2600 id ThaS i!;*:jr ACRCNV1M Lit; I J'.;™ 3JVJ CCu'iMDS EXPLQKAr'CN I5LUI-, BOXES TfWShnfdG FEBRUARY, 1985 iW’i r r ► ► ‘+- r *J JW) t'TXirrBff'p. ’re . ■ n ■: k dti-*. - . tm pi iy^oiJUI iVi. Nji.o-.i-f km m -3 SH- I itx y S 3 r- t-vjK, II ,v. r u ... r,vr.- i>tinA H.'a I ,xj:. L irit r. vj^aitia-k ClMpnli ircfwrfr'P S UTC 1 wria w -i v i-ro. Mi-u Li hiu-.-L :--n m i-r*-* i :■ fiui ftta Xhjw* 4 ji kkh rnu-'Jii VOLUM f. two, him her two THE THEORY OF ‘BLUE BOXING their history, how they T re used, their future j'jV !7|LI ' 1 nB0 n h y.“ E'T" 1 Sflki detregsne ehr.r f«iCn(nluMi wilh. Meirpcndm Vp A I Sia,?«Kj;tV i, 1 11 t ll '.' -'-'Ll II 1:1-- 0.11 L-'| i'i r il i J-.’.IK i; i.'JlJ-. were C in -■ I.--: l-.J-J ; I L;-. D Li Ti 1 1 1. pv II | n : i: I r.1 [ , whfl (»««> On Oil ailed nnmlvi svi bally lo oilier npcacon in series. Tb.* „ boao* puke I i.b.1 .Vila i yl iJ.ja.rs :n enuted byiausinp bet-uk:- ,n ine !X ' ninenL 'i’L'f kmg Jisiojice ci It, i v 1 1 1 1 1 * y iviulmoc . h r . : ■ ■ : - 1 ■ v., 1X411 switching rscpiipii!i'mi oikI AE ' ourf amplifiers. crj|« il c'ilui(; i.-anr-Cil be used in sfnd ihc duitimiinn number 10 the «n<|. Ii oil ufl'icr i CO). Pin-nriyallv. th; demand !m ur*j mm eMirmi limp d.-cmer (JIM SrP'-CC Caused lit' II 1 1 ■ i ll I k i.' i i ITl U 1 1. i 4' : 1 1 1 1 ; ll :1 1 1 1 dc I.'e'.ij Ii I rp_" V I': I ij I ..i r 1 1'.,, | r j signaling. sJJsirai that could lx- ra,sj in ihi- 11> nrc.sor, Hnti^Hy. ihev hod iwu » Med ' il Hi.' 'ipnalinp an.1 M^ciVh.ny hircnoinioti (it, «.)M ^nj UL1- JKKHt 1 Mm M’pniaw Aiu lm «« I lus o:' sipnnlmu „ a furAxI 10 « band .swiulinp, i >■: i? i i.j s;ry ill thd Mg'iiiir.^ mloinuiiur. oLmg w ill (hg CoDverauiOn iitiriSltirKS Io.ic^kwiii d^Ls.l^rsnpscI ryffricd n» as iu-bind sijiii.'ilifg tL'injj.chtbhrjp hovoir-.l, i Ilh ; r|n-i Tururollv ore. Hi; ll i.Ik.i. k - he liirdr taod Lbiir-iri irvsHiid m-tiirC sgrjlirg I ! i. y ijv.jii'i.jj Ik rcrnnnx} ehisj ih. aa li i feh . TkHi... In-Band tii1 find i free mirik il-i- a tpo-cr 'x.ll r;eem;.i K-oider m^'jiJ fl.lk l|>V{ huiyrigrtUkii lln'olkireiiirs.iir-lmv. . 'messip;. If helms, i'ud j f rev, irorn r K Lue.' it remnvinp i k JfiOO 1 1 /> It iktn ifkl , i K t-jjied nuvik-T « a ii^eiil nvniinp. i.-.hJe tj ite ixhr-' i ikJ '«•. i.j|| .i.-'llce I he ioaAi ii ijks lo sere this inlonrafkm joe ;caiU i mil i-l n.-gurrev I ivlJ 'i imn-> An 11 E '[oneowiils.41 Iws 1 times I reirn n m;Ki| six nxuxcr cmiix wh«;|i ncr ,o Yihn is I In pwd ikf 1 2 iipir.it.- 1, nh;,. Yoj em sometii'MH hear thise trmrv ■ e bxckproijn,! m-I .e ri t\m inakt* a eoll. 1: 1 i !' i- y arc 1.1 l j.' a i .s. fijiened mil: : : ._i your delcue m kinniWI hrar ihon. I hew- 1 K nut the saivie art WnibHuncs To jucifr ihi eipiipiinml ol the I'a,"ein1 nf ib' :renk thru n i, abwl lo rtceivt rmmnt inlomii.ein. the unpipatiiip end firsi wuijx.^ tier. I^ji* i K pyimr. Al iSl wtd of 'd:inhr._e iKc J (pis. iH«s ii-figrtai mp t nd :hon stn,1s nSI nil (STn lone. I'hns tn t‘.j.|| dl l-.15y.IM’. Hu eui. ipmtoi woiihl A'ikI KI s ■ 9N3$9l> V ► VI m HT laves. 1,1,1 litTi ! . ht Ljsiiavwr hi ■ 1 1 up. iJ.: , :.i 1 1 .; is I.'i i'K'1': 1 1 K I ,J.' ri I lo :■! Jiiiiri.' ■■ Ji«a‘SKCt p.1 ihi iJnJ i ill t nsl. H rit nr y L-, -In; Voieemeer W, Issue of 'he DtllStsiim. ! .-phnii-j, Jnu iv. mick' ■:ntiLie.l vi. t i nl.r._e Ji>ifems for E oni.i ' rckptwiM Swilvhiii' K ' was published I Ems jot. mol. ivnicliiM). Wilt 1.3 'iiusl univfrsip libro.nes. happened rn ftmiau: !hc JLlliul Uh l«-,i|K”3 uy.^ ifl *■ I ij.i t ,'1 1 1 1 1 [' 3 111/!. jpiC-liro-.l InlLiy.*,; DIGIT J . . , , TOMi-V . . ?lk> + y» KE . ^no. L 103- 1 L/. . ► 1191 H J. ■ Tfs>' I HO 11/ . M(f + l.Htl H 7 . 1 100 ' ]jj>(l 11/ . TfHl - IfHXl m K - 1 i} Kr , ST \U*) m*) . ^'Jd - 1L>:ge siUiSinE srsiup on;. 1 hev r. , r , vi ,H ||y itnjnd. .an aknir hhie rHui-, ih n^ IhiI.iv raids ard ml-mrnnm-s. fn l«4. fell Ijibn wntf up wilb scanrJngequ^ nten-. iMioli fikOtded o II yaspinoos mils, lo dt ket blue hot 'jdgt. Iliftc units wei e insiH kd mOOl where nipjm lolll racdexAterf AT A I ycurfl}'»uiLkl Lhen I slen to Ln; inpis sp.- J ony kill fraud wa s aixualLy eocnmitteil. f.Avr KO ponymmii, msulkd from the pr-njevl SurprisinelyeiiL'm !; li. blue bdutinii is not mlfly liniiod tn thneinsA. umus fnlAusiosi; A I AT huser.u'phr buciiicMML-ii likn shirs, sislkpc students, dmnnis, LH--yyn. hi^h selmol siudcncs, and even aiilLoni.re financier fiiimard Comtinld) it-ddK Ihe deyioB. ATA.T nU’0' Hid lhat iSI-arly hilf of those tlui tin.-, t-jEs.+. ate husinesseik-n I h WfC a blue bos. one wailLI usually nailse a :'ren i^l| tsi ■> ny TOO number nt s* plant dinccAey assiKonte iNP-VOSS-inil.). This, of emoMi. it. kyutimate. Wln-i the oil I is onswereij , sum.- wuuld ihen sssdi ly press I ho hution lhnr n,r •- ill send 2tJif Mr down [hr line. I ms hns ihe rJtert of jninlt.u^ she distant CO . . upini/n! lb ik mat Lhervill on, tynr.mied. i ■ 1. 1 u kascs the trunk i. m mr Vow. the user hlivj. hi.n.ii. I (j scronds io nmr r -i [lit lolcpnnnr- rwrahtr hu wished io il nl— in M F: thoi, is. ; he E i ) ikfuipnoent merely hmjxik.-, ihut ihLiionii n rap 0 no I her off'iee ami n 1 1 happily orocr-o. p,j m 'll. Since meie .hm- Tuourdk 1 eeorpi pn |6]| | road ockaupa ifes'kks! I of these Vlh smu-s. thr user is mu hi: kd fur ihe dill. (V Iko i hr uwt kih.f&: up, iK- CO eu'jipntent a.mply Kt^rds lhat he hungup mi a freed II Orterluon Cell has hjtl jfl yoars lo v.oirk nn ilriivi Kin .Jt vices: ilarer hi f . .n thisday ard Ky Ifyuu. hd|i|9i:ii n ■ br*l o foncew. fonie. 