SEPTEMBER, 1986 VOl UMF THREE, KUMB£R A Y AT some facts on supervision bv Thf Hid A Co, Answer supci’yisLnn is the telco term foT the s-i^nLi I back to indicate the call has been angered and billing sbciuid consmcnoc. Many alternate lone clisUinor Currierx do m>l have this feature, so they stei ft bill! n$ after a ca Her has been on a line fm an arbitrary amount of time Hi Mini ly 30- 30 seconds) T 0 i gi act period da n be spent listen ing to n ri ng. b nsy signal I . ore ven talking. Obvious ly. ibis jnetlnnd of billing can result in billing errors of great magnitude, Imagine wliar -wniild. happen H one chow in listen to a ring Or busy signal for 3 horns TV is problem wSis covered iit (ielnil in an article appearing in the November I 9X5 issue of 2600 cm pitge 2 74 Then," is. ft fail share of telephone numbers oul there that ure free 1 o call i.c.. they ties- not supervise, These should not he confused with JUTlO tmmhens. which ito supervise, but cany no Charge. -Telephone company recordings and various "wcrel" n limbers often don't supervise. PhitiKS I Itral are illegally booked up 1o "black boxes" will defeat Will Supervision., The loiter is itriposLSihk man electronic switching system (ESS) To d etem: iite i T airewcf supervision signals are sent back by a particular number, one only needs a telephone connected toon CSS made by AT&T Western Electric, this phone must also he able to access the cal I fon.wi rd mg feat ore Fi rsl . attempt 1 n forwo i (J ym.ii' ca IK I n the number to be tested . M ake sure to use a carrier which rcumns supervisinn if you are calling long distance. II" you don 1 : use AT&T Orrttariici which uses answer supervision, the results of the ted will he isiconduihe for the reasons discuss-cd above and in the ot'rteT article. I he forward ing process will t on ncei you to 1 lie rvumbc r he in u tc-tcx: for supfi'vislmi. After the call has been "iinsweretJ ", bang ur and deal your own phone number. Cf you get a busy signal then the call lot wa rdf, rig. has been rejected beauoe the number is unsupervised . Ca I is to lha t number a rc t ree when using a earner which does return supervision If you pet connected to the number, then it is supervised. You have been billed, for lioili calls acid should make sure co unfmward you r Cfi Us This test is ttsefn 1 when compiling lists of test numbers that will he used rlnronghou L the conn try. 1 1 won Id lie a rca I pi ns co see supervi w:v ; ri fo renal ion on the I iscs a I read y in circu lot ioi ■ During the re fc arch for this article we noted that equal access rea I ly : .s ct) ual. I wys su i prised to find cb:i t both ca 1 1 forwa rd I ng a nrl speed c-il ling, allow a n Optioua I 5-d igit ca r rice access code to be specified . Tlicrcmrc . 1 1 is possible to del c mi ine whether or noL a long distance carrier returns true answer supki'visicm. To test a carrier and obtain conclusive resttlLs. cme should use ihr supervision test on the carrier using a known unsupervised phone number (a number that tested unsuped using the above test with A I &T a s i he ! IT ca rrier) and a known su pe rvised One (any liiitne plicate will dol. f( the lest using. on alternate carrier docinot ret i. itt i hr san-ie results as A'l &. I . then the carrierdcks not return proper supervisory rnfoi’rial ion . RCI & DMS-100 BUGS Kt. 1 . the Kec hester. N V bast'd long d istawce Ltorri | vi ny is the only alternate carrier we could find that still has the infamous 3Q2 bug Tills buSt pi eva iK o-n corporate extenders ( fUIO dial- cone numbers), but the long distance carriers as a rule have weeded it out . Bastes I ly , the 21)2 hug. is a It nle m the network . 202 i-- 1 lie area code for Waslii ngton. DC. which is the only major city in the errantry where yon do r.ot have to dial u one before making, a long distance call, rails can he made hy just -dialing the urea cede followed by the num be r. This holds tnte for yo ri s of m her a iva codes |'2fj I , C J I 4) a nd for all of al least one el her n nsi cod e < 5 1 6). but Washington, DC i s ti e 0 ii I v me. ior i ‘it t where tli is can he done and fhxt\ why the bug. works t'eere Alter accessing KCI (950-1(103) utnl entering ii valid itulTlOi ; ,ra.ti nn code, a cal Jercartdial 202, then awafkerA ren code and the first foil i digily of live seven d igic number I he r.. al ter pausing for about eight Seconds; 1 he caller Cfin enter I he reiJW.inmg three digits and die call will go through No b!l is sent to the authori/uriem code. When Hit OH lit r has done is route the calil through KCl’s