Issue 6 Volume 2 * * * T H E A B U S E R * * * Contents: Disclaimer..... Letter From The Editor..... CAFBL News...... Underground News..... How To Blow Up A Car by The Crowe (last release)..... Phreakers Fone Book v1.2...... How To Get DELPHI For Free by Rush 2..... How To Make Bombs by Spooky..... How To Use MCI Cards And Not Get Caught by Kaos...... Michigan Bell Document by Black Ice..... How To Get Fake ID's by Dog'N'Dirt..... Freedom Of Speech In School by Dash...... The Telepass Calling Card by Morpheus..... How Not To Caught Using Drugs by TRiP..... Fun At Malls by Death's Servant..... DISCLAIMER: I nor any other person involved with the writing, programming, or Distribution of THE ABUSER take no responsibility for the person(s) that read or obtain this magazine. The information in this magazine is SOLELY for informational purposes only and anything described in this magazine SHOULD NOT be attempted, since some material is ILLEGAL. Furthermore, I nor any other person involved with THE ABUSER DO NOT guarantee all or any information in this magazine to be one-hundred percent true and/or effective. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: Sorry for the long delay. Our major set back this month was due to me deleting the only copy of The Abuser issue 6 I had. Thank god Rush 2 had a copy of it printed out. So I would like to thank Rush 2 for taking the time to re-type it. I think it's worth the wait though since this is probably THE biggest issue so far. Well enjoy babbling, ENJOY! CAFBL NEWS: CAFBL has dropped some members and picked up some new quality members. We have assembled the best hackers and phreaks in 215 and asked them to join CAFBL. Here is a member and distro site listing. _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ /. ___\ /. . \ /. ___\ / . \ / | /: |____/: | \/: ____\/. l _\/. l > l/ > . > l <: I <: | \_______/\___|___/\___| \_______/\_____: Computer Abuse Force For Better Living < Senior Staff Members > Dark Phiber (Founder) - Dash (Co-Founder) Spiff (Senior Staff) - Black Ice (Senior Staff) - Optic (Charter Member) < Writers > Dark Phiber - Black Ice - Spooky - Kamui - Rush 2 - The Professor Mad Arab - Death's Servant - Kaos - TRiP Bones - Dog 'n' Dirt - Milamber < Coders > Spiff - Acid Relapse - Breezer - Frank-n-Stine < Artists > Dash - Corruption - Morpheus < Distro Sites > SoS (201 HQ).....................Mad Arab.....................201-728-3881 The Undercity (209 HQ)............Korrupt.....................209-PRI-VATE The Hacker Crackdown (WHQ)......Dark Phiber...................215-PRI-VATE Mogel-Land (215 Distro)............Mogel......................215-732-3413 Highland ][ (215 Distro).....Groo The Wanderer................215-364-0926 The Napalm Cocktail (219 HQ)....Apothecary....................219-662-0363 The Complex (410 HQ)............Trackistar....................410-720-5305 The Ice House (West HQ)..........The Chief....................509-536-8103 Unforseen Danger (610 HQ).........Rush 2......................610-954-7360 Twisted Reality (610 Distro)....Wolverine X...................610-459-3503 Psychotic Rebellion(610 Distro)Midnight Marauder..............610-262-1664 Cyttorak (Southern HQ).............Bane.......................713-265-4059 Psychotic Reflections (East HQ)....Kamui......................718-981-6387 Death's Playground (803 HQ).....Black Death...................803-445-7632 UNDERGROUND NEWS: Boy Caught Beige Boxing January 12, 12:04 am A 15 year-old Bethlehem boy was caught outside a business in the 600 block of Lehigh St. in Bethlehem, PA last night. He was charged allegedly with prowling and attempting to make a phone call from outside a local business. Information Is Illegally Traveled On The Information Super Highway NEW YORK, (AP) - The infobahn turned into the info-gone on Christmas day when sophisticated computer hackers used the Internet to break in and take over the computer of a well known computer security expert, The New York Times reported. A federal computer security agency today was to outline the ways to prevent the intrusions the Times said. Computer experts are warning that the intruders could copy or destroy the documents or even work undetected by masquerading as an authorized user. Tsutomu Shimomura (sic) a well-known computer security specialist at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, said the culprit took over his computer on December 25, controlling it for more than a day and electronically stealing a large number of computer security programs. Several attacks have been reported since then, but the exact number is unknown. About 20 million people use the global Internet. "Essentially everyone is vulnerable" said James Settle, a former FBL computer crime expert who is now an executive at the Inet Corp., a computer security firm. Officials of the government-backed Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), said the new assaults are a warning that better security precautions must be taken before business dive into the Internet. The response team at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh plans to post an advisory today(1/23/95) on the Internet, alerting users to the attacks and urging them to use security programs, the Times said. The intruders fool computers into believing that a message is coming from