$2 MAY, 1986 VOLVM£ THREE. NUMBER FIVE Exploits in Operator Hell by The AIhsJlmi ITireak (TAP) "■[Soo ] 3cec Doo — You have dialed a number which cannot be reached from your calling area," responded the voice- of ;m obviously congested operator residing somewhere in the WATS §00 network. In despair.. TAP plunged the receiver down twice . The result wjis the terminal ion of the toll-free call; the output, of the second plunge was a ■riyshi l elfci r conned ion with. Kopy Ka |, "liam, and E wunted to LaLk to someone at the Cecil Cola 800 numhe rconccrning this small furry object 1 discovered moving in ihe bottom ofa Cokccoutainer^ctiuekltd one Siobbicsf into the mouthpiece . Sit was probably a by-product of the new formula," responded the second teen . '"Right, 71 sarcastically voiced TAP. 71 Use your three-way calling lo reach Pixel." "No pioh. Please hold.” As always, K.. Kat was greeted with u pulsating dull tone Upon completion of the pulses, he proceeded to enter the telephone number in the fomuil of NN'XACXXX ''Anchorage Psychiatric Institute. Can E help you- 1 ” boomed the voice of 1 he familiar Professor Pixel. "(live it up. Any clue how we can reach an WOO number which cannot be accessed from Alaska? T realise we could use a Blue Box and route our call through an inward in Seattle, but LelY mukc it more of a challenge,” questioned 1 AP. 'Try calling up our E.ong Distance Operator at 21 1. They always appreciate calls ibis laic at bight. Being able to handle boredom must be a prerequisite for the telco staff. Maybe we could have her MF a path to an inward for us. 1 ' Again the pu (sitting was heard a nd 1 he d igits completed. "Thank you for dinting ASascnm. This, is Mike speaking."" "Yes. Hello I am having problems reaching au number. The recording claims it is not available from my tailing area . Is them any way you can help mcV"slatcd K . Krtt in simple terms. "No si.r, Have you tried reaching the &00 directory a a 'stance?" "No..." “Well, let me connect you then. Thank you for using Alascom.” "Rul..." "AT&T. Nancy speaking. What is you: area code" 1 "' (CLICK)"! hate operators. Please hold while 1 connect to the 21 1 operator again," announced K. Kat. After explaining the situation again to the prostit..jcrr operator, the response was as foLlows: Using that typical rude voice lhat only a telephone company employee can have, she replied wit hi "£ am sorry. We cannot help you." "Hmm. Could you possibly connect me wiLh an inward operator in Beattie, and have licr connect me with the WATS liner "Thru is not company policy sir.” After a brief silence, some snickers were beard. Abruptly the noises ceased after a quick and enforcing "ShhV'was emitted from K. Kat. ''Can I speak with your su|>emsnr then please, 11 casually demanded our friend. "One moment please ...” Seconds passed into minutes. After what seemed like hour;, the tlscme song to '1 IjOvc !.ticy’ ended and the voice of a feminine male voice was heard. "Alustscoamm. What can 1 do for youuu V" “Oh great. A pay supervisor," thought K. KaL before he spoke. "Yes. Hello. Wc are trying to reach an KDO number not accessible lo Alaska. 1 called the SOO directory assistance operator, and she stated she did not have the equipment to help me . She suggested that T call my 1 cing Distance D|tc rator at 2 1 1 and kindly ask one of your operator* to oonnect me to au inward ip Seattle, From there she could connect me with my WATS number. Can you help me?" "‘[he SOD operator suggested Unis'? That is noL bow things work up here. If the line is not available to Alaska, it is just that. We can.1 do it "So your operators CiUnuol speak to inward operators in other cities?” barked K. Kat, voice increasing in volume. "No. Oar operators can, hut ir is against our tariff to use Inward Operators or Kate and Kotite for customer use.” "Listen here, Tiberachil” broke in Professor Pixel, attempting to restrain his hostilities . "Why is it then that the opera tors always feel free to call Kate and Route on ray behalf when 1 request the time differential between Anchorage, Alaska ant! Perth, Australia? T:> tbi-> a matter of customer service?” FAR eoufdnk help but let a smile fall from his face. "This Alascom guy iscraty tfhc doesnY hang up. Hell, 1 wouldn't take nil this abuse GOD, wha L if Sic enjoy* it?" "K i r, it L-s against our policy to do this for you. It hns nothing to do with Customer service," As it turned out. the three friends ended up hanging up on the supervisor. "Just one more time before wc depart tonight,” Pixel said. “One more what?" asked TAP nod KaL simultaneously. "Just listen." A click was heard, and a tew seconds later the phone was emitting a ringing noise. "Alascom. Can I hcl p you?” came across a familiar voice "Yes. E need Lhe time difference belwceil Anchorage and Perth, Australia.” "One moment please.” As time passed , a second OJHC rator became present . "Rate and Route 94" were the words spoken. 