1 imuph. .ird ynu - iV oil ^h.•.rL. yoiir . myp uf uttuTg cdOftlu arr siunil'icanily rtoliiivd. I ncidunullsf, 1 he r- hpwf brrn pjmisrs oft'nisam it-,-; -r.imhirs ttiii hook wit tranks thus pysjKlini! the njeed fix L'fCsr 1 1 > and detertim .■tnmivr nay lhat lieli r.itolws In; ,ors is :o ru.'Amq (lie CAM.-I {CnvsrAliepd Aubamatic Movji[k Aocccniihgf tap*-. When voc make.i 1 II. yuur number. 1 -k to Ikd nunh: . .11 il 1 iAir of div ore all ■rEOisrdgd The tln-^ luppt ris obn visa lung up T his tipe k ihf u nukvywd i'nr b limp |m ipeisos. Notmilly.o il Ke ealls aii gwiivd But litll span puLSjjrnir, Eltr biJIin^ ei|ikTinvfnl loiraku ntne ■■'ii keplhy rails Lo .! snoniry assiwinre. I hey Mr. ikrn puLa pels rejjisiyr faka [ilk I nn 1 Ik- liny or ar loul. 1 fa .l-b:. mp top. This sfewoii'i m 011 b; assiideyl hy ■li i iii.k sham haul |nl,.i kK;al 1 sails 10 hisfc off n ti is inrer.ej mp lonbte Lhn hP.A » 15VIJ1I Oc^ipiify ri i5r.j| rtturn irta-oe. ■oj[X:ry;Miun I'hns dir- rut \ '.m.to tkh rerxinyliv it ihy’ AMa f'AMA :.,pcy. A F-fi-Tl Chonged il s, Ihusipli for trad'd si .s in-," rcis Iksidcs sletfii , ■■■ i|y>sA3ts. toll fc.ii, ■veins its jeniiui iv nerith^t Ih.e noiw,irk nsinp m,ii.-oi -ii-rd Kji'M ry; «h rs is. known .ix E'simirjon 'Channel I mei-ol hoc h (JiajliMt', |f OSi ScMC this >i^iiAliii|gi|'jr|tstcJ serds ill rhe-Mj-si ..pg inlormai on ■isvr stparale diiA liiyn, hlyy h.a„no is ini|Ts,Mhk under .r". sviiily bring irnpkmentoil ipmjinllv. this, nu. In-hill u M ti^lur prop* .s. ,hl| Mranelirjj. rhr n|y jm of h oe homig i.l| oi.;j.ir o until thr- prhjpii s- Eotillv ennirriy. boxinp will snll N: pi.-.,ibSj. It ss II honing- promMnivIy lumki v nun piioes us IN'.’ . .If 1 if. 1 -mujih. hi areas with OTIS, orio ouisE rind a direcior- ■u.isiarxe clTrice thru rfsK-srl Cl’IS »i Airo otcln, in. Ehrhda anil p^jfln «.ru nl k 1 uml jk - 1 i «'■ btls WATS- rioT'iln/i - -: i.i.TTr.irhi'in j m 1 1 1 --* 1 — il. f [S -jiiri-; are ,1 k 1 1 y ■ i i.xj pr;i-; Pink Xoise Aindbyr was lint mns lirlp lo Hvuid deceown >s lij add i»me 'lipl umsyV ihe ;roki Hx hmy. SiiHV2Ud llrtmir-, .-,n h; i-cnulated ip sj^vrn. thudeteiTnyheiyrnpiniml -nusi >; ill ruh, | not E-.i m.-.lmerpi.-t sptorh is a il.vtinirwr-f ugnal. Thus a virian It pur; JtfO 1 1 ! nine a. hxjuirpj for disgisurcEf i heypiiisi this ih mihd . fir ZhfKi H/ drervi-tyn ojuipitne: ii alsr ppobahlv ..yskuip l-.11 jmtv >00 six nr rhy i[ would ve rriggened yters lone hit 1 hoi note I hiehext h ■ mi a puna Oft.s t Hx| I hie- is also- Ihe rensmi fhoi ibe SrtAQi I lx 1 one -r,,., si. by sjr.t Taisollt . yftortimes: .1 wm i work when ihe 0|Mni(Or« Hating Siellix hello ]i iileasibe 10 semi viuiy ‘pint. aoise'.Lkiug with ihr 2f*Si Hr Mrisi 1 Th isrersA -.IiihiLI V: abuse KKUlHr thr pmk nnisewuhTniyie il «(1 het.Li .i t (whrre sse wj .11 nnr re 1 1 / tn I: .ti. hut il shaulil mike .! p%i>i iln - li.mil CO jltp. 1 1 fiui iS; I'rj'jd ; I £' ft: 1 1 > rx ... L v.' tv- H ws ,V,T, e 17 : r.. 11 Ii Bail r ■ I y k-n. i m ir IJ ni--.il ici n s I f.i 1 v 1 1. v >xj m r r , Ki v K -IcLinr rx.i.s 1 trashing alaska style bjf J Ijh 1 (t 4.'E l iny We left [hat J- nday night will no idea than we would eiM dp at our ideal f\] AErotlpofOdnijiulLrcnlliid^iatlsaiid [ usually KU-cmisO-firiil Idub fdr trouble in our cm pnrjicrly named The Lead Li Iml . rt is named: l\\v. bHCHMS it i S an CKlrtSnsdy aid Monte Crude dial m painted Site dillerieiit shades erf gray. 'f'hm; WU5 Jtorhieig. lusppenm^ oil the loeal drag .vnd that is when J T«rpKnbcticd setejcihing t hnd seen em a UI3S tliu nighi before. ‘’Let's go liashing,” I viitf wiLk lilies srfan answer. Bait all I gUlwissn grumble- from fin hack sea; and a question rhrown ai jnr hum ihe driver. ] ebjitaitiud tu chern what Hashing was and thewheteear seemed r -0 Like tile iit-u Ll I toil k i ng 1 htO Ugb HmiLone- tluO sarbfige, -Cspe-cvilly oniT loeal COX Xow ItlC tiling llial J really bmc about Out CO is thac [bey have a mascot colot, huby hi de. They jXuLit thi ir repair tracks, repttiserelu- Tives. and mam building all this. Mine eoltir W'c Careful ly tumfcl (he ealgilK off whan we approached Lhc iiahy olnc monster and conslcd behind a group dfhees. We had Id rim about a mile ro the dumpster i and J Hunk chat this was- our big^m mistake, fiut what tan you expect from, lirvl time tmslKft ? I be ( :•£} has a 'protective ' tuno: aTmiud tlteii Lot. So we picittd a Jijiall, I h in phieaker 1* slide urdur the .qate. He Llien divati iril-3- the duihpitfi with a look *1 1 1 luaipti in )id eyes. We waited for him to emerge with n bag When siuJdejiiy a maa in teiby w.ie overalls appft^ncd. [ yd led fdf everyone Ld blew and l La Ik what wr did. The skmny pbrc&kvr slid under IIil leuce and wu were hittory, I run fast, Lhc fastest 1 think J ever ra/i. Hitt wilh me CO’S security aim rdiafrer you. yoti had to, We nc.ii bavi io the Sled buL found Thai it ■mis S-Uj i Oitntled by rll'Mi m baby blue overalls, This is where we made another rahcaVr — we spin up, hoping Hast maybe we wouldn't be OJtiqliL if we wrreri'l a kr^e group. f licy VC bce-n caught ! was tbe only i It ii iu. LhaL m n [hr oiigbj mv III ilHl ns 1 mil (dr an atjandOued shopping mall . Me a nd abom Iwvr other pbneakers hul out tlieie fjraJwut (wo Iuvuts until we lhomtht the coasl wtlS Clean, lint tye were wroog, As. we wero fiilkiriLr niir way back id the Sled, WC went stopped by a accuTity pin r-il who wked us aka orfij nesttofis. L-uobi ly we were able ro b.