a trusted source. By posing as a familiar computer, an attacker can get access to protected computer resources and seize control of what was considered a well guarded system. Classified government computer systems are not thought to be at risk because they are not directly connected to the Internet, the newspaper said. The Internet was originally created by academic researchers to share computer data easily. The Times said the security warning to be issued today will include a list of brands of computers that can use a program to guard against the hacking method known as "Internet Protocol Spiffing". HOW TO BLOW UP A CAR BY THE CROWE: How to blow up a car. First you need to go out and get some Draino, Comet, those little soap pellets,(you know the kind where you put them in the bathtub and the outer parts melts off, leaving the soap.) and last a syringe. Once you have all of these things in your possession then you are ready to begin. Mix the Draino and the Comet in a container use just a little bit more Draino than Comet. After you do this and they are mixed together pretty good, get one of those lovely soap balls (hopefully you got the biggest ones that they had) and the syringe. Stick the syringe in one of the soap balls and extract all of the soap that is in there. It might be a good idea to heat up the syringe so that it goes in easier. Now extract some of your Draino and Comet mixture and fill the soap ball with it. All you have to do is put a couple of these babies in someone's gas tank and when they get their motor started and everything gets heated up... POW! KABLAAM! BOOM! The outer part of the soap balls will melt leaving your mixture of Draino and Comet which will eat through the gaslines, almost always causing the whole car to blow sky high! PHREAKERS FONE BOOK v1.2: Here is installment number 3 of the Phreakers Fone book. I have those PBX number for you in this segment. 1-800-245-0033 - 4 Digit 1-800-221-9600 - Extender 1-800-288-8845 - Extender 1-800-321-6902 - Extender 1-800-999-3339 - Extender 1-800-621-5640 - Extender 1-800-638-2633 - Extender 1-800-882-2255 - Extender 1-800-223-1270 - Extender 1-800-482-4848 - Allnet Customer Service 1-800-536-3273 - Allnet Customer Service 1-800-783-1444 - Allnet Extender [0+ACN+11 Digit code] 1-800-333-8888 - Extender 1-800-200-0000 - 3 DIGIT PBX 1-800-933-0552 - PBX [First Code is 25410] 1-800-444-9606 - PBX 1-800-864-0808 - PBX 1-800-899-4480 - Cable and Wireless PBX HOW TO GET DELPHI FOR FREE BY RUSH 2: The first thing that you must remember is that it is easy and fairly safe. To start get a copy of a magazine, a computer magazine. Now go to the back of the magazine to the advertiser's index. Look up Delphi international or something like that. Ok, once you find it and turn it to the pay it will give the regular boring info about it. The stuff for the lamers. Now it gives you a number to call voice, 1-800-365-4636. Call that with your modem. Or if you already have a tymnet dial-up number (or sprintnet) you can call that and connect delphi. As your user name use joindelphi. Now if you are calling your tymnet number or the given inwats number (1-800 for you lamers), the tymnet way is preferable because you are less likely to be traced (which probably wont happen anyway. Now use the password that it gives your which will be something like pcc99a, it depends on which magazine you used. Now use a credit card number generator like Cmaster2, It does not matter as long as it works. REMEMBER this rule, never use the same number twice because wont let you, and 2 you will in-danger your life as a free man. Now that you have signed up and selected a tymnet or sprintnet dial-up you will have to call their 800# customer support line to verify this information. Remember when you sign up to use a GOOD, easily accessible dump site to keep the account longer. Enjoy it and abuse it. have fun. HOW TO MAKE BOMBS BY SPOOKY: Ok this is my first article for this kick ass group and since this is also the first anarchy(note: this word is not being used correctly and I will only use it till I can find a good substitute for it but I digress) article in here(as far I know) I figured I'd start my (hopefully long) career as a writer for CAFBL with a article on some quick and easy bombs that you may/may not have heard of before. If you don't like this I'm sorry but tough shit. When you get into a group you can write about anything you want to. Well here we go! Hydrogen Bomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There aren't many people who do not know how to make one of these but I thought I'd cover it anyway. This is a very easy bomb to make. All you need is Liquid Draino or muric acid, aluminium foil, and an airtight container(I use a 2 liter soda bottle). What you do is put the Liquid Draino or muric acid into the soda bottle(or whatever you're using) and then add aluminium foil balls. This mixture will react to make hydrogen. Now there are lots of things you can do with this. The simplest would be to cap it tightly and the hydrogen will build up pressure and burst the container. But that's no fun since there is no fire produced. A better thing to do is put a balloon on the container, let it fill with hydrogen, put a fuse in there, tie it, light the fuse and let go...Wallah you have a miniature