phone lines in Washington DC The phone line I here ordinarily looks for a seven digil num her. But by 1 mt ring the liisl seven digits of a ten digit long distuace number, you have! ificked liiL-RTl computet iutn dunking you a lemnkingii call : n the 202 ansi. The phom- line dials those sever, digits and ''completes’' cite cn 1 1 ■ leas ng you si- 1 ing jq rio rrin ■ % la ni l . i us! a-- you wcu c' be if vtnl ^topped ( ili-iy m.dway thre-ngh Irum yum own phone, 1 1 takes a bout eight seconds for the phene Li ne to S inish dia ii ng what you told it co din I . I c somtl hues possible i n bca r a llrt le cl. irk a-s Ibis jjhone Jifte H nwhes d iu litig. E ntering 1 he lliree final digits allo-wv the call Le be completed through Washington. DC I t s la i fly obvious why thi s d eesn 'r work i n eil ies lhal tvqti i i e one’s before area cocks, l( the RCI computer sees you dial 232“141^xxk in nu attempt 1o access Kan Francisco through New York Til y. ii will sriy, ‘There is no svny on rnTth an exchange in 2 1 2 CUn begi n wi th a one” and you wi 11 hca ran RT! error message te char effect Dialing '7 j0?.--4I.5-.s) in an at tem pi in do i hi,: Siimt' frum W'ashington, LW.’ will make the computer Lhink you aret ryingfoacccFs lhe4t 5 exchange ibsidc : he 302 a rea cede I hat is why i t attempts to place the ea 1 1 It lias been lold ilia! 42(5 ivi any exchange that is u Iso uu u rea code is invalid in 202. Ii a bo gladly places calls to the 4 1 ] exchange finfonmititui.) or the 911 exchange (police emergency) in any area cixtp v.tfriw it ittts a pin. ‘nr tiro?. In I hfy; casts , four d umm y digits have to bt added after I he exchange to convince the RT! com pule r that it’s a real phone ifumhei fRCl did at least mmembet m lock OiH the ^50 exchange.) If there were a mitjer city nside the 516 aTca code., the hug would probably work there as well. Since there isn't. RCI docs a ris lease I inc-s i n 1 hat a tea code- 1 ri al! likr-l i l- nod .all ca Us to Is I (i are routed 212, Asa rfouli . ilu-rc ixnu Shcatphone line to take advantage nf in 5 1 6. ft ymiinttea (m f>Q$c 2-72 ) Another Stinger Is Stung Late 1 ll i. month, hackers unen vcrcti another '.'il mg” bulletin board system, En die post, such boards have been put up by Ihe Flccrec Service and the FRT in an e-IToil [ocnleli people passing stolen credit card numbers and talking about "illegal” Ihinj-Ui ■ This I in'n; , I hough, it whs d iff mint . This lL sl ing" Ti-RS was nan hy a TV station. M ike Wendland of WDIV-TV in Detroit thought the board wou Id be li good way to get hack ground for a story on hackers, So, for si\ weeks he operated Li BRS on John Mayfield's t If 1 -2000 minicomputer. Maxilcld has been after hackers for ye m e — both as an FfiT informant (see page l-6'i and li private Cm! sulta nc . * d'- to o.- H '" *>' , LU'l nlWC ' **' "" , - 24 ( r’l tloea - d: at oe^r 1 VitLr ,: T(iS pTOfli : ai voo TVh - f.LL Hl vAl ' 1 ‘ ' .- acxb tllLl t . l? .uU h ^' r - pew tt totJ ‘“t ™s opi -' S ;. wrP "";.™.! fix; buord had virtually unlimited disk storage and a variety of phone lines. But it all began to crumble as an anonymous hacker figured out what the true purpose of the boa i d was and who I he opd ? 1 ors. were. Word sprCLid quickly and the operators decided 1o “come clean” (see below}. Despite the threatening tone of WDIVs message below. Wend hind says he wi 1 1 not turn an y names in 1o the auebn ritics, but lie will do a story about the information that was posted This will include credit card numbers. cocks. passwords. etc. The purpose, lie claims, is. to “show l hat it [1 his kind of info] is si ill out there. 1 ' Wend land will do three stories, airing in mid-October. He will use handler in his report, not tftil names Tie plans to talk about “how people profit at Ihe expense of hackers. .. . H ackei's are Tien bad guys, hy aiul large, 1 ' he says. [ hat’s true; they’re not. And, as far as we can IcLL. no actual crime was committed by any of tlte iisem. Yet lheir mailbox^ wtue Opened and 1 he contents seized. ftul because it was all eke Iron sc, somehow it didn't otursLituLe ti violation of their privacy, in these days of curtailed freedoms, where magazines a i e pulled of! shelves i n 7-1 1 ’s for eve ryonc 's good , where d mg and lie delector tesLs are as “necessary” as spelling quizzes, where onr numbers have become our names, it’s more than a IrifLe unsettling that Lhere is another moralistic sel of eyes watch in gall of us, judgi ng ou r words. misreading the lacrs. You come to expect this son of thing from die government, bui when a TV repo rlei begins 1o play cop . judge, and jury. tt>i time Lo say enough already. t Ur' W 3 r. ore *? ii , r.a ILH ^ * m- L'.td x - }.d!"' wi ) ] lt - 3'' 1 pash d doc ^ nt fr ^ y3 ^ephno . ■i T ’ pJ 1 - ,,,, • d . - nrtll * 07 * ** £ to t.l T Pi V 1 - r - 1 ' • "Jli'rt LnpuT tlw bc f„ t. no* of yiVjV or T vl r - ,, JC, ^ YJ " All H f<- po- a'dd^; V, :> *. t - i „-v~ Wl t’n iV ULl '- i " se.