JULY, VOLUME THREE. NUMBER RF.VF\' $2 There arc :i few general rules of caution concern ir,g Trojan 1986 VIOLATING A VAX By Bnal/fhtih An DEC systems have proliferated throughout the establishment. hackers’ desires to know more about same hjtvc also risen dramaLically. This is ironic as DEC architecture has a well-designed security schema white many other systems require additional software, In usiy ease, reg/udloss of what system you've decided to target, them arc a few tricks. The follow! ns is written specific to V AX ! VMS bu t mov-1 of this can bo applied to Other systems, One two-bit trick is to continually hit Control-'] upon logging in This feature will tell you what images me being executed in the system-wide Logitl procedure. M ost likely, this is where any site-specific security will try and weed out who has certain privileges nr who should remain inside 0 captive process. Conttol-T has limitations, however. It only shows images; That is. if it's i:0l art executable in the directory SYSSSY5TFM, il will probably only appear as PCT. Tim I envois a lot of ground. Furthermore. 0 out no L-T might indicate that you’re running SET. Well, thatk- jusl tine and dandy hut SET what? H con'd he anything from setting terminal characteristics to resetting the CPU clock. Trojjirt HofSfS Let if- assume that somehow you got an account and now wish to give you t self privileges. A Troian horse if- jlisl the licket. A Trojan horse is simply a tew i ucs of coding that yuu unobtrusively slip into someone else Y program . That someone, who has. special privileges, then unknowingly runs your program. The following, is a simple Trojan horse that could be copied into a privileged users directory and renamed LQG1N.C'OM;890. Thus, as he logs inin his account, he ailiomaticaUy runs the program. Ihc reason for the high version number is to insure that Lhis will lake pi'ceotlcnce over any LDG1N.COM LiO already has. The last line deletes the program .thus erasing any trace of your d irty deeds . We assume here 1 hat the username you arc working nut of is "TRASH" 1 . Ksscntially, all we're having Our friend do i.& modify TRASH to have all default privileges. 1 , tkewi.se, you could have him add users. The only Itard patr is copying tills into a userY directory. If the system allows ad GROUP privileges, then you should lifl-VC no troubles. As Vaxes arc frequently used in scientific environments where P rogram-Kwapping is common . thi ^ m iglu be the ease. Otherwise, you'll itave to pul this or something simi lar 10 this elsewhere. SS-TCi VOVLREI'Y SSETVOtO>TROI^V KSLT MKSbiAtit/N t)t'AC/KOI£)ENT. f NOfilEVER /HOTEJiT ASS1CN.TJSER XL: KYSlSOVTPIJT ssv.t m:v sysisystem: SftUN 1 ,'U'THORIZE MODIFY TRASIt/niTTRtV ALL EXi'l SSET CONTROL V SSET M EAR F A C ,'l H F. NT sR V F.R /TEXT XUELEi'E LOCTNRIOMSN) horses. First, in general don\ replace or Insert the home directly intn the resident program. Rather, insert a pointer that tells the system which program 10 tun, (The sample horse is an escupliosi as it deletes itself. However, someone perusing tltf system may discover it before it runs .l Additionally, give your program an innocuous name. Make it look Like il belongs. Finally, whenever possible, write your souree code in compilable language, deleting Ihe source code and leaving only the image. This will insure thal even the most suspicions of system people won't be able io to End any evidence of tampering. Now, Let's say that you want Lo colled more passwords. The password grabber is your tool. This childishly simple program does nothing more than mimic the Logon procedure to some unsusport ing dope. U tibekrtOWU 1 0 said dope, hi?, username and password are written to some useful Location (your directory, for instance) for later retrieval. Sophisticated grabbers continue to let the user Use tlse system, and just pass Jlis commands to Ihe ope rating system. An easier approach Is to bump him offline as if the computer dropped him for some legitimate reason. The following program .simulates a logon then gives him a transmission creon (The error looks legit, hut 1 don'L think Lhis message really eisisCs.) followed by the Si ring Of character?, indicating he got bumped (lhis string may he site .Term inal specific.!. At lhis point it just vrai(S...an hour. H aving d isahled Control-Y . he cant do anyl hing anyhow. I le 'cl hj i: her leave o r turn off the term ica I . Hither is il nc. 