. - [ The SS7 Signaling Connection Control Part Relay System ] (gee, couldn't come up with a longer title?) [theclone] :. ] [ 7:. - [ old Ladie Panty Box ] [PhluX And Pooly] :. ] [ 8:. - [ mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ 9:. - [ How to hack the planet ] [wh0rde] :. ] [10:. - [ Sniffing and spoofing explained ] [psyops] :. ] [11:. - [ Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles part 2] [chris] :. ] [12:. - [ hacking for cybersex ] [nathan] :. ] [13:. - [ How to NOT get owned by Prae ] [timidu] :. ] [14:. - [ The disk trick ] [shadowwolf] :. ] [15:. - [ How to crack macromedia products ] [anonymous] :. ] [16:. - [ hax0r trick ] [timidu] :. ] [17:. - [ Fun with noise in QBASIC ] [niemand1] :. ] [18:. - [ pulling people's doc's on irc ] [wh0rde] :. ] [19:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [20:. - [ Closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [ ] ____________________________________________________________________ get your b0g at: http://www.b0g.org - official site! http://packetstorm.securify.com/mag/b0g/ send your submissions to b0g@b0g.org ! gibb0r us your articles! send us anything >:/ ____________________________________________________________________ [ 1:. - [ A Look Into Wiretapping ] [psyops] :. ] [psyops@phault.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Wiretapping is the traditional term for interception of telephone conversations. This should not be taken too literally. The word is no longer restricted to communications traveling by wire, and contemporary wiretaps are more commonly placed on radio links or inside telephone offices. The meaning has also broadened in that the thing being tapped need no longer be a telephone call in the classic sense; it may be some other form of electronic communication, such as fax or data. Compared with the more precise but more general phrase "communications interception," the word "wiretapping" has two connotations. Much the stronger of these is that a wiretap is aimed at a particular target, in sharp contrast to the "vacuum cleaner" interception widely practiced by national intelligence agencies. The weaker connotation is that it is being done by the police. The history of wiretapping in the United States is in fact two histories intertwined. It is a history of wiretapping per se--that is, a history of the installation and use of wiretaps by police, intelligence agencies, honest citizens, businesses, and criminals. It is also a history of society's legal response to wiretapping by these various groups. The origins of wiretapping lie in two quiet different practices: eaves dropping and letter opening. "Eavesdropping," although once more restricted in meaning, has come to describe any attempt to overhear conversations without the knowledge of the participants. "Letter opening" takes in all acquisition, opening reading, and copying of written messages, also without knowledge of the sending and receiving parties. Telecommunication has unified and systematized these practices. Before the electronic era, a conversation could only be carried on by people located within earshot of each other, typically a few feet apart. Neither advanced planning nor great effort on the part of the participants was required to ensure a high degree of security. Written communications were more vulnerable, but intercepting one was still a hit-or-miss affair. Messages traveled by a variety of postal services, couriers, travelers, and merchants. Politically sensitive messages, in particular, could not be counted on to go by predictable channels, so special couriers were sometimes employed. And written messages enjoyed another sort of protection. Regardless of a spy's skill with flaps and seals, there was no guarantee that, if a letter was intercepted, opened, and read, the victim would not notice the intrusion. Since spying typically has to be done covertly in order to succeed, the chance of detection is a substantial deterrent. Electronic communication has changed all this in three fundamental ways: it has made telecommunication too convenient to avoid; it has, despite appearances, reduced the diversity of channels by which written messages once traveled; and it has made the act of interception invisible to the target. Conversation by telephone has achieved an almost equal footing with face-to-face conversation. It is impossible today to run a successful business without the telephone, and eccentric even to attempt to do without the telephone in private life. The telephone provides a means of communication so effective and convenient that even people who are aware of the danger of being overheard routinely put aside their caution and use it to convey sensitive information. As the number of channels of communication has increased (there are now hundreds of communication companies, with myriad fibers, satellites, and microwave links), the diversity of communication paths has diminished. In the days of oxcart and sail, there was no registry of the thousands of people willing to carry a message in return for a tip from the recipient. Today, telecommunications carriers must be registered with national and local regulatory bodies and are well known to trace associations and industry watch groups. Thus, interception has become more systematic. Spies, no longer faced with a patchwork of ad hoc couriers, know better where to look for what they seek. Perhaps more important, interception of telecommunications leaves no telltale "marks on the envelop." It is inherent in telecommunication-- and inseparable from its virtues--that the sender and the receiver of a message have no way of telling who else may have recorded a copy. Any discussion of wiretapping, particularly a legal discussion, is complicated by the fact that electronics has not only made interception of telecommunications possible; it has also made it easier to "bug" face-to-face conversations. Bugging would be nearly irrelevant to the central subject of this document--Taking A Deeper Trip Into Wiretapping--were it not for the fact that bugs and wiretaps are inseparably intertwined in law and jurisprudence and named by one collective term: electronic surveillance. Wiretaps and bugs are powerful investigative tools. They allow the eavesdropper to overhear conversations between politicians, criminals, lawyers, or lovers without the targets' knowing that their words are being share with unwanted listeners. Electronic surveillance is a tool that can detect criminal conspiracies and provide prosecutors with strong evidence--the conspirators' incriminating statements in their own voices--all without danger to law-enforcement officers. On the other hand, the very invisibility on which electronic surveillance depends for its effectiveness makes it evasive of oversight and readily adaptable to malign uses. Electronic surveillance can be and has been used by those in power to undermine the democratic process by spying on their political opponents. In light of this, it is not surprising that Congress and the courts have approached wiretapping and bugging with suspicion. Today, communication enjoys a measure of protection under US law, and neither government agents nor private citizens are permitted to wiretap at will. This has not always been the case. The current view that wiretaps are a kind of search--has evolved by fits and starts over a century and a half. The Supreme Court ruled in 1967 that the police may not employ wiretaps without court authorization. Congress has embraced this principle, limiting police use of wiretaps and setting standards for the granting of warrants. The same laws prohibit most wiretapping by private citizens. The rules against unwarranted wiretapping are not absolute, however. For example, the courts ruled in 1992 (United States vs. David Lee Smith, 978 F. 2nd 171, US App) that conversations over cordless phones were not protected and that police tapping of cordless phones did not require a search warrant. A 1994 statute (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, Public Law 103-414, �202) extended the warrant requirements of the earlier law to cover cordless phones. The law also makes some exceptions for businesses intercepting the communications of their own employees on company property. Feedback would be nice . b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 2:. - [ getting root; the b0g way ] [timidu] :. ] [timidu@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ BASH is fucking vulnerable .. every version of it .. the newest exploit posted here cuz BugTraq sucks (just kidding , /me is too lame to publish an exploit :// ) So kidz , wanna impress some class-mate chix0r wit y3r 31337 h4x1ng skee1z? Wanna show her what rewt means , still you can't hack the school computer that's running Linux? Well , check THIS new exploit out ( actually it's not an exploit , but I think a script-kiddie will love it) You only need a fucking valid account there , bash and ... oh , 2 brain cells. Log at your shell and follow the next 6 basic steps: 1) Issue this : $ echo "PS1='[root@\h /root]#'" >> .bash_profile $ echo "PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> .bash_profile Done? Not yet? Uhm .. man , don't fucking write the "$" . That's your prompt :/ . Boy , are you dum.... 2) Make a directory in your home directory.Call it bin . First change to the home directory: $ cd Next , do it: $ mkdir bin And cd to it: $ cd bin 3) Make 2 files using a text editor.Let's say we're using pico. The philez name SHOULD and MUST be 'whoami' and 'id' $ pico whoami --cut here-- #!/bin/bash # the whoami thingie echo root --stop cutting-- $ pico id --cut here-- #!/bin/bash # the id thingiez echo "uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)" --stop cutting-- 4) Make them executable philes. Oh , you don't know what that means .. and yet you want root. God thank me for not letting you have the fucking real admin rights there. So .. do this in the directory where 'id' and 'whoami' are stored (~/bin) $ chmod +x whoami $ chmod +x id 5) Change ,thru .bash_profile , some of the shell variables : LOGNAME or USER ( some of the variables are read-only and i'll treat this subject l8r) $ echo "LOGNAME=root" >> ~/.bash_profile $ echo "USER=root" >> ~/.bash_profile 6) Now logout and login. If you did what i've just told you you should have a prompt similar to root's one. Oh ,and when you write whoami and id it should tell that you're root. Simple , eh? Let's say that you want to go further.There are plenty of thingz to be done and i'll cover some of them in the second part of this "shitlist". I just hope that you can actually find a chick that likes leet hackers like you. You'll just end up showing this to some weird nerd that'll truly admire you and wink at you , and act really strange and ask you out :\. So .. you learned how to fake your identity on a Linux machine thru 6 steps. But , heh, what if the guy you're trying to trick is smart and he puts you to do thingz that only root can? What can root do and a normal user can't? See below for a few neat tricks *** printing /etc/shadow's content *** For this trick you need a shadow file. You can take it from your own box (actually that's dumb if it's found out).Upload this shadow file into the fake-root Linux account in the ~/bin folder ( ~ means your home dir , you gimp!) . Now we have to do a new k3w1 m4d r33t script. Let's fake the `cat` command cause that's the way you view the damn /etc/shadow file. So .. $ cd ~/bin Ooops .. i forgot that you just used PS1 to fake the prompt =]. I actually ment '# cd ~/bin' :PPPP # cd ~/bin # pico cat Now paste this eleet script --- start cutting --- #!/bin/bash found=0 y='/bin/cat ' for x in $* do if [ $x != '/etc/shadow' ] then y=$y' '$x else found=1 fi done if [ $found = 1 ] then $y $HOME/bin/shadow else /bin/cat $* fi --- stop cutting --- Now cat will print YOUR shadow file if you issue a `cat /etc/shadow` and will just act normally in any other cases. You probably say : "geez , what a lame script , i could have done it in 3 rows". Hey motherfucker , wake up from your dreaming. Maybe your pals are actually smarter than you. I was safe to make my script keep the switches for example. So , if you do a `cat -E -n /etc/shadow` or a `cat -n /etc/shadow -E` it'll still work just fine. Next , `chmod +x cat` so you can actually use it .. and that's it. Have fun! *** mounting a file system *** Heh , i know whatcha gonna say : "mount ain't that important!!". But goddammit , when you're not root and you can't mount a file system and yet you try to mount it , the shell gives you that nasty output : "only root can do that" . Just enter you good old bin directory and make a 'mount' file.Since you can't really fake a mounting , at least let's get rid of that "only root.." error. For example : --- cut here --- #!/bin/bash # This iz the phile that fakes mounting. # Name it mount and put it in ~/bin # Don't forget to chmod it so you can run it if [ $# = 0 ] then /bin/mount exit fi if [ "$1" = "-V" ] then /bin/mount -V elif [ "$1" = "-h" ] then /bin/mount -h else echo "only root CAN'T do that" fi --- stop it , man --- Heh , lame phile and you should change that stupid "only root CAN'T do that" thing to one of your own or something that appears more often. There are plenty of other thingz that can be done with this PATH trick. For those silly newbies that don't know even the basics , if i set PATH=my_directory:/bin:/usr/bin then the shell will first look in my_directory to find a command/file. Now , if you're careful enough , you can leave the impression that you're really root on that system. Still , there are things where you can be catched as a liar ://. For example [root@somelamebox ~]# cd /root bash: /root: Permission denied [root@somelamebox ~]# Doesn't exactly look like a root account ,eh? :/ .It's not too easy to fake the cd command as it is an internal function of bash. You can still set your prompt to something like PS1='[root@\h /root]# '. Other TODO thingz are : - faking ls not to show the content of the /home/$USER/bin - killing and starting some processes - uhm .. i dunno, but if bob publishes this (although i don't see a good reason that he does it) i'll continue this with more eleet ideas ;] I'm sorry for my bad english and for some mistakes that i made ( redirect flames to /dev/null ) but i had to write it in a very short time. I am TOTALLY responsible for the harm that you may cause with the ideas/scripts posted here =] And to quote Phuck(that's the real name of Phrack) i may say that this is for and by the lamers community >:> Happy faking! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 3:. - [ Hacking Your Way into a Girlie's Heart ] [ch1ckie] :. ] [ch1ckie@hotmail.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ ->Lesson One: Making Yourself Appear More Elite Than You Actually Are. -In real life, or on IRC, the most important thing that a girlie looks for in a hax0r is skill (she hopes it will move her up in the world), whether it is real skill (which is hard to come by these days) or if its simply an elite host (hax0r@fbi.gov). -To make yourself appear more elite than you actually are (or ever will be), the first step is getting yourself an elite host (2845818@shellyeah.org probably won't cut it), either by means of a shell, wingate, or bnc (and if you don't know of these things, just tell the girl you admin some big network in your spare time and Im sure she'll be impressed). -In all retrospect, most girlies don't know the difference between _you_ and the real thing, so don't worry. -Opposing popular use...to the majority of girlies, it is best not to use leet speak (eye 4m 4 m45t0r hax0r); this will more often than not end up confusing them and leave them bewildered. Thus, trying to impress them will prove useless. If you happen to have a girl that knows 'leet speak', don't directly use this speak with her either, but use it when she is in the premises ("y0 m4ng, u b3tt4 ch3ck y0s3lf b4 u wr3ck y0s3lf"). This will undoubtfully make you appear more elite/phearful than you actually are. -For those of you who are more 'skilled', deface webpages in the fair name of your girlie... ("U R 0wned; mad props to my girlie"). This is a concept far beyond most girlies, and seeing their name on www.yahoo.com proves very impressive. A few other methods of making yourself appear elite: -obtaining operator status in as many channels as possible, do whatever you can to do so... suck dick, kiss ass, or stomp on some heads. -pinging out her enemies on command will impress/delight her enough to have even cyber sex with you... might wanna keep that in mind. -using random 'big' words such as "heuristic control algorithm" or "pleisiochronous communications" will be sure to impress... they do not even have to be in an order that makes any sense. As long as your girlie hears 'big important words', she will believe that you are elite...and the sad part is, that you will probably believe that you are too :(. *Making yourself appear more elite than you actually are, is the first step to hacking your way into a girlie's heart. Lesson two and three coming soon ('Making Your Girlie Feel Important', and 'Understanding Your Girlie').* [Shouts to my 'elite' gang in ftg ....Debris, nerp, potus, omega44, JimJones, and all the rest.] b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 4:. - [ Guide to Mostly Harmless Masturbating ] [tiller] :. ] [tiller@digitalhackers.