BEGIN LINE_NOIZ.2 I S S U E # @ N O V E M B E R 1 5 , 1 9 9 3 ~~~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~I~~~~~~N~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~N~~~~~~O~~~~~~I~~~~~~Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------L----I---N----E--N----O---I----Z-------------------------- ______________________L__I__N__E_______N__O__I__Z____________________________ L I N E N O I Z /\/\/\/\/\L/\/\/\I/\/\/\N/\/\/\E/\/\/\/\N/\/\/\O/\/\/\I/\/\/\Z/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ - - - - The Cyberpunk Information Source - - - - (](](](](](](](](](](](]( L I N E N O I Z )[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[)[) I S S U E # @ N O V E M B E R 1 5 , 1 9 9 3 : File ! : Intro to issue 2 : Billy Biggs : File @ : Real Cyberpunks : Paul dArmond : File # : Reich, Orgone and Cyberpunk : Paul dArmond : File $ : Front 242 tour dates : Steven Hardy : File % : phORMISm @ddiction :reaxion : demogirl : File ^ : Neon Blue - CP SCI-FI - Part 1 : Melonfarmer : File & : Nibbles of Information : Billy Biggs =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File - ! Okay, so we are here, moving right along with issue 2. I still havent really defined the actual style of the e-zine but most of that should be settled by issue 3. Please keep the submissions comming and tell me if you don't like anything in here. This issue could have been better, I havent edited out all the bugs. Sorry if I did anything wrong. It looks as though we are going to put this out every 2 weeks or so. Expect the next issue to be out around Dec. 1. If everything goes well I might switch to 1 issue per week in January. The main thing holding this back is submissions. Everybody loves to read great stuff, but who wants to contribute it. If you see anything or can write anything, please do. Thanks, - Billy Biggs -- -- -- Line Noiz is -- -- -- Editor : Billy Biggs Distribution : Spellchecker : Nobody, don't report the errors Author of Neuromancer : William Gibson ^^^^-- Joke, don't send mail here greets to everybody who followed this on usenet As you can see, we are small. If you want to be a part of all this and feel you could make yourself useful, mail me. ###### HOW TO GET ON THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST ###### Send mail to my handy-dandy mail distributer guy at: With the words: Subscription LineNoiz in the body of the letter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is an interesting article I was given to reprint. I hope this clarifies who out there is or is not a cyberpunk. I will NOT be including this in my list of defenitions. Sorry guys. I will not say my opinions on whether or not this is CP, I intend to stay neutral. -Billy Biggs, editor nerd. File - @ From: (Paul dArmond) Subject:Re: Cyber FAQ Cngu:!rzbel!fby.pge.pbyhzovn.rqh!hfp!pf.hgrknf.rqh!hharg!ybbx vat!ybbxvat!shaal-erdhrfg Sebz: ceo@npprff.qvtrk.pbz (Cng) Arjftebhcf: erp.uhzbe.shaal Fhowrpg: Erny Plorechaxf Qba'g rng dhvpur. Xrljbeqf: fzvex, ebg13, bssrafr=ubzbfrkhnyf, Pyvss Fgbyy Zrffntr-VQ: Qngr: 7 Nce 92 10:30:06 TZG Yvarf: 276 Nccebirq: shaal@pynevarg.pbz | MM MM O O NN N G O O | | M M M O O N N N G GG O O | | M M O O N NN G G O O | | M M OOOOO N N GGGGG OOOOO | | | | -*- present -*- | | | | +-----------------+ | | | Real Cyberpunks | | | +-----------------+ | | | | 9/24/91 | | | | With all this shit in the news and now a book about cyberpunks, we have| |a bunch of lame assholes who think they are cyberpunks running around | |blackening the name. In response to this we'd created this g-file so | |everybody can tell the lamers from the real cyberpunks. Most of these | |wanna-be cyberpunks will probably be offended by what we're going to say, | |because the description of what defines a real cyberpunk doesn't apply to | |them. Remember though, cyberpunk is mostly an attitude (this g-file | |describes physical manifestations of this attitude), and real cyberpunks | |don't get upset over something written in a g-file. | \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ CLOTHING - Real cyberpunks don't wear paisley, or any of that other neo- futuristic, yuppie, artfag shit. - Real cyberpunks wear military surplus clothing, non-neon colored Gortex, bluejeans, boots (combat or motorycle), Factsheet-5 T-Shirts, and kilts (on formal occasions). - Real cyberpunks don't shop at Banana Republic or the "Mainframe" clothing section at Sears. - Real cyberpunks have the