My name is Salty. My mental age is stuck at 12 years old. My life is full of frustration.
I like childish things, cute things, things with good smell, beautiful scenery, books with a lot of pictures in them, interactive books and apps, maths, physics, and language learning. This capsule is where I organize my knowledge, experience, and ideas surrounding those things. Please forgive me for mixing different languages.
By the way, I don't like spicy food, smoking, alcohol, pop music, movies with complicated plot, stressful work environment, social interactions, and anything that has a notion of adulthood in them.
My contact info:
The name of this capsule is なないろばたけ (ENGLISH: Nanairo Batake, KOREAN: 칠색밭, CHINESE: 七色田, FINNISH: Seitsemän värillinen pelto). It means "seven-colored garden". It is a small piece of land that a farming household uses to plant all kinds of interesting stuff as a hobby, as opposed to fields planted for income. My grandma used to have such a garden. This word is rarely used nowadays, but it appears in one of my favorite children's songs titled みどりのそよ風 ("Green breeze"):
みどりの そよ風 いい日だね
ちょうちょうも ひらひら 豆の花
なないろばたけに 妹の
つまみな 摘む 手が かわいいな
I want to thank "Mental Outlaw" (on Youtube) for letting me know about gemini, and "Hex DSL" (also on Youtube) for his tutorial on how to make a capsule.