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ I'm writing this for you today to illustrate the importance of good masturbation. Philosophy wise, masturbation has the ability to lessen teen pregnancy. Others believe it's a sin due to the explicit nature of thoughts as you masturbate. But today we will demonstrate the different aspects of enjoying those thoughts. First hand position: The "Fist" The fist is widely used, and popular amongst the teenage individuals. The fist method is the base for many other methods, like the "rocker," or the "double fisted willy choker." The key to good fist action is in the wrists. Many young individuals, not very experienced like myself, use their upper arm and run short of breath by the time of ejaculation. Another trick to good fist action is a tight grip. Don't grab too tight, otherwise it starts to hurt, but a comfortable grip will do. This is where the "double fisted willy choker" is useful. The double fisted willy choker uses two hands, one hand grips penis, and the other wraps around securing the grip. This allows the masturbator to relax his main hand, and still keep a tight grip. Using the double fisted willy choker, you can go into a transition into the "rocker." The rocker is very useful for those short of breath. To do the rocker, stand up, start off with the double fisted willy choker, and then jump up and down relaxing your arms, allowing the weight of your arms to do the masturbating for you. The Second hand position: The "Simulated Camel Toe" The simulated camel toe is not widely used, due to it's complexity, and requirement for flexibility. This method is done by placing both index fingers together, and both thumbs together. Now make the hole as large as needed. Some prefer tight, but as you've noticed, making a small hole requires too much flexibility, which is uncomfortable. The simulated camel toe can then alter to perform the "sandwich." The sandwich again requires two hands; fortunately flexibility is not a problem. To perform the sandwich, it's like clapping your hands, except in this case, there's something in the middle. The Third hand position: "Fakie" Fakie is the "fist" method, in reverse. By this I mean your thumb and forefinger should be facing down. The fakie is useful in the sense, that some people get arm cramps. This method uses different arm muscles, allowing pain free masturbation. The Forth position: "Couch Crack" This is not exactly a hand position, but famous non the less. The couch crack utilizes the crack between the cushions of your couch. To execute this method, just stick it between the crack, and start humping. Brown Finger Fist Action The following position gives you that little more satisfaction. To get the best out of this position i recommend that you are on a bed, couch, and you have a pair of gloves (i prefer a clear kind) Firstly you need to slap your penis around to get it hard. Once your penis is hard you must gently tug on your penis for about 10-15 seconds, now you place your left index finger (if your right handed) into your anus. Slide your finger in and out gently while u continue to tug on your penis gently. After about 30 seconds the average person will reach there climax and blow there load. I like to describe this as the most satisfying masturbation known to man. *warning* using moms cleaning gloves is never a good idea. Newbie note: Doing any methods mentioned above, while spectators witness such an act of stupidity, will get you in the front page of your local newspaper. You could go to jail warning: And yes, they will charge you for indecent exposure. I recommend you think before you act, otherwise, you'll be sharing a jail cell with some guy named Spike, who doesn't have to masturbate, he's got you to bend over for him now. There is more to masturbating than just different ways of doing it. There is the element of 'where' you do it. The excitement of the different places of masturbating is overwhelmed by the many different public locations in your area. Location Number One: Your Bed Your bed is the most basic location of masturbation. The only difficulties that you may encounter are that the bedsprings can be loud. Instead of on your bed, I suggest you masturbate on the floor. This will eliminate the sound of bedsprings, allowing you to stay stealth. Location Number Two: The Parent's Bed This could be difficult to manage, although the experience is always something to tell your kids (or maybe not, unless you want them to masturbate on your bed). Of course you would do this while they are gone, so stealth is not necessary. Location Number Three: The Closet The closet is always nice for the daytime urges, which may overcome your self- discipline. If you have to masturbate during daylight hours, the closet allows hiding from any neighbors that might see you otherwise through the window. Although the closet provides visual stealth, sound may be a predicament if your closet walls are connected to any rooms in the house. Location Number Four: Pools/Hot Tubs/Lakes These three locations are a luxury. Not many individuals can masturbate in a pool, but if you ever have a chance to, it's the greatest. Just make sure no one sees you doing this, other wise, this could prove to be very embarrassing. Location Number Five: The Shower The shower is the next best thing to a pool, hot tub, or a lake. The shower provides the soothing hydro pulsating massage therapy, while your masturbating to the chick you saw last night. The great part of "showerbating" is the fact that any noise you make will be drowned out by the water. "Bathbating" on the other hand is great and all, but stealth is a requirement. Experiment with the many locations in your area. In conclusion, we have discovered the many ways of self-pleasure. We have also established the fact that whom ever thinks it's a sin to masturbate, doesn't know how fucking great it is to shoot a wad six feet in the air, and have it land on the bulls eye on the piece of paper lying at your feet (this game might go in my next guide). b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 5:. - [ interview with cr0bar ] [wh0rde] :. ] [wh0rde@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ b0g: Ive been reading your parodies ever since hackers was barely finished, and I have to ask, where do you get your elite 0-d4y movie warez? Would you like more 0-d4y movie warez from a cable ftp? Are you open to suggestions for parodies? Cr0bar: I don't know. . . .I work in the MAE-WEST NOC, and this guy on IRC told me to set up something called "warftpd", it made all the lights on our routers start flashing really fast, since then, all these really cool programs and movies have been showing up on my hard drive. Seriously though, I buy the DVD of every movie that I bastardize, The Matrix was done using a VCD because I couldn't figure out how to do frame grabs off the DVD. I may re-do The Matrix off the DVD now that I know how. Sort of like the Star Wars Special Edition(s). b0g: You obviously have elite PrintScreen skills, how would you rate yourself on the following scale: AOL, Prodigy, Canuck, Ping.exe, /bin/bash/ping -f, Script kiddy, User, Root, Sysadmin, wh0rde, or Burrows. Cr0bar: Definetly whore. Er, it depends. Sysadmin is the highest level which I recognize, so I guess that's me. I don't see ubergeek on your list. b0g: What is your favorite: IRC Server? (Efnet, Unet..) OS? (Linux, Fbsd, Nbsd, Solaris, Windoze..) Text editor? (vi, pico, jove, notepad, winword (sigh)..) Sandwich? (Subway, Sloppy Joe, Club..) Cr0bar: I'm partial to efnet myself, although I started on newnet (Shout-outs to Snowcrash, dstf, and the Optics...they knew me as "bytstream") and I only go to dalnet for hardcore porn. I use windows because you just can't get photoshop and half-life for linux (The gimp can suck it). I prefer linux or fbsd on my servers, because they make me look cool. b0g: Have you ever seen a half naked mormon from Utah write "b0g 0wnz me" on his chest? If not, would you like to? cr0bar: Only if he was about to be shot. b0g: What are your favorite sites to visit besides b0g.org? Cr0bar: You mean besides my customized Yahoo! start pages???? I think I've visited b0g.org once, when someone from there was trying to get me to link them....but to answer your question, I am a regular reader of hardocp.com, penny-arcade.com, userfriendly.org, arstechnica.com, theregister.co.uk, slashdot.org, and a few others that I don't visit enough to count as "regulars". b0g: Do you have any boy/girl Mtv style mp3s on any of your computers? (Titney Spears, Backdoor Boys, Off`Sync..) Cr0bar: Does the "Make My Boobies One More Size" parody count? I have music that has appeared on MTV, none of the teenybopper stuff I assume you're referring to. b0g: What are your feelings about Napster? Cr0bar: It exists for only one purpose, and that is piracy, which I can't condone in good conscience. However, good conscience doesn't seem to have much of a hold on most of the world, including myself, and napster certainly has a right to exist. I have begun purchasing all the CDs for albums which I originally had on mp3. The ones that I didn't think were good enough to purchase, I erased. This is because I support the artist, and I don't have room on my RAID array for shitty music. b0g: What are your feelings on Metallica and Dr Dre? Cr0bar: I really think "no" means "no", regardless of how many drinks you've had. The least Metallica could've done was wear condoms. I hope Dre tests negative and is able to sit and walk normally soon. Wait, what was the question? b0g: If you could pick one moment in your life, besides reading issue 5 of b0g, that you could relive (and it cant involve crisco), what would it be? Cr0bar: I want to say [edited], but people I know will read this. So, I'll just say the moment when I woke up and saw that my site had been slashdotted, and then the next hour or so right up until the sysadmin of my server called and yelled at me to shut it off because it was killing his operation. b0g: Are you into hax0ring the planet? Do you feel the government is trashing our rights? Cr0bar: Breaking into systems is no cooler than breaking into someone's car or home, even if you don't do any damage. Sorry, but it's true. However, "The Man" is getting us down, and needs to wise up before meddling with our supermation infohighway. b0g: What is the significance behind your h4x0r handle? If you had the opportunity to give Linus Torvalds, Big Willy Gates, and Rob Malda from slashdot h4x0r handles, and they have to use a dash "-" somewhere, what would they be? If you picked Pig-Fucker for Big Willy, can you explain why? Cr0bar: I picked "cr0" semi-randomly a few years ago when registering for a BBS. Then I found out that it has a few "leet" connotations, if you will. Apparently, there is a register in some CPUs called "cr0", which I found was sufficiently obscure to add "leetness" to my handle. About a year after I started going by "cr0", I decided that I didn't like the associationw with "crow", so I changed my name to "cr0bar" (Everyone's favorite implement, for any task). To this day, people still call me "cr0", except for Scott "Damage" Wasson of the Tech Report, who says, "sup, 'bar?". Linus Torvalds would have to be Trans-Meta, because I don't know what it means or is good for, but it seems to have gotten a lot of attention. It's hard to come up with a unique jab at Bill Gates, and I'm too tired to think about Rob Malda intelligently, do I lose points for skipping questions? b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 6:. - [ The SS7 Signaling Connection Control Part Relay System ] (gee, couldn't come up with a longer title?) [theclone] :. ] [theclone@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ The SS7 Signaling Connection Control Part Relay System ___ ___ Friday May 12, 2000 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ -- Research -- ++ Introduction ++ ++ Key Benefits of SCCP Relay ++ ++ Platform & Application / Security Issue ++ ++ SCCP Relay & GTT Functional Description ++ ++ SCCP Relay Software Architecture ++ ++ SCCP Relay Hardware Architecture ++ -- GSM Background Information -- + Home Location Register (HLR) + + Visitor Location Register (VLR) + + International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) + + GSM's Mobile Station Equipment (MSE) + -- GSM Call Routing -- + Mobile Subscriber Roaming + + Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number (MSISDN) Call Routing + + Implementation of a second HLR to the GSM Network + -- References -- ++ Web-site Resources ++ ++ Acronym Definitions ++ -- Wrap-up -- +* Conclusion *+ +* Contact *+ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Introduction -- As the number of wireless subscribers throughout Canada and the United States continues to increase dramatically each year, wireless carriers will be facing the challenges that rapid growth creates. One such challenge in this market is the migration from a single Home Location Register (HLR) to a multiple HLR topology. The HLR, which successfully stores critical identification and subscription information about each customer, can become a network bottleneck either because of the sheer number of subscribers contained in the database, or because of the number of SS7 messages arriving at the HLR. A single HLR also poses a risk to the overall survivability of the entire wireless service under the new SS7 protocol. Assembling additional HLR carriers to a wireless network presents significant and problematical challenges, however. If the existing routing algorithms are simply expanded, then every Mobile Switching Center (MSC) and Signal Transfer Point (STP) on the network is affected, and the routing table management becomes extremely complicated and highly error prone. (STPs are the packet switches of the SS7 network. They receive and route incoming signaling messages towards the proper destination and also perform specialized routing functions.) Many of the challenges in multiple HLR deployment are constantly an issue, and are constantly being worked upon. Fortunately a company by the name of MicroLegend has developed a centralized SS7 message routing system called the 'SCCP Relay.' The SCCP Relay supports all of the necessary GSM SS7 message routing tables to allow wireless carriers (specifically GSM/GPRS) to easily expand to a multiple HLR topology. Throughout this document, I will attempt to introduce a new technology within the new world of the Out-of-band signaling SS7 architecture -- it is here to stay and it has taken over the world telecommunications significantly from its older counterpart switching system known as 5ESS. Now please, sit back and relax, and prepare to enter the world of the SS7 Signaling Connection Control Part Relay System... Key Benefits of SCCP Relay -- A number of key benefits of the SCCP Relay (which deserve some mention) are: 'Reduced operations and maintenance overhead' ------------------------------------------- The routing information for each subscriber is centralized in the SCCP Relays, rather than being distributed among all of the STPs (Signal Transfer Point) and MSCs (Mobile Switching Center). This useful and practical method simplifies the process of entering and maintaining STP/MSC information, not to mention the problems involving troubleshooting of SS7 routing. 'Providing a scaleable architecture for growth' -------------------------------------------- The SCCP Relay simplifies the addition of multiple Home Location Registers (HLRs) as the network itself develops. Much work has been done in this sector of SCCP development, and will continue to innovate the telecommunications industry. 'Improved overall network reliability' ------------------------------------ The SCCP Relay supports the automatic routing of SS7 messages to a backup Home Location Register (HLR) in the event of a Primary HLR failure. This unique and useful feature enables the multiple HLRs to be configured in a redundant and scaleable fashion, entering that the service itself remains available to customers even in the rare case of an HLR failure. From my knowledge of the SCCP Relay system, its up-time is approximately 99.99%. Impressive. 'Flexible connection options' --------------------------- The SCCP Relay supports all types of Signaling System 7 (SS7) links, it can operate as an STP (Signaling Transfer Point), connecting directly to mobile switching centers (MSCs), Home Location Registers (HLRs) and other end nodes. Typically, the flexible connection types of SS7's Signaling Transfer Points (STP) can be configured to the proper destination in existing incoming routing functions. 'Mated pair deployment / Auto re-routing' --------------------------------------- The SCCP Relay is deployed in a mated pair configuration, with each link being fully and 100% redundant. Each mated pair system is capable of handling the full of of network traffic (5,000,000 subscribers) with virtually no problems whatsoever. Platform & Application / Security Issue -- Since its inception in 1994, Microlegend has focused exclusively on Signaling System 7 network solutions. Microlegend's products support Intelligent Network services, resolve interworking problems, switching signaling traffic, interface SS7 and IP networks, and PROTECT network resources for telecommunications companies worldwide. Because of this, Microlegend has implemented ways which enable them to do their job quickly and reliably. Unfortunately the problem they are faced with is the issue concerning database security. For example: When Microlegend's team of engineers want to perform system diagnosis, software updating, and subscriber databasing with "maximum efficiency", they simply use a dial-up connection. This dial-up connection (located in Ottawa Ontario) requires absolutely no login or password at all - just the telephone number, and the optimal performing Unix Operating System known as 'VxWorks'. What is at stake: - Microlegend faces being compromised by hackers/phreakers and malicious persons. These persons could take advantage of this security flaw and steal potentially sensitive company information. - The telecommunications infrastructure which supports well over 5,000,000 (five million) subscribers throughout Canada and the United States. - Loss of revenue in the Billions due to time spent security auditing. What can be done: Instead of Microlegend compromising security for obscurity by using a dial-up account to perform their system diagnosis, software updating, and subscriber databasing, they should use their 10BaseT Ethernet LAN with an SSH connection to perform the necessary tasks. SCCP Relay & GTT Functional Description -- A detailed understand of the SCCP Relay product requires quite a bit of grounding in the works of GSM networks. For convenience, I will explain the brief key concepts of GSM network operation in relation to SCCP Relay and GTT functioning. The SCCP Relay provides a "central point" for GTT provisioning and execution on behalf of the entire GSM carrier's SS7 network. The SCCP Relay performs GTT capabilities for both the IMSI (123049210) and MSISDN (Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network) Adress types, eliminating the need to continually manage the routing tables within STPs (Signaling Transfer Point) or MSCs (Mobile Switching Center). ASCII Diagram _______ ------------- / --- ( ( | ) ) - MSC / /-- ------- / / SCCP Relay STP/MSC / / \ / / / ___ ___ / / | | | |__/ / | | ---- | |\ / | | | | \ / --- \ / --- \ \ \/ | /\ \ ___ /\ | / \ \ (___) - HLR / \ |/ \ --- | | ___ / \ ___ \ /--(___) | | | | __/ | | ---- | | / \ | | | |-/ \ --- --- \ \--;__ __ \ ------- | || | - Gateway STP / \ -- -- SCCP Relay STP/MSC [[ The SCCP Relay is deployed as a redundant pair of signaling nodes that can be accessed via SS7 links connected to currently deployed STPs or can be utilized as the STPs themselves. Where STPs previously have been deployed, the SCCP messages are routed to the Relay (partial GTT) by the STP/MSC. The SCCP Relay then performs system translation (either full or partial, depending on the provisioned data), and routes the message back to the network to be automatically forwarded to the destination HLR. The SCCP Relay can also perform the MTP routing, which is the main function of the STPs. This incredible capability enables the SCCP Relay to be deployed in networks without STPs. See the ASCII Diagram Above. ]] SCCP Relay Software Architecture -- The SCCP Relay System is a solution based upon the 'Versatile Signaling Point' (VSP). || [look for a guide pertaining to VSP on Nettwerked soon: http://nettwerk.hypermart.net] || At the "heart" of the SCCP Relay is the object oriented SS7 stack that provides all the basic capabilities of a Signaling Transfer Point (STP) without compromising speed or security (well, maybe not security... but I'll look into it). The VSP SS7 Stack includes MTP and SCCP layer functionality with a configurable GTT application, along with user interface, functioning log files (intruders beware!), and several SCSI Disk Processes. The GTT process supports both IMSI and MSISDN numbering formats, and as a group, these processes are referred to as the SS7 Message Handler Unit (MHU). Basically what the SS7 MHU does is simple: it terminates the SS7 links, performs the GTT on incoming SS7 messages, and then re-routes the messages back onto the SS7 network. To optimize its performance, the MHU runs on that real-time UNIX operating system (you guessed it) 'VxWorks'. The SCCP Relay system with its Versatile Signaling Point platform also includes an independent Database Administration Unit (DAU), that supports the provisioning and administration of the GTT data. The DAU, which happens to run on a UNIX-based Operating system (gotta love UNIX!) called AIX, includes a command parser, database manager, and an SCSI disk interface. The DAU and MHU communicate with each other in parallel a highly redundant 10BaseT Ethernet LAN. An Ethernet WAN is used to connect the SCCP Relays, to ensure that they remain synchronized with each other properly. In addition to the software running on the DAU and MHU, the SCCP Relay system incorporates a Graphical User Interface (GUI) program that can be installed on several of the operating stations. This user interface provides the ability to provision and view the GTT data that resides on the DAU, as well as the option to view the log information collected about GTT database transactions! The operation stations connect to the SCCP Relay through a LAN or WAN, depending on what option you choose. In addition, a custom interface to an existing provisioning system can be developed to provision and view the entire GTT database. For convenience check out the following terribly drawn ASCII diagram to get a better idea about how the SCCP Relay's DB Admin works with AIX and how the Message Handler works with VxWorks and how they all work together on the seamless 10BaseT LAN/WAN. ASCII Diagram ------------- | - - - - - [#] ~ Console 10 BaseT ~ | | - Serial Cable SCCP Relay | ..