^. binr.. Eul When we pot torn* (o lhc Sled, si was fjpuc. I panicked. Nd Hled.no tide, arul nottash. I hen scddcilh I huaid n luinb and it Was the Sted. b-inoe that Ualdriunatc c:i[>:riLn;s we have made COUjitb-iis hipi |o 'lie baw retrieved Ixips and baqt of LoLtb. leafb h>- your riUstaies, SURVEYING THE COSMOS by riramongcr COSMOS is B oil’s cctfripoter Lor hand I itiv Lnfyinaiiob on 'customer Lij^k, special pervuiesi on lines, and oreleiK to change lint eijuipment, discorineet lines., otc. COS'MOi stands for Computerized System for Mmnfriutie Opcratii.ms. If .Ls based on tla: UNIX operating syttlon aibd, deiKriJiug U pe> n the COSMOS utkJ upon you i i'uxess. tins souk; many, or no U N TX Mansard tummands. COSMOS it powerful, bin Ibcic is no reason to be a J raid of ji, I kis a rl icle will give sorfio of the baeic-, p.:ri i ruin! rnJo on litwv tisers .u.eL in, aecntnu. I’orrnhit. and a few Oi her p,ot>d:eK. : keyword IdaiktHitnijon J o onto COSMOS you tiecdl a dui Jup, account, jMsswotd; ■:I nd wt re LV liter f WQ Wire ocnteis are two ktlcr codes that tell what reel ion at tire COSMOS you are in. j here arc different Wt.’s tor illftercftL a reti< nud groups of eneEiiirvpes. Ejfampleti aio r j B, SK, L.X , etc . Sortie times there are m-oounfs that hast; im password; obviously such accounts are l be easiest to had,, Checking It Out Let's siipjinw you have a COSMOS numboi which van obtained One way or unallwi. The fLnnt thing m do would he to lealre sb re rt is rea I2y a COSMOS system , lint name other Bell or A I &T computer, To do this, you would call it and connect your modern, then hit some rotu ms until yon got a response. It shouEd say: L ; f .001 S : ’ or '\A M 1 If vou cntcc some j^irbagc here it should say; TASKWORK, If you hit a return and it says ’W C? 1 , it is a COSMOS sytrlem. If it says somelhing like " f.A.%' i hen yo.u ’re in busi acss. I f ii doesn’t do any of the above, i hen it is either some (fiber hied of system, or, if you're nut ijellir^ anything a i nil, ihe dialup Itis probably gone biid. (Jelling In COSMOS has eeriain accounts ihiit are usual ly w cine sytttem, one of which m ight not have a password. They eonsii-t ut KuO'J ( most powerful and almnst always on the sysiem). S-VS (second mosi power! ul. still many privileges), HlNfOi liltle less power}, E’RFOR (a little less), and COSMOS (hardly any privileges, like ft normal user). Tke way to tell If they have passwrmJs is by entering the accounts at the ;LOOJK:’ or 'XA ME; ' prompt, and if i t jumps s?a ighi ;o L WCT, a 13 yon need is a WC (o get in Sti.it suppose all of ihe accounts have passwords? You liaw: iwo choio:-;. Ydu enn try to hack the |jasswLi i d and WC to one of tlu; a bove accounts: i won t dcuL witLi i his mclhod. as ir is self explanatory. Or you ran do something J find modi easier— call the COSMOS during business hoursaiid hope that someone forgot to log off, Keep Wiling until when ytui connect'- and hi I return until y oil get it ’WO-lj, ptompe. 'Wt Ts the WC chat the are: urn; you found is currently in. You a re now m3 Whnl to Do While Online The ftrst thing you wunt to do is wri le down the WC vl.hi are in I he command ’WCT'LDSTIlshnuid Irstull Wf"s. On your Lrnt Login it is a good idea to print everything ur dump everyth ing io a b’j Iter. 'WHO ' s hou Id pri nt everyone cuircntlv logged on ihe system, giving some aeeounls. TTY’ tells wliat terminal pim you are on. 'VV HERE’ should cell i| K Jocatidn of the CXlSMt )S instal lurio:i . L W F £ A' | tells wFmt version of f.OHN LX, COSMOS’ o|KiaLing sysiem, it is. 'T.fv *' prints all the files you Li ye ;.i re e to . ’CD : d i r' Lonuecls yent to direcloiy dir. Cat .'file niuiK pTinEs file’Elenamc'. 1 ypmg the name of a tile runs ii„ ’ED iilcaanie' tel its file 'll leiLutiu'. L Q r quit-; tly; editor, I you’ve grit privileges, you ran ;re to prim the password life. To do this, type ‘CAT ; Ff TC; PASSWIT, If you luive ueoesv, ii will p T int the password file out. The passwords aw almost always Encrypted, but you get a list of all the accounts. 11 you arc luoky. on-e of the Sines will liuvc two colons after ttiu nreouat ivi me, I his means there is no pionipt freym i be ',1 .OCl X ; "or 'N AM F: ' prompts when you enter (hat accouiLt . J f yoti ratil pTi nt out lFh; pji ssword li le L you Ye going tu Fiasa* to haok a password for un account or call again until you get in the way described above. To Logoff, type CTRUV. ‘TAT' 1 sometiiims print a liltle Imip file, fo do a check on sljjeic telephone line, type ‘ISH‘a( (he COSMOS ‘WC^i 1 prompt. IlKti rypv-'lt I N XXX — XXXX’fHuntTeJtphane Kumbofjto tel ! you n bout the loeal n utnber you a re irHdreeted in. When the system g Ives y on a y on i y pe a L . '. and h wi | J i y pc al I kinda uf info on the phore number you entered (in fell abbreviations, of course}. If it is r.ot a good eat hinge, it w i! I say somcrh ing i n i hat elfcei. You type a |Ki;iod tu end live IS FI, Ifyou wish to Irani mone inforrsiatibn about COSMOS, find yourself a COSMOS manual or tnuk nt future issues of Am A UMX manual would also be helplul frit standard UNIX commands.. 