Hindenburg Or you could just drill a hole in the cap(assuming you are using a 2 liter bottle), stick a fuse in, and lastly seal it with clay so no precious gas escapes. Co2 Cartridge Bomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are pretty well known but I figure what the hell. All you need is black powder, fusing, and either clay or wax(clay is definitely safer to use unless you don't mind losing fingers.) What you do is saw off the small neck of the cartridge and fill it with black powder. Next put in a fuse and light. You could also wrap it in wire for shrapnel, or tape and thick paper for a loud bang. A variation on this is to not plug it so it will be like a rather quick and dangerous bottle rocket. Napalm ^^^^^^^^ You almost have to have been living in a cave not to have heard of how to make this stuff but in case you were I'm gonna cover it anyway. What you need is lots of Styrofoam and some gasoline, lighter fluid(optional- I find that it makes it easier to light after it has lain around for awhile), a container(I use old coffee cans). To make it fist take the Styrofoam and rip it into little pieces and put it in the coffee can(or whatever you are using as a container) and pour the gas on it, careful not to pour too much(I use about a little less than a 1/3 of a cup per coffee can full of Styrofoam) If you do add too much gas don't worry. You can just add more Styrofoam till the desired consistency is reached. I usually put it outside for a night so it jells then I add a few drops of lighter fluid and stir so it lights a little better. You can use this stuff to write on wood, as a very cruel practical joke, help start a fire that just doesn't seem to want to stay alive, and start just about anything on fire. Use your imagination. I will have a project in which you will use this in an upcoming issue so look out for it! Exploding flints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These aren't really bombs but they are kinda neat, cheap, and need no preparation. First get some flints.(you can get 10 of them for like 50 cents at Rite-Aid or wherever). What you do is hold the flints(not in your HAND stupid..use a pair of tweezers or something) and heat it till it looks wrinkled and then turns red. Then throw it against something and it will burst into a shower of sparks. They are neat and you can scare the shit outta someone real good if you pretend like you are just throwing a rock or something. You can also use these as ignition devices if you are a good aim. Or you could put black powder on the ground and throw one of these on it and REALLY scare the shit outta something. Also if you have a real stupid friend you could show him/her the trick them sell him/her flints for a really outrageous price and tell them that they are getting a real good deal or something. You get the idea. Lightbulb Bomb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are very nasty and I would no recommend you building them. The only reason I'm telling you is because I feel that I must spread any knowledge I have and if you do something bad with it then it's your choice. You will need lightbulbs, gas, and a needle. Take the needle and fill it with gas. then stick the needle inside of the bulb by going in between the metal part and the glass. You may have to open it up a little with a knife. Put gas in there till you feel you put enough in there. Now put it in a lamp. When the lamp is turned on the red hot filament inside the bulb will ignite the gas which will burst the bulb, spreading flames everywhere. Smoke Bombs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ahh the always fun smoke bomb. You only need two chemicals for this: saltpeter and sulphur. What you do is mix the two at a 2|1 ratio (saltpeter|sulphur). Next heat the mixture on the stove under low heat(you don't want a whole batch of this stuff going off inside of your house, trust me) until it melts. Then you can pour it into a mold or cast or a paper cup. Stick a fuse in it and it's ready to go! There are many uses for this kind of smoke bomb. for instance you can put one in the school ventilation system(that should get you outta class for awhile and the smoke has some....uhhh..rather startling effects on the human male's body if you know what i mean), put one in the bathroom or a mall or something and shout "Fire!!", you can shove some of this stuff up a cars muffler and the heat from the car will ignite the combination, spewing smoke out an making people wonder how that car passed emissions. Watch soon for another article by me on a project you can make with this stuff. Flame Thrower ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This uses the relatively old concept of a can of hairspray and candle. but the difference is you don't have to hold the candle so you don't have to get burnt anymore. All you need to do is take some stiff wire and bend it like this: ___________________________ �---------- ------\ Sorry bout the pic � /------ I suck at ASCII drawings ____� __� (side view) ___________ / \ ______ / \ / \ � __________�------------- ___/ \ / \____/ \__________/ (overhead view) Eek again sorry bout the pic bit it's hard to explain. It's basically on loop around the hairspray can then it comes down and out to the middle of the loop to support the can. The other side