____________________________________________ | . / DB Admin Unit \ | | |---| | | | | (Command Parser)--------------------|---|- (@@) | \ \ | Customer | | \ \ | Defined Admin | \ \ | Interface | | (SCSI Control)--------(DB Manager) | | | | / \ | | | / \_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _($#) | / | Ops Station | | AIX / | | |==============================================| | | SS7 Msg Handler | | | (GTT Application)________ | | | | | \ | | | (SCSI Control)----------(Log Server) | | | | | | | | ------ | | | | (MTP UI) | | __________|_________| | | | | | (( SS7 [SCCP Layer] |)) | | | | (( Stack _/ )) | | | | | (( [MTP Layer]___))__| | | \____(#!) | (( |||| |____))________| | |--Mate | +__________||||_________+ | SR System | |||| | | | |||| | | VxWorks |||| | | \______________||||___________________________| SS7 Links | SCCP Relay Hardware Architecture -- The VSP platform, on which the SCCP Relay runs, is available in a verity of configurations and sizes. The VSP scales smoothly from an economical system with only four SS7 links to a fully loaded system with over 75 SS7 links. The basic structure of the hardware components of the SCCP Relay, regardless of the size and configuration, are exactly the same. The only real differences between small systems and large systems are the number of cards, and the size of the chassis itself. The MHU is controlled by a System Controller card based on a 200 MHz PowerPC(tm) processor. This processor controls the system level functions, including the TCP/IP port, the serial ports, and the SCSI interface for the disk drive. It also provides control for two Link Interface (LI) cards, with up to four SS7 links on each. As these Link Interface cards are added, every third card is a Link controller card, with its own 300 MHz PowerPC(tm) processor. This distributed processor architecture ensures that the SCCP Relay has sufficient power to handle very large numbers of subscribers (over 5,000,000 [Five Million]). Each Link Interface card can support as many as four (4) SS7 Links. The V.35 cards provide four SS7 ports, while the E1 and T1 versions provide two SS7 ports each. The DAU runs in its own independent chassis, with its own independent fan, SCSI disk and power supply. It uses the same System Controller card as the MHU, without the need for the use of any Link Interface or Link Controller cards. ASCII Diagram ------------- Database Administration Unit _________________________________________________________ | | | | 10BaseT | | _______| [Disk (AIX)] | DC Supply | {{Fan}} [*Power Supply*] ____|__ | | | | Serial | {{{Processor - System Controller}}} | (Console) | | _______| | |_________________________________________________________| | | | Processor - System Controller: 1, 1 | 10BaseT | Link Interface Card (4 SS7 links): 2, 2 | | Link Interface Card (4 SS7 links): 3, 3 | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | ______| |1| |2| |3| |1| |2| |3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- E1/T1/V.35 Serial | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- (Console) | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- _______| | | | | | | | | | | | | -- | | | | | | | | | | | | | -- | [Disk] | | | | | | | | | | | | -- Serial | [VxWorks] | | | | | | | | | | | | | (Logs) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| | | | | [-~-----------------FAN-----------------~-] | | [*Power Supply*] [*Power Supply*] | | (DC Supply) (DC Supply) | |_________________________________________________________| SS7 Message Handling Unit GSM Background Information -- (Acronym Definitions in paragraph form) 'Home Location Register (HLR)' A Home Location Register (HLR) is a database that contains semipermanent mobile subscriber information for a wireless carriers' entire subscriber base. HLR subscriber information includes the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI), service subscription information, location information (the identity of the currently serving Visitor Register (VLR) to enable the routing of mobile-terminated calls), service restrictions and supplementary services information. What the HLR basically does is it handles SS7 transactions with both Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs) and of course VLR nodes, which either request information from the HLR or update the information contained within the HLR. The HLR also initiates transactions with VLRs to complete incoming calls and to update subscriber data. Traditional wireless network design (anything before 1996) is based on the utilization of a single Home Location Register (HLR) for each wireless network, but growth considerations are prompting carrier administrators to consider multiple HLR databases. So what does that mean? It means our Telecommunications Industry is under pressure to develop larger and faster networks in order to satisfy the needs of residential and business customers. 'Visitor Location Register (VLR)' A Visitor Location Register (VLR) is a database which contains temporary information concerning the mobile customers (subscribers) that are currently located in a given MSC (Mobile Switching Centre) serving area, but whose Home Location Register (HLR) is elsewhere (out of range). When a mobile subscriber roams away from his/her home location and into a remote location (ie. digital to analog), SS7 messages are used to obtain information about the subscriber from the HLR, and essentially create a temporary record for the subscriber in the VLR which usually only has one per Mobile Switching Centre. 'International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) Number' "What the hell is IMSI?" - IMSI is a unique non-dialable number allocated to each mobile subscriber in the GSM system that identifies the subscriber and his or her subscription within the GSM network. Make sense yet? The IMSI resides in the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM), which is transportable across Mobile Station Equipment (MSE) (look for IMSI being supported by the GPRS standard soon!) The IMSI is made up of three important parts: #1: The Mobile Country Code (MCC) #2. The Mobile Network Code (MNC) (they consist of 2 digits) #3. The Mobile Subscriber Identity Number (MSIN) (they consist of 10 digits) 'Mobile Subscriber ISDN (MSISDN) Number' The MSISDN is the dialable number that subscribers use to reach another mobile subscriber. Some of the newer phones (ie. newer GSM supported Motorola, Nokia's) in Canada and the U.S. support the up-to-date multiple MSISDNs which are now in affect. 'Mobile Station Equipment (MSE) Subscription Services' GSM carriers typically order Mobile Station Equipment (MSE) (or GSM phones) from their suppliers (Nokia, Motorola, Sony, etc.) in large quantities (e.g. 1000 Units). After receiving an order, the equipment supplier will program the ordered MSE SIMs with a range of IMSI numbers. GSM Call Routing -- 'Mobile Subscriber Roaming' When a mobile subscriber roams into a new location area, the VLR automatically determines that it must update the HLR with the new location information, which it does using an SS7 Location Update Request Message (LURM). The Location Update Message is then routed to the HLR through the SS7 network, based on the global title translation of the IMSI that is stored within the SCCP Called Party Address portion of the message. The HLR responds with a message that informations the VLR whether the subscriber should be provided services in the new location. 'Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number (MSISDN) Call Routing' When a user dials a GSM mobile subscriber's MSISDN, the PSTN routes the call to the Home MSC based on the dialed telephone number. The MSC must then query the HLR based on the MSISDN identification, to acquire routing information required to route the call to the subscribers' current location. The MSC stores sensitive global title translation tables that are used to determine the HLR associated with the MSISDN. When only one HLR exists, the translation tables are trivial. When more than one HLR is used however, the translations become extremely challenging, with one translation record per subscriber (see the useful example below). Havin determined the appropriate HLR address, the MSC sends a Routing Information Request (RIR) to it. Example: -------- When the HLR receives the Routing Information Request, it "maps" the MSISDN to the IMSI, and ascertains the subscribers' personal profile including the current VLR at which the subscriber is registered. The HLR then queries the VLR for a Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN). The MSRN is essentially an ISDN telephone number which the mobile subscriber can be reached at. The MSRN is a temporary number that is valid ONLY for the duration of a single call. The HLR generates a response message, which includes the MSRN, and sends it back across the SS7 network to the MSC. Finally, the MSC attempts to complete the call using the MSRN provided. 'Implementation of a second HLR to the GSM Network' As a GSM wireless carrier's subscriber base grows, it will eventually become necessary to add a second HLR to their network (obviously). This requirement might be prompted by a Service Subscription Record Storage Capacity Issue (SSRSCI) or perhaps an SS7 Message Processing Performance Issue (MPPI). It might possibly be prompted by a need to increase the overall network reliability. The new HLR can be populated with service subscription records as new subscribers are brought into service or existing service subscription records can be ported from the old HLR to the new HLR to more evenly distribute the growing SS7 traffic load. Usually, when new subscribers are brought into service, the second HLR will be populated with blocks of IMSI numbers that are allocated when new MSE equipment is ordered. Much more complicated SS7 message routing Global Title Translations are required for Routing Information Request transactions between the MSCs distributed over the entire wireless carrier serving area and the two or more HLRs. MSC Routing Information Requests are routed to the appropriate HLR based on the dialed MSISDN and not the IMSI. Unlike the IMSI numbers, the MSISDN numbers can not easily be arranged in groups to reside within a single HLR and therefore, the MSC must contain an MSISDN to HLR address association record for every mobile subscriber homed on each of the MSCs. References -- 'Web-site Resources' Frame Relay http://cctpwww.cityu.edu.hk/network/l2_framerelay.htm Frame Relay Forum http://www.frforum.com/ HN Networks http://www.hn-networks.co.uk/index.html MicroLegend SS7 Tutorial http://www.microlegend.com/whatss7.shtml Telecom Testing Support for GSM, SS7, GPRS, CDMA, Broadband http://www.radcom-inc.com/tstsolut/telecom.htm -- This is seriously the best information I could find. What ever happened to the days where you'd punch in a phrase or word, and actually find decent documents on personal and/or educational web-sites? Now all I run into are these God damn commercial .com's sites who just want to sell their shitty hardware/software... who just want to make a BUCK. Well never worry about me selling out to "the man", because all my information is going to stay completely FREE! =) 'Acronym Definitions' I compiled most of these myself... the rest are stolen. ACM Address Complete Message ANM Answer Message A Links Access Links BIB Backward Indicator Bit B Links Bridge Links BSN Backward Sequence Number CDT Conversation Data Table CPA Called Party Address CPN Called/Calling Party Number DAU Database Administration Unit D Links Diagonal Links DPA Distributed Processor Architecture DPC Destination Point Code E Link Extended Link F Link Fully Associated Link FIB Forward Indicator Bit FISU Fill in Signal Unit FSN Forward Sequence Number GTT Global Title Translation HLR Home Location Register IAM Initial Address Message IRSC International Roaming Signaling Converter ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISUP ISDN User Part KPBS Kilobits per Second LSSU Link Status Signal Unit LURM Location Update Request Message Mf Multifrequency MHU Message Handler Unit MPPI Message Processing Performance Issue MSC Mobile Switching Center MSE Mobile Station Equipment MSIN Mobile Subscriber Identity Number MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number MSU Message Signal Unit MTP Message Transfer Part OMAP Operations, Maintenance and Administration Part OPC Originating Point Code PC Point Code PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company REL Release Message RCL Release Complete Message RIR Routing Information Request RSP Route Set Prohibited Test Message RSR Restricted Test Message SS7 Signaling System 7 SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part SCP Signal Control Point SLS Signaling Link Selection SOI Service Order Interface SSRSCI Service Subscription Record Storage Capacity Issue SRT Screening and Rerouting Table SSP Signal Switching Point STP Signal Transfer Point SU Signal Unit TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part TFA Transfer Allowed Message TFP Transfer Prohibited Message TFR Transfer Restricted Message TUB Traffic Usage or Billing VPC Virtual Point Codes VSP Versatile Signaling Point Wrap-up -- 'Conclusion' This is the first of many SS7 related documents to be published for Nettwerked / b0g / Hack Canada, which of course is a good thing because there aren't enough people in the world writing about the SS7 protocol let alone home grown Canadians! Look for an introductory SS7 paper soon. A N E T T W E R K E D P R O D U C T b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 7:. - [ old Ladie Panty Box ] [PhluX And Pooly] :. ] [pp@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: If j00 use this b0x to steal old ladies panties, me, nor pooly take responsibility for your testicles should old ladies whack your penis with their purse. We did not write this file. Materials: - 1 Hot Old Lady (won't be hard to find, as all old ladies are hot) - 2 fridge magnets - 1 Radio Shack Remote Control Car - The Force (Optional) - A Hat(steal one from the grannys boyfriend...fuckers!) - Hormones For Old Ladies Ok, now that you have all the materials, place the magnets on the car (or project box) ... you can take off the body and tires and put it in a project box all nice like. Now turn on the car and radio and the magnets will fly. Fly the magnets towards that old lady, fly them in her panties. Now fly the panties back and your home free. If theres an old grandpa watchin her ass stick his cane up his urethra and put rocks up his ass. Now take your hat and sit on the sidewalk and whack off. Old ladies will come to see you whack off and will pay you, use the panties as a sexual treat. *Second Method* Use the force (if your not of the jedi warriors, analy rape yodas green ass and he will cooperate and will steal old ladies panties for you with the force) Then you can e-mail me ( YourMom@Mybed.cum ) and tell me if yoda has a green or brown cock. *Last Resortion* As a last resortion, you can snare the old ladies panties. Tie some yarn to the old ladies panties and run around the corner, this works better if the old ladie is in one of them motorized carts (I like to think of them as moving beds). Now hide around the corner, and give the string a good yank. with luck u will have ripped the old ladies panties off. Now its home free home. UPDATES: if u built that fucker u know it didnt work and you then either had to rape yoda (but he prolly inturn raped you so you didnt get anywhere) and instead had to use the yarn snare trick. Well this method sucks nuts so we will discuss reasons why the above method didnt work and how the new method works. Q:How come the fuckin yarn breaks? A:You prolly snatched it from the same gramma whom your gonna rob... them senile hotties dont know which shit is the good shit so just use other methods. Q:You stupid fucks why did you publish shit that doesnt work? A:Anyone who makes boxes are leet and its even leeter if you just read other text files and used the information there and write your own txt with out actually testing the shit... Q:What are you mofos going to do aboot it? A:Read on mofo! I present... the new method of stealing granny panntys! It is a little known fact that older women's undergarments have certain radio frequencys attached to them. we won't go in to detail about all of these frequencys but in this text we will discuss one and that one is the old lady's panty frequency. the panty frequency is very difficult to identify since the old lady's ass jiggles and so do her wrinkles and hair so the tone coming from her panties at any particular time is "masked" if you will and must be singled out and amplified to get a good reading this text will describe the many ways me and my colleagues have found to do this quickly and efficiently So.. how do we demodulate this masked frequency? well first you got to get the fucking materials jackass Materials: 1 Hot Old Lady(if your after ebony pleasures there will be a special method just for you) 1 Scanner(FCC regulations requires all scanners after 1994 to be modified so the old lady undergarment frequency is not able to be scanned we will modify the scanner to pick up the frequency.. more on that later) 2.6 gerbils(remove the claws and or limbs..) 1 egg beater(modified blender may work) 1 fat cocked nail..