*v LiC‘’ rl .1 to l ^ ivr - ■S- I F i.xO epc wUJS '■ si^r ? j * v^'** 1 ^ l1rh ^'T^ri^i^ tti 40- wn*? 1 an 1 roi 1 ” . 1 5 r c F Nl rti’C - I r' 1% (. 1 1 " ^ V ! d tie M Lo p 3 iv , "F V>tV = qo it- :^- f,fi — ■ • ; — AfiC 2 MHO G □ PER • 0 ! 'l OPTfl 0 NS A Drops DES ■■jwi I P. M mr-IT-n - ' The US gisVcimnjenl will not recrsrlify rhe llpra lBneiy|Vl',00 Klandnnl fDTTV a ’rand ant rode widely tHed by fstk^nnncciL arcnrexard indhistrv Io p red eel iWisilifue COfrtjHjierdala, wliyn ■i reviewed lii |9^S. Harold IJdniefes, dupuly direcleir of ■ ■ 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1. ■ ■ i ■ scrurily h>r Ihr Nal ional Fiecurily Agenry(n iron you u II Ougtil la know.] snys, 'Thf-usc oftllC OfcJv algorithm hjs spread Io K-nsillwe fl |ip I leadens, which lus mudr il an snCicjMiiglyal Imctive targel Tsirsiur adversaries. Therefore. we hove diicrrrtiped Ihnr il Is in rhr US ihlC[¥![ L-0- m[rcdurc raw rrypl np.mphiy p^rklKnp. " I he policy wil l cause fcOlrtf confusion am emge crimp Liter us era, wild r'n ;i V I te si-late ’11 hudprl fur new wearily erpiipmrnl pent! iuje 'he jvivernmi-TiL's article . Hackees On Shortwave ■'t ^ ifw A Seattle hom undid opera in* anJ cOiCIptiler UrilhuxiasL is Cplliup. on i|y- hc-dCfal (.Ortinlu'oientioni Commission Io srl aside a snvdl perl ion oTthuxhorlvwive hand FormicnoTOnipudsr Users. The Semitic hnm is pTOIOWting a pflCkG-f-wi Idling fuhltc dipupl rad K> wrvicc ( PLJItS). He calls it a "high speseii digital ladio highway" for cnmpmlsrr hobbyists Tlrmnld Sinner pTopujsei I hot * pdf I tOCi of lhe amateur rodm hfniJWHjrb (32-5d H 1 L.l he slI aside lor the PDRS Key rrs rhe TD-TtS n-xnikd he llw- (ksuciopmeill of “sciiart’" transceivers, whifli Would act ns network access devices. mniUh(sv;s, and modems. These limited radio IranKCiVierE. would OpNStlC si all times, aermg as"1h5 Cg'diva Flrll of nodes in ciKivml iisonl packet AClWUrfc*. As smell. I hey w ould c unstand tv mnnilorllvsairwnvrs ‘jn 1 pnekeLs aiid cessed l-n iFvem nr fnr packers IhcycoiJid gifision. BB Traffic Cop n lil'iv.'rnr. Ir'B CalV'CX.Ldn County, Texas, co n s ta hie s n re tisiu-ft a combination radar unit. computet. and Canada that JlUhe leached it Id dial the isperalnr. site fel l ngn in., pulling rlic phene lei Ihr fkinr. Il Landed n.frw feel nwviy, but sliciy.iJ h|ic was iiuahlc In m isr- her slvtvtJiiJei c Of anno to ICli it sf il . She C (Krlil I'Cftr 3, crfiekhnfL neii'C (hriKiyh. the icccwct, POwCiCi. fil’d Hjpan 10 coll out Teir flic npcrakir. More llttn '1^. hours lalcr. ji neighheir pinker! njr Iver phopc ard heard v d im vnire cryinp.. "I newilrclpi “ The iVwlit'Oi then Wf Ut d< 1 of 10 diroi lf<rk in New Ljelli .. India ’i> prolesL enarvwurrd dt-man;k Thai |yikce nmesl p pnlilicinr, wl:n slorpwd live phone COfilpnny and ordered Opcmlors to place h.Ls iaa.ll (o Liecntuy. Smre InngJtsInTire cafting fnnin Nyw f Je'.hi wnjt t'ii r 1.1 ally impessihln, the Indinn a'Tny tenik over llir central lelcphnne CKcheripf and hepAfi Cvkliup Cite Mnkcrs. I hey wCisT dCniftiidirsg Lhe prsiseniLinn nf P re kps.h (.'ll? fid SetTn. 0 ft 11 1 Hr Inmie minister arjd mrmher nf lhe mlipp (.'eeieress Party in l'nrl Lt nrwnl They shkJ bctki bund into a sertinn -at" the main demcjlic lofUs-dHthpCC booking exchange Wfivitip n pif-IOl 0 Inf Ueniardine lo kuow-why hh nail In TSoriihriy had not been, pel IhriKigh. Rr-lhi denied lielind (ImealCItCft OPatUKkcd any i'mIc imit said Ik WIIS mamliandled by on oflicer of lhe ryner.alnr's union '"I hey were shouting and arl ve.ncinp Inwm d me |sy so id “ | was only nskingwhy I hey did npi cOPOftt CTi> Call, fL in my riuhl as a nis. 1 nm; r. This is I he wnrst (clophooc sj-tdein in the world " “Signature” On Video Transmitters Th litp !■■ T he- Fe(l cral CdinimiUiCa I io 11s Coinm is sion jiTbposdl n system lhat wxiukl make il easier lei find firijir- [.apl;ii|i \1 i;l niyhlr,. Thrf FTT proposed t. rnCc teqdittfif that all fileliile vidser Imirsnaitlm have a special “ftignulure," so imlivirliinf Sipgo b CCriild be identiiltd grikkly. As ysiu shaolil know.. rap:n; n VI idpifslu llkdl on eus Ih 'talion Irvciverridra Hnnw- Jioi. Office s.wMe Mgnal inJ ioscr! his own IKieisa^je. HL'C invexl igalHirs only closer! in nn hi|in hccfitrSf (tfiiii ■Jrwisoal pallervi pjenerpted hy the: color burs hr usml sin his (lartSiilmipii. The pnspnsrd Pile woo'd (ieiu'ic lhe "signalure" Io he present on all lia.