is two loops around the candle and then it comes down and to the middle of the two loops to support the candle. Sorry if this doesn't make sense but I'm like half asleep right now. HOW TO USE YOUR MCI CARD AND NOT GET CAUGHT BY KAOS: Ok. Your MCI card # is .............. this card will not last long so please abuse the fuck out of it while you have it. Here's what to do. First dial "0" and wait for the operator. Tell her that the "2" is broken on your phone. Then ask her to please connect you to 1-800-950-1022. She will say ok or whatever and you will hear it ringing. When it picks up you will hear a tone for about 3 seconds. After the tone, Enter 06105551212 to test it. If you don't want to test it and you want to use it right away, just dial 0, the area code and number you want to call. After you are done this, You will hear another 3 second tone. Now dial in the MCI card number above. You will dial in ALL 14 DIGITS of the card. Pin included. After this you will hear two short tones and it will ring. If this happens then the card is working. If you get a short message saying re-enter your card # then it is invalid or you screwed up entering it the first time. Try it again and if it says please hold for the MCI operator than hang up! The card will last for 3 days at the minimum to 1 year at the max (Only if the card owner is really stupid though) Now you have a valid MCI card. EXPLANATION of DIALING "0" Ok. This is simple. MCI has this thing called an ANI. An ANI is an Automatic Number Identification. This is very important. If you call from your home phone without using "0", MCI will look up your ANI to see if it is a hacked account. This is why "0" must be dialed. I have tried this method and it is 100% untracable. ��+�����Kaos.Cafbl.Filth�����+�� MICHIGAN BELL DOCUMENT BY BLACK ICE: This is a document I found when trashing. Re-typed for the hell of it. It is a list of non-published Michigan Bell employees info. Also I have included some other fun numbers if you live in the Michigan Bell Area. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date. Jan,6,95 Department. Corporate Security Centralized Nonpub Bureau for number plan areas: 313 517 616 906 Authorization to obtain nonpublished telephone numbers. Respons Company ibility Office NAME TITLE SOC. SEC. # Code telephone # ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------------ Karen A. Heathman Manager - 1 383-58-0391 MD2351000 906-225-6265 Sandra J. Quayle Manager - 1 366-46-4055 MD2352000 906-225-6262 Lynne C. Barnett Manager - 1 385-52-8539 MD2353000 616-941-2539 Debra M. Martin-Ring Manager - 1 383-62-5882 MD2352000 906-225-6262 Sgeila J. Maki Area Manager ??????????? MD235000 906-225-6260 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� And here are the phun Michigan Bell numbers, some only work in Michigan. But there are also some numbers that work outside of Michigan. NAME Phone # Fax # ��������� ����������� ����������� Coin Offices 1-800-441-1409 1-313-496-9875 CVC 1-810-984-9640 1-810-984-7089 FASC/FACC 1-800-321-4073 1-810-984-7089 SASC Offices (Federal Gov. Accounts) (8) 528-8340 SASC Offices (RCC) (8) 528-8269 Vender Service Center 1-800-482-0647 1-800-482-3786 Well I hope you have some phun with those numbers, I know alot of you cant use them since your not in Michigan. HOW TO GET FAKE ID'S BY DOG'N'DIRT: Table of Contents 1.1 The counterfeit-forgery method for getting birth certificates 3.0 The infant death method of getting a birth certificate 7.3 Getting a fake drivers license 8.4 Ancillary Documentation 9.6 Social Security Cards 12.6 Applying for a Social Security Card 22.9 Mail Drops 24.2 Closing The corner stone of all identity is the birth certificate. It is the most widely accepted form of ID in the US. Birth certificates are as varied as the people who posses them. They have no photographs, and rarely finger or footprints. The only really consistent aspect is that they are invariably signed by a doctor or hospital administrator. Two Ways Of Getting One There are two ways commonly used to get a birth certificate under another name. One is the counterfeit-forgery method, the other is the infant-death method. 1.1 Counterfeit-Forgery Method (short-term) The counterfeit-forgery method can be used to obtain all valid info except for a passport. This method is simple, effective, and takes little time. Forging a birth certificate involves taking a valid document and altering the info within its four corners. One easy and effective method for obtaining blank birth certificates is to purchase them as hospitals often do, from a document supply company. This can either be done by telephone or in person, but you must establish yourself as a legit purchaser, as every supplier has a different sales policy. For example if I were to call a supplier, I might identify myself as the administrator of Acme Hospital looking for a new supplier of forms. I could then request a copy of their catalogues of birth certificates, or certificates of live birth. Once received orders can be placed directly. An alternate and much preferred method of obtaining blank birth certificate blanks is to alter the existing birth certificate. This includes getting a printer to reproduce a real birth certificate, excluding and of the type-written birth data on it. In other words a printer