DECEMBER, 1985 2600 YOU' ML TWO. NUMttLR TWELVE fl r, i h 1 1 h.-.l hy Mf' Fjilci rrfi. ! I*,/. on •: r ^- ;,ti ir, of pi n I ra I i .Ml SiukaTfUiirv lair-, 5 1 1 I ym . I pii ',1 U i_u. S3fl | ;,v.'i r rrrT .1 n\-.- y? y-r r h 1 1 - L r 11 1 r V : Ii : 'T a p l.ilelinv wliKf ifliOK ICW. Coqwipli: ipnmmOin HM& Mail ChKfct mitllr HX JtW Uwripmn. Inc "nrrf i.v ,«fly, PXi &M.7II, Stiddls Itbcd.W II033075L I>i!: 31073131®. riBS. 30I JSt*IJ I I'*'' pTO-JWl V, 1 nj c III PjO. Ban, 7fi M JdV bland. NV 1 1 3*3-0 Mi tor rciv, .ml ini-l- uhrufiirfia OUK WISHES FOR *6 AND BEYOND ,y| round this time of year, we (tU-ays £,*1 ro thinking about how the things around us l iv !■] imp tow. .7o we assembled a few tifour writer!, ami had them come up with same suggestion* mi how lechnotog? can he tier servt 1 everyone. We hope that then* idea* wi!i samtdo y hefatiovedand by encourage out readers to ftimf up with additional omw. which nv W gladty print. Uniform Long dittimcr fates. With the many advances in mm Icrn communicalioiiA, otic end result is quite obvious. HY gotten easier and cheaper to establish comact in all parts of the couture, and in most parts of the world . Wcwaut to see sm end la ripoff longdistance rates that charge you more tocall one place when it really costs the company about the same to reach anywhere. Why not have unifo rm rate;. 10 everywhere, whet he r i i he- lone distance ot locaf Technology is mak itig the e:i1 iTe woTtj fit iato ohr backyard — how about granting us some acres to : ,l-' Many of us phone pbreaks have come to look at phono re 11s in a d iiferenl way When you ren ca II tiny* here you waul to, for as longus you want, without wonylng abonL how n-.uc'a it’s going to oOs-t you, it all starli (0 take on new meaning Vnu begin 1o realise hnw offensive it is to he charged Tut sd flic thing as basicaY talking! Shouldn't weal'. be able to talk tti whoever we want, tv fa; never we wa nU and I n < as Long as vvi: wtsftt? If it were possible {as lL someday will be) to have an unlimited amount of people using telephone equipment at the same time without tying it Up, would nY we be hotter oil with this philosophy? We believe sn. The teleummunlcations giants tan si ill profit handsomely w ithout making coiniminicattons a luttpty. We L re not simply after a free ride; we'd Still pay something, though nol as much and not as oflen We want to see advances, in techno Logy shared by all and Ihen perhaps well see some of its real potential, liight now, there are many of us Ibitl can't all or d to call The White House when we wan L to voice our opinion on something. The ones that can afford it have no problem . And that’s Lhe problem here. Die time for change lias arrived. After a 1 1 . how eon we cal I it Long d istanee i l it nfr lunge r is? Elimination of rhiing#* for louvti Lunev. L-Low lhe phone eomptmies gel uwav wiLli this is beyowd us. When we. use touch tones, thei ret|W iprneut works foster and moie people are uble to make calls. In fact, it is batter loi their et| ui pmem if customers use touch tones. If everybody used touth tones, these ■L:u:ri]:o ait-,’ profits would soar! Yet we are :-ti ! choTgrd a mujilhly fee for using them. There Lsnh any ektra cquipmcnl 1u install They Ye nol giving, yon the tones ytai'rc the one wbn semis them out. In mnsL erosshiiT and slop (even n lew I Tifsl otfkes, you ren ilvu n touch (one. phone with no problem even if you’re registered os "■pulse” with the phone company. S he moment you wll them you have n touch tone, you gr i diarged. Most L5S otfkes have a specin I devkc that dibbles ynur much nines unless you pay for them! L lie only thing your monthly fre s ays lor is to turn off this device! We think LtY ttmc this nonsense wits slopped - Should n’t we he eiveouragod 1o tise touch tonetf? Hflvcrrt they become tilmnst a necessity, villi lhe growth of services that are touch tone activated, such as reserve inn and voire rurviaging systems? This archaic policy makes it a lot harder particularly ua i hose who aren't all thus wealthy— who are beingdenkd a very busk piocc of technulogy lor rtO earthly reason. Legishlinn to protect luilleliu hoards, A lot rnmc frequently than many of nv tblnk, bulletin hoard systems are seized as evidence of illegal acLLvities. Our own bulletin board in New Jersey wus taken tbLs past summci . and they still baveuY Inuisd anything "illegal" on it. (A bearing scheduled Iot NoeejnbcrSS was postponed two weeks by the prosecutors, who claim they weren’t n>ld about it. The period for luTUUure has expired, which means they cannot keep the equipment us a penalty, l he hsiTing is io decide whelbcr tlsc build in t>:.vird should lie returned ini mediately^ nnre mi evidence of wrongdoing has been revealed ) Bulletin boards must be protected ! They areavdal meiinsof communication, a, resource LhiU ean fa; used by more poopk every dav. Obviously, this freedom makes some authoritks a little nervous. Rnr it’s somethiriK they’re going to have Ln per ovct because hulletin boards aren’t going away. Neither will they be rer;"' lated or registered . ns these nervous tvfa'X demand. EL there is illegal activity occurring, then (he people responsible for il should be treckcd down. This tiotrMil mean pulling the plug on the service that enables them 1o speak. Wc have to i mike an effort to define t he dlffcLcnce. At tlu; same tiriic, wc hope 10 sec an improvement hi Hre quality of btillel in hoards cveryw lrerc. Nothing is mure boring and useless th an a board llwn lists credit card numbers and Sprint codes What is the point? Tliey either go bud wi ililn a day or are muuitored closelv Boards that