============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 13 - 14th March 2002 URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Author : Steak, im not mainstream, really ========================= "Mainstream" People ============================== I really can't stand people who don't like something just because it's mainstream and they want to feel that they are in someway special because they are different, to other people. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being an individual and I like many things that the 'mainstream' crowd would frown on, but I don't dislike something just because it's popular I have heard people condemning the matrix on the internet simply because its a popular film that people like, they say it has no story line, no plot, it�s just an action flick and an excuse to over use "bullet time" photography. That Keanu Reeves had no acting talent and that they keep expecting him to go "Whoa dude, excellent" But when ever I here somebody say these things I can't help but think they are just saying it to try and be different and cool. The matrix had a very imaginative and original plot, the fact that we are living a lie of a life, that the entire world is just some sort of imaginary holodeck created to keep us in order while the machines harvest energy off us to keep them going. It was a plot that really made me think for months after i wathced it. Which is more than I can say for most films coming out these days. And as for Keanu's acting it was amazing, he is a very accomplished actor and really knows how to play the part well. and as for the feeling that he would burst into Ted 'Theodore' Logan, i got over that feeling after i saw him in speed, so why can't they? You get the same thing with titanic, a beautiful, engaging film, with sensational believable acting and a perfect cast, the film stirred up emotions in me and if a film can do that then its worth a page or two in my book. And if, like titanic i still feel those feelings the eighth time watching it then all the better. Yet people continue to damn the film everywhere i read, for what reason? it was the most successful film of all time and of course they can't be seen as being too mainstream. And in the alien franchise, the second film was definitely the best film of the entire series, but because it is the best, and because most people find it so, there is a select group that feel they can define themselves by choosing the in superior first or third films over it. I feel that people do this to try tell to people "I am different. i do not agree with your point of view, i have my own life and i will make my own decisions and because of this i hate this film, i am a rebel and i don't care what you think. But people need to realize that to do this you need to listen to your heart, You need to decide for yourself how you feel about things. You need to realize that it doesn�t matter they are mainstream or not, its what you and you alone feel about it that matters. If you like it don't let anybody else tell you otherwise. Enjoy it, enjoy that you are enjoying it and feel good in the fact that you made a decision all on your own for once. If you don't like it, don't let yourself get pulled in, i didn't like gladiator or blade runner or any of the star wars movies, not because everyone else loves them but because i just couldn't sit through them and keep my attention on them. I found them rather boring i know that other people think they are great and i can see the appeal in the star wars movies and i actually wish that i liked them, but i don't and i can't help that. Maybe i will get into them later, maybe not. The main point i am trying to make, if you didn't guess it already is that it is important to like things that you like not other people like, be an individual not a sheep following the crowd, however if you like what the crowd likes then being a sheep is ok, as long as you an individual sheep, if that makes any sense. Hell, none of this makes sense. ============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 13 - 14th March 2002 (C) Steak March 2002 ============================================================================