-riirTiiisiitris after December Jf, IWT CvqueiiLKslohrrs alxo rt iscnsssf (! whclh-cf Ihue sfieplil he aulsinv.lic LransTnhtor idcnrifie?,l km t-Vdems lor mimr mdin opera I nr:. FBI Kliop ping 1 .ist VL^.jV The PM fiiwiOUIKOd ItnL it i* pluTiniog In buy mnro than ■k.ttWdcsklopand pnrtable rstmptilcfs ffinise ; u a m. |Jc i-j nuc of activilcs. ’IhcTHI has. oslced VCiKlOn Ln prepare bids fsirrhe penaiy.l compij I cr s . wit ioli irtlikt niccl 1 he govern mnur’s Tem ficvt afK.eilkii.lwin 1 st keeurmg. thje mnehincs frijid tmatillioiired surveitlaiier. Arenrjing Nr lhe f-UI hid renuesl. Ih: machines, mint base lhe following umaxing eharaclemtl i-rs: Tim fxirinblro i*Wv| hi in u briefcase .slid weigh Iro-; Ibon 23 poennls. and have huil: in modems, I he v-tfnJf’rs tusiil allow Ihr Till to look n: fnmrc prodtwtl. arid will logo a non ilisdeeairc c.crrcmcm, In verify |HmL ti e inaehinrx will be able tf, run aofiwo ry ori a 32-bil chip. Midi as The loLel SfitWi! Vendors rmm supply It hake 5TKXI ixr fdCjG wirh CVitil . wli sdl if. dCsei ibed as Ihr F ill k ■‘'hascl ine" data hose lOR|isr£MiCtk lyriLHi. They musL supply n spread f^iLVt. u word oriwssine* ape, nn aecnimi iripaySKfll.fll nell as Pascal, C. Pmlng, IJSP, and Aweinhler. I lie Cliertffi nyxlein will graihaally dumb tcmtiiflRlS enrrcrl'y hcir(g used f Absm;] Poor Connection Starts Bomb Scaio S|- ViHi 1 * :■ Perhaps; il wna Ihr jiierli nf Ihffehllef'x vokv. Perhaps- il wax Urn ala I k Hu I fOlt'iClUirl.u :nadr (hr friend on the pyeutnd Think ihat pltelit T’lE? had a bambsin board. She woman on the fin nr hnd liantfe a Will to Jilt Irrrml in Florid* ofip£ a nevv&ii-ki-griKind telephone, bcil Iherotvvsn led OI a I alien T l-iere ix a fob’sem wil h lhe phone. 11 xlm sniJ . I |-e fi hrrnl. howyvrr, Ihedighl she had so xl I Imre wna si berfb On the f !a nu ansi Isild her hnshai d. t he U'.istinuJ eallod the ai i line, the ■i irli nn eollsd rhe piloi. and when Ihr pfaur arnverf al l.n Guo (da Aii|>0rC ii ''■m- Vsiri. il was dicerlerl rp a re mule corner of lhe airfield and f waking ^dUUd Ol AlbiUl'lfcC police nffieera, The iwimln whn mndr lhe full was i CiiW-cd from Ihr plane nnd ip^efi (o imhec headydartm at Che airport. The police (■ 1 1 (■<■'1. (tcJ witnesses on the plane as mxdi as Toe ■frjynd nnd l>j( husband in 3 Tisrkla and then npnlopjeod io i lie cnlffr for IhC irv-Tonven (Cnee. W7 LETTERS & NUMBERS Itear2lW0: In response lo PV's tetter Ld lhe June 1986- issue. Lhe Captain Midnight case didn’t involve- exotic equipment, just proper teehn iqne . Frnrn what the FCC Gin determine, all Captain Midnight did was to broadcast onto the satellite era responder used hy HRO. Ry using a more powerful and better aimed signal than HBO, the CHptuinmerely overrode the signal being sent by IE 130 to the downlink channel. ITre downlink charsoel Li lhe channel that cable companies all over the latino less to receive HHO, When HRO deteittliited dial it was being overpowered /almost immediately), they merely boosted power. La fact, ’’snow flakes" could Ik seen for a- half hour ai Cap! itiri M id night a nd 1 1 HO /ought fur control of the satellite. About the scamblcrs on downlink HRO rcctivCifS Ihey dc/aidl Lt> the pass -through mode when a clear (unscrambled) I ransmission is received. 1 hus Captain Midnight didn't have to encrypt his signal to have it seen hy sutsserilKis. From lhe HOC i nvesti gallon, they think lhai Captain M idnigbt is north West of Houston, Texas. They probably won’t discover much more than tins, unless the £ Captain stalls hratrgi ng, as it la kes time ro do ins exart n iangjti In l Lou . Taking eOnLrol of a satellite uplink as Captain Midnight did dncsi'A require nine's sophisticated equipment, All an uplink uses is a in icrowave signal, and the projKr aim with the right equipment (not too difficult to obtain) would allow oik to emulate £]k C aptain, Surprising that it hasn't happened sooner Lord Phncakcr Dear LPt As most of the COnseifiux, wt.trltj already /;n(- | n , -V, Cupt/fm Midnight has been found. (This letter was received before that happened. ) He was .'ri Florida as it turned mu, but it sure was intereSihtg how everyone seemed io think he has it; Texas — probably a trick by the feds. Official ground .