'I lie problem with actually having the gra bber jog you out after i.l Luts- gul Len the password ri that the Logout message earn: lie readily suppressed . It also m ig'r.t ha ve an elapse time greater than the IN) seconds he was on, and it will certainly have your name in it. Now comes ihc bad news Most privileged users have a terminal on their desks and perhaps work in restricted areas. Thus your posswoid grabber, in a more public area will probably collect unprivileged accounts. To gfl around this, next lime you visit the system manager at his office, run the grabber on his terminaL. Tt only takes one short command. The other hod news it that this is designed to work after hitting Return or.ee and only once. The second Return wiLL be a bsorbed as the ti sei name, A I ii tic CKi ra cod i ng cou Id rake ca i e of this, Snm sysSsyJnriiclL'nr [Thrii jusl clrars lliu steven, is silf-sjivcirii:] Sinwilre/Jiopiinct rluiaiay " " l Absorb the first KRTCIRNI smi tcrnlml — Y (Iil-ji cum li mie :ih^Sl|fl..l2] - ftxtl? S*v :== Writs eyviowlsut “ " JkTshfiU, “ " ityp# ijsSipmt WIT .COM E 1 1 > nEFENKI'. TNTEI.I.IG [IN' Cl'. AGENCY VAX 11/7*5 I'm iritr ii. L ,i i si ijj i l t* i Lull fi'+T-aVtil twe Icna/'birrrlcMfir Si 1 1 >. i u i r v .‘ rnrjluiutt rimcn’ "L'wrjiuniu: " Jsrt tamn/nsuhih jHiQiirlrf /iurjiimcf puss ■'■PiiMWiml 5 upc[i; write ksj- - El® J v '■‘S S ! 1 ■ | 'rash ^.uoU iw.l ik (continued on pti£? 3-Sf/j VAXES (continued, from page 3'49) SviTitr; key— fi It njiri?." ". |hv*ih SdOw kev— flit Swiit nrkM:(H Sna “ WflrimiH (o VA X/VMS vLT'Sun VJ-.Z S-wm" STVaiLfflliOOim Svis h S TO P: CHIP WFFhTVl> StHEDi. L£ EMTLlt I1MK— NFWS Alt THE 5 I'itOMEf Swuil 00:110=02 JW " twi" " Swv" M Swnil (KiilUJfll $w S " S H Swi VF-TR A VP Ff.ru I trairatlwknil irt*xt" Sw* " DcitOilriKC in ]im£rvM(" S *3r = f$1linirC) Sv»s-“ “.niiniL.,' 1, litj^r-d (iu1 nt ".dr s "mmmm $ % $ SwaU (HidOjOft V i ruses Vini'ws arc a hit more inlcresflnp. ITicsc mSnstcTS in [heir erbdest form do nothing but replica Le themselves. Tlw One below cErics just tlial bul with* twist, I r keeps on submit: i r.p jobs tes- the hatch que anil send!; the Output to SYSSSYSI'EM. Unfortunately. ail that will happen is lire que may ove iflow. \1 osr V'ajfcs arc set u p to run no mn re 1 lin n three ot ton r iohs iim ulumeously. Bo user service wtinl realty he degraded . The system) w£l 1 : ust pet very very cluttered. This partlctilfi r viajs points oql an inlcrcslinp tlhw m how most VaXes me set tip. There is generally no limil to the number nf jobs even a ad n- privileged use* mav si ibmit . E ton ion I ly. 1 h is parameter may he easily reset in the L'Af. A good virus does something slightly mure interesting lilte pin nt o small bomb in the system to go oil' after sonic time period or after some event occur* or burn a hoLe somewhere sU thai a certain command will do something dse or insure chat a certain username wilt always work or dedicate all system the free phones of philly by Chester Holmes In' a snirpri&jflgly alcruislio move, MO/SBS-Sliylma. in cooperation with IfclL of Pennsylvania (BP A) , recently begti i'i provid i up. free '.n np d istanoc service to area inhabitants from ordinary coin bux telephones. The new IL I program was initiated in several central offices that had recently been upgraded to equal access. Under equal access, telephone subscribers arc forced to '■’vote ” for their favorite long distance carrier on a flimsy “ballot '-(if they waive this privilege^ a n ^qual access ca 1 1 lc i will he a is ig tied to the to , ostensibly at rand otu ). I Ins arrangement allows long distance calls to be made simply by dialing 1+NPA+7D (I plus the 10-digit phone number), and Ihc selected (or assigned) carrier would hill [he call accordingly. Users still have Ihe option to place calls Ihrough other Lhan t -Lcir priiEtii ry ea nit j , though, by d iallng 1 0XXX+ 1 +N E J A+71 1 . [he XXX lieinp. Ihc carrier’s code number (watch for a lull listing of these soon in 7660). ' I'his “oasuLi I use, “as BP A calls it , is hilled by most carriers via tire normal monthly R-PA hill VI ost coi n box phones have lip pet rentty voted lor AT&T as their longd islance a rricr, So me nifty things happen witch you try 1 UXXX+ dialing at a coin box for example , 1 0444+ 1 + 1 01Y resources to calculating the mill ion rh digit of pi you get the idea; It car. do anything. You're only Limited by your imagination. Even more fascinating, when the infected software is copied 1 n anol her system , the virus takes over yer another machine. In tliecascofcnmmiiiiicstOn software coding specifically designed to reach utu and touch other systems, the final outcome can be phenomenal especially when one Considers how many systems a re networked togcthfi . In theory, otic program could in fee: a very large percentage of all system*. Finally, the virus. can dlller dupliente iLself upon entry to each system fori cel or clone itself arithmal ion lly (as is Ihe case below) nr prow in perimetric progression. Yeow! The sample virus Consists nf two programs. One writes- a duplicate program and renames each cine slightly rl i Ifcienl I y Lis purpose is ro duties up disk spice. The other propram submits- each program. E hc only words of caution are us follow*. All jobs have the uv-i name at lathed. IfyuuYc using one of many tionprivileges accounts and don't care, tliath one ihing Tf you don’t want to get cn i i_f.hr . you" I need special privileges to add the qualifier .' 