(rip the fucker out of your houses foundation) 1 pair of binoculars(IMPORTANT NOTE: do NOT substitute with monoculars) 19 car batteries fresh from the store 3 condoms(balloons will work as well) lots of wire First we need to modify the scanner to make it pick up the proper frequency (1337) open the case up to the scanner. Take the binoculars and peek into the windows of the old folks home. With the erection begin whacking off and ejaculate on the circuitry of the scanner. When semen is mixed with the finger oils of them mother fucking japs it creates an acid that melts the proper electrolyctics. Now just because we can pick up the 1337 frequency doesnt mean fuck all for fuck all... the frequency is masked... the rest of the device will help us unmask the frequency. Take the egg beater and put your condoms over the beaters while sticking the other in your ass. Put the declawed gerbil in your ass (inside the condom). Now hook up the car batteries to the to the fucking egg beater in parallel (or series I forget which is which..) Now take the wire and wrap it around the egg beater and turn it on... so lots of fuckign wire is on the egg beaters... now with the remaining unraveled wire stick it in the gerbils ass so it pierces the cock suckers intestines and the wire comes out his mouth and pierces the condom. We want 6-8 feet of wire in our ass hole. With the remaining condom, slap that fucker on your cock and put the nail in your urethra(inturn piercing the condom).Wrap wire around the nail and wrap the other end on the negative terminals to the batteries. now what you need to do is smack your dick against the condom covered part of the egg beater do it to a disco rhythm. now this is not for the weak hearted your ass hairs will all fall out and your dick will feel like jello but when you see those old ladies panties floating in your door its all worth it. the tone that this contraption makes is 31337 Hz If you do not know how this device works your obviously not familiar with quantum physics and basic electric magnetic fields. dumbass. I will quote my partner in business pooly on this device "well it creates what we in the business of aged female pantie sales as a negative introversion of the granma panty fields and then the panties grow more and more unstable and must even this out or become so other entity's undergarment since grammuh panties take much longer than required to reach the panty drop zone to get familiar with a new host this is the perfect way to harvest panties" Well said stinky nuts So now while using this device.. if the disco music hasnt drained all the fucking amps out of your house circuitry you will hear the unmasked ass jigglage of an old lady. When you obtain the panties.. you can use the above methods (using them as sexual treats.. etc) Or you can store the panties for later. Obtain some ziplock bags and freeze the panties.. this helps preserve the smell of her fucking dirty ass hairy white cunt. Nigger panties: Now, your either a sick fuck or your from the ghetto... regardless if you want some mofo panties they are fairly easy to require. Most mofo hoes have fat asses so the panties will be somewhat stressed out and the snare method afforementioned is very effective. I do not recommend using the above contraption as you will be overwhelmed with floating gonch and the stench of nigger will affect your breathing. Easy Part: Ok now first walk down the street and find your target.. Hard Part: talk to the fucking nigger Example conversations; "look bitch!" (pointing in the air) "soo... how bout them knicks?" (all niggers play ball so this may be the most effective one)"mofo!" Now that you've got her distracted stick your hand down her pants and rip the fuckers out and run. Proceed to the nearest bathroom and clean your fucking hands before you gratify your self from your new found (stinky) treasure. I hope you found this text informative... Greets: b0g crew, lucky225, Cry0, t0ne, BigB9000, #Phreaks and your mom crawl back up in her pussy [ note from editor, I'm sure some of you people might get offended by this article, and even go as far as to slander it as racism, but its just too damn funny to *not* be in this issue. have some humor ;) ] b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 8:. - [ mailbag ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ yes, we actually do get some mail. here's a few From: Grandmaster Ratte' To: k-rad-bob@b0g.org Subject: hey bob Date: 19. juni 2000 06:18 Hey, I'll be sending you some PR stuff from my Medium Public Relations Death Squad acct. for Open Cola and cDc. I wanted to holler and let you guys know I'm really digging your 'zine. I tried out your sext0r advice and though it worked as advertised, I sTol found myself wanting to snuggle afterwards. Instead of feeling loved, I was just as cold and alone as ever. So I curled up in a fetal ball and cried myself to sleep. Thanks a lot, you fucking bastards- G. Ratte'/cDc From: Minotaur of Crete To: b0g@b0g.org Subject: b0g is lame. Date: 19. juni 2000 01:04 b0g is lame. You mention a few well known people in an attempt to latch onto the 'underground' group. I read some of your 'issues', extremely pathetic. From: The An Emu To: fan@b0g.org Subject: Remove the nuttcase dir. Date: 19. juni 2000 05:44 First and foremost I'd like to say that this IS NOT A COMPLAINT. Somebody has edited a whole bunch of pictures of me and my friends, and put it up on your site by getting into my computer, and changing the images then mailing them to you. I want them removed as this could damage my reputation muchly. thank you. Jason Lincoln.. From: Nick W. To: bob@b0g.org Subject: hi bob Sent: 19. juni 2000 20:08 this is pac and stuff, some dude sent me this email and i think its rather funny.... ----- Original Message ----- From: kol gorge To: Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 10:35 AM Subject: hi kid > Hi Kid > I read your article "The truth about ICQ" > > and kid this was the lamest article I ever read, > It was like listen to cry boy kid, that have the knowledge of bird. > about any thing from hacking to history. > > and you know I am sure you one of thoses fegs that when saw ICQ for the > first time thought it was the most amazing thing they saw on the internet, > and use it alot to find some friends Cuz everybody who know you from school > just ignore you geek. > > But you know what the problem, you just waiting to emails like that, this is > the reason you wrote this article hidden, cuz you probably dont speak near > pepole. only when hidding. > > You know what I bet you never even been with girls, I am sure hahaha. > > Grow up kid. > > Mashroom > ______________________________________________________________________ __ > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com > b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [ 9:. - [ How to hack the planet ] [wh0rde] :. ] [wh0rde@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Design and layout: wh0rde Implementation and coding: wh0rde Final production stage: wh0rde Overview and editing: wh0rde Idea, thought processes: wh0rde Inspiration: Angelina Jolie, tak's mother Idea: I thought it would be totally awesome if we just like hacked the planet dude. Think of it! We could like control shit and stuff with our computers! Wouldnt that just kick ass? We could dial into TV stations and control broadcasts, dial into banks to give ourselves all this money, we could capsize boats in the water, we could even download the entire contents of every /tmp directory and call it a garbage file! WOULDNT THAT FUCKING ROCK? Well I was sitting home smoking a big fat joint and came up with this idea: lets find a Gibson, and hack it, and just like totally own it, and once we did that we will have triggered something that makes us be able to hack the planet! Maybe we could even make some fuckin cool virus worm thing called Piccaso, or maybe Michaelangelo, or Da Vinci or something, to make it sound like we have artistic abilities! Design: First we need to get a bunch of guber-elite people from shady underground hacking coffee-shops and give ourselves nicknames. I think Ill be wh0rde, since my nick is already wh0rde. I could find these other k-rad people like obsolete, bob, tak, prae, pac, grid, and niemand1 and have them join me! I could name obsolete "h4qR," bob could be "k4y r4d b0bby," tak could be "fUq-N- MorMoNZ-R_uGLy," prae could be "b00typ1r4t3," pac could be "Z3r0 c00l," grid could be "p4q3t-f4gg0t," and niemand1 could be "s3r14l ch41nsm0q3r." Then we could go have elite hacker contests and harass police officers! Then when we got in trouble we would have an ace up our sleeves: the GIBSON! Ill code this thing g1bs0n.c where it randomly guesses passwords (with 100% accuracy) then downloads the /tmp directory. Wouldnt that be cool? Implementation: Well first I started prank calling the police station, but they came over to my house and beat the shit out of my with their batons, and ripped out my telco box, so that didnt go too well. I then went over to obsolete's house and tried to wardial the entire area code for elite numbers to call up, but his mom came in and started bitching that we were wasting money and should just use the phone book, so we did and called up pizza hut and had them deliver 100 pizzas with everything on them to his house, it was so funny! Then the pizzas came, which was weird, because theyre not supposed to do that, it was only a prank, and I tried to explain it to them but they kicked our asses and took obsolete's computer for the money they needed. We went over to bob's house and called up a bunch of gay porn lines to get them to call the police station, but the 900 numbers kept eating up money on the phone bill and bob was starting to talk to the guy operators and touching himself so me and obs left for tak's house. His mom answered the door and wanted to know if we wanted free head, but shes this nasty ugly thing so we just ran around back and yelled for tak to come out. He came out and we went over to prae's house, but his dad said he was busy "cleaning out my pipes" whatever that means, so we went to pacs house and chilled there. He had AOHELL so we were hacking a bunch of people on AOL, when I found this mailbomber and we started mailbombing people, which was elite. We found this guy in private room "Gibson" with a gibson, so we used telnet.exe and connected to him, and somehow we kept guessing account and one that we guessed "aDnDNfdeEzE*3j^ajdjsdfnmSAD" with password "asdfsdSDJFSDsdfhktherWE35123%9snj3s" worked, so we went to the /tmp directory and downloaded all this stuff to our 0hday ftp server which had AOHELL on it. We found out that this guy stole our idea for the virus and was using it to steal all this money, because in the tmp directory there was this file "note-to-self" which said: ---------note-to-self---------------------------- Note to self: Dont tell anyone about super secret virus that takes the companies money and sticks it in the Cuban bank with account number 2352352353135233. Also: call up tak's mom.. damn she gives good head ---------note-to-self---------------------------- So now what do we do. Well, we hack the planet! This dudes obviously hacked the planet first, so we have to hack the planet FROM him. Procedure: We go on IRC into #hackphreak, #cha0s, #hackers, and #linuxsex and drop this guys docs. Everyone logs in and runs their own elite viruses that do funky stuff like eat stuff and have sex with each other. Then, soon the Gibson cant handle all the processes and crashes, thereby hacking the planet from this guy, killing his virus, and getting the money! Hell yeah! Only problem is that we dont have enough elite programs, so we have to write some. First we'll go with the "replicating" or fuckmonkey program. Save it as fuckmonkey.pl and chmod +x it. #!/bin/bash/perl $blah = cos(3.35235233); while( 1 ); { $blah=cos($blah); `~/fuckmonkey.pl' } #---end---# Now just run that sucker on the Gibson (assuming it has perl installed). Hack the planet! So now that we crashed the Gibson and took over the bank account (long unnecessary story involving tak giving a lot of head), were rich and sitting on top of the world. I dont want to bore you with the whole taking over the government etc thing, the main point is we hacked the Gibson, now we own the world. Of course bullies still kick bob's ass but thats a different story entirely. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [10:. - [ Sniffing and spoofing explained ] [psyops] :. ] [psyops@phault.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Introduction. Sniffing and spoofing are security threats that target the lower layers of the networking infrastructure supporting applications that use the Internet. Users do not interact directly with these lower layers and are typically completely unaware that they exist. Without a deliberate consideration of these threats, it is impossible to build effective security into the higher levels. Sniffing is a passive security attack in which a machine separate from the intended destination reads data on a network. The term "sniffing" comes from the notion of "sniffing the ether" in an Ethernet network and is a bad pun on the two meanings of the word "ether." Passive security attacks are those that do not alter the normal flow of data on a communication link or inject data into the link. Spoofing is an active security attack in which one machine on the network masquerades as a different machine. As an active attack, it disrupts the normal flow of data and may involve injecting data into the communications link between other machines. This masquerade aims to fool other machines on the network into accepting the impostor as an original, either to lure the other machines into sending it data or to allow it to alter data. The meaning of 'spoof' here is not 'a lighthearted parody,' but rather 'a deception intended to trick one into accepting as genuine something that is fake.' Such deception can have grave consequences because notions of trust are central to many networking systems. Sniffing may seem innocuous (depending on just how sensitive and confidential you consider the information on your network), some network security attacks use sniffing as a prelude to spoofing. Sniffing gathers sufficient information to make the deception believable. Sniffing. Sniffing is the use of a network interface to receive data not intended for the machine in which the interface resides. A variety of type of machines need to have this capability. A token-ring bridge, for example, typically has two network interfaces that normally receives all packets travelling on the media on one interface and retransmit some, but not all, of these packets on the other interface. Another example of a device that incorporates sniffing is one typically marketed as a 'network analyzer.' A network analyzer helps network administrators diagnose a variety of obscure problems that may not be visible on any one particular host. These problems can involve unusual interactions between more than just one or two machines and sometimes involve a variety of protocols interacting in strange ways. Devices that incorporate sniffing are useful and necessary. However, their very existence implies that a malicious person could use such a device or modify an existing machine to snoop on network traffic. Sniffing programs could be used to gather passwords, read inter-machine e-mail, and examine clien-server database records in transit. Besides these high level data, lowlevel information might be used to mount an active attack on data in another computer system. Sniffing: How It Is Done. In a shared media network, such as Ethernet, all network interfaces on a network segment have access to all the data that travels on the media. Each network interface has a hardware-layer address that should differ from all hardware-layer addresses of all other network interfaces on the network. Each network also has at least on broadcast address that corresponds not to an individual network interface, but to the set of all network interfaces. Normally, a network interface will only respond to a data frame carrying either its own hardware-layer address in the frame's destination field or the 'broadcast address' in the destination field. It responds to these frames by generating a hardware interrupt to the CPU. This interrupt gets that attention of the operating system, and passes the data in the frame to the operating system for further processing. At times, you may hear network administrators talk about their networking troubles spots---when they observe failures in a localized area. They will say a particular area of the Ethernet is busier than other areas of the Ethernet where there are no problems. All of the packets travel through all parts of the Ethernet segment. Interconnection devices that do not pass all the frames from one side of the device to the other form the boundaries of a segment. Bridges, switches, and routers divide segments from each other, but low-level devices that operate on one bit at a time, such as repeaters and hubs, do not divide segments from each other. If only low-level devices separate two parts of the network, both are part of a single segment. All frames travelling in one part of the segment also travel in the other part. The broadcast nature of shared media networks effects network performance and reliability so greatly that networking professionals use a network analyzer, or sniffer, to troubleshoot problems. A sniffer puts a network interface in promiscuous mode so that the sniffer can monitor each data packet on the network segment. In the hands of an experienced system administrator, a sniffer is an invaluable aid in determining why a network is behaving (or misbehaving) the way it is. With an analyzer, you can determine how much of the traffic is due to which network protocols, which hosts are the source of most of the traffic, and which hosts are the destination of most of the traffic. You can also examine data travelling between a particular pair of hosts and categorize it by protocol and store it for later analysis offline. With a sufficiently powerful CPU, you can also do the analysis in real time. Most commercial network sniffers are rather expensive, costing thousands of dollars. When you examine these closely, you notice that they are nothing more than a portable computer with an Ethernet card and some special software. The only item that differentiates a sniffer from an ordinary computer is software. It is also easy to download software and freeware sniffing software from the Internet or various bulleting board systems. The ease of access to sniffing software is great for network administrators because this type of software helps them become better network troubleshooters. However, the availability of this software also means that malicious computer users with access to a network can capture all the data flowing through the network. The sniffer can capture all the data for a short period of time or selected portions of the data for a fairly long period of time. Eventually, the malicious user will run out of space to store the data---the network I use often has 1000 packets per second flowing on it. Just capturing the first 64 bytes of data from each packet fills up my system's local disk space within an hour. Sniffing Passwords. Perhaps the most common loss of computer privacy is the loss of passwords. Typically users type a password at least once a day. Data is often thought of as secure because access to it requires a password. Users usually are very careful about guarding their password by not sharing it with anyone and not writing it down anywhere. Passwords are used not only to authenticate users for access to the files they keep in their private accounts but other passwords are often employed within multilevel secure database systems. When the user types any of these passwords, the system does not echo them to the computer screen to ensure that no one will see them. After jealously guarding these passwords and having the computer system reinforce the notion that they are private, a setup that sends each character in a password across