-nations hove unique informal i which ideiitilies, caller? How ahoul ihe abbreviations and foil mimes with descriptions ol how they work? Whin is PREFIX? Write about the new privately owned street phones 4tnd 1 heir visible message. Dear LCCI ULi ft sounds fikeynu picked the right magazine. We update info as '.l( j get infe\ ju keep reading. Some areas are expettntenuni; wfr/i number identification — k rtitwing w ho 's railing you before you pick up. This is already j'ri pface within major corporations and institutions.: n ■' only a matter of time before owry call is identified. Tf;c best way to get a CNf A fen an unlisted number is h.i call it , then ask your local business offset' why that number showed up on your hid. They 'll cheer dy fell vow all about it. PREFIX If, if we understand your question, ihe three digits before the dash in your phor te number. Our phono number is ( 516 ) 7.Aj'-I , oii'jij. Our prefix Is ?Sl. Our urea code, or NBA, is 5/d. and our extension is 760 ft. Wt f hopa readers wifi send reviews of now pay phones that show up in their area. Home of them really rip yon off others let you get away with murder. Be careful though— if you 're playing with one of the Sc phones,. odds are that the person who owns it A in the same D+yvr J have recently gained Severn] numbers in several I different prefixes in my urea that get 41 strange response. [ have lonkcd around, and found a tew references ton few of 1 hose numbers, cnllii np them 5iT - 1 SwitclteS. What ear. you tell me about these, if anything? Joshua ]■ si Ikon Dear Jh": SI.-l )s a phone system put out by Northern Telecom, h 's starting fa gel old and outdated and many of its users are dissatisfied with it. You dhin "l fell us if the strange responses you're receiving are voice or data lines. Either way r it's something interna! to the system and the peuenfia! for abuse and manipulation certainly exists. Dear E would Like to open by Miying how much 1 enjoy your newsletter, More people should taken stand and publish wliat they think is right, as you folks do. Keep up the good work! [ am curious about the rules regard ing cancellation of charges for Long distance calls to a wrong number. J'n the past, when o call has nut gur.e through correctly. I've called the AT&T operator immediately a nd site kis cancelled the charges. Ry whal Criterion do they judge whether or not the call was in fact a wrong number? 1 s it duration of tlte Call? Do they verify that you actually do place a Cull Lothe teorrect ’ number after reporting the error? All this is prompted by the numerous times E pliice long distance culls and end up leaving the same message On the same answering machine when awniliog a friend tu get home. Thanks! Friends in faraway places I tear Frirnthn JFe assume they take a good look at how many requests for credit you make. If you make more than a couple, especially to the same number, they will certainly begin asking questions. It s a great i*vry to get even with pcopic—ftiss moke hundreds of requests of credit to their tmmltcrf (We do NOT endorse this 1 } Hopefully, our A T& T friends will write to us w ith the exact procedure when credit is given. Dcar2lH«?L I Juive heard that Dimension and H orbed) PRXs eyn be remotely accessed through diagnosl ic; maintenance pons, and 3-68 TCf’FRT (continued on page 2-72 \ The 2600 Information Bureau INTEREST! MB nOh36E£0 0 bim UUNlPEiS :=ES3CaftrikBliBaBH 222-1 00B 222-] 1 LI 230-74 L 7 26L-11E1 7RL-U9J 269 '331 5 269-3316 26? -3217 265-3230 265-321? 263-6303 7 6?- 59 3 O 204-151 ns 224-syyy 4 /4-i!30y 474- 12 03 475- 2362 475- ^460 476- 06 IG 475-0645 473-1 1 L ? 475- 1351 4 76- 1 453 476- 14yi 475-1561 473-1637 473-166? 475-1754 473-2007 473-20® 473-2030 473' 20 24 473-2035 473-2036 473-2071 473-2072 475-2070 475-2024 BRWEH RINGING (UONriWOHSJ TEST * FOR MTS &OTTEPV SNITCH >;hTS TESTING > [LENT TEPniHHTICtl 7MT3 TESTINGJ U gf H MRJUFRflHE 0 OF M MR [if ERI1E U O-T il MR [NFRRI1£ U aF K riHINFROME U oF m riHINFRRME U of It nHLMKRRMS ovum 45 EK 00 Nil WINGING, JUST iL-l iUir^K UI12-] (MT^? 6:2(30 ( 1 tYL bhgi;> hwjo> ( L 220 fiFL'ii ? (1200 SHL'Jll C L2O0 E 6 TUIJ ) HIGH PITCHED TONS: (BLUSIrhlJ ROX-llH 6S.LUR.P / MTS?? SL-1 SUITCH 5L-1 SNITCH TuHTfil -KiC ■124(35 brud> (SVNl. ) liRfFPRC 42403 FRUD> tSVHC. HRCLEOD STED'tVlG UHIH tNippy iVSTEH. CTCu.dh TatieJ DRTPPRC DRIFT RC DRTflPflC DRrflPRC IiRTRPRC BflTFiPflC DRTTfiPRC DRTfiPRC MTfiPflC 3R 1 hphi; 473-460 L 473-4700 473-3635 473-37RP ■*76-6 162 475-6206 475-7 LS5 475-7024 473-0663 473-0550 473-5000 473-0150 473' 0 3 51 473-3321 4/3-3347 475-92/0 473-0009 4 73-0470 473-9471 4/5-947.7 473-9479 4/3-y474 4/3-0473 4/3-yn?2 475-553 3 475 9/70 622-410S 622- 4 111 622-2420 644-1212 644-1223 G44-44J2 66L-532L 6 67-0053 667-11 :l 660-6647 669-1072 77 6-7005 OO2'Q220 665-3040 655-0000 SL-S Sir.'ITUlH TORE TCP UHE ERSWB <4flRELC TO TCtlEi MUTINOUS PF.LHCJ 0VLEL1 46 Bcoil 5U-L EHlTtH S JTiitFdR Ttf-Z (D4RM0ES OCTf-VEl TONE FOP ONE EftHNO MUl.l lcg BELL. PWIDR rJOUTRERL FiMULT I -TPU4J EO J NUlTILS BELL L'jflMRBR MOHTRERL CMLET I-TRQHICSJ CONTINQUS fiJNO TOME FOR OfiE SECOND I ONF FOK ONE SECOND TONE Fqp .