Midnight Pub

Operating systems


As a Linux user, I have now been using macOS for some time now. I find that macOS has pretty much everything that I could ask from an operating system, even a decent package manager through Brew.

What operating systems do you use?

What, if anything, would sell me back on Linux? :)

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~tetris wrote:

Arch (fast, easy, minimal) + GUIX package management on top because I like the way the system is a sea of links and breaks convention from the LHS whilst being completely compatible with it.

Imagine being able to rollback package installations at a whim. GUIX is really fun, try it!

~ahirusan wrote:

So I use :

Maybe next year, I will change pro laptop and could not stay on Arch for this for some professional commodities.

~mkb wrote:

What, if anything, would sell me back on Linux? :)


~tskaalgard wrote:

1. being in control of your system

~eaplmx wrote (thread):

I use the mainstream versions of Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. By a matter of choice but also for work (making games for main platforms).

I'm intrigued on OS/Distributions/Platforms like BSD, Chrome book OS, Raspberry PI OS, Pico 8... Sadly I don't have that much time to experiment like years before, but always open to learn something cool :)

~kijetesantakalu wrote (thread):

I currently use EndeavourOS because it was easy to setup, but i don't really like it. I tried out Void Linux and it's where my heart lies. I love everything about it, but I can't justify deleting and spending days reinstalling every little thing i have on my pc already

~ew wrote (thread):

At home I use Debian GNU/Linux exclusively. With just a tiling window manager (i3 or sway). I have toyed with other stuff:

I absolutely need to have emacs and bash running, everything else is a second thought.

At dayjob I have to deal with windows10 and I hate it. But then --- right after DOS I went for IBM mainframes and DEC/VMS equipment, several Unix flavours. I sort of skipped Windows. I never got the hang of it and I honestly don't miss it.

~nsilvestri wrote (thread):

I'm on Windows now. I want to like Linux, and prefer it for development, but it's nothing that I can't do through WSL. At this point I get the best of both worlds: software compatibility and functionality, but also all the development boons. Still drive Arch on my laptop, though.