discuss how things are done and nnswcr the questions, simple or complex, that weak liave are Ibe boards wrYe fijlhting for. Let’s see some nunc ol' these. Some Teasorable prices cm “pubLic" devices, CpnipusOiAt, Source. Dow Jones, aie you lisLeiung? Isitany wonder you Ye constantly being ripped off with Lhe outrageous prices you cha rge? A session oil one of these services can be a nightmare, as cvcre second costs you. crery mistake is money tint lIic window. Conic un already, times have changed. Enough with the surcharges and access fees provide affordable services for prciple or gd join ?hc dinosaurs, Access to wliaL is being said almul us. One of ifoc mnsL frustrating tblugs is to have to pay to see wbiit I'HAV is telling people about you , Any wonder why ficoplc bTcak Ln ■' Should itY it Ire just iis disy for ns Lo ree our credit Tecotd ns il is for some srhmuck ai Svji is? While wc'iton the subject, how far are we guing to let these pcuplg no with our ered it history" I s it fnir 10 be denied cred it because you pa id a bill In ie four years ago? Or beCraiLse you were tried I’ut a crime and (ho charges were dropped? Is it fair lor companies I oil isalyee your btiyiogtcndencies and ibeOrire as lo what type of jrerson you are, and L.o use tha! as a Jedding factor 1 ? We feel it's only fair that wv be shown, perhaps On an annual basis, what is being said abom us and given the Opportunity to f-rawimr«i (m pJ>V -aHJ Ml Fun With COSMOS fcjj ]j*x lullsor uul JTie 1 j. pjkin of DinKm/TUrkm COSMOS (Computerized Sytitm frrr Mainfmtns fifyierwfi'dryjfj. ihe 'trii'/’hom camp&ny ,attiqpji«h L, tj wire rearer adniinirtriaiari rjstertr fee jabs ember .vrsIVYy. Py/ .wvu'.W may aa niter- off iey inmo render, frrpru nary abjerrnvxaw )/),:■• rtlie'iriiie problems ttf eon^-n fu 17 and Lory eras* iVViik-jVllh? «1 Irfn it Din riba ti> ly (raw f.V f l '>.l.- £? j p (173,0 raw iotv i fy tarn! balam re eu i d caufcvHcv 1 hue nqisyiityfur tfotfibxtum aerojet tilt JfVe Cearers ' .iwiii'Jifiyy rqulfim rvu :fm r rv-r ■'hi- .V.'j A TA. r r. Tfwe ir. tonally cue COSMOStyttfjrrfureverv a rta lyyJH-, Yuu tanoor emer tnmranic’s rum: and .ger rheir phono number thrnqjji OU5MO&, What il 's |:rn iu i ily used Jot is rn amigo wntrt.1 office equipment io cahlr pijra nn^ (tlf ylujjtc nuoibnv Jt maintain! retards uf all relevant fieiluiw mriudiog tiihfy’iiber cable and office e,jyn|>u>;n'i, pmeess semec rnyj work orders, *ild it praintij, bulk RMiJinmeiitt ini office flddLlifcns and ■(* narv7.-innils. In thnet, !r juil&malos Lhc frame in your (Xnfrdl office. COSMOS prints lisiy at lhc beginning day, specifying wlier snmitKn to eoeuCvl pud disconnect. Ujwkirvj Accounta Moat C0SM06 Systems ran on either n J 1 ] )P [ l;45 or 1 1 ,> 70 by | jjft.-. and can usually hujidle up 1o W- lemnuiRlj wliifii arc either luod-sriicd, or ramniefy (Jinlri inlulhe syvtm. if >ioi[‘our area. Typ*al EMSMOS wraourds nne: MPAS, PA52, DPC&, elc, YNoK 3 kitrr prefixes In lhc becoming of 11^ noHsjuL siund fan ?A— Limp .AHrijpmnd L>A Kmwxirk Adfriiu (.'ralur, P.S; Repnif Jitixaet. MF Frame ind 3 u]|. PC— Frame f.’untru] Center, fi A— (jcinral [mjUir.Mi, l)C— L>stn Convmjiiip, NT Kite, DP— linFAIC*. Cl CIC. I lit 1 1 Lore ZTTponniu fc'eoijnli wliieli art u^l for WtViec order eiura ire, i-a lydt r uf imp-nrairtie HOOT, £Y!i, QtK, I'ifLf.Qj'. rjk! COSMOS-. COSMOS it rheMwvnl Ibn the kh hr^nj nets, and it mow mainly fouikS on Ihe older vtniryn of i>k; COSJJIX epcis,l iu; syslem. Typieil pi-amorvH *rt: WEiTEST, M[L.K^ : h’ l MOLT. Snnv SMOulUy doril have pattern rds. hut this it rare Seii^i uut^ all you ne-:d « i Vdial-up lo pit in. Whoever ttds lid on fo.-gpe telut CN RL-Y to Inp off, end :wl hunii up, Ml when Wu can, yuu. jel the Wt \% srninp thtiel Yrartarilijn Codes Onet yno lo,; in yen ahnukl ?hf prompt nf WO* vrlme WC :a> Use Wire Center ara ■?! mil files ilrel IhC syslom. it nrs-hoe. Kroir. lho.t promiK, yeo e a n H nhkh r.ieans Eli IN I' thou TN which it the I'elephonc Kumheir 0 ’S-MK1 and (ho jo-stern will isrim an u rule ntc cue. Yrut i Inn typei prriod at ilLosiraktl fwhj.l yo-j itpe ime hmkIJ WC^. LS1E ][ TN VHS.T.4IHI TN iYS-ikSS NT WR PD Mi l- |?7-Jp-^S TYPh K ■NJR[y F24ft.WI*j4j| DD 0I-S.K4 |-TTD UL-jji;i Of W.WJl'l 4U! sr Wat n> date w^ ts jkii us irk fU knni **OED F24i3Wi(il451 DD IH-VHWA f'DD L.Ol- W< [|>|d 1 j X CF' 4N-I ?02 Si' WK PD l)A^^ M-02-H3 "OHD F24M(II*143I DD HIJflJM J-'DU 01 ifm I jOC WC 1010 l.OC W IC-IKil OJ Uj 1 2 H1.INT SEfjlJriNCK HiJH TN 9Jd 2**l TN fliS-Mti* IN P3i-;dk4 " ISH [ASM PL ETCD i/J 2A-S4 W'L % lltTV it in e i plHnatitm af what e-at pi . mod uu.: dhi,ai the .[>ci ]l35-24fil; I.iiv 1 : L'h Ni-VIdkl —the TeSepIlfine numijer I hai you m g (l n ,d ibuiP S krr J- ■ST WK TDD AO'. D7-I4h 7B TYPE i-Sr| mrana STalot, Wt KL> it the Work I lent)! ), rbo dale fuliomini it wjm ihe TN 'i.iS JdK I wus [irsl initalPd . a:v1 TY f f (nonKumet ahbmviHied asTTj it the! eVpinono nocnhrrType. w.f K rp IL iSa. l*OT t tportmvil it|iulbt. rj wiLh fiumicir H untinp moant Lhai nlKn lhc qjs ^dh I e. Duty, iho Lull tfdl be forwanled auleoial joally re the nrxl number until it finds in idle line Che TT IYPE onuii be Ru.y ono uf rh: Lulaynipj: ft— PCI 'k hunting C— Cmei; O — Cocnplek wi-viiSs, r.