# anada "Casual Expression: # 228 The Intro" +### +### +#### +### # # # # # # # # # # by # # # ## # # # # # # 03 SlainElf # .# ## # # .# # .# # .# dec *### * # * *### * *### * *### * 2000 .+#################################################################.net understand what the word means just by the context or even the conditioning. just because webster recognition is unrealized does not imply that the word is meaningless. and yes, ain�t went through the same trend a while ago, but isn�t as substantial as this should be. so many possibilities. kind of like latin or newspeak, maybe. and just maybe just mentioning a dictionary�s lack of words speaks too little. some words wrong altogether. a lot stems from dis-. such as disinterested. supposed to mean apathetic. not one way or another, but should mean: more than uninterested; less than interested. how about disimpressed. digressing from impressed. negatively impress. happens a lot. when someone says unimpressed, they most likely allude to something that was done to impress that didn�t make the grade (gotta hate the cliche� in general). disimpression occurs when someone does something and makes a c minus. emphasis on minus. disinterest and disimpression. and even dissatisfied. just a few. other words stem from ___-rity. such as awarity. which probably grew out of clarity. pay attention to the little things. not actually the details, more like the subtle nuances. the things people do that get me so much. the things that they probably never give a second thought. and yeah, someone said something to the effect of second glances often wiser than first impressions, but if awarity was as readily taught as trying to see people for who they are on the inside, life might run so much smoother. people wear these outside faces for a reason. honesty is dead or at least dying in that pretense. and this should be an intro to the last thing written: introspection/extrospection i think. explains so much. not just that. this could (should/ and very well may be an intro to something else) the fact that it explains another nuance (and explanation is something wholly needed; kills when there�s none). what other subtlety does this soon to be wanna-be intro actually explain? how some musicians write albums and then insert the intro as track four or somewhere other than the name designate... used to think put slyly to be witty, but actually some justification may be looming. things as such are those nuances previously spoken of. but back to the intro i guess. offension (another one for webster, but use previous learning and context) played a major role. do unto others what you don�t expect them to do to you. one of many rules. don�t believe i�m above others, just figured something. and she had to be interested. i thought (things will be entirely over when i can fully stop talking in the implied fragmented first person and completely start using the letter i pronoun. strange that i is a pronoun for the first person though. referring to yourself in the third person is like saying: michael doesn�t want to do this anymore. but i replaces michael right? first and third person too interrelated. mass confusion is abound. reason why english flawed? latin so perfect. understood persons. too much though, third conjugation, second declension nominitive, and gotta love special -ius adjectives) and still think she was. sort of. example, small details (not nuances) spoke i thought. until more of a connection took place. and realization of face wearing dishonesty set in. shouldn�t have to try so hard to live up to everyone�s expectations of. how you expect yourself to act.* if you don�t like me, please tell me, i�ll love you more for that. *before this sentence is where the intro should have ended. but order means nothing only meaning. .+########################################################################## anada228 by SlainElf (c) 2000 ###################################################################anada.net