aosync's gmni capsule

Welcome to my gemini capsule :)

My name is Alejandro; I am an engineering student at the University of Liège, I want to become an aerospace engineer. I am also interested in many things related to computing science such as language design, distributed systems and operating systems.

This current page is in progress, I want to reorganize it in posts and meta pages that I will keep updated. I like gemini because it gives me a reason to be active on the internet without fearing having to deal with css and javascript. I also like the aesthetics of laying out thoughts in a plaintext. I'm glad to see that it is a common theme on gemini!





Computery stuff

My operating system of choice is OpenBSD, I run it on my ThinkPad T450s which is the machine I mainly use. I also have a desktop running Arch Linux, that I use for cpu intensive tasks or when I want to use Linux specific software.

I very much like programming in my free time, my language of choice is C but I like experimenting with other things too.

I want to post posts where i explain in better details why I do what I do and maybe pour my thoughts into it.

Contact me


IRC: aosync on

I also have a discord account but discord isn't really a platform I affectionate.