^.. Direei Inward IJialinjj. Uadin Cmnmrvi Cniutr, oil.; O ftlfmctl (MmctinyV f> Cemrey. WATS, Jar^c PliX’s; X PQTt npii-JranLins. film* 3; ”ORD FI44CM1 enjl J>[> id -iff, in H>D fll-3(F-M_OKD,r fl rtdKfor tcn-ieE or work (Jlf Drr which hne e ii'iMlvimucn uf 30 alphsmiiiXr io oharaoiers DTJ is-tht Dur Dale, and FDD it Che Frame Due Dnnr, which I usajme it the iRti hmt Iho Ltk wat wnr kod on. Line* OK nn>-W]l -H>3— OC tLindt to, OporalUTK Exdungrwhpf h :j 1 liiit lum it nen F.SS. Hy sceirtRufiic fnruuir iVDE it. you can (ell what typo of central office Iho number it acrufd by. Idise !t. S'J' WK I'D DATE 0Y.C^7(I CS IE K US IF'K KKA RNNL-ST.WK, PJJ were all oy plained in I .Lr.'H J. Cfi it Ibe Ciurnnvr Clan of Servite, I iK S^rtdS lor Fill Rile. I IN it I hr USOC' (Uniform Stfvict OrdcrCodt) wIvcMrt idCnliL'kation codet iitftj on ficrricc Drdcrt arid Iboiuiprntnl rtcnrds,c. t lh i -hpiIl pnbfll.% kix simile civ ; H1N : ,'LTC: ,'USR CP COSNIX DIN DATE ixrT CYKM( XS ECril'3 Phi K-TiH LCASf. RASSWD b£> MOLD SYSCEN SYS STAT UJDS IMP To run piLijjijirn'yrarert just ry|io ;hu (ilvname at Hi- WC% p.ra.mpe. 1 1 you wnin io slow a file in a ehr-wioi y in ihit cate we will oso (ho PI N direciory j.'ju would type. WCV:; Cl I ,' BLV Yr." li ltd cormccL to ihediTociory, Lhen cn prim i he lilo MOTD wl,„.:|, Mard, Inr Mcisise fJf The E tay typ,: WC9J, PR.'NIOf I'J fREAPft. 10. i , JB4|J ;JT:(6MDlTJPAOt: I ATlfiN ALL-USERS MAKE SURE YOU 1/X.i OUT PROfhKI V TJ I AN K YOU Sumo filr.t rr.iy hRvesn "! "nope ruled tell*- end ul Uil-.ti on (he wir vert Loth of CQtiN IX . I lii ri; files thould he ce'ti Jib s and you should have no prohlern PRinting theto. OLbcr Sint may lie oiiortolod. _ do ntjl kiicm whaLdifip.'tor y a SLo yun.ire Aeknij; lur is in use the HIND (Sle-nonsS command. A* shewn below, PERMIT it whal w» arc lnoki.Uk tur WOftfJNDrERMIT UtV.lTRMJT You can either ewurral cothp .‘DEV diicoiouy (hen FKi.Yj Hie liJoerryne W OJb P W / L> t V / r T ft M [T Die mort looked up file would prahahly he ihi J'ASSWTJ fib WCfi CAT /EttC/PASSWD KOtJFiYXMDLMMEifl:: ‘T NYSYXDKffiMLX: I . t INK ,'SYS 0IN:TMMZAK3fF l Kl S - PKEOP::K::..EJSR,'PR0yP: COSMOS:! .K mVYJH; J9 :: , Usk ; I M P. . HIN . PF.R VJ 1 1 PAMiXSK r Ml . r -10;: .'USR.'TM F . bl S I PER M 1 1 M i once uul of lOGilm |tf,w,words viill he encrypiod. NoLice ihTt iheio art- 3 '■ '.'Ions afler the S.FCl] h eoround. I lilt, me^iii lliaL LhtTe io no pRttVroi d. su after enLcriiiH PR hC'l 1 al fhe :] TK II \ u will jump to WC 1 1 a valid WC io enifi ed, ynu will io. Tbs way £ OSMOS che-tii-t ra :± i.: ifiho ptis-swiwil if. valid it: afler you enter your neceuul, and patvword, cho sytlom enery^ittho password ynu just typed, and t-Cciparca it lo the entry pled pastnoiri mo hr PASSWD file, Mil it eorni.'r, yno will :$e in - if urn. INVALID I .f>frl S 2-112 open 0 open 0 Telco Service Spawns Racist Banter Any 0114 who ws nts i (j know whal Hudson Cou nty you (.lb a re Lhinkiiig need only pick up the phone any hour ol the day or night. Hul whiii comes out of the receiver may prnvc disappointing, A group-access service chat the state Uoaid of Public Crilities recently approved lor a six-mouth (tuiJ has been hilled by the phone company as providing an opportunity for y ou rig and old to share conversation and advice. Instead it has generated the audio equivalent (((graffiti ina public toilet raunchy, simple- minded eomcHins and jokes. '['he Icu-pCrSOn Conference ch lb also hate provided an unusual forum for open racial conflict, "Any [ blacks] on this lintf?” a young female voice asked One afkftioori on the lire billed as "Tali; FKchangc”. u BetLcr got off- —this is a white Inc.” ll ilk: current talk on the phono lines is any indication, New ■feisty Bdl stands to make a tidy wira from the trial, at least until its si,s monlhs are up. French Phones Renumbered Tf " 1 V i I m French phone service, once notorious for its inefficiency, was seized by a technological revolution on October 25. A flick of th.e switch arxl — voilal- all IA million numbers had ojght d ftp (s and up area codes. A&Out 22-, (XX) reehn icians mObil iacd lot the changeover at ! I P.M J hat was the time nf Lhe week , icscarehei s concluded, at which the French made the fcvresi telephone calls. "The wij i Id is watching us, " said T ,ou is Mexandcnu , minister for rive Pom and f'etecommunicalions Authority. “It b I he bluest such open i tion ever conduckd. ” Tlie nld numbering system, created in FJ55 for two million Mthscribe rs. had reached I he saturation point, the telephone auihurtLy said. live conversion 1o eight dibits will gyve the service about 5fi mil linn lines In Pmis, the new eifcbl -digit numbers are created hy preceding existing numbers with the figure iL 4, L ' In Lhe provinces, area codes have keen incorporated into enisling numbers. BE Watching Without Regulation.. I be Sr# Till F. i'ri 1 he Government 's a bi III y to keep track nf people has becojiie much more effective in Lhe last two decades, but “the law has not kept pace with these changes,” nceo rd ing to a nonpartisan Congressional research agency. in a report on elect runic surveillance and civil liberties, the Office of Technology said it had identified S5 separate compuLtirsxed record systems used for law-enforcement; investitive and intclligcnoi purposes, with a total of 2B& million records concerning 1 34 million people, Fur -security reasons, ihe Ofllcc of Technology did not requcsi tiny information from the Central 1 luelligence Agency and thg National Security Agency, the two Federal agencies believed tn be most heavily engaged in electronic ami other kmds of survei llatice on a worldwide turns. Hie report said Ihere had teen "'Ll virtual revolution in lhe technology relevant 1o electronic survejJEince” ia flic last 20 years, eiLing “advances in electronics, semiconductors, computers, imaging, dataliosgs, and related technologies.^ For L-xjimple, the report said, a helicopter flying ai b.