11 1 need the time difference between Anchorage and Pe 1 1 1 1 Australia. Western Territory, 1 ' mumbled the Alascom agent. “Allnght. Plus seventeen hours, "answered RatC&nd RouLc "Thank you. Sir, they a re seventeen hours ahead of us." "[ appreciate it, operator. Keep thOie MF lone* rollin' " The a how story it bated on a rea! fife incident. bote; A iasCOrr; j'j. (he name of A kttka !f i2rgv.fr iVv.Ng distance carrier. 3 -33 the compute / scoop While our investigation iftlb Compiael is Jar from uver, we do have sonic bits and pieces which may prove interesting to those of you who may have been taken advantage of tyy [hem. To recap, 261)0 has receive*! numerous complaints about Compute i r a ■'h.acker 11 magazine that takes Out big advertisements in nationwide magazines and bits a remarkable record of not delivering. For some reason, they've heen doing Ibis for yeans withou l getting in trouble. And no One reems 4o know where they all n! their money. Heie’s what we know so tar: in the seventies, a magazine was published: out o f Cali id mi a which catered 1o phone phrea Vs. ll was oiled TEL (TelephOiHi Eleolronics Line), Some; people have told us m.neh of the mnter.al was ripped off from TA F. ..Fudging front the copies we've received, it was more of a professional operation. The magazine professed upwards of 7,5fKI subscribers nationwide. T his we seriously doubt, since nothin hai many people seem to remember it. It was run out of Jhe Los Angeles area (Woodland Hills, to be exact). TEL fra lured plum- for various phone toys that you could purchase and had articles that dealt wilh telephone networks, techniques, and devices - On March 25. L^Tft, the magazine was shut down hy the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company via a court order. A person named Jack K ran yak was the Executive Publishing Director John Reynolds was a ei reuVutOu numager. OlbcTS who were mentioned weff Donald Sirmnrcncs, Kill Hojituib, Robert Klein, David Rees, Melanie Howard, and Monti Rieman . ' Ihe magazi nc was ''published month ly by Telel rouics Company uf America.’' J heir office* wen; at 22035 Burbank BM, Woodland Hills, CA 913(4, Now, for stailers, the funruit of TEL in many ways JooVk exactly I ike the i ncroduCIGry pamphlet that Compel sends opt . Th is, and the fad Shat C o mpuiot is flirt by two names, .1 obn Reynolds and .lack Kranyak, leads us to believe that there is a very definite connection. The address that Compvhd gives in their ads is: Com pul cl Publishing Suciety, 6354 Van Nuyn Blyd. h 0 1-6 [ -A (or Suite R'J). Van Nuys, CA 9 14(1 1 -2(596. Another address is Compntel Publishing Society. Post Office Drawer 7765, Van Nuys, CA I his frhloric doCittrienS wUV kindly writ r/t 6.1' ewe oj Oitt t L'lTdi'r'.c It rhrjM'.v the. vxt'renw ntc^ntm Hint 7uUrV.it'.' ■ran inky, tf that you destroy putt iimtt.t of UJiygdli/rjOS fikr liiOb. TAP, urtuf. jVi Shi a ettSr» J hi . mid i l'it-v sent fo ail the readers t>/T RL Norm OiSr Telephone User: 9 [409-7765. Tliis box Wfii mken Out by Compute! Hubliahi ng. 29323 Hi ree H allow Glen. Agou r, C A 9 3 30 L . 'ITrei r hnl k penm ii was issued 10 Stiirbuist industries, PO Rox 77)9, Vim Nuvh, CA. This box was taVcn out by Sturburst Industries, 29323 Ibree Hollow Glen, AgCmra,C A 9139 1 . It was opened 5ft 1 98 I by Jack Kranyak. Box 7765 was opeiwd taler. E- 1 ho tic numbeis re hi led to Compute! are: HCKF6CO-MPUT (tlwir nationwide toll-free number since lurried off): SOU- SCO-M PUT (their California toll-free number — since turned ofl); 2i Xl\1 PT ’TF.T (their Skyline toll-free number, access 95Q- 108H, then dial the number — machine during Ihe day, John Reynolds (“Hello, am l help yoii?T at night); 838-7854HX] (Listed as Computet Publishing Society, Van N uys, answc red by John Reynolds); SI 8-994-5671 (the number “Jack Kramnik” left when he opened his PO box, answered by John Reynolds) There is also a Jonathan Reynolds and an Ed Kranyak in Van Nuys. However, we’re not certain that they Ye related at this point, so we wool publish Ihe numbers. Their brink account number is 322!t-S4ft a I (he Bank of A. Levy in Van Nuys. Lins account is mo by Jack Kranyak under four different company names, including Caw putt) I and Scarbmsi Industries, Neither of these names is registe red as a corporation in California. This bfirtkactou.nl, from what we could ti nd OUl, is in no way La rge enough to buy fu 1 1 page ads in Fcnnih CompuSine . Finally, Mr, Kranyak has been described by Ills neighbors us “uiulierihana bed bug.” So Lhis is the data we have. WcYf SOrry wedon't have answers yet, but