^E SECOND TONE FOR CHE EECCM 't-' TE0HMQHT CONEULTRNTS IMG, VAX :L/?30 kiwi j5r:k iscme Rccns h+ilv i j. Ring m :- K (5CTE F-PEflS ghlvi/ Veir PETER - TR3-!imX 60000 CPERRUN0 SVJT 6 M RJlUMRriC H 1 TFCER IDENTIFIES CRN £9 ifJIUIIHTIC II .TIBER IDENTIFIES tfiMCi Fj/JuuhTjc IF, TIBER IDENTIFIER I fill I i CTONEj Ifigr HJ7 » CRRR1ER.1 6T0HE, BUT MIT FI CRRRJER? TONE Flip DM£ SECOND ?lfRRffi_E TO TOME/ ETERNAL BUSY (HOT Llrf) NU KING, JUST O'F-HOCK T».E CVLLll 45 HP03 2600 i SECOND KM-3872 CPSH-EK RftvTlEH'r SERVICE TUTOR] flL (TOO TONE? 924-3273 CP5II-EX Ri'mikm SERVICE TUTOR] HL CROTRRV? 924-33 1 4 TPIIE FOR CSE SsCUND, FCLLONEB Zv SHORT 3=EP ^“1:? ™ GIVES HO ID/ JUST F3KS FOR NAME 5 FA53U0PB 52 <4 “3 Or / 924-3O00 TDHF FOR CtlE -.tLiJUU.. PM. LOWED 07 SlCKT BEEP 324-3001 CH5H-EK FftVNGNT SERVICE S TOUCH TONE? 324-3092 CASM-E-X PF.VNEHT SERVICE i TOUCH TOME? 924-3033 924-30?? CR3N-EX PAVhtTfT SERVICE TUTORIAL < TOUCH TONE) 924-2053 CRiH-EX PHVHENT SERVICE < TOUCH TgHEJ 924-30?] CASH-EX RflVmpfT SERVICE '< TOUCH Tg'i-i 924-20# CPQH-EX PflVMENf SERVICE < TOUCH 7tU£ J 324-309J CflSH-EK PRW4EHT SERVICE C TOUCH TCNLJ 374-3036 #*-30? 7 324-32-j? #4-3100 #4-33 OL 924-?] 0£ 924-3314 924-93 13 924-3 tit 924 -2 S 17 924-3U3 HR 3000 !9S4“3L3? 924-3153 RED RIVER HH[hFRRME 924-3143 U of M CIJKIFUTER SCIENCE. 924-3 L 42 U of II liaiFUTER SCIENCE. 924-3143 U of Cl CLUPUTFF SCIENCE. 974-3144 CSKfiBEfN RjfKRHFT EHBINEEftIND COHFUTIi* FRO] LIT V 374-3149 924-3 L53 924-3155 924-2157 CANADIAN DffiCRH-T ENO] HEEP ] ND COnPUTIhO FflCILITV K4-215S CPI IflDIrTI niSCRH-l EN01HEER3NO CO?fgT[NO FRCI’-ITV 924-315? CRHRDIRN AlRUFiPL=T ENOINEERIND Qu^FUTlhO FDCIU7V 533-1074 PUL.SED-TOIE FOR HID SECEMDS 541-3994 SU“L SWITCH 941-2995 3U-I 3HETCH 343-CO LO 943-0013 543-0032 943-0042 IHTSR-Cnv C*S 943-0044 943-0043 943-0031 DATfiPfK (1 270 SOUT) 943-0OSG 3RTAPHC C770 SXT? 943-0072 DflTAPflC (ITCfl S^JBS 947-O0E7 :ATHPHC CL TEA S.HJTIh 343-0530 DftTnPfK ( L2EG 3FHISJ 94 3-0057 DflTfirrc i i2i'U EHU3? 943-0033 DHTFFRC ^J200 PROD? 343-0 L 13 DRTFFRC C1200 HHIJ3? 943-0122 DRTFRPO <1200 ERUD? 343-PL23 DRTFPHC <1200 FRIJD? ?4 3-0 L 35 rHTFFflG <1200 EfIUDJ 943-0L47 DRTPtPRC < L200 ORUD? 343-072C RIR CPUROR FORT L3 343-0S37 343-J 3? I HP 3OTQ 2®iS CVL 1 1 1 45 Dtgll 942-47^2 942-4HJ-4 TUsE FDR DUE SECJND 942-523S 942- 5502 943- 5501 343 u 5b7(] 943-5533 CvELll *5 EKOD 343- 57J4 SL-L CU-HXH 342- 5066 BL-l CN3TLH 942- MSG SU-L SR ITCH 913-603 943- G222 943-S340 EW3-E352 343- 6354 942- 6360 943- 6276 OVLllt 45 SK03 942- 6397 343-6443 342-64 G-4 342- 6165 943- 6166 313-6639 543-6634 543-679 L 343- 6S24 CSTRRHOE RESPONSE AT 3oa DHUD? 943-72 ix 0VLU! 45 2<0D 942-7404 942-7405 942- 7520 T0.ME FCR D'-F ^COND 947-7533 TCfiE FOR D7,E SECOND 943- 7642 243-3500 9-43-?! 70 ^2-9]?6 f,p 3CU0 C filirirujc Irum d&Vlighl iLainiinl lo t!ay light qivingg linu: cm April 21. Relwoen April 27 nntf tlif liitii tlie ctnm was rietuotix) on May li, mjtofncrs WCIC O-vCr-charggd for lnrr-(i(lcrViOOu calls, because I he srwiiehts thoughl Nho.1 they wf re si ill (ailing 11 Llic nbnmnljy c-.pensii c day lime Tale. Cii'H Spi ini lias kiiix merged -with US Taliwm In rrenre US Sprint. US Sprint CCnild net conltmi Ihn dnlltifi amount fit" Llic nii'laVt. saying only that die error Pad bttri Corrected and nil bills nne rerun. I Pi "iff Ihis-ycar, Sprint HifTensi n icporlfid S Id milhun Lhi Sift imlliiin loss when 1(1 of I he fOinpaiiyY SH switchus were nrrt progrnnirni'if re retold arid bill long dklnnce- talk Tfb»l blunder went uruvfiticcd by Ihr company for more Ihfln 5Wi> months, FCC Gives Away “Resource” IK U -P 4am Lf-r-vl The Federal C e+Yiivii,i nieni ! Cm s Cum mil sin n has deal! n hlnw to n proposed lUlal salcHhe communications system ip the (I S.LdCl'iyirtg il etriiiin radsn frequencies. AtllteSSmciJmethe Pgfiuv tet midr scene of Ihnse- radio (| oqtsneifi! Ice possible lire bv ,s similar Canndinn system 'They kicked domes (I q people in Ihr treLh," said Fdwin Hopper. ]T fid i 'tell L Of a McCaw rbmniiinircilioiiS aulJsSHlsifi 1 that has applied Lo build lhe- satellite sv'slfii'u. Thf TOT Ims provided frtC|U.CriCiea in Lhe I . hand. Tlv effeel of llifi diflctcbl assignment is. enornvmn, The U Hlr I ice unifies are also nr.ed for Of 1 1 til nr ttFtphattes ami twsi-way T.tdios, nnd . iv i I h tome ipediliefl.tibn^ could communicate ivilTi a MeiLiilfiSd .1 3ysc«n Th. l.