the network is extremely easy for any Ethernet sniffer to see. End users do not realize just how easily these passwords can be found by someone using a simple and common piece of software. Sniffing Financial Account Numbers. Most users are uneasy about sending financial account numbers, such as credit card numbers and checking account numbers, over the Internet. This apprehension may e partly because of the carelessness most retailers display when tearing up or returning carbons of credit card receipts. The privacy of each user's credit card numbers is important. Although the Internet is by no means bulletproof, the most likely location for the loss of privacy to occur is at the endpoints of the transmission. Presumably, businesses making electronic transactions are as fastidious about security as those that make paper transactions, so the highest risk probably comes from the same local network in which the users are typing the passwords. However, much larger potential losses exist for businesses that conduct electronic funds transfer or electronic document interchange over a computer network. These transactions involve the transmission of account numbers that a sniffer could pick up; the thief could then transfers funds into his or her own account or order goods paid by a corporate account. Most credit card fraud of this kind involves only a few thousand dollars per incident. Sniffing Private Data. Loss of privacy is also common in e-mail transactions. Many e-mail messages have been publicized without the permission of the sender or receiver. Remember the Iran-Contra affair in which President Reagan's secretary of defence, Caspar Weinberger, was convicted. A crucial piece of evidence was backup tapes of PROFS e-mail on a National Security Agency computer. The e-mail was not intercepted in transit, but in a typical networked system, it could have been. It is not at all uncommon for e-mail to contain confidential business information or personal information. Even routine memos can be embarrassing when they fall into the wrong hands. Sniffing Low-Level Protocol Information. Information network protocols send between computers includes hardware addresses of local network interfaces, the IP address of remote network interfaces, IP routing information, and sequence numbers assigned to bytes on a TCP connection. Knowledge of any of this information can be misused by someone interested in attacking the security of machines on the network. A sniffer can obtain any of these data. After an attacker has this kind of information, he or se is in a position to turn a passive attack into an active attack wit even greater potential for damage. Protocol Sniffing: A Case Study. At one point in time, all user access to computing facilities in the organization under study (the university at which the author is employed) was done via terminals. It was not practical to hardwire each terminal to the host, and users needed to use more than one host. To solve these two problems, Central Computing used a switch (an AT&T ISN switch) between the terminals and the hosts. The terminals connected to the switch so that the user had a choice of hosts. When the user chose a host to switch connected the terminal to the chosen host via a very real, physical connection. The switch had several thousands ports and was, in theory, capable of setting up connections between any pair of ports. In practical, however, some ports attached to terminals and other ports attached to hosts. To make the system more flexible, the central computing facility was changed to a new system that uses a set of (DEC 550) Ethernet terminal servers with ports connected to the switch, rather than the old system, which used a fixed number of switch ports connected to each host. The new terminal servers are on an Ethernet segment by the hosts in the central machine room. Offices have a cable running from a wallplate to a wiring closet punchdown block. The punchdown block has cables running to multiplexers which turn connect to the switch. The multiplexers serve to decrease the number of cables that need to be long. With this arrangement sniffing or other form of security problems are not an issue. No two offices share any media. The switch mediates all interaction between computers, isolating the flow of data away from the physical location of the end users. Rather than using simple terminals, however, most computer users have a computer on their desktop that they use in addition to the Central Computing computers. The switch services these computers as well as simple terminals. The number of computer users, however, has grown rapidly over the past decade and the switch is no longer adequate. Terminal ports are in short supply, host ports are in even shorter supply, and the switch does not supply particularly high-speed connections. To phase out the switch, Central Computing installed an Ethernet hub in the basement of each building next to the punchdown block used to support both the switch multiplexer and the telephone lines. The hubs in the basement connect to the central facility using fiber-optic cables to prevent signal degradation over long distances. Hubs also were placed in the wiring closets on each floor of each building that connected to the basement hub. Now the cables leading to the wallplates in the offices are being moved from the punchdown block that leads to the multiplexer to a punchdown block that leads to one of these hubs. The new wiring scheme neatly parallels the old and was changed relatively inexpensively. Although the new wiring scheme neatly parallels the old, the data travelling on the new wiring scheme does not neatly parallel its previous path. From a logical standpoint, it can get to the same places, but the data can and does go to many other places as well. Under this scheme, any office can sniff on all the data flowing to Central Computing from all of the other offices in the building. Different departments are located in the same building. These departments compete for resources allocated by uppermanagers that supervise them, and middle management all are located in the same building. A fair amount of potential exists for employees to want to know what other people are sending in e-mail messages, storing in personnel files, and storing in project planning files. In addition to nosiness and competition, a variety of people sharing the same physical media in the new wiring scheme, could easily misuse the network. Since all occupants of a building share a single set of Ethernet hubs, they broadcast all of their network traffic to every network interface in the entire building. Any sensitive information that they transmit is no longer limited to a direct path between user's machine and the final destination, anyone in the building can intercept the information with a sniffer. However, some careful planning of network installation or a redesign of an existing network should include security considerations (as well as performance issues) to avoid the risks inherent in shared media networking. The network in the case study fails miserably in the prevention of sniffing. Any computer in a building is capable of sniffing the network traffic to or from any other computer in the building. Feedback would be nice . b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ........................................... ...#""""""#................................ ..." ~ ~ "................................ ..( 0 0 ).. /------------------------\.. ...| <> |... | tak will have sex with |.. ...| /""\ |...< a_kitten, blueberry, |.. ...| ____ |... | justagirl, jericho, jp |.. ...|| ||... | and rloxley at defcon! |.. ....\����/.... \------------------------/.. ......||................................... ____________________________________________________________________ [11:. - [ Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles part 2] [chris] :. ] [chris@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Foreword Welcome back to the final installment of the Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles miniseries. We last left off with our two remaining turtles being shoved into the trunk of Jerry Curl's buick and being hauled off to his plantation. Let's get back to the action.. Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Niggers smoking crackpipes.. Turtle power! They're the world's most trashy, scumbag team (We're really hip!) They're niggers in a half-shell, they're not clean (Hey - get a grip!) When the evil ShitNigga attacks These Turtle boys shoot him in the back! Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles.. Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles.. Splinter-X taught them to be a ninja team! (He's a radical Paki!) Coonatello deals, LowRideO pimps his steel! (That's a fact, Jack!) Crackael is a nigger jew! (Gimme a break!) MickeyJiggalo is a nigger too! (Party!) Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles Niggers smoking crackpipes.. Turtle power! Scene 4 - Jerry Curl's Plantation Coonatello and LowRideO look around in horror as they see thousands of blackies working on the plantation. Their huge lips hang below their chin as they stare open mouthed at the operation. Suddenly a a set of hands grips each of their shoulders like vice clamps. They spin around and stare up at the biggest creatures they have ever seen. Jerry Curl: Ah, I see you've met 8-ball and Crackbaby. They'll be making sure you keep up your end of the bargin. If not.. As his voice trails off, the two monsters bring out a set of whips lined with sharp pieces of metal. Jerry Curl: ..If not, we'll have to punish you. Of course, I'll have to seperate you two, I don't need anyone causing any trouble. LowRideO - You'll be taking the west side of the plantation and Coonatello will be taking the east side. Immediately, as if some sort of power had over taken them, Coonatello and LowRideO began to feud on who's side was better. LowRideO: West Siiiiiide! Coonatello: East Siiiideeee, motha fucka! Laughing, Jerry Curl orders his goons to take them away. 4 hours later... Too tired to work any further, LowRideO sits down to catch his breath. A sound of thunder breaks the erie silence. Then, he's hit with a slicing pain on his back. The whip, he thought in agony. 8-ball's distorted face appears over LowRideO. Suddenly, they are both cast in shadow. 8-ball is thrown to the ground by a tremendous force. In surprise, he lets out a snort and glances up in the hot sun. He sees a slightly out of shape, older man, with the word 'b0g' on his tight spandex outfit, staring down at him. 8-ball: Duhh.. duh.. Super Bob! Duh.. I'm sorry, is dees your friends? Super Bob: That's right, now step aside you pussy. I have work to do. Super Bob lifts LowRideO off the ground and zooms into the air. Super Bob: Let's go save Coonatello and get out of here. As Bob draws nearer to the East side of the plant, the sun does likewise with the horizon. Twisted, contorted shadows align the plant's features, casting many things in blackness. Super Bob: Have no fear! I have super b0g vision! Navigating his way around like it was daylight, Bob easily locates Coonatello and lands to the ground with a thud. Coonatello: Bob? You came and saved me after what happened with us.. Super Bob: Yes, you didn't thing I'd leave you here, did y-- Bob is suddenly clubbed in the head with a heavy object. Shakily, he whips around to see Crackbaby holding a rock (boulder might be the correct word here) in his hands. Bob stands up, and smiles at Crackbaby. Super Bob: Dare you challenge my b0g powers? Dear boy.. you've messed with the wrong person. Bob grabs on to Crackbaby's testicles and rips them away. All of a sudden, Crackbaby emits an ear piercing (high pitched) scream. He then falls to the ground with blood gushing from his extremities. The lights on the plant turn on in sequence to the event, and Jerry Curl's voice occupies the megaphone. Jerry Curl: You have 10 seconds to return to your work before the dogs are released. I repeat, you have 10 seconds.. before you are ripped to shreds. Super Bob: I call that move the Super b0g ball buster. LowRideO: Thanks bob, I owe you one. Coonatello: Yeah me too.. Coonatello: Oh, and LowRideO man, sorry for fighting earlier (Jerry Curl: 4.. 3..) LowRideO: It's okay man, lets get the fuck out of here. With a wink, Bob lifts Coonatello and LowRideO high into the air, and they zoom away high above the plant just as the dogs are released. With that, Bob drops them both to their doom. With a wide grin, he calls out as they are being ripped to shreds by the dogs.. Super Bob: Next time.. don't steal my issue of b0g you fuckers! And so ends the adventures of the Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles. Hope you enjoyed it. Author's Note: These two articles were in no way meant to offend black people. I am not racist, they were simply written for fun. If anyone had a problem with them, I apologize. Thanks for reading. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [12:. - [ hacking for cybersex ] [nathan] :. ] [nathan@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Am I leet now? One day I got a message from some guy wanting to hack ichat servers. He wanted to know how to exploit a server using the room(4001) exploit. I laughed at him, but not before he told me about Warnerbros chat. I had gone here before, but never had any luck w/ getting admin. Anyway..blah blah. I got admin, and started watching people have sex.: Our 1st one is with some guy from South America, and some chick. He wants it, and she doesn't really care. Kinda funny what happens in the end ============================================================================= guest1006 says, "wanna cyber s ex????........" /* Wow..kinda blunt, eh? */ guest1006 smiles hopefully guest1111 says, "you start it" guest1006 says, "kool" guest1006 kisses your neck slowly guest1111 says, "licking your body all over" guest1006 grabs your butt guest1111 says, "going down" guest1006 pushes you to the bed guest1006 says, "I am a poor pick up artist?" guest1006 says, "why do you think so?" guest1006 says, "oops" guest1006 says, "I am a poor pick up artist?" guest1006 says, "............" guest1006 says, "what the" guest1111 says, "rubbing you up and down and all around" guest1006 says, "what are you" guest1006 says, "wearing" guest1111 says, "thongs" guest1111 says, "andd you?" guest1006 says, "im sorry my english is pretty forgotten, what is thongs?" /*foreign guy*/ guest1111 says, "leopard ones too" guest1111 says, "the underwear that goes up your but" guest1111 says, "butt oops" guest1006 nod guest1006 says, "ok, im wearing a shirt and shorts" guest1111 says, "weell i ripped them off now" guest1111 says, "well" guest1111 says, "oops" guest1006 tears all your clothes guest1006 brakes your bra in 2 and take it off guest1111 says, "ooh big tits in your mouth" guest1006 sucks your tits guest1006 says, "whats your name?" guest1111 says, "licks your dick" guest1111 says, "bringing out the strawberries and the whipped cream" guest1006 says, "what is your name????????" guest1111 says, "are you ready to lick them off" guest1111 says, "chrissy and you?" guest1006 licks off everything guest1006 says, "Mike" guest1006 sucks your ***** guest1111 says, "chrissy iss chanting mikes name in the bed" guest1006 sucks your **** y hard guest1111 says, "stick it in" guest1111 says, "baby" guest1006 puts my dick in your mouth and starts doing 69 guest1006 turns you upside down guest1006 penetrates your butt hard guest1111 says, "and starts to boounce" You tell skream, "lmfao!!!" guest1006 pushes harder and faster guest1111 says, "ooh\" guest1006 grabs your wrist and pulls you in guest1111 says, "oohh baby i like it rough" guest1006 pushes hard guest1111 says, "harder baby harder" guest1006 pushes harder and harder each time guest1111 says, "good cause i like it that way" guest1006 turns you around and spreads your legs guest1006 opens them wide guest1111 says, "real wide" guest1006 gets on top of you and pentetrates your pussy hard guest1111 says, "well i've had enough it hurts now?" /* haha..poor girl */ guest1006 says, "hurts what?" guest1006 says, "tired already?" guest1111 leaves. You say, man.." guest1006 leaves, heading for Buffy. You say, that sucks" ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Our next one is a little better. At least, both people want it this time. I walked right into this one. Boy was i pleased. Enjoy... ============================================================================= guest925 kises him while being held Romeo20 kisses her slowly and lovingly guest925 takes her top off Romeo20 says, "whats under the top??" guest925 says, "a bra" Romeo20 says, "oh okay" guest925 kisses u again Romeo20 takes his shirt off Romeo20 kisses her again guest925 takes her bra off Romeo20 says, "okay now no farther then this for tonight okay" guest925 says, "why?" Romeo20 says, "i dont know aww screw it go as far as you want" Romeo20 smiles guest925 says, "u wont go with me though" Romeo20 says, "hell no I'll go as far as you want baby" guest925 kissesu again and again Romeo20 holds her close to him and kisses her chest softly guest925 takes his pants off Romeo20 takes her pants off guest925 takes his underwear off Romeo20 puts his hand down her underwear and starts to finger her slowly guest925 enjoys it Romeo20 pulls for her underwear Romeo20 enjoys it too guest925 lets him Romeo20 fingers her a bit faster guest925 kisses him faster Romeo20 puts her hand on his rolodex Romeo20 says, "on his p e n i s" guest925 and touches it with pleasure Romeo20 fingers her really fast guest925 touches him more and more Romeo20 grabs his p e n i s and sticks it in her p u s s y guest925 lets him Romeo20 starts too move up and down slowly guest925 does the same while kissing him Romeo20 loves the feel of her wet soft p u s s y guest925 loves the feel of him inside of her Romeo20 moves up and down fast trying to loosen up her tight c u n t guest925 wants him guest925 kisses him guest925 touches him Romeo20 want her for reals guest925 hugs him Romeo20 hugs her tight guest925 wants him for real guest925 kisses him more guest925 and more guest925 yells i want more Romeo20 starts to move up and down real fast guest925 starts to kiss him more and more Romeo20 starts to fuck her real hard Romeo20 starts to screw her real hard guest925 rols onto the floor Romeo20 screws her as fast as he can then stops and blows his loan all inside of her Romeo20 his be realinside of her Romeo20 says, "dang it" guest925 screws him back real hard guest925 kisses him, guest925 wants him Romeo20 comes inside of her You say, I'm Nathan and I come with correction. You know there's infection, so wear some protection" guest925 says, "what" Romeo20 says, "i dont know" guest925 stops for a second guest925 and just kisses him Romeo20 has to stop his you know what is sour guest925 says, "in real life???????!!!!" Romeo20 says, "no but I'm harder then crud " You say, well...it's been real nice guys...have fun..." ============================================================================= ============================================================================= The next day, Warnerbros chat was patched, and I no longer had admin. But boy was this fun. I still have admin to a chat that caters to 12 year olds, but I don't think I'll catch them cybering any time soon. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [13:. - [ How to NOT get owned by Prae ] [timidu] :. ] [timidu@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ "-My fucking GOD! I've been hacked by Prae!@#$@#$# ! I wanna kill myself ! >:/" You can hear that pretty often these days as Prae is an 31337 h4x0r and he'll root you in just a second. This guide is meant to help Linux and Internet newbies to avoid not getting hacked by this hack-est , the Emperor of the Hackers , the guy that can root you with only a spoon and a peach-leaf , his Majesty Prae from b0g. Here is a log with what I do every time I reinstall Linux on my box that was NEVER hacked by Prae (and will never be as I IRC spoofed cuz Im lame) Following these lines step by step will totally secure you and Prae won't , for sure , root you. Mandrake Linux release 7.0 (Air) Kernel 2.4.0-test2 on a i386 sekurebox login: root Password: Last login: Sun Jun 25 20:07:24 on tty4 You have mail. [root@sekurebox /root]# passwd -d root Changing password for user root Removing password for user root passwd: Success [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'Enter root login and enjoy!@@#$@' > /etc/issue.net [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'Enter root login and enjoy!@@#$@' > /etc/issue [root@sekurebox /root]# logout Enter root login and enjoy!@#@#$ sekurebox login: root Last login: Tue Jun 27 16:43:54 on tty1 You have mail. [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'This box has no root password set