[)00 feet can track over a 250-mile radius the radio signals sent by a small electronic beeper attached to a car. I Tie Technology Office said i hat its review of ex isting statutes and court opinions found thaL tlw law “docs not adequately Wrer new and emerging electronic surveillance Leehnologics.' 1 Fawcett Phone Bill Too Big SnxVch h*, Farrah Fawcett has a big phone hill and it isnY because ssbeTi calling long d isc&nee. A man suspected of stealing Use cede to the actress ' ear phone has been charged in a related ease . Michael Shaw of CuIvct City allegedly stole an unidentified pnrtyb code and billed tn ibem about 51,1 ,000 of calls made from tns Mercedes. The victim mimed in thecrifninuLcomplaijil was Common Carrier Communications! lhe Santa Ana, California company that provided the mobile phone service, accord ing to a deputy [Hstrict Attorney, who alleged that S haw uLso stole Fawrwli *s phone code. Inmates Handle Information Calls I hr Sr* V i.* K TlITTi "J Tie Department of Motor Vehicles has announced tliai ii will use prison inmates Lo handle telephone calls for information frnm people in lhe New York City area. Eventually, as. many as 100 Inmates from the ffctyvlcw prison for women will be participating. The women are to Ive paid 50 cents nn hour, No More Redialing? MSA -....Hu The Federal Communications Cum mission ruled on November 4th that automatic redial buttons on telephone cannot cal! flic sanw number mere than 1 5 i ijnes tr, a row. It seems w« keep jamming telephone lines during radio phone-in contests and power blackouts. When Bruce Springsteen rickets went on sale in Washington in Julv, lhe phone system was garbled for hours. That forced ea (lm I o wait In get i h rough lo other numbers. The FCC blames redial, saying it lets us buzz the -Nime numlvcr hundreds of 1 imes with little effort. The rule also covers computer rediuls but it wont affect existing cquipgnenl. The FOC is ask ing for public comment by January Jfleh on regulating computer redfaLi. [EfeguSaled pin yaking, what will they think nf next'?] City phone Has The Answer Mm.'uJLh'i Ik, It's, the ultinsjilc sn trivial pursuit. Where cun n New Vyrkcr rent a penguin for a day? Where do you go to have bagels bronzed? For J5 ytnFi now, operators at Cityphone, a division of the New York Yellow Fages, have been answering questions ranging from the ordinary tn the oulntgcous. The New York Yellow Pages, commonly known as the " Bluehnoks", ia the bramcln Id of Eugene t Sottesman , fm entrepreneur who rt» ILtcd tliat as the Cell SyslemY Yellnw Pajprv benume too burdensome for easy use, his Blue books could combine neighborhood and city listLngi in one lighlwcighl volume. He started Cilj-phone to hype Hlueboot advertise ns, but over the ysm ii has become a sort of mvcsLigative hotline. " If i? tsisl-S, we flml it," said an operator. “Sometimes live search Km last for days, even years, We never give up, Cityphone is open during business-hours at 2 [267509fX>, 2-3S2 SURVEY RESULTS ThE survey res-Jt* ire ih end Jure they d*n *2.4' cf tM CJrtfi lift return pd. fte evpra^E -pf 2,20755 peepip pf.' lubicribpr i'P rtpdftiJ td read 2hOfl. 85.5K say they 4re JatiifLpdr ?. j* say they art d£t. Heasons icr reading (nar? than cup :haict aas. atio:*pd!: ^3.33C - pprMni^ 4tJJ - 1-pbby, !3,0t ■ Su*snt51,i i. LI - l*:ufLty aerfity. ■7. Cl - industry, 2&^0I - p^reakr, 28, 7t ■ hidclf, H.0I - dt^tr. SI.2X nf the respcmde.H% considprtd i phrnkt/i L2.H, a hackee L^. LI, both;; and 55.22, neither 1 dhriikir FDf a hat iff. said np iipruvsi, B.')2 iaid up did net iiprovtr Finally, “ft,;* said that they rculd c unt ri but e in 2tCS in sue my, yjvvw Sfu.\ih/ r: tVv are ijt^j i h 1 HsUluig to aifoau bier won of else responses ic uus trader survey were eompbrnetiUSty, W*u>' <>f P StCUrfllC. Hw jntuMte, ihe l(tyVA ft icicle ,:;s VMS did noi mcnLiun version -1 0 security feature^ which iHdsiiilly asllffbd fukJ iftidr yuue artcU- Obuikbe. AImi (hffc it- rw mi£*i Jr'ivikjj; m VMS pi “SJWiem KHrnff I'adllry, S.l -— Ic's rhe perfKl eompkmvenr lo Private Sector Itf!S fyihen irV- Lliihne, rfipl !■■ ! I refill Irfiirf r wlirl ll V. > 1 1 M 1 1 : i: ' -1 1 r h T I' Snlinit. < A — Taking 'jp valvabS: r.xirn wirfi tiupid MOO “Hath" n*v^ hutk, tame Joe’^iyiKiviiiicj lly Spcikir^''. These arficlet are of unv.itinp inlerrn only ■iiiih m|> ’Ilie v.-i-.ii l ike iii tut. 11 Mgiiwri' serifs tneh u ihe iibi: terms ■IcP mlX'ik am! a lufttKial on hour i.v pri iLn'cd haituii; stud plirtakii'ijt Ptiledf Iphii, P,\~X«o your seojK btcad and ilv.ayt include new? iHcnts and romr.tei"ary; all ik" rhoM who read my enpy ire iniemted in mimlavning teciiriry amt ka idling ..1 pnmte companies. diharhAliM, se:— Wdiilri like to tee tpebci! pricing, mi all hack issues « a pnckngt wiwt iiH(ip,iii;x) id r.kri'APd why* (jifswent KjO. (ws.i'wfhittprf? As of Ihis/nvnik. haeh issues will he co ailabfeal aspn sal r o'f Mi>er vafume i'eiV 1 -, 1 ' S\>e.-i or I9&5). T'A /' ir. jiwie. H-V isoiv not seen ,r new ropy for weilcr'ies a year. We Jiave heard varivw rknwiiorr iiiV.:.tji J ,4 ft iV'i iiVTiVji'iV (a mf for she twrwftt of fhhte nVif 1 iiuven '1 h:an\ m suv ih;s a dozen rfmej hefaeej. >1 e ore rr-ji Til ft ftlMdf.y, r.'je. j'iyVi'rHvji y./t. hox hus uu -,1 10 eeeeSvr slv survey yards, set we wesuSd tail 1 ' L; 1;^ Jtre pftwrhOj | I'l '. 1 Hi-- + Tr'.'i Ilu L y- /' ilq-,’' I I.'