============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 9 - 25th February 2002 URL: http://www.adden.tr.cx/ Author: Steak.....Abort, Retry, Fail? ======================== 486dx2 vs. the brain ============================== What�s more intelligent, a human brain or a 486dx2? A 486dx2 can do multiple million calculations a second you could never hope to do that, just try it get a pen and paper sit down and see if you can do it. You can't can you; I can't and if I can't then you cant either. But if I asked you to write me a story with a beginning a middle and an ending add to that a twist in the ending and some good character development, you could do that. You could write a long story, you may not want to and you may find it boring but a 486dx2 couldn�t even do the first line. A 486dx2 couldn't make you a cup of coffee It couldn't even get to the kettle to turn it on, if the kettle was some how hooked up to the computer then it could perhaps turn it on but it would not be able to mix it. It would not be able to get a perfect mix of coffee milk, sugar and boiling water. It couldn't help you when you brake your leg, It may be able to bandage you up if some kind of robotic arm was attached to it, but it could never have a bedside manner and make you feel more at ease with yourself. A human can A 486dx2 couldn't experience emotions, or for that matter pain, there are no ifs or buts about this, it won�t be able to feel pain it wont be able to feel happy, sad, annoyed or any of the emotions we humans take for granted. a human brain could do all of that and more. but a 486dx2 is faster and more efficient, It could stay awake for a year straight and crunch seti numbers or fold proteins without having to sleep, it could play duke nukem all day long if it was programmed to. It could go on forever. I don't know a single human brain that can do that. yet I would much rather have a brain than a 486dx2 commanding me, that is because I value emotions and feelings over fast calculation speeds. Is that right? If I had a 486dx2 for a brain then I�d probably just crash ============================================================================ Addendum Issue# 9 - 25th February 2002 (C) Steak February 2002 ============================================================================