-humi currently knl; used in the US; it is rmcrvnd Sir rulnne pir-lmiriccn nifty satellites. As a result, none ollheeurneill fifillukil Le-kphfincs uvr older m oh iie wd W. 00U,1d COirwmillflStf V.'i lTi an 1 . band M pMleoil sysltin. Thr PCr nbo enrmsirkfiil ^ airisll pbTlion (if Lhn L111P f re o 1 1 e 1 1 e V to Fin CKpcrlriinilal Tndbihveomrnuucpriesit d^ldO. in which an cmLrrpreneiif, mtl'fil tlwu the gcicmmcr.t. wou'd doieninitw liow ilit-^yitcni wiypld ho inted FImt ihainrian of lhe FCC. Mhlk Fowki , atua made a pica lo (’onyrntr. for live eiiitlw ily 10 auLlfnn uJfthK rmquencj , l The ajXdtJ' ItOv. 1 aolcclK appliialinnR by lonplliy I 'em iri.L 1 '-; 0 : bv lettciy. "MS. j. railionfll dit(irpct 10 ji.if away Ihis, exlmordinarily valijubli: re SOU tec- s|iLctiuni.' r 'rifr. Pi^vler oiid. AT&T Best For Hackers I'J'il.Vl, A aludy by Ifiatn C nin n i n 1 1 ri j i;-.* | Kin-: irtapai'j liocjuimiincd long dirinnae entrifirt from Mie puiut ol view of transmLlting dnta, 1 hey found: A I I atuosL always sel.i up .1 nwdeni-lo-iYifidfiPI OP 1 1 fo-iltr than ill (.vuripL'Iilor. Aficmge copivci tipififi U-OiC: 10. 1 jfiitmds ATitT . (reon4i- Wtoletrt Union. 17.3 MCr, I7..' 1 Allivet, (7.0 — IVl . pfiid 3S.V— Sprnl . OChT -af the tune. AT&T sicts up a gnmf connection the fintl iTy Allort wns lhe worst p( 385-, Portable VAXes!!! V-..V.J llackciT.cinin nnw pmetiectllpirenirt anywhere, evon on Ihnir (vwn VAX , Dipittl btiU'-pincriL Cnrpi.Ta.l in-ci in ivork inj. on, a $7'.0O(I 1 'idrta.hlu MkroVAX Ihal will snppod jk insnyns 1(1 u^rs The bcicfensc-sijo on your enmpuscr nvoi'ilor. flfld you'll bfi wcnrini! Ml*l|!tllcr JkVVfi! tl*l Billem,‘>dU to hold Lliat image. Anlic Sultware said ,1 will he inlroclucing glastrs, sold wil’n CALKID. u. ISIFunlkl modelimg program currcnlh,' nvnilable-For Ihr Atari ST. The hfnn ofthf s.yudfipn k n pair of glosofifi I hfit fire covered Isya iMjiahj eliUltfif (t.CS). I hf ghvitfii are linked to lift- Alat'i ST, winch wall d tipliy twb vghLly diFfercnt aiagcs nmc.sifitieLhofn tecondnpnr:. At live mime tinvn, 1 .CSa on Idol h IfiPfiCt will optfl pod tlotfi fipj-iidly. syni. hninvtd lo Lhe Wbtiincv pcr-scCimd rale. “WirmnJIy, your eyes, sec twrs differenl viijw* nhoiLl llirrfi irfilves ppnn.." Kiid Tern FI udwn . dftifflcr of tire ( AH [woprnm. ^I'he tirmolaic lhe same tlnng. to give the viewer the fiMcrpliivn uf depLh on Ihr Tnonilar. 1 " A glnvE hit been designed tbeil will tense mtw.1 common hnnd movnmenifi, VPI. Kftearch of I'aioAlto. CnSifomifl. neotutly a n nO Unified the gtovc, whieh ean be hobked lo a micmcnmputeT. The pjovr enn he ntfd in pine it of f prtor keys, piioc, or tfitKli-isvefip dfexfit, FL W‘ilS SOOii 1>£ fitVflilahle liw owners, cd Comiriodore M lyiLtrmv. Urntbri in rranl of the ciim|hu1cr and inlhc plowe sense ivFvc re lhe user's hnnd ss in th ree-d'nwnhiiMinl ns well as ihf tilt of the lipnd And wlmllier the fiujfirs htm or stiaighi '“'Vou can bundle objeeLs shown iin the oimpiiter scree it mu eh as if they were physically rypl .Inonn 1 .pn ifr, fonniffi# of V1PL mid. Hfi dfn i Oil S3 rated hnw it alhiws humans to “grab" a compiler imngg of n hmusciop hall in iniiJ-flijht. Message On the Move C Hvnkiiin. MmL When (nisirmerv of Ofnerol TeFephonc of FloridP nvove. people UfllO d 0.1 Lheir Old nuiubtr urf grceLcd by' u mw SCrviM that nut only gives out row numbers. Fun nn also relay odditiorinl infeuiruti ion J or btpfniffsw. such as IV company's btisincsK hours or udvcrl ocnienl.s. on His M oie“ weXti like tbn: elw operator alem the Culler lo the change in the phone ounihcT. jur.1 as Llic cnewentirmnl recorded ntessngc would do. Rut operators also pine thefipllcrtheoonipnnyh uewaddrotr fiud tnninfas hoiiff. boron CKlta rharge llo lhe Laimpany Lhat mOvfid) th: epcrolor will also it, id an ndveeming mrssage. The vtrvioe k one of four inSrodKfieur Curious: These PPX's @r? software-driven, and everything can be towrotfad by typing at a keyboard, Any feature of ike system cun be aohxttpd or doubled in this way. A U you need is the access. I>cai 26QQ-. Arc there any phone phrmiks out there who deal with phoni numbers that spell weird things? [ 1 toil got into this when at my last job l was lold thill mV phone n umbe r was Hit- t'OY -DOG S AH Piy friends thought it was the greatest. And easy to remember. Then l found other interesting numbers in the central Phoenix phone exchange- For example, 602*ASS-HOLF. il belongs to the l Lsh Market Restaurant in centra] Phoenix. 