.TJ-- rj'.i r O i.h vt I h r‘. t- | l 1 ilTr'.l , i H / cfciir f hiiit,' fci bore jshi with rfn tfetvds Phoenix.. AZ— ] '. ■ kc ye'jr rasa kiL. Smilhlown, NY— I Ihir.'c. itYs a wral maituine. Pkasr Lry lo Kivroul. numbers really yaml fsHS-'s. -Ylta irielude more tchEreiaiics. M-etk’fifMfr, INS'— try lo avoid srouhle! E value your info very evturfh! Why hliiHlVI (HlO | h: i v:'i 1 1 he ikniili [i> ‘ In- Hi'iys r' I V vrii-rj.' ! W'ttieni Nutaau* ti-Ml'', NV — He«c about tuine phreak basis? A nimll vnlunui on this from month Lo mom Vw-oiihl be prehyronL I knawssome harden: no real pfiftal' When vasifikd. Jersey l)A» *rt i*lVing*|\iiir VnnviAg uiellicK'* Dnilih; ‘Vnil pn»' k lalkihg about lank parks or Uum. liinq nuki. s. ItViyHil lo kiuw koeie arttllll more palaces like .WMojo lo lo find oul she Ipjlin. V in r Sairfh, .YU— Favochc: eoni rihucioeM by itackertA* jihrenkers. 1 .eihl: fillers. K ■.■■rrs up . hr !.'<; kr i [ WLick. Kantu t ily, MO— I would like |iy see mevf lKtinicjl article?, mi the jihntie sysicni arvl Ikjw aliout eapleiyitvaT YM 'ho«*oJ somr rtalynua publi'li-nji Ibr biw boa 71 x 111 and all liluigh il is nue'li miorc difficult bowdolhev wurk Publish l he mulls sif Ibis surscy. Publish financial report on lid/). Wt- do not hie exp/osives. There (s a pie r/i lira of stnei that telluhnui them or I'cxik fir the Art) n h-.\:V CdOkbOOk. Or >y . 1 1. 1 '• I . I r; I ha. yuu urs-ui pKivide hltliRrOvAd. sSpb imllcms, or veunlt Tor aiTcrnyms. Drhoe Icrim. aav rrkiirnTV Vs’ur risrrul IcUrr nppi.Tij; ufr uoivcrv'.iis iAas exl re rally offenva-v. Slop lilling ipocc wil h AT&T sulk San Trancitoo, < A — Pui m nwrr Uoa T u phcrc ’.nfo actual srlcocodes. aYlsu hcvA oj jse Isiue, Hflack. oJrtlisbuLc. 1 1 J-: . Vi caul SnTkv„ M L— W it-ikl like lo tee mare ( persem atcounis and inlrTvicvnc. .Sis- si aLdd' ihc. Sulco Ittimd, >'V--E3ow- abutjl a MX' UE'S NrlwurkT ioub slcp dtriiir IP I'vKisri'r, tine...} Whcrr'i Ibe MX! phonchook? Topics: BB-SV Lhal lo Tiickert, phreiics, Amnnci in deLill, dc all BiccY kulorials in scrirs, trash' rm i.js-iii;. (Iipte tcdckos. sj.'ihI tlusc iis), PiKsbuijih, FA— 3 have btvrs kuuwn lodOsOiw i bKyihingt, (Hit nijt nrassmre. stijold like losec more Info un risk ftve pi!slLnKS,esportiih'W^ nun^Ktv. Maybe ,i section so ;V|SI 1 1U.S mmshers. ftiraif send sls lots of ftffH marthefs cv o brief review of ypur Js/vpf he FffX- Western Niswii l iMl 1 ', Si V — 1 Cmod luck fighting, the ssScu. >iccp up ycur Cl.pv.Hi-s. nl the s'Ihi'cS'mi rei'l I uTi n COmpAAiet. SrnithlowD, >Tf— Like Ibc shbrl Clipit arid! k*iffll 'C Hie I imils.? Birminghans, Al.— ^ Too much spate devoted lo iksvs clippangs but keep Ibcn, jiisr retli^e print tire \'h> I’utCninifa — Siiw-c it llul T AP liriS. gillie llif W.*y of Ihe (hlkAMUlM, perhaps sxiu Lould. fill in Kime ol Ihe ana's ol subject Tuatier (hat Ihcy coA retl l-'ejtujrt occajional inberviews with phttakers; hsicktrs. Aytops cca short review Ol ss lj khI BUS. lA-il'iirri ,liiWlhiii^ wilh Ihf 4 Id. wi.-jihI AhiSUL Ilf- hi; hilstfiL fit BiMxftgjttr. fj cover. OOs-Tuo rmieh ispa-se is devated. ta compulens. The price has mCisWshl — E f;iie,-. iluit':-. AO inijiroveiiscnt for you I prntsahly usisoY renew 7he jrr.k ronfy tncreayrttfisnu HOtuS it peryeyr bnei. on Manh !>t jdrr.'A i.'.rrer priori Lowlived's 1 , hut this shoit/J nr.v affeet pour renewal. Arr.reu.ntri trying to depress us? lioiKlon, TX— Fills a vein in the phredking work! No VfistiSiirk — . I r.i?t favoiiie pviit usirie mrielekon tsfiemtiag iwsi-eisw; Must: ij-rnib and iuenj-uf No Fcnlntirk— Inc lude mutt: dcfinisicers, capksualory malrrial. L hope you can keep JhiVJ gain^ It'? god n tod of interesting sinfe, and iLY iiice.y prndooed. Nr>* Tfrlnirw, 3LA — At leo«i ytniVt liyiiig ITifliC tel! itie Ti' uii ncV kiKia- any mure of Wan thM turfites ffeoefrrt? Prehs yiy ivur ai7.™.yi- I'.hiy one-' Van \uyii CA — Nut satisfied, Li’s niol E AJ 1, I'optes: nnylhingdastardly. htinie bailL I L bombs. elc. J'aalp C ctirers. Ml)— Xomnincs wrileng ns ohildish. Less xensatinmiLajm. Teo isiiieli “use, ilify ■■ CTmll ngA teultes. c'lim*. ^slt 3.nke City, UT— ■E’as'Otibc part is Ihc loth arlkfei. LtasJ. hatenle part is lyitii-i trishir.j rumples. 1 Law about a scrunr: page of classified jiLs frun: seal Ails Wfiuniirtt 10 hi.i.Vi'Wll nnodeHn, tech, BflHfUSlk etc. ^io Mirk — h tod hdter balance for new loaders who utc nut sunt whal is ii'jiou; on. hallkisare, MU— L.'sunlly filed m forma tin to, lea?1 I'jviHsie pore is the Lack of masiardy (unsigned articles, elc.) Impmve: have alt articles signed; he ■TCP portables VnfOrfttmKeiy. fir this ■r.-iwlti, n,We tfoSa ii ■ ifor+vJ 1 htve .v.-m' three, a-hivc LabnrTwies i', r r erossmatrhed. w he r r the Kexerrvnent opepi a Tifc ’-Lar the rusptnaor, where the fDI dr lights in punishing youths by sending them r.o he,! H T|' jl l.yYJ ,'Hr'lV | VA'ri.r.T^ 1 1 '.I* lllW HT'i'l I'l 1 ’! ) Lu LV* Lip I J . 1 1 ■ l"r ■ . Mu i.ii 1 . 1 1 1 ' r IM It . 1 to H.l I.HKlh'i 1 . 1 Lurijn mi, 'ia-.e Hhrthts SfiX' aprimarilyin the b'tsitsrss of providing mformahen. A >.p. iLn i’ ts hoc ravin)' ns uiyxonaHi no ■e.'iy.-iHi’ ess. she attsele Itself. f>Hr» J(enr <|ET [HHEiiiurL |— ill k Jifrienlt for |-f^T-i5Cw tf 1-47*4670 MI4W-7425 201^230595 ? 0 lOMOM i ■til-iSOOi^. 201-7G1-0&75 2fi>-771-H)01 2llt-7Tvj-|S4fr Ml ^4745 MH4.M IO+2 Ml 4.V-50 IU Vi I -«*- 7.1.9) \ r «l -Ki9-i_>?2 y.i -vj:>.,iKiy MI4020&3? Ml *63 31 E5 ■Ml *65-6403 ?C 1-934-1 IMS 20 l-WO 17-1 Ml-991-05tfl m ! JJ944feK+ 20 : 9V4 OuM 20 j >52 03 1 2 BQrUfrtoft 202O7t-7?H 209-229-46*9 20 . 1-21201 su MI-24041 702-231-72.^ XH-tikOAiO M-l-52 1- 1WI Mfl-Hi-740n M2 57* 2040 M2 -K2? 4535 .M5-W6- |*i Wi-ToHM* 302- 1^722 M3-)7)-0w2 tHVit5-02.>y 20 tfh-740 aiJ-flljH-TQST: 3l3-*jr^0O aJ3 -272-5C-00- Hioitf KV03 305421-5!: .Vl 705427-0405 3014M -.=401 ziu^m -shw 2*5 41*75 474' j Kd-ft47-GEIB 2M-MK4H hi 2 CG-W I -5WG Mft-24+- 10*1 Mft(£5& tfZA My, y.i. jsjii MA05T-1444 M-4T-H52 MThMTOMO 2QM£4*HKA TOO 4HU3AA Ml. 4-01-4 1 4 1 - 205 6+1 0103 20M04000 205021-2452 JM-735 JM 1 1 2Dfc>il-M02 MG-74J4J2AU U-I -21 205-757 525 J 205-750*15 205-752 5HI 205-763 -H 10 2054 '"2 *7MJ 205 SM-I4H.I 205 924 2035 20)-14>-+ifi4? 