1-H Phrcak Roundups LViibl I'naj rnurriLsiaVril Dlirv^ KCflmBP cumspulur experts face charge:, i il^ . ^hc-> toed them (lame WUHJliLCCi l-u cheat Lelcahcmt- Crmqunies nui of hundreds of thrusuntis nf dOlkis :'i I ij': 1 X 1 il; ‘ 1 I! - 1 pin I i il |!lmuis Del] Tu leporine Company, isfw hno: nut HoL-rhed adding up (hei r I nates, tpcculnlu the yoolhs began tyrlappurg into li>eg.-diiLyiice: lincxof Local hiisuiesse-. hi mu fieri. Iliey Marini using computei-s 10 bypabi lelepi-ion:- billing systems 1 hr you lbs s ho mided IhA Arrpjrk.ir Telephone mid. T-HCfiraph ComipamA Lelecmifnrencmr; lud'.viirk |vsnkh future issues for srorfoou (hit), pcrmiUrngup LO W ;'lh ufo io iXTfuiiU Pil'd tc, as nr II as oilier king id in ft dev i.-jrri'. js. Ilk- yuur $. Computer expert, all :h years uld. late juvenile Ibefr charge, i.'i’iifl he-s reus- u it scheduled io begin neii idunlh TiVi’i i Vi firlhr ffj iViri I bcvt ii Si. Thumus loenagert have b?Wi ftnrraicd in Bell OiKidtik crp'#*)jnt on IhC hundreds of fbnaric chnv-vuioi butffk who um art illqgjl sofsurcii | XK - 1 pro genii |i> pin.-.: long-dislante phnnn calk for h-rc. Jim i(s J uHh L -:ri..tv,io ufwtiOm arajiivejrilrikwtiC moipjoj Inti wtek wnh tlicli ol tr-issvniiiunk'alajns seniors, and possessiconl illegal wjuipeneiK, I “o I i-: c- ra -ri’d chrni hcrtXs An J stilted cumpjlcrs.in .1 ;r,.fi*r:ir vulood at I 7 J 000 -. Unpaid | shone w«c placed Si? penrds at far away as HDfiila, pueice said. Jn Winfljrnr, .Oiitorio. police charged four y.mif« wiili nlct\Daimuper,Lons ihclr cm |y in January. In December, fwp Ckiforsili ctTWattrioCiicludenls rcj.n.'nis.l .t froluLc discl-viriijs al'ie-r a itfogn fm,AJ IhCail guilty of Lhe offense. AILixfUiechargno wt-iolnid jforcumpuiindt from lb: 1 1 Oml adH. which liable io delect and identify lorcpliorsc pirates foth il; own Cnnipulei (xjuipmunt. ■'We want people la knew i Ilh i time arc miys unci mains of finding uut v.'ho's uirwni venting lhe tolls," -jikI Si i peri rate rule nL Wiliam IawiWii uJ ihc Si Thumas pnlice. Hu- illegal softwear it n h w-moi. high Whn atopy version nr i V "|i|m- butuus" b.iill hv cxMLronii .vshhyisn n ilw- him ios (anddncrilwd in f ill mi p.i & 3-?l -3 l\ a rclal n-vlf nen- pliennniei-K-m," v.b;l Januy McPe-ak, a Jlc-ll C Lanoj* spokjcsmsni "These kids rlonh Kcmurwliai Ibfy'tt duinp. Toey I link h pfifoiobcal Ihepheoe cecnpany." TRW Breached By Non-Hackers i j'*v 1‘L-iVi S i'j-jL-h, I Sic- il --: i :-r i.l ■■. i.:| | R W InS urriiailcc’i SiiviSfts. '.■.■■ i 1 1 wyi ji h.o U ■; •_ red i c c.irjt rvr*i lill mi! .on -\OKntoeK. havt hcun invaced ami conwrohiiAd on a far-rea:h .ng scale hy min li m iniruili nol 'asl a handful all Itfisftu-i hackflv aotonling io Liw entbrcoYii’iit (iffnaab. ■On long Isiiktl alCrtC, ittarly JA.DOtf TkW re|soiih i*Crt: aHpkcdLy pilferecikn- pfiane in L'JKS, n tli;iu c Ktuxl OTidisfcepan-tirs in hifling) bolv«m TR.W and ea-n brmks, n nousmntT kkt”i iinn and LvmI depm i m-iii oitins. While Ihrte ci fd n «lfoaiCi>f ustd. its pilrertc. lnin n> fositS assets Ul tltblori d had been hired in m'r(rdifiaH'. "They [Lne colbchivi mpmey' rinnidtrajfoda riuhl loMtwcriheyfh'eyjusi pliutv fitstcal the service *ukl TKW s|NflC$wwnkn Di-I» Femander. A iprd;r-,-n, n lor on: of the New Vr.Ct-lisv;d •:1n;-Li Knicm iforti laid his fan bnd, ■Wi-rftJ n-rtiiidi of ahwi: ? IIItJDfKJ from I Kyi because its pa sea mil had herr, .rs-J by unjushosyeil uylitkliiab. 3 his Month s Mischief and Mayhem l.-J- AlKkL IlK- A * er ' f *- rt l phony OniVmriy hTScuiherA ('HiiVnm iIvj^ks may have been std J far -jp so f " \'- 1 XI fevli and hacked by trn 1 1 p.-; dkpally placed in ihn school's ciinif-.dir-r kyM.taii Tiirly JSPL studt-ms pr-t Mlreotiy under invesi .gyu Kin foi a IlcpsdLy paying io hasy unauLbnrired g^ridg gliun|Xr> made trri th;. ,* i nirngjrlpfo 'tO".ir ipvtsssigj.sirH- l»'t uiorntf hey rx e: gmdc- fonrsati." ’.JSC Vice Hr-neoni S y | v it Manmr^said Wc a re inovr investijyitulg. IK" pctsxibihLy this scii'iV-.-mi-c inay huv: :rt-ated ;r : i i - rnns.:ri|y;s as -s-r- 1 " _ J . r-r i If ■ ■:■»! % ‘■j o n| r. R»jli Iryirts bu call lelpviWnsiAi I :.u M Sclltek loyhsI: li.mn harpy biTthduv rtat kt) a 1 1 imofjln idnrgue- ln nnuurecd line *"WIS plume number. ■|*K ,; n»r« sluTttd when diE(>:fo;cyii ofWROR l : .\1 cirnn up will- th: idea a having tht.r lisienerseall Melfol in HawaiLucid Longraiialaic him on his-Otllb hicthduy. Ttte-I J.I 'scnllnid d-nccinry assiw-knee for SM Sect's hnnee pilmne mjcnltos hut were ajifmrgmly jc.nin Ibc num.'aer for she IlHinobihi uiCdiWi (iMuuir.t rV ofline He Vf'edpysJAj' ailcmuun. th: medicnl easir-iiittrA pffiut: rc purled reteivrng mnre shun I ,ifX> t-sll;. " I fie- rdl ce wui Hjijr -ol control,’ tuid Josioe FnjfmoeiJe irKirgm; atlOndant. "‘•‘t ben peojile frxjiYd rmi ii wHkChujuudk?il txamiiier'x nf(ice..ihey ibnnglu Tpcu Se:le:x hnd expired All IhCoc hyslurkal gj-N kepi calling. ..rho-e we-ru imilt-s. tno. " On Fruliyl I .orna Ovltiun, WROR prupram direcior, i rmL u kiviitainml on the aie apn-xigifiisj Um »he' confusion and nyirtg listeners wnuld (j(- icinbuend for any calls ntniJc lo Iht I [urjohilu nemher on Ja nniry ?J JlUiVUIfil 1'ins '-'I -i eomp-jier mix ii|>, ihc MsCkJlu Albrndic district iiff.ee erf i Ik- truci rial Revenue Service his km rl.c icvunhs of mure- than i.