1J SCR X A M L! - S Y STEM to (lie submit cemmund. Prsigomii 1 1 Hik’d; GROW.t UM : SSI ! BM I T fN O I v XOI.IX t. Sl :K\A\tl', SVHTFlVT TS CMF l'raiirum I] 50JUXT fi STOP: SCOUNKOlMJtl ft'AME "I1I1'V5Z9^TRABII1IXFECT“ * f JSTIt [NGft'OCJIST} e “.rtxw" lomyttlttlfif Kill: ■NAME iwbiti: [■■n.E“ST>m/f>urpi:T=SYSiSvS'i em L>t:vsj.P:i unoonn... r WTI.OSE FILL IFT1|)]:VSZ^TR .\S1 1 \CR QW.COM ICOTOIOB* AnySmw. happy hunting, and don't byte off more lhan you cur. eschew. will give vou the Ailnel tune to enter yot'ir nut bur iai.fi on code, likewise IflTV^-r (Sprint), and several others. I02M+ (AT&T) retgicsts payment (“three dollars Lind forty-five cents, pleits( , '‘k By dulling 10SSS- the all ii. pfowl through Skyline (currently merging with MET} aud the ’'casual use” bill wi II presumably be sent to Ihe coin box. As Lin added (cli L ure. MCI an route alls io most of the Dec world. Lack for this new Convenience in your equal access lie i phhn rhood — aie k ly l ! ! Asa El PA rep resen ta live sa ys . “With equal access, things uliango every day!" In an unrt; latcd aetiun. BPA a nd AT &T a \ e off; ring Dec Id ng distance dLrccfOJy assistance oaLK from those blue "Tharpe-A- C 'all” phones. Ad jueent coin boxes ask for bO rents for 1 he same call. 4 + 4 Kfafrm.. are you yet tins. ifruWv/nw?. 1 you? phone C0'nip*ti)\ tfiaian?j\ us-tfoogocxl r t c ■ .■ ro te.ti s-ermchodyehei }f so, then write them .IiV'mtt ono who them ;o: The 2 (it if J (Jood fVo, 1 ', F. O. tiox P!> r V. J 1933-009 1?. Doit today, or it u , ho, r r hlof people. ivj V be mo vim; to Philadelphia. 3-00 Town on Hold During Strike When workers (or A'l'A I walked off tlw job mcgntLy, rlvt people of Sfn Isle City, New Jersey were reminded jtUt Ivtiw a nli unwind Llteii 44 -yen r-pkl IuSc^HdilC system is, ResiituiLls a inn o l make long rjislunce calls without "he help of SO i^tciulor. Sopb nr ihum hail 10 leave town to make calls. Whst's limit Llid fasjhiftucd about the system is that iL LVl its on ihe honesty of long d iscanoe colters io pruviile u|ic rators wilh live COFr-rel phone number for billLflft [MiTp^i!*;K. I hr" LO-WP double-checks all phone thirds P.bo-vit : 57 . in arii cffcrc'l Lo identify fnni?Jritepi ailk, N-cw Jemey Hill says Lite telephone switching equipment will be replaced In December. Prisoners Break Law k'-IH JlTVi IV >■ HrpiBrf Mortis Ce-unty .In il inmates ksvC bCCa making thousands of dollars WOT LTi of telephone calls over LliC past y Wt "hy using Lite privileged, lOllg-distiinre 1 K 71 h u lot Company codes (jf MCI, according L-e auHlonlies MC! Communications CurpOl alien cetim.ites IliaL ieimtca havo PiPite atiouL S 10 .GC 0 worth or calk hy using illegally obtained ccnlT A If-jTjr-O'jd studml .it TrilOrl Cbltege (River Grove, [|limmj lias Seed cli.irfpd with using 0 computer 10 raifC ilis grades ami ^io crod it for-emu ics lie never took . Ite k aim lvccn PCCUsed of iilLoring Ilk grades nf I f Glhcr Pascal or foTUBr s'LnlcnLs. creating n a academic KtOid for someone '.vhO never attended Ihc schyo-1, and allowing student! to lake courses free by 1 tipping, into 'L Vi LOil 5 computer system. spate i h olice Director .limes Zagel E*id some movies have pOrtTSiycd eOPipalfT erintesaS "SOtinc 1 hin£ euk and Off l , er"3Pd lit diked, "Won VI you lliii'f. il IMPS MS clever if the Piovief; Opcnicifi Efervr sharwed a jay frvrjyng Ins prn'ern:-' will ot L- aui'eiilS riiKher clieeks oft letn l rr^rcliaii.ls'. 1- [We wondnr il' he\ cis r siOj'i &iNhji'e iv.tij' C'lydf or fipAe die iWi ’OtT and Rum... .] T\e\v Jersey Tops Taps Vea 1 Jerwy led Ihi; nalioa, av a^nal . Ill k year in the OlHllbe r or sink Ordered wiralaps. with NtlV Verk cinning ill R C-loir menial, aecordipp, to a ftaleral 1 eport. New V*ek reported 1 he Ian gcsL Liinnter of twvenf*reenKnC -ivirelapi 11 a LitMlwlde. wfieo na-lesd iilg fedcrplly onletcd IP |!^. Both staLts far ejtcetided ihe lolsL reumher yf 1 u p:i m any tiher state. Sew Jersey Stnta CHnopIcted m wiretap-; law year wilt a grand Loial of I'*! laps. New York’s Lola! WOS 716 . In eisiOjiariKiP. [Vnnsytvaaia had 6L, for exaoip P, nrn3 Cisnoeecieul had 16 - All ia|is in toih ames wei c approved hy judged and were plaeed mi lelcjihopes in ipnvatc homes ami hnsitsiMtes u^iort wiras 1ST rtiierojihoriEE. ?™:rali tajis, Leonitomil p-jhlie pmy phone 1 - Thu repdi t dees not list Lips sLill In pj^ress. £x“Ftxi Tapped TiTivr i , '»^».fT Tfic farmer tepd iieen rtiargptJ 537- par pnpisih lo-r Lius pleasure. E lse suit Oonlendt that €!TE did a'iTUift v-llhonl his knowledge or consent , and [IlOE .AriF-wcrpH tfar iiliftaei i ng fei vice he w H is wired to, i-jused rlvs wimcri ion to he made "to listen io privileged telephone eonvcrsacionsaivLisiiisaceeas to sfiiaitiae ipformalnsn Apparently, someone plated a w-rirk -onlcr wiiltC I H. and it CoOLpSied. Gif'- Has Since t'Cf'PIlded almost 3s2,{!00 to Gunderson. Ttse former spceul agent said he Ivas been I Li raised hy Federal ayeneie:, hceanse oJ Ilia effoTls to viniltea Ic a mail wlm Will cnnvieLCd of Tlltirdering his psegnaaL wiTe prd two dangjhtetS. SS N umbers Returned To Citizens Tv rWnKf .