303-3 30 -?J37 3IW-74fl-Wtf 2W-22 3-2AK1 iWOM-xl 1 1 M90&3 £4 17 2I 2 -2 M K357 2 1 2 246 40 12 2 12 >40 ttDO 2 12. 352 10*2 2 12 -aiU-tflW 2I2-4JMI94 2 l2-*?3 o+.'U 2 I 2 ^IM 6 » 3124460946 2 - 51 7->:4>:* ZF2-3I9-7011 21 MM4IT74 21 2-354 -2-f-ii 212-334 K533 2124154^24 21 2 J7¥ 21 ki 21 Z-5HWWI4 21 2 fr“l ■ I44v4 2 1 2 550 43324 2 1 2 090 43JWI 3 1 2-757-.UB? 7 1 3-772-7| 6 ? II 3-?IiV4l?J J 1 3-HOI -o?w 2 12 K37 429II 2 12>K774^3 2 124&37-370C5 2 l 2 K30 M ^2 212 KH 7-0.3U 2 12-RI0-1LI32 2 12 02* 7M I 2i2 ^ytviy 212 *i.i Miw ?i ?^1*|>0W I 2! 2-'773-3k57 21 2^S7j-0W5 21 2- 'j{{3-S2HI 21 2 m 7MT 2I2WI 1544 2 l .' 2 01 2W5 c\ } 217 SW» c 1 3 -2 N.i BOW il3’2vj UN 2 1 3- 2^ 5^27 2 1 3->:<- 1 1 V 2 ?l3-::iO-!:<*2t ? I l.-iji A57 .t 2 l.l-33Ti-MM 2 12- 3543-JU53 2 1 3 53 1 -5H3i 2 13- 532-4&XI .> I.1-536-7CQO ? 3-^5^5106 ?■■>-?*> 32.1m ?l J-305-4 15J2 2l V1-+1 1505 ?l ;V.lM-I VyVj 3lV3O?-tJ0C* 21 3-403h42I 7 21 }■ 4ffl-fi73U 213 45J24M ?l .H 59 MBS - \ l-lyj-iVllyv 21 3-177-4605 2 1^37-5704 2IJ-5M43W 2lJ-5if'250J 2 1.1- 545-2H* 2IJ-537W7 7 1 2 l.l^a$4(M4 213- 631 3136 235-63.M675 ?i5-65i-6.W3 2F3-6J^7I37 2r3-5%*iKM 2r5-7>7^->2 2IS42MHI 2l;>-629-l t3? 2 ! 5a?7-0K6* 2H"tIWWJ03 I 2ES-M11-5K» 2ti 223 ii-z.17 2E4 i^-7M2 2r* 2sy l.wc. 2! * ■535-0’ M5 2lt-50?-.l2l '*■ 2H531 3 NT .Ni^rt-U.'ST 214 - 360 -3Q35 2M 3Kj MW 1 1-1-41,1 4a>7 3 i|.4-OII-6374 3 14-0N1-70-N 3 NJJW-7J2A 314 U-f. -SJ-IsM 2 1 4 - Ms 7 3-5*7 214- WI -7I.M 2 15- 250 <4 “J 215-256 5336 315 I^rL >| ? 4J 1 15 3-6 2 i 5 -.hiK. 3 y 37 2lJ^3*-}W6 215^30-5*96 ?u-«-n?s 2 I5-V.t_t,,iv 2 l5-74h-;0]4 2I5-K55-3H>3 216 .ys^ito 2 6 tifcttt?. 2?6-616-iM2? 2r6-72i-2l25 2'6-7M-2^0 2lft-v.iWM5 2! 6402-3.^02 ?! h*7^-1^? ?! h -55 ?.-*». V, 2: fi-‘M3-23HK 21 v MV LIU- 2 1 ■■SV.-N23 1 21 7-753-3 W 317^75-3114 ?iK-525-!70K ?i*355-s-j3i JlO-M-JW 2I9-273-574] ?l9-30i-j?|? ?l*7.i,Vi-S6M M l-3a-4fj:* 3U I -251 -6333J 30 1 -256-6012 30 .1- 267-^930 ?0 !-?67-7^f MRW-33?!? M 1-330 -33M 303-340-1376 30J-W3-MM r-flii-ynyii ix, =4i i-vvi-i joy 3411-lhl-rrl.y 3U3 J7I -Ii3?l 3Li; 424JHJ7 XiMits-y!! lCif-4 54-7061 >:*j-V0i?53K WI46S-JI36 Wl 4H4-363 1 Yj\ -RJMI06 »l -5*5^505 1 >:»i -vi 7 -?i 3 ? Yj\ -?'3>Tm 1 ■; .Ul -"-Ofr-I-V-O .»l -II P I 1 -?I114 M' 1 4J3-14L:-. Ml -4 '«j I -II 75 3C*I -672-3637 Ml -TOM 133 Ml -^1225 MUjst-7165 »l*5-5025 Ml 471-01 1 1 Ml 4?4-5335 »|j5JT^3]6 Ml 446-3565 >j| 44^-571 h Ml 44M*I41, >:«l 44 WH4K Ml 65 1-3 m .Ml 455 334 1 X'l -955-3755 MIJ055-3396 >H+55-i>-7 M3-?2M.VI2 M3 -?3 i-O *2? M3 -??■■- 1 1:1 .M3-27.M2J1 vts-m-K* 1 :ow5tOJ4047 H17p,IW-12IO 303 jy?-ij 127 .’JJ3 M3-32I3 JM'i M 3-320 -6.U2 hli-Xi-K40l- Mi-363#i 74 303-3W-XOS 303-JK4- 303-36?-lOi3 3030^1 -3EJ7 303-373-1070 TTlU77-4irW7 3Li.l -A III 4*152 .413 422 3-7 lh 303J25-Ma 303^2741 |J 303-* 30-2473 M3-*3l-t*05l X*3^i2Ml3 X33.-*43-.05? X*3 -i-it.32!' 5 X‘3-1-15 2295 M3 - 4 - 1*00 1 ? 447-1 M6 MS45MS67 3U# 4-5? J 1 1 1 303465" I M 3- M3-I65-2671 ^ViiyW75ri 1 M VIW -0 ifli 305-103-^56-0 433»4«-J53;' Xll-jiW.lVM 303-1004 60 VI1..554-S4W i|i3J73-IOW J LI J 53K-1405 303-590 46&2 303-665:3*90 1411-600-1343 M3#0O#5S6 IO 3 - 6 OO -5310 wg-*«t9a>3 .Ml-09 1-5160 ^09M5I K Si>7-61K^5I “ Sffi-WWIflS JUJ 322 6210 .435 333 M IHV 7J|7-34r-4C*71 Ii|J-352-|-?Kl- 3JJ5-755-57-HO 303 754 292T 30 J 77t M52J M3 772 721V .035 7 73-0201 yj3 77? 457?’ .«J3 3KI ■ IO.V 303-30t-*y3T 303-361-62:11 - 4 |i_iiyjjTi . ?fl 1 -7W-n703 7UJ44I J72\ 3413-07.143,^ 74J7-07H4IIV1 303 0K5 I ZW ;yj30Ki -.131.1 303 MK6-63W:. 303 OKH Kt53 HM-OW-I-KW-! 304 3*3451(2 .*05-2^6-11 II 30^261^30 M54S6 -R576 305-27.141031 301 -7*. 2Wi4 3LO-.UI -IVO >Li5 J3M-5724 3L'5 41 f 1 233 K.7 365-52 5 ‘ 1 192 >Dl55J4-4(i02 Ki5444-a. 1I7 X0445.SW X«5 676-3573 X*5-6? >' ri. !■■!!. k-<«90 3M-W,V*fW4 Xi5-f«:-irfl5 .05 ll*2 4^4- Xtf«Sfc4746 .M5 r.V'MiMi .^55 Ml -JKU2 .=*35-? 54-7274 2*15 -944 -HUE* .V}5Vfi34l34* X , 5-9*34-J:4* .M6-2t2-Jl>4 4)7-635-340 1 «iR.^l-lT.y, ?iKM54-ftOW 3U9Jful4541 .419-602 -ft ill 2 34V-7 : .4-|i2») 3 1.I.235-32I"! 31 1- 2 32 -2 L 36 7 1 2-255-K17H 3 1 Z-267-M* 3 1 2 *2 Ml -HI Ml 1 12-2^1 *50 112- M56026 1 1 3- .173-3?-l I 1 17-37A4M? .1 12-74K-OIH7 J 12-51 1 43T4 3 12- 336-3IMII 3 12 359-945U J]2-37ft-75*3K 5C2 303- 4755 312-306 1021 3i2-;ioi-os. , i U5-101-0.10-. 312-10143)1 31 24^1-1“44 51 2441-jU?.": 31 2 452.4I.U3 .■■I 2 4f>2-7!-(i*j 31 2 469-2503 31 c -1MJ K T M 31 i-537 Hi 3 1 £ -315 4 W«6 1 1 L : 394 KOSO 1-1 £-Jr/S -16| il3#H^ki 1 1 2- 674-05411 3124174-01*. 312-71'J^lOl 3 1 1-7 0 JMft :ui-?a-r?64 31 j-7rt-0i09 3 1 i-KK;->^y, .1-13^^1717 1 13- 0^5 4621 i|I#M40>7 1-II427-I0M 31 tj 13 S _>50 1 1 1 14 37 -MS 31 VH&bm 3110*4 4M3 ) 1 2" 0 *■! -5 12 - 7l2 O-lO-C* I9? - 1 1 24 57 -392i ?ri46J-5.«K-i .112467-0052 ; , i24n-i | 3t- I li'-O M-oMf :«I2 OM' lO M 3 124i2-r44 ll74i)->i?i 1 1 7451 -0)01 I I ,1-2334i¥i7 H. 1-21H-A0W J I J 535 3456 llj-Vlt-NlO . 1 1 j -393 <13 17 ? | J x-5 9531 3 0 ■*■•3 -WJ .0 3 1 J 535 vl K6 JU :.46 -7W > |jv54?r-rOLO :■ 13-550^5)26 lll-ft23-l(M iii-i'iy-riJoO i|J.(-165350 3 1 ) 6tt22i B4 )l)-?)6-lJ0a 9 IJ-750 65f0 )lJ-??5-l6*0 JL'l K25 1415 ) |j Kir. |.| Z, 1 ) I J-055-tJZl ) IJ-K47-7-i:9 1 1 l-r#..7-?| .H547K>4k7 .i|4 22“ 45 12 3N 2)1 .lia-SOKSS* 32>?1 52-1129 5r-j-i-i 1 - 020 ? 514-632-1652 .ir*-67Cy-2?4.3 51 t^s-i-307 5*5;- 31 ?-16)-jf-i; 31 317-1*31^3 317446^73 5 !* 5J 7 42 iVi 5iO-C^IS-3li3H 3r0-V42-f772 4 *co 6I lull 310 254-7570 )lO-312-364H 1 10-^)0-3:730 1 IO-TftT-1 3IE4 3 iy.7V-J.jH-; | .110- W-S 16-5 .1 IV-3HM24K 4*51 -271-2 1 IK 451 M4*0?HK 4j| 4ft34*HD 401- 52l-2ft2ft 41*1 -7JK-3 1 52 4jl ?5hSfl25 ■V)\ O41.I6WO 402- 20^61^ 409 -3)0- 3 HM 4jlJ.7f>- 1 1 )7 402-5.1 1 -¥.l K 4. 