^10 milhnn m foyroil nii.h hoi. fine lax [xiyruenis i.madt by aboU IO.fKO companies In-.i fall. l>.c bwsilKMAM Husk been r.ihl by cornpoi:t-ppt7icralo;l -nmiccs fnim ihc r.H.S. ihm rhrir ptiipCrly arid bunk atccihYit will be screed if they do no: i-nike il-j: (Uyubf u ts within 10 days. I he com|Vimc, etc pal -urirg: ulTicial records ol bsfo tnrnfci-. lo lhe pc'sernnsent so ihey oun 'MnVfrivt '-"K ].R.S. rhal the. have chriiijj. raiid. Au r.R.S-. spokesnain slid ibc agoncy -oas IryanK lo reeonc.k its rcoonlb nanuaf-r. Tlir’-k-s- Yvit I ITT - Piam hrixs-n entv Ofsfs. Tu II t:t 1 100 hi! sa.re till c .up up mi residt-uus'cnailhotes in ce-.-.u r.l 1-kiiii.ls. :h..--lv.t.: ine sn f-Meral n|;..-,o. u -bP tay lhe mnnex o ciiunit.l'en . " I :r - hills are a II : i.-ing. mailed oul of I nglewootl. t>i: Lurrcu. r yuid JJonald A SlohixiM, nf i fie (yfhrOo oilier uf lk>e ihs.irit Siuic< bctnl Service 'They sxmLur, an p.1teri^mj; liiemturr, nu note, an ret in u mjd rtij, noihing!" 2600 Bulletin Board Online An ■wmrdi 2d On iHlcpfiriirv, Ine. non. has sui nffoiul emrapiiifr bullelui bcuad sj-hiym |JHkH) rijir rilfop J-khiiuixiday, 7 days h wetdt. OpernlLtifimt nl New Jleiyny, ifo IkMrd k^ollod The rrianfe bierrer. Hnfoih-rds fmn ill over Ihc ommlrj iiw lhe sjndom to to*i«rerst on teleennwiiiinicHlkmi topics, b'nvr, sulKe!rtti*v and nuo- sidotrilwN wilt be nhle In send arikTee, Inim, or qucrilcfet In JVilW imUrelly. Th# eysiem nipp.yrts :iiju nml 1 UW Ju.nl. A1 prewait, Urem.iliWum lrngdi ptr ariicli- wui lo Jbtfffks JW lints. AtentHpiHn J It'd, us^x tun Ijpe ‘TWloenber Ihk uyiion. Thu ictexs- nurnhej' Is HI ilbtMJi , Aeecrdlns m JlfiWttw founder HltbuH Pflrttritfc, the hulJenln bcw'rf is p.n| uJ * slrsdT ggpHnsiun. 'WuetenlLy uequlrrxl S1*75J JSftO ns thtJWOO Hnd 11™, Nuw vriih Um- brnedi well improve umt mill rurxens hurciHS, thtl kind c.r ihinq, ftTufs icrteil mn if# lairirun riplil rune thuunh is our pluitTnr n iiul.ilithinr cenlcr fm Irngthy nrliefo andlutnrlnls ms pftceics- end eampmerw iibrenkinit and hatAinp. IVe'sv Tuund l|ll,1c a Taw Utented wrlrcrt and ilfow-tiMkl be a u-uy (nr ihriti in lirn Iheir wards tt>d in full." 1‘lall Urtillt nn rhp |.ni l.i I i ■. H* ti p,' .1 ill nJt.u i w i n genrer Hill bu iinountod In tin- ftdure. I nicrr-.ced wriren, ar. twp.ud Lo tall us. I lisYritiuns wj|| t .jj oemrse-- nniltc ll"nj> happen Eurlrr. “Welinve etiery In(rtt1lnrt F j receiver In 'ixl A l & I (leLclupeda mMe MjihijcieAiiHl'iuMnn ub thai nwubhtrVin Ibc sccnud "fi.e.LI"- | tic Ibrei aft;.' i he VQD pecTn Lould he any ihny iiuir bcrs urd Lfie tomjjuKr would si ,li be able in l.-d the ruin phone in i hr . ipjit cily lo Ting. Ins allows for numbers svish vcihs! siyp,ilican:e. likOlkM AR-RIiN T. I as iii'm-ATA T ciim.Tsinis, run miug a less snpbnlieiicd daiyfosc whit.i diicsnl; hate all of I re t-s.ii us m i ki- AT-AT sv.sie.m. Mass mm vou Dear 2608 : l recently got u notice in the mall from Mountain Bell. Me ain.1 5 Other guys roomed toother in this apartment imd one sVipped town after he disconnected his phone. Htdidnl pay his I mat b ill, so Mo Bell is ilnvti leuing to have nurphamrs cut off because of what he did The lady at Ma Ft^LI soys it h cause IhLiguy lefi his final billing address as mms, so as far as Ms Be It’s concerned, he still lives here and gels phone semce by ukiug our phones. £3an vnu believe it?!! Mud as Hull J J .!>. We are now having to pay £2i? a month extra to keep ou r phones connected, Pcuple! 1; you're living wiih someone and are going to disconnect your lone, give Bell u fuse final b Whig address so this doesn't happen to you! Dear YTjlI: It would be amusing if someone were to grve a largo eor-pmutsott's address as their final billing address. Tlicoreli- enlly, everybody there would gei a threat similar to yours, Realistically, it probably isn't quite Lhat easy. Rut this in nothing new for telephone coin ponies. WeYc heard many similar siories und a good deal bfihsm have (o do with college students, r he telephone coin puny geLs away with mu rdcr when ■L comer to- dealing with xtudcat u, in dormitories, rjfju zm\ My aLias is Thu: Crazy M an. I run 1 Ik b™ rd cal led 1 he fihreakSbow. It cun be readied at 3 03979 7 99 2. V our magazine tin kick in the ass. Keep up the good work! Dear 2&tQi Please help me settle something I've long wondered about. Lfo tdephone employees get free phone service or discounts on Ibeir phone bill? SJ Deal SJ: From what we’ve been able to find but, free Lcie phone reryies; is given to management employees a nd ii Iso to Ibosc employees tiiatiujve been around tor thirty years of longer. Usually there’s a usage a | lownnce of around S-k5 whirh includes service charges and local calls. Any charges above thal allowance gel billed" to the employee, Anyone who woi its for i he phone company for more than silt mouths is entitled too.Sfl percent discount. These rules, tlsough, probably vary great ly i hrOUghanit the country, Dear I recently purchased aTluW/4Aeoasole. 3 am having i rouble producing multi- frequency hertz cones in BASIC: Could you help meV Another t lacker Biiigluimton, NY As a novice hacker 1 have great ci eai ;o learn. f lia ve recently purchased an Apple Cal and am currently using '.Tnshua" for carrier delect in n arid retrieval: My question is: “What do 1 do now?" Is there software or hardware available to buck the Passwords und ID numbers iy does one just connect; and play music* I fi risers on the keyboard Util il you gel lucky? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! KC Scotrsdak. \7. (Jtar Folk*; 1 iwrfl are many many programs oul there todo jnsl wbul you want to do. UnftmuiVikly, we -don’t have programs for ibese specille computers. I tut we know ma rsy of our readers do. We hope to receive programs in lire funny: so that we can print lial inssi I n the nvia ns ime , musiea I lingers, is a jriel hod that has 2-1 proven effective iu Ihe past and is still known to work more than a few times. Dcar.ZUW: To start out [ would I ike 10 say thank you. i have been gelling 2600 for a yea r almost. 1 slopped phreaki ng about 5 months ago. At one poin! in my life phreak ing was very important. £0 if you guys need any info let me k now. I wi| | try and get it for you. Anyways here is a real shorL story, f W4is talking with my dad abtiul a year ago when 1 got ihloaU this stuff. He Hold me robe careful and watch wliat I was doing. Then be told me about this new way i n which it would make it impossible for someone Like you l>i- me 1 d use ;inother person’s Sprint code. This wou Id be to make a device that would change the Code each and every time you. called I he number. Yarirdcvicc woitld make up hall and the res! would give you the other half of the code. [ >0 you know ah out miy books or other good sources for phreaking information? 1 f so, please Let me know. [ am doing a report lor my bistoiy class, Do you have any i ni’o on the Ms A? A Iso eoi j Id you somehow lei tne know about boxes? Du you know or have any good phceakmg boanl numbers'? f feel Like a Jbol asking you for all l his stuff lint lor now, you are the only ones who can help me ouL. ALso. if you want info On Companies like AT&T, I IT, ete., just Let me know. I would just send it all bimhat would lie one hell of a pile. rm San .Irma. CA Dear [>B: Almnst a 1 1 of whitl you're looki ng li u oil 1 1 be Jound right Ixu e ih We have an article on blue hoars 1 h is month and in the past we've focused on other kinds, WeYr alia) oonstanlly pi i m log 1 il les ot refc renee m,a ictui Is. There'* no reason 10 feel hke 41 down lor asking quesiions. Just Hi ink of all 1 ho olher; who don't. You\'e ncuitiliy heiind of the NAA! And you don't seem to think irk a niulier soccer league, as many do. (Well have loli ol info ahnui ilv;.:rn soonij Hie device you meniioned sounds interesting, hSi.it how would your little device know which numbers to spij but to Lhe main computed? Also, htvw would il stop hackers from guessing a one-1 ime code anyway ? As la r as info on other companies, p lease rend it . We get a Iol rtf mail a ltd t«e re4id ail of it. All nf the infomuition we gel is eventuji fly txmveyed to our reai lersh ip, so everybody Ik re; Ills, Dear HowL-.ni I mil ke calLs to sh i'(W ai sea? Do IhEV each Itave their own phone number? Is there a directory? JjUlIHLV Dear James: We went righi lo the folks at AT&T on this one. Here is 1 heir reply: ,L T he procedure for plac ing long distance calls' 1 0 ships on Site high seas are handled iti Lhe following manner, [sicj You i jrsl must dsa I ilie oprera lor itnd ask to he ci in peeled So the high reus opera trtj l its only information yon have 10 provide is the name of Lhe ship and a cull letter. The high reus operator then signals lhe ship. It sometimes dikes hours for the stiiplo ic:uit. 1 he call. W hen tlse slsi p operator reaches the fi igh reus operutor. 1 he cull is then co nncelod to the Original caller. A 1 1 cal Is going to sh ips on the higji sens must be placed this wa y hj | h cannot be directly dialed. I here is ill this time iib printed list indicating ship ID numbers or ocean emits.'" As a Iwu ys, 2bfl!J wi .1 be more I hun happy ti> cmnpi le such a li-il . i^eep in mind, also, llmt foiled iittempts at reurliing a ship (mul or imagined ) d on ^ obsi unvlhing but Lime, Ik The 2600 Information Bureau hBHC PjV H rr ah hCTS w ?,k fit) flFApE on ..at system Svcton P Sit ?Vi AH8RC MRS ■ ■ii-in ■ W : 'ppqyf ?, A>2 '" YH V,! ■ AT8 ■ h r ATTJS ■ MivDi ACRONYM LIST - drerigp 3osy iHaur Calls ^ - fttE pollan t lUv Yen fie it - Automatic Call Uis^r ibvt - edv*ntEd Goaisni cat Lais - cl E ; a.j’ :i it Cc*i ■■ Telephone Service - AL = -i CccLn. Unit - Autoiatic OivLav La I! RdL fatOr - advanced Oati Prcces a in.;, - Abaeric Voice Eystee - njvustric cab exchange ;* J -baitS C Force Hdiustraot Data Eyste* - Aitmatic [ntersep* Carte- - Atbujtjt [derhbeaben Giituard Dialing ■ --^bpatic .rte-cep: Syttei - - CEpt . rr r -taiitjC bilaie Account i% Autniati: rising HCCftrihhS Heco-dsng Advanced rcbrla Telephcna Servico ALL Fufhar GiLLmg F: Ce.i Ler Antniafk Rur-ha 1 Acbnatic R'uaier bin» award L(ig rdEntifbitifin V AJ ranted Rehear-: h Projects Agency fleSNdrlc iy b*4t If Repeat rpSuast Aebiitif Trouble Analysis- Agtc.iit:: feijir tlib.jne r-L fc a p ' St P iFlO'. SJytinq fleer kit Tolephcns MS Telegraph i*a r t:ar: TEieplicr? *nd ffi>: r ioh AUTfoatk VDice Retsasrl: 1 r iSL^OsE-tr r Dlgi taL 'JetKCrli S', to vlo'; wiled Frebrals iiLLLr.g Pa r .j if j‘.n:tbr [nfo- eat i cfl By i'uj-i - o. EELGD^E- BELL CUnyni cat ! gee VL'ifirch nea-: Busy fair Gails Building Industry Cott ljL ia ncj Se.'ViU'fl j'reat Mn D. her CpseLtero Business I-braaticr Bystei Susy Lit r i pj d Bu&v Lvar r :rp s-s:: 3 VC; til EG BORSCHT BCE EFCC W: §£f ELL CdFp m _ - 8al I Gper it : ng Ccrp 4 ->_ '• - Eat .".ary , Oirer vol taga , ' £: - a, it's , — per vj a : -y„ Ccd i no, I'yirid, e'-d Test i fit bn, i bu. 