---------------------------------------------------------------------- Addendum / 3.1 / Wednesday the 14th of May 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Little Aden' By Steak ������������������������ Little Aden was having a birthday party. His friend little Johnny came over and looked at his �happy birthday� banner. Johnny looked for a while and then asked why it was little Aden was celebrating his one year, three month and one day birthday as apposed to celebrating his one-year birthday like most normal people. Aden wondered about this and said, "well why do you celebrate your birthday every year and not your birthday, three months and one day?" Johnny was disgruntled by this and declared right there and then that little Aden was a �stupid pooh pooh head� Upset by this uncharacteristic out lash of profanity Aden burst into tears. "Your so silly little Johnny!" he cried "the truth of the matter is that I was bored with my surroundings, I was annoyed with my life, it was becoming something I didn�t like. Then a whole load of shit came up and I had to go away! I didn�t want to, but I had to, anyway, the fuzz has died down now and as a result, I�m back. Unfortunately while I was away I missed my birthday, so I decided when I got back to celebrate my birthday plus the amount of time I�ve missed since then, give me a break baby!" "Well then" said little Johnny "Why did you decide to celebrate your birthday, three months and one day instead of just having a �welcome back� party?" "Because I wanted to be different!" was all little Aden could think to say. And he was right, he was different. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What you just read was copyright the respective author who should appear at the top of the page. Addendum just passes the file on to you: the reader. Should you wish to copy this file and give it to anyone else your more than welcome but please leave the file exactly how it is now. Thankyou. ----------------------------------------------------------------------