52 -302-01 ■=? 4>:i2-".14--I74K ^05-330Y023 4.034.14-^03 <+-<•• 4 ?;*- 1 i V' ^V.4H3.-0h r 4 i*5i-252- , Jl.lK iJU-451 7 ISO -Li/t-iSM ;:ii ^x-ini46H6 g’4-1Hl-1 10R 4*T4-62)-7 12“ ^X-f-W-IT.U 4i34-.111-.Wil 404- 92 4 -I K76 4C+M^W IV 41 X 43941 ;. lx aX-vT*;-! 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VW1 9| ±442-?57«L 9|M?I ?E.| .“ 01*44113101 9| i 4 , 3!*4 156 M| J- 4C4-1 24S VI +*14*thl VI4-&TW1649 VI4»Wfl*f(4 ?I4.‘:7I-I',^ VI4 i-v.i*^. ?I4J6K*171 VM-Vt; s Vjli5 9M-7S.I (U*J 9M*15H5tf? 0M-OM-34CTJ 9M SJS I y,Q 914- 942 243S 9I-10-1K 20 Ih 0 15 y* V.KH 0 15- 5“^- 14(« 0 16- 713-11100 9 14 w;, 441*J 0?4 J *3i7JK 9?8 -i3s-?3(ai 9i k-i^o2»m 9IM03-2I3? 91 R-644*737 01 1^X454X159 01 h-7.t;-i;:7i s 91 h*.is.-^hrts 019-236-3656 0I'0-?O2 lit.i'1. 9I0-10J-4SUI 919-223 -5 2?1 919-266-3349 919-362^29 '■? 19*4-7-4*-? 5 9IO*TJ^,lh 9IO-0m- I0H 2-Si SVSTEKIflTICflUV SPEAKING Super Crisis Alert System ■UrrJfcl P00-word vocabulary voice prompt mg system reads the keypad numbers as they are pressed and tells incoming callers that Lt will not accept collect calls The call-prompting feature can be customised for individuol customers allowing companies to add messages j such as "Thatl k you for subscribing to 2600-T for example,] The phone* have only a S [ SO coin box to reduce the incentive for vandalism, ['he phones also use ATS’ new paperless coin- box aeoou nting system, which uses a hand-held computer to fighl coin-collector ffinsd, Phones at High and Low Speeds CiXBiXuiMicia Wilt AitfoiJC Inc,, which provides pi soi so service On major airlines, wil I begin public tclcpltoite service on Amtrak’x Washinglon- to-Ncw York Fvfetroliner in lace January, '['here would be three phones nn each train Amtruk has convened a i all road car dressing room i nto an office with desks and phones, but there wilt also he standard telephone booths, Ca Ils wi IJ be made by si id i ng a ny major cred it card th rough a reader on the plinne, Ones the card is validated, tails can be Eialed. d i rectly lo any loeat ion, in ! he U ,S ., including Alaska , lawuii, and Puerto R,ieo. There were phones on the Mctraliiter until 19BI when rise L,5. government, which lent tlie radio frequency used for tlie scivice to AT&T, asked for Li* return for government use. Meanwhile, NcwVector Communications said it is testing credit card cellular mobile phones on ll*? Metro 1 Public Rus. System and the Washington State berry System in Seattle. AT&T Offers E-Mail ( 'if ru»H:nYi Wert AT&T Information Systems and AT&T Communications have joined together lo offer an electronic mail service which will resemble MCI Mail, hul wi I hr priced slightly lowti For instance, the s ign-u p fee is said to he $ 1 2 , compared w ith M Cl ’s 5 Ik charge. Delivery uf a dOti-charaetcr memo would he 40 cents and an electronic lei ter would bo SO cents. A Iso , AT&T Mlail would fcaluie £1.2-5 osh-an-delivtiy option [collect electronic mail?] and an internctis-c chat mode, priced at 45- Cents per minute of eon in; cl lime. A l&T will reportedly charge a half-eent pci d ;i y for si urage of each mes^ige a nd wi il charge an exl m 40 cenls for a letter writ nm while connected to the system, Dreams of GEnie C LTrn j ’ kj : .vk WVvl General Fleet rie 1 nfOrmaLtcm Services announced a new database SCI vices network for home personal computer users called Clinic, or General Electric Network Information Exchange. It is an addition to CL [SCO’s traditional corpe'rate customer hose. Tlte service will primarily use excess nighttime capacity onOElSCOY packet- switched network. H will cost only id per hour fur either 300 or 1200 baud y^rvice. litis is considerably Less than CompuServe and lhe bounce, wli ich ciaa igp u p Lu percent more ]ter JiUu r, a nd carry a su reha rge for 3 21 X I 1 hand . GEnie services include electronic mail, bulletin board, Rus incss Ikiiid Real-Time conferencing, a CU-likc setviee adapted for business use and said by the company to be unique FI SCO inlends to add online shopping and travel services in L9Rd and then add itional newsteders a nd urr/ices after tliat. Subscribers can sign up using tl'ici r home computer by ca Hi ng £(M)6T£S3 3(i ( j, then entering ,L f l,£l,H," then “5" and iben "5.1 Ml IWTCrEXit.” German Phone System Stagnant ■*aL. - -irivi li'dr bY flow does one begin to dome LO terms wLth the West German Rost Ministry, which wields a communications monopoly su rigid it once hai red (lie Mickey Mouse telephone? In this era of telecommunications libere Nation around the world, lhe ministry— which controls virtually all founts of transmitted ooj S till u n Ida t Sun in the country and annually doles out SG billion in contracts rental ns, in the view of many, an undent anomaly. Ever since lhe first Uell telephones arrived in Berlins centuLy agn under lhe watchful eye of Postmaster Heinrich von Stephan, 1 he LeJecomnntnieatiniLS iuduslty hiis been eareliiily regulated by gove rnmenl , A t first, both the phone and the n,i Ite were simple. Today, u huge bureaucracy (some 540,000 employees) follows a maze of regulations, smite sit which date hack totlie ly^diaruf 1 9,30s, ill dealing with a rap idly changing technology. [ By tlte way, the M ickcy Mouse phones were btirred because designer phones were unable to withstand being dropped from a height of one mecei , one of 1 he many rcqulrenvcnl.-s,] 2-«7 Survey HCilm! Ca— Wimkl iki m&rt nrlinuil smiles. Smm+UKrr In f w: J SUr.L:,:-^; morfcaiinirturr m iK-iwin'ki jnd ?mH.iral r ^a. Info Inman; innonlmts mak ciri*niauons, a£KTHmi-< iiirlrv.inl I .'Jcr. L>ik nki, H.