creates a blank birth certificate from an actual legal original. Most printers in a larger city will do this without thinking twice. However in some circumstances a printer would hesitate in taking on this job even if you were paying in cash When they remove the data on the birth certificate, you can tell them to leave the doctors signature if you want, or have it remove and fill it in later. It is also very important to age your birth certificate. You can do this by creasing it, and leaving it in the sun. Of you could soak it in tea until an old appearance is obtained. Certifying it yourself is simple. It involves a stamp, an embossing, or both. Most printers who make stamps and round embossers will make what you need. Have a printer make an official looking certified stamp, with a blank line below the word "certified" so that a signature, allegedly a clerk, can be filled in. 3.0 The Infant Death Method (long term) The infant death method involves taking on the identity of someone who actually lived and died. By taking on the identity of someone who died young, no records, other than birth and death certificates exist. Second, a passport can be obtained, because when the certificate is checked out it reveals an actual existing person, and there is a record of the birth certificate in the appropriate local agency office. Third it is the most complete long term method of obtaining a fake ID. The basic concept is simple. It involves finding someone who was born at the approximate same time as you, who had the misfortune of dying at a young enough age so that no records exist as far as school, drivers license, credit cards, and the like. First you must find the person you wish to become. Be honest about how old you are and how old you look. Then you must go around finding the decedent. You can do this by actually searching through graveyards, or by going to your local library and reviewing old obituaries, usually found on microfiche or microfilm. Where They Were Born Almost all death certificates show where that person was born. Anyone can order a death certificate over the phone, from the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Hall of Records or the like. Was the Child Born in Another County or State?? The ideal situation is for the child to be born in one state and die in another. If this ideal situation is not available, being born in one county and dying in another will work. The reason your child must have been born in one area and die in another, is to avoid someone finding out that your taking on that persons identity. Many counties cross reference their birth and death records. That is why you must make sure that your county does not cross reference. For example, to apply for a valid US passport it is generally necessary to provide a birth certificate. If, upon checking out the assumed name, the clerk finds out that this person is dead, you will be finding federal agents at your door. However if the person came from a county where cross referencing does not exist then the clerk will find only a valid birth certificate and your passport request will be honored. So you MUST make sure that your 2 counties do not cross reference. To the best of my knowledge, no states, at the time of writing, cross reference, nor does the federal government. Applying for a New Birth Certificate You should call the office in question and only then should you fill out an application. Normally a request form will be involved, so be prepared to substantiate your identity with a business card or some other form of ID, so that your request will be honored without question. There are unlimited reasons for requesting, certified copies of birth certificates, and once again, its time to use your imagination. A family member might be requesting for a out of states family member, or for the local genealogist researching your family tree; an insurance agent may be working on a fraud case; a county health examiner may be researching files, a priest may be doing a favor for an out-of-state parishioner (people never question priests). Once you have obtained a birth certificate, getting other forms of ID is comically simple. 7.3 Getting a Drivers License This is possibly the easiest thing to do. Just take your birth certificate that you made, and take your test. You might be asked for a social security number, so be prepared. If for some reason you cannot get a birth certificate another commonly accepted form of ID is a baptism certificate, all filled in with fancy lettering and an expensive looking folder. Fortunately for you this can be bought at any religious supply store. That's how easy it is to get a drivers license. 