■•vpI The euslomeTa of Hoek-rrYuick Waki Coi ill NorlTirni New .kney mccived a nolioeivilh Lhcir (illLs lIliswiplfT Icllirg llicra that Lhe company lifid ninigiit Lodcmajid thek Fiouia.1 Setuiily numbers Inn-.l yr.iT. In IftiS, wIjl-il New Jcesey ordered Lliai water ip ccriam dtonglit-strickMl regions he ratismed aCCOi ding, to mimkers of poTsnni pet household, waki SoppliCTa -were anlhm irOd to count persons p pd . it' ihcy wanted , 1.0 eolVd Hocul Secnt'it'y nuj libers. Tire Unckcnrtiek c*ni|ra.uy naked for the names of every person and the SskLiI Security kncnbiiT nf ilie head of Or household [.liter, Ihe Company ad milled Lhot it w-ailled Sgci-’-l SeiUFily pumbers, not Lo ration svoter, huL to help crrrliL Imrca us aild etillrcikfJl a prncies colkvt u npaid hil Is Reside Ills 111 Ikrgcn Cikutiy seed hrc-aitsf liicy KR >d tn be lieve the InforreaLiOiL WPS rc(|i.:imd hy LliO wale. A federal court otdceed dvr company i* send 0 coficctMiir not ifknlLon Lo its CUeUmKTS ami Ln fvi mil llL«n to have: Ll>.-k ru.Jrr'bcTS eraiciL. Computers Strike Again! i'H IWpi A fnn'.ly eoinpuld' program in he.ililal.gS ivith leliphnue jnhemvim ei general iiyg phone kilts opto I y.in.H' 1 !'■- rcent higher thon average for linn isy a rca customers, recording U> A L & ( ollleials. AfiT ian'1 si.ire hnw many COStomers are affecLed. hill one cuiiemici, Pempul IhmUowsky. was ehuTgeit Vlf-I.HS for a irliiiLlii’i JOPtpl on n s Li ml aid posh-hulloo phone, ^riie fniTcauiraey is SO h'mateid . Ihe COmptltcrs hnvn Liken rt\or t " Jaiy 1 1 .ouis Sou re off-7 1 . who v£ul billed f.66 "d I(>t leasing i? .67 worth of c^ujpjp-eni ■ A" I AL l IrasnH figuTed met how to fix tlw problem. Federal Employees “Tracked” I hr ■+■« Vi'ili 1 i'-U About a Lbird rtf all tfkphonc eaLls tirade by J : «krul employees ut fwe ageucica lAieie lor [>:Tinnal iaLlier iVinn business toasonsL nceording to preliminary Govesnmcnt rauiLics. Ihe PrcRkfcirt^ Council on Integrity nud liffkieiiey [nb. jikc^el] ordererl chc Luspcctorsgrncrat ol all E'edcra I asjf-neies 10 conducl the kuiSies in determine thf. exLerk nf plmnc system abuse in Ihe Elovertimcnt. Nobctfy Lirteneii i.u Oj'i calls. oeennSiug to tlB iospeeloT gcneml ol' Ilie (.k iteiil'. Serv’c/ii AdminisLiat rOil. limn-id, the nfttnews Ln::k seleitlifie snniples nf Lhe CgJ!n Itlpdr from Llietr ollleciand then called tin oimihcT. tfthepliope was in a private Tcsidiitee. chocnll was elassifird -TiS |Brion,il . rKcnv much do you UllllV W 41 S wasled try calling pH I'noie Itombrni initLad of" doing, CNA\ Oil LliCfnY) Dear 2600 Dear 260fi\ .hist thought we would infirm your readers; of a publication of inter Kl . ACF. (Association of Clandestine radio Enthusiasts) is a group interested in pirate and spy radio which publishes a ['['i.o til hly newslcl ter, We encountered these people when the Private Sector BBS recently expanded into the world of radio communication*. This iWb"boatfd on the BBS discusses cellular and mobile phones., scanners, and similar topics such as pirate rad io. We'll he interacting more with AOi : n the future as we also explore shortwave and pirate rad to. bu I you f readers ca n also explore hv subscribing Co their newsletter ( tlx XC£) fur 3 12 a year Ofl for buck issues). Write la Af’R. P.O- Box 40)99, Baton Rouge.. LA 70895 . I hey also run a BliS u'liH)/ 1 2-00 bps') at (9 1 3) 677- 1 ygfi , Mention 2600 when you subscribe n r lop onto the BBS as this will cut through sonic nf the red tape. We ran iicrcss t he May 1 984 ( V3. 92) issue of ACF wh ich )ms a feature article oil pirate TV interruption of pay TV in Milwaukee, which predates the Captain M id n i gb I -IT D 0 incident, Qrher articles cover making your awn pirate radio antenna and tin' anatomy of an FCC pirate radio bust, as well as dvc r'Tecueneics of pirate and spy radio broadcasts. Shadow' 2609 and. K id & On C'o-sysnp-s of Ihe Priialc Scclor IfliS LkwXMW: In your May 1986 issue, yon discuss boxing I'lT on page 3-38. t . r.fortu natdy the technique d isetissed does not result in n free phone tail. Following the directions as they are printed result* in the call being completed by the subscriber’s tamer, not by the [TT network (nnless IT I happens to be volit default caTT'eil.'J his will, of course, result in the subscriber being billed lor the call. The authors of t he a rtiofe were fooled in 1 0 believing ihaf I TT allows its billing to be circumvented by she application of 2600 Hr bcc&uw of the way the IT!' net work handles this tone. When a Hr tune is app lied to an ITT c;i 1 1 . ITT bangs u p Oh the cal let ? lid a pprox i mately 8 seconds later your local dial tone returns. As far a s l k now there is no way to defraud ITT by u si ng any suit of