balls to go to Thrift Shops. Corollary to the above: Anyone who makes fun of a cyberpunk shopping at a thrift shop usually winds up in ICU. COMPUTERS - Real cyberpunks don't use IBM PCs or Tandy 1000s. - Real cyberpunks that have the $$$ use 486s, and 68030s. - Real cyberpunks that don't have the $$$ use whatever the hell they can get ahold of (except IBM PCs an Tandy 1000s). - All real Cyberpunks still own a TI-99/4A, S-100, Apple ][ w/Apple Cat, or an Atari 130XE with ATR8000 & 850 interfaces as their backup machine. - Real cyberpunks program in assembler and ADA. - Real cyberpunks think C is cute for a fuck-around language. - Real cyberpunks think of the Amiga as a cute toy. - Real cyberpunk SYSOPS run Stonehenge. - Real cyberpunks realize the Apple Cat was the best modem ever made. CARS - Real cyberpunks drive whatever they can afford. - Real cyberpunks never drive an unmodified vehicle. - Real cyberpunks think Audi, BMW, and Mercedes cars serve best as rocket launcher targets. - Real cyberpunks who can afford them drive something with a V-8. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks go to every police auction in their area. TECH - All real cyberpunks have their ham license. - Real cyberpunks know the difference between a resistor and a capacitor. - Real cyberpunks know where to get tech cheap in their area. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks practically live at their local surplus store. - Real cyberpunks think Radio Shack sucks, but still buy from there because it's convenient. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks put pragmatism before principle. - Real cyberpunks always carry a Leatherman Tool. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what a Leatherman Tool is. - Real cyberpunks own a dual-band HT. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what a dual-band HT is. Corollary to the corollary: Real cyberpunks have hosed McDonalds at least once. - Real cyberpunks know how use a TDR. Corollary to the above: The have also managed to get ahold of one for free. POLITICS & LAW - Real cyberpunks are politically aware, but avoid getting involved in that bullshit. - Real cyberpunks think all politicians should be castrated. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks are libertarians. - Real cyberpunks have copies of their state's law statues. - Real cyberpunks know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what both of those say. - Real cyberpunks don't get caught. KNOWLEDGE - Real cyberpunks read 2600, Factsheet-5, Full Disclosure, Iron Feather Journal, Cybertek, Radio Electronics, Circuit Cellar Ink, Computer Shopper, American Survival Guide, and any 'zines about local bands in their area. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks understand what they read in these publications. - Real cyberpunks think Mondo2000, for the most part, sucks. - Real cyberpunks learn about everything from Computers to Crossbows. - Real cyberpunks know how to spell. - Real cyberpunks speak at least 2 languages. WEAPONS - Real cyberpunks don't have the typical yuppie artfag fear of weapons that most modem users seem to have. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know the value of useful equipment. - Real cyberpunks own at least one gun. - Real cyberpunks carry Gerber, Cold Steel, SOG, AlMar, or Spyderco blades. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks think custom steel is neat, but costs too much. - Real cyberpunks have memorized The Improvised Munitions Black Book. - Real cyberpunks know The Anarchist Cookbook is a crock of shit. - Real cyberpunks buy everything authored by Seymour Lecker and Kurt Saxon. - Real cyberpunks keep a supply of DMSO handy. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what DMSO is. MUSIC - Real cyberpunks go to The Mentors' concerts whenever they can. - Real cyberpunks think C&C Music Factory is just a bunch of out-of-the- closet homosexuals. - Real cyberpunks don't listen to Paula Abdul. - Real cyberpunks think Michael Jackson should be napalmed. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks think Michael Jackson is a reincarnate of his monkey Bubbles. - Real cyberpunks think Top-40 sucks. - Real cyberpunks listen to Ministry, The Cure, Skinny Puppy, The Misfits, Rush, Pink Floyd, etc. - In the end, real cyberpunks listen to whatever the fuck they want. PHREAKING & HACKING - Real cyberpunks think codes are for fags, but use them anyway because they put pragmatism before principle. - Real cyberpunks know what TEMPEST means. - Real cyberpunks use data-taps. - Real cyberpunks have Internet access. - Real cyberpunks know why Broadway Hacker invited everyone to his house. - Real cyberpunks know what PPS really means. - Real cyberpunks know Clifford Stoll's ex-wife is a lesbian. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know that Clifford Stoll is an asshole. - Real cyberpunks know just how good friends John Maxfield and Broadway Hacker are. - Real cyberpunks know who John Maxfield is and what he was arrested for. - Real cyberpunks own a blue box, and still use it. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what a blue box is, and know how to use it. - Real cyberpunks know what a TS-21 is. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks stole their TS-21. - Real cyberpunks have acquired a Bell System hard-hat. - Real cyberpunks have a payphone. Corollary to the above: The payphone belongs to someone else. - Real cyberpunks on the east coast have attended at least one 2600 meeting. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks who have attended a 2600 meeting don't go to them anymore. Corollary to the corollary: Real cyberpunks are waiting for another OSUNY meeting. Further corollary: Real cyberpunks know what OSUNY originally stood for. HEALTH - Real cyberpunks use Choline, Ginseng, and Golden Seal. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks know what these are. - Real cyberpunks know about the medicinal value of various plants. - Real cyberpunks take care of themselves. - Real cyberpunks take time away from fucking with their computers to get some exercise. FOOD & DRINK - Real cyberpunks drink Jolt. Corollary to the above: Real cyberpunks think Pepsi is for artfags. - Real cyberpunks are intimately familiar with the selection at 7 - Eleven, but avoid it whenever possible. - Real cyberpunks know how to cook. - Real cyberpunks drink Guinness Stout. - Real cyberpunks who are under 21 distill their own. - Real cyberpunks can go to a Supermarket and not get lost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File - # Reich, Orgone and Cyberpunk by Paul dArmond What is the connection between Cyberpunk and Reich? It all relates to how you define CP. If CP is just a fashion movement, if all that matters is how you dress and what you say, then nothing is really connected to CP, since in that case CP is just a fashion fad, a marketing tool for people selling amusement and funny clothes. On the other hand, if CP is really about tech, specifically street tech, then there is a lot of linkage. I guess it comes down to the old do/be do/be do thing. There is a lot of phoney chatter about VR and cybersex these days. Personally, I think that VR is an expensive research grant scam/hoax. There have been plenty of these: AI, robots, Star Wars, and recently cybersex and PDAs. Well, if you are serious about doing something (rather than just making amusing party-chatter with a bunch of people all dressed the same way) then you need background research and theory. Reich was *the* guy who started a lot of the threads that weave into cyberpunk tech: Memes - (Mass Psychology of Fascism, emotional plague, tension/relaxation theory of life) Cybersex - (orgasm theory, electrophysiology of the orgasm, tension/relaxation, he also coined the term "sexual revolution", etc.) Anarchism - (Reich's Natural Work-Democracy was the first anarchist theory based on psychological principles. This was the first big step forward in A-theory since Kropotkin.) Sexual Politics - (Reich was the first person in modern psychology to state that orgasms are a crucial part of the dynamic of life. He also was the first to claim that male and female orgasms were *equally* important. A huge amount of modern sexual psychology started with him, and he still gets zip credit for his pioneering work.) A whole slew of weird science - (electro-physiology, orgone energy, cloudbusters, desert experiments, UFOs, bions, etc.) Reich was suppresed even more thoroughly than Tesla was, probably due to the fact that he was explicitly political and wrote and published a great deal. Tesla published very little outside of some articles on electrical engineering and a slew of patents. Reich, on the other hand, was continuously busy working, teaching, writing and experimenting. Also, due to the provisions of his will, he left a trust fund behind to keep his ideas and research available and accessible. In the very simplist terms: "How could the first guy to connect an oscilograph to his erect cock NOT have a lot to do with cyberpunk?" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File - $ From: (Steven Hardy) Subject: Front 242 tour dates.... TUESDAY 16/11 DENVER WEDNESDAY 17/11 SALT LAKE CITY FRIDAY 19/11 TIJUANA (MEXICO) SATURDAY 20/11 SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY 21/11 LOS ANGELES MONDAY 22/11 ORANGE (To be confirmed) TUESDAY 23/11 PHOENIX THURSDAY 25/11 SAN ANTONIO FRIDAY 26/11 HOUSTON SATURDAY 27/11 DALLAS MONDAY 29/11 SAINT-LOUIS TUESDAY 30/11 GRAND RAPIDS THURSDAY 02/12 MINNEAPOLIS FRIDAY 03/12 CHICAGO SATURDAY 04/12 CINCINNATI SUNDAY 05/12 DETROIT TUESDAY 07/12 TORONTO (CANADA) WEDNESDAY 08/12 MONTREAL (CANADA) THURSDAY 09/12 BOSTON SATURDAY 11/12 BALTIMORE SUNDAY 12/12 NEW YORK MONDAY 13/12 PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY 15/12 ATLANTA FRIDAY 17/12 MIAMI SATURDAY 18/12 TAMPA SUNDAY 19/12 ORLANDO -- ////////// / Taylor 23 / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6820 N.W. 31st Home: (405) 789-7363 Bethany, Oklahoma 73008-4006 Work: (405) 232-0700 USA Internet: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is something neat that has been floating around lately. It has some interesting style properties. File - % From: Subject: phORMISm @ddiction :reaxion ----- phORMISm @ddiction ----- dialogue cartharsis injection initially the out:sekt only allowed those with plastic fetishes and neurological disorders into their collective ;clockwork philosophy suggested otherwise ;in 1942 a pre-deconstructionist by the pseudonym COG unwillingly penetrated the sect's Seatle branch by simply advocating the sniffing of scotch tape as it was peeled from dispenser rings ;COG knew of his inception into the group only after awaking in a bare rusted cell ;one single blue lightbuld illuminated the room corners ;bleach infected air caused the taste of blood to push from his stomach ;clang of rivet on steel thudded from beyond the walls ;a war sound ;slow ;methodic ;trance-like ;COG focused on this sensation ;from the sound extrapolating an image ;forcing contemptuous visions of an outside world in ;possibly women in airhanger jumpsuits, industrial nail guns in hand ;unlikely ;this was before the wire ;a waterdrip slumber of several seconds :skull burn ;COG woke strapped in a hanging chain mesh sheet ;the cold fire of soldiering metal pushed into his spine ;at the back of the neck ;men in gas masks ;smell of shower curtain plastic ;sitting crosslegged in a circle before him ;tribe ;he cries ;medicinal gloved hands and anit-orange flak jacketed gas-mask men, out:sekt members sit watching ;sit recording ;hand-driven analog recorders syphoning COG's every utterence ;his every banal pain ;sheets of victrola static crept into his ears ;compulsion to speak ;COG wept streams of quality information ;self organizing dalanda patterns purged from his mouth ;COG didn't understand ;the cool heat of the wire bled from his mind as the static became more dense ;then the drug ;subtely at first unknowingly ;lain in his cell, COG was pleasently assaulted by orchestral music ;he could feel the slight vibrations of men talking in the background ;through the rusted walls ;he never knew if he ate or if his body wastes were disposed of ;but the cycle of information extraction and quiet forced music continued ;COG learned to rely on the aftermath ;the calm sessions ;learned to reiterate on his own consciousness ;immerse himself in a organic self reality ;tuning in to the staccato rhythm beyond the rusted walls ;still photo visions of women in airhanger overalls ;industrial-nail guns ;lubricated love ;COG became passive ;as his forced dream became virtual reality the out:sektists had no more interest in him or his subconscious maps ;the jung approach no longer applied ;COG was discarded ;thrown into the laps of the Seattle Museum Society ;questions breached and answered flounded for days unformed ;COG would not reveal his captivity to anyone ;normalicy seamed his reality on the surface ;it was only hours though and he discovered the roots of a hungerseed ;the addiction ;cravings for rhythm and dark rooms ;echoed deadsilence backrunning from pilfered mozartdreams on vinyl ;affection by the out:sekt ;new mind engineering by the gas-mask men ;twenty years and waves of pryor mindrape