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Monday, December 14, 2020

Time For A Third Political Party In the United States?

There is a lot of talk about how Donald Trump should form a third party. My

question is, why should anyone wish for the reinvention of the wheel? Donald

Trump already has a party all he has to do is commandeer it and let the never

Trumpers and Rino's go away and join the democrats or form their own party.

Mergers and hostile takeovers are tried and true methods of progress. The

democrats and their allies, who engineered a well orchestrated example of

election theft, a revelation, of who really has the actual power in the United

States and proving to one and all everywhere, that it certainly isn't the

American electorate, just proved that notion.

Talk of Trump starting a new party ignores the fact that he has already done

all that. It is now time to consolidate that hold on to the party and reinforce

it's new, more pertinent purpose to ensure it's survival and viability. I for

one would welcome a party platform that would relegate the democrats and their

leftist, to a position, of permanent minority status, politically. However,

that's going to be an uphill struggle since democrats are now capable and

willing to steal all and any elections at will.

Democrats must be admired for their propensity to engage in political guerrilla

warfare. They're excellently ruthless at it that is a lesson worth learning for

all who wish to survive United States politics. The democrats have no compulsion

to get along with their opposition, only to destroy them. They are not concerned

that they disenfranchised a majority of voters in broad daylight and got away

with it. Would you? That's a most remarkable feat and they will not be worried

that there are many people who will oppose them all that matters to these people

is that they are in power and they will crush all opposing resistance with the

might of government, media, academia and the entertainment industry, which may

or may not be included in what is already mentioned as media but I digress. I

love that about the democrats but only that. They are ruthless players in a game

where they have perfected their strategies for dominant survival. It has often

been observed that while republicans may be in office, the democrats rule and

have the power. In the case of a republican in the White House the republicans

may hold the office of the executive branch but it is the democrats in the

legislature, courts and deep state who coalesce, collude and wield the power.

Republicans must learn the difference.

The legislators of those so called swing states that permitted the massive

election frauds probably have no idea that what they've essentially done, is

negate themselves from every being elected to office again, unless they run as

democrats. We once had a republic but republics seem to be elusive creatures

that no one seems able to keep them for long.

Posted by Malleus at 15:24

Re posted on March 04, 2021 12:35 UTC.