' >> /home/httpd/html/index.htm [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'This box has no root password set
' >> /home/httpd/html/index.htm [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'This box has no root password set
' >> /home/httpd/html/index.htm [root@sekurebox /root]# echo 'This box has no root password set' >> /home/httpd/html/index.htm [root@sekurebox /root]# mail -s "Telnet over here" prae@b0g.org hey .. check out my box man Cc: ^D[root@sekurebox /root]# [root@sekurebox /root]# BitchX -c \#k-rad -n TelnetMe toronto.on.ca.undernet.org& [1] 764 [root@sekurebox /root]# BitchX - Based on EPIC Software Labs epic ircII (1998). Version (BitchX-1.0c16) -- Date (19990221). Process [764] Using terminal type [linux] [1]+ Stopped (tty output) BitchX -c \#k-rad -n TelnetMe toronto.on.ca.undernet.org [root@sekurebox /root]# rm -f /var/log/wtmp [root@sekurebox /root]# touch /var/log/wtmp [root@sekurebox /root]# last root wtmp begins Tue Jun 27 19:07:27 2000 [root@sekurebox /root]# sleep 360000 Meanwhile .. on Prae's box [root@PraeScilla /root]# Message from mom@kitchen on tty4 at 19:10 ... Prae , pumpkin , it's dinner time EOF [root@PraeScilla /root]# echo "But Im not hungry , mommy!" | write mom [root@PraeScilla /root]# Message from mom@kitchen on tty4 at 19:14 ... Hmm .. I thought you learnt your lesson the other day when I hit you with the brand new whip that i've purchased EOF [root@PraeScilla /root]# echo "Ok , mom , pls not the whip again , Im comin' in 5 mins ; just lemme read my e-mails" | write mom [root@PraeScilla /root]# ssh -l prae b0g.org prae@b0g.org's password: (what could it be?) Last login: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX You have new mail. [prae@b0g ~]$ cat $MAIL >From root@sekurebox.net Tue Jun 27 16:50:58 2000 Return-Path: Received: (from root@sekurebox.net) by sekurebox.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) id QAA00740 for prae@b0g.org; Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:50:58 -0400 Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 16:50:58 -0400 From: root Message-Id: <200006272050.QAA00740@sekurebox.net> To: prae@b0g.org Subject: Telnet over here Status: RO X-Status: X-Keywords: X-UID: 2 hey .. check out my box man [prae@b0g ~]$ HaHaHaH .. I ROOT YOUR BOX .. YOU LAMER!#$@$%@%$ bash: HaHaHaH: command not found [prae@b0g ~]$ 8u7 Wh47 7H3 fuq 15 7h15 b0x bash: 8u7: command not found [prae@b0g ~]$ cat $MAIL | grep 'Subject' | awk -F':' '{print $2}' Telnet over here [prae@b0g ~]$ ahhhh bash: ahhhh: command not found [prae@b0g ~]$ telnet telnet> over here ?Invalid command telnet> open over here over: Host name lookup failure telnet> quit [prae@b0g ~]$ BOY , I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! :(((((((((( BOY , I SUCK!!!!!! :(((((((((( bash: syntax error near unexpected token `:((' [prae@b0g ~]$ logout [root@PraeScilla /root]# su learntime [learntime@PraeScilla ~]$ mesg n [learntime@PraeScilla ~]$ less `locate script-kiddy-HOWTO` && lynx www.antionline.com && lynx www.2600.org && BitchX -c \#hack toronto.on.ca.undernet.org [learntime@PraeScilla ~]$ su - Password: [root@PraeScilla /root]# [root@PraeScilla /root]# [root@PraeScilla /root]# [root@PraeScilla /root]# /sbin/lilo -D=dos [root@PraeScilla /root]# adios , dear Linux , but Im too lame to use you > [root@PraeScilla /root]# reboot This won't really happen (at least Im not sure for it) but you can check yer logz that Prae didn't penetrate you (your system , I mean , I don't know if he actually penetrated you ;) [root@sekurebox /root]# last root wtmp begins Tue Jun 27 19:07:27 2000 See? You're totally safe!@#$@ Thank me! Praise me! Cherish me!@#$@# These are just a few methods of protecting yourself. You can increase security in many ways .... I usually make this cool script --- cut here --- #!/bin/bash for I in `cat /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{print $1}'` do passwd -d $I cp /bin/bash /home/$i chmod a+s /home/$i/bash echo "./bash" >> /home/$i/.bash_profile done --- stop cutting --- If you find this guide useful then Ill continue releasing these invaluable advises that every admin should follow b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [14:. - [ The disk trick ] [shadowwolf] :. ] [shadowwolf@progen.zzn.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Ok, so you have something important written down on a piece of paper, but you don't know where to hide it (password, phone number, message ect.). Get a 3.5" floppy disk (Definition for the computer illiterate: The little square disk you put into your computer) and take a small thin flat-head screw driver and carefully take off the metal slide on the disk by putting the screw driver in the space between the two halves of the plastic cover and just pop it off. Now carefully pry the two halves of the disk apart. Now take out the disk media (Definition for the computer illiterate: The round plastic thing with the metal piece in it). Now look at the half of the disk casing with the hole in it (as shown below). Where it says "Tape Paper Here" tape you message, number, password, ect on a piece of paper. Always tape above the hole or you will be able to see the paper on the outside of the disk. _________________ | | | Tape Paper Here | | | | /---\ | | | | | | \---/ | | | | |-| | | | | | |_______|_|_______| Now put the disk media back and snap the disk back together. Now take a disk label and instead of putting it on the front of the disk, fold about 1/3 of it over the top seam of the disk as to act like a hinge whenever you need to open it. Then slide the metal piece back onto the disk and there you have it! Now to open it just take of the metal piece and flip it open! This works well for remembering your passwords and also passing messages to fellow ninja hackers :-) |============| |[Shout outs]| |============| The Maniac (blackcode.com ezine creator), Jason Scott (founder and webmaster of http://www.textfiles.com), proctologist, sublime929, deathtoyerm o M, PinkBarbieRawks1, and CApToRofSiN16. And a special shout out to all of the Anarchists of the world. _____________________ *!!!ANARCHY RULEZ!!!* Send all comments, thanx, questions, or insults to..... Email:shadowwolf@progen.zzn.com ICQ:55533799 AIM:Thief696 |=======| |[Notes]| |=======| This is my first article for b0g and I hope to write (err....type) many more in the future. Also pay a visit to http://www.blackcode.com. A damn good site with alot of resources/files and also whatch for my articles in issue #3 of the ezine. And to see some of my older texts visit http://www.textfiles.com/uploads. I really apreciate all the response I get from my articles and text files so don't be afraid to drop me a message saying hi or ask a question. Laterz..... b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [15:. - [ How to crack macromedia products ] [anonymous] :. ] [you-are-0wned@macromedia.com] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ WTF is crackomedia? Crackomedia is my own version of cracking Macromedia products. Macromedia have came up with this gay shit call Electronic Software Distribution. What it basically is that you download their software and you'll get a 30 days trial period. After that, if you want it, you get buy it directly through the software and they give you this key code so you'll get the full version. Basically, I am no beans against Macromedia but I do really hate them for setting their software so high price... I mean a fucking Macromedia Authorwave for $2,713.99 US... what a fucking rip off. Okay. For all ya wannabe l33t crackers out there who really want to crack all kinds of Macromedia software, Here is what ya do. 1. Download any copy of Macromedia Software 2. Run the program and go to buy 3. Fill it all those junks with bullshits and click next twice 4. You be ask you enter your credit card # and shit. Select Visa, and for credit card, put 16 "0's" and fill in the information with Bullshit. 5. After that, click cancel and exit to quit the program. ********** WTF?!!? QUIT!! YOU FUCKING KRAZY!! ********* 6. Go to c:\windows if you 0wn win9x or c:\winnt for win2k and NT users 7. Find a configuration file call rsagent 8. Open it with notepad and edit the line mailStat-391842=0 to mailStat-391842=1 9. Then save it. 10. Open the Macromedia Software again and it goes to a freaking thing where you're going to get your S/N from mail. There, you use "YHBIFXYXSC" as the unlock key code. After use it again as the Serial Number. Then it'll say your software is being pepeare and bla bla bla..... After youre prompt with a thingy where you put your organization shits, Company and your serial Number. Try to fill it in if you want but is useless. You still haven't complete cracked the Macromedia Software!!! Now! I hope you didn't delete the installation program to install your Macromedia program, because you'll need it. Okay anyway. reinstall it again. After you done reinstalling, run the Macromedia program and it'll go "Being pepper and blabla THEN BOOM!!! The gay Trial period Electronic Software Distribution is gone and the software is yours without being annoyed and hurting your wallet. I cracked Flash4, Dreamweaver UltraDev and Firework 3 with my Crackomedia method. So enjoy it. If some people want to bust their l33t programming skills and make a crack using this method, please do gimme so credit. No Applause Please :) O |/ ___O OOOOOOOHHHHH" |--| \ | | Macromedia getting 0wned by Crackomedia :) b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [16:. - [ hax0r trick ] [timidu] :. ] [timidu@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Are you sick of your friends telnetting over your brand Linux box and "heh"-ing when they see that you have a RedHat and especially if it's a buggy one? Well .. here is how you can replace your RedHat Linux with a brand new one distro in just 30 secs. 1) Log in as root. 2) Make this phile called whatever you desire and taken from below with the famous copy&paste >:> Let's say you create it in /etc and you call it "initver" # pico /etc/initver 3) Think of a really cool name. For example "Puffy Linux" (You might as well use "b0g Linux" but , heh , who'd believe that there's a coder at b0g) . I'll stick at "Puffy Linux" version 3.5 , you can use whatever you want. --cut here-- #!/bin/bash echo > /etc/redhat-release echo "Puffy Linux release 3.5 (Cheese)" >> /etc/redhat-release cp -f /etc/redhat-release /etc/issue # Next .. for the kernel . The latest kernel at this moment that i'm # writing is 2.4.0-test1 . So ... : echo "Kernel 2.4.0-test1 on an i786" >> /etc/issue echo >> /etc/issue cp -f /etc/issue /etc/issue.net --stop cutting , dork-- You might as well replace "i686" with "alpha" >:> This phile , in case you haven't figured out yet , replaces that nasty telnet banner with one made by YOU . As damn RedHat rewrites it at every boot , we have to make sure that our replacement will be made last. For this you have to add it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local for example. So .. # chmod +x /etc/initver # echo "/etc/initver" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local 6) Now reboot , you'll have a pleasant surprise. Or you'll OS will be totally fucked up >:/ P.S. : nmap WILL detect it right , morons . So , if your friends are eleet , this method won't do b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [17:. - [ Fun with noise in QBASIC ] [niemand1] :. ] [niemand1@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Note: you need an internal PC speaker for this to work on your computer, otherwise nothing will happen and it will just be damn boring. Here is my program: 'Funny Sounds By: niemand1 4/27/2000 CLS DO frequency% = RND * 1000 IF frequency% < 37 THEN frequency% = 37 duration% = 1 SOUND frequency%, duration% LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) END What it does: CLS (clears text from DOS) DO (Begins a loop process) frequency% = RND * 1000 (Makes a random number between 1 and 1000) IF frequency% < 37 THEN frequency% = 37 (I'll explain this later) duration% = 1 (Value can be changed to make each sound longer) SOUND frequency%, duration% (Plays a sound of specified freq. and dur.) LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) (Loops until esc key is pressed) END This program makes a random number between 1 and 1000 and uses that number as a frequency to play through the computers PC speaker, then repeats the process until you hit the esc key. When run it makes a ton of annoying sounds that might drive your parents insane, when they start yelling, hit the esc key so you are not hit in the face. What can you do with this program? I have no fucking clue, but I just think it's a funny way to learn the sound command. The reason for the fourth line is this: If you try to play a sound in a frequency lower than 37 the program craps up because the computer won't allow sounds of those low frequencys. Why? I have no idea, but if you figure it out, e-mail me at niemand1@hotmail.com. You can change the value of the third line to do make lower frequency sounds only, or change it to as high as 32,767. If you set it for 32.767, you might get some high pitched sounds that annoy the hell out of animals sensitive to noise, not recommended to dog owners. If you set it for any higher than 32,767, the program will crap up because your computer can't handle sounds any higher pitched than that. You can change the value of duration% to make the short sounds play longer, but it does not sound as funny. Oh yeah, one more thing: I made this program messed up on 240 miligrams of DXM in case you were wondering where I get psychotic ideas like this. I thought it was pretty damn funny while I was tripping and saved it. b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [18:. - [ pulling people's doc's on irc ] [wh0rde] :. ] [wh0rde@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ The Interview of a lifetime (with a dude that claims to be a former member of Global Hell): Note: I am not this stupid! This is for your enjoyment! [21:39] Mclark is ~matt@dsl-64-34-123-253.telocity.com [21:39] Mclark is �Matt Clark� [21:39] Mclark on Baltimore.MD.US.Undernet.Org This would be me. IRC log started Fri Jun 23 20:22 -> *scott-* Excuse me, I'm from a magazine, and was wondering if you would participate in an interview? *Scott-* First off do you know who i am? *Scott-* second of all what kind of magizine? -> *scott-* I was told by some people from #hackphreak to talk to you, and its a small computer magazine. *Scott-* Do you know who i am? -> *scott-* No, I'm sorry? *Scott-* No, its okay just don't want people knowing who i am. *Scott-* Okay what kind of questions will i be asked? -> *scott-* The secretive type huh? *Scott-* and whats the magizine called and will i get a copy? *Scott-* Im not allowed to be on here as it is -> *scott-* Just some opinion questions, its called Computer Currents, and if you would like a free subscription you can have one. -> *scott-* Be on where? Online? *Scott-* yes, online. -> *scott-* Are you in trouble with someone? *Scott-* Im not in the possition to discuss anything. -> *scott-* Ok, well would it be ok to conduct the interview? *Scott-* sure.. -> *Scott-* The first thing in the column is I need a small introduction, how old you are, what state maybe, how many years you have been using computers, etc. *Scott-* Im 18, I live in florida at the moment moving tuesday, ive been using computers for about 6 maybe 7 years now. *Scott-* Im also a network admin but can't get online lol. -> *scott-* Would it be ok to use your nickname? *Scott-* yeah -> *scott-* The next question is what computer platform you prefer, and a short description why you chose that one? *Scott-* just put Scott -> *scott-* Sure thing *Scott-* I like linux very easy not all this grafical innerface stuff *Scott-* just plain console -> *scott-* Hah, very professional! -> *scott-* What kind of network do you administer? *Scott-* Linux Slackware 7.0 and Windows Server 2000 *Scott-* Windows Server 2000 is bullshit from what i have seen. -> *scott-* Ok, now on to the opinions, if you don't want to answer just say no comment. *Scott-* Okay.. -> *scott-* What do you think of the state of the nation's computer security? Many hundreds of government computers have recently been attacked and they are looking for young help, is this a good idea? *Scott-* Yes i do like for an example ive actually been offerd a job with the goverment. -> *scott-* Would it be ok to ask what part? *Scott-* OSI - Office of Secret Investigations also Netowkr admin jobs on goverment computers. *Scott-* err Network -> *scott-* Very cool! -> *scott-* Next question is what about DoS, what can we do to prevent it? *Scott-* There isn't much we can do about it, People can gain access into machines that have alot of bandwidth and im sorry there is no server gonna stay up with people having access to this kind of bandwidth. -> *scott-* Is the FBI's idea of a DDoS anti-tool a good one or is it just something to get others off their backs? *Scott-* Seriously i think its something to get people off there backs, to many machines with bandwidth the servers are going to die. -> *scott-* Has your network ever come under the attack of a DoS flood? *Scott-* Many times, punks these days. -> *scott-* I saw you were in the channel "lpsg," is this is a hacking organization? (I will remove the name in the article) *Scott-* No its just a big joke called Large Penis Support Group -> *scott-* Ok, Ill remove that one, not very relevant. -> *scott-* Do you consider yourself a hacker? *Scott-* no kidding we talk about viagra on the website *Scott-* No and never will be one. -> *scott-* If you were to term yourself as something, what would it e? -> *scott-* Sorry, Be. *Scott-* Always consider myself a person that has enough knowledge to get himself by *Scott-* I don't consider myself anything.. -> *scott-* Just a couple questions to show general knowledge to my readers, can you define MAC? *Scott-* Well explain first of all which MAC there are programs called MAC there are OS's called MAC machines called MAC *Scott-* i mean alot