1 don't know il they scree good fuO. After I informed ihe person answet ing ni' what his phone number spelled, be called me u DICK II CAD What a jerk! WC-AK ti-SH IT was busy or nor answered cvciy time I called. 6t)2- PAT-SHIT is a phone in Yuma, Arizona I hat beeps when you call it. Then I Iried the grea 1 American bird number (iOTFl I CK -YOl J . However, that X doesn't exist inthed02 area code. Rais! What a number! And if my phone was TQY-TXHiK . I had to try 602’TOY- CATS. It's purchasing at INTEL. And for all you zealots that don’t like the Ibur-letle r words in this teller, yon probably should have the phone 602-CR Y-B A BY . Captain Zorg Moscow Police BUGS (continued from /rage 3-63) KG I is one oflhe suxi llefcompamics iuid cnuridl be accessed I rum most parts of the country. Oddisftrc, however, that ihe country is full of small tnrg distance companies 1 Hip ( haven'! gotten around to llxtnp this bug. 1 er ns know if yon find one, Northern TcLceOm If you’re lucky enough to have n Nbr! hem Telecom DM.O- 1 00 os you r L ocal switch . you'd belle r be ea reful. Theve switches in e clccl i' 0 «ie switch! np systems a nd i hey allow all the sin nda rd features like call frii whirling, call waiting, etr. Oneway to tell if you ha vu a D ivl S- 1 IJI] or yotiT end is m lislcn for M l mires c vf i V time you place a fa 11 ulLi side you r local ca' I i ng a roa . If you ben r f! rapid series ol' tones immediately after you dial the number and il ha ppens consistently, that's a DMS 100 I bey call it "the sound of our technology al work".. We cab it not bothering to fiber out the tones You fan tell if the exchange you am tailing i s on a DMSdOO by d in lir.g a number iliai is out of service. If you hear a serves of VI F rones rigid before Ihe recording or if' you hen r a ring i ighl before Ihe recording, odds am the switch is ri DMS-HJf). The bug is simple. If you decide In put call forwarding on your line and forward all of your calls tu anorher number and you me In a DMS-lOJ. something unpleasant will happen. Callers, will be able to know they are being forwarded because they will bear the ucifillcrcd Ml- tones when Ihe call forwarding kicks i n . but t hat ‘s nut a 1 1 bo eh M K to ne repTe urn i s o nu mher. If the caller has a way of figuring out which tones are what (not n difficult task)* he or she will be able to find out the phone number they are being forwarded to. Uomatier how unlisted il may be. So much Toy Northern Telecom and thcir^lccbnoldgy al work’'. Dear CZMfh K-V- really got a kick out of this fetter. IVe r d tike !0 see a whole uch' hobby -iron here, onlv with 8W numbers that spell Strange things, Imagine fim red-faced u comjwny would get if they realized ilteir toll-free number was80ff-R!P-OFFor something Mprl lor? A bout the best v.v could find was iOT C-A 7- P ISS. It s a travel sendee! credit-card Center- Send tut more! Dear 2Wt); Recently l had to gut a friend's number and address, so 1 called 1-KU5-S-S-S-121;. I asked fui Ihe phone number and street address. The operator told me that 1 could have the number, but m>l Ibc address, t hey said 1 would have to call L-&13-270- H7 ] ] . £o I did . Tire npeTator geLs on and says. ”< ’ustomer Name and Address". So I give be r rbe number uwd she gives me the Strccr number. Now ihis is at 2:.M1 in the morning. Mosl CN/A numbers are only npeu Iv.ifM: AV Weird, When l talked to my fi ienri, he told me this i,v new. There is a 25 cent charge to gel street numbers in Florida. What next? Hal-^WKf/Brast 666 Deni I fait 7 his service is starting to pop up m various places. We tried niut number and weren 't able So get through Perhaps 1 1 only works from certain plains, See page 3-71 of ihis issue for . r aincd by typing the II hi IX command UN AMS. M-c r err r imfrypWC how ihis error got b r us- PORTAQUAD 901 THE HIGH-GAIN, VEPY DIRECTIONAL PORTABLE FOLDING ANTENNA OPTIMIZED FOR THE EDUCATIONAL/PUBLIC FM BROADCAST BAND, 88-92 MHZ, Patented USA -made, money-back guarantee. SASE to: Antenna Division r Middlesex Farms Box 609 Hudson, MA Of 749 rwsnm ^“sssar--. ™ i-ii0a ooh-se;^ L-K06)-::iCif-i6aa t-VQ0-207-£i5B^ A L-fC0-2J7-26S6 H 7-2C37 r w l_Rtjg-397-644g yJ5H VER [F 3 UH 1 101 1 !. -gfiU-“ti2-K]C4 DFiTHprc [ sFClKMS(T ] ON S-Bgu-^S-0302 0RftS5RCHTS j (UUXMQtN COh^uVi JU5T eiSKS fOR PP SSUEtfD)