with a little luck well gel to that point. We would like to viy though.. Iliac if this is an L BE sting, tlicy’re mukiiig no attempt whatsoever to close up shop, This Could be much bigger than we bad originally supposed, cither in tenns of mail Irtiiid or some kind of sting — we sus|>cei they don't identify themselves when they uu.wvor ihe phone because they'ie not involved in jus! one operation. In short, we feci Cainpmel is ciiber run by a group of aging hippies who don't know what they Ye doing or it’s being run by some mysterious entity who knows precisely whal they're doing. We hope eventually to get the answers We welcome your comments. On March 2E-, 16/G, [he SvflflriQr Court of Cjlifcrni.i, Uiuniy or L«- AriuHes, ciilcwd an Iryunctlon in tover of The Pani'k lrtephure and TcMnranh ConoAny hm(J (fyninuL Tcict.'anics Csmp »iy i)1 Amafica, jriJ nih^rj. Ycjr nurni ji*i|>;ariKr on j list ( pr-rt v i rJ oel under Court order? nl sutler, hurs, oi IZutuntiul Tubseribori, 1o mnsrl^l erdVlaualy flub fsbed and itlitrlpytad tW TdlfltrdFlici CnmrAinv OF Aireriea, Acoardlngly.for ycur pnjuacnon and bcnoNt, you a-u hnrrtby rjkfln flw Solliywing not do: IT 13 A VIOLATION OF STATt AND FEDERAL LAW TO USE ANY INSTRUMENT, UbVICE UR SCHEME TO OBTAIN ANY Tfl>FH£JN£ SERVICE WITHOUT PAYMENT O T THE LAWFUL oha^GES THEREFOR, IT 15 ALSO A CRIME I TJ PROVIDE INFORMATION TO ANY PERSON WHICH ISUSEFU' Trin SUCH El,'HI'£JSE, IN MANY STATES.. THE POSSESSION OF OR DISSEMINATION OF PLAZA DH |N£T rajC- TIOMS FDR SUCH DEVICES IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE VIOLATIONS 0£ THESE LAWS ARE VIGOROUSLY INVESTIGATED AND PROSECUTED ACCORD- INftL.Y. YOU ARE URGED ri.1 DESTROY ANY ANfi ALL YrglTTEN MATERIAL OR DEVICE YOU MAY HAVE WHICH MAY VIOLATE ANY OF THESE LAWS. 0-m jn ■ y < ' l- 3 ’ & 05 ANGE LE^ S B E 1 WG 5 L m 70 VOg KV ° H OF TH E SURE Si Oft CQU RT 0 F CALI FO RN I A. 3-34 Tht Pacilic Talr-phtrifl and Tt'csraiM Gampaiy Bellcore .Publications Go Public N*uart S-jr-: x.Ikt EJcIL ComitlUllica ti UCIS Research (Bellcore) is making Available to the general public two publications on the Eclctonunufticatiors industry which previously hfd been sent only to Rc'iLcorc and the regiona I Bell operat ing companies. One ptiblicaliOJ) — Intercom Yd — is a weekly digest of news items about the telscommiilitcations business Visaed froth up to 90 publications utidjt)urrials t a? WCl.1 aa press releases, and the: other — Tel Cal is a monthly compendium of industry con forencrc, Rntli are published at 13d Icoie 's headqua tiers in Livingston, NJ, US and France Link Phones I Fii* 1 1 :r-r Lrpivri and MiujxrKiA. AT&T and France Telecom unveiled two new services recently: USA DirecL and France Direct. AT&T’s l.JSA Direct sen,' ice- enables traveler? in France to d ini a special munher from any French phone and be connected directly wilh AT&T operators back in the United Stales. Conversely, with Francs Direct, visitors in the United Stales need only dial a toll-1 ree AT&T 800 Service number to he linked directly with French operators. (Readers: we want that toll-free number,] Computer Grammar 'UAs'jiTi Programs rhst can cheek spelling and even offer synonyms tor a gLven word are already in wide use. Traditionalists should brace themselves: grammar and Style checkers have arrived. The first Mic'a program. Writer’s Workbench . was i liven ted at Bell Laboratories in I9H'2, initially to improve the writing of Bell engi neers . The propram performs an «i haus.1 ivc analysis oS a writer's work from grammar and punctuation error, to Organisation , weak phrasing, vague word iog h cvcn sexist usage. It e vahui n;s readability and suggests improvements: “Check paragraph three for development," or "Your document might benefit from a greater variety in sentence length." AT&T sells a version of this program for high schools and colleges for PI ^flfl which runs on a minicomputer, but similar scaled-down software are appearing for PC's for under! 1 00. M Oat do a L ItSisl one aspect nf Sight ed i ling warning the w ritcr about everything from repetitive words and passive voice to “ethnic or folksy" ph rases . Many Fortune 500 core pan ics me evaluating sot It programs for their staffs, and at OiSC computer magarir-c , the copy editor was give a style program 1o review, with a cheery note: “Here’s yOur replacement.” At present, style-checking program? simply offer suggestions, which I he writer can reject, But one style program. Right Writer, also offers a thumbnail critique of each document: when fed samples of Hemingway and JaniCS Joyce, the software concluded that Hemingway^ prose requited a sixth-grade education for Comprehension, while Joyce’s required graduate training, Neither author overused jargon, hut Hemingway used too much passive voice, and Joyce !Oo many multiple clauses. Both exhibited excessive sentence JengLh, and Mb earned the overall styk rating, “weak," ( But the questions thal remain are: who will make the decisions that arc put into the software , and how strictly will we he held to its 'decisions' in lire- future.] 