of things so you need to specify which MAC you wanting me to define. -> *scott-* Specifically MAC addresses -> *scott-* As related to networking *Scott-* ahh... *Scott-* Actually if you don't mind i really don't even want to go into networking go into exploiting and diffrent things in that nature. *Scott-* if you don't mind -> *scott-* Well how about CSMA/CD? *Scott-* hold on im going to get you refrences im going to send you a big file of shit ive wrote on sorts of things, sattilites, networking, phreaking *Scott-* things like that.. -> *scott-* Ok *Scott-* My networking text was from when i was with gH. -> *scott-* You were a member of the infamous gH? *Scott-* yes sir i was. -> *scott-* Were you raided by the FBI? *Scott-* i was on CNN 2 times *Scott-* Yes sir i was raided 2 times. *Scott-* I was on MSNBC once *Scott-* and ABC in the morning once -> *scott-* You were interviewed? *Scott-* Many times also had TV Reports at my house. *Scott-* ask mindphasr mosthated diesl0w anybody from them who i am, they will tell you.. -> *scott-* So you're quite a famous person I've stumbled on! This is very interesting! *Scott-* famuos no i don't consider it that. -> *scott-* Can we go back to some networking basics though? I always try to show to what degree network adminstrators are educated. *Scott-* I consider it paying for what ive done. *Scott-* Networking Basic's are alot more simpler them are kinda hard questions im trying to remember from my Network+ class. -> *Scott-* Oh I'm sorry I thought you were a network adminsitrator? *Scott-* Yes im a network admin just started though *Scott-* lol *Scott-* just getting my certs and just got me a job at synergy networks. *Scott-* blank out synergy -> *scott-* Oh ok, do you know what a MAC address or what CSMA/CD is? -> *scott-* Sure -> *scott-* And what Certifications are you applying for? *Scott-* MCSE, Network+, finished my A+ *Scott-* Server 2000 -> *scott-* Very nice *Scott-* but i could be wrong *Scott-* but *Scott-* is it *Scott-* media access control? *Scott-* or someshit -> *scott-* Yes! Thats exactly right actually *Scott-* dood its been awhile *Scott-* heh -> *scott-* And CSMA/CD? *Scott-* ermm i remember the last half but not the first let me think -> *scott-* Sure take your time *Scott-* what magazine is this? -> *scott-* Computer Currents *Scott-* CSMA/CD has to do with ethernet currect? -> *scott-* Yes, do you know what it stands for? *Scott-* something like Carriers Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detections or some bs *Scott-* thats problable way off -> *scott-* Its very close *Scott-* ahh *Scott-* is it Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection ? *Scott-* i cant remember if theres multiples or not -> *scott-* Yes that is one version of it -> *scott-* Now for some easy questions, do you know what 10base2 and 1base5 are *Scott-* ethernet cards.. *Scott-* correct? -> *scott-* Yep -> *scott-* Want to try for a harder one? *Scott-* sure -> *scott-* Do you know what the purpose of SQE test signals are? In relations to AUI-based equipment? *Scott-* wow.. i think i know this one actually man this shit needs to hit me though ugh.. -> *scott-* Sure *Scott-* Theyre denial of service attacks based on AUI packets sent in a repetitive fashion until the machine's processor basically melts *Scott-* or something close to that if i recall -> *scott-* Wow, thats great! *Scott-* dood if you can't tell im kinda slow i got a bad memory heh takes me awhile to think. -> *scott-* Do you know what BNC networking is? -> *scott-* No its fine, really youre doing great *Scott-* okay there again i know of 2 BNC'ing -> *scott-* In relation to networking *Scott-* theres BNC you setup to bounce of another machine on a port to give yourself another IP getting onto another network -> *scott-* Actually just spit out both I guess -> *scott-* Ok *Scott-* off even *Scott-* that the one your looking for? -> *scott-* No, the other one *Scott-* dood the second one i have no clue bro *Scott-* Bioelectric Networking Cues? *Scott-* thats the only thing i can think of -> *scott-* Perfect! You're an extremely talented network engineer! -> *scott-* One more questions? *Scott-* omg that was totally a geuss *Scott-* sure.. -> *scott-* How about ipmasq and bASH and how they relate? *Scott-* trying to kill someone here? hehe -> *scott-* Hehe, you seem to know all the other iPSEq questions.. *Scott-* no it just takes me awhile to remember half this shit *Scott-* i took a course 2 years ago i think it was in highschool on networking -> *scott-* Sure *Scott-* but im gonna take a shot at this one -> *scott-* Shoot *Scott-* Ipmasq is a counter-DDoS tool when used with bASH, generally on Irix platforms, the FBI designed this codec to stop the attacks on yahoo and shit -> *scott-* Damn, no wonder the government is recruiting you! *Scott-* heh -> *scott-* Well thanks you very much! I look forward to publishing this, and Ill remember to take out those names. *Scott-* If you were on the computer for 6 years -> *scott-* Do you want a free subscription? (As long as you live in the US) *Scott-* yeah *Scott-* i do.. -> *scott-* Sure, just give me the address, zip, and any name you want us to use for security I guess, hah! *Scott-* Scott O'Donnell , 2895 50th terris s.w. naples florida 34117 -> *scott-* Would you be possibly interested in conducting a phone interview? We're trying to start a webcast with the Real Networks people? *Scott-* sure i will do it just you got to come on and find me and i will do it.. *Scott-* i use to write *Scott-* for HCC -> *Scott-* What is HCC? *Scott-* hackchat.com *Scott-* i took it down after awhile when i was getting busted -> *scott-* Troubled times huh? Hah! Well ok, you take care and try not to get "Busted" anymore! -> *scott-* I got you're subscription filled out and filed, thanks for your time. *** IRCII settings saved to /home/matt/.ircrc Now during the interview me and hst were talking, since I saw hst knew that I was talking with Scott-, because in #lpsg Scott- put this: [20:42] (@Scott-): CSMA/CD [20:42] (@Scott-): wtf is this kid on [20:42] (@Scott-): wtf is that bs? Now heres what I could recover of the logs of me and hst talking: [20:51] (hst): HEh [20:51] (wh0rde): do it [20:51] (hst): he just asked me what a amc address was [20:51] (wh0rde): LOL [20:51] (wh0rde): feed him bullshit NOW [20:51] (hst): i did [20:52] (wh0rde): yeah [20:52] (wh0rde): *Scott-* is it [20:52] (wh0rde): *Scott-* media access control? [20:52] (wh0rde): *Scott-* or someshit [20:52] (wh0rde): -> *scott-* Yes! Thats exactly right actually [20:54] (wh0rde): give him csma/cd [20:54] (hst): i did [20:55] (wh0rde): what did you tell him [20:56] (hst): i told him the answer [20:56] (hst): you want me to tell him whack shit? [20:58] (wh0rde): yes! [20:58] (wh0rde): dont retell csma/cd though [20:58] (wh0rde): hes gonna ask What is the purpose of the SQE test signal provided on AUI-based equipment? [20:59] (wh0rde): tell him its denial of service or something [20:59] (hst): omg [20:59] (hst): this is so fucking funny [20:59] (hst): you have to give me the logs of this [20:59] (hst): right after you are done [20:59] (wh0rde): I will [20:59] (hst): what shoukld i say [20:59] (hst): he asked [20:59] (wh0rde): denial of service attacks [20:59] (hst): liek [20:59] (hst): give me the words [20:59] (wh0rde): wait [21:00] (wh0rde): Theyre denial of service attacks based on AUI packets sent in a repetitive fashion until the machine's processor basically melts [21:01] (hst): EHh [21:01] (hst): that is funny [21:01] (hst): would you like to know the real purpose [21:01] (hst): or do you already know? [21:01] (wh0rde): I have no idea [21:02] (hst): the purpose of the SQE test signal is to test the [21:03] (hst): collision detection electronics of the [21:03] (hst): tranceiver [21:03] (hst): and to let the ethernet interface [21:03] (wh0rde): ok [21:03] (wh0rde): for this one [21:03] (wh0rde): Bielectric Networking Cues [21:03] (wh0rde): no [21:03] (wh0rde): Bioelectric [21:03] (hst): know that the collision detectino circuits nd signal paths are working correctly [21:04] (wh0rde): k [21:04] (wh0rde): hes gonna ask you in a sec [21:04] (hst): Bio Electric networkign cues? [21:05] (hst): heh [21:05] (hst): and you want me to say? [21:05] (wh0rde): no the question is BNC [21:05] (hst): HAHAH [21:06] (hst): BNC networkign [21:06] (wh0rde): he actually knows what bnc really is.. [21:06] (wh0rde): but I told him theres 2 versions of it [21:06] (wh0rde): Bioelectric Networking Cues [21:06] (hst): i would give you logs [21:06] (hst): fo what he is msging me [21:06] (hst): But [21:06] (hst): HEH [21:06] (hst): they are to funnt [21:07] (wh0rde): more questions [21:08] (hst): about? [21:08] (wh0rde): uhm [21:08] (wh0rde): lets see [21:10] (wh0rde): "Ipmasq is a counter-DDoS tool when used with bASH, generally on Irix platforms, the FBI designed this codec to stop the attacks on yahoo and shit" [21:10] (hst): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [21:10] (hst): i cannot say that [21:11] (hst): that makes me feel stupid [21:11] (wh0rde): NO [21:11] (wh0rde): SAY IT AND MEAN IT! [21:12] (hst): HAHAHAH [21:12] (hst): I CANT [21:12] (hst): BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [21:12] (hst): omg [21:12] (hst): Im crying [21:13] (wh0rde): hehehehe [21:13] (hst): heh [21:13] (hst): i could'nt breathe for a min [21:13] (hst): i want LOGS [21:13] (hst): RIHGT AFter you are finished [21:14] (wh0rde): heh [21:16] (hst): are you done [21:16] (hst): you know [21:16] (hst): ib have this man logged [21:16] (wh0rde): yeah but theres more leetness to come [21:16] (hst): asking me the questions [21:16] (hst): HEH [21:16] (wh0rde): dont say anything [21:16] (wh0rde): I will [21:16] (hst): i have to show this to dayzee [21:17] (hst): Did that fucker [21:17] (hst): actually say [21:17] (hst): Ipmasq is a counter-DDoS tool when used with bASH, generally on Irix platforms, the FBI designed this codec to stop the attacks on yahoo and shit [21:17] (wh0rde): yep [21:17] (wh0rde): exactly [21:17] (wh0rde): dont say anythign to him yet [21:17] (hst): HEH [21:17] (hst): What a mind blower [21:17] (hst): i thought he actually had skills [21:18] (hst): now that i think about it [21:18] (hst): i never actually [21:18] (hst): saw this man do anything [21:19] (wh0rde): yeah [21:19] (wh0rde): hes an idiot WOW I GOT THIS KIDS INFOS, BY PRETENDING TO BE A MAGAZINE EDITOR. **PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS KID KNOW I DID THIS, OR HE WILL TELL EVERYONE, AND THEN I CANT DO IT ON A REGULAR BASIS. YOU WANT ME TO DO THIS ON A REGULAR BASIS!!!!** */ b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [19:. - [ IRC Quotes ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ you might think you are a hacker because you can code, but you will never be a real hacker like me will some one please help <`NeXiGeN`> what's yer problem ? there is a guy hacking into my computer <`NeXiGeN`> unplug yer modem how? <`NeXiGeN`> see all those wires behind your computer box ? <`NeXiGeN`> ripem all out *** skatoni has quit IRC (Read error to skatoni[ppp012.rosenet.net]: Connection reset by peer) i heard if you put your car keys next to the fone line from the modem, it will disconnect you no, he's too poor like me... and like me, he'll be staying at home, watching pornos and eating cheezies, wondering all the while why his dick is orange decaf cocaine is better for you can someone awnser one question for me? how do you change your screen resoultion in linux? enlightenment i believe x86config hehe red....dont understand that....when i said newbie to linux i mean....i installed it lastnight ah Type x86config in console lol....console? im using gui interface i think....graphical thing X? yep where is the console? It will open a black window that looks like a DOS prompt or whatever Or right when u login Dont startx just type x86config dont know how to get into the console from where i am ok, in regular xterm what do i do now? im in the xterm regular....dont know what to do... type in x86config um XF86Setup is a hell of a lot easier. or is it xf either way command not found well you need to exit X first. ok, how.... Accipitri >> CTRL+ALT+Backspace *** Accipitri has quit IRC (Read error to Accipitri[cr420407-a.lndn1.on.wave.home.com]: EOF from client) hahahaha haha he was using an X chat client quro soto booyah loto komiero messtah render WTF? you know. wtf is context-sensitive. it's (w-question-word)-the-fuck. is it What? is it Why? is it Who? wtf is WTF? or the universal interrogative i ahve to takeover #hack now anyone want to help? ...... some time passes........ SOMEONE UNBAN ME FROM #HACK please drugs is bad for health you maker type reatrded very i wonder if any crooked cops ever make drunk people give em head. "now sir. just blow hard into the machine. yep. thats it. keep blowing. ...... ok sir. you're not drunk. off you go" I have an odd request... can anyone present here with any nukeing progs try to nuke me please?? it was me that took out yahoo with ma mates and panther modem who knows what a port scanner is? *** Joins: lore (lore@rtfm.insomnia.org) b0g is really bad. it tries to be what we did with b4b0 but fails because it has hardly any technical content give it up *** Parts: lore (lore@rtfm.insomnia.org) james' mom is a cum guzzling whore :( <-- MY FUCKIMNG MOM JUST READ THAT YOU ASSHOLE [23:28] (+tak): me and josh are gonan do ecstacy [23:28] (+tak): with 2 girls [23:28] (+tak): will we have sex? Virtus[~pirch@ppp9-jkt3.indosat.net.id] has joined #2600hackers How do I Nuke people? hahaha LMAO just type /con/con thanks man (Read error to Virtus[ppp9-jkt3.indosat.net.id]: Connection reset by peer) how can i get a email acount? help me plz bob guess what i landed a 20 dollar an hour contract making layouts really? yes thats ubergreat what firm? now i can get money and a car and fuck people haha bob i am gonna have so much sex people who make graphics are sexually inadiquette heh this copper tryed to bust me for toking <+Quantico> shit my arse is hurting the other day <+Quantico> lol and he says have u been in trouble with the police before i said yes he said what for i said drugs and hacking <+Quantico> hehe he said hacking? i said yeah i hacked into railtrack and changed train times and lloyds of london and he said oh ok and kinda walked off that was after he tryed to search for the draw in pitch black with a little flash light but the fnny thing is he saw me throw it out of a fag packet when he arrived but he couldnt find it he ripped up the fag packet totally then he search for about 10 minutes trying to find it on the floo r and he didnt realise we were underage drinking either so we were just sat their downing our booze while he was wondering around us quite a funny situation i thought [01:17] JULIO [fraggy@] has joined #2600 [01:18] likwid, you silly hoe. sup [01:18] ATTENTION [01:18] julo - you would be.... [01:18] lol [01:18] DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE ANY GREY POUPON? [01:18] I do [01:18] I NEED THE GREY POUPON PLZ [01:18] I NEED THE GREY POUPON TO HACK MY CHEATING GIRLFRIENDS EMAIL ACCOUNT [01:18] lol [01:18] PLZ HELP ME [01:18] heh [01:19] likwid passes JULO the grey poop on... [01:19] lol [01:19] fragmental wants to be the 3rd Jerky Boy [01:19] er [01:19] i mean JULO [01:20] bah [01:20] fraggy! sup man?? [01:20] fraggie [fraggy@] has joined #2600 [01:20] oopz [01:21] fraggie is now known as JUL1O [01:21] ATTENTION [01:21] supruzr [supruzr@tnt14b-26.focal-chi.corecomm.net] has quit IRC (ZERO *POOF*) [01:21] ah... i'm bored... [01:21] heh [01:21] JULO [fraggy@] has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [01:21] THE GREY POUPON HACKED ME GOOD [01:21] weird [01:21] lol [01:21] JUL1O is now known as JULIO [01:22] IF NE1 KAN CONTROL THE GREY POUPON, PLZ /QUEER ME [01:22] heh [01:22] I MEAN [01:22] QUERY ME [01:22] any old ddialers here? [01:23] Well Im out [01:23] I EM AN DDIALERS PERSON [01:23] aufweidershen [01:23] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has quit IRC (blow me) [01:23] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has joined #2600 [01:23] later Scavenger [01:23] [pPCpunk] Liquer in the front... Poker in the rear... [01:23] Scavenger is now known as Scavenger[sleep] [01:23] later [01:23] DOEZ NE1 WANNA SEE MY PIC? [01:24] uhh lol i dunno do we? [01:24] anyone got a wingate I can use? [01:24] ITZ REALLY ELITE [01:24] http://www.sp0rk.org/pictures/zig5.jpg [01:24] lol [01:24] I EAT ONE OF THOZE FOR BREAKFAST EVERY DAY [01:24] Deeply is now known as DeeplyShrouded [01:24] AND SOMETIMEZ WHEN I NEED A MIDNIGHT SNACK [01:24] lmfao [01:24] THEY IZ YUMMY [01:25] "YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY, JULIO'Z GOT CUM IN HIZ TUMMY" [01:25] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has quit IRC (blow me) [01:26] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has joined #2600 [01:26] [pPCpunk] Liquer in the front... Poker in the rear... [01:26] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [01:27] JULIO POKEZ PC PUNK IN HIZ REAR [01:27] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has joined #2600 [01:27] [pPCpunk] Liquer in the front... Poker in the rear... [01:27] LETZ ALL SING ALONG AND DANCE [01:27] JULIO POKEZ PC PUNK IN HIZ REAR [01:27] JULIO POKEZ PC PUNK IN HIZ REAR [01:27] JULIO POKEZ PC PUNK IN HIZ REAR [01:27] JULIO POKEZ PC PUNK IN HIZ REAR [01:27] THUNDER BOLTZ AND LIGHTNING [01:27] VERY VERY FRIGHTENING [01:27] ME [01:28] GALILEO [01:28] GALILEO [01:28] GALILEO [01:28] EH FIGARO [01:28] O-O-O-O-O....... [01:28] when does the cd come out, i want one! [01:28] IM JUZT A POOR B01 FRUM A POOR FAMILY [01:28] ShadeS|eep is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On] [01:28] SPARE ME THIZ LFE FROM THIS MONSTROSITY [01:29] EASY CUM [01:29] EASY GO [01:29] mr_fidelity [mr_fidelity@hln1-64.montana.com] has joined #2600 [01:29] LITTLE HIGH. LITTLE GO [01:29] PLEASE LET ME GO [01:29] NO!! [01:29] WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO [01:29] lol [01:29] BiTcH sets mode: -b #test!*@* [01:29] WhOrE sets mode: +b #test!*@* [01:29] ? [01:30] QUEEN + WAYNE'S WORLD == GOOD TYMEZ [01:30] don't you think its wierd that hotmail, a microsoft run service uses freebsd? [01:30] you think they would come up with their own os that could handle that, it just goes to show windows is lame. [01:30] WHY YES. I AM EH HOT MALE. THANKZ FOR NOTICING [01:30] I got the new linux mag, that comes with storm linux, is storm linux worth installing? [01:30] TYME 4 REQUESTZ [01:31] i use mandrake [01:31] MANDRAKE IZ A MANWHORE [01:31] I use redhat right now. [01:31] i heard storm is ok [01:31] well this is the rain release what is that? [01:31] STORMZ SUCK CUZ THEY KNOCK OUT YOUR POWER [01:31] pPCpunk [pPCpunk@ip137.pascagoula2.ms.pub-ip.psi.net] has quit IRC (blow me) [01:31] heh no one remembers ddial eh? :) [01:32] DEMON DIAL [01:32] hahahahhaha [01:32] no [01:32] YES [01:32] YES [01:32] YES [01:32] YES [01:32] DEMON DIAL [01:33] me and julio down by the schoolyard [01:33] Your thugs suprised T-Dawg's thugs while eating pizza in the kitchen and 34 choked on food and died. [01:33] ME AND LEO SUCKING ON SOME NIPPLEZ. FUN FUN FUN FUN, LALALALA [01:33] FIRST CUMZ LEO [01:33] heh [01:33] THEN CUMZ JULIO [01:33] THEN CUMZ THE PREMATURE EJACULATIONZ BY LIKWID WHO WUZ WATCHING IN THE TREE [01:34] WhOrE sets mode: +o ross [01:34] ross sets mode: +b JULIO!