electronic device Other (Iran using TT I'M F (touch-tones) to hack out their travel todcs or a modern to break i nlo tlwir billing computer. Htiwnl Dear 2tiOQ\ Thanks much for providing lots Of useful information. Here is mi ironic lirtle announcement about Lhe new president uf tlie Coalition for Open Systems. Front Courier published by Xerux. Palo Alto, California; '"The Corporation for Open Systems has named Lincoln Fanrer, former d i redo: of the National SeCur ity Agency, OS rhe group's firsi president. Faurer was chosen an the basis of his extensive experience in the standard i/aLiun process in id in negoLiul ions with vendons Membership in CX1S currently sljmds al nearly <10 companies." kl Devir Mr. ]; 7iNr.WL-' era not just 40 sit tie compares ivf fter. They include Bid! 1 m. h Boeing. ifiFC Kodak. NCR, Northern 'Telecom, Xerox, and others on tlx execultw committee itkme! We (ire sure. .'hat Mr. fattre r will enjoy running future discuttsitm-t of data encryption and other sirtndt ltd* wish the rest of ihe coalition. Dear 260t)‘. I would like to add u bil of iniurma Libn lu that given iji the Ma rch g6 issue n n V MS and such. ' L'lic | CXXXXXJ | can he replaced with a minus sign in bracked S [-] H said somewhere that Ibis wou Id raise you up one d i rectory leve I alio. A friend and 1 found a fife listing default passwords, and orhe r goodies for the VAX etbemel Corrusvuniesi ions Sc rvci V2.9, To quote from ihe (3) Default Passwords section: ‘■’The default password has been changed lo ACCESS. This, password is requested on those pOUS- for which a SFT PORT PASSWOR D FX ART .HD was issued before the user logged in. ' I he password port etui racterisl ic is it feat ure nol found in the Terminal Server VLC.S release. Terminal Server V ] .0 fumed users of modem-coni rolled lines only to always enter the login password. The d e fun It priv ileged password is SVSTF.M . S his password allows a nnn-privileged user tex gain access Lo privileged functions. Voti should change bnth ofiliesc pnsswn rd s alter a successful installation of the software, and thereafter un a regular basis. Change the pass words using Ihe following TSC commands: ISO DEFINE LOO IX PASSWORD NEW-PASS WORD, TSC) DFFINF. PRIVILEGED PASSWORD NT W- PASSWORD ,L Prel ty bori ng stuff, huh? ' I he nnly t hing we have found lint l wc could do witiji these so far is broadcast messages to all terminals, and sign someone nil'. UnlillnJ Dear Headers; lass month, we told yon oho tit tlx A T&.T Toll- Tree Wake- Up sen tee $002220300}. vdveft featured OH t'dr) last eternal loop of music h i pianist George Win it on, Si.nte tour mention of H. the music hrm Insert /,‘hrtnged to nonrle.urip! tnuztn and the volume of the recording has been reduced, making >> less pleasant mi listen to- We (th<> spoke wj'. r j'j George Winston and it •■ked him what he though/ df his music being used by. A T& T. He replied; '7 Lfo'rrV 'pare, because i don't gel r?jri-' royaities because of it - " (bravery different sit Idea . v.-e received the first copy of Telecom pul ist, which was written hy Data Line , forest Ranger, Rev £nge. Tarim King, md a few ofJti'M. Tite first issue is 20 . 1 'weo.',, and. tvo ;7.i-\? told ihat fiUu re issues wifi 1.x mtmihfy and only 4 pages, like the vid TA P rr.vg, 0 -ino format. 7 he first i Issue has HsD of Secret Service and other fyctjueneies. a contusing description Ctf ISDN, a transcript of a Phii Donohue show on computers (from Slnrelt, I bn,5 /. a list of A ulovon exchanges anil their equivalents (as in our May , I9&(i issue f. and a little postal in formation We sake ihe wait and see attitude on •rh ether or not to invest in this one. If you warn to inscribe, contact ' I elecompu List tf trough Telex 65(1-240-6 d 5 f> r by leaving tl note to TECHNICI A N on the Delphi system, or by writing to /'. O , box Florissant, M O 62Cii2. The first issue suyS that COU should eon t tie f them before sending any money. Hack issues are only £.50. hut there Is probably only one tto far. Dear 260(i\ l j us: found a grotil way CO save money on my long distance ealLs. When 1 (LaL “tT+Areu Code j -95(H hxxX. ihe call goes through. Since 1 used, the "O’". 1 chink that the cull is free. This means (hat if I am in New York and 1 want to call California, 1 can call the R.S. Tel tone in Los Angeles U-*2 1 3 4 93tH ll>33 for free and then dlala loetil call to my friends in California and be billed for a local call on U.S Tel. What do you think'. 1 (continued on page .T-Sip.J ^ 3-62 The 2600 Information Bureau The fcJlsHina : e j list o< ill tauntrv cotes in nuurklt nrder. This Infs tewps to us frji T^lftdi Bigest yij PrivitP Seder. jfjri^NljEbjrJ.flg 2 o."-f I I j ni ear it f d dupbsr : nq Ar f j h l L^ada, H5ii Tfrrludi r -a PffgfTa Piio'jpB'Tfio Virsiirtttandi. Jsflilfi, 3^r b i rin&, iinquiU*, fobaei and Barbuda, Lavmn J Blands, Virgin- ] Blinds, BpriUdi, Bibaias. On*|ij L a. Dniintmn HtpuMlC, Brsnada, ttontaerral, SL OristophEr end Kpvia, SL LueJi. 