— Lp«l Hiiitk uUJ.'il.j p.HHl. U I'l K> SB. (hulii, rv£— Fsw»iL£ jon is Iht wm anitks. Losil tw"nw fail a muv t'l ^JrtninaBDlJi- Brii* Homs'. 1 -*•— 3 liloe all off-HI l^rs .VrpK CIA— Hflh Lw‘m™I A pn+ Kn-ml ef j flu nra hurt wO" Lo ESvTt^"?'^ rime poors •■>-. ft* tuff flTJtfW w!it untoui unity W mw ftl IrtWU; HP Irtfo), NEC— Hast f mojrtrf Irtf prat.Br-ji.v- 'T tor only a slKri im*. Kwt Tm "ul ii m y inlairaasisrt Huprfliiafiicfcsdnij r^hJ w^k ranumiE. This L,.™:df lit* far vkhjt, iG: i dal -JlfcniHlrtHi fid. i*Kh SKrtWrt) [Hrliti. Shi Jww, CA-,£KMllmt ;siIltttj*, ui ricurjcy. ArtnrptrF ■ U^kkuri. CA— I'ariifM part is nr*, nip, fciiL tjvorjv pun is 1iih*J rroctimr: VSuliLA Dri Ury, t'A- 1 Cjeufita Ihc- m*.,. rtauU talk mon; nbnai ininp'nrrs TAlhra- Lian «k:plBnr'. Xumts Hlrtv. Mfi— '. i'ji jiao! 'start' i™iraL»l frit system mainly pii-ltsainrols JtatntAe. VA—t laud -a:di I hr- nm. CUP Ivoa'I Pot 1 ! &■< 'l'".E fcitlts. like TaI' ("lslt e.f s|nn:> — imjepve hy oii^rtiiit urine diiy-rst wchrwils^ici. F US euL coll ^ rrT Snk I iLr ilNy, tl -F'rtrrt mine ctnipuidr haikin^ mfn. f:s* phonf phrtsiL mfs'i Mmit iiuud .nine aett-ss TamilKia uihl ^aiaVirtrds IP> .viyr Li^i.'i'jll .p^ir.vaiL' nuA lS J*Wy Art ,\Y-r \-/' ±n ‘' 1 |-| ™rf M a'l.yaiiT fiisrM.urd... rti'rikmi VLrK»rti, I'A— Cur Lhe |mjM n‘s ndl torf W fdd rt^Mlf It. mure imn jml phiim^ inrtdad ci tekin^ litnvw^no— rt'nukl Idrtlu Sht Ki-isrtoikm.KrtJd are! bkHn fians pnnloJ. mum ur Them I ilr III .ta ' . r.-. n.' -j n 1 1 td r^-tf fiTa n'h r iW 'IQ Vfl [H 1 1 1 f II I M iTl’adil'ra tons . and ■OftrpiJltr hanks. I i^yshfkTV'.'W — Vnur Jrticlts Iw*- [ > a»i:ilio , riu while ninn.mi|.H nih« hns ha^c kure; Up TH: arlid4n aid i M l>r h sfli inli-ievliMi-, tnktps. II.— Can impnitv ym, mube u hi.cjyri t rvnliai, N J— -Mull LOO Unfairiil. lanlnttf, t .\— 1 Taimki like lu SH nftprt ipfoniulKnrtn phneakUIR. hulh inlniri|uiA nip! Iijidaitt. I raj.! pVkll'lMi [!■(■ sl>eoireCTtji.y aTknnuink u-has mkts ‘"'ha sysia-m'’ 1 nsf I'H'i-d JkW Ai’.a II. .I™t u/.l-Lili do Ik" i'liif i.ur .V. L ,vJ, l lS'Ji‘l OS.'innn. h'rrVf urdLU ..aj iVi i: jav fp'.™ m t .'.yV.i.' .'J I Uik n Is tbtbtxspvrt ffXAJO. Zwsy ofyvvvr/ n « rad ipv.hmi ui ixjJ rAyw Si - ‘.tv b ms 1 wrinurtl nT.iay.'i JiaHf^fjwt my 'Am sfirrA b i. ,,■ mu , a dashpawr.ossy^ftir. artU 1 lirtHi' my Ii'tiH shirt b ItO ffllitA dlrtlonMii a/ ii'i'i'l'.aim,'. At IMM M y.fcnvw Out mail! 4/>VH w«P|i irl:> f Forhitl/i.0a FOR I.ARCr: CATALOti ASD Os\t ft VFi fi3 SI 1ER WOO D CiOM M IJNIC : A L IONS Philmont Cothitloiis 27^ Philmont Avenue Suite SI OS I Huntingdon Valley, PA 1 9006 2400 iwl Chrljtnw giwl 1 jhtfWi ■yoyr fcpAJftto pfireoh. o< h«W a iwbacilptlen. SHOCKING BOOKS!!! CO?J£UH!IRTnOfJ]C!i CIO. - TOC Niltinrirtl Cfeariiij;- hOLUC foe TccLuudii] Survival trttdnnaiLaft - New Driers Over 70+ Survival PubJLcailoms cm [HhCtronuri, ComputcrPn Energy, lA'capons, [itrrtJifdli PlnanciaL - inciftina: ( } TONE DliAF {phone*) ($7) (. > TP.EfEPHONli KECOftDER INTER EAC:H {S?> f { ) STOPPING POWf.R IWETtttS C$7) ( ) [RON GONADS (electric icL«iers) ($7> ( )KW-HR W1ETE&S($!5> { ) RIPPLED OFF! fctreirJe) Ci7> <■ > LiSiEtlATE GAS & WATER ($7) ( y GAS KO 1 ALLI (em * dLevse] tuc]} i$[ 2 } C > AUTOMATIC TELLER MACKiNES ($20) { J CREDIT CARD SCAMS ($H) ( ) absolute computer tile security {** $1,000 Cont«tK$2i) ( ) COMPUTER PUR EARING ($35) ( ) TV DECODERS & CONVERTERS ($£) i ) VOICE DlSGUlSER ($E> ( >ELHCTROMACNiET]C &RAIN BLASTER ($751 By Jtjhn Ji WILUain^ M-5LE.E, (fDrmrtr M C5 Pro- lesKir) (Li a ten Ort CBS H GQ MINUTES' 1 , ABC TAUuhOwk .- rreany mwell FRTiE $1 ihocklne 5DPER-SURV1VAL J CATALOG tar ell tirdera river l-ylD. TLeahe ddd $3 stilp/hndl tw yeur redrr, Consumerfrontcs Con 3011 CRESCENT DR., P. 0. DRAWER 537, ALAMOGORDO, ISM £3310 QliR WISHES fctmVmifref/dtwi |,a,i;e ?-j corrwt uny tmjTs, ur at least to qtietl ion or explain them. We ihoiiLdn 1 !. hfive lo pay a penny fui ihin '’privilege”. An -end to information elinrgo. AvilLii we’re at a loss to chplii in why Ihc phone companies Clhargc fmr something tluR enotHiJiuips nsiuf;. i lie ir service:. If vie have ui pfiy sitity cents Co tlnd ob L v-Tial sotnecmc ’s phone number ii in a untlser stale, and then pay for ;.i phone call as weSL, we 'n; an re as Lcll p,oing. to thinL ivdee about uiai:iia£ the ciill in the Erst place! While stT; true lluii suine fseopk would use itn ji lienralc service to make i he trail, the Losses to Al'&T ean't be i hat stupendous. We feel i ha l this is an unjustifiable chaffue, one that liurts everyone in i lie cod. 0 iLr* su^j^csLlolik iutlude' prnvitl iuc. one call to i ni ormii tton (At U^-ist) for every long disturiee tfill dialed: providing !iee phone boots (cu iginally, churges for information were to enootimftc peopk to use the phone books iusrcad); alternate snfyrtnmion vetvices for ulternii te «i n ie^s i ,C- a subscriber to Skyline would haw the udvrmUge of fro: access to Skyline information- or an online database where you can find oUl fis many nuLiibcni or cross r\:feicnocs as you Like via modem,. Wed like to hear more suggestions and wc hope they get to Che rijjilu |h£Ople. Natirmwidc ittrhs for sll. lf ilserc arc databases that are so big and c* tensive that anyone can etieck our fiistory from Unywhew in the country, whul iv stopping us from usir^g our butLktfinJ in New York to withdraw money while wc are iu Los' Angeles? W'lvea will these systems be integrated so wc can :ill hcnelit from tech no Logy? There is .a I ready statewide oOnPCCt ion of auto teller bonking, and some limited interslnie io-e, hut when w ill a national nei work lsc set up? 2-JIS