3 Shower Phone? SVuWhL paly Sfax A new appliance has been invented that will help those who have been plagued with the problem of being interrupted in the shower while on the phone. Youll no longer have to leave a trail; of water through the house us you rash 10 fund out who lias, such bird ! ittiiug. You wi I 1 he able tn answe r the phone whi le sli 1 1 showering fhiinks to I he new water resistant ShoweRING telephone. The appliance has a flashing light aswcSlasa ringer 10 lot you know thal there is a call Designed for hands-free conversations, the phone is lone/ pulse switelialik. A special feature of the touch-sensitive phone makes it especially valuable to the elderly and the disabled: two emergency key pads 1 ha< can he programmed to d ia I poliee and a friend when help is needed (helpful in a "Psycho” setting]. Cellular Modem A modem thal is specifically designed to work with cellular telephone systems may he the answer for Use rs who want to use their computers 1o communicate from a car. lhc portable modem, from Sped rum Cellular Corporation, is calted Bridge, and costs $700, currently only runs 3G0 baud, and works wit h existing Ctfl lular telephones. Dlc company will offer a I '200 baud version for the so me price in 0*: near Nil u re . Statida rd modems don’t work well WLLh eellu lar lech nology because the phUikCS can lose connections briefly, causing a normal modem to d is Co one Cl. Bridge provides error-check ing capabilities to he used if the oonnoCtioti is biu.l , High Tech Parking Meters Tly -M+Sr Y.-ri: l'rw Logan Ai rport in Boston is combining high technology with its pa rking facil ities. ' I bcy’re trying out a COrtlpurerbed park ing meter thal counts coins ckctronically and gives a dighal readout of the time remaining. The meter can he programmed to cha rgc d ifferent ratexat differeid hours of lhc day, or to Lim it pa rking to sdin-H stays in peak periods and Longer slsysar other times. It gives an elect rank reading of how many of each cnin it takes in, reducing the chance fnr fraud. When the time runs Out. Slid John K. Duvul, manager of airpori parking facilities, if keeps track of how many minutes the motorist is oveid ut , “so that the officer can make fi judgement, and ifthj guy's Only two or rh ree minutes over, give him a break , lh These mcEcraalso increase the likelihood of a parking ticket by flashing a light to attract attention when time has expired. It also flashes if it is broken, Congressional Computer ITx Hiv Yort TirKh Congress, having survived tra nsition from the quil I pc n 10 1 hi typewriter not too long ago with ils record 1 'ot efficiency- unimpaired, is finally edging into rise computer age. As with any such radical change, the arrival of the new equipment iv those venturesome offices tlsat have requested it is raising qiKstious as well as answering rlscm, One of live sew; ml House computer systems, for CKam pic. hits a built-in feature designed 10 correct misspelling. The difficulty is tiia L it lifl S a vncahula ry of on ly I 0.1)00 word s, and among the words that it will not correct are ‘'Washington.’' “politician," ''reporter,'’ "slogan," and "radioact ivc, |L 35 letters, communications, correspondence Dr nr 2MW: i find you r magazine very interesting, both for the computer and the phone articles. How about some more articles on non-U .5. p] 10 ire Systems and tricks? MM Dublin, treking Dear MM: We must have (omc rentiers out there who urc familiar with foreign phone systems. We if really love to l tear from them, livery hit of information is important. Such as she following. ... Dear 26W: 1 thought ypu might be interested in Russian phone boobs, no here is sumo information cm them. Die Mo scow phone book is an uifoniUlLioii science curiosity, li is both ludicrous and profound. You can’t Look up any people in it; not a single proper name is listed in I he hQO-page volume even jlwugh .its official title is "List of Subscribers to the Moscow City Telephone Network However, you ea n find the nearest drugstore to you fa r faster than you CH ft by using uu r Yellow Pages. The secret is that Ihe structure ii both organisations] and .geographical. The entire hook is a hierarchical cnitLine of the entire government (which in. Russia is all there is) mm in iseem of U S. Government telephone books, (You, kih pickup the Pentagon directory fora few (nicks at any government printing office bookstore: itY well worth it for the insight it a [fords into the structure of DnD .j The first number Ln tire book is for the Presidium of the Su premc Soviet : rise second ii for I he Council of M imsteis, and so foith down lhc government Ladder to the hist entry, which is for City Laundromat No. 32, at 26 Yaxnii Pmspoki (1 kid you noil. 1 he KGB is the 15th entry; its phone number is £2 1 Q? 62. A parenthetical note lelli us (Suit the number answers, 24 hours a day. You can immediately tell the importance of an organbation by whal page Ll is listed on. The geographic information is diverse Police Si a Lions are numbered by precinct and listed in numerical order, food sto res a re listed by Street and by house number. Very little of anything in Moscow has a name; the numbering is carried to CM i remes by U .S. slanda rd s — there a re 2 ,020 kinderga dens in Moreow and they a re all listed in the pJiOrW buok in numencal order. A section ai tlie end of Lhc book contains several do?en regulations governing telephone use; 1 lie firsl oftlrese is 1 hat no call may laal longer than two minutes. Trivia: The number of the lhc department is- 01 . police 02, fit U aid 0.3, and Mosgi'm {(be gas “company”) 04. " l ime’ 1 is known as lhc “talking Cluck 1 ' and its number is 1(10. Foreign embassies are not listed. The hook is- a marvel and is a benT SelLer. (JLs ha rd-bound and is not free ) You cart really wonder what they d id before 197$, Ihe year in which the phone lionk was fjrsl publicised ! MS Dwr MS: 7 hanks for a moss imereti mg truer, "this f.v exactly She kind of thin-f, l n , L:"W' after. Readers, please send us similar hiss of information ami if anyone has a copy o f the Mosea w phone bnok. sand that in top! By site wi try, i . n light of she nuclear disaster aver there, wtoSn-m hying to figure < mi how to get through to the Soviet Union directly, i.e. without operator tiSsUfanee I delays, Can is still he dorttf Docs anyone have any irott Curtain tricks? TVflr 26(10, • To all of you who have a Plus Box. there are several interesting j jon-standard numbers. To call these, cal! a long distance number and trunk the (lie litre al tire appropriate moment. Ibeti do K.P, routing code, ST, Hun; are the codes that T know of: 0 ! 1 (kc international fee stands for cnuni ry code} Ml— trunk access system {exists in 3 [2) 1 0 1 inter-Loll switching I imemcn 121 — Inward operator 1 3.1 s-pscli.il directory assistance |4] — rate & route operator {same for all NPA's just use KD0-14 1-121 2) 191 — international operalor in some a:eo codes (907 for example) DD9 — rate quote system {send additional tones after dial tone} 1 lb 1 1 (21 2 NPA) cal ling card verification compute r ] [5L I — (212 NPA) conference operator There are two ways to route international calls, K F-4J 1 l-Klco+ST where cc is lhc country code. This will route you to the appropriate international sender for that country. If Ihut doesn't work, yon may have to route yourself through LA first by sending the following; Kl 3 i-2I3+01 I tQec'ST. You cun also route yourself manually to a sender by ft Fi-2 [ 3+ HOOK] . For example, KR 1 21 3* 1 8 VS '( routes you to the sendc r i n New York. NY. lhc sender codes are as follows: 182- White Plains, NY l S3 — New York, NY 184 Pillsburgh, PA 183 — Orlando, FL 186— Oakland, CA 187 — Denver, CO I S8 Hew York , NY (ogam} Once you have reached a n in tenia tinna I sunder. you will get a 480 H 7 . d ial rone Wai( for it to slabiliar ( i.e. for the trunk w ink) and dial KP i-ct4 a* number!- ST, where re is tls; country code and a is the oily code. For example. KP-K>8 1 +3-8 1 32542+ST will gcL you a recording iti Japan. Finally, there is a Standard routingoode (KR+NRA-t 105^-S'l') for the vcrificalidh l^unks. f donY know how to use it, but Pm fairly sure lhal it wou ld give you access to the test relay in rhe central office. I Yc talked to inter-toll switching before and they ray it requires a 52 A sender In joperfl Iot il. But ) think it cou Id be used with just tire IJJue Box torres. If you have any additional infuimutinn, pltsise send it in. The Drwtijr Dear Readers; h may he a food idea to took at some of our Stack imir.v In order us be tier understand ■■ i tTf blue hoxiny A alt about. Dear 2hffk M isDoLlaneous fact which you probably already know anyway: in area code F Dear \\V: loss we heard, yes. hut when is anybody If fucss. We should be funning an artiek fairly soon on the demise ufT AP, v.tH tea by none other than Cheshire. D*ir 26Bfl,- 1 lore is a miseclla neous upaiatc. The ON A number for a tea code 44>? has been changed to 7 3 3-52 1 -5988 . Also, (1st i e it. a useful arlicle in the April issue of Byte on making Unix (continued on f>t>r;e 2f-40) 3-36 The 2600 Information Bureau LOCAL. NUMBER AUTO VON NUMBER 201-544-#### 995-#### 202-202-#### 