8.4 Ancillary Documentation These are photos, business cards, library cards, return if lost cards, membership cards, social security cards, insurance cards, medical emergency card. Say you get stopped by a cop for speeding, and of course he wants to see your drivers license. No problem, but it may seem very odd that you are carrying nothing else in you wallet. As trivial a these may seem they are the first give away that you aren't who you say you are. 9.6 Social Security Cards There will be asked for a lot, why because it is an easy way for individuals and the government to keep up with you. To Get One There are two major ways to get one. One is to adopt someone else's, the other is to personally, or through a surrogate, apply for a card number under another name. If you intend to make up a number you must realize the purpose of the digital sequence used by the Social Security Administration. The first three digits correspond to the state in which the card was applied for. And for this reason I am including a chart so you cam make sure the digits in your fake ID match those of the states where you allegedly applied. Of much less importance, but still something to consider, is the middle two digits. They tell the approx. year of issue. An odd number between 05 and 09 was probably used in the late 1930's, and an even number from 10 on up was probably used after that. About 15 years ago, previously unused sequences of even numbers between 02 and 08 began to be used. But the easiest way to get one right is to look on your own birth certificate. The final set of four numbers can be utilized with out any worry, because this set is meaningless, determined by the particular sequence at the office you signed up at and is virtually unverifiable. If you want a card with the name and number of your choice on it there are firms who, for a small fee, will print a Social Security type card, with your chosen name and number. A company that I have often used is: Dynamic Press 256 South Robertson Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. 90211 This is one of the few trust-worthy companies that puts out a good consistent product. All you have to do is provide them with a self-addressed envelope and $5. They very quickly return a very professional looking card to you. You can successfully work as an independent contractor, or for a short period of time, an employee of any job with a false Social Security number. But, working for extended periods of time (about 60 days) can lead to minor problems with the FBI. Applying For a New Social Security Card Just go to your local Social Security office and apply for one. If the evidence you give them looks good you will be issued one. Social Security does not perform background checks to see if the info is valid. Here is the list of the first three digits of a Social Security card by state. 001-003 New Hampshire 004-007 Maine 008-009 Vermont 010-034 Massachusetts 035-039 Rhode Island 040-049 Connecticut 050-134 New York 135-158 New Jersey 159-211 Pennsylvania 212-220 Maryland 221-222 Delaware 223-231 Virginia 232-236 W. Virginia 237-246 N. Carolina 247-251 S. Carolina 252-260 Georgia 261-267 Florida 268-302 Ohio 303-317 Indiana 318-361 Illinois 362-386 Michigan 387-399 Wisconsin 400-407 Kentucky 408-415 Tennessee 416-424 Alabama 429-432 Arkansas 433-439 Louisiana 440-448 Oklahoma 449-467 Texas 468-477 Minnesota 475-485 Iowa 486-500 Missouri 501-502 N. Dakota 503-504 S. Dakota 505-508 Nebraska 509-515 Kansas 516-517 Montana 518-519 Idaho 520 Wyoming 521-524 Colorado 525&585 New Mexico 526-527 Arizona 528-529 Utah 530 Nevada 531-539 Washington 540-544 Oregon 545-573 California 574 Alaska 575-576 Hawaii 577-579 Washington DC. 425-428 &587 Mississippi The United States Citizen Method As can be determined by the info sheet put out by the Social Security Administration for applying for an original number, there are different kinds of identifying data that you will need to bring with you when applying. Category (1) is for US citizens "born in the US". I think the US citizen category is the easiest to apply for. By using the info in this file, it should be obvious that anyone can prove they are a US citizen even if they are not. Most citizens of this country apply for their cards between the ages of fifteen and twenty. This is about the time most teens are seeking their first jobs and need a card for that purpose. If you are over eighteen when you apply you must do so in person. Those under 18 can apply through the mail. A minimum of two identifying documents are needed. Always realize that the clerk will be asking why you want one if you are considerably over the age of twenty. Age is important only when applying. After that, you have a card and a number and no further age reference is made, not on the card, or with the Social Security Administration. There are no check-ups to worry about. In other words if you are actually thirty-five and your application lists you as twenty, no private party will have access to that file, nor will the Social Security Administration have reason to believe that you are not the age listed on your application. If you are under eighteen then take up their offer, and apply through mail. You must prepare an "A" document and a "B" document. The "A" document is your birth certificate, the "B" document is something such as, school report cards, school ID cards, hospital or doctors records, Boy or Girl Scout ID, stuff like that. Again, go to your local printer and have these documents altered. Then write a letter on a piece of notebook paper telling them that your parents are making you get a part time job, and the employer wants a Social Security card, since you do not the job is somewhat in jeopardy. An alternate method that usually works is the surrogate method. Just hire a teenager to go do it for you and you avoid the delay of the mail, since there are no photos on the card, there is nothing to worry about. The Alien Method