'i «a* this me up I : ii’ issr - Binary Eye hr a no us Ccac. ■ : tat: on - Business S? r, :;cE Ena t r .: tar kp] I Ey;t&’- ?rarticES ” Bv] ! eU.tbnE Labcrata'ies - Cantral Autfipatic ^esaaga fei;.ri r . i pa - U p nssEar E^itibi,' J EC[ ERIE ECtTT :?r CIO ”fVT V'n ELSC I’i'- li-A RDfti] EEER EESHES '’h ■■p' 5 - csr caw rcr cti I'M E EgapgU;, OatriEr Enuntrj' pi? lar CaiM^, ”ard: r j s ■_ ■ -r roaa L-nnneci ri?i3 [ntefujit ■aiscn fhj:t^s, Jctereff Lte Signals; Internal feiaphme and TaLai'Eah £&.<>_: I ;>9 Gc-.Viitt?? ug Frp'.'lrJ Eenta lAO CalJ Mr hce- r "Dinsn CcrtrtL Suite!;!.’: h r rapgpct‘t p;i U" ■ ’ ■ ' . amen c :»!•: ae* t + = ^iruiulatc' ‘ i: " J ! ica Vi ! t nq a? Indicator Got' Crat pajcrmriE ..y'.aanr '.ib'iatiee OtritrcJ £y:L,c ,c::!'fd L:i: :r-.i RaccrdLr--: Circcit Lav-: ..t F:ac; rJ ^en tr f.l : i Ed Rsaaigp B j a tr ! ajt : an : Lr :■ :t t!ainte"BncE £>at?i 'L.ibM- Eaea ASdrasa Ren : ■ . . *!<:■:; j;Eepa: f a&Rratey- and Rain t Lined na bar i Eantra, aiiice : ijj-j ocer t desert pntrai u<’;je i'll'.toiianc? and Adninistratie; ;■ : iSS St 0^6* tErvice j ’i ■ : ■vrtpe ftitji j ntar- :■; ■ act j cc F/inn .Dinuta r Svlbi br J?aL.tfraiE CcabtbnS Oust ccar - , t u it: 1 !. eu j pjj,- 1 WitEniritEi! Ej.ijj E, (tertian Hith Gam v , • t - a i ; i ?d State a. Hla't - RnntroL Svstat j-i'fait Pitched PigitaL I*;*h]lit< Eor Eiip^f v^ing Link L a j ar me Rettipia rcceas Ear ba V-'y-w C : r;aniiati.:..- eottrci fv: t chi f i L ’;mt Rusbaer Switching pvctva Ciaed User Brcuc Giiiri-'i E n; t valtage Indicate^ joes IftPIB ^S: PRTE i ’:ap Sites jT- L" sir. -‘r ■ Till EVE. RSR DMC EEC 3F nc-r iiE5 L't;:'! PTE PTF PTE y-'r PTE W EALGSS EA5 Ml -•- ™sS EC.L C crc rrT Eth ■ EG ■SIT p jriC iW :pp ftp ES£E( ETFp ETS Ed! .ERP ’Ha FAT 1 -TS FTS -J GTE KAS? HR; :: tfPS -IRE I: '-■ ■ ; ]fr T^HTS ['.ARE ORE W ter VAh ,. jtr RROi •\y t;SU K.TO p'irEctcrs Aaa 1 1 tinco ’! .'R - coaautarit?d, j'fl !F5cro-jii!i RiaitaL Hffai-c Rrrvc-c Rnnnaet Syatfrl Rigital nttesa urea? Rnnna iLejtai Over Voice PiJitaL Dver V] Peg- iiti CcananicatiaRa Enaipeart L'liensut: Cusbn TaLephcne Seryi Oi’Ect ristance Pj a| i ng RcutL'g _ r _ r Saryice . :| i ng Pataphore PieLtcJ Stn-itE Ti atributed tat? aichitga (djgnat tj) Drap infer sat] on RySiC'ii; l et / P: spate ier naferse dytapatic Intecrated Systec- Sir pet Lfivsrd L-Lalinn " Rja-Ertbatge ififcriaticn Eystee „ata In do: re Rial Lane Lise egjipiant -ynaiic «ri-Hi Er t r chbi] a.iRd tlurber Recorder -Jb Butwri [dentificaban role Pyaarb Eve/toLd Oontrcl 8 ! a L 5 u] 5e Directipna] .ceseiyitina Eqaipeert Rial Evstefi assistance Direct Station Eelerbcnto' Digit al SnUhfnfi Sys:«iT Data Tprunatiag :g-;prort fidi To'p First pay^aar L':rert Triin- j'flPG vie. Tr ? H'jlt: Fre^eacy Paiesti] Tranasisicn SvstEa Rati Lrd' '.'eig^ Pest i aa t . an yg ; adrr I'ioital Vn; :e e!shang( bflnEeri.-.p and Adiini stratNe Daia AiquiSitina GrstEC y leaded Area c entice. or Entfireef ins idcie. Sy e tes | Eitatdfd Jj;r.afy OodEd Saciia] I'CErcninaa Goie ELOctrcnLiiJy Ga'trelied flutoiacic Saitclsit.g S^stEi tlact-oaic Kdiucitv Lib HNice ticitrcnic Realra. BfU;p Flact/nni'e Cpifuni laticn: Svcte*:. Liait’t::;] Pate YaasaLssLah Caalril CsMUfiiritice-i c.Ectroaic : . ..!■. Transfer tnd Isriiod ?;eExef( Electronic Fa a: age ec pd Office ter [r.d Lf ri. ;• Toll Truntiag i.Ed'Ptic JyPtesa Assista'.bE te - equal xciess AtfPM fpryice Pate EiEreeccy Ear vice exc^Lage; OLtrc-'ic Emtcainq Svstfit piirioenia! Solid Btata |l;hange S.fitrWtc Toll r rael Device l. re ir :-.-,i c TransiatLan Syite* StEctrentf Peiio ETc!ii-|e c o r iEcr A r ?a Cef.tgr.nr Dial ine : 1 dc : ess ?.c t nar :■ •i-'-cca : . r ea Tri r sLatipr - - ?quL‘:‘! DivLa.inn FLltipbcr.n rr??:e ' .r> Fritnca -:?ld Ref:arjn;e Enits FrequEncy Emit Ribsirc : : ini T" - _rilc Ero.p Eel era I r ?Lephcre Eyat: ' oriacr el'charc? - £i r:? p ri a] r l-. pphen ? Ei ac t rpn i c a Rile firea "ast^r CbLiag Mgh la.e. Dgti Rnatroi ■-'one burce-iag .-:ufi Fft-.i Otel 3LLIing L’icfoit'-cn SystEC Kfjn Eaage TruA Ercv: ^ Yibrnatinrial Pi reel Pistar:? 2 i j j i s,. ■ f pre e s l .it n tr i : lag Saitchiro Center 'ajlched' [nt? rJ Li]fc - L r t pgra t InForaaficr Bvatan ■ ,:tnard Ji.e nrsa fgl jplidne Service [Yhal iisticn ind nja:n:etrgtien Evstaq - .-it err: nE lona I Overaeis CcetLctioo Cfenter - ber-t .■ 1 1 z d Rut^ird CiLlinc - L-terceliatc R.mt - Lrternal! j-a: - Jrtpraetbnal sxi--"- u -•>-*■ ■ ■-— - i e t tr net Let' l] leLecconum cat Eons ------- J 1 B 1 V .1 _ _ - dot J rH dr'iiti nij Ipc or indur - Ray Piaplij Call Indicator - Key Ful se - i-ley EErvL:? ! Jni t Rev Tele: tone Svstai f-ty TelepRinne I jit it svster. Dbi on s -H*ih LAH .DE ' r. v 3 Llll LSS Ili.iF BCC %\ HCAE "RF - Lo:a. Automatic hf55age , "Aed3pnUnA l !C - Lota! flr« Hethcrl Lott Cat Is Cleared - Lott Calls t'Elayei - Lott Cal Li feld - Coca; ILcital EL-stributLor - Li sited distance TadPB vOnfl 'l^tanfe Service ■ .ang Li-UHP et tender ’ ~:r.e Interlace 'Jnr. - Lung Linas in CmpLtp r Siedl ;. i in : -.k 1*1 l '[L'.E' HTBF, FTfi *3= JiPEP hf:w m nn r X*£l "Mi cutra: a F.ibL FAR- PAThCL FES PC vr‘“ PCS tfn, ??li FS & .ins luIc Pulses - Lina Hi:n:e(ir;e OperUldr.* ti r *U» - .ccp Switching SystEi ia;n;ins\p And stiPh Pang* - Hamer ;jnirc: Enntel* - UlcrcHJvt ca**L*! tatlwi bfarpnlad - ladnati: Dfuo Suiil iidy S»ndir - lain slltciutlno Ffif*- !luj*,! -F !• iiiisn-r v li L .a! i : i ?aci I ! tv Prato - FILL; Lj'v liE;>arl - 'lean Tl.Le Between Failcre - lagnsti: Taps RpcprdLna - labile- "elephcne Shi tcP a _ .l Office - K “--■ -- 'le L *ar c 6;:-, ! d frit HathC'l Ipniro, AAii.sis ’ IuTac-L Uperat:.' Trayfit# hfaruttlli SyEtrh - IlLibo' ?! an i - Ei - Kpshcrk -‘rah I tf Jeterti .'it: an Ac; Li cation - lierdi: - ut] i •: Lata bet nark - St Etch liiEfcer Put cf Spent ar u5 j ; .