encryption still leak out ;COG's catalogue of un-bleached nightmare-remains scribbled into a blackbound book ;the word phORMISm scrawled in the upper left corner of the first rotted page ;always the smell of plastic causing epileptic fugues ;three months later COG's final catalogue entry settles on a single phrase ;SELF STATIC ;cult of the individual reality takes over ;the coma from society begins --- demogirl =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File - ^ Here we have the first part of a CP related story. If you can write better, send it in. -Billy Biggs NEON BLUE TEXT 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ The old gentleman had been looking to talk for me for weeks. He was relaying and flashing messages everywhere. I watched him curious about his intensity in finding me. Messages blurting and crying out to me as if I was a god. When people are looking for me I burn with a mix of adrenaline and syrup. I access everything they have ever done. Every word they have ever entered. All their thoughts, actions, manners, and loves are mine. I do my research. It was simple what the Gentleman wanted. He wanted life. Most everyone who asks for me asks for that. They ask for life for their children, parents, lovers, but most of the time they just want it for themselves. The Gentleman was old. He needed the surgery or else he would die. Surgery was not given to old Tech's. Tech's owned 60 percent of the government before they were dismantled. The tech's were hated. The CORP took them apart and blamed them for the ruin of the organizations. They were blamed for all the takeovers by the Japanese Orgs. The CORP reorganized the North American management system and bought out the Central American Tech's. Now the major corps are a handful of japanese orgs. and CORP. The Tech's were denied any medicine or surgery. Many of the poor bastards don't even make it past one hundred anymore. The CORP saw it as a bad investment in allowing surgery for a Tech. Me, I am not so picky. The Gentleman was in upper management in his Tech days. Something called a lawyer, which translates into accountant in CORP language. He was also rich which translates into money in my language. They lived nice in the Tech days, money was not as tight. They could spend money on drugs and concubines then. A man in Gentleman's position could live off of drugs and concubines. Gentleman could pay the price so that I could live like that. Old Gentleman's case was simple. He needed to be someone else so he could have surgery. That would be no problem. I have spent half my life on the insides of CORP's machines. Other people think that I am the CORP's machine. The SYS is well aware of me. I float inside of her as if I was her child. Clinging to the knowledge in her memory. She tries to get rid of me like an unwanted child but I love her way too much to ever leave her. With Gentleman's score that could all change. This will cost Gentleman money and not credit. There will be raised eyes at all my money but it would still be safer than helping a Tech and receiving traceable credits. Before I even spoke to the old man I had what he needed. It made the meetings go quicker and it helped with my reputation. He was to meet me at the AMERCORP terminal station. He said he would not be followed and would not be bringing anyone. They all say that and they all lie. I hate having meetings in the skin. The skin is where you get hurt. No one is going to hurt me inside of the SYS so I know that they can come after me on the outside. I am a little bug, a worm on the inside. Out there the people are what is infected. The only times I have ever been touched has been in the skin. I got shot by CORP Security in the leg a year ago. It was in the interest of CORP to get rid of any virus in their system. This virus lost his leg, but that is for the better, it goes with my fake arm. My fake is filled with chips of Stillgate RAM. I walk like a cripple but I can fly in the places that count. I now carry a VMag Auto in the mid section of my socket arm. Five rounds a second, very loud, very ugly but a wonderful conversation piece. People that are not an employee for the CORP live by a different standard. We are called farmers, I have never farmed nor ever seen a farm except for holo-books. The word farmer is to increase our pride and industrialization. The farmers are allowed to live as we wish as long as we pay our company dues and do