To obtain a Social Security card as an alien, all you need is a green card. These are easier for your printer to reproduce than your birth certificate. When you apply for a Social Security card, remember the worst that can happen is that you get turned down. 22.9 Mail Drops The mail drop or PO Box can make it difficult if not impossible for people to find out where you really live or work. There are countless reasons for a mail drop. My favorite is you can order stuff to it with a fake CC# and have it delivered to your mail drop, where you can either pick it up, or have it forwarded to your real address. Establishing a Mail Drop The first step in successfully establishing a mail drop is to pick the most prestigious part of town. This is particularly important if you are applying for a credit card. Most mail drops have a forwarding service so that it will be repackaged, restamped and sent to either your house or to another forwarding mail drop, thus making it virtually untraceable, because of the time and money that would have to be spent to do so. 24.2 Closing Well Folks here is another wonderful file brought to you by the crew from (508) Seggregansett, MA and CAFBL. Any questions I can be reached on The Hacker Crackdown; (215) Not-4You, If You can't get access to reach my ass there{In which case you should not even have your greedy, leeching, cum-stained hands on this file} I can be reached on Prodigy. Look under Seggregansett, MA, I am the only member there. Next file will have something to do with TelCo. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN SCHOOL BY DASH: To make a long story short, a few months ago some kids at my school brutally beat another kid in a rival neighborhood. For any of you that saw the Oprah show on the negatives of 911 a few weeks ago, then their main topic of discussion was this incident, and Saturday Night Live also did a skit about the incident. My school has taken alot of heat for the actions of these few kids, who most likely will be spending the rest of their lives in jail. Abington High School literally looked like a zoo with all the reporters from New York and Hard Copy and everyone else. After this incident, maybe one of the weirdest girls in our school, along with a few of her friends, published an underground newspaper called Freaks Anonymous. And of course, the very first article was called "Recipe For The Remains Of Eddie Polec". For those of you who didn't know, Eddie Polec was the name of the boy who was beaten. In the article, which was more like a poem, one of the lines went something like "put his head in an oven, and to 350 degrees you will heat....poor white trash is the best white meat...". Of course, this was a little much, and I don't agree with it, but 200 years ago some great men granted her with the freedom of speech. I think it was Voltaire who said "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it until my death." People started talking, and copies of the paper got around like a bad case of crabs. Which put our schools administration under some heat, and of course they had to take action. And they determined that hers, and the others punishment was to be what I think turned out into a 5 day suspension. The reason for the suspension wasn't for what she said, or what she did, but it was for "creating a disturbance". If you ask may, she is a such a freak that her coming to school every day is a disturbance. She wears pipe cleaners in her hair and pillow cases on her head, but as a junior in high school, when school gets out she goes to the University of Pennsylvania to take a college math class, and also scored 1560 on her SAT's. I think the bottom line is that for years schools have been trying to put a choke-hold on the students freedom of speech and expression. There is the case where a principal cancelled a schools dance because an inter-racial couple was attending. And the case were a kid was put in educational confinement for wearing a nose ring. And although this was not as highly publicized it's all the same bullshit. What do I credit this all too? I once had an art teacher, who had long hair and earrings, and was never a popular figure with the administration. Well, one day in class we were listening to Howard Stern and Stern was making fun of jews. There was a jewish kid in the class who was upset by it, he had his mom call the principal, and the next day we had a new art teacher. Schools aren't happy with a kid, and they are looking for the smallest thing with which they can attack the student with. I'm on the schools newspaper staff, and I'm sick of reading the shit they publish every month, and I imagine there is a pretty big fist hovering over the top of the editor. It's time someone spoke out for our rights. The girl who wrote Freaks Anonymous was actually motivate by her suspension, which is justified. She is planning on having the next issue cause even more uproar then the first. So, if you have any interest in speaking out or are just a person who likes to write poetry or something of the sort, then you can contact the editor at SLYPOLY@AOL.COM. Or you can contact me at BUFFALOCHI@AOL.COM, and don't forget...Anarchy Is The Best Policy. THE TELEPASS CALLING CARD BY MORPHEUS: This Project: Free Long Distance PHILADELPHIA'S new calling card gimmick is know as "Telepass" a silver plastic card job with an "Authorization Code" on it. This code is known from now on as "AC". * * Here is how to get free long distance from these boyyzZZz: W * r * First: The AC is a 9 digit #. Setup like this when "x" is equal to i S an integer between 0-9. 