- - ’ ■ tV End£’i dtCii iiiCtJ" 1 ' "■ PEij ji'p:- iU'.te Ci:Ur,n Bifjco Irfursatian Systei - Cffice InVertics Unit - Uperata- Sasber Identlf :ca:ian - Drigi -at mg ReaistEr - Spun S|stEii In E e-nannsc t i an ■ Gperjt.w. tape art Ly.Ua S- DUTKard Aide Area Tefepftane Service - Crde r *:re f rival,* liutaeat* : Drangi pKEhibdP - Pulse ,A*pJ]f icatian rotaJatUn - Prngraa L nr Ado: stratne Trail k Eepcrvi jn Line - Private Branch E> change - Pricer* CEnter Fare! tall Eniicatcr Cade IjCyuL alien Lin? .tipViiiw 52 Sale Old "eleahcne Service y Point lar dill Past Fiy payphoreJ - F'ersaii tc PersaaL Collect, Special - False PflsiltLan fiadulatinn frOJ ..... - . "- . erv l : e Pill so f hi.v :■ Pcirt FULr Fr i r = r fVoiy ct Frcjr*a<#f lluhber - Put.:; Sm titled Digits. S - PVilL i c Shi t:b:nn netHarn aaS TEleorsph' at t "ar: ti ee Radio - eura;?in Feet a.. TeleebEne. - Fj:Le j . '-'cice bEtnee: Packet - P'j t i e Hi C V :iaauJ a I ; pa L ’ - CuaEi-Randco Sinna! Ssurca - R - RiAfri Access and StrrElatLot Inr EstEnCeC s ericrrL _ :e Ses: dance Arccunt ilnrvUt iztMr ■ he::ona: Center - PtSic Ccnnan Career - Peel Encio"- Tise - Peyote dtb Entry - ^eacte lEin1eaa-;t Adri it r a _ .3ca end iraf^c Systei - Sesatn Qfiltn Tnst^LinE - Rat ary Jut I ran I- J Salad tarv - Pe-itr: ue Pulse - Rate Cicne £>etei - Route ReLav - Sate ar;. Rcute 3perato r - Settle Sa;tchmc Evstei hlt'ir : i Eal ; £h • Im'ii I - Pea: Tint - Recede Trun-. r ariosos'. t - RryicniL Techr L: el r.«l stance _- Receive Unit SCOTS m jjarvjce SsJIvUnt, - Spec i a. Hrcn Case - Step-hy-stEp AtJuBatLc Hessj:e Acco.ntinc " llmtc-et Access berate rest System - Skylit Easiness Systeis - Sect Lana] Center - IlhHcbt: Circalt Autoiadit Netnart - SMite.Mng Central Oenter lar Epe:: allies Cuiicfl carriers cr Satellite ■Etiflar:catiC'rs Ecrtraller! urvei lance and Central Of Transmssicr Systeas - bine y thanae; Pnr Ccner - Sate.iitE aSrpy Lcasensatian Uhl - Snitched Digit:. Cats Stivice Sychranaus 3ita Lird: Central ECU - Space E'ivislo-. lul tLtleidnc SI'S - Satellite lata p(c.'snoe SF - Si p(t? F-cwo-Jv i;.V ’ Sird;:y I i M l 'leihO.'l SbA ■ SyeLtis Ha-.hori ArcPiteciLi'e SC" JE - Se^ientially jperatefl Eeletypev.-iier j;.:uers-CJ Selestar SFAIE - SiccLe cbanneL Par C'-irrjer Assicnaem by Dec. Km EquipAeot SC - Stored Prcnrii Ccnt'al SSCO - Sjfiflien Rercte lainucicatio-.s Central SSE - Single Side Band 3S T E'M - Spa.:e:raft Switched T:«e Jlv. Fiittiple Access I’.hecreti cal i STF - Siqnal Tranifer Pnirt SiS SpaifTiac^-Si'ice switching architecture ii ■ Scuroe Uaoado- SIB - S tea r ay -Step SHilciLa^ eitLjia'it TAC - Technical Assistance lent er TAC Access Co’trcl Syster - ■'ectnalaaical Aierican Partylar Tec s .aled-bhiunicatians Alari S; r -'ei I i en h. Ass.Sl, Pregrao TSEA.'I'A TIPS TEARS TEtEO Tpic ;v ■ ; TELE TLH TLF " it: s ■f/ip TCO ■iPSB tit RC PEL ^rv RuE i.S'.T : u'\ ■j-iTe RP' RGS RR I. F.C J. -iti r i.’i SSE PT ETA RTfiC EC ]P’J IS! ^S^a TT.V TTI TUR -jiV ■IS ILLS DSC l JSP liT VAC VAT VF 1ST V ' 5 '.7i 'Sa Ri:| SC --j-lTr ence A’d Contra] svstnK - i:co V:Ligr.ic*t Specc' r . lnler;-aJ aUon - TcIL CEnter lor Te I s Carter ettingl' - Tpiepi’o'e Ccrps’v Engfeerec - T^t -rd Cede Treatment tri^E - i a | nc iiijn; r a t l 303 Bevirc for the EfuF - ian.es It; . lap pivliian PL;! t: p I p : : nfi ! R- T:ie JivLSicn L.. L .jp!e ucceis / Levand iLin.inaanS - Tragic Recc. r L:ng Systei - Traffic Eng!oee r :ng' fa r Automatic Rnute Select: an - TEte:‘ariE CCraany TELeahaie Ser-Lte Attitude HeasureoEnt Trur.l. Irani vni.ip uuf EduLMnnt : run l n r. : t uor ■. Test Level Ft: "t TerciLiial hansaEient Ti/e l.ltipleied Shltzb Te le[lari . :Lal Ve'.Btrv ^ f uU’i y c t il He In y I tlper :.t 1 an i 'I an Trent SperatLrst Center T ; r if : :c CvetSaad Sernute Caatral Toll 5 a’.nt r,.ot: Frc ; ^ssirna Doit Ii.vl- sluring ":ae Slot Inter z'" irnji- Traf'jc Service Fas: Lien Sue: lent er ysten "eleTYpeu'iter "rsnsEit Lhit T-alfl: Jsape Retarder Tele:ypsV r :ter netharV 'jfiivartiL iMM/iijd iitiiun i c ati an,s svstei Un.fgrr, Sec. i c ir L: iv Lcdvi Usage $eqS : Itiye Pricin’ tlni'e r sil Tri’f: Value Added Carrier : .j|.,- Add.*: Ver i-v EuS': V‘ol : e' PessiyE Syst ei Voice Hesse :e Etcha’ae V'o::e StorapE Service MISs- Area lelaphi.vt Eervlce Vine LEcter Lo r l: Ends' h':r'. Grd e- Record and Cetails - - ' 5 a.-icsEiiF -.aiicti’g enuicsiFnt r a.tl: [r. t er r,a: i i-ijj l^rEj Linp Than - s be An iCd :L> H; vi; ai'iis: and l f ;ed h ? t _ e Shadcv’, lastly -rco BeII and :r:ng_t. L ;ESE acraniss ard abb-evL aliens q fo r help uith a: s i t i - C L ri st . Rrya . "el ccc . ” 1 1 Ecnr :.r.i : a; i c-i s. ATT T 1 r-l err-s.t : a. Brjiley, Srcaduiy Hjikjr, v. i- 5 Pel 1 ,. Sisitris !l, *hO r s J e t Et.. fi oc Sktvr, Get Luther. itfm atliv the flx! ; ;r,d j' L ttd r sabers a’ the Sscur as at', a: tr.a 2-11 ATLT dsi^sents tel is: ted khl'le triEtiir.fi, st club in tes to 2E0C ■liaati’e, figsnt ELEC $33, F.c r a|ag .the f 'aljngu:, ao^ Systems, Bell Ccasunicaticns Resparcr-, Eoll labor atari eS, as, -Ca.ansl Ragan, the Coi'ier. -iead r asln I "T, A. r. lCs;. tar, 7r ed Sit: obit Hart Tabas. TAP cajacine, Tcr&’ta Phre-sk, end :r ground oativj-lr'dl Fe.lsn tbleCCMuai cat ions hoebiests.