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2021-12-02 - Everybody strike! The urban environmental politics of Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140 - Progress in Political Economy (PPE)

2021-12-02 - Alle streiken! Die städtische Umweltpolitik in Kim Stanley Robinsons New York 2140 - Progress in Political Economy (PPE)

2021-12-02 - Marco D'Eramo, Rule by Target - Seitenwagen

2021-12-02 - Marco D'Eramo, Rule by Target — Sidecar

2021-12-02 - Realität als Repräsentation? Ernst Cassirer und Alexandre Kojève über den Indeterminismus - JHI Blog

2021-12-02 - Reality as Representation? Ernst Cassirer and Alexandre Kojève on Indeterminism - JHI Blog

2021-12-02 - The Clash of Theory and Practice in China’s Belt and Road Initiative - Progress in Political Economy (PPE)

2021-12-02 - The Clash of Theory and Practice in China's Belt and Road Initiative - Progress in Political Economy (PPE)

2021-12-01 - Escape from Planet Florida

2021-12-01 - Anti-Semitism at Deutsche Welle: A broadcaster looks the other way

2021-12-01 - War Donald Trumps "Krieg gegen die Kohle" echt, oder nur der Markt am Werk?

2021-12-01 - Weg aus der Pandemie: Warum wir eine Impfpflicht brauchen

2021-12-01 - A tale of two pandemics: the true cost of Covid in the global south | Kwame Anthony Appiah

2021-12-01 - Think Climate Change Is Messy? Wait Until Geoengineering

2021-12-01 - AfD Bayern: Interner Chat zeigt Radikalität

2021-12-01 - Was Donald Trump’s ‘war on coal’ real, or just the market at work?

2021-12-01 - Antisemitismus bei der Deutschen Welle: Ein Sender schaut weg

2021-12-01 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s masterpiece is finally appearing - The Spectator World

2021-12-01 - Think Climate Change Is Messy? Warten Sie bis zum Geoengineering

2021-12-01 - Aleksandr Solschenizyns Meisterwerk erscheint endlich - The Spectator World