5t. Vines, at in i tha S-eni fines i B e rut a, MnpU&ie, PrufiE [pm] Inland, ilnicn jsjirdj, idnidad an^ TabrjU Nnist Htjf Li d IkiIIhis Hits Tens I style area code* irE a 3-aek •pr USE troi th* 11,5, and Cihldi tnnlyt at\6 ari not officiit. , , Jstlg, Muihwing Ism 2i ftfricir am^and, Faroe Islaida, Argbi 2$ Egypt *" — ” — “ — A 2, Integrated NjobedSq fVpai ilarnteo jM in service, alas hi* 21 0, 111 ^signed, but not usEd) fllspm III-: tn fume, also his. 214, 013 migned, but net ■giadf si i Ui m iwuiti, also hit 111 njinnhJ, bd net used} Li’sya 1213 In iwvies, also has 219 iUiDMj, but net usedl Tbs EmbLi Senegal haurilani t 111 I Guinea Ivcrv Omit Burkina Fno (|J»gr VeltiF ^iqur Teqc Benin Mauritius Liberia Sierra Leene 5fr»M b’i terii [hid m m in 221 :n 2?s 22B w m 3J0 3J1 m 23 3 33 1 231 2600 {ISSN 0749-3851) Edita r and Pub I isher Twenty Six Hundred Associate Editors Eric Corley David Rudermnan Executive Director Helen Victory Cartoonist Oan Holder BBS Operator Fori BITeh Junk Mail Receiver Richard Petrovich Writers: Paul Eatev. Mr Pronch. Emmanuel Go Ids torn Che&LOr Holmes. ThO Kid & Con^any, Ux Lulhor, Lord Phreakor, -VI ike Salerno, The Shadow, Silent Switchman, and the u!iua I anonyrnoci bunch. 2S&3 is piifcliahtd by 17B1 2&X' PtIVATE OECTOP BES (3t>1 } 305 JJ43 1 ACAfEHTtSING Ot FARTTrlENT P 0. Hox 762. yiirtlle Island NY I ISllJ-C'763. C.rll lor fflttS. AnnCl lSK HMISSIOrj L - Tn:Hfv p 0. &JX 33. r.1 rttne island hr 1 .Saa-OOSe We rcadilv occest articles, leiMffl, Clippings, SH^rk .rrd n^ldi far p-iNiCfl:iu» POSTTvlASTfH This is priume the Tlelhertinds ftitillei 2?-3 Faroe Jsltndi IBeniarxl 2?V Ereetlind Sptrtl 23, 290, 29J, 292, 293 f 294, 293, 293 “ You Tv very wekomp, .fir. And thanks for ahiuing A TS T>' : . 3-53 Hof I d ?0,iibpri ng j 2 nng5_3 Juro^Excest ^Sg n Let _UriJ 05 38 Griecf"""""' 1 ' 3 1 Helh-sr !. ir-ds 32 Belgium 33 Fr ^nt4 33 670 (mdcrri 33 03 lie nice 34 Spain 350 Gibraltar 351 Fcrtyqj L 352 LuxeauO'jr-} 353 Inland 3!:1 IffJjnd 355 AJ ban i j J54 Haiti 357 Cyprus 358 Finland 355 3u.1 gar L i 3b Hungry 37 Gernrr Bpiccratic Eopublt: lEaitl 35 Yuqc ■ 1 1 vj 4 '/< 35 54 1 Gan fJfcrinn J7OO002 Vatic m City 48 Rcv-ini. a 11 Guttler! and It 75 LJeelytpnstetn 12 Cite bus] Gnt L 4 13 ftu sir s a 11 Uftttrd Klrjipu 15 Imarli <(■ IjHpflpn t? Tlnrmy ill Poland i'l Fpdnral ffppubllc Dr Gprnany irfeat! Hnrld buAbprin-j 2nne 5? Hexim. Central and h Afttrua -"-^"’""""’rS^imTSWiuiTw 3M Falkland Islands 581 Bpli it 582 GualeilLa 583 FI Salvador 504 Honduril 303 hlcirir.ia 503 Celt i mlj 50 7 Fan a aa 580 St. Pierre pL toquElcr* I France? 580 KiLtl EL Farid 52 lte < l id 53 OAi 52 8? Giibtibdie Hiy US Hi cal Ban LlncaijE-n on Cuba! 51 Aropntlm » Or Hi | lb Chile 57 CuluehLa 53 Venezuela 578 Guadel oupe (France!- 571 Bolivia 572 Guyana 50J EcoJdar 304 French Gulina 575 Farijuay 570 Freni h Antilles (5t, farthfi «Hy , 55, hirbin3, rlartiniquH 577 EorLflSde 573 l^tjuiy 575 ntt&Erlindl flntILiPh (Sint Maarten, Sita, Statia f Curacao, BfrUir&l KorLfi Hotlffina Zosp Oi Pacific 40 Piriypji 03 Aietrail* b? : - nniioi I j 83 Phslipplr-pe £.0 Uph Imlind 05 Singapore 00 Thailand 070 Herihi r r, Karima [stands (Si l pan I 07 L Guai 0-72 Australian Ecteml Territories I.Huriali iiiian) 073 Brim PL 074 Nauru 075 Fapui Hph &imej 070 rcn;i 077 Gnlo.tun [stands 07£ Vanuatu (Nph Hebridpel 077 Fiji oe: Pillu ont NittLs and Tuiuni i?: Cent l5li-ids 003 blue 03+ ftiprican Satea 033 bpitern 3a*ea i.3b Siribatt Bupublif (Etlbart ]a]jn.fi) 033 hrn Li It: uni a *00 Ivejjg IFllict lalin^ij 030 Frpncb Pp]yn*sia hOO TdFeJ ir 801 Kicrmpsia 002 Harsh ill [stands Spare; 003, 0.7+h 0.73, 070, 007, BOB, 070 Hurld Huibsrsng Zone 7 7 Dniai urSo^[ft"5o£JiJLat Rapg&Jici Nor Id HOibprsng Zone &t bast Anil a .limit Gi ?ap ar 02 Kcrea (Htesblic oil ISoufchl PI Vi at Har EE£ Certoiratic PecpLe's ftppublic Of Korea (Nsr'lit E52 Fong Kcnq •553 Hat an EH KPver Be^ublic 350 Lens 30 China IFpople't Rep-ribl i C > 5J1 Mari tit, 8‘JjrtSC «eari gtj Hamit, Pacific &ct:n 373 "lor , -pi., Indian Deem BBC Bangladesh 330 lainan Spare; 38, S3, 35 1. B5\ 357. $36, 0*7. 070', 071, 075, 070, S 7 T grs, ayq 301, 337, ?$3, Etl, bAS, B&7, £3B h efr, M Ncrld Huibp.'Snq Zpn* 7r diddle Fasl, India.-; Gubionlinent 08 TuffiJ 01 IndU 02 PalLiban 03 Afghanistan 81 Sr l Lanka. 