* * * * * * * * A A N N A A D D A A A A N N N A A D D A A A A N N N A A D D A A A *** A N N A *** A D D A *** A A A N N A A D D A A A ****************************** A A "aNAda's First Fan Letter" aNAda #6 A A A A by Juicy A$$ 02/08/00 A A A ******************************************************************** From: Juicy A$$ [xxxxxxxxxx@webtv.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 8:22 PM To: anada@anada.net Subject: captain christian You bastards!! God is gonna send you to the fiery cauldrens of blackest hell you sick nazi shits!!! may your children's eyes be ripped out by the family dog. I cannot fathom how people like you can get recognition in today's world. It's all those goddamn Jews' fault. You're all Jews!!!! I bet ANADA is some jew word meaning "We don't believe that jesus christ was our personal savior so we're all going to hell and we're fine with that because we are just dumb jews" Well I got news for ya you BASTARDS!! Me and every other god fearing christian knows your asses are going straight to hell for all eternity, and if I ever see one of you out on the street, I'll spit on your shoes and shine 'em, cause as soon as you pull out the money this page has potentially taken from my pocket, (because now there is one less spot for me, and one more spot for the Jews.) to pays me for a job well done, I will Slit your Jew throat and take back all the money that is rightfully mine!!!!!!! Die Jewish Anada Bastards!!!!! DIE �*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*�*����� If Jesus was still alive today. I'd slice off his dick and replace it with a herring. I would then, run naked through the streets of Dophin proclaiming, "AHHHHH The Savior tried to rape me!! When he shoved his creamy white penis up my ass, I had to cut it off with a rusty spoon!! I just had to!!" "(Anyone want a piece of Jesus, only $20!)" {**************************************************************************} { (c)2000 aNAda e'zine * * aNAda006 * by Juicy A$$ } **************************************************************************