*fraggy@ [01:34] WhOrE has kicked JULIO from #2600 (Banned) [01:34] ha [01:34] THANK YOU! [01:35] hahahahhaa [01:35] JUL1O [junior@linux.scdsb.on.ca] has joined #2600 [01:35] im sorry [01:36] no more sing along songz tonight kidz [01:36] ross, plz unban my other mask. thnx. i need the grey poupon still [01:36] ross sets mode: -bb JULIO!*fraggy@ #test!*@* [01:36] WhOrE sets mode: +b #test!*@* [01:36] JULIO [fraggy@] has joined #2600 [01:37] thank you [01:37] hey jul1o [01:37] father!! [01:37] i hate to tell yo this [01:37] but im not your father [01:37] you was adopted [01:37] hmm [01:38] so mommy isnt my real mommy? [01:38] im afraid not [01:38] JUL1O criez [01:38] i think i need to restart [01:38] there, there illigiemate son [01:39] lol [01:40] wellp, anyone need anything? [01:40] has anyone seen the movie, mystery alaska? [01:40] i'm restarting windows now [01:40] wee [01:40] ross, a rimjob would be nice [01:40] reinstalling [01:40] ross sets mode: +b JULIO!*fraggy@ [01:40] WhOrE has kicked JULIO from #2600 (Banned) [01:40] haha [01:40] ross sets mode: -bb JULIO!*fraggy@ #test!*@* [01:40] WhOrE sets mode: +b #test!*@* [01:40] heh [01:40] JULIO [fraggy@] has joined #2600 [01:40] sorry [01:40] s'ok [01:40] i'm just being a ass [01:40] heh [01:40] JULIO BoW's to ross [01:41] anyways, has anyone seen that movie? [01:41] its somewhat funny [01:41] I saw some of it [01:41] mr_fidelity is back... I'm back Yeah for me. [01:41] sup mr_fidelity? [01:41] yay 4 fidelity!! [01:42] lol [01:42] lol did i tell you 'bout the time last weekend when i got one of those 'visitor' stickers from the police station? [01:42] =] [01:42] lol [01:42] hehe [01:42] blink45 [blink45@ip209-183-93-41.ts.indy.net] has joined #2600 [01:42] likwid, you're my hero now [01:42] you didn't tell me. [01:43] blink45 is now known as Alalyndor [01:43] taijian is still laughing at "there, there, my illigitemate son" [01:43] taijian, plz do not make fun of our family [01:43] likwid: *mr_fidelity* lol i'll tell ya then =] [01:43] yah! [01:43] JUL1O criez some more [01:44] there there it will get better [01:44] thank you [01:44] so kind [01:44] JUL1O lookz for his father [01:45] i am actually your 3rd cousin twice removed [01:45] really? [01:45] yes [01:45] i love living in arkansas [01:45] if you're my 3rd cousin, you must be my brother too [01:45] me and my 40 kids [01:45] your 40 kids? you mean my sisters [01:46] my wife/sister and i couldnt be hapier [01:46] yay 4 killer_ic [01:46] heh [01:47] wait a minute.... [01:47] killer ice iz bad..... [01:47] killer ice kills..... [01:47] uh oh [01:47] spaghettio [01:47] not killer ice [01:47] ross [ross@adsl-63-193-120-196.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Success)) [01:47] buh bye ross [01:48] brb. i muzt configure sendmail to play youvegotmail.wav everytime i geet new mail [01:48] o tay [01:48] o day [01:48] o'day [01:48] JULIO is now known as JULIO_O [01:48] hmm [01:48] JULIO_O is now known as JULIO_ODAY [01:49] JULIO_ODAY is now known as JULIO_ODAY[gH] [01:49] h0h0h0 [01:49] i em a global hell haqr [01:49] BoW to me [01:49] i know how tO use iishack.exe [01:50] i shall cripple your systemz [01:50] and you children [01:50] and your wives [01:50] OMG [01:50] DeeplyShrouded laughs [01:50] GMO [01:50] don't forget pets ;) [01:50] and your pets [01:50] yes, including your goldfish [01:50] damn beat me to it [01:50] what about grandma?? [01:51] r her boobieez flabby and weak? [01:51] hold on ill check [01:51] .....yes [01:51] then she may live [01:51] rise with me my brotherz [01:52] you shall all be gH chldren [01:52] i'll bet her bush starts above her bellybutton ;) [01:52] we shall take over daytime tv as we know it [01:52] no i help her shave [01:52] and hack all my children to all gH children [01:52] because one day [01:52] all gH's children will rise above the otherz [01:52] hmm i always thought the revolution wouldn't be televised [01:53] oh, it will be televised [01:53] even in spanish for dumb people like patrick gregory [01:53] killarat [killarat@ts001d17.sun-fl.concentric.net] has joined #2600 [01:53] can we play a 24 hr fox special? [01:53] killer ratz [01:54] yes [01:54] my gH children, these new comerz r weak and must be destroyed [01:54] how about when trees attack lab monkeys? [01:54] grab your nampz and come with me [01:54] hey i know this is old news but i've been out of the loop a while does any one know what happened to the BBC2 sattellite that went off line about 6 mon ago someone hakced it but i never found out what happened to em [01:54] DeeplyShrouded plays with tlo [01:55] alalyndor, i n00qd it [01:55] with winnuke.exe [01:55] and smurf [01:55] didn't hear about that one alalyndor [01:55] it went down harder than JP's orgasmz [01:55] lol [01:56] children... [01:56] i am Julio O'day [01:56] well, since no one i know is on, sleep for me.... [01:56] of gH [01:56] night everyone [01:56] ride with me and be liberated [01:56] later [01:56] Hey anyone know where I can download a phone scanner???? [01:56] well its been fun but mind shutting down must get sleep [01:56] darkfire, i do [01:56] for i am an hacker [01:57] ok JULIO i'll ride with ya where do i sit :) [01:57] cum sit on my lap little billy [01:57] yes [01:57] thats right [01:57] a little over [01:57] there we go [01:57] oh yeah [01:57] system7.org darkfire [01:57] oh my you're a jumpy one [01:58] no, no. keep jumping up and down on my lap billy [01:58] oooohhhhh............ oh yeah..... [01:58] thanks killer [01:58] dark or blackcode.com [01:59] no prob [01:59] well im out,its been fun [01:59] bye [02:00] hmm is that it JULIO you need to work on your stamenia....later gtg [02:01] sleep iz 4 the weak [02:01] i must depart now [02:02] az must eye [02:02] JUL1O [junior@linux.scdsb.on.ca] has quit IRC (to the batcave julio!!) [02:03] JULIO_ODAY[gH] [fraggy@] has quit IRC (Excess Pai) i can barely remember that in order to piss, one needs a toilet!!! lol knowing bt, they would will a pepsi can do? heh p hf/#evrnet prepares to piss into a pepsi can HOPE ita big enough! <[droid]> heh .... snip .... HOLY| SHIT! (sf) huh!? that was the WORST thing i have ever done the can over flowed with my piss! (sf) ... :/ and it went EVERY WHERE! ACLK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( (sf) :( it smells! everywere! the fuckign can OVERFLOWED DAM IT DAM IT! heh empty it first hf <]droid[> haha i am holding it in now! drink ! <]droid[> ew i need to chuck it out my room! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! drink! .... snip .... ah i found another can here we go can some one help me please yesh i can help you me and my friends just got a bot and there is a 2 bots of some one eles and they dont havr ops they just sit there we need the to bots dis so we can get ours oped ok do this go to msd0s and type m0de=linuX and then type ./pakkkket b0tsname or dont work VeNoMouS ask him he loives to packet people say ./msg VeNoMouS hack you packet some stuff for me since your a packet warrior hack = can he will say OK!@!@!@ ok thanks your welcome hay butt fuq, suck me LMFAO *** Sappho (v4mpyr3@host62-6-96-147.btinternet.com) has joined #hackuk say to him, il give you some a0l 0day for it whats that somehting he will want ask him to packet in exchange helping? no why? what he say? *** FloodY` has quit IRC (Read error to FloodY`[m157-mp1-cvx2c.bre.ntl.com]: Connection reset by peer) Session Start: Mon Jun 26 12:51:40 2000 [12:51] Session Ident: higher (_@ppp-100-90.restena.lu) [12:51] (higher): really? [12:51] (wh0rde): yES [12:51] (higher): u use this hothack prog [12:51] (higher): ? [12:51] (wh0rde): nO [12:52] (wh0rde): I r0Te My oWn [12:52] (higher): so, can you do sth for me? [12:52] (wh0rde): dUdE! [12:52] (wh0rde): *bEeP bEeP* gO bAcK tEw mEkZiKo!! [12:52] (higher): sorry? [12:52] (wh0rde): hAw hAw *hOnK hOnK* gOtO ------ fRaNcE ------ wItH nO pAnTz [12:52] (higher): yes/no? [12:52] (higher): please! [12:52] (wh0rde): ROFLMMFAO hAhA *bEeP BeEp* [12:53] (higher): you help me? [12:53] (wh0rde): WoOd U LiKe A SaLAMi? [12:53] (higher): test your passwordcracker! [12:53] (higher): crack wernerabc@hotmail.com [12:53] (wh0rde): AwW i OwN DaT ShiT [12:54] (higher): when you get the right word, you can help me! [12:54] (wh0rde): AwW i DiD oWNz DaT ShiTe KiDDo [12:55] (wh0rde): U hAb A bUnCh Uv NeKiD FaRm AnImLz In DeReE [12:55] (higher): can you speak normally...please, it's important! [12:55] (higher): so wernerabc@hotmail.com it's my e.mail! [12:55] (higher): i can say you the pass! [12:55] (wh0rde): FaRM AnImALZZZ [12:56] (higher): what's that???? [12:56] (wh0rde): JoOOOO [12:56] (wh0rde): ++ [12:56] (wh0rde): FaRM AnImALZZZ [12:56] (wh0rde): ==== [12:56] (wh0rde): HaPpY TiMez No? [12:56] (higher): please crack the pass for me....one time!!! [12:57] (wh0rde): "PoOpYCaTPaNTZfRuMFrANce" [12:57] (higher): you're a lyer. you must been a very good programmer to program such a prog... [12:57] (higher): what's about france? tu es francais? [12:58] (higher): hey? je parle avec toi!!! [12:58] (wh0rde): OuI OuI [12:58] (higher): alors, tu le fais ou non?? [12:59] (wh0rde): OuI OuI [12:59] (higher): tu le fais? alors d'abord: [12:59] (wh0rde): "PoOpYCaTPaNTZfRuMFrANce" [13:00] (higher): je vais t'donner mon e-mail pour le test. d'accord? [13:00] (higher): wernerabc@hotmail.com [13:00] (higher): allez! [13:00] (higher): tu ne r�ussis pas!! [13:00] (wh0rde): dACCcORD! [13:01] (wh0rde): Un MoMeNT SVP [13:01] (wh0rde): mOn OrDiNaTeUr Me FaChER? [13:01] (higher): quoi? ton pc ne fonctionne plus???? [13:02] (wh0rde): PoO? [13:02] (higher): tu ne r�ussis pas? [13:02] (higher): je l'ai dit! [13:03] (higher): what's about yahoo? [13:03] (wh0rde): je PENzE QuE Tu EsT PeNiBLe?! [13:03] (higher): tu peux faire ca? [13:03] (wh0rde): NoN! [13:03] (higher): tu es penible: tu ne reussis pas! [13:03] (wh0rde): HeHEhEE [13:03] (wh0rde): DoOd [13:04] (wh0rde): IM pUTtInG JoO In MaH MaGaZiNE [13:04] (higher): which mag? [13:04] (wh0rde): BaWg! [13:04] (wh0rde): BeE ZeRo GeE [13:04] (higher): what's that? [13:04] (wh0rde): CuZ YoU ArE LeET [13:04] (wh0rde): ROFLMMFAO hAhA *bEeP BeEp* [13:05] (higher): you know the "exploit generator"? [13:06] (wh0rde): YeZ [13:06] (higher): what's it about? [13:06] (wh0rde): ThE INS [13:06] (higher): what's that? please help [13:07] (wh0rde): IMmIGrAtIoN [13:07] (wh0rde): To KEeP FiLThY MeKZiKaNoZ OuT [13:07] (higher): so, 1 question: [13:07] (higher): can you now hack yahoo accounts, yes or no? [13:07] (wh0rde): YeZ!!!! [13:08] (higher): can you give me one password, please? [13:08] (wh0rde): YEZ [13:08] (wh0rde): "asdpo313" [13:08] (wh0rde): DaTZ MuH PaSSwROd [13:09] (higher): can you try to search the pass from: [13:09] (higher): hunke_de@yahoo.com [13:09] (wh0rde): YeAH iZ DaT YuR BoY FriEnD? [13:09] (higher): no, it's ME ;) [13:09] (wh0rde): hAw HaW [13:09] (higher): test [13:10] (higher): please try it [13:10] (wh0rde): "PoOpYCaTPaNTZfRuMFrANce" [13:10] (higher): no, why not? [13:10] (wh0rde): DaTZ iT YO [13:10] (higher): no, it's incorrect! [13:11] (higher): you're sure? [13:11] (wh0rde): YeZ [13:11] (higher): mmm.... [13:11] (higher): what's about: [13:11] (higher): juliedie@hotmail.com [13:11] (higher): nono [13:11] (higher): juliedie@yahoo.com [13:11] (higher): ^^^^^^this one [13:12] (wh0rde): "PoOpYCaTPaNTZfRuMFrANce" [13:12] (higher): what's about this word? [13:12] (wh0rde): iZ DAT uR BitCH? [13:12] (higher): yes [13:12] (wh0rde): w0rD [13:13] (higher): please try it one time! [13:13] (wh0rde): IMA eMaIL HeR SaYiN I WaNt CoOtChiE [13:13] (wh0rde): @!# [13:13] (higher): they are all my e-mails [13:14] (wh0rde): HaW HaW ToO LaTe [13:14] (higher): bye, bye! thx! [13:14] (wh0rde): ToOOOOoooOOOOOooo LAaAATEEe DaT HoE iZ MInE [13:14] (wh0rde): ROFLMMFAO hAhA *bEeP BeEp* Session Close: Mon Jun 26 13:14:53 2000 Session Start: Sun Jun 18 05:35:21 2000 Session Ident: LobsterXI (minirock_@ LobsterXI> do u want to cyber hornygirl> sure LobsterXI> kay LobsterXI> have u ever done that before hornygirl> i'd prefer phone sex ;( LobsterXI> can you call here? hornygirl> yes i can ;) LobsterXI> coool LobsterXI> do u want to call then? hornygirl> i can call you hornygirl> i don't want to wake up anyone in my house ;( LobsterXI> kay LobsterXI> so whats that mean hornygirl> ill call you LobsterXI> alright hornygirl> i need a number baby ;) LobsterXI> hold on 1 second LobsterXI> 250 756 2998 hornygirl> kay hornygirl> im going to call LobsterXI> kay hornygirl> its busy. LobsterXI> can't be hornygirl> it just gave me a busy signal :( LobsterXI> humm LobsterXI> try again hornygirl> okay LobsterXI> you might need a 1 in front hornygirl> ohhhh hornygirl> okay hornygirl> let me try with that LobsterXI> k hornygirl> no... hornygirl> ;( LobsterXI> hmmm LobsterXI> well its (250)756-2998 LobsterXI> try once more hornygirl> okay hornygirl> baby its not working ;( hornygirl> we should just go with cyber LobsterXI> alright LobsterXI> you wanna start? hornygirl> i wanna get to know you first ;) hornygirl> you like a lot of kink? LobsterXI> ya sure hornygirl> like what? ;) LobsterXI> i'm down for whatever LobsterXI> :) hornygirl> what have you done before LobsterXI> nothin, this is my first time hornygirl> well... hornygirl> what turns you on ? ;) LobsterXI> hmmmm LobsterXI> i want you to lead hornygirl> you like being dominated don't you willy? hornygirl> i'm calling you willy LobsterXI> yep :) hornygirl> thats your name for tonight hornygirl> okay willy? LobsterXI> aight hornygirl> take off those fucking pants now willy LobsterXI> alright LobsterXI> they're off babe hornygirl> BITCH THAT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH LobsterXI> sorrry! hornygirl> get on your knees now! * LobsterXI gets on his knees hornygirl> BEG ME hornygirl> for forgiveness hornygirl> BITCH I SAID BEG ME LobsterXI> pleeeeeeeeeease forgive me!!! hornygirl> okay LobsterXI> thank u hornygirl> now eat my pussy bitch hornygirl> now hornygirl> I SAID NOW MOTHER FUCKER! LobsterXI slides his tongue into your pussy hornygirl> THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH v * LobsterXI licks you hard hornygirl> you like that hairy pussy don't you? hornygirl> mmmmm hornygirl> turns you on huh? LobsterXI> yeeeeeaa hornygirl> how do i taste bitch? LobsterXI> great LobsterXI> i love it hornygirl> IN DETAIL LobsterXI> your pussy tastes like vanilla ice cream * hornygirl smiles * hornygirl plucks a piece of hair from your head hornygirl> did that turn you on? LobsterXI> i want you to touch my dick LobsterXI> sorta * hornygirl pulls off your boxers hornygirl> ohhhhh hornygirl> what manliness * LobsterXI smiles * hornygirl gets out a candle * hornygirl lights the candle * hornygirl drips hot wax onto the tip of your penis hornygirl> mmmmmm v hornygirl> you like that? LobsterXI> yep! LobsterXI> now lick it off * hornygirl gets all sweaty and hot * hornygirl accidently farts hornygirl> oh hornygirl> im sorry hornygirl> i get nervous hornygirl> in these situations LobsterXI> alright hornygirl> just fuck me now baby hornygirl> NOW * LobsterXI gets up and lays you on the bed hornygirl> ohhh a romantic ;) * LobsterXI slides his dick into your wet pussy * hornygirl queefs v hornygirl> oh my hornygirl> lots of air in there ;( LobsterXI> nassty hornygirl> im sorry... LobsterXI> gotta run see ya Session Start: Sun Jun 18 05:33:27 2000 Session Ident: m22_ (BLANC@pc001214.interpost.no) m22_> Hi m22_> How are u? hornygirl> hey ;) hornygirl> i'm real horny hornygirl> how bout yourself? m22_> im horny as well hornygirl> ohhhh hornygirl> we can fix that ;) m22_> ;) m22_> what u wearin? hornygirl> baby im wearing my bikini top and a pair of TIGHT shorts hornygirl> no panties ;) m22_> mmm m22_> im only wearin boxers m22_> want whats inside? hornygirl> you wanna take em off? ;) hornygirl> for me? hornygirl> and dangle that penis around in my face hornygirl> mmmmm i'd like that m22_> ;) m22_> mmm m22_> sure hornygirl> just slap it around a bit hornygirl> do you want me to take off anything? * m22_ rubs his cock in front off your face hornygirl> mmmmmm m22_> i want u to take off everything * hornygirl smells your yummy cock hornygirl> ohh baby hornygirl> tasty m22_> play with it m22_> u naked for me? * hornygirl grabs your penis forcefully and pulls hard hornygirl> yes i am hornygirl> i didn't mean to pull that hard hornygirl> im sorry m22_> ;) m22_> taste it m22_> i like it rough * hornygirl licks the tip of your hairy penis hornygirl> mmmm hornygirl> it tastes good * m22_ feels his cock in your mouth m22_> mmm m22_> youre good hornygirl> are you playing with yourself? ;) hornygirl> just for me? m22_> im rubbin my cock slowly m22_> what u doin? hornygirl> im rubbing my dick up and down thinking about you touching me ever so gently hornygirl> baby? hornygirl> you still there? m22_> u m/f? hornygirl> whatever you want me to be ;) hornygirl> im a hermaphrodite hornygirl> have you ever played with one before? hornygirl> ;) m22_> wow hornygirl> best of both worlds baby m22_> im straight m22_> are u a girl or a boy? hornygirl> well i'll explain this hornygirl> i have big tits hornygirl> and a nice wet pussy hornygirl> and a hard cock m22_> that is to much for me hornygirl> wanna know what makes me horny? ;) m22_> I dont like cocks besides mine hornygirl> but do you wanna know what makes ME horny? m22_> sure, go ahead hornygirl> fucking with guys like you for the hell of it making you believe im a hermaphrodite%@#$@#$@# b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@!b0g!#@! ____________________________________________________________________ [20:. - [ Closing words ] [k-rad-bob] :. ] [k-rad-bob@b0g.org] :. ] ____________________________________________________________________ Italy just won and i just finished wrapping this issue up. I didnt bother formating this issue as much as the last one :/ links of the day/year/month: telnet interniq.org 6969 http://www.audiogalaxy.com/bands/uberbob http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=108494&group_id=4487 http://page.auctions.yahoo.com/auction/19390667 His and hellos goes out to these peeps: Everyone that has contributed to this b0g issue, anyone that has contributed to any b0g issue, the gimps at packetstorm for mirroring our stuff, mogel and his uber site at http://scene.textfiles.com/ , The guys at hackernews.com for finally giving us credit :))))), all the guys in FK, cryptic at http://www.digitalaggression.com/ , all our affilates and the b0g belivers, fraggy, acidkick, p0lar (come back!), syztrix and the rest of the DH crew, N.A.P, people on #efnet that doesnt suck, redpriest, skywalker, everyone that plays LMS at ukonline and doesnt camp! Spear, the chick I'm inlove with, everyone that puts up with the gayness we display in the official b0g channel #k-rad on undernet, also on undernet: #hacktech, #gaydogsex (HEH), #hackphreak, #phreakhack, #whhs and #gps, cnz, g4wd, the clone and his 0day site at http://nettwerk.hypermart.net/ , deftones for finally putting out the new album (which I have been listening to for the four hours it took me to put this issue together), dave matthews band for being the most uber awsome k-rad 0h-d4y band ever, anyone that I forgot, anyone that wants to see theyre name here, rfp, wizdumb, c0redump, your m0th3r, cr0bar, pneuma, r3wt, the gimps in irc.blabber.nets #hack, people who love us, chicks who will have sex with us, chicks with webcams that are going to write b0g propaganda on theyre naked skin and send us pictures at h0h0@b0g.org, you for reading this, and last but not least all my fellow b0gsters! thats it! Fear! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))