05 Sur.ia 705 Fatriives Oil Lpoancn 702 Jordan 703 Si-ria 70+ 2 rad 7b5 KvHa.lt TOO jaudi ibrobla tb7 TPipn Arab Rppubl Le 70S 3ion 000 Vpieh I Peep I p's 3‘PiucratiL Hep^biic dFI Ifld&n) O’l ilnitef Arab Ed i rates 072 IsrapE 073 Bahrtin 771 Bata.' 070 Hcngslii 077 HflpU on Iran Sparp: 07C-, ?71, ?J0, 9J0, f? m SVSTEKIflTiCflUV SPEflhING AT&T Selling Pay Phones! Crnhwl Krtrrr* AT&T, which has built nearly I _5 million pay phones for telephone companies, has euLercd Lhc fledgling private pav phone business. AT&T 's coin-operated phone will Ik identical In a ppea ra nee [o the cbmmc-tflccd pay phones il sells to Local telephone companies Gut like all other private pay phones. AT&T’s model will he fitted with enough COtuptiLer pniwiij to make it independent of Ihe local telephone company. Individual units wilt sell for &1 .HQ2, which puls them about midway in ihe i rid usd ry in pricing. Automated Operators Coming CV*m ui'-nAwib *rvk Southern IkTI, is inking a small step info the wurJel of automat ton with the test of ti new, compute r-eontrnlled ope r :L r o - service Lu ha nd Le th i rd puny billed a nd collect ffl Us. fa a lesl culled Automated Alternative Billing Service (AAUfi), computers will entirely uu Luma Le se leered calls previously handled by Operators. Ihe process Is similar to ihe way credits card calls arc currently tiandled. [Callers will he told to press OUC number fora credit-curd Cfl 1 1 . aim I her for a col leer ca II, a nd a thi rd for 1 bird pel rlv billing, in the ease of collect path, ciillers will he told by a computer to say iheir names. The person called will Lhen hear a compute rircd voice telling him that there is a collect call from whatever name ihe Culler gave, in the caller’s voice, The speech recognition system will ask if he accepts the call, then wait for eithe r '"yes’ 1 or “(iio". Any ul her response wilt result i n a hunva n Operator being summoned , | Michigan Bell will also be conducting a similar test, called l ullv Automated Coiled and! Third E’artv Billing Service (PACTS). Bell Communical iona Resea rch Inc. (Bellcore) developed the technology for the trials. Ce l lu 1 a r Dial-By-V oice "ld'^c#' Vcik Yiich A new Cellular phone, developed by AT&T Consumer Products and called AAT&T 1280", will enable a mntnrisr to dial a number hy pronouncing a person's name. Twenty numbers cun be stored. The qualities of each Sound are compared statistically rather than comparing recorded pal ferns This mathematical procedure is said to eliminate 9fl percent of the computation previously required to identify spoken sounds. New British Phone Service 1T< WU.Sirtrt Jiu i j! Tiie British telephone system lias opened up ilsguvemment- run monopoly Id private enterprise for the first Time, A new service m n by the Me rcu ry Commu nicii Lions Ltd . unit of C iubic & Wireless PI C I'Kenily storied with a call to Britain^ Trade Secretary. .VI ere li ly has 3 government license to compete with Bril isb TelecontiUu nsCul ions PLO. No Data Protection for Hong Kong lrJ"i'Vri-rW A Idonp Knnp ncwspapci recently reperled that Hong Kopgls SeCretuiy lor Administrative Services. Pelf r Tsao. said a special govern menl task forte on data privacy has decided 3-S5 there is no need far laws governing the storage ni eomputcriired data or toco HI rbl i Ls a btise . In light nf the siatemcril . il a ppea rs increasingly unlikely that Hong Kong will enact data proLcetion laws. 74,000 Calls to Fraud Line J XT' P i r- M cue I ha n 74.000 calls to a Congressional fraud he! iir.e have uncovered hundreds oi cases of waste and abuse in Federal fiovernmcnt, Senator Jim Sasser, Demeein r t>f Tennessee, rcccnl ly tuinou need . He said calls In the ? r d-hour toll-free number had produced 1 1 ,878 cases warranting fu rtlier review since the hot Sine was set up hy the Genera L Accounting Office seven yea rs. ago. 'Jhe nationwide hoi fine number is- 8lXl42454d4. |No, you ea n T blue-box uff iL.] Federal Phone Failures Vo V..', T|,,., For months, flic Slate Department lias liceu phasing in a new clod tonic telephone system. The system was designed in part to make communications more secure, but the confusion has created a level of security more impenetrable than its plan nc is had hoped. Since iiohody Iri the department seems sure ycl who has which new number, let alone which ones work, disgruntled employees, faund themselves- at times leccnrly unable 1o Cull each oilier or Lo receive calls from the otilside world. The first clue of trouble came iu October, when Ihe dcpartmcnl is&ued its annual staff directory uf what were supposed to he the new numbers. Callers quickly discovered that dialing Ihe listed numbers evoked either busy signals or noth ire at al I . By November, the numbers in the new directory were declared in CrrOr. and staff members received another set. pasted to Lhc back of their phones. But then, at a briefing,, they were- told to igiiciie earlier instructions since in most eases only the prefixes of L heir phone numbers would be changed. Jhe State Department s main 622 exchange has been changed id 647. The remirini ng. digits for photic numbers are the same, unless , oi'coursc , the fourth digit in the aid number was 0. m which case, the holder gels a new extension. Those who had 224, 6?T or 624 prefixes arc also licing shiflcd Lo 64?. Indiana Telco Threatens AT&T ftyi i S'. \t I )m'mi The HV has approved a proposal hy a new company, I nd ia tin Switch, to provide long distance telephone service lo rural customers in Indiana. Indiimu Switch is a joint venture of 27 Indiana phone companies and ITS. Switch Inc., which is ?0fA-owncd hy T elecom Fitts International ine. of Boca Elalon, Florida. The v plan to tie together lhc rural phone concerns involved in the venture Through One central switch. Tits plan would require AT&T and other long, distance carriers ta line the switch and pay ,a fee to Lap into lhc new system Tt would provide equal access to long distance telephone enmpanics for the ''Q.dtKI Indiana Switch Customers, and il WOO Id g.ive 1 nd iana Swi l eh | he Opportunity lo offer long distance SCA'ice, similar to all the other curriers, AT&T and MCT oppOie Ihe proposal because, they argue, I jldianu Switch would provide a switch as well as long-distance service, thus giving Ihe company an unfair Competitive nd vantage. [4-J rmOE('h»UiLltilHr()2)tilHMC[ — NCLEAAl HLV !;!<£:. CPU A) LOapOIMTS-C FOLLOW] NR T43C1 1 5 &SiC QGI r t*flZDl COi, p CM-HTSPM ] Ndr- CDITSTNO l Obi 24HLDEftTTIJM CQ>p£lAH C 07 p Z4H- [ORkWHTBQHCL *Gnp 23HnCLEAN IFCflKERLY S05- TEOrt) £ OR; (WHTEOPCY C*^p 22Ht*£KTflG[IN C]TV [ L^pO'JHTSGREQ [ J 0 , 22VflEQTDti tFQunmiLY CUE T5DDJ [ UpOPHTSCRKU Lj P t ??l«flUH;U,(p.LE 1 12p O'JHT'KJBflC L L 2p 22HEAGROMEWTO £ IT; 0 J M C 1 4 ; t! 5 HrKJUP PORTED njTET I DN tL^pdlH li^pEHH EIOpCJH Ei3-p0lH fL^inli L j s-p o L11£DS p 0 S HFGRT DJ, E5CF-UU, LOCKED, SYR ftv [Dlpg5N(,C£JpCipHAPPL]D PJWWETER INYfILID £0T(OJH AN ELITE JJHsS Or- SKVLINET Maybe, h> my event, SUS wanmrrxnnahir. in IteetSt this Mysterious CW lpufer % sitnpfy (Hating 7 015551212 a/tcr Ihsir flu/ tavirc [irw 1 ,;Y3 (fr. O/h iv r ompa iff. v i an he /nun <1 at ZiptfSS 1 ZlSan\ i'i 0V$$5l2l 2 , aitfl ti7 •nfiutifn V hr at att surprised if nmnr iumrcl up. ATM CASH! VANTTLOll INFO- COPmUBUnOKS ON ATM VULNERARELIlfUiS ANT> | QpyNTT-'fl&lEASiJKUi, tt'o art nfiiw ■K-tiveJy rtrrarchir^ tar AUTOMAT* [C TfCLLJiK. MALE IIXLS in. [r At Ihweil ip- oerNSl, AT itri' wlU d«t/ay fmr croocioms, privacy mvi InJivi&jnlityl Published plari bs Eyo bsnfdny/ATM iiL.qiM wlJI hiwi ATM-1 i«e devices monltorlr.* anti fivu noUliw YOU* A- hAUi-A pjni d H y - EVEN VUUR SEX LD'E AND VOTIf^O CHOJCEill ILolp JS In our 3 iiihl oitasnsl tbdit baut£ ten need wtre internal pi-iotas* i.qjrti, [tnctibna ■ digrams ■ movo an ATM wirotapplrgi phrtaidrs, TEMPEST methods - marc on attaining *nd decryptma FIR'i - mart on. -every nitlhr ad and tMbnlqiiy t>r pero-tratiPR and dtieaimt ATM-, anal otlwr BFY de- vice* * nitrr un ceuptcrmoasuresl FJtaifr ei.ijh m every! hunt voo can -rot y>v r hands CP. PLEASE TELL YOLTH FKENB5I! ATM. HI. Em hiked upSA 'ana: we aavt no 1 ar. w'.ll havti JtiliY. i.vci.b I nin, kh -II ATM U, ia-d :Eould bo THE MOST EYS-RWPIN&, SIZZLING Abir> SHOCKJNCi PUELJCATION YOU'VE F.YEH READ1I flo Y«rt ta AuUish overy mcltvod ■ no ho£ds barv At.s mnr _ _ sTja l vjsi v y.i I >S \ yipa YjLa S V nt-k >Jir iny 1 , fx fita Vita t rt 1. A!' tin* i - ;vh tist VtSd vitk viit4 Visa yftk t'lAk HU rtq its* '*4 iTS4 ipi iiTF-h. h iU ViU i'M k- If* VrSa Ir A.k t f£*i Pip * V|U V|* 4 Vi* k its* its* h -i. + k I-,* vi he t-ti MT'SL'hKV OF TIITt CFNT1 THY, 11% is iin;e n mtupflfhrg on tii\t tmrr right of every S'fS.i r.ar/i i/t i'irrulutinnT I.noi; tit tin vtmd fitw/ntm the right a/ itUte VISA i uif.i gn fir upfront tin bottom, There it is, Strange, isn't it? Dear 2600.... (continued from psp? 3-52) Due SKr When you first sofd tt:t, w trimi it out and ti did (vierytfiinp i ou said, f+'t- '.L-rTi' thrtiierf beyond ait belief! fVc thought nW Y'OLt bad uncovered an expenshv pfoy by A 1 & 7 to use their mmole to pu j'lvi-js; distance ’-compan ies put of she market or, perhaps, the most amoxwg i'x&mpie of corporate over sigh! so come did of she divestiture. 7 hen, y.v decided to think. Ttie technique worked to urea codes TO and 900, t/ntlshh fold us right away that yOuwerertol rci/t. htnx those urea codes. We have conclude tf that this nifty feature you hate found Is an erampie of your face:! phone system converting fn-area coelei95Q*XXXX to This means that your Cull was no/ fi intte through a long distune? U, S- Tei rone but a ioeai one instead, and VOUpidd the !ong distance rale for voter call, hat the conversion o/O-piuS (iiiis duo a free /i:',v , ij. r j , i3. l 'i l {95(A) may mean thus prisoners, who ore only allowed to dial "0" as their first dig H., in order to make a collect calk might he able to bypass the operator and diai a long distance company using this method, On another note, if you are having trouble with touch* iones that cut off after you connect to /dor number, try dialing your m/mber with operator assistance, ibis usuaiiy pf even is the rones from cutting Out. EQUIPMENT Securslj 1 , Privncy, Finite Siirveillaitcc, Countermeasures, Teleptiain- BOOKS Flans, Secret Reports, Forbit3t&.M FOR I, A gag Ol Tjt.QG Adis Oft £ YtAH V WM TEH SHERWOOD COMMUNICATIONS Fhilrnonc Commons 2im Fhilmnnt Avenue Suite WHMTT Huntingdon Valley, FA 19006