68x-53x-4x2. That's MOST of the cards. t P Once you write down your guess at some Card #, follow t A this simple procedure: e M n . . M 1.) For ye Old Domestic Calls: Out of State, not Country... . i Dial 1-800-680-0907. Hit "*". punch in your 9-digit code. B e For example 681-534-452. Operator tell you amount being charged. y s Finally, dial the Area code + Long distance #. * t Ye hath been connected. * e r 2.) For International Calls: Dial the above 1800#, then punch in your * 9-digit /<-C0de! Okay, wait for prompt, now you get to * Dial: 011 + Country Code + City K0de + Phone Number HOW NOT GET CAUGHT WITH DRUGS BY TRiP: Ok I am going to explain a few things you need to know if you travel alot with drugs on you. The first thing to do is never travel with bowls, bong, or other paraphernalia. Always just travel with rolled joints. The reason for this is you can easily eat them. Bowls and such are harder to hide and get rid of. And there are also extra charges for having paraphernalia. This can also be done with other drugs too, though I do not suggest you travel with or use any illegal substances. And now another thing is if you do travel with any drugs on you often, it is not a good idea to have stickers on your car. Police and especially state police and highway patrol officers are trained to look for stickers of like peace signs, bands, and alot of the symbols and characters the Grateful Dead use, such as dancing bears, roses, skeletons, the Steal Your Face album cover, and Jerry stickers. So try to stay sticker-free, but if you must have them(as I do) Don't have anything you can't get rid of quickly and don't speed. Drive safe and keep an eye in the mirror. FUN AT MALLS BY DEATH'S SERVANT: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ ����������������������������������Intro�������������������������������������͹ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ we go and get another look into the sick and demented mind of the CAFBL writer. See not everyone has the right touch to be a writer. Different things can exclude you from the select few. i.e. 1: No life what so ever.2: No chance of life.3:Small Balls.4:No imiganation....these and many more are reasond for the exclusion of people. Well back to our minds...some of us are truly demented...while some of us do this stuff for fun...take you pick...both are pretty cool. First of all let me tell you about me since this is my first writing. I am NOT a "/<-rad d00d" nor have, want, will, or ever think of being one. Let me make that clear. I am NOT a Warez Puppie. I do like to read older stuff from groups like, Vas, Cult Of The Dead Cow or cDc, and X-CRETE. These Mags are what inspired me to become a writer. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ ��������������������������������Fun At Malls��������������������������������͹ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ onward to the "MALL". The mall is a place of many fun opportunities. First there is sears. The easiest place to get away with stuff, you can hack into the computers or just format some drives. Next you go to the hardware department and, knock stuff over...break the riding mowers, ride the bikes around the store. Stuff you can't get kicked out for but really piss the workers off. Next you go to the clothes department and steal those clip things that come on jackets[You can sell them to all of those p-hat guys]. Next you go into the dressing room and mark your territory by pissing all over the place. Then Leave Sears. Next go to Sam Goodies or some other music store. You Peel off one of those alarm stickers of a tape or cd. You put the cd or tape in your pocket and stick the alarm thing on someone. When they walk out "BEEP" While they are getting strip searched you leave. we are up to the arcade. You can get away with alot in the arcade. First you go to the "Skeet Ball" Machine and reach in the coin return part[Your hand should fit]. You will fell a metal box. On the side will be a small arm made of round steel. You pull on that you get a free game. You can't take a long time doing this or they will catch you. Next...on the bottom of pinball machines there is a switch that will turn the game on or off. Sometimes when you turn it off and on it will give you a free game. Next, for a good laugh, go to any software store where the workers know nothing about computers. Well anyway you go in and ask for MS-DOS 8.0. There is nothing more fun than seeing them frantically searching the store looking for a copy. They will finally tell you "It's out of stock". Laugh at them then leave. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ ������������To be continued�������������������������������������������������͹ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Greets to all CAFBL members - iMMORTAL/iMAGE/HoE - SCAM! magazine / Phrack Magazine / Wired Magazine - Scanner, Phantom, Thrasher, The Red Skull, Mogel, ColdFire, Rick Hunter, Fire Shadow, Drakkhen, and Slammer. Thanx to AT&T for keeping me and my friends in touch... for FREE!