============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 42 - 3rd May 2002 1:04am URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Author : Steak, ======================= We advise... ======================================= I can't sleep turning over again and again in an endless washing machine style circle I want to talk I'm lonely, lonely and scared scared of what will happen. "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" what will happen when I tell her. I'm in trouble I want to talk, but can't "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" this may be the last time, the last time I can here what I want to here I want to make the most of it I want to talk all night, possibly for the last time "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" I�m still scared, is this the end? I�m not evil, I'm just stupid, stupid and ignorant I�m also ashamed, and lonely. "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" I still can't sleep I feel really sad this is the calm before the storm in twelve hours I will know the answers but by then it may be too late "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" She said it would be on why is it now on? I need to talk to say what I am feeling I need to tell someone if not her, then the outside world someone must be there anyone? anyone? "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" I thought not this is hurting from the inside out "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" I feel like I�m going to be sick that bloody lady so cheery, so apologetic "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" what if it was her in my situation? what if it was her trying to get through to someone who she needed to talk to? would she be as apologetic to herself I think not "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" screw her yeah yeah I�m sorry to we're all sorry sorry for stuff we did but it�s in the past if only we could go back there would be so much I would change change for the better to warn myself "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" but that will never happen the past is written in stone un changeable not even by erosion not in a million years "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" in one million years will this even matter anymore? doesn't change anything it matters now, that�s all that matters all that matters now "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" I still can't sleep and I�m still sad and I�m still lonely still sorry. "We advise that the mobile number you are trying to call is currently switched off or unavailable, please call again later" ============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 42 - 3rd May 2002 1:04am (C) Steak May 2002 ============================================================================