not rebel against the CORP. The CORP live within their own communities and their own strict living styles. I would spend hours watching, reading, and listening into the CORP's life. I would watch them at church, at home, and at the work place. The CORP's were only allowed two children. One boy and one girl. They went to church four time a week in their local corporation headquarters. They ate only food grown for the CORP employees at the company stores. I have seen farmer children shot for walking into a CORP building. CORP employees will also be shot if they are in Farmer establishments for anything but business. There are CORP schools, farmer schools are around but they are quietly discouraged. CORP and farmers do talk and know each other but it is rarely anything but business. One day a year all farmers have to stay inside their homes while the CORP's parade the streets. The CORP's pray and pour water all over the streets and clean them. They clean our streets with their hands and pray for us for that whole day. This day is called the Day of Cleansing. I usually go outside the next day and put out one of my smokes on the clean street. The Day of Cleansing wasn't coming up for months and I might be somewhere else anyway with Gentleman's money by then. I was at the station about a half hour early. The place had some nice shops in there that cater to the japanese tourist. My favorite was a sushi bar with a wonderful view of the main terminal. The place was the same as I remembered it. Hazy and smokey from the tourists cigarettes. The only lights were the blue ones coming in from the terminal station. I got a table by the window so I could see anyone coming in or out. I can see the waiter coming up to me to hassle me about my age. "Hey boy this is no place to hangout, you buy something or go." The waiters all look the same. All wearing t-shirts with food on them. All with an apron on, cooking and waiting tables. Kissing up to the businessman and tourists and flashing crap to the plain men just like themselves. This chap was smiles all over thinking that I couldn't buy anything. "I'll have an espresso, and bring me lots of sugar." as I said this I saw him crumble inside as he would not be able to tell me to get out. I set there drinking my coffee and looked through the terminal. It was just another busy day. You could tell the security guys a mile away. They were trying to bust kids ripping off telco numbers from the phones. Small time stuff, but one of the ways I grew up. At least this was something that the cops could catch people at. SYS-junkies like me almost never get caught. Gentleman came in and sat down where I was supposed to meet him. He was a tall man with a face that looked exaggerated with age. He was wearing an expensive charcoal suit with a red bow tie and a red hat. Most important of all he brought a red briefcase with him. With the money in that case I could buy all new chips and have a new socket put in behind my ear for faster transmission. The socket would just be the beginning. He sat there with his feet crossed and jumping about. He would take his hat off and play with it. Straightening the brim, brushing it off. Then put the hat back on and then go through the whole process again. He was nervous, and he probably should be with that much money. What he was doing would get him shot be the CORP Security on site. Everything looked cool to me. All of my clients act nervous. I paid my bill and left a half credit for the chap. Insulting people is an art, a half credit is not the most creative insult but that was all the time I had. I walked by the shops and down by the Tram loading area, watching the Gentleman play with his hat. The two o'clock tram was about to arrive, so the people were piling forward to get ready to get on. The safest way for me to do this was to just walk up from behind the Gentleman and startle him. The people were all walking toward the Tram behind me as I weaved forward against the grain of them. My limp slowing me down some, a couple looking at me with pity in their eyes, Gentleman was right in front of me now. "Old man, I have your medicine." I muttered this and startled him out of his seat. Enough for me to grab his briefcase. "I hope you brought it all." I said as I started to open up the case. The old man put his hand on top of the case and whispered "I would like to see my package first!". I reached in and grabbed his package and tossed it to him. "Here you go and may you live a long and healthy life." i said as he ripped open the envelope to look inside. The briefcase was stuck and I couldn't get it open. Old Gentleman started to laugh and pulled out a badge. "I do not think you will live a long and healthy life, boy." he said as the wrinkles on his face disappeared and melded into the face of a middle aged man. "Neon Blue, you are under arrest for violation of the Anti-Virus Corporation Law." TO BE CONTINUED... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= File - & ///////////////// N i b b l e s o f I n f o /////////////////////// This is a little thing of mostly pointless information not necesarily related to CyberPunk. The information show here has been taken from countless information sources. Sorry if I havent credited everybody. ******** Phiber Optik was sentenced recently to one year in prison in addition to 600 hours of community service. The term will start January 7, 1994. Abene pled guilty on July 2, 1993 to two counts of computer related crime. Count One involved conspiracy with 4 other individuals to commit computer crime while Count Two involved breaking into a computer belonging to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. The four other persons named on the conspiracy indictment, Elias Ladopoulous ("Acid Phreak"), Paul Stira ("Scorpion"), Julio Fernandez ("Outlaw"), and John Lee "("Corrupt") , had pled guilty prior to Abene and, with the exception of Fernandez, are all currently serving sentence. ******** Front 242 recently released a single of Animal as well as a 9 track EP entitled 'Angels versus Animals'. ******** Here is something real neat I found somewhere (I'm not quite sure) a long long time ago but felt it was neat so I am posting it here for no reason. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| COKE MACHINES ON THE INTERNET ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The latest in hacker trends. :) Actually, they've been around for a little while now... These are actual Coke and M & M machines connected to the Internet, and when fingered, provide you with the amount of soft drinks held within. I doubt you could hack 'em, anyway... and if you could, how would you get the product? :) These are just interesting, so I put them in. Enjoy. (Special thanks to alt.hackers for the info.) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ******** Here is an interesting post that was floating around recently. From: >Newsgroups: alt.cyberpunk Subject: Mirrorshades & Prosody Release Cancelled Under NSA Pressure Date: Fri Nov 12 13:47:36 1993 Technosys Press Release For More Information, Contact: Keith Boyle, marketing director For Release 10:47 AMEST November 12, 1993 Mirrorshades & Prosody Release Cancelled The scheduled release of Technosys' text composition program Mirrorshades and text revision/encryption program Prosody has been cancelled because of pressure from a governmental group claiming to be the National Security Administration (NSA) wishing to prevent the release of Prosody as an encryption program. The "NSA" has expressed concern over the encryption method used by Prosody. They feel that it may be using an encryption technology similar enough to another method of natural language encryption that Prosody might be able to be used to break that coding method. Therefore, they would like Technosys to hand over all existing copies of the software, technical & development notes, and software related to Prosody (i.e. Mirrorshades) for their research. Since the next step, if Technosys were to refuse, would be the seizure of all of the above materials by search warrant and criminal charges, Technosys has chosen to consent to their request and will cancel the release of these programs. However, THE MAN can't seize what's in our brain cells... (Technosys is looking for good information law representation. Anyone interested?) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------->>> COMMING UP NEXT ISSUE >>>---------- ) I have started a little thing of interesting net-info, kinda like a little column of things to check out. If you have any submissions/ideas mail me. ) If you want to write a regular opinion thing, there is room in the e-zine. ) There is also room for another sci-fi story. ) Wouldn't it be nice if someone were to REVIEW the stupid Billy Idol CD (From a CP point of view) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= END LINE_NOIZ.2