292-#### 202-355-#### 221-#### 202-693-#### 223-#### 202-767-#### 297-#### 205-376-#### 746-#### 206-396-#### 744-#### 212-264-#### 796-#### 213-64-3-#### 033-#### 301-270-#### 293-#### 301-677-#### 923-#### 301 -98i-#### S5S-#### 303-554-#### 692-#### 305-494-#### 054-#### 315-330-#### 597-#### 317“ 862—## ## 063-#### 402-294-#### 271-#### 415-466-#### 336-#### 415-561-#### 596-#### 505-479-#### 867-#### 505-678-#### 25S— #### 512-221-#### 471-#### 513-225-#### 785-#### 313-257-#### 787“#### 602-533-#### 879-#### 617-061-#### 473—#### 61S— 256— #### 63B-#### 619-235-#### {continued on page ii-40) 95B—#### DESCRIPTION FORT MONMOUTH, NJ NAVY ELECTROMAGNET I C SPECTRUM CENTER, WASHINGTON, D-C. FCRT BELVOIR, VA MILITARY DISTRICT DF WASHINGTON, D- Cj NAVAL RESEARCH LAB, WASHINGTON, D.C, REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL BREMERTON NAVAL CENTER, WA NEW YORK CITY FEDERAL BUILDING, NY LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE STATION, CA ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MD FORT GEORGE G. MEADE (NSAJ , MD ANDREWS AFB, MD PETERSON AFB, CO PATRICK AFB, FL GRIFFISS AFB, NY FORT RICHARDSON, AK OFFUTT AFB, NB OAKLAND NAVAL SUPPLY CENTER, CA PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO, CA HOLLOMAN AFB, Ntt WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NM FORT SAM HOUSTON, TX WRIGHT -PATTERSON AFB, OH WRIGHT-PATTERSDN AFB, OH FORT HUACHUCA, AZ HANS COM AFB, MA SCOTT AFB, IL GAN DIEGO NAVAL STATION, CA 2600 (ESSN 0740-5851') Editor and Pub Ira bar Twofllv Six Huntfr’fid Aaaociatn Ftfivj.-s Eric Corley David RLtfarnuin J-sflCulivn [>id6Ctor Hi: kin Victory fsESS OpcK^ioir TCin Hlich Writor^; Paul Esiw r Mr. French, Emmanuel GordaLein, o aa(Cr Holms* ^ Kiu * Co (¥lp any, Lew Lurh&r Lord Phreaker. MiKeSalnrno. ftw Shadow, Silent Swhehman fl-r-rf Ihe usual epcnymoLis bo nch n J N,7n ’ !3 - Ar>VB-K itgcinci 1)1 i'jui i vi \| ni n,,,^ l,,... ■ , ^ ' “*■ ,L " 1 ™ l ™ "Gut of sheer curiosity, Pete, h fiat version of Megtiwars an* you playing?*- WE'VE DUG UP SOME ALTERNATE WAYS TO PHREAK QN ALTERNATE LONG DISTANCE. BOXING ON ITT 1) Fi nd a dial-up f pr ITT or One of its re -sell ere (compenies that re— sell the long distance service to their Own Customers). 2> Call it Up and enter a dummy code and number (the cod0 must be val id). 3) Apply 26D0 Hz to the lino for about 8 seconds to reset it. 4) You should hear a dial tone when you release the tone. Now you can use touch tones to dial any normal AT&T number,, including 700 T S„ aoo's, 900' s and international. What thi® does is -fool the local switching equipment into giving ydu a trunk which you then ret*et. 8 seconds are required to make sure the equipment has had time to process the cal i . BOXING ON SPRINT 1) Access 950~Q777 (oqutal access Sprint dial~up>. 2) Enter a dummy WATS oodfc (basically a Sprint tolJ-freP number! which *r« generally in the -format Of Ii0xxx99. 3) Wait tor the hiss of a long distance trunk* 4) Apply 2600 Hz to the line. 5) Enter 4 ‘six digit trunk seizure/accEjsi code. This cade isn't responsible for billing — it just grabs a line. 6) Now enter the telephone number. Don't put a 1 in front of it. Remember that ALL dialing is done in DTMF (touch tones), not MF tones. ABOVE INFORMATION COURTESY OF "The Doctor' 1 . THE BBS/ SKYLINE ALGDRYTHM Revealed by Nynex Phreak SBS Skyline has one of the easiest methods of finding cades of all Df the long distance companies. Its very similar ta ths old Sprint bug which allowed people to find cades very quickly, even without the help of a Computer . To see how this method works, access SOS Skyline at their equal access number (950-'108GJ. Enter six digits* Th&se are the six digits you are “betting" on to be part of a Valid code. After the j»ix digits, enter five other numbers (it's not i important What numbers they are) . If you hear a ring immediately after the last number, followed by "Message MS2% the six digits are part of a valid code. If you don't hear a ring, hit the pound sign (ft) key* If you get your tone back, the six digits were not part of a valid code. You can try a new Six digit series now without having to hang up and redial. This is what makes this method SO fantastically easy. (If you don't get your tone back after hitting the pound sign and alsd don't get "Message MS2" , chances arg you've stumbled across one of those SBS Toll-free numbers. This, might also be the Case if you get "Message MS2" before entering five additional numbers* > After finding a working skJt of Six digits, all that must be done is to find the? next dne or two numbers of thc+ code. Enter the six digit code, followed by an addition*! ono number to guess, followed by four random digits. If it rings and gives "Message MB2" , this is not the right guo^s* YdU must hang up and redial Skyline for each unsuccessful attempt at this point. If it doesn't ring, and you can get the tone back by hitting the pound sign, you have found a seven-digit code. If you try all numbers from zero to nine and they all gi y^. "Message M&2" 1 , then you have two digits to guess — your six digits are actually part of an eight digit code. The same method must be used, except your range is now from OQ to 99* SVSTEIflflTJCflLLV SPEAKING Wrestlemama Pins Bell Sdthjntii Ticr-di A New Jersey telephone s wsr^m, including residential, business, ind pay phones as well as lines in polico, fire, and o;bcT emergency services was oul of commission for almosi ihitw hours last month wlBtl thousands nf calls were made; to a L A tTolumbla Cablevision advertised Wrestfemsma even! , jamming tlie yyi exchange. Short.]}' after 6 pm, rcsidCPlS t-sgan 10 notice a delay in obtaining a dial tone and by 7; 1 5 pm, aLI telephones in the borough with a 337 exchange were completely dead — unable to make outgo trip or incejve incoming calls. A spokesman for New Jersey Dell said, '“All 337 numbers went out when TiACC surprised as by using a number— 337 7 . 301 ) 1 ) tha I we were unaware won Id be receiving a heavy call-in . We normally process about 1 0,(0) calk a n hour during that t ime of nighl. Suddenly the whole WOrki was calling 337-3000 the number of calls qaad rnpled. " Residents in three Counties were reported Ly al rwri.pt in.g to eol! that number to &mmge for a '-pedal showing of WrestkmarJa tn be aired laler that evening. I n make mat ters worse . rise electronic answering, system al l ACC malfunctioned, causing ptsopLe to call it mpcaledlv. As it that wasn t enough-, caller*; outside the 337 exchange inundated Ihe system when the Wrcstlditiinia program was' interrupted and disappeared from television screens for up to 43 minutes during l he brotidcast. Sling Boards on the Rise iMlfWdlU Stmg and intelligence gathering bulletin board Operations fire on the fisc thru ugh out ihe country, according to law- enforcement Officials. Several police departments nationwide have already used bulletin boards to track down and arrest microcomputer users who post illegally obtained catling card codes., mainframe access, procedures and passwords, or ether confidential information. According to one high-level West Coast law enforcement officer who declined to tic identified , federal official are now joining, local authorities in running bulletin boards in several Iffy metropolitan a reus . Recently, police in Fremont. California, capped three and a half monlbs of bulletin hoard operations by arresting cighl individual Is Jbr alleged cred it card fraud , m isusc of telephone credit card operations, and technical trespass, t he cops had lyifb Operating a RRS edited the Phoenix Fortress, American Network Fears Hackers ClflPNPUlHV WlVl 1 ,Ong distance carrier American Network Inc, {Amuet^ more ihan tripled its revenue in 1 £ J85, hut computer hackers contributed to a net income decline of 32 percent, the company sfud recently. According to the San Francisco Consulting Group, a research firm that studies long, distance alnuc. backing claims about JO percent of long distance revenues industry-wide each year. Am net use!', reported million in revenues tior 1983, as compared wilh 1 984 h SI 2, 1 million. Yet the company po&led a net loss of bb.ti mil I ion even worse than I^M’s S3 mil lion loss. J dephone haektis are responsible for half that Joss, according Tn Afnriel. 3-lW Free Pay-Phones Plague New Jersey CmNrM Kin *m> i kv ■. Mew Jersey Fell was offering free international calling from 4LH) pub lic pa >' phones in the Hackensack a rea fo r a two month trial period. JT>e service ended early last month, when New fetsfiv Dell was informed that they were doing this. 7 Appa renlly a problem developed in a COmpu lor pTograin in thesoftwarc/ iiiid Mr. Spencer, a company spokesman. "We don 1 1tfi re a record of the ca I Is tha | got Lh rough They bypassed the billing system." Spencer indicated that the problem resolved, but New Jersey Bell laid no way of determining the financial lots. The problem first «Uiw to light when a Hackensack dciccLivc arrestedan Israeli vice consul and his wife after (lvcynwide a free two-hour phone call Spencer said the charge for the call was !> LQ4.82. Hackensack police said they became suspicions in early February after they began not icing long lines forming On quiet Saturdays at three pay phones in the lobby uf the Scars office tower. '“Whole families were coming, 11 Police Captain Canestrino said. The police recorded tl w License plates of I hose who spent excessive amounts uf time on the phone; Bogota, Columbia Gets Extra Digit 'Ihe Si'j Flri iv.'-ri , i. 3 i i q r-c*i People in the United Slates will hare to dial an extra digit lo reach Bogota, Columbia, AT&T said the addition of Che numeral J T' will become the city code for Bogota . [Wow. Is this inte resting news or WhalV ! ! | Patients May Get To Keep Phones I'fci j-d-'r+iL 1 ! Ir«|.i iVi T I a gued by telephone the ft s . s omc hospitals, are experimenting wills issuing patients their uwn inexpensive phones a nd lei ling them take the phones home aitc r thei r Stays. Tlvere were also worries abou L 1 he reused pbru>; mou thpieces as p laces for bacteria Lo hide — hospitals rypica lly pise wipe off the phones wilh gemucidc-SOflkej cloths. "If would be nior [when marketing these phone:-:] to say, "Here's concern chat patients have. 1 particularly with the AIDS scare," said 1 ok A [.each, public relations manager for L'.S. West In format ion Systems. [Nothing like tak mg ad vantage of a link; mass hysteria to sell some phones, right?] Beware of Hacker Terrorists ‘■'■'i vi ri irr Hrvn According to the Washington based Computer Daih Libyan leader Moummar Khadafyk Ihrrat to take the terrorisr war to the Lnitcd States should not be taken lightly They say liuit a few enginecringreomputcr trained terrorists might get into vulnerable financial a nd other sensitive data banks tn tiie U..S. and wreck havoc beyond imagination! 702-643-#### 702-643-1000 714-382-#### S04-444—#### B04-764-#### 805-277-#### 805-866-#### 905-982-#### 808-477-#### 009-063-#### 904-822-#### 907-552-#### 907-586-#### 682-#### 602-1800 076-#### 690-#### 432-#### 350- #### 276-#### 351- #### 430-#### 831 -#### 872-#### 317-552-#### 317-308-#### NELLIS AF&, NY LAS VEGAS AUTOVON OPERATOR NORTON AFB, CA NORFOLK NAS, VA L ANGLE V AFB, VA EDWARDS AFS, CA VANDENBURE AF©, CA PACIFIC MISSILE TEST CENTER-NAVY, CA CAMP SMITH-NAVY, HI NAVY -MI AM I AREA, FL EGLIN AFB, FL ELMENDORF AFB, AK COAST GUARD, AK “Here is a list, you might bta able to use. It i S a. list Dt 1 Dtal teNChJV’igdE ^nd their Aubcivan equivalents. In both cases, the last tour digits (####) are .identical, 1 Fading to suspect the satin* equipment E& uisecl for switching calls d ver flutovon or conventional phone linee. Also, if you are on an Autovon line, you can call AV# 315-430-0111 or AV# 602-1 QUO* The first number is for the Honolulu Autovon operator and the second is for the Las Vegae Autovon operator* If you call them through Autovon, you can ask them to place a call for you through an outside line, for free." The Creature *00 «H HME mi 3PPJCL TO KWEJTIKE TOUR [BE? Svri K. wi' UBS mm. '.Tter. rrr ;n/ ■■ 1 3 tt z I ion .it-sr I it JCOS BBS tterf ikyi n+n r -o rue :fp nm < is at sv nmr-sw t*i : j»x lit:. IhCS fir*--: Ane You fteoding !xyrieone E Ise's Copy of 2600? WHY NOT SUBSCRIBE? • You'll get your very own copy at ihs same time of every month;.; • You won't ose veur eyesight trying to read srn.il: prim that's boon copied six times or more! • You'll be helping 2600 become financially solvent which will result in a better publication 0 0y gett i r g mor e s u bse ri bers . we can keep the price of 2600 down — maybe even lower it! OUR MAILING LIST$ WILL NEVER 8E SO-LO, GIVEN AWAY, OR LOOKED AT GY ANYONE OUT- SIDE OF 2600 Advertise in 26001 Reach over 1 J)00 selective readers — hackers, security analysts, corporate spies , private consultants , and people who are just interested in what ’s going on. Call 516-751-2600 for info* LETTERS fcanhrfUfid from page secure. I [ isn't jt bad abide to nctui "backwn rdrv". Tli? Hn>otkd C Jaw Dear Claw: Ovess. it 'hut? CNA ehanftfy their numbers awfully fy$t these days, j 1 hanks for tr though. Dear^HM.- Subject fur further trcsctircli: how people in other countries auwver the phouq. TVc noticed to far that tlie mosL common term Is the loos I pronunciation of the FngJi&b wort! “hello ”. In 1 sracl , they say “Huh lob", in Russia i i "s “AbLoh H ( there’s no " K “ sound in Russian). Russians also answer the phone with "sioosiialiyoo" which means "I’m listen in.e, 1 ', A related subject: what’s a £0ud way to answer the phone? Here arc some popular favorites: "Hello?' 1 “Ah-ov!’' "City Mortuary... 11 “Yes?* "Joe Y Pi 77 a..." “Hello, fuel: Hoover,,'' “'Operator, may I help you?" “What do .vow wantf" How about I he first 3000 competition: "What is vonr favorite way to answer the phone?" lire winner gets their number publ ished tn 26W} so that pholt % from everywhere eati ea II them u p and test out snappy comebacks. Unlisted Number EQUIPMENT Security, Privacy. Police Surveillance, Countermeasures. Telephone BOOKS Plans, Secret Repents, Forbidden Knowledge Ht sesi n jYujw fOtt f.A Kdfi fATA l-OG AK j> OKt! rf.AK r, , i t v.i,i i kv SHERWOOI > COMMUNICATIONS PhilmonE